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1. This major major division of of economics economics is concerned concerned with the analysis analysis of the behavior behavior of individual decision making units within an economic system, from specic household to specic business rms. a. Ma Macr croe oeco cono nomi mics cs b. Micr Microecon oeconomi omics cs c. Traditio raditional nal economi economics cs d. Politic olitical al eco econo nomy my . ! division of of economics economics dealing with with the analysis analysis of aspects of of the economy economy as a whole. a. Ma Macr croe oeco cono nomi mics cs b. Micr Microecon oeconomi omics cs c. Traditio raditional nal economi economics cs d. Politic olitical al eco econo nomy my ". #hich of of the following is true about the law of demand$ demand$ a. !s the price price of the goods increase increases, s, demand tends to increase increase as well b. %iven all other other factors constant, constant, there there is a direct direct proportion proportion between between prices prices of goods and the demand of consumers c. %iven all all other other factors constant, prices of of commodities commodities are are directly directly proportional to the demand d. &one &one of of the the abov above e '. #hich of of the following is true about the law of supply$ supply$ a. %iven all other other factors constant, constant, there there is a direct direct proportion proportion between between prices prices and supply b. !s the price of of the goods goods decreases, decreases, supply tends tends to increase increase and vice(versa vice(versa c. )upply )upply is depende dependent nt upon upon the produ productio ction n inputs inputs d. !ll !ll of of the the abo above ve *. #hat are are some of the factors factors that determi determine ne the supply supply of a particular particular goods goods and services$ a. income, income, taste, taste, and and pref prefer erence ences s b. income, income, labor, labor, techno technolog logy y and capita capitall c. land, land, labor, labor, capit capital, al, and and techno technolog logy y d. land, land, capi capital tal,, and inco income me +. #hat are are some of the factors factors that determi determine ne the demand demand of a particular particular goods goods and services$ a. income, income, taste, taste, and and pref prefer erence ences s b. income, income, labor, labor, techno technolog logy y and capita capitall c. land, land, labor, labor, capit capital, al, and and techno technolog logy y d. land, land, capi capital tal,, and inco income me . Market Market economy economy is to capitalism capitalism while command command economy economy is to ----------------------. ---. a. o omm mmun unis ism m b. entra entrali li/ed /ed capita capitali lism sm c. )ociali ialism sm d. Me Merrcant cantil ilis ism m 0. ommand economy is is to public ownership ownership mark market et economy economy is to ------------. ------------. a. )tat )tate e owne owners rshi hip p b. %over %overnm nmen entt owne ownersh rship ip c. Priva rivate te owne owners rshi hip p d. Publi Public c owner ownershi ship p 2. #hich economic economic system state state that the consumer consumer determi determine ne the goods goods and service to produce$ a. !dvanc !dvance e marke markett econ economy omy b. Pure Pure com comman mand d econo economy my c. Pure Pure mark market et eco econo nomy my d. Mi3 Mi3ed eco econo nomy my 14. 14. The The fol follo lowi wing ng e3cep 3ceptt one one are are rol roles es of of the the gove goverrnmen nmentt in in a mi3 mi3ed econ econom omy y. #hich is this$ a. Minimi/e Minimi/e marke markett ine5c ine5cienc iency y b. Promo Promote te e3portat e3portation ion and importa importation tion c. Promo Promote te low low levels levels of in6a in6ation tion
d. Provision of public goods 11. #hich of the following approaches might suggest that forgetting to pick his mother up at the airport was 7enry8s unconscious way of saying that he did not welcome her visit$ a. Psychoanalytic b. 9ehavioral c. 7umanistic d. ognitive 1. #hich of the following approaches has the most optimistic view of human nature$ a. 7umanisn b. 9ehaviorism c. Psychoanalysis d. )tructuralism 1". #hich of the following historical events created a demand for clinicians that was far greater than the supply$ a. #orld #ar : b. The ;epression c. #orld #ar :: d. The acial segregation in the schools b. ;rug use in high school c. The factors that produce conformity in a group situation d. The role chemicals play in human behavior 0. #hen sociologist study the political system they are most likely to be interested in a. Political theory b. 7ow it a?ects other institutions in society c. The actual operations of the government d. Coting behavior 2. #hich of the following is &DT true about the concept of culture$ a. :t includes behavioral patterns passed on through the genes b. :t taught learned through social interactions c. !ll human groups have culture d. ulture is a blueprint for living in a particular society "4. The reaction people may have when encountering cultural tradition di?erent from their own is known as a. =thnocentrism b. ulture shock c. ultural relativism d. )heltered culturalism "1. The document which provides the basic law of the state is the a. >epublic !ct b. =3ecutive Drder c. onstitution d. Presidential ;ecree ". The civilian authority is supreme over the military a. at all times b. during peace time c. during war time d. when the military consents it "". The onstitution states that we have a democratic and republican state and all government authority emanates from the
a. ongress b. People c. President d. )upreme court "'. The right of a person to freely choose his place of residence is called a. >ight of counsel b. >ight of bail c. >ight of abode d. %uided democracy "*. The Malolos onstitution of 1022 followed the political philosophy of a. Biberal democracy b. )ocial democracy c. &ational democracy d. %uided democracy "+. The Eilipino citi/enry should be made aware that the people, territory, government and sovereignty are the elements of a a. &ation b. ountry c. )tate d. )ociety ". =ven during the period of suspension of the Privilege of the habeas corpus, a person arrested or detained should be released from such detention if he is not judicially charged within a. Two days b. Eour days c. Three days d. Eive days "0. :n the onstitution, political power is distributed among the people and in the a. )ociety b. %overnment c. )chools d. hurch "2. The constitution re@uires the congress to convene its regular session once every a. Third Monday of Fuly b. Eourth Monday of Fuly c. )econd Monday of Fuly d. Eirst Monday of Fuly '4. !ll educational institution shall be include the study of the ------------- as part of the curricula. a. 9ible b. eform Program$ a. Eilipino8s dependence on landlords is a cultural fact b. Band as a natural resource is a public property c. :t is a sin to be rich and a virtue to be poor d. Men always work harder when they work on that which is their '". Ta3es imposed by the local government such as cities, municipalities, or provinces. a. Bocal ta3 b. =3cise ta3 c. Property ta3
d. >egressive ta3 ''. Ta3 imposed on both employees and employers. a. Bocal ta3 b. :ncome ta3 c. Property ta3 d. >egressive ta3 '*. Ta3es imposed for special puposes, the process of which go to certain special fund. a. )pecial ta3 b. %eneral ta3 c. Proportionate ta3 d. Progressive ta3 '+. !grarian reform means remedying the defects in the distribution and utili/ation of the land in the hope of increasing its productivity a. To improve the economy of the country b. To raise the standard of living of the people c. To improve the traditional forms in agriculture d. To improve the agriculture sector '. #hat system of ta3ation is provided in the onstitution$ a. >egressive b. Aniform c. Progressive d. :ncremental '0. The rule of ta3ation shall be uniform and --------------. a. &onpartisan b. >evocable c. =@uitable d. Progressive '2. #hat is the meaning of the 9asic Principle of Ta3ation known as GEiscal !de@uacyH$ a. Ta3 burden should be proportionate to the ta3 payers ability to pay b. Ta3 laws should be capable and convenient, just and e?ective administration c. )ource of revenue should be su5cient to meet the demands of public e3penditures d. The power of ta3ation in inherent *4. !ll residential houses, regardless of their assessed value, may be considered as belonging to one class(residential property and is made subject to the same ta3 rate but di?erent amounts of ta3 on the basis of their assessed value. This situation illustrates what in ta3ation$ a. Aniformity in Ta3ation b. =@uality in Ta3ation c. Progressive in Ta3ation d. =@uity in Ta3ation *1. ;irect and indirect ta3es are kinds of ta3es classied according to a. subject matter of the ta3 b. how the amount of ta3 due is determined c. purpose of the ta3 d. who shoulders the ta3 burden *. #hat holds true in progressive system of ta3ation$ a. The rate if ta3 increases as the income ta3 base or income bracket increases b. The rate of ta3 increases as the income ta3 base decreases c. The rate of ta3 decreases as the income ta3 base increases d. The ta3 is e@ual regardless of class and place *". The 9= 44 is designed to empower the Eilipino learner so that he or she can become the following e3cept one. #hich is the e3ception$ a. ! self(developed person b. ! self(centered Eilipino learner c. !n individual who has the skills of learning how to learn d. ! person who is Maka(;iyos, Makatao, Makabayan and Makakalikasan *'. The most noble reason for coming up with the revised 9= 44 is a. to try(out modern ways of teaching.
b. to empower the learner for lifelong learning. c. because the old curriculum was to crowded. d. because the subjects8 content was no longer relevant. **. The ve learning areas of the 9= 44 are a. =nglish, Eilipino, )cience, Music, and Physical =ducation b. Makabayan, %M>, Eilipino, =nglish, )cience, Math c. =nglish, Eilipino, Math, )cience, Makabayan d. )ibikaI7ekasi, =dukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan, Musika, )ining at =dukasyong Pangkatawan, %M> *+. =3periential learning is demonstrated when a. the teacher shares her personal e3periences with the children b. the students are allowed to read stories about e3periences of characters in a story c. the children re6ect on and learn to learn from their own e3periences d. teachers gave the learners opportunity to e3perience failure and success *. ollaborative learning among children is demonstrated in the following situation e3cept in one. a. hildren learn to work in di?erent situations in di?erent conte3ts with di?erent teams b. Bearners known how to deal with their classmates, with their teachers and with other people c. Bearners demonstrate leadership and teamwork and group work habits. d. Bearners do a lot of re6ection and intelligent decision(making. *0. #hich of the following is not a good practice of a teacher in helping children learn to read$ a. =ncourage children to read by themselves silently, for increasingly longer periods. b. Teachers read to children and e3plain to them what8s reading all about. c. =3pose children to a wide variety of story forms and good use of language. d. !ttention to correct oral reading has priority over understanding. *2. =very hild a >eader Proram or =!>P aims to help each learner become a reader ideally by the end of a. grade si3 b. grade four c. grade three d. grade one +4. ! learner is declared a reader at the beginning of grade " if heIshe is able to a. read at least a complete paragraph. b. read at least one sentence with 6uency. c. read words and match each word with the correct picture. d. read at least one paragraph and understand the meaning of what was read.
1. :t is also known as the behavioral sciences. a. &atural )cience b. 7umanities c. )ocial )ciences d. Philosophy . !n economist who argued that production depends on the ownership of the means of production. a. !dam )mith
b. ostow ". #hich of the following best describes the nature of characteristics of human needs$ a. 7uman needs are limited b. !ll human needs are attainable c. 7uman needs are unlimited d. 7uman needs are unattainable '. #hich among the following best describes economic resources$ a. >esources are innite b. >esources are nite c. >esources are unlimited d. There is abundance of resources *. :n the process of production, which of the following factors are most important$ a. land, human, resource, inputs, technology b. land, human resources, capital, entrepreneur c. land, labor, capital, technology d. land, labor, technology, manager +. The following e3cept one are basic @uestion s addressed by any economic system. a. what goods and services to produce b. for whom and how much to produce c. how to produce d. what goods and services to trade . ! basic economic principle in economics which refers to the process of ignoring unimportant details is solving a particular economic problem. a. economic theory b. abstraction c. economic model d. rational decision 0. #hich of the following is true about the state of the wolrd8s resources$ a. The world8s resources are naturally limited b. There are no poor countries, only mismanaged economies c. The world8s resources are not enough to sustain the needs of its population d. The world8s resources are e@uitably distributed to the world8s entire population 2. ! basic principle in economics referring to the value of the ne3t best alternative that the decision forces the decision(maker to forgo. a. rational decision b. opportunity cost c. abstraction d. economic theory 14. #hich of the following shows an e3ample of the opportunity cost of a particular decision$ a. The government decides to allocate more budget to the military thus reducing its budget to education b. ! student decides to save half of hisIher allowance thereby cutting the e3penses c. ! group of student activists attends a rally and therefore missing their classes d. !ll of the above 11. !dopted children8s similarity to their biological parents is generally attributed to -------------J adopted children8s similarity to their adoptive parents is generally attributed to ---------------. a. heredityJ the environment b. the environmentJ heredity c. the environmentJ the environment d. heredityJ heredity 1. #hich of the following statements represents the most logical resolution of the nature(nurture controversy$
a. =nvironment is most important, at least for those individuals who have a normal genotype. b. 7eredity and environment interact to a?ect an individual8s development. c. 7eredity is most important, but a high(@uality environment can make up for genetic defects. d. The environment is like a rubber band that stretches to meet the needs of an individual8s genotype. 1". :n evolutionary theory, tness refers to a. the ability to survive. b. the ability to adapt to environment demands. c. reproductive success. d. the physical skills necessary for survival. 1'. !lbert 9andura a. was the rst to describe species(specic learning tendencies. b. was the founder of behaviorism. c. pioneered the study of classical conditioning. d. pioneered the study of observational learning 1*. %etting information into memory is called --------------J getting information out of memory is called --------------. a. storageJ retrieval b. encodingJ storage c. encodingJ retrieval d. storageJ encoding 1+. #hich of the following approaches to e3plaining the origins of homose3uality had received the most empirical support$ a. 9ehavioral b. 9iological c. Psychoanalytic d. !ll of these approaches e@ually 1. 7arvey 7edonist has devoted his life to the search for physical pleasure and immediate need gratication. Ereud would say that 7arvey is dominated by a. his ego. b. his superego. c. hid id. d. 9acchus. 10. Ereud believe that most personality disturbances are due to a. the failure of parents to reinforce healthy behavior. b. a poor self(concept resulting from e3cessive parental demands. c. unconscious and unresolved se3ual con6ict rooted in childhood e3periences. d. the e3posure of children to unhealthy role models. 12. #hich of the following did arl >ogers believe fosters a congruent selp( concept$ a. onditional love b. !ppropriate role models c. :mmediate need gratication d. Anconditional love 4. #hat need was !braham Maslow e3pressing when he said, G#hat a man can be, he must be$H a. The need for superiority b. The need for unconditional love c. The need for self(actuali/ation d. The need to achieve 1. The tendency to judge other culture in terms of one8s own customs and values is known as a. &ormative culture b. Material culture c. Mores d. &orms . !ll the things human beings make, and use from small hand held tools to skyscrapers are known as a. &ormative culture
b. Material culture c. Mores d. &orms ". 7ypotheses are a. testable statement about the relationship between two or more empirical variables. b. statements that everyone agrees are correct c. neither provable nor disprovable d. the results of theoretical testing '. :n order for hypotheses to be useful they must be a. realistic b. theoretically reliable and valid c. formulated after a theoretical trial d. provable or disprovable in terms of things or events that can be observed directly or indirectly *. !n operational denition is a. a statement that is obviously true b. a statement of the features that describes the things that are being investigated c. the results of theoretical testing d. the last step in a theoretical evaluation +. ! variable is a. a testable statement about the relationship between two or more theories b. anything that can change c. a statement or causality d. a statement o association . :n order to modify and e3plicit the environment human use a. &orms b. Mores c. Material culture d. &on(material culture 0. The totally of knoledge, beliefs, values, and rules for appropriate behavior that species how people should interact and how they may solve their problems is referred to as a. Material culture b. Mores c. &on(material culture d. &ormative culture 2. &orms a. omprise the totally of knowlegde, beliefs, values, and rules for appropriate behavior that species how people should interact and how they solve their problems b. !re the specic rules of behavior that are agreed upon and shared within the culture to prescribe the limits of acceptance behavior c. !re the strongly held rules usually have a moral connotation and are based in the central ideas of the culture d. !re all things human make and use, from small hand(held tools to skyscrapers "4. &ormative culture consists of a. The norms, mores, folkways people follow b. The thinking component of culture consisting of what the world is like c. =3pectations of what people should do under perfect conditions d. ! culture8s general orientation toward life "1. The party(list representatives of the 7ouse of >epresentatives have been envisioned to constitute a. 1*K of the total number of representatives b. 4K of the total number of representatives c. "4K of the total number of representatives d. *K of the total number of representatives ". The Philippines renounces was as an instrument of national policy and adopts as part of the law of the land generally accepted principles of
a. b. c. d.
ivil law Penal law :nternational law !dministrative law "". =3ecutive power is vested on the President of the >epublic who is elected directly by the people for a term of a. si3 years b. four years c. ve years d. three years "'. !s a democratic and republican state, sovereignty in the Philippines resides in the ---------- and all government authority emanates from them. a. 9arangay leaders b. People c. !ppointed o5cials d. =lected o5cials "*. #hich of the following is &DT the power of the datu during the Pre()panish Philippines$ a. 9udget o5cer b. Fudge c. hief e3ecutive d. Begislator "+. The term of o5ce of a )enator is limited to a two consecutive terms of a. three years for each term b. four years for each term c. si3 years for each term d. ve years for each term ". The 120 onstitution established a a. Anitary %overnment b. >egional %overnment c. Eederal %overnment d. ontrolled %overnment "0. The 120 onstitution distributed governmental powers to the following, e3cept a. Fudiciary ;epartment b. Begislative ;epartment c. =3ecutive ;epartment d. =ducation ;epartment "2. The constitution provides that the prime duty of the %overnment is to serve and protect the a. )upreme court b. People c. President d. ongress '4. #hat is the composition of the )upreme ourt$ a. hief Fustice and 14 !ssociate Fustices b. hief Fustice and 1' !ssociate Fustices c. hief Fustice and 1+ !ssociate Fustices d. hief Fustice and 1 !ssociate Fustices '1. :f the ta3payer is married with dependents, his personal ta3 e3emption is a. , *44 b. 4,444 c. ",444 d. '0,444 '. The 120 onstitution recogni/es the power of the state to imposed ta3es on the people provided that the ta3ation system is a. regressive b. minimal c. progressive d. comprehensive
#hich of the economic system is otherwise known as free enterprise$ a. Totalitarianism b. Mi3ed =conomy c. apitalism d. ommunism ''. The following are elements that make nations produce goods and service, e3cept a. &atural >esources b. apital c. %eographical d. Babor Eorce '*. #hich inherent power of the government is e3ercised through laws, ordinances and enactments for the promotion of the welfare of the people. a. Police Power b. Ta3ation c. =3ecutive Power d. =minent ;omain '+. The authority to make laws and to alter and repeal them is vested in a. The abinet b. President c. ongress d. )upreme ourt '. The public announcer of the promulgation of the new rules and regulations of the 9arangay. a. hieftain b. 9ultong c. Amalohokan d. !law '0. The settlements composed of villages consisting of more or less 144 families. a. iudad b. 7imaraw c. Pueblo d. 9arangay '2. Dne of the social classes in the 9arangay composed of datu and his family. a. Maharlika b. Timawa c. )aguiguilid d. &amamahay *4. &ame of Malayan sailboats used in going to the Philippines. a. 9arangay b. 9alangay c. Cinta d. )ampan *1. Makabayan as the Glaboratory of lifeH means that it provides the environment for a. the development of a holistic personal and social well(being b. the development of skills for computer technology c. the practice of cultural and political values d. the improvement of skills in tool subjects *. ontent(based instruction in the language subjects such as Eilipino and =nglish means that a. the content for =nglish and Eilipino is based on learning competencies in the 9= b. the content for =nglish is taken from )cience and Eilipino from )ocial )tudies c. instruction in =nglish and Eilipino is focused on content rather than communication skills d. the teachers of =nglish and Eilipino should be competent of their subject content *". !s a Eacilitator of learning, the teacher of the 9= 44 is e3pected to do the following e3cept one. a. Manages the interactive process among the learners
b. ;emonstrates a non(threatening learning atmosphere c. )hould do more of the talking so that the children will learn more from her d. =ncourages learners to become active in asking @uestions and e3pressing themselves *'. The teacher promotes interactive learning in the following situations e3cept one. a. The children are allowed to talk among themselves about a lesson. b. The learners are encouraged to learn from materials through information technology c. The instructional materials like te3tbooks and workbooks stimulate interest of learners. d. The learners are instructed to copy and memori/e lessons from the book. **. The teacher practices integrative teaching in the following e3cept one. a. Teaches values incidentally in any of the subject ares or lessons. b. %oes beyond herIhis lesson content and includes related subject matter whenever necessary c. onducts thematic teaching along with one or more teachers on a specic theme for a set of related competencies d. onducts team teaching with other teachers in a specic subject area o lesson. *+. #hich one of the following is more e?ective way in teaching beginning reading$ a. Teach children how to read in =nglish to facilitate reading in Eilipino. b. Teach reading in Eilipino or dialect before teaching =nglish. c. Teach reading in =nglish and Eilipino at the same time. d. Teach reading alternatively with =nglish and Eilipino. *. >emedial reading instruction should be done only before or after classes. This is a. true, because remedial reading is not part of the regular class period. b. true, because pupils read better outside the regular period. c. false, because the teacher should do this in all subject areas from grade 1(+. d. Ealse, because every learner may need remedial reading anytime. *0. The teacher as a values education teacher is e3pected to a. inculcate values as the need arises. b. teach values only during homeroom period. c. integrate values strictly in her lesson everyday. d. teach values in =
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