Social Marketing Scoping Report on Obesity
Short Description
Executive summary The evidence base suggests that, if carefully created and deployed, social marketing can make an important contribution in combating obesity. obesity. This report depicts the social marketing plan to overcome obesity and to encourage youngsters to do more physical activities. This plan consists of campaign of marketing and communication. The objective of this campaign is to change the life style of youngsters.
Table of contents Serial number 1 " $ %
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Social / Health issue !nvironmental analysis #ompetition analysis Target market profile &ehavioural drivers 'barriers ( benefits) Theory underpinning strategy Social change objectives and potential Strategy recommendations -eferences
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Social/Health issue: To begin ith, Health is a state of total physical, mental and social ell being, but noadays because of modern lifestyle of people, health gets affected. Physical activities increase the audacious circulation in the body and these are available in various forms. ne of the forms of physical activit y is e0ercise. Physical activity performed in a structured manner improves the physical fitness of t he body. nvolvement in any type of physical activity on a standard basis leads to minimisation of the risk of physical health. 2iseases like cardiovascular disease, t ype diabetes, hypertension and cancer may be controlled. 'betterhealth, 31%) The modern environment promotes life style of youngsters that is inactive in nature. n this modern era, besit y is very common problem among teenagers and youngsters. besity is a physiological condition characterised by an e0cessive accumulation of body fat, specifically the build4up of adipose tissue beneath the skin. '5uaraldi, 31%) &y solving this health issue in all over the orld ould be i mproved the livelihood of youngsters. #onsciousness has to be spread among the young adults in addressing these elementary issues. This ill make sure long life and ell being of the young people. n 313, it as noticed by 6ustralian nstitute of Health and 7elfare that % 8 of the youngsters in 6ustralia are obese or overeight and it has doubled recently and it is predicted that this ill increase in coming years. The main reasons for being obese are the bad food habits and the lack of physical activity among the youngsters. This is the reason of long and short term diseases in young people. 9oungsters all over the orld are unaare t hat fruits and vegetables are beneficial for them and they indulge themselves in junk and fast food. t is ver y vital to have good eating habits during adolescence. 5roth and normal development ill take place if they consume food that is highly nutritious food. 'Sue 9.S. :imm, 33)
The application of the principles of marketing to achieve specific behavioural goals is knon as social marketing. The procedure of social marketing ill endorse boost in physical activity among young 6ustralians and outcome in overall healthy eight and healthy lifestyle by; •
6 segmentation model is created and target individuals are identified in this model. youngsters lead very inactive life and they need to change their lifestyle and attitude.
The reasons for the attitude and behaviour of individual are given.
6 communication campaign is formed to transform the attitudes.
The attitude of the people could be changed by providing them ith some sort of products 'such as =uestionnaires, handbooks and eb content).
The campaign might be done ith association of the non governmental agencies and commercial organi?ations that ould be brought the variation in the behaviour of the youngsters and boost their physical activity. &ut, impact of the behaviour should not be short term because this behaviour should be permanent. The scale of marketing should be big. The marketing campaign should create appro0imately 1.$ million responses from families and youngsters ho lead an inactive life. 6 management program of customer relationship ill be developed ith at least 1, 3, 333 of the respondents to change in behaviour. ':otler, P., ( @ee, A., 33B)
Environmental Analysis: n 1st century, everything has changed than past. Teenagers and youngster of this century have totally different lifestyle than the people of past. This is the key reason of increase in obesity in teenagers and youngsters. 6 child lives in a society. The family, community, friends, schools and colleges are mostly affecting the habits and lifestyle of a child. 6 child ill definitely adopt hat he feels and see in his society and his/her surrounding environment. Aoadays s ociety has become recognised by environments that encourage more consumption of unhealthy food and physical inactivity. t could be hard for youngsters to make choice of healthy food and to do enough physical activities hen they live in environment that is influenced by; Advertisement of Unhealthy foods: &asically, in all middle and high schools all over the orld allo to advertise unhealthy food by hich students get rong impact and they could not stop themselves to choose unhealth y food as their regular diet. 6dditionally, media alays target children and adolescents to advertise food that is high in calories, sugars, salt and fat and has feer nutrients. #hildren are very innocent the y alays do hat they normally see around themselves. So hen they just see advertise ment of non healthy food all around themselves they cannot control and eat non healthy food and avoid fruits, green vegetables and salads. '2ivision of Autrition, Physical 6ctivity, and besity, 31%)
Figure 1 (Guaraldi, !1"# Fe$er safe and a%%ealing %laces to %lay or for %hysical activities in communities: n this fast4paced orld, all communities are architect in ay that makes it hard and unsafe to be physically active.
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