soalan peperiksaan Bahasa Inggeris KSSR Tahun 1...
A. Read. Fill in the blanks. (6 marks) the hill
some buns
much fun
Sonia and her family rode a car up _________________ . They saw owers owers and bu!s. They had so _______________. _______________. They rested rested and ate ______________ ______________ .
". #unctuate the sentences correctly. ($% marks) $. what is your name __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ %. i ha&e a friend named sarah __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ '. thank you for helpin! me aida __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ . susan nani and aida like to skip __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
*. +ook at the pictures. ,atch. -rite the correct sentences. ($ marks) three ei!ht 1&e four se&en
chicks dresses ducks pencils 1sh
$. Alicia has __________________________________ %. /oni has ___________________________________ '. The chicken has ____________________________ . The farmer has _____________________________ . /enny has ________________________________
0. #ut the followin! items in the correct !roup. ($% marks) eraser blackboard
Things in the
chalks pencil
books cupboard
Things in a bag
2. Replace the pictures with words. Rewrite the sentences. ($ marks)
F. ,atch. -rite and colour. (% marks) a brown worm a yellow chick
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