Softdrink and Beer

February 2, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Iosb \`tmb8 Ynft lr`dj odl Kbbr  Wn`dt nf V`bw8 \c`s iosb stuly w`mm tojb tcb pn`dt-nf-v`bw nf o Kus`dbss Odomyst nr Er. Kubdofb Kubdofb ky us`da tcb ovo`mokmb loto odl `dfnreot`nd `dfnreot`nd tn prnv`lb odl cbmp tcbe lbi`lb nd wcot strotba strotbay y tn usb kbst. Ytotbebdt nf tcb Wrnkmbe8 \cb fnmmnw`da qubst`nds eust kb odswbrbl8 ?. Ycnuml tcby covb covb dbw dbw tbres tbres nf tcb indtroit indtroit tn kb rbdbant`otbl rbdbant`otbl nr fnr WEI tn bdt`rbmy kba nff frne rbdbw`da tcb indtroit> ;. Qcot orb orb tcb inst` inst`da da systbes systbes tcot tcot WEI WEI inuml inuml oppmy> oppmy> 9. Qcot `s `s tcb opprn opprnpr`o pr`otb tb inst`da inst`da systb systbe e Er. Er. Kubdof Kubdofb b scnuml scnuml oppmy> oppmy> Nkhbit`vb8 ◎

\n `lbdt`fy `lbdt`fy odl odl imoss`fy imoss`fy opprnp opprnpr`ot r`otb b ommniot`n ommniot`nd d fnr insts insts `d tcb inepod inepody‐s y‐s npbrot npbrot`nds `nds tn tn kntc kbvbroab indtroits

\n ossbss ossbss tcb prnf`tok prnf`tok`m`ty `m`ty nf snft snft l lr`djs r`djs indtroi indtroitt

\n lbi`lb lbi`lb wcbtcbr wcbtcbr nr nr dnt dbw tbres tbres nf tcb tcb indtroit indtroit fnr snft snft lr`djs lr`djs scnuml scnuml kb rbdban rbdbant`ot t`otbl bl nr `f WEI scnuml bdt`rbmy kba kba nff frne rbdbw`d rbdbw`da a tcb indtroit

Orbos nf Inds`lbrot`nd8


@dtbrdom Bdv`rndebdt o. C[L



\cb inepody covb bdnuac

-\cb wnrjmnol nf tcb l`spoticbrs,

bepmnybb tn rud tcb kus`dbss

worbcnusbebd, odl icbijbrs niiurs ndmy o l`spotic nr o lbm`vbry `s eolb. -Oll`t`ndomm indtroits fnr snft lr`djs -Oll`t`ndo krodls eoy dbbl oll`t`ndom bepmnybbs.


k. Npbro Npbrot`d t`da/W a/Wrnl rnlui uit`n t`nd d

- @t rbo rboiqu` iqu`rbl rbl `ts `ts suks`l`o suks`l`ory ry tcot tcot


-\cb mbosb indtroit fnr worbcnusb

prnluibs o mbol`da snft lr`dj krodl

spoib wos kosbl nd tcb orbo nf tcb

odl kbbr prnluits.

worbcnusb, tcus o prnpbr ommniot`nd

- @dvb @dvbdtnr dtnr`bs `bs orb trods trodspnrt pnrtbl bl frne frne

sicbeb scnuml kb dbblbl.

Lovon I`ty, wcbrb tcb dborbst knttm`da

-\cb ole`d`strot`vb stoff prnibss

pmodt eodufoiturbrs orb mniotbl.

`dirbosbs os tcb duekbr nf `dvn`ibs odl rbinrl lniuebdts orb eolb. -\cby nwd 1 fummy lbprbi`otbl truijs, wc`ic eoy iousb enrb rbpo`r odl eo`dtbdodib bxpbdsbs. - \cby dbbl tcb oss`stodib nf odntcbr  ioran truij inepody fnr tcb npbrot`nd.

i. Eorjbt`da Lb Lbportebdt


Eorjbt`da wo wos bo bosy s` s`dib tc tcby

-os tcb dbw indtroit w`mm kb eolb w`tc

kbioeb tcb l`str`kutnr nf o

snft lr`djs, o dbw eorjbt`da strotbay

wbmm-jdnwd krodl nf kbbr.

eust kb fnreumotbl tn eojb indsuebrs oworb nf tcb`r dbw prnluit.

l. Oiin Oiinud udt` t`da da/F /F`d `dod odib ib


\c \cb b kus` s`d dbss bdt bdt`ty `ty `s prn rnff`to `tokmb. mb.


-\ -\c cb lbtb tbre re`d `do ot`n t`nd nf tc tcb b pr prnp npb br  oenudt nf insts tn kb ommniotbl tn kntc kbvbroabs `s dnt wbmm. -oll`t`ndom indtroit fnr tcb snft lr`djs krodl w`mm `dirbosb somor`bs bxpbdsb odl ntcbr bxpbdsbs.


Bxtbrdom Bdv`rndebdt o. Wnm`t`iom/Mbaom Ospbit


\C[BO\ \cby orb rbqu`rbl tn inepmy, w`tc oppm`iokmb mows `d tcb duebrnus inudtr`bs tcrnuacnut tcb wnrml `d wc`ic tcby ln kus`dbss. @d eody hur`sl`it`nds, inepm`odib w`tc inepbt`t`nd mows `s nf  spbi`om `epnrtodib tn tcbe.

k. Bindne`i Ospbit

- \cby npbrotb os tcb l`str`kutnr nf o

\cbrb wos tnuac inepbt`t`nd kbtwbbd


wbmm-jdnwd krodl nf kbbr tcot invbrs

Injb odl Wbps` fnr eorjbt scorb, odl

tcb snutcbrd tnwds nf tcb prnv`dibs nf  tc`s niios`ndommy coepbrbl prnf`tok`m`ty. Yur`aon lbm Yur odl Lovon Nr`bdtom. - [bvb [bvbdub dubs s orb bxtrbebmy bxtrbebmy indibdtr indibdtrotbl otbl `d tc`s `dlustry, w`tc Injb odl Wbps`, tnabtcbr w`tc tcb`r ossni`otbl knttmbrs. - O dbw indtroit indtroit tn l`str`kutb l`str`kutb snft lr`djs lr`djs krodls mbols tn od `dirbosb `d tcb snurib nf `dineb. i. Yni`n-iumturom

\cb Ynft Lr`dj @dlustry inds`sts nf  

\cby lbom w`tc s`e`mor suppm`brs odl

bstokm`scebdts pr`eor`my bdaoabl `d

kuybrs. Bdtry `dtn tcb `dlustry wnuml

eodufoitur`da dnd-omincnm`i,

`dvnmvb lbvbmnp`da npbrot`nds `d b`tcbr 

iorkndotbl kbvbroabs, e`dbrom wotbrs

nr kntc l`si`pm`dbs. Kbvbroab

odl indibdtrotbs, odl syrups fnr tcb

sukst`tutbs wnuml tcrbotbd kntc

eodufoiturb nf iorkndotbl kbvbroabs.

indibdtrotbl prnluibrs odl tcb`r 

\c`s `dlustry wnuml `dimulb indibdtrotb

ossni`otbl knttmbrs.

prnluibrs odl knttmbrs l. \bicdnmnay

Iustnebrs iod bos`my ln tcb`r hnk w`tc

Ntcbr Kus`dbssbs/inepod`bs nffbr 

tcb usb nf tbicdnmnay odl annl

c`ac-quom`ty, enrb uplotbl, fostbr 

foi`m`t`bs, tcus `t iod knnst tcb

ioran sbrv`ibs.

prnf`tok`m`ty nf tcb kus`dbss.


Omtbrdot`vb Inursbs nf Oit`nd (OIO)  OIO - ? Er. Kubdofb Kubdofb inuml usb tcb Y`epmb/\rol`t`ndom Y`epmb/\rol`t`ndom inst`da inst`da systbe  OLVOD\  OLV OD\OABY OABY .- tcb iomiumot`nd nf tcb nvbrcbol rotbs `s stro`actfnrworl.


\c \cbr brb b e`a e`act ct kb o ffo` o`mu murb rb tn od odom omyz yzb b tcb `dl`rbit insts



w`lbmy udlbrstnnl `d tcb kus`dbss.


\cbrb e`act kb od `dok`m`ty tn a`vb oiiurotb prnluit insts.


Dnt bxpbds`vb tn npbrotb.


\cbrb e`act kb rbm`odib nd pbrsndom nr rodlne icn`ib rotcbr tcod iousb odl bffbit ommniot`nd nf nvbrcbols.


@t nff nffbr brs s oii oiiur urot otb b ins instt f` f`au aurb rbs s w`tc w`tc


`t nf nffb fbrs rs m`e` m`e`tb tbl lo oii iiur uroi oiy y


@t lnbs dnt oiinudt fnr  

morab prnluit`nd vnmuebs -

Icbop tn `epmbebdt.

dnd-eodufoitur`da insts. -

Ir Irbo botb tbs s rrbp bpnr nrts ts tcot tcot orb orb bos bos`b `brr tn tn


@ts @ts s s`e `epm pm`i `i`t `ty y eoy eoy kb tn tnn n s`e s`epm pmb. b.


YNMR\@ND8 Rs`da \rol`t`ndom Inst`da Yystbe o. Inst Inst nkhb nkhbit its8 s8 Ynft Lr`djs odl Kbbr  k. L`rb L`rbit it Inst Insts8 s8 Lbm`vbry icorabs & Ioran Icorabs.

i. Ineput Ineputot` ot`nd nd nf Lbm`v Lbm`vbry bry icor icorabs abs

KBB[ Duekbr nf L`spoticbs







Eumt`pmy ky8 Vor`okmb Inst pbr l`spotic \ntom Icorab8


l. Ineput Ineputot` ot`nd nd nf Ioran Ioran Ico Icorab rabs8 s8

KBB[ Duekbr nf \r`ps Eumt`pmy ky8 Icorab pbr \r`p

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