SOFT SKILLS INTRODUCTION Technical Technical and job-related skills are a must, but they are not sufcient when it comes to nding nding job or progressi progressing ng up the ladder ladder.. With With the traditional traditional style o leadership becoming out o ashion proessional managers expect their employees to hae something extra which we call today, sot skills.
What are soft Skills? !ot sk !ot skil ills ls ar are e es esse sent ntia iall lly y peop people le sk skil ills ls-- th the e nonnon-te tech chni nica cal, l, in inta tang ngib ible le,, person per sonali ality ty-sp -speci ecic c skills skills that that deter determin mine e one"s one"s streng strengths ths as a leader leader,, listen listener, er, negotiator, and con#ict mediator. !ot skills is a term which reers to personality traits tra its,, social social graces graces,, acili acility ty with with langu language age,, perso personal nal habits habits,, rien riendli dlines ness, s, and optimism that mark people to arying degrees. $%ard" skills on the other hand re more along the lines o what might appear on one"s resume- your education, experience, and leel o expertise.
Importance of soft skills
!ot skills play a signicant role in one"s success in lie particularly in one"s proession. !ot skills help one to excel in the workplace and their importance cannot be denied in this age o inormation and knowledge. !ot skills in the highly competitie corporate world will help you stand out in a crowd o regular job seekers with ordinary skills and talent. !ot skills make you the socially acceptable personality. &ob seekers seekers are expected expected to hae what employers call sot skills. skills. The eer-changing eer-changing impact o technology technology and the style o management pay so much attention to sot skills. ' you hae sot skills, you will be the more aluable employee. !o that you can grow and learn as the business changes and grows. !ot skills play an important part or the success o an organi(ation. They become absolutely essential or the success o organi(ation and indiiduals. !ot skills are as important as traditional hard skills to an employer regardless o in indu dust stry ry o job job type type.. 't is to be unde unders rsto tood od cl clea earl rly y that that so sot skil skills ls complement hard skills. )t the same time hard skills cannot be replaced with sot skills. !ot skills cannot be taught. %oweer it can be deeloped through proper training. *ajority o the managers obsere that they could nd workers who hae +hard skills but many potential job seekers lack the +sot skills that a company need.
The skills those are inclue in soft skills! Interpersonal skills" These include the ability to lead, motiate, and delegate. They are important at eery leel o organi(ational responsib responsibility ility and should always be eident. eing the most technical person in your eld is not always enough to succeed unless you hae the ability to conince others that what you are doing is important.
Team #orkin$" Today"s Today"s world is drien by innoation leading to constant change and su succ cces ess s o an or orga gani ni(a (ati tion on depe depend nds s on it its s te team ams. s. Thus Thus it has has beco become me mandat man datory ory to train train the employ employees ees in all all spher spheres es o manag manageme ement. nt. Team build bu ilding ing is one o th the e cr cruci ucial al ar areas eas in which which the employ employees ees need to be trained.
Ne$otiation skills" *aintain *aintain success successul ul ongoing ongoing relatio relationshi nships ps with others. others. 'n#uenci 'n#uencing ng positiely will help you achiee more o what you want and build relationships based on openness, trust, understanding, and mutual respect.
Communication skills" The ability to communicate ideas to others eectiely is an absolutely essential re/uirement or technical, engineering, and it proessional, as the nature o industries make them dependent upon shared knowledge.
Time mana$ement" The busy man only can manage to do many things, which seem to be beyond the reach o ordinary people. The lie o great leaders teaches us one lesson. They hae to do many things in spite o their busy schedule. The secret thereore thereore lies in scientic management o time. Stress mana$ement" The ability to cope with stress aries rom indiidual to indiidual. ut the act is that work and stress go hand in hand. 0ery one in eery job experiences pressure1stress. 2our success in a job depends on your ability to handle work pressure.
%racticin$ soft skills" 2ou 2ou must know to put your sot skills into use and get the most out o them. %ere are some tips or you to show your sot skills. 3. %a %ae e a positi positie e attitu attitude4 de4 )n oeral oeralll positi positie e outlook outlook leads leads to an oera oerall ll positie attitude, and that can be aluable asset in work enironment. enironment. 5. e a team player4 player4 eing eing a team player player means not not only being being cooperatie cooperatie,, but also displaying strong leadership ability when it"s appropriate. 6. 7om 7ommun munica icate te eecti eectiel ely y4 commun communica icatio tion n is what what allows allows you to build build bridges with coworkers, persuade others to adopt your ideas and express your needs. *ake good eye contact 8on"t dget )oid body moements that cut you o orm others, like olding your arms 8on"t talk or the sake o talking9 always hae a point 0nunciate your words properly %one your grammar skills with a good reerence or style manual • • •
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:. 0xude condence4 condence4 To impress impress another another person, person, condence is the key. key. *ake sure you hae the knowledge and skills to back up your condence. ;. 8eelop 8eelop creati creatie e skills4 skills4 7reatii 7reatiity ty and imagin imaginatie atie think thinking ing are are alued alued in any job. Try to tackle a tedious task in a way that allows you to complete it more efciently. efciently. . ?rioriti(e ?rioriti(e your your to-do list4 don"t araid to take on new tasks and do them in a se/uence. @. !ee th the e big pictu picture re44 Aookin Aooking g at the larg larger er pictur picture e in your your work work means means seeing the determining actors o success in what you do. 't also means recogni(ing a risk that"s worth taking, and knowing when to take it.
The most important soft skills for an& 'el" 3. 5. 6. :. ;.
*aths !aety 7ourtesy %onesty Brammar
. Team eam sk skil ills ls @. 0y 0ye e con conta tac ct 3E.7ooperation 33.)daptability 35.Dollow rules 36.!el-directed 3:.Bood attitude 3;.Writing skills 3.)danced maths 3@.!el-superising 5E.Bood reerences reerences 53.eing drug ree 55.Bood attendance 56.?ersonal energy 5:.Work experience 5;.)bility measure 5.?ositie work ethic 5@.'nterpersonal skills 6E.*otiational skills 63.Faluing education 65.?ersonal chemistry 66.Willingness to learn 6:.7ommon sense 6;.7ritical thinking skills 6.Hse o rulers and calculators
[email protected] personal appearance :E.Wanting to do a good job :3.asic spelling and grammar :5.Ceading and comprehension :6.)bility to ollow regulation regulation ::.Willingness to be accountable :;.)bility to ll out a job application :.)wareness o how ng business works
:@.!taying on the job until it is nished ;E.)bility to read and ollow instructions ;3.Willingness to work second and third shits ;5.7aring about seeing the company succeed ;6.Hnderstanding what the world is all about ;:.)bility to listen and document what you hae heard ;;.7ommitment to continued training and learning ;.Iot expecting to become a superisor in the rst six months ;@. Willingness Willingness to be good worker and go beyond the traditional eight-ho eight-hour ur day ()! 7ommunication skills with public, ellow employees, superisors, and customers.