Social Skills

September 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Social Skills Inventory (Revised from Novotni Social Skills Checklist, see Person Per son Evalu Evaluat ated ed : Key:: Key 0 = No Nott a pr prob oble lem m or ra rarel rely y a pr prob oble lem m Age: Date: 1 = Sometimes a problem or issue Evaluator: Relationship: 2 = Definitely a problem and needs improvement Score Basic Manners – The ability to do the Commmuncation Roadblocks   following in social situations 0 1 2 Ina Inatte ttenti ntive ve - mis misses ses pieces pieces of inf inform ormati ation on 0 1 2 Use Uses s pol polite ite words words lik like e plea please, se, tha thank nk you you,, and 0 1 2 Use Uses s clos closed ed que questi stions ons (on (ones es that that can be answ answere ered d   you’re welcome   with a “yes” or a “no”) 0 1 2 Expr Express esses es appr apprec ecia iati tion on 0 1 2 Voi Voice ce volume volume – spe speaks aks too loud loud or or too sof softt 0 1 2 Rec Receiv eives es complim compliment ents s wit withou houtt discou discounti nting ng the them m 0 1 2 Spe Speech ech tem tempo po – s spea peaks ks too slo slowly wly or too qui quickly ckly 0 1 2 Apologizes 0 1 2 Int Interr errupt upts so othe thers rs – bre breaks aks int into o conv convers ersati ations ons 0 1 2 Acce Accept pts s th the e apol apologi ogies es of ot other hers s   without considering the flow 0 0 0 0 0   0   0 0   0

11 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2


Total score Basic Manners Verbal Communication Skills - In conversation with others, the ability to:

   0 0   0   0 0   0   0

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2


1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2


0 0   0 0 0 0

1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

  0 1 2  

Joi Joins ns a conver conversat sation ion smoothl smoothly, y, wit withou houtt disruption Ref Reflec lectiv tive e llist isteni ening ng – repe repeats ats what what a anot nother her say says s and asks if they understood them right Tracki Tracking ng - Iden Identif tifies ies and reflect reflects s tthe he feel feeling ings so off others Refl Reflec ects ts cont conten entt and  feelings  feelings of others Use Uses sb brie rieff “encou “encourag ragers ers”” to to llet et oth others ers know the they y are following the conversation (“I see”) Use Uses s open end ended ed que questi stions ons to kee keep p the conversation going Asks Asks fo forr help help wh when en need needed ed or wa want nted ed

0 0 0 0

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

1 2 1 2 22 2 2 2 2


others, do you (they): Ke Keep ep an op open en po post stur ure e Fac ace es th the e pe perrson son Lean Leans s fo forw rwar ard d to sh show ow inte intere rest st Mai Mainta ntains ins approp appropria riate te eye cont contact act Looks relaxed

0 0 0 0   0

Total Score NonVerbal Communication Skills


Self Care Is abl able e to nur nurtur ture e himsel himselff or her hersel selff Is cle clean an and neat neat in in a appe ppeara arance nce,, appr appropr opriat iate e tto o situation Is abl able e to to id ident entify ify and express express his or her fe feeli elings ngs Has Has go good od se self lf-e -est stee eem m Pa Part rtic icip ipat ates es in grou groups ps Has a sen sense se of hum humor or (that (that doe doesn’ sn’tt den denigr igrate ate

0 0   0 0 0 0

Too quie quiet t –ngrar rarely spe speaks aksbos in ses con conver versat sation s nd Dom Domine ineeri ering - ely ord orders ers or bosses oth others ersions arou around Critic Criticize izes s – judges judges or eva evalua luates tes oth others ers Is not con consid sidera erate, te, or min minimi imizes zes oth other’ er’s s feel feeling ings s Total Score Communication Roadblocks

0 0 0 0 0   0 0  

NonVerbal Communication Skills – Looking attentive when listening - When talking to

others) Ho Hope pe – has has a posi positi tive ve ou outl tloo ook k

1 1 1 1


0 0   0 0 0 0

Total Score Verbal Communication Skills

    0 0 0 0 0

In Intr trod oduc uces es hi hims msel elf/ f/he rsel elfgs f Us Uses es app appro ropr pria iate te greet grhers eetin ings Ha Has s appr appropr opria iate te pho phone ne man manne ners rs Us Uses es app appro ropr pria iate te endin ending g co comme mment nts s Eat Eats sw with ith mou mouth th closed closed,, ffoll ollows ows th the e llead ead of th the e host/hostess Will Will use nap napkin kins, s, ask for ite items ms to be passes passes,, keep elbows off table Asks Asks to be excu excuse sed d from from th the e ta table ble Whe When n host hosting ing,, m make akes s gues guests ts fe feel el comf comfort ortable able in his/her home Of Offe fers rs to he help lp ot othe hers rs

Self Control Tak Takes es tur turns, ns, wai waits ts for his or her tur turn n Abi Abilit lity y to han handle dle the fru frustr strati ation on of wai waitin ting g Eff Effect ective ively ly man managi aging ng conflic conflictt with with others others Is abl able e tto on nego egoti tiate ate and comprom compromise ise wit with ho oth thers ers Eff Effect ective ively ly man manage age anger anger withou withoutt insult insult,, intimidation or destruction Ref Refrai rains ns from from fig fighti hting, ng, aggr aggress essive ive beh behavi avior or Is abl able e tto oa asser ssertt tthem hemsel selves ves,, ask for wha whatt tthey hey want without bullying Av Avoi oids ds impu puls lsiv ive e spend ing g-mak Av Avoi oids ds im im impu puls lsiv ive e sp decis deendin cision ion-m akin ing g Avo Avoids ids blurti blurting ng out thi things ngs that that hur hurtt oth others ers Avo Avoids ids inappr inappropr opriat iate e tou touchin ching g of oth others ers Is ab able le to re rellax Is abl able e to sit sti stillll and not fidget fidget Total Score Self Control

1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

1 2

Relationship Skills Is se sens nsit itiv ive e to th the e ne need eds s of ot other hers s Is pat patien ientt – can allow allow the other other to get their their nee needs ds met first at times Is creative Is fu fun n to be with ith Fl Flex exibl ible e – can “g “go o wit with h the the flow flow”” Resp Respec ects ts th the e boun boundar darie ies s of ot othe hers rs Tr Trea eats ts ot othe hers rs wi with th re resp spec ectt To Tole lera rate tes s diff differe erenc nces es in ot othe hers rs In Init itia iate tes s invi invita tati tion ons s to ot other hers s Tolera Tolerates tes closen closeness ess and int intima imacy cy wit without hout run runnin ning g away Has Has at leas leastt 3 close close fr frie iends nds Total Score Relationships Skills

1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

Adult ADD Organizational Problems Diff Diffic icult ulty y wi with th dead deadli lines nes Dif Diffic ficult ulty y being being on ti time me for meeting meetings s and appointments Difficulty remembering special occasions Diff Diffic icult ulty y manag managin ing g mone money y Is to too o or orga gani nize zed d or ri rigi gid d Dif Diffic ficult ulty y mana managin ging g mon money, ey, bills, bills, ban bank k acco account unts s Dis Disorg organi anized zed wit with hh his is or her posses possessio sions, ns, domici domicile le Does Does not not do what what th they ey agre agree e to to do Does Does not not fini finish sh pr proj ojec ects ts

Total Score Self Care  

Total Score AdultADD Organizational Problems

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