Soft Skills Material -'10

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Department of English VIKRAMA SIMHAPURI UNIVERSITY: NELLORE ___________________________________________________________ Reading Material for Elementary Soft Skills – I Semester

& Advanced Soft Skills – IV Semester ********

K. Narasimha Rao Vocabulary Fill in the blanks with the suitable word(s) 1. The doctor is_____ that she will soon recover. Doubtful

b. anxious

c. hopeful

d. critical.

2. It is to be regretted that he ___from the world, so early in life. Retiredb. left c. acquired

d. critical.

3. He was widely regarded as a _____man because he revealed his distrust of human nature and human motives. Financial

b. confused

c. religious

d. cynical.

4. The manager tried to act but his plans were ___by his cabinet. Embellished b. over-looked

c. frustrated d. unleashed

5. His lecture gave us a sense of how empty the universe is, inspite of the ____number of stars within it. a. Limited

b. enormous

c. diminishing d. varying.

6. The wind bloweth ____it listeth. Whither

b. higher

c. thither

d. therefore

7. The ___in black and white television sales is causing some concern to the manufacturers. a. Default

b. deterioration

c. slump

d. shortage.

8. ____survelliance included the use of tape-recorders and microphones. a. Biological

b. sporadic

c. electronic

d. legitimate.

9. The use of electric heater had to be ___that winter because of shortage of electric power.


a. Augmented

b. postulated

c. manipulated

d. curtailed.

10. Fate is an ____and in order that it may play an active part in human drama, it must be ____in some particular incarnation. a. abstraction, personified

b. ideology, realized

c. imagination, illustrated

d. ideal, represented.

11. The law touches us here and there, but manners are about us ever where ____society like the air we breathe. a. Refreshing

b. pervading

c. dominating d filling

12. It is indeed ____that even 40 years after independence, we have failed to___a suitable education or examination system. a. objectionable, present

b. bad, produce

c. sad, evolve

d. undesirable, foster. 13. He, being a public servant, is ___to people. a. Vulnerable

b. approachable c. familiar

d. accountable

14. Fiction approximates to science, first in accepting the obligation of being ____to life as it is, and secondly, asserting the right to___ a. committed, narrate

b. tire, theorise

c. close, describe

d. Faithful, explain. 15. When there is water in a well, you can see your ____on the surface. a. Face b. shadow

c. image

d. reflection

16. Few sons, indeed are like their fathers, generally, they are___ but just few are ____ a. worse, better b. stupid, sensible

c. inconsiderate, thoughtful

d. hopeless,

admirable. 17. Watch the boss this morning. He is in a thoroughly bad____ a. Mood b. mind

c. temper

d. disposition.

II. Choose the word which is NEAREST in meaning to the word highlighted. 1. The entire nation grieved over the death of the President. a. Wept b. mourned

c. caved

d. bellowed

2. That rich fellow dissipates his money because he has not earned it himself. a. Expends

b. squanders

3. He is of a very affable nature.

c. hoards

d. lavishes

3 a. Uncivil

b. irritating

c. humble

d. pleasant.

4. He is very polite to his parents, and treats them with deference. a. Respect

b. haughtiness

c. indulgence d. adoration.

5. Our neighbours are diffident people. a. Very talkative

b. well-known

c. shy d. impudent.

6. He found her capricious a. Changing mind constantly b. make frivolous objection c. Make sharp judgements

d. wandering.

7. Mulberry plantation is a prerequisite for sericulture. a.

Breeding shrimps c. Growing fish

b. growing trees for timber d. breeding silk worms.

8. The atmosphere in the college is quite pernicious these days. a. Harmful

b. dangerous c. amiable

d. destructive.

9. The French Revolution was inspired by the bourgeois a. Buxom

b. chauvinists c. middle classd. ebullient

10. She is a woman of sterling qualities. a. Interesting

b. irritating

c. genuine

d. exciting

11. Although the boys in his class were naughty, he never resorted to corporal punishment. a. Harsh b. unjust

c. physical

d. general.

12. He wanted to mitigate his burdens. a. Lessen b. postpone

c. leave

d. increase

13. She adjusted well with her thousands idiosyncrasies a. Weakness b. peculiar habits c. bad habits d. stupidity 14. Deputy Inspector General made a perfunctory inspection of police station. a. Thorough and complete

b. superficial c. without interest or care

d. intensive. III. Choose the word which is FARTHEST in meaning to the word highlighted. 1. The story you will read is about a dwarf. a. Midget b. giant

c. superman

d. famous hero.

2. Since his childhood he has been living in prosperity


a. Poverty

b. affluence

c. misery

d. grandeur

3. Do you expect a good leader to be myopic? a. Verbose

b. pedantic

c. visionary

d. far-sighted.

4. To my surprise, he is quite arrogant a. Stubborn

b. docile

c. meek

d. humble.

5. Diversity in certain matters can be strength. a. Disparity

b. unity

c. similarity

d. unanimity.

6. The ravenous dog upset several garbage pails in its search for food. a. Famished

b. nibbling

c. sated

d. starving

7. She had always been vivacious and sparkling. a. Inactive

b. girlish

c. surgical

d. lively

c. quiet

d. turbid

8. The crowd became obstreperous a. Boisterous

b. noisy

9. His rubicund complexion was the result of an active outdoor life. a. Ruddy b. pallid

c. nonsensical

d. florid.

10. He will never turndown your request. a. turn-up b. turn over c. reject

d. accept

11. I am still dubious about this place. a. Certainb. doubtful

c. difference

d. faithful

12. I cannot see much likeness between the two boys. a. Enmity

b. doubtful

c. docile

d. faithful

13. He has accumulated wealth disproportional to his known sources of income a. Games

b. gather

c. scatter

d. produce

14. This is very common piece of furniture. a. Rare

b. usual

c. exotic

d. expensive

15. Frederich, the great was a benevolent despot. a. Malevolent

b. morbid

c. careless

d. unpleasant.

16. Discouraged by the father’s death, Rahim abandoned his plans for a new house. a. Began b. pursued

c. succeeded d. welcomed

17. An occasional lapse cannot be condoned. a. Casual b. recurrent

c. normal

d. accidental.


18. She is quite liberal in her views on marriage. a. Irrational

b. unconventional

c. rigid d. non-committal

Cloze-Test Supply a suitable word from the choice provided for filling in the blanks to make a meaning passage Small car means__(1)__power, less power means less__(2)___consumption, and less fuel __(3)___ means more __(4)___of the fuel which could be used for some other __(5)___for public __(6)____. Thus, “less for__(7)__” should be the criteria among the__(8)___. Simple wastage would mean no __(9)__ and the time has__(10)__ for us to review our expenses. 1. a. less b. costly c. luxury d. hidden 2. a. danger b. fair c. fuel d. wood 3. a. consumption b. drinking c. opportunity d. weight 4. a. burning b. saving c. richness d. lacking 5. a. purposes b. faults c. fouls d. short-comings 6. a. negative b. frankness c. utilization d. inconvenience 7. a. more b. likely c. short d. nothing 8. a. Animals b. Lions c. Indians d. foxes 9. a. saving b. back c. rear d. honest 10. a. flied b. shied c. come d. dimmed Read the following two passages and answer the questions given below A. In our approach to life, be it pragmatic or otherwise, a basic fact that confronts us squarely and unmistakenly is the desire for peace, security and happiness. Different forms of life at different levels of existence make up the dark turnings of this earth of ours. And, no matter whether they belong to the higher groups such as human beings or to the lower groups such as animals, all beings primarily seek peace, comfort and security. Life is as dear, to a mute creature as it is to man. Even the lowliest insect strives for protection against dangers that threaten its life. Just as each one of us wants to live and not to die, so do all other creatures. 1. What is the basic living that everyone wants?

2. 3. 4. 5.

What do the different forms of life represent on the earth? What is important even for a mute creature? What does an insect do if its life is threatened? What forms the ultimate desire of all creatures?

B. One often comes across the remark, “It’s not what you know that gets you ahead; it’s who you know.” We do not subscribe to this cynical remark, but neither do we wish to minimize the importance of having influential people back you up in your application. Often the recommendation of a person whose word is respected is a


deciding factor in getting a job. This is perhaps especially true when an employer is considering a number of applications from graduates who do not have professional experience. The academic records alone might not provide a clear basis for a choice. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the significant idea expressed in the beginning line of the passage? What is the essential aspect for a job application? What forms the deciding factor in getting a job? When does recommendation play a major role in bringing job? What is the tone of the passage? Advisory/ critical/ appreciative/ sarcastic.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word set/word from the words given below outmoded, deter


applauded, ovation

stringent, carping


assured, stringent 1. The crowd ___________ the symphony of the maestro with a standing ___________ 2. The _______________laboratory facilities did not _________J.C. Bose from making his insightful observations on Plant Response. 3. The management took _____________action against the ___________employees whose mouthful demands tower high before their little work. 4. Indians need sincere leaders not people of _________integrity. 5. The accused _______having made any statement. 6. The Chief Minister_______the House that_______action would be taken against all those found involved in corruption Cloze-Test Supply a suitable word from the choice provided for filling in the blanks to make a meaning passage. The survival of human body is _ (1) ____ explained by the material benefits of a person. The ____ (2) ______association between poverty and _____ (3) ____had already been recognized in the West. The West ____ (4) ___ epidemics of infectious diseases through public health measures. The ____ 5)____ of antibiotics in the prevention of diseases is negligible, and they ____(6)____ the situation by providing temporary ___(7)______to the suffering and allow the underlying causes to go ____(8)______. However, every ____ 9)______of an infectious disease makes media headlines. The government’s response is ___ 10)_____and curative. Unfortunately, the media quickly move on to the next ___(11)_____and the need for _____(12)_____public health solution is forgotten.

The efforts of many of the current

champions of public health are usually ___ 13)_______to providing curative services. The constant demand for better curative services has been ___ 14)______back the immediate necessity for public health strategies. 1. a. good


c. bent

d. best


2. a. reciprocal 3. a. wealth 4. a. encouraged 5. a. figure 6. a. elevate 7. a. sobs 8. a. cared 9. a. epidemic 10.a. swift 11.a. landmark 12.a. illusory 13.a. motivated 14.a. stepping up

b.singular b. richness b. eliminated b. shadow b. liberate b. sops b. untreated b. infection b. sluggish b. plot b. imaginative b. restricted b. thrusting

c. dissimilar c. luxury c. sustained c. role c. worsen c. tabs c. retrieved c. subtlety c. retardant c. crisis c. hypothetical c. redefined c. remedied

d. unparallel d. disease d. undermined d. outline d. fetter d. relief d. stored d. finesse d. poised d. tremor d. permanent d. rejuvenated d. pushing

Identify the incorrect underlined fragment in the following sentences 1. The proceeds of his income is very little to sustain his family and his dependants (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.Thomas Paine in his literary works dealing with daunting questions pestering (a) (b) democratic institutions have suggested an all pervading Fourth Estate for strengthening (c) (d) democracy. 3. Prominent among the Industrialists emerging from India was Dirubhai and Mahindra, (a) (b) who got sufficient support from the governmental policies

to be named in the Forbes.

(c) (d) 4. Being a woman of youthful excitement, he often expressed his wish to marry her. (a)


(d) 5. The Wiseman detested to remember


the follies of the past so that he could have

(a) (c) only the good deeds to have their say in the present.


(d) 6. The girl hesitated arguing with the teacher on her being given a difficult task as

8 (a)




assignment. 7. People shall not simply uphold the pitched battles of the politics unless they shall (a) receive some benefit out of the absurd confrontations.


(c) (d) 8. The granite boulders carried on the trolleys are heavy in weight and square in shape, (a) (b) the glint of which is stately in the sun shine. (c)


Read the following passage and answer the questions given below Prior to English porcelain, English china manufacturers and potters were using hard-paste and soft-paste porcelains. J.Spode II (1754-1827) was the first to use ox bone to create a hybrid form on hard-paste porcelain china, called bone china. Bone China is a form of hard past porcelain because it is a mixture of 25% china clay, 25% Cornish stone, 50% bone ash in its standard formula. Bone china became the English porcelain for several reasons. It was less liable to loss in firing than soft paste porcelains, which contain glass. The firing temperature was much lower (1250 D Celsius) than for hard paste porcelain (1400 D Celsius). Thus, potters could use their existing methods and ovens. Also, the brilliance of enamel colours and gold was greater than on other porcelains. Bone China, made from a hybrid hard-past porcelain containing ox bone ash has the following properties: Bone China is extremely hard, and is stronger than hardpaste porcelain due to the addition of the ox bone ash and easier to manufacture. Bone China has a beautiful ivory white appearance, which distinguishes it from hard-paste porcelain. This is also is created by adding bone ash to the ingredients for hard-past porcelain. Bone china is intensely white and will allow light to pass through it. You can check the quality of percentage of ox bone ash in a china piece by putting it up to a light source. The higher the quality of fine china, the more light that you can see through the fine china plate or piece. It is calcined bone, which gives traditional English Bone China its translucency and whiteness. The amount of calcined ox bone also allows the addition of more colourful patterns (or more colours to stain the china), thus Bone China usually has the most exquisite patterns of all china, and those usually are the more expensive and costlier ones. Finally, calcined ox Bone China is still used by many English Fine China manufacturers even today, and the properties of this china allow for some of the most unique, beautiful, and expensive fine china pieces in the China.


1. What was the main reason for bone China becoming English porcelain? 2. What is the reason for Bone China being stronger than hard-paste porcelains? 3. What makes English Bone China more shiny and translucent? 4. According to the passage which of the following statements is true? a. Ox bone can only be used to make a hybrid form on porcelain china. b. Bone China is the hardest form of porcelain c. Bone is 100% transparent d. None of the above. 5. What makes the soft-past more liable to undergo loss in firing? 6. What ingredient makes Bone china appear in beautiful patterns? 7. Pick out the word in the 1st Paragraph that stands for the word “before”? Telephone Conversation Write down the conversation over phone on the following lines Imagine you are the Works Director of a Chemicals Manufacturing Company and an accident has happened because power fluctuations. Report the incident to the Chairman over the backup measures taken by the members of your team and also report to him over the cause of the accident. Ans: Works Director: Hello! Good Morning !! I am Dev, Works Director of Unit-A. I am sorry to report an accident happened in our factory because of wild power fluctuations. Chairman: Oh! Where did the accident take place? And I am concerned about the reasons. Works Director: Sir! As already reported to you earlier, the power fluctuations resulted in the loss of costly machinery as a result of which the work suffered a lot. A week earlier, we have reported to the Electricity department to install separate High power transformer in our Industrial Estate. The Electricity department also responded amicably and the transformer has been installed but due to incessant rains last week the concrete structure could not be laid so that the Transformer becomes operational. Today, as usual the worker operated the machinery and immediately noticed the lower power supply and put off the power supply immediately. Despite their presence of mind, they could not prevent the damage caused to the boiler which gave out fumes because of insufficient power supply. Except this damage all the other machines are in good condition and major damage has been avoided. Chairman: See that the new transformer is installed immediately and reduce the load on the machinery by operating them in shifts so as to avoid over-utility of power. Works Director: Thank you Sir! I immediately follow your instructions. Thank You.


Telephone Conversation Write down the conversation that following the incident detailed below.





Imagine that you have attended a youth festival in one of the colleges in your city. Inform your friend that participating in such youth festivals will broaden one’s understanding and in developing good interpersonal skills. Ans: Shyam: Hello! How do you do my dear Karim? Karim: How do you do? Shyam: I am happy to talk to you after a long time. Last time when I spoke to you, you told me that you are preparing for competitive tests. I hope that your preparation is going well? How are your regular studies? Karim: Well ! Very nice! I have good averages in all subjects and I am also interested in extra and co-curricular activities which are conducted at regular intervals in our college. Shyam: Very nice to hear! I called you today on phone to inform you that our college is going to organize a tech-fest in which you can participate and win fabulous prizes. At the same time we shall build good inter-college relationships using this platform. I should tell you that in this globalized world we cannot sit isolated and we have to grab every opportunity through competitive spirit. Apart from education, excellence, and expertise it is good networking skill of the professional that takes one to the global stage. Let us use the opportunity to build good interpersonal skills and get the pulse of the expectations that the market desires of us in value-addition and professional competency building. Karim: yes! I agree with you. I definitely participate in the tech-fest and let us be committed to make education more informative and amusing. See you!

Prepositions IC: The pool abounds of fish C: The pool abounds in (or with) fish. IC: Abstain of smoking. C: Abstain from smoking. IC: He acceded with my request.


C: He acceded to my request. 1. They were accused with theft 2.

I have no access at the Prime Minister.


Do you have any acquaintance of the Home Minister?


He agreed with my proposal

5. Can you agree with your mother in this issue? 6. Please apologize with him on this misdeed. 7.

She appealed at help.


They appealed about the judgement.

9. He was appointed for a high post. 10. Will you approve with my conduct? 11. He arrived in Bombay at India. 12. He alighted over the aeroplane. 13. What do you aim for in life? 14. You shall have to answer to your conduct. 15. Will you answer your father for this act? 16. Don’t blame him about it. 17. He started boasting about his ability. 18. She broke up into a house. 19. Don’t break for him. 20. Mohan broke a good news into him. 21. What do you ask to? 22. I asked to him to furnish explanation. 23. The dogs were barking on him. 24. Will you assure me about it? 25. I attended my friend yesterday. 26. He availed of this opportunity.


27. Don’t try to avenge of them for this misdeed. 28. What will become you? 29. Beg pardon of that man about that thing. 30. Do you believe of your statement? 31. Whom does this house belong? 32. Beware for the thieves. 33. Bring it to light. 34. The subject was brought into discussion. 35. She bought this thing from a confectioner. 36. I came into a person while walking on the road. 37. I called at him. 38. I called on him in his house. 39. How can you bargain of him? 40. Do you have any confidence with him? 41. They ceased with quarrelling. 42. I cannot count in your support. 43. The trader deals with tobacco. 44. The bridegroom delighted over his marriage. 45. You cannot deprive me from my wealth. 46. She died from cholera. 47. She competed with her sister about a prize. 48. She competed with her sister about a prize. 49. The Headmaster consented for the proposal. 50. He differed with him from a point. 51. His services were dispensed from. 52. Can you distinguish wood with metal? 54. They were filled by anger.


55. They flew with anger. 56. He tried his best to get on the truth. 57. You can’t get with this person. 58. The melon was divided in five parts. 59. She dreamt about her glorious past. 60. The teacher dwelt in this subject. 61. She was enlisted with the Air Force. 62. Can you exchange this book with that? 63. The dacoit escaped of the jail. 64. She failed on her attempt to pass the test. 65. Guard about his eventuality in future. 66. I cannot hide this thing of you. 67. Don’t indulge into gossips. 68. The jury inquired of the case. 69. What are you enquiring with? 70. Don’t insist in this thing. 71. He was invited for a dinner. 72. They jumped on a wrong conclusion. 73. It is better to live with honest means. 74. I cannot live by a small income. 75. Try to live under your means. 76. Don’t laugh over these people. 77. Listen this story. 78. They live on riches. 79. Look by this child. 80. They mourned on the dead. 81. It occurred on me once.


82. Don’t try to play in harmonium. 83. They prayed on pardon. 84. She had entire freedom of worries. 85. I have no enmity on you. 86. They claimed exemption of the taxes. 87. Do you have any influence of the Prime Minister? 88. He pretended for being innocent. 89. Protect yourself of this danger. 90. They rebelled over the authority. 91. She recovered on illness. 92. I rejoiced on his success. 93. Where is the next heir for the throne? 94. Do you have any interest with music? 95. He had no craving about theatre. 96. Who can be a match with you? 97. Do you have any objection on it? 98. Don’t try to persist with your attitude. 99. The policeman ran with the thief to catch at him. 100. Send in a doctor.

Vocabulary I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words 1. India, which was a treasure trove of gems and precious stones _____many a foreign traveller and invader alike a. Tantalized

b. mesmerised

c. enticed

d. beguiled

2. The government is planning to ____child labour, in the country within the next five years. a. Abandon

b. discard

c. demolish

d. eradicate


3. The entire nation saluted the ____who sacrificed their lives for the country’s safety. a. Martyrs

b. citizens

c. civilians

d. personnel

4. She looks pale and run____after the bout of fever a. Off

b. down

c. over d. out

5. He ____the credit of this achievement to his friends who stood by him through thick and thin. a. Attributed

b. accredited c. entrusted

d. relegated

6. Never neglect to ____the right bonds, as your job may not last forever, but your relationships will____ a. foster..endure

b. nurture…suffer

c. suppress…last

d. sponsor..spoil 7. First and foremost, make yourself so___to the company that they will never let____of you. a. dispensable…force

b. superfluous…leave

c. paramount…allow

d. indispensable…go

8. The Supreme Court____the constitutional___of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), observing that “terrorism is affecting the security and sovereignty of the nation.” a. preserved…invalidity b. upheld…validity c. overturned… power d. accepted…injustifiability 9. Far from____meekly to its fate, Ganguly’s team fought___with such determination that the match slowly began to turn in his favour. a. yeilding…for b. fighting…ferociously c. submitting….feebly d. succumbing…back 10. The___of modern society in general and the holiday____in particular can be traced to our consumer culture, facilitated by advertising. a.


c. ills…blues

b. miseries…ecstasies d. misfortunes…happiness

11. His ___attire and winsome manners impressed his superiors.


a. Shoddy

b. gorgeous

c. sloppy

d. impeccable.

12. Being and impulsive shopper, I most often tend to be ___while shopping. a. Extravagant

b. lenient

c. cautious

d. careless

14. Because each of them was thinking on different wavelengths there was no____of opinion between them. a. Agreement

b. consensus

c. clash

d. compatibility

15. If all nations of the world live in____and mutual tolerance then peace will not remain an elusive commodity. a. Penury b. frugality

c. harmony

d. opulence

16. The meeting was held in the____grounds of that college so that it would accommodate thousands of people. a. Luxurious b. resplendent c. magnificient d. spacious 17. A hailstorm accompanied by strong wind and heavy rain has___in a massive damage of crops in this area. a. Concluded

b. resulted

c. terminated d. settled.

18. Our sense of smell is incredibly complex, yet often____when compared with sight or hearing. a. Reproached

b. censured

c. berated

d. underrated

19. The machine stopped functioning because the rats had___away all the electric wires. a. Gnawed

b. consumed c. munched

d. destroyed.

20. We feel happy if we are able to ____our opinions without the fear of being reprimanded or ridiculed. a. Voice

b. impart

c. communicate

d. announce.

21. Through this experiment he proved that his theory was____ a. Persuasive

b. plausible

c. futile

d. beneficial.

II. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given statement. 1. Someone who is an expert.

a. Adapt b. adept

c. adopt

d. attache

2. Not just a collector of books but one who loves reading them enthusiastically.


a. Bibliophagic

b. bibliophile c. biblioklept d. bookworm

3. To speak in a roundabout way. a. Circumvent

b. circumscribe

c. circumspect d. circumlocute

4. To ridicule someone. a. Depreciate

b. dereogate c. deride

d. denounce

5. One event putting another event off course. a. Derail b. defray

c. detour

d. detach

6. The manner in which one conducts oneself. a. Digress

b. demeanour c. discreet

d. dubious

7. To defy with open contempt; disobey. a. Felicitate

b. ferment

c. flaunt

d. flout

8. Natural ability, aptitude or knack. a. Flair

b. foster

c. foible

d. flagrant.

9. A moment, which is not timed well or inappropriate. a. Inept b. inopportune

c. inane

d. inebriate.

10. To be brief and concise a. Larceny


c. laity

d. lewd.

III. A contextual usage is provided for each of the highlighted words. Pick the right word from the alternatives. 1. The bride walked down the aisle a. Isle

b. pathway

c. church

d. hall.

2. He does not give credence to rumours. a. Fantasy

b. belief

c. importance d. denial.

3. Deciding to join the armed forces, was a momentous decision for him. a. Crucialb. natural

c. difficult

d. momentary

4. The movie was too graphic with gruesome war scenes. a. Repulsive

b. obtrusive

c. brilliant

d. painstaking.

5. It was understood that this bond was irrevocable.


a. Unalterable

b. dull c. animated

d. lopsided.

6. This encyclopedia is an infallible source of information. a. Ingenious

b. unerring

c. infamous

d. inevitable.

7. The unsolved crime baffled the police. a. Intimidated b. warmed

c. transformed d. bewildered

8. If they hadn’t clamoured for their rights, they could never have got it. a. Demanded b. commanded

c. reinforced d. eliminated

9. His diffidence in addressing the MD was very evident. a. Humour

b. reticence

c. curiosity

d. boldness

10. Her constant whining and complaining finally exasperated everyone. a. Renounced

b. infuriate

c. exalted

d. mollify

IV. Let us know the Antonyms for the words highlighted 1. The country’s economy fell into recession as the exports and imports faltered. a. Downturn

b. depression c. boom

d. decline

2. The visit of the President of America to India cleared the lopsided relations between the two countries. a. Irregular

b. major

c. uneven

c. unbalanced.

3. The Minister for Railways endorsed the hike in the passenger fares. a. Authorized b. sanctioned c. opposed

d. recommended

4. The nation should develop industries to energize a stagnant economy. a. Active b. dormant

c. static

d. lethargic.

5. Eleven people were wrongly convicted and jailed for militant activities. a. Condemned

b. maligned

c. acquitted

d. doubted.

6. As the performance of the cricketer is likely to be lacklustre, it may be wise to search for quality bowlers. a. Obscure

b. vapid

c. sombre

d. animated.

7. For a vivid understanding of the share business, learn a few lessons on the stock market.


a. Strong b. clearc. vague

d. objective.

8. The managing director is expected to unveil his plans to remove all the doubts and mysteries. a. Reveal b. disclose

c. divulge

d. maximize

9. When the factory feud became public, the markets plummeted. a. Collapsed

b. flopped

c. soared

d. suffered.

10. Fifteen persons were killed in incidents of sporadic violence. a. Intermittent

b. irregular

c. periodic

d. dangerous

11. Manufacturers need to invest hefty capital in order to run quality business. a. Sturdy b. robust

c. stocky

d. trivial.

Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s) from the choice provided at the end of each question. 1. Deciding to join the armed forces, was a __________decision for him. (Unnatural, difficult, crucial, momentary) 2. The movie was too graphic with__________war scenes. (Gratifying, revolving, gruesome, dangling) 3. This encyclopedia is an ________source of information. (Infamous, erratic, erroneous, infallible) 4. The country’s economy fell into____________as the exports and imports faltered. (Summit, abode, depression, recession) 5. The Minister for Railways__________the hike in the passenger fares. (Recited, pacified, endorsed, reveled) 6. For a ______understanding of the share business, learn a few lessons on the stock market. (constant, inconsonant, vague, vivid) 7. Eleven people were wrongly _________and jailed for militant activities. (Released, applauded, convicted, acquitted) 8. The managing director is expected to ________his plans to remove all the doubts and mysteries. (hide, dissent, reveal, minimize) 9. Fifteen persons were killed in the incidents of ________violence (Suffered, regular, sporadic, eventful) 10. If they hadn’t ________for their rights, they could never have got it. (Eliminated, sagged, declined, demanded) Find out the Synonym (word closest in meaning) for the word emboldened the sentence below 1. The teacher asked the student to elucidate the topic

a) Simplify

b) liquefy

c) classify

d) exemplify


20 2. People shed tears at the carnage left over by wars and aggressions.

a) Carnival destruction


c) hazard

d) deadly

3. No fetter can stop a man resolved to become successful

a) Liberate

b) disrespect

c) chain

d) fever

4. One should leave an ideal example rather than leading a desultory existence

a) Concise


c) sad

d) joyful

5. The house ordered that the tenant evict the house within a month

a) Condemn

b) destroy

c) decrease

d) remove

Find out the Antonym (word that is opposite in meaning) for the word emboldened below 1. He bored everyone by giving a garrulous account of his exploits while he worked

in the army. a) Succinct

b) jocular

c) wordy

d) dramatic

2. The assault was planned with meticulous attention to detail and was therefore

executed in record time. a) Fast b) precise

c) careful

d) negligent

3. It would be best to amend those paragraphs that are found offensive by the Censor

Board a) Change b)maintain 4.

c) delete

d) revise

Since he is a novice in the job, he cannot accomplish difficult tasks assigned to him. a) Beginner b)skillful c) veteran d)apprentice

5. A man with temperance in eating will always be healthy

a) Restraint

b) tastec) excessiveness

d) anger

Identify the incorrect fragment in the sentences given below. 1. No sooner had the professor stepped into the class, when all the students rose

(1) (2) (3) from their seats (4) 2. Ravi not only enjoys playing football but even enjoys playing cricket. (1) (2) (3) (4) 3. The students ran out of the classroom so soon as the bell rang. (1) (2) (3) (4) 4. Bombay is one of the most crowed city in the world.


(1) (2) (3) (4) 5. I had reached the hall after the show had ended. (1) (2) (3) (4) 6. Srikant wants to be an artist that is why he joined in fine arts course. (1) (2) (3) (4) 7. Three hours are too less a time for performing the task. (1) (2) (3) (4) 8. He passing the civil services examination is unbelievable. (1) (2) (3) (4) 9. Hurry up for you will miss the train. (1) (2) (3) (4) 10. I know the problem is difficult I will try my best. (1) (2) (3) (4) Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s) from the choice provided at the end of each question. 1. The selection of the products for quality inspection was to be done in a ______manner. (high-handed, unplanned, profitable, random) 2. Instead of ________over lost opportunities, one must develop a more positive outlook to life. ( goading, worrying, relaxing, raising) 3. After years of legal battle for his rights, the old man seems to have _____ to his fate. (ceded, subsisted, resisted, surrendered) 4. The whole idea seemed _______, so I did not trust him. (Indisputable, doubtful, escaping, bright) 5. She has great_______in the philosophy of Socrates. (Control, interest, regard, subject) Find out the Synonym (word closest in meaning) for the word emboldened in the sentence below. 1. He had given up trying to understand what the speaker was saying and now

only gave a semblance of listening. a) Drudgery

b) appearance c) note

d) attempt

2. It is doubtful that the average citizen will find in this film anything other than a

warm-harted, laudatory tribute to one of the great men in history. a) Criticizing b) appreciativec) bitter

d) liberal.

3. The bride walked down the aisle

a) Isle

b) pathway


d) hall

22 4. He does not give credence to rumours.

a) Fantasy

b) belief

c) importance 4) denial

5. The unsolved crime baffled the police.

a) Bullied

b) warmed

c) transformed

d) puzzled.

Find out the Antonym (word that is opposite in meaning) for the word emboldened below. 1. The nation should develop industries to energize a stagnant economy.

a) Active

b) dormant

c) static

d) lethargic

2. Eleven people were wrongly convicted and jailed for militant activities.


Condemned b) maligned

c) acquitted

d) doubted

3. As the performance of the cricketer is likely to be lacklustre, it may be wise to

search for quality bowlers. a) Obscure

b) vapid

c) somber

d) lively

4. Brad Pitt’s quest for credibility as Homer in the epic ‘Troy” has been a

qualified success. a) Resounding

b) outright


d) proficient

5. The miniscule importance given to him at the meeting has become a point of

embarrassment. a) Mammoth

b) minimized c) limited

d) light

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word set/word from the words given below Covers, aimed

applauded, ovation stringent, carping


run, guidance


1. The crowd ___________ the symphony of the maestro with a standing ___________ 7. Our latest battle plan________some projects_________at saving the earth’s biological diversity. 8. The management took _____________action against the ___________employees whose mouthful demands tower high before their little work. 9. Indians need sincere leaders not people of _________integrity.


10. The accused _______having made any statement. 11. Trying to _________a team without a good and simple______system is like trying to drive a car without a steering wheel. Cloze-Test Supply a suitable word from the choice provided for filling in the blanks to make a meaning passage. Embroidery is the ___(1)______of any material with patterns or ____(2)_____done with a needle.

The Romans called it ‘needle painting’.

developed a ____(3)______of its own.

In India, each region

In the State of Himachal Pradesh the

embroidery has a ____(4)______charm and is deeply rooted in the ‘Pahari’ culture, from which it has ____(5)____its designs, colour, combinations and techniques. Embriodery is essentially a child of the landscape and is, therefore, as classic in its richness and beauty as varied in her manifold representations. 1. a) art

b) threading

c) knitting

d) sewing

2. b) sketches

b) pictures

c) molds

d) embossings

3. c) design

b) style

c) system

d) tone

4. a) special

b) distinctive

c) different

d) design

5. a) received

b) derived

c) been

d) being

Identify the incorrect underlined fragment in the following sentences. 1. The doctor advised us not to told the patient about his disease. No error





2. Health is more preferable to wealth. No error






3. She is more cleverer than any other girl of her age. No error






4. Harder you work, the better division you get. No error A





5. Either the president or the secretary have an option to donate funds. No error







Read the following passage and answer the questions given below

A mask is a covering for the head or face. It was one of the first ways in which primitive man expressed his artistic instinct. Primitive tribes used masks to ensure a good harvest, a safe hunt, and to ward off evil. Masks were also worn by merrymakers at festivals. Masks of change are believed to turn the wearer into the spirit, animal of demon that the mask depicts. Thus, the shaman (medical man) masks of the Eskimos are supposed to establish a mystic link with the spirit concerned. They include a state of trance and possession before effecting a cure. 1. Which quality of the primitive man is expressed through the mask? 2. What is the supposed advantage for the primitive man by wearing the mask? 3. What kind of change does a mask of change bring to the wearer? 4. What benefit did the masks worn by shaman bring? 5. What procedure is adopted by the shaman in curing a patient of his disease? Telephone Conversation Write down the conversation that takes place over phone following the incident detailed below. Imagine that on a week end you have gone to the ocean park along with your classmates. Convey your enjoyment in the ocean-park over phone to your brother/sister and tell him/her to visit the place to have a nice time again at the ocean park. Ans: Nirup: Hello! How are you Rohan? Aren’t you planning to visit my place this vacation? Rohan: Yes! I am planning. How about you? Nirup: Great! Just two days back my friends and I went to the Ocean-park and had great time. Though it is not planned before hand, it revived our spirits and made us longing to visit the place again and again. Tell you, it is a water theme park with high water skidders, swimming pools, food joints, food huts, a lot of amusement and rollicking. The roller-coaster ride, the battery car drives, the fun and the frolic of the youth is really worth enjoying. There is a lot of fun. This time when you come to me on vacation let us plan to go to the Ocean park with our family and have some great moments.


Rohan: Nirup! I wish I had soon visit this place. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word set/word from the words given below whole-heartedly, successful Fiction spurious transformed



Covers, aimed


1. A number of scientists in the country think that they are on the________of a major breakthrough. 2. Fact is often stranger than________. 3. Diseases are easily________through contact with infected animals. 4. It is becoming increasingly difficult for a housewife to pick up a genuine article from the crowd of the _______on in a store. 5. The magician__________the man into a rabbit. 6. Our latest battle plan_______some projects________at saving the earth’s biological diversity. 7. Unless the authorities adopt the principle_________, the strategies cannot become__________. 8. Holiness, purity, chastity and charity are not the ________possessions of any religion in the world. II. Cloze-Test Supply a suitable word from the choice provided for filling in the blanks to make a meaning passage.

The cities are____(1)____up and urban employment steadily grows. Very probably there is an equal measure of __(2)____in the countryside. The poorest quarter of the population in developing lands__(3)____being left almost entirely behind in the vast___(4)_____of the modern technological society.

The “marginal men”, the

___(5)______strugglers for survival on the __(6)_____of farm and city, may ___(7)______more than two billion. Can we __(8)_____any human order surviving with so__(9)____a mass of ___(10)_____piling up at its base? 1. a) piling 2. a) worklessness

b) filling b) shortage

c) growing c) imbalance

d) developing d) diversity


3. a) believes 4. a) struggle 5. a) brave 6. a) fringes 7. a) account 8. a) hope 9. a) little 10. a) population

b) condemns b) surface b) aged b) ground b) project b) suspect b) far b) misery

c) suffers c) result c) wretched c) surface c) number c) question c) gross c) humility

d) risks d) abundance d) ultimate d) background d) extend d) imagine d) long d) generation

III. Identify the incorrect underlined fragment in the following sentences. 1. Sonu brought the suit before he met Neetu. No error

A B C D E 2. His daughter, as well as mine, are playing for the college. No error A B C D E 3. Neither the carpenters nor the plumber have finished the work. No error A B C D E 4. Lucknow is more populated than any city of Uttar Pradesh. No error A B C D E 5. No sooner had she finished the typing, when he entered the office. No error. A B C D E 6. The committee is comprised of a chairman and five members. No error. A B C D E 7. Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world. No error A B C D E 8. When you have read this magazine, please return the same to me. No error A B C D E 9. He is the cleverest student in the class. No error A B C D E 10. They who are wise do not waste their time. No error. A B C D E Read the following passage and answer the questions given below

Pablo Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. His first word was Lapiz (Spanish for pencil) and he learnt to draw before he could talk. He was the only son in the family and very good-looking, so he was thoroughly spoilt. He hated school and often refused to go unless his doting parents allowed him to take one of the father’s pet pigeons with him. Apart from pigeons, his great love was art, and when in 1891 his father, who was an amateur artist, got a job as a drawing teacher at a college, Pablo went with him


to the college. He often watched his father paint and sometimes was allowed to help. One evening his father was painting a picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. He returned to find that Pablo had completed the picture, and it was so amazingly beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his own palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How was Picasso in his childhood? Why was Picasso spoilt? On what allowance did Picasso go to school in his childhood? What was the job of Picasso’s father? Why did Picasso’s father give up painting?

Communication Road Blocks Various ways in the Distortion of Communication • Loss of Symbols – “Smoking is injurious to health” • Creation of new symbols – winking of eye • Symbol Mismatch – Implications • Non-Verbal Symbols - Dress code and accessories • Posture • Occlesics • Eye Contact Seven Communication Roadblocks • Differences in Perspective • Difference s in knowledge levels • Lack of common knowledge • Adoption of stereotypes • Strong emotions • Self centredness • Laziness Difference in Perspective • Malinovski’s encounter with a cannibal about second world war. • Steven Covey and his meeting noisy children. Difference in Knowledge levels • One’s knowledge is built on one’s personal experiences, beliefs, studies, and testimony of people one accepts or respects as knowledgeable. • The perception of allopathic doctor and ayurvedic doctor on a disease is different. Lack of Common Language • The difference in dialects; even in the same language • Dicky to American listener is different from the perception of an English man. Jargonish communication.


 The story of American plumber who wrote to Bureau of Standards saying that he found hydrochloric acid good for cleaning up clogged drains. The bureau replied in scientific jargon to the plumber “ The efficacy of hydrochloric acid is indisputable, but the corrosive residue is incompatible with metallic permanence”. Acronyms and Short forms create difference in knowledge Tendency to Stereotype and jump to conclusions • Occupations of the people will make us treat people differently. A well-dressed stranger asking you to buy tickets for him as he has lost his purse will make you believe in his words.

Verbal Phrases I. Match the following Phrasal Verbs in Column A with the synonymous phrasal verbs in Column B. A B 1. Root out a) Nail down 2. Level against b) Measure up 3. Pin down c) Do away with 4. Live up to d) Peter out 5. Pull down e) rattle off 6. Die out f) rail at 7. Draw up g) Knock down / tear down 8. Dispense with h) weed out 9. Reel off i) chalk up 10. Spark off j) trigger off II. From the telephone conversation find the meanings of the highlighted phrasal verbs from the options given below. 1. Nisha: Hello! May I speak to Reshma?

Reshma: Nisha: Reshma: Nisha: Reshma: Nisha:

Yes, Reshma speaking. Hi! My classes have suddenly been called off, so I was wondering if you could come across to my place and all of us can eat out. Whom does the “all” refer to Swetha, Raji, Sneha and I But I don’t get along with Raji Don’t be a spoilsport. I am counting on your presence.

(to start to suffer, cancelled or stopped, dine outside, discover, visit unexpectedly, move with, expect to happen, manage, hope to happen)


(At the restaurant) 2. Nisha: Hi, Why are you late? Reshma: I am sorry. I had to drop in at my aunt Padma’s place with some lunch for her. She came down with flu a few days back and since then I’ve had to help her out with a few things. (meet with an accident, pay a causal visit, discover, collapse, destroy) III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs. 1. By 1990, Japan had come to___Manchuria as a granary for the future and also as a supplier of timber. a. Look into b. look towards c. look upon d. look out on. 2. As soon as I could____to her, she already had a smile. a. Get out

b. get across

c. got over

d. getting over.

3. We need to____a few incentives in our HR policy to boost the morale of the employees. a. Blow out

b. create out

c. build in

d. take up

4. I requested my colleague to______for me while I stepped out of the office for lunch. a. Stay in

b. pour in

c. stay within d. fill in

5. My brother is_____an MBA from one of the top IIMs. a. Work for

b. working towards

c. working at d. working to

6. “I wish to become a pilot when I ____”, said the young boy. a. Grow up

b. grow out

c. grow on

d. grown up

7. Some children_____the days to their birthday on the calendar. a. Mark up

b. mark off

c. mark out

d. mark of.

8. We did not intend to stay back long after the opening ceremony, so we____immediately. a. Took off

b. took away

c. took back

d. took of

9. Though it was an interesting offer, she_____since she wanted to spend more time with her family. a. Turned it out b. turned it down

c. turned it around

d. Turned it away. 10. After her father’s demise, she had to___his vast business.


a. Take away

b. take off

c. take on

d. take over

11. Though we had passes for the concert, they___since we had not adhered to the dress code. a. Turned us out b. turned us around

c. turned us away

d. Turned us down. 12. Each time she came to class, she made it a point to atleast____what she had covered in the previous class. a. Touch up on b. touch on c. touch in on d. touch by. 13. We were indeed shocked to learn that such a gentleman could_____to be a criminal. a. Turn out

b. turn up

c. turn in

d. turn around.

14. It’s not surprising to note after all these years how she still____everybody else. a. Looks upon b. looks on

c. looks down on

d. looks at

15. Although essential, it may not be as easy to____the rules for the students. a. Lay away

b. lay c. lay off

d. lay down.

16. He____his tardy behaviour, by bringing her a big bouquet of red roses. a. Made up

b. made for

c. made up for

d. made up with

17. She felt___by her closest friends when they refused to help her out. a. Let down

b. Let in on

c. let off

d. let out.

18. Since the two of you have always been such close friends, I think you need to ___your differences. a. Put aside

b. put over

c. put through d. put out.

19. I’m ____our family vacation in Europe. a. Looking back on

b. Looking forward toward

c. Looking forward to d. looking forward for. 20. After having lived a non-demanding life abroad for nearly twelve years, she found it difficult to___her family’s expectations. a. Live out

b. live on

c. live up to

d. live up

21. It took the poor man almost a lifetime to___the debts of his family. a. Pay of

b. pay off

c. pay out

22. I may need to____after the meeting.

d. pay up


a. Run away

b. run off

c. run out of

d. run around.

23. When given a choice by my mother, my sister always____the best colours and fabric for her outfits. a. Picked out b. picked on c. picked up

d. picked of.

24. When I____that moment, I’m filled with gratitude. a. Look back on

b. look back at

c. look back upon

d. Look back on to. 25. The little girl was____by a heavy-duty vehicle that crippled her for life. a. Run into

b. run down

c. run against d. run off.

26. As soon as she entered, she ____the flaws she had noticed in our work. a. Pointed down b. pointed in

c. pointed through

d. Pointed out 27. On hearing the news that she had lost the bet, she____and waled out of the room. a. Blew through b. blew up

c. blew in

d. blew over.

28. She____the business meeting at the last minute due to the news of the serial blasts. a. Called through b. called about c. called off d. called up 29. As soon as the members begin in at 9 am, I would like you to____each name___the list. a. check, in

b. check, on

c. check, off

d. check, of

30. Huray! I finally____the solution to the problem. a. Figured out b. figured in

c. figured on

d. figured up

31. The first rule to success is ‘Never____”. You must try again. a. Give in b. give away c. give off

d. give up

32. I will tell you the secret only if you promise me not to____ it_____ a. give, back

b. give, on

c. give, away

d. give, in.

33. She promised us that she would_____our assessed projects today. a. Hand over

b. hand back c. hand out d. hand in

34. As soon as you make your final payments, we will__the keys of your new flat. a. Hand over b. hand back

c. hand out

d. hand in.

35. After the aftermath, several social service activists came together and began to___pamphlets seeking help for those affected victims.


a. Hand over b. hand back

c. hand out

d. hand in.

36. Most college students prefer to___the college all day. a. Hang within b. hand toward c. hang in d. hang around 37. “Can we please____Tara___for dinner tonight, mummy?” a. have, down b. have, on c. have, over d. have, in 38. Sometimes, it’s amazing to note how you can just____an excellent idea, even when you’re not thinking deeply about the problem. a. Hit of on

b. hit upon

c. hit by

d. hit on

39. It was heartening to watch as the child_____her mother’s arm as she left for work very morning. a. Held up to b. held on c. held on to

d. held against.

40. By the end of next year, we hope to____enough money to buy ourselves a new house. a. Save up

b. save on

c. save about d. save through.

41. It was odd to note how after all these years his family just____one day. a. Showed in b. showed off c. showed up d. showed over 42. He is so slow, that you have to____everything for him. a. Spell up

b. spell out

c. spell aloud

d. spell of

43. In those times when I faced crisis in my personal life, he was the only one who_______ a. Stood up to b. stood next to c. stood out for d. stood by 44. If you can’t get home after the party, why don’t you just___at our place? a. Stay out

b. stay by

c. stay in

d. stay over.

45. She was so ashamed when she heard the truth, that she had to_____her words. a. Take back

b. take on

c. take away

d. take down.

46. Before sending the children away to a boarding school, let me____it_____with my family a. talk, by

b. talk, through

c. talk, over

d. talk, off

47. When I heard the news, I knew I would have to____this____carefully before I could make any decision. a. think, through

b. think, up c. think, on

d. think, out


48. It was assuring to see how even as a little child he had___his exceptionally talented grandmother. a. Taken off

b. taken in from

c. taken after

d. taken over.

49. If you eat too much, you just might____ a. Throw out

b. throw off

c. throw up

d. throw it.

50. They had warned me not to be ____by her innocent appearances. a. Taken in

b. taken on

c. taken in for d. taken back.

Cloze-Test The survival of human body is _ (1) ____ explained by the material benefits of a person. The ____ (2) ______association between poverty and _____ (3) ____had already been recognized in the West. The West ____ (4) ___ epidemics of infectious diseases through public health measures. The ____ 5)____ of antibiotics in the prevention of diseases is negligible, and they ____(6)____ the situation by providing temporary ___(7)______to the suffering and allow the underlying causes to go ____(8)______. However, every ____ 9)______of an infectious disease makes media headlines. The government’s response is ___ 10)_____and curative. Unfortunately, the media quickly move on to the next ___(11)_____and the need for _____(12)_____public health solution is forgotten. The efforts of many of the current champions of public health are usually ___ 13)_______to providing curative services. The constant demand for better curative services has been ___ 14)______back the immediate necessity for public health strategies. 1. a. good 2. a. reciprocal 3. a. wealth 4. a. encouraged 5. a. figure 6. a. elevate 7. a. sobs 8. a. cared 9. a. epidemic 10.a. swift 11.a. landmark 12.a. illusory 13.a. motivated 14.a. stepping up

b.keen b.singular b. richness b. eliminated b. shadow b. liberate b. sops b. untreated b. infection b. sluggish b. plot b. imaginative b. restricted b. thrusting

c. bent c. dissimilar c. luxury c. sustained c. role c. worsen c. tabs c. retrieved c. subtlety c. retardant c. crisis c. hypothetical c. redefined c. remedied

d. best d. unparallel d. disease d. undermined d. outline d. fetter d. relief d. stored d. finesse d. poised d. tremor d. permanent d. rejuvenated d. pushing

1. The proceeds of his income is very little to sustain his family dependants (a) (b) (c)

and his (d)

34 2. Thomas Paine in his literary works pestering (a) democratic institutions for strengthening

dealing with daunting questions

(b) have suggested an all pervading Fourth Estate (c)

(d) democracy. 3. Prominent among the Industrialists emerging from India and Mahindra,

was Dirubhai

(a) who got sufficient support from the governmental policies in the Forbes.

(b) to be named

(c) (d) 4. Being a woman of youthful excitement, he often expressed his wish to marry her. (a) (b) (d) 5. The Wiseman detested to remember could have

(c) the follies of the past

so that he

(a) (b) only the good deeds to have their say in the present. 6. The girl hesitated difficult task as (a) assignment.

(d) arguing with the teacher (b)

7. People shall not simply uphold unless they shall


on her being given




the pitched battles of the politics

(a) (b) receive some benefit out of the absurd confrontations. (c) (d) 8. The granite boulders carried on the trolleys square in shape, (a) (b) the glint of which is stately in the sun shine.

are heavy in weight and

35 (c)


Passage Prior to English porcelain, English china manufacturers and potters were using hard-paste and soft-paste porcelains. J.Spode II (1754-1827) was the first to use ox bone to create a hybrid form on hard-paste porcelain china, called bone china. Bone China is a form of hard past porcelain because it is a mixture of 25% china clay, 25% Cornish stone, 50% bone ash in its standard formula. Bone china became the English porcelain for several reasons. It was less liable to loss in firing than soft paste porcelains, which contain glass. The firing temperature was much lower (1250 D Celsius) than for hard paste porcelain (1400 D Celsius). Thus, potters could use their existing methods and ovens. Also, the brilliance of enamel colours and gold was greater than on other porcelains. Bone China, made from a hybrid hard-past porcelain containing ox bone ash has the following properties: Bone China is extremely hard, and is stronger than hardpaste porcelain due to the addition of the ox bone ash and easier to manufacture. Bone China has a beautiful ivory white appearance, which distinguishes it from hard-paste porcelain. This is also is created by adding bone ash to the ingredients for hard-past porcelain. Bone china is intensely white and will allow light to pass through it. You can check the quality of percentage of ox bone ash in a china piece by putting it up to a light source. The higher the quality of fine china, the more light that you can see through the fine china plate or piece. It is calcined bone, which gives traditional English Bone China ists translucency and whiteness. The amount of calcined ox bone also allows the addition of more colourful patterns (or more colours to stain the china), thus Bone China usually has the most exquisite patterns of all china, and those usually are the more expensive and costlier ones. Finally, calcined ox Bone China is still used by many English Fine China manufacturers even today, and the properties of this china allow for some of the most unique, beautiful, and expensive fine china pieces in the China. 1. What was the main reason for bone China becoming English porcelain? 2. What is the reason for Bone China being stronger than hard-paste porcelains? 3. What makes English Bone China more shiny and translucent? 4. According to the passage which of the following statements is true? a. Ox bone can only be used to make a hybrid form on porcelain china. b. Bone China is the hardest form of porcelain c. Bone is 100% transparent d. None of the above. 5. What makes the soft-past more liable to undergo loss in firing? 6. What ingredient makes Bone china appear in beautiful patterns? 7. Pick out the word in the 1st Paragraph that stands for the word “before”?

36 6. One of my best friend is both a novelist and a poet of repute. No error A B C D E 7. Malathi has been suffering from fever since seven days. No error A B C D E 8. The two brothers hated one another. No error A B C D 9. Six miles are a long distance. No error A






10.He goes to college by foot everyday. No error A





Cloze test Embroidery It is difficult to____(7)______the history of ‘Pahari’ embroidery, because cloth is____(8)_____material. From the available specimens it can be ___(9)____that the








_____(10)_____till the first decade of the 20th century.

7. a) follow swathe 8. a) knitted 9. a) summarized 10. a) skill jugglery

b) read b) spinned b) surmised b) style

c) trace


c) perishable c) found c) craft

d) immutable d) visited d)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word set/word from the words given below whole-heartedly, successful Fiction spurious exclusive

threshold transformed

transmitted Covers, aimed

9. A number of scientists in the country think that they are on the________of a major breakthrough. 10. Fact is often stranger than________. 11. Diseases are easily________through contact with infected animals. 12. It is becoming increasingly difficult for a housewife to pick up a genuine article from the crowd of the _______on in a store.


13. The magician__________the man into a rabbit. 14. Our latest battle plan_______some projects________at saving the earth’s biological diversity. 15. Unless the authorities adopt the principle_________, the strategies cannot become__________. 16. Holiness, purity, chastity and charity are not the ________possessions of any religion in the world. Cloze-Test Supply a suitable word from the choice provided for filling in the blanks to make a meaning passage.

The cities are____(1)____up and urban employment steadily grows. Very probably there is an equal measure of __(2)____in the countryside. The poorest quarter of the population in developing lands__(3)____being left almost entirely behind in the vast___(4)_____of the modern technological society.

The “marginal men”, the

___(5)______strugglers for survival on the __(6)_____of farm and city, may ___(7)______more than two billion. Can we __(8)_____any human order surviving with so__(9)____a mass of ___(10)_____piling up at its base? 11. a) piling 12. a) worklessness 13. a) believes 14. a) struggle 15. a) brave 16. a) fringes 17. a) account 18. a) hope 19. a) little 20. a) population

b) filling b) shortage b) condemns b) surface b) aged b) ground b) project b) suspect b) far b) misery

c) growing c) imbalance c) suffers c) result c) wretched c) surface c) number c) question c) gross c) humility

d) developing d) diversity d) risks d) abundance d) ultimate d) background d) extend d) imagine d) long d) generation

III. Identify the incorrect underlined fragment in the following sentences. 11. Sonu brought the suit before he met Neetu. No error

A B C D E 12. His daughter, as well as mine, are playing for the college. No error A B C D E

38 13. Neither the carpenters nor the plumber have finished the work. No error

A B C D E 14. Lucknow is more populated than any city of Uttar Pradesh. No error A B C D E 15. No sooner had she finished the typing, when he entered the office. No error. A B C D E 16. The committee is comprised of a chairman and five members. No error. A B C D E 17. Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world. No error A B C D E 18. When you have read this magazine, please return the same to me. No error A B C D E 19. He is the cleverest student in the class. No error A B C D E 20. They who are wise do not waste their time. No error. A B C D E Read the following passage and answer the questions given below Pablo Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. His first word was Lapiz (Spanish for pencil) and he learnt to draw before he could talk. He was the only son in the family and very good-looking, so he was thoroughly spoilt. He hated school and often refused to go unless his doting parents allowed him to take one of the father’s pet pigeons with him. Apart from pigeons, his great love was art, and when in 1891 his father, who was an amateur artist, got a job as a drawing teacher at a college, Pablo went with him to the college. He often watched his father paint and sometimes was allowed to help. One evening his father was painting a picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. He returned to find that Pablo had completed the picture, and it was so amazingly beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his own palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How was Picasso in his childhood? Why was Picasso spoilt? On what allowance did Picasso go to school in his childhood? What was the job of Picasso’s father? Why did Picasso’s father give up painting?

Telephone Conversation Write down the conversation that following the incident detailed below.






Assume that one of your friends is studying a professional course and in one of your casual talks on phone you suggested that attending Workshops and participating in events of academic orientation like Tech-fests and Youth fests will not only bring competitive spirit but also enables one to know the changing trends in one’s area of study. Write a brief conversation of the above. Write a report describing the information shown in the diagram below. Look at the following pie-diagram which shows how a young man called Chris spends his money. Describe the following data shown in the diagram in about 100 words.

The above Pie-chart shows the income of Chris who spends his money on various items which support his livelihood. Chris spends his income in the way that the diagram projects. One of the major items on which Chris spends his money is rent and food which occupies 45% that is almost half of his income. By this we can say that any person spends half of his income for supporting his food and shelter. The second item which occupies priority is Study materials with 25%. So we can say that Chris spends almost a quarter of his income on knowledge-gaining. The least among his expenditure is occupied by entertainment and clothes on which Chris is spending 15% on both of them equally. By this we can draw the conclusion that Chris gives least priority to one of the essential needs of the human beings that is clothes. The other item on which Chris spends is entertainment which also plays a major role in man’s living. (OR) A. Describe the following information shown in the Bar-diagram in about 100 words.


The data shown below relates to Harry’s annual sales of Hamburgers in 2009

The above bar-diagram represents the sale of hamburgers by Harry which show fluctuation in the one financial year. The diagram is an example of the business trend which is not all the same throughout the year. We can say that the columns in the bardiagram are not just spirals but they indicate the business of an eager salesman. The columns representing July, August and September stand tall with the sales of Hamburgers touching the all time high of 3000 mark in a year while the least of the hamburger sales was done in the month of October. There is a steady growth of sales in the beginning of the year from January to March with the columns in the diagram touching almost 1800 mark more or less. There is a fall in the month of sales from April and May and a steady rise in the sales is recorded from June till September. In this period the sales touched the all time high in August. While there is a steep fall in October and business in the sales of hamburgers became steady in November and December with the financial year closing down with mixed results.



The Bar diagram shows the sales of toys and the fascination of children for toy varieties in three regions. The variants of toys shown in the diagram are Dolls, Trucks, and puzzles. It is noticed that Region 3 has the highest toy sales in the mentioned three items while Region 2 stood second in the record of sales closely followed by Region 1. A close observation at the diagram also denotes that Dolls are highly preferred toys in all the three regions while the sale of puzzles occupied second in the overall figures. In region 1 the sale of dolls is 2478, trucks 2031 and puzzles 1918. In region 2 the sale of dolls is 2640, trucks 2173 and puzzles 2722. In region 3 the sale of dolls is 2388, trucks 2790 while the sale of puzzles is very high spiraling 2795 which is highest among all. Dolls are the least preferred toys in Region 3, while the puzzles are the least preferred in Region 1. Trucks are the least preferred in Region 2. Overall the sales show the stability in the sales of the toys. II.


The above pie-chart shows the consumption of energy in Australia during 2005-2006. The sources of energy shown in the figure are Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, and Renewable sources of energy. It is understood from the figure that coal with 41% is largely used for energy consumption as is the practice around the world. Oil with 35% occupies the second position in energy supply. Renewable sources of energy are least depended as it occupies only 5% in the energy production while Natural gas with 19% occupies the third position in Energy consumption in Australia. As it can be observed that Oil and coal combined put together 76% of energy consumption and the other sources of energy supply are least preferred with only 24% left over for Natural gas and Renewable sources of energy. It is a worrying factor that a lot of pollution results in the consumption of Oil and Coal as these are fossil fuels and it is time that the world looked towards the renewable sources of energy. III.

The pie chart above shows the male students enrolled for the Bachelors degree in Business Administration, Bio-sciences, Agriculture, and Arts.

It is

observed that the Business Administration takes the lion share when considered the preference of the male students for enrollment into Bachelors degree. It occupies almost 65% of the enrollment ratio while Agricultural Sciences comes second in preference. It occupies almost 20% of the admissions. The least preferred is Arts with only 5% of the students going for enrollment. Bio-Sciences with 10% comes third in preference. The diagram apart from showing the inclination of the male students for Business Administration shows that the there is an unequal distribution of enrollment in other subject areas. It also shows that life-sciences also does not have good enrollment.



The Pie chart shows the favourite types of music and the preferential ratio in each of the categories. It is observed that Rock music with 33% is the favourite music types of all followed by Country music with 25% of the people preferring it. The least favourite is Classical with only 5% of the people enjoying the music. Jazz with 15% percent and Rap with11% occupy the third and the fourth positions. If we put both Rock and Country Music together they occupy 58%. As we observe the chart only represents 99%. The music preference shows that people are mostly interested in refreshing and stress relieving music rather than the smooth classical variety. It is also said that the people are giving equal importance more or less to the country variety while Jazz and Rap are preferred mostly by good number of people.


PRESENTATION SKILLS An oral presentation is a form of oral communication. It is a participative two-way communication process characterized by the formal and structured presentation using visual aids.

It is purposeful and goal-oriented.

An oral

presentation is: Purposeful - The presentation will be made with a definite purpose. Interactive – It involves both the speaker as well as listeners. Formal – It is a formal situation Audience oriented – the topic will have to be dealt with from the listeners’ perspective. There are several forms of oral presentation, such as seminars, workshops, symposia, conferences, team presentations, etc,. There are certain objectives for each presentation.

These objectives may range from exploring new area of

information to introducing a new product by a company. Oral presentations differ from other forms of oral communication such as speeches and debates. Speeches are intended to celebrate an occasion, to inaugurate a function, while the oral presentation raises a particular issue for discussion. Oral presentation is a tool of professional and business interaction. In some reputed firms recruitment is based on oral presentation in the form of seminar presentation, short lectures, business presentations. An oral presentation develops the ideas logically. For effective presentation, four important elements are to be remembered. They are called 4 ps, that is, Plan, Prepare, Practice, and Perform. The presentation should be planned well in advance so that the material is delivered effectively. Planning the presentation is to • Know the audience • Stimulate the interest of the audience • Be sensitive to the needs and expectations of the audience. • Strike up interaction with his/her immediate audience • Know his/her purpose.


• Analyse the occasion • Fit the material to the time • Select and narrow a topic for presentation. Planning an oral presentation thus involves: purpose identification, audience analysis, analyzing the occasion, and the process of selecting and narrowing the topic of presentation. Identifying the specific purpose of a presentation involves identifying a measurable action that the audience should be able to take, and using one idea that matches audience needs, knowledge, expectations and interests. Analysing the audience includes identifying the audience characteristics, analyzing audience needs and expectations, and identifying factors for getting and maintaining audience attention. A – udience : who are the members? U – nderstanding : What is their level of understanding? D – emographics: What is their age and sex? I –nterest: Why will they be at this event? E- nvironment: Will everyone be able to see me? N – eeds: What are the listeners needs? C – ustomised: How can I custom fit my message? E – xpectaions: What do the listeners expect to learn from me? Preparing the presentation is the key to success.

Making an oral

presentation –whether a seminar presentation, r oral report, a project presentation, r a business presentation – is easier when it is prepared it in a systematic manner. Being prepared helps the presenter • Deal with speech anxiety effectively • Develop the required confidence. • Seek precise and relevant examples and illustrations; and • Check for accuracy, redundancies, and stereotyped phrases.


Preparing for a presentation involves developing the central idea and the main points, gathering supporting material, and planning visual aids. The central idea of the presentation is its core idea or thesis statement. It shoul be a complete declarative sentence that captures the essence of the message. The following are the characteristics of a central idea. The presenter should develop the main ideas. He should make a logical division of the central idea and gathering support material depending on the scope and length of the presentation. ORGANISING THE PRESENTATION Good organization is essential for effective presentation. The key to good organization is the repetition of the main ideas of your message. There are three Ts. Tell the audience what you are going to tell Tell it Tell them what you have told. The opening of the presentation should convince the audience to listen to it. It has five functions: • Get the audience’s attention • Introduce the subject • Give the audience a reason to listen • Establish the credibility • Preview the main ideas. Get the audience attention by using one of the following ways. -

A startling statement


A rhetorical question


A pat on the audience’s back


an interesting anecdote


an unexceptionable joke


the statement of a relevant problem



a description of the topic’s importance to the audience


A piece of statistical data


A summary statement of the structure etc.

The body of the presentation should be supported by the appropriate details. The speaker should choose the sequence he/she will follow from among any of the following organizational patterns. • Sequential • General to specific • Specific to General • More important to less important • Less important to more important • Categorical • Problem and solution • Contrast and comparison The conclusion of the presentation should follow four specific objectives. Summarizing the presentation, reemphasizing the central idea, focusing on the goal, motivating the audience to respond, and providing effective closure to the presentation. **** Self-development There are million dollar ideas around you every day.

You can see a

thousand miracles every day, or you can see nothing. Earl Nightingale said, “You are, at this moment, standing right in the middle of your own ‘acres of diamonds.” There is a master key that unlocks life’s possibilities. Dreams are good, but not good enough. Faith is good, but not good enough. There’s only one way to prove your faith, dreams and goals. There is only one way to transform your dreams into reality. That is one’s pursuit to self-development. The pursuit of self-development


changes everything. It captivates your heart, increases your momentum, unleashes focus and brings astonishing results. A major corporate study of sixty-two business leaders all over the world, from Marriott Corporation to Apple computer, revealed that not one of the leaders was a person enslaved by work but compelled to do it anyway. They were actually “workaphiles,” lovers of work. The right way to work for success is t find joy in the work we do. Dr. Garfield said, “Peak performers are people who are committed to a compelling mission. It is very clear that they care deeply about what they do and their efforts, energies, and enthusiasms are traceable back to that particular mission.” Martin Luther King Jr. Said, “If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” Success always starts with a dream that seems impossible, but when that dream is pursued and worked, over time it gradually comes true. Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. The road to success runs uphill; so don’t expect to break any speed records. Success takes time. Once you get your dream going, you have to maintain its momentum. You can’t afford to stop along the way. The hardest thing to do in pursuing your dream is to get it rolling form a standing stop. You want to have to do that only once – the first time. The world makes room for a person on the pursuit of self development. Like the fire truck with its lights on or a police car with its sirens blaring. A Lazy man is judged by what he doesn’t pursue. People who want milk should not seat themselves on a stool in the middle of the field and hope that the cow ill back up on them. The choice of stopping or pursuing is a defining moment in our life. Nothing brings joy to the heart of a leader, parent, or spouse than to see a man or a woman pursing their purpose in life. Life’s heaviest burden is to have nothing to carry. The impact of any person is determined by the cause for which they live and the price they are willing to pay. One’s vision controls one’s future. The impossible becomes possible when you get the picture right. A vision is like a treasure map with “X marks the spot.”


Vision marks the path to victory so that everyone can move in the same direction together. There had to be a first Kennedy. There had to be a first Rockefeller. The vision must be bigger. Learn to be comfortable with great dreams. Develop an infinite capacity to ignore what others say that you cannot achieve success. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. The best way to predict future is to create it. **** Attitude Attitude applies to every sphere of life, including one’s personal and professional life. The foundation of success, regardless of our chosen field, is Attitude which is a crucial factor in success. Building great attitude in the people is a magic wand that would give a cutting edge in the marketplace, increase productivity and profits. With better attitudes people would be better team players, reduce wastage and become more loyal.

Experience has shown that human

resource is the most valuable asset of any business. People are more valuable than capital or equipment. An attitude to serve better will change the work culture and the world. Someone once approached Pascal, the famous French philosopher, and said, “ if I had your brains, I would be a better person,” Pascal replied, Be a better person and you will have my brains.” Great organizations are not measured by wages and working conditions, they are measured by feelings, attitudes, and relationships. Greatest buildings in the world have strongest foundations.

Just like a great

building stands on a strong foundation, so does success. And the foundation of success is Attitude. There are three factors that largely determine attitude formation. 1. Environment 2. Experience. 3. Education. Environment creates culture. Every place be it a home, or a country has a culture. In countries where the government and political environment is honest, generally we will find that the people are honest, law abiding and helpful. In a corrupt environment, an honest person has a hard time. Whereas in an honest environment a corrupt person has a tough time.


Culture in any place always goes from the top down, never from the bottom up. In societies where lawlessness becomes the law, honest citizens become cheats, crooks and dacoits. Our behavior changes according to our experiences with various people. If we have a positive experience with a person our attitude towards him is likely to be positive and conversely negative experiences tend to make us cautious. Experiences and events become reference points in our lives.

We draw

conclusions which serves as guidelines for the future. Education refers to both formal and informal education. We are drowning in information but starving for knowledge and wisdom. Strategically applied, knowledge translates into wisdom which in turn translates into success. The role of educator is vital. A teacher affects eternity. The effect is immeasurable. There are many advantages to have a positive attitude. A positive makes for a pleasing personality. It energizes and increases your enjoyment of life.


inspires others around you and helps you become a contributing member of society and an asset to your country. Life is full of stops and hurdles with negative attitude.

People with

negative attitudes have a hard time keeping friendships, jobs, marriages, and relationships. Negative attitudes lead to bitterness, resentment, a purposeless life, ill health, and high stress levels. ****


51 ___________________________________________________________________________ _

Syllabus for the Elementary I Semester Soft Skills Course for the students of all the Departments under Choice-Based system Objectives: • To impart the specifics of Communication Skills and Soft Skills to the Learners • To help them overcome inhibitions • To enable the students to acquit themselves effectively by cultivating proactive nature through an array of interactive sessions and presentations Unit – I (Communication Skills) Periods


 Communication Roadblocks – Vocabulary building – Cloze exercises – Error Analysis Unit – II (Writing) 8 Periods  Style of Writing – Describing Facts and Figures – Bar charts – Pie Charts  Summarizing Data – Selecting important information – Comparing Data Unit – III (Speaking) Periods


 *Phonetics: Consonant sounds, Vowel sounds, Sound recognition Exercises  Activities: Role-Plays – Telephone Conversations – Pyramid Discussions –

PPTs Unit – IV (Career inputs) Periods


 Letter Writing – Résumé Writing – Functional aspects of the Résumé – Group Discussions: Etiquette of GDs – Interview Skills Unit – V (Personality Development) Periods


 Self Development and Assessment – Perception and Attitudes – Goal Setting * The said components are taught with the help of Multi-Media enabled Computer Systems Suggested References:


For Unit – I Thrope, Edgar and Showick, Thrope. Objective English, Pearson Education Limited, New Delhi Meenakshi Raman and Sangeetha Sharma. Technical Communication – Principles and Practice, Oxford University Press, New Delhi (2004) Hewings, Martin. 1999. Advanced English Grammar: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for South Asian Students. Reprint 2003. Cambridge University Press. New Delhi For Unit – II & III

Sasikumar.V and P.V. Dhamija. 1993. Spoken English: A Self-Learning Guide to Conversation Practice. 34th Reprint. Tata McGraw-Hill. New Delhi Swets, Paul. W. 1983. The Art of Talking So That People Will Listen: Getting Through to Family, Friends and Business Associates. Prentice Hall Press. New York Jones, Daniel. English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge University Press Seely, John. The Oxford Guide to writing and speaking, Oxford University Press, New Delhi (2004) Gerson, Sharon and Steven Gerson. Technical Writing Process and Product, Pearson Education Asia, LPE Third Edition Klippel, Friederike, Keep Talking: Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, 1985 For Unit - IV Monippally, Matthukutty. M. 2001. Business Communication Strategies. 11th Reprint. Tata McGraw-Hill. New Delhi Andrews, Sudhir. 1988. How to Succeed at Interviews. 21st Reprint. Tata McGrawHill. New Delhi For Unit –V Hill, Napoleon, Think and Grow Rich, Dover Publications, 2007 Covey.R. Steven. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, London: Simon and Schuster, 1992. Barwa, Robert S. Motivating the Reluctant Learner. Accord Educational Services, Elgin Il, 2007. pdf


Websites § § §

Evaluation MBA & MCA –

For Other Departments –

Fluency Test -

20 Marks for Internal Examinations 80 Marks for External Examination (60 Marks Descriptive & 20 Marks Oral Test – 10 Marks Accuracy Test & 10 Marks Fluency Test) 20 Marks for Internal Examinations 80 Marks for External Examination (60 Marks Descriptive & 20 Marks Oral Test – 10 Marks Accuracy Test & 10 Marks Fluency Test) The Power Point Presentations of the students will be given weightage upto 5 Marks Group Discussions or Situational Dialogues will carry another 5 Marks ****



Proposed Syllabus Draft for III Semester Advanced Soft Skills Course offered under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Objectives: •

To help students develop a cluster of personality traits, social graces, facility with language, personal habits, friendliness which will make the transition from college to workplace smoother and help them to excel in their jobs. • To enhance students’ performance at Placement Interviews, Group Discussions and other recruitment exercises and enable them to stand in global reckoning. Unit – I Re-cap of Language Skills

(12 Periods)

Vocabulary – Phrase – Clause – Sentence & Reading Sources with Thought match exercises – Phrasal Verbs – Prepositional verbs – Twinning Functions of Reading and Writing – Spotting, Correcting Errors

Unit – II Acquisition of Oral and Aural Skills

(10 Periods)

Syllable stress – Voiced and Voiceless Sounds – Diphthongs – Rate of speech – Reading aloud – Body Language – Posture and Gesture - Eye contact - Dress Codes Unit – III Presentation Skills*

(2 Periods of instruction and 10 periods of Practice = 12)

Elements of an effective presentation – Structure of a presentation – Audience Awareness – Presentation Plan – Visual Aids – Discussion (interactive & dyadic) – Writing Functional Résumé – Active Vocabulary in Résumé – Interview Skills – PreInterview Preparation Techniques – Self-analysis – Skill Assessment Unit – IV Soft Skills

(8 Periods)

Self-esteem – Interpersonal Skills – Right things for the Right Reason – How to Interest people * Fish bowl, Just a Minute and Dumb charade games, Refute the Reality and other oral and behavioral games, Multimedia based oral presentation on any topic of choice shall be done.

Suggested References: For Unit – I


Thrope, Edgar and Showick, Thrope. Objective English, Pearson Education Limited, New Delhi Barker. A - Improve your communication skills – Kogan Page India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (2006) Adrian Doff and Christopher Jones – Language in Use (Upper-Intermediate), Cambridge University Press, First South Asian Edition (2004) Hewings, Martin. 1999. Advanced English Grammar: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for South Asian Students. Reprint 2003. Cambridge University Press. New Delhi For Unit – II & III

Swets, Paul. W. 1983. The Art of Talking So That People Will Listen: Getting Through to Family, Friends and Business Associates. Prentice Hall Press. New York Jones, Daniel. English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge University Press Seely, John. The Oxford Guide to writing and speaking, Oxford University Press, New Delhi (2004) Gerson, Sharon and Steven Gerson. Technical Writing Process and Product, Pearson Education Asia, LPE Third Edition Klippel, Friederike, Keep Talking: Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, 1985 For Unit - IV De Bono, Edward. How to have a Beautiful Mind, Vermilion, 2007 Schwartz, J. David. The Magic of Thinking Big, Fireside, 1987 Allen, James. As a Man Thinketh, Buynick, 2007 Robert Heller, “Effective leadership”, Essential Manager Series: Dk Publishing Websites § § § §

Evaluation Process


The Evaluation Process for this paper will be in the following manner Internal Examinations – Two internals will be conducted for 30 marks each and the better of the two scores shall be considered. Record Book (5 Marks) – Every student attending the classes conducted for the course will have to maintain a Record Book that comprises Vocabulary, Phrases, Clauses and Reading Sources and Other inputs discussed in the classes. Case Writing and PPt (5 M) – News paper reports, Activities in Unit – II of the Syllabus draft shall be considered to award these marks to the students. Students being active and dynamic and show willingness to participate and learn shall be given the advantage. End Examination - 60 Marks for all the Departments. ***

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