Social Income Formula 2.0
Short Description
Social Income Formula 2.0, Social Income Formula 2.0...
Terms of Use
You are given a non- transferable, “personal use” license to this product. You cannot distribute it or share it with any individuals. There are no resale rights, or PLR (private label rights) available. You may not alter or adjust this publication in any way. Otherwise you may face prosecution
Table of Contents
TERMS OF USE................................................................................................................................ 2 THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION OF THE ENTIRE REPORT............................................. 3 ABOUT THE AUTHOR.................................................................................................................... 5 WHY FACEBOOK?........................................................................................................................... 9 THE SECRET OF LEVERAGE...................................................................................................... 10 THE BIG PICTURE........................................................................................................................ 12 GOAL SETTING AND PLANNING.............................................................................................. 14 THE FB ‘LIKES’ EXPLOITATION SYSTEM.............................................................................. 19 HOW WAS THE FB ‘LIKES’ EXPLOITATION SYSTEM CREATED?.................................... 22 WHERE TO FIND HOT QUALIFIED PROSPECTS WHO WILL BEG TO GIVE YOU THEIR CASH!.............................................................................................................................................. 25 HOW TO GET THE BALL ROLLING TO FB RICHES.............................................................. 30 HOW TO GET YOURSELF THE BEST DEAL FOR YOUR SERVICES................................... 40 HOW TO GET YOUR CLIENTS TO PAY FOR ALL YOUR COSTS UPFRONT WITHOUT A CENT EVER LEAVING YOUR POCKET..................................................................................... 47 WHERE TO FIND PEOPLE WHO WILL PROVIDE TOP QUALITY WORK FOR DIMES ON THE DOLLAR.......................................................................................................................... 49 SETTING UP YOUR FB ATM (PAYMENT SYSTEM).............................................................. 55 FB LIKES EXPLOITATION SYSTEM SUMMARY.................................................................... 57 RESOURCES................................................................................................................................... 60
The Most Important Section Of The Entire Report
Hey there!
So you might be wondering why this is the most important page in
this entire report. I have something to tell you, and itʼs important.
Why? For buying this report! Inside youʼre going to learn the
secrets to how I made 400 buckaroonies in under an hour on
Facebook with no experience, no product, no cold calling with no
upfront cost, and how you can duplicate it step by step.
Pretty cool huh?
Imagine being able to sit at home in your underwear, and have an
ATM printing you money over and over and over on demand! Now
thatʼs what Iʼm talking about – thatʼs the dream baby!
OK well maybe not quite. For me – I always wanted to travel and
explore the world. To be “locationally independent” as a friend of
mine once put it.
Iʼm now living that dream. As Iʼm writing this Iʼm travelling business
class (first time – totally worth every cent!!) on a plane to Kuala
Lumpur to start my Asian Adventure. I donʼt know how long Iʼm
going to be away for, I havenʼt booked a return flight – this is
I love having the ability to literally be anywhere in the world, and as
long as I have a power point and an Internet connection – Iʼm able
to make money!
Whatʼs yours? Why did you decide to dabble with Internet
Maybe to make some extra income?
Maybe to have a little more free time?
To be your own boss?
Maybe to change your entire lifestyle?
Iʼm not sure what yours is, All I know is that if you need a system to
make more money, and have more free time – this system can
definitely help you achieve your goals – whatever they may be.
About the Author
Hey there – I'm Sanjiv Gurram. Nice to meet you – even if it only is digitally!
Iʼm a 24 year old from Australia – and yes if you must know I used
to ride a kangaroo to school every morning and play tag with crocs
in the afternoon! (Just kidding about the last part).
Iʼm a normal guy – I grew up in sunny Queensland, Australia and
loved playing cricket as a kid. So much so that I was a self-funded
athlete playing semi-professionally at one stage.
Iʼve been dabbling in Internet marketing since I was 17. A group of
friends and I did a lot of niche writing when we were younger. We
never did it for the money, we did it because we were passionate
about the industry.
Ever since then, Internet marketing had always intrigued me. I
knew that people were making money on the internet, I even knew
some - but I just didnʼt know where to start, or what to do to make
it work. So – I left it alone and pursued other opportunities.
12 months ago I was sick and tired with my life and the direction it
was going. I was broke, unemployed and had no way of changing
that around. I knew something had to change, so I decided to get a
job to keep me going. I was working for a Government Department
in a temp role, and I remember getting paid $50/hour on a Sunday
to literally play poker, eat pizza and drink solo.
To some people, thatʼs the ultimate – to have a well paid cushy job
that pays the bills and then some. Not for me. I craved a challenge.
I wanted to do my own thing, but I didnʼt know what or how. All I
knew was that I needed a change, and I had to do something
major for things to change.
A friend of my dadʼs that Iʼve known since I was a kid underwent a
re-incarnation since I knew him 15 years ago. He founded and was
now running the Best Coaching Program teaching absolute
newbies how to make money on the Internet, and his next 12 day
intensive seminar in Pattaya Beach, Thailand was on in 3 days
I went in to work, and quit my job. Went cold turkey. I called David
up on Tuesday morning, and asked him when his next seminar
was. It was on that Friday – I told him I was going to be there. To
this day, I still donʼt think he believed me when I said it.
As soon as I got off the phone with him, I went to a travel agent to
organize tickets only to find there was a flight leaving that night. So
I booked it, went home – started packing and arrived in Thailand
for the first time the following afternoon.
12 months after making the decision of attending David
Cavanagh's Best Coaching Program, I now make a very nice full
time income online and live life on my own terms. If youʼre really
serious about changing your life and you believe Internet
marketing is going to help you do that – then I highly recommend
attending David's course to get a solid foundation. Tell him I sent
you – and youʼll get a discount on your education.
If you put in the right work, youʼll get the right results.
Remember – practice doesnʼt make perfect, PERFECT practice
makes perfect.
Donʼt take shortcuts – go and use this system to print as much
money as you desire.
Why Facebook?
Unless youʼve been living under a rock for the last 10 years, youʼll
know that Facebook is massive! From a marketerʼs perspective itʼs
one of the worldʼs largest active databases. In other words – there
are people to help and profit to be made.
1 in every 13 people worldwide are on Facebook, and these
people spend over 700 billion minutes on the social networking
site. Thatʼs a lot of people, and a lot of time.
What if you could find a way to tap into the people who are already
using Facebook, solve one of their problems and get paid
handsomely for it? Thatʼs what the FB ʻLikesʼ Exploitation System
is all about.
The Secret of Leverage
Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame once said “ Leverage
is the reason some people get rich and others do not”.
(By the way if you havenʼt read the book Iʼd highly recommend
getting a copy. You can Get Your Copy Here)
So what is leverage?
The classic example of leverage can be seen here.
Here we have a man moving the planet earth that he wouldnʼt be
able to do single handedly without a lever. Leverage is all about
playing smarter rather than harder
The Big Picture
Logan Pearsall Smith once said “There are two things to aim at in
life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the
wisest of mankind has achieved the second “.
For me I always wanted to travel. To see the world and find a way
to fund it while I was going without the constraints of a 9-5 job, and
be able to actually ENJOY myself unlike some of my friends who
travel on a budget.
While youʼre using this system or any other, just remember to
never lose sight of the big picture – Why are you doing this?
Maybe itʼs to earn some extra money on the side
Maybe itʼs to make a career change and work from home
Maybe itʼs to fire your boss and take charge of your life
Maybe itʼs to have more time to do the things you really want to
Maybe itʼs to spend more time with your family and loved ones
Maybe youʼre like me and just want to travel and see the world
Whatever your reason is, always remember WHY you are
spending the time and money to make a change in your life. It
makes all the difference.
Goal Setting and Planning
Whenever you want to do something new, or start something
afresh, the first thing to do is always to set some goals, and put
together an action plan in order to smash your goals out of the
Yogi Berra the famous NY Yankee always said “ If you don't know
where you are going, you'll end up someplace else ”.
In order for you to have the greatest likelihood of success with your
goals ensure that they are S.M.A.R.T .
S. – Specific
M. – Measurable
A. – Attainable
R. – Realistic
T. – Time relevant
Iʼm sure most of you have seen this numerous times, and know it
inside out. But just in case you donʼt, Iʼm going to give a brief
explanation below.
Specific – ensure the goals you set are very specific. Make sure
you know what you want. For example : I want to make more
money is an ok goal, but not very specific. A more specific goal
would be I want to make $ 5000.00 this week.
Measurable – Make your goals measurable so you know whether
you are on track, and if you are off track – you can re-align your
actions with the goal you want to achieve. Using the previous
example of earning $5000.00 this week, the measurable parts are
the time component and the moolah! Whereas saying I want to
earn more money, give you nothing to go by.
Attainable – Your goals need to be attainable. Do you have a way
you can make $ 5000.00 this week? (Using this system you do!)
But making a million dollars this week – that might be a bit of a
pipe dream!
Realistic – Realistic goals are all about setting yourself up for
winning with your purpose in mind. Thereʼs no point setting a goal
of making a billion dollars this week if you donʼt even know a way
to make $ 5000.00 this week. Feel what Iʼm saying? Remember –
set yourself up for success.
Time relevant – Time relevancy is about giving yourself enough
time to achieve the things you want to achieve, and setting
milestones and deadlines to help you achieve these. Using the last
example, Making a billion dollars is a perfectly fine goal, but this
week might be pushing it a little. Maybe 10 or 20 years might be
more relevant. But making $ 5000.00 this week is perfectly
Here are some examples of SMART Goals :
Bad example of a SMART goal: “I want to make lots of money”.
Good example of a SMART goal:
“I want to make $3 million in 5 years by starting an internet
marketing business making custom Facebook fan pages for
clients” 18
Bad example of a SMART goal: “I want to lose weight”.
Good example of a SMART goal:
“I want to lose 10 pounds of fat by January 15th 2013. I will do 30
mins of cardio and 30 mins of weight training per day, 6 times a
week and I will only eat healthy, nutritious meals with adequate
macronutrient content for my body.
Go and download the worksheet I created for you in the resource
section to help create some SMART goals of your own.
Now to the planning stages. Once you know what you want, itʼs
time to make a plan as to how you are going to make this happen.
The best way to do this is to break up your goal step by step, and
put deadlines for each step that needs to be created.
Letʼs use Socia Income Formula as an example.
Letʼs say you want to make $ 2,000.00 this week.
In order to make $ 2,000.00, you are going to have to find, and
complete work for 5 clients.
So Step 1 would be to find the clients using the system at the
specific places mentioned below.
This would be completed on Day 1.
Step 2 is to contact these potential clients and see if they are
interested in the unique service you are going to learn how to
provide.( Day 1)
Step 3 is to make a deal, and get a deposit to cover costs. (Day 1/
Day 2)
Step 4 is to outsource the work to trusted suppliers. (Organise as
soon as deal is done – Day 2/3)
Step 5 is to monitor the work being done for your clients (Day
Step 6 is to collect your money (Day 7 or earlier depending on
Have a look at the action and income tracking sheets Iʼve added
for you. Make use of these in tracking your goals, and watch all
your goals be achieved easily step by step.
The Social Income Formula System
Now that youʼve got your goals written out, and your action plans
all done up and ready to go – itʼs now time to teach you the system
for making some serious Dineroʼs!
1. Set up a website
The first thing we need to do is to create a website for your new
services. This is in order to make you be more professional to your
prospective clients, and have a place to send them to show them
that you are the real deal when it comes to providing them with a
solution to get what they want. If you donʼt already have hosting for your own websites, this is the
first thing you need to get. There are a myriad of different suppliers
for hosting and you can use who ever you prefer. I personally
prefer using (non affiliate link) and the reason for that is their customer support is THE BEST by far. Whenever Iʼve had any problems with anything, All Iʼve had to do is pop onto a live chat and the problem
is solved ASAP.
Now itʼs time to setup your website. Iʼd recommend using
Wordpress – easy to setup and even easier to use and edit.
I personally recommend you outsource the creation of your
website because it will save you a bunch of time hassle, and
having to learn how to make a website.
If you want to make the website yourself, you can Google how to
do that. Hereʼs a free tutorial I found on how to install Wordpress
which might help.
Once that is done, apply a professional theme.You might already
have some killer themes. If you do – go ahead and use them. Iʼd
personally recommend one of the ones from Elegant Themes
But, Iʼve just saved you a whole bunch of time and work if you
purchased the Rolodex. If you did – then you will find a full DONE
FOR YOU WEBSITE. All you will have to do is edit your header
graphic if you choose to, change where it says “Your Business
Name” to the name of your business, and then change the email
address the contact form goes to. Easy as 1,2,3.
If you didnʼt invest in the Rolodex, then there are plenty of places
you can go to do this like Fiverr and O-desk.
If you did, then you have a list of my preferred suppliers who all do
my own personal work and that I have personally trained. Iʼve
literally spent thousands of dollars and over a year training these
guys to get the job done – youʼve just saved yourself a year of
heartache trying to find the right people, and training them
How Was The Social Income Formula Created?
So one fine day I was sitting on FB twiddling my thumbs and killing
time like we all do now and again. And I got a message from a
model friend of mine asking me to like her photo for a modeling
competition. I did and then I got chatting to her.
Turns out that she really wanted to win this competition because it
was going to catapult her career into modeling superstardom. It
was going to give her the first step she needed to really kick-start
her modeling career and get her name out there in the best of
So I looked into the competition, read the details along with the
terms and conditions and realized that the way the winner was
chosen was based purely on Facebook ʻlikesʼ. The model with the
most Facebook likes won the competition, and it was quite a
substantial prize for any up and coming model. Included was a few
photo shoots with well-known celebrity photographers and getting
to be the face of a major brand and the media coverage that goes
along with it. And to top it all off, a years supply of the companyʼs
product. Not bad huh?
So I thought to myself – Whatʼs the best way I can help her? I
could help her win the competition using the guys Iʼve already
trained to get real people to like her modeling photo so she winʼs
the competition. I put the idea to her, and she was thrilled!
I priced the job initially at $1000.00 but then went down to $520.00
(more affordable), with 50% deposit so I could cover all the
outsourcing costs involved, plus some profit so that when she won
she could pay me the other 50% (all profit baby!).
Once we got the result for her, I realized that the job I did was a
complete fluke. I got lucky – She contacted me, she already
wanted to win and I was able to provide the solution. All I did was
open my mouth.
The first thought that came to me was – is this even legal?!?!
The next was whether it was against FB's terms of service.
So I researched the Terms and Services, and found that
competitions are entirely the responsibility of the party who create
the competition, and has nothing to do with facebook.
You can check the terms of service here :
So once I got the legality of it sorted, I got thinking…….. How could
I take this idea, and make it a predictable and scalable system?
How could I tap into this niche that as far as I know, nobody else
really knew about and make money from it over and over again?
Where could I find people that want to win competitions, and help
them win and get paid handsomely for handing the work to my
awesome team?
Then I did some research, and after a couple of weeks of trolling
the net and trialing different strategies with different clients, I
created a step by step system that I could use over and over to
create cash like my own personal ATM on Facebook.
And best of all I could do it in my underwear from anywhere in the
PS – I'm not liable for any therapy that is needed after you think
about me in my underwear! ;)
Where To find HOT Qualified Prospects Who Will BEG To Give You Their Cash!
Remember how I started with this system?
My model friend contacted me, and I helped her out with winning
her competition.
The absolute EASIEST way to start is to start with the friends you
already have!
All you have to do is keep an eye out for friends that have entered
competitions, and ask you to 'like' their entry so they can win a
prize. Get in touch, have a conversation and see if they're
interested in winning! Simple as that!
Although – I'm sure you've already seen the flaw in this system....
This is ENTIRELY dependent on your friends entering competitions
and asking you to like their entry. That's nice hobby money, but not
a way for you to make ongoing predictable income online. Agree?
That's the same predicament I was in before I created this system.
What I did was I searched the internet top to bottom to find the
best reliable places to find competitions on Facebook.
You can do the same, but I found a total list of 8 that I just keep
coming back to over and over again.
Are you ready for it? Hereʼs 4 places where you are going to find
all the hot prospects who want to give you their hard earned cash
that you will ever need!
Contests HQ is the mother load for competitions held on
Facebook. All you have to do is pop onto it, find a category you
would like to look into (I prefer top prizes).
Hereʼs a whole website filled with Facebook competitions as well
as sweepstakes on Facebook. Just go through, find a suitable
competition and youʼre golden
Here’s another facebook page filled with competitions.
Another place to find a bucketload of facebook contests!
Now the only thing left to do is to go through each one, and find a
competition where the winner is based solely on likes. The way
you do this is by looking at the terms and conditions of the
competition. You're looking for one where the competition winner is
the entry which has the most votes/ likes.
Once youʼve picked the right competition based on votes you want
to help someone win and itʼs time to find the right client!
WAIT! Hold on Sanjiv! You said there was a list of 8 places that
you use to find competitions – You only told us about 4!
Where are the other 4!!!!!?
I've included the other 4 in my rolodex, along with a list of my
suppliers and a done for you website!
Now – Each of the 4 websites/ Apps for finding competitions is
different from the others to navigate, but intuitive enough to figure
The hardest seems to be Contests HQ, so let's walk through with
an example.
1. Go to Contests HQ and click on Contests
2. Click on the Title of the Contest for more details
3. Read through the details.
In this case, you can see in the highlighted area that the
entry with the most support (ie – likes) wins the competition
4. To be certain that the winner for this competition is the entry
with the most likes, double check in the Official Rules
Section. Better to be safe than sorry
About Contests (Site 2)
1. Find a competition, and then click on more information.
2. Then click on official rules.
3. Cilck the official rules link.
4. Read through the rules and see how the winner is picked.
In this case, part of the grand winner selection is based on
public vote. That means that we can help contestants in this
Contest List (Site 3)
1. Go to Contest List and find a competition
2. Look at the information and see if the winner is based on
likes. In this case, it is.
Contest Listing (Site 4)
1. Click on a competition
2. Find out more information to see if the winner of the
competition is based on votes. This one is.
3. Double check by checking the official rules
PS – In the Rolodex, there are links to 4 more sites FULL of
competition listings where you can find more clients than you know
what to do with.
How To Get The Ball Rolling To FB Riches
Now that youʼve found the competition you want in on, itʼs time to
find the right person to help win the spoils!
I usually go for someone who is already in the competition, but not
in first place. I usually prefer to help the person that is usually in
between places 3-7, but I don't limit myself.
The reason for this is because they have an obvious desire to win,
otherwise they wouldnʼt have entered the competition and not only
that – They have actively been promoting to their friends to help
them win the prizes. This will ensure that you find the right people
to contact to make your money, and help them win their prize.
In saying that, make sure you don't limit yourself. I recently helped
someone who was already winning a competition to ensure the
win. The person in position 2 was hot on their tail! In this situation
the person in position 1 really wanted to ensure the win after all the
hard work they put in to promote their entry.
Here's how you find the positions of the entries. Usually, most
competitions based on votes/ likes DO NOT have a leaderboard.
Use the Contestant info form you downloaded with purchase.
So in order to find the current ranking of competition entries, What
I do is I go through each individual entry. I write down the name of
the person who entered the competition, I then write down notes
about what I found unique about the entry ( this will come in very
handy later). I also put in how many votes each entry has.
Here's a an example of using the form :
So far I have gone through the imaginary competition, and put in
the details necessary.
I now want to find the positions of the entries.
I click on Data in the top menu, and then select Sort.
I then select Column 'C' for the column to be sorted, Sort on to
values, and change the order to largest to smallest.
I then click OK, and this is the result I get.
Now all the entries are in descending order, making it easier to
rank positions 3-7.
For me personally, I make sure that the person I help actually
deserves to win the prize. For example, for the modeling
competitions I like to do – I make sure that the girls/ guys who
want to win the competition are actually professionals who would
be able to do the right thing by the competition organizer. All they
need is a hand to get them across the line. Thatʼs just my personal
take on things, you do what you think is right for you and help the
people you want to help.
The entries are now all sorted in terms of position, and I now put in
the data for current positions in column d.
Once youʼve identified your prospects based on their current
position, its time to see if they have been promoting their entry in
the competition.
Here's an example of how to do this using Contests HQ :
Go to the competition details, and the click on view entries
Click on the name of the person who entered into the competition.
The way to do this is to go onto their profile (most people's profiles
are not set to private – so you will be able to see posts), and then
look down their page to see if you notice any posts mentioning the
competition and asking their friends to vote for them.
You are now on their profile, and can see if they have promoted
their entry, Then click Message to send them a message as
discussed below.
This isn't entirely necessary, but it does show that they are using
every method available to them to try and win the competition. If
they're promoting it – it shows that they are serious about winning
as well – that's what we are looking for!
Once we've established their (1) current position in the competition
and (2) their own promotion to their friends on their Facebook
profile, itʼs time to get in touch and let them know what you can do
for them.
I send a message on Facebook to ALL contestants placed in
positions 3-7 which introduces myself and tells them why I like
their entry (each one is unique to their individual entry).
Here's a basic format of what I do as a guideline. If you find
another format works better for you – let me know, and go ahead
and use it!
At the end of the day – you have to do whatever is getting YOU
results. I'm just sharing with you what is working for me.
Greeting - Hey (name),
Then mention something that you like about their particular entry
compared to the others (this is why we wrote these down in the
previous section) -
I must say you've probably got the best taste out of all the
Give them a little background info on their placing in the
competition -
I can see that you've been promoting your entry as hard as
you can, and you're doing a great job - It looks like you're in
(x)th place.
Wish them well and mention prize -
Best of luck with the competition I really hope you win the
(first prize), You deserve it!
I then put in the special PS line that guarantees me a 100%
response rate -
PS - By the way I can almost GUARANTEE that you win the
and then see if they bite. I've ALWAYS had a response of some
kind from that message format.
After I send this message, I also send a friend request.
The PS line builds curiosity in their minds – they want to find out
how I can guarantee that they will win the competition. When I put
that PS in, I have ALWAYS received a response from the
prospects I send it to. The PS is killer!
How To Get Yourself The Best Deal For Your Services
Right. Now youʼve sent out your messages, itʼs time to start the
conversation rolling. This works best with a FB chat rather then
sending messages.
Notice how I don't email them? I send them a FB message first
along with a friend request. In order to have a FB chat with
someone, you have to be their friend to see when they are online.
Hence the sending of the friend request in the last section. The
reason I do this is I want to talk to them live when they are online.
Messaging back and forth while both people are offline takes too
long to close a deal.
I like money NOW, not later – how about you?
I want them online, LIVE and telling me why I should help them.
Here's the format that I've used and have had massive success
with. It might wotk for you, it might not – everyone is different.
If you find something that works better for you – then do that!
The proof is in the pudding :)
1. Start off with general chit chat to build a little rapport
Here are some questions you can ask :
How you going?
How are you?
How's your day been?
Do anything exciting today?
Compliments also work really well here.
I really loved (x - something unique about their entry
compared to the others) how you did this with your entry.
What was your inspiration? How did you come up with that
2. Steer the conversation to the competition
Questions you can ask :
So what made you decide to enter the competition?
Did you jump in as soon as you saw it, or did you hold
back for a little bit?
What do you hope to get out of it?
3. Ask them about the competition and what the prizes are (you
should already know this). Encourage them to talk here –
find out from their perspective what they get out of the
What's up for grabs?
What do you win if you're in first place?
4. Ask them why itʼs important that they win. (They are now
telling you exactly why they need YOU to help them)
What's that prize going to do for you?
It would be cool to win that! What would that mean to
What do you want to do with the prize?
Are you going to go crazy and spend it all, or are you
going to be good boy/girl and save/ invest it?
5. Create a solution for them by feeding back their answers
(Tell them that you can help them win the competition which
will allow them to – all the things they just told you)
So it seems like it really means something for you to win
this competition huh?
What if I could show you a way where I could almost
guarantee you win the competition, which means you
would get (prize) which means that you'll be able to (reason
they want to win) - What would something like that mean to
Let's say I can wave a magic wand, and somehow
guarantee you win the competition which would allow you
to (reason they want to win) - what would something like
that be worth to you in terms of (the benefits they are going
to get by winning)?
In this stage - you have to get from them that they really want
to win the competition.
If you feel that they don't - call them on it.
Do you really want to win? You're not very convincing.
Sell it to me - sell me on why you should win the
6. Tell them the solution – They pay you to get the job done (I
can help you win the competition and your investment is only
going to be –whatever price you want)
Ok - so it seems like this is something you really want to go
after. And it seems like it's really going to help you do (reason
for entry). I really believe in you, and really think you deserve
to win. So I have a proposition for you. I'm connected to a lot
of people online – a lot of people. And what I'm able to do is
send out a whole bunch of messages to my thousands
contacts, and for a fee - ask them to like your entry, and pass
it on to their friends. Can you see how quickly I can make this
grow for you? We can make sure to blow your competition out
of the water!
Just so I'm clear - what would something like (all the prizes)
be worth to you?
$x? OK - that sounds about right.
So here's what I'm able to do for you. You told me how much
you really want this. Well I can make sure that it happens for
you. So much so, that if you don't win - I'll give you your
money back. (You can do this because win a comp has a
money back guarantee)
So to win all the stuff which you said was worth around
(what they mentioned before) to you, I can make sure you win
the competition for $1000.00 (or whatever you want to charge)
7. Handle any objections that come up (usually the only one is
price - I handle this by initially quoting $1000, and then
slowly coming down to $500 as a baseline) They then feel
like they are getting an awesome deal – which they are!
They're almost always going to say $1000 is too much, and they
can't afford it. When they do this - you have to re-iterate what it's
worth to them. You do this by getting them to tell it to you again. If
they don't play along - then call them out on their actions.
You said to me before that getting all the prizes means so
much to you. What's changed?
Then to negotiate on price :
I really do believe in you and your entry - that's why I want to
help you.
Let's make a deal - let's say 750, but you have to give me 400
upfront (or whatever else you want to negotiate)
And then using the same formula, bring it down to an acceptable
Don't worry so much about losing people - there are literally plenty
of people looking for someone like you to come along and help
There's a very fine line between bending over backwards to get a
client, and negotiating with your best interests at heart.
If you're going to do this for someone - then there has to be
reasonable profit in it for you. You're not running a charity, and that
sometimes means realizing that you aren't going to make any
money dealing with a particular person, and walking away from the
How To Get Your Clients To Pay For All Your Costs Upfront Without A Cent Ever Leaving Your Pocket
Once they start enquiring about the solution, itʼs time to ask them
to do something so that you are not out of pocket. They have to
put down a deposit for you to start the work for them. Thatʼs right –
they pay YOU before you even start the work.
This is another way to gauge how serious they are about winning.
The major reason for you wanting them to pay a 50% deposit
upfront is so that the deposit fully covers your outsourcing costs
and then some. My normal charge is $ 500.00 for the win, with a $
250.00 upfront deposit to start the work but this varies depending
on the competition terms and conditions and the amount of votes
When it comes to payment, make sure you make it easy for them.
Make sure you have a bank account that people can transfer
money into, and a PayPal account so people can pay you with
credit card if needed. Also donʼt be afraid to take cash, I donʼt mind
1 bit! The one thing that I will never accept is a check under any
circumstance. Checkʼs bounce which means you can be out of
pocket. That doesnʼt work for me. Thatʼs just my advice – do what
works for you.
Where To Find People Who Will Provide Top Quality Work For Dimes On The Dollar
Now that youʼve got yourself the job, and the deposit – itʼs time to
find people to get the job done for you, while you keep the profits.
There are a few places you can go to find service providers to get
you the likes you need to win competitions for your clients. Some
of the most well known ones are Fiverr – and O-
desk – From my experience, I wouldnʼt
recommend using these at all and here are some reasons why.
1. Many Use Obvious Fakes
With these service providers you will almost always encounter
what I call ʻObvious Fakesʼ. These fake profiles usually have no
profile picture, and you will usually find these ʻlikesʼ that you paid
for usually will ʻunlikeʼ your competition within 10 days. Not the
best look for your client, or the host of the competition.
2. Many Use Subtler Fakes
Subtle fakes are exactly that. They are fake profiles, which arenʼt
as overtly ʻfakeʼ as the obvious ones. These will usually have a
profile picture but will generally be of a celebrity rather than a real
3. Ridiculous Names
With cheaper providers you can find that some of your ʻlikesʼ will
come from people whose names are “ Hydro Carbon”, and “Cola
Pepsi”. I know – I didnʼt believe it either until it happened to me!
4. Quality Fakes
There are occasions where you will find providers who will give
you ʻquality fakesʼ. At first glance, these look pretty legitimate, but
when you look to see the profiles of the people who have liked the
competition page you will find one of a number of things.
These might be many of the profiles having the same picture, very
similar names, or you will find for example that this person only
has 3 friends, no status updates and have liked 100,000 pages!
Some can be 13 year olds, or not from relevant countries!
6. Inaccurate Demographics
This occurs when your competition host and client are in one
country, and the ʻlikesʼ that are purchased do not fit the profile. For
example – the competition and client is in London, UK and the
likes come from the Philippines.
7. Page Banning
The reason cheaper providers are able to provide you with the
ʻlikesʼ at such a cheap price is because the methods they use to
achieve them are Totally Against Facebookʼs Terms of Service.
When Facebook catches on to the scam, not only does the client
get forfeited from the competition, the competition host also can be
banned and blacklisted.
8. Contacting Other Competitors
Cheaper providers sometimes are looking for a quick buck. So
once you tell them of the competition, and pay them for their
services, they decide to do something very sneaky. They contact
OTHER contestants in the SAME competition, to try and get a
better deal for themselves. Once they do, they keep your money,
get the next clients money and helps their new ʻclientʼ (your
opposition) win the competition! Yes – this has happened to me
9. Blackmailing
This hasnʼt happened to me personally, but this did happen to a
friend who also is an Internet Marketer. He hired a cheaper
provider to generate the likes for a competition win for a client, and
once the provider won the competition, the provider demanded
more money otherwise would contact the competition host, and
prove that their client was cheating with proof! Thatʼs right – full on
You need to makes sure that the provider you are using to
generate your likes are doing so in a legitimate way, and that they
are producing demographic and location relevant likes from REAL
The reason for this is when it comes to competitions, only likes
from genuine people will be counted. The likes that are generated
for 5 bucks on Fiverr are usually automated bots or fake accounts
which canʼt be proven to be real. When these are used, the votes
are void and you might even get your client disqualified. They are
not going to be happy!
The people I use are . I use them because
they use real people with genuine likes to get the job done. Costs
more, but gives me what I need so that I keep everything above
board and ensures that the client is squeaky clean. Iʼve been using
these guys for over 6 months now, and have had nothing but
positive results. Let them know I sent you, and theyʼll make sure to
look after you.
What I really like about these guys, is that all I have to do is show
them the competition and theyʼll figure out how many likes your
client will need to win, and go about getting it done (Leverage –
Setting Up Your FB ATM (Payment System)
I mentioned this a little earlier, but make sure that you make it very
easy and really simple for people to pay you
I would say that 90% of the people that have paid me have done
so by credit card over PayPal, and the rest have by doing a bank
Just in case you don't have access to paypal in your country, then
use another payment gateway that you CAN use. I don't know
which is available in your country – so just have a look around and
find one.
Instead of seeing this as an obstacle – get into possibility thinking
and FIND a way that it will work :)
You can setup a PayPal account by going to – .
Set up a business account so that you can receive money – itʼs
free and wonʼt take you more than 15 minutes to do.
Now – while we are on the subject of paypal, it can sometimes be
a bitch! Sometimes your account can get shut down due to too
many payments, or payments that are too large and a myriad of
other reasons. The short of it is IF payments coming to you
somehow trigger off the paypal algorithm, your account gets SHUT
DOWN. That means no access to the moolah that you've worked
for. That means no way to pay the people you are outsourcing the
work to and essentially cutting off your funds! Not good!
My account got shut down in early March with over $15 000 in it.
Let me tell you – it was a nightmare and took 3 weeks to get the
account re-activated fully so I had access to my money. All while I
was overseas!
My buddy Garry Sayer has put together a guide that is going to
save you the pain and heartache that I went through. I went
through it and immediately started changing the way I dealt with
paypal. Ever since – no account shut downs.
Iʼd also recommend having a bank account (if you donʼt already
have one) so that if itʼs easier for people, they can transfer money
via bank transfer rather than credit card over the Internet.
Social Income Formula Summary
So now youʼve gone through the whole Social Income Formula
from start to finish.
Youʼve gone through everything from where to find clients, how to
approach them, how to contact and negotiate with them, how to
close the deal, how to outsource the work for pennies, and how to
collect your not so hard earned moolah!
Quite a ride huh? Hereʼs a Quick Summary for you to take you
step by step through the system.
1. Go to or one of the
other competition pages to find 1 that's based on ʻlikesʼ
2. Contact Win A Comp for a skype consultation to see the
expected costs to generate a win for the competition
3. Look at the competition to find the competitors that are
placed in positions 3-7
4. Send a Facebook message to these competitors introducing
yourself with the Special PS. line that I mentioned earlier to
get a response
5. Organize a personal FB chat with these people to find out
their reasons for wanting to win the competition
6. Make a deal with them, and negotiate on the terms and price
7. Direct them to their preferred method of payment
8. Make sure you receive 50% upfront to cover your
outsourcing costs (or whatever else you wanted to organise)
9. Hire to win the competition for you
Collect the second 50% of your money after the win
Rinse and Repeat
And there you have it. Youʼve now gone through the FB ʻLikesʼ
Exploitation System for generating moolah on Facebook. I hope
youʼve found yourself an innovative way to make some money
entirely online with no cold calling, no meeting people face to face,
and be able to do it in the comfort of your own home or anywhere
in the world for that matter.
Make sure you set your goals, and follow your action plans to
achieve the results you want to achieve.
I know Iʼve said this a few times now – but the rolodex will really
help save yourself some time and energy to help you get the jobs
done easily with less hassle, along with a professionally done for
you website. If by chance you would like to make your life easier –
You Can Do So Here
Thanks so much for your purchase, it's great to have you on board
and I look forward to hearing your success stories!
If you haven't already, I'd love for you to share why you decided to
purchase Social Income Formula on the Warrior Forum .
• Robert Kiyosakiʼs “ Rich Dad, Poor Dad”
• Where to find competitions -
• Recommended people to do the work for you -
• Set Up Payment Gateway –
• Rolodex of Suppliers and Done For You Website –
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