TEODORA SOBEJANA-CONDON VS. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, LUIS M. BAUTISTA Key Key Doctri Doctrine: ne: Failure to renounce foreign citizenship in accordance with the exact tenor of Section 5(2) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 225 renders a dual citizen ineligible to run for and thus hold an! electi"e public o#ice. Fct!: $he petitioner is a natural%born Filipino citizen ha"ing been born b orn of Filipino parents on August &' . *n +ece,ber -' &' she beca,e a naturalized Australian citizen owing to her ,arriage to a certain e"in $ho,as /ondon. *n +ece,ber +ece,ber 2' 2005' she 1led an applicati application on to re%acuir re%acuire e 3hilippine 3hilippine citizenship citizenship before the 3hilippine 4,bass! in /anberra' Australia pursuant to Section - of R.A. No. 225 otherwise nown as the 6/itizenship Retention and Re%Acuisition Act of 200-.7 $he application was appro"ed and the petitioner too her h er oath of allegiance to the Republic of the 3hilippines on +ece,ber 5' 2005. *n Septe,ber &' 2008' the peti etitioner 1led an unsw nsworn Declaration of Renunciation of Australian Citizenship before the +epart,ent of 9,,igration and 9ndigenous A#airs' /anberra' Australia' which in turn issued the *rder certif!ing that she has ceased to be an Australian citizen. $he petitioner ran for :a!or in her ho,etown of /aba' ;a
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