soalan bahasa inggeris PPKI tahun 5

May 13, 2018 | Author: Ctee Hasxiera | Category: N/A
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soalan peperiksaan pertengahan tahun PPKI KSSR 5...


Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2016 / PPKI SKHA / Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 SECTION A

Circle the correct answers

1. Which f! f! are are suita"#e suita"#e t eat eat fr #unch #unch a.


2. The picture picture "e#$ "e#$ sh$s

a. %ingers ".

". Hea!

&. We ha'e t $ash ur ur ((((((( "efr "efre e eating. a.


). Which f the f##$ing picture sh$s a g! ha"it  

a a..


5. What What ! $e use use $hen $e $e "athe* "athe* a. ".

6. I "rush +, (((((((((((e (((((((((((e'er,!a 'er,!a, , a. Teeth 1

". Te -ise!iakan #eh  Pn Siti Hasirah Hasan

Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2016 / PPKI SKHA / Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5

 . The f! in the picture is (((((((((((((((. a. +i#k ". hicken

3. I taste f! $ith +, (((((((((((. a.


4. Which f! is nt hea#th, a.


10. Which f the f##$ing is

not true?


We tuch $ith ur tngue


We hear $ith ur ears

11. Which are the f##$ing is a.



12. What ! $e nee! fr this part ?

a. T tuch an! fee# 2

". t s+e## -ise!iakan #eh  Pn Siti Hasirah Hasan

Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2016 / PPKI SKHA / Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5

1&. Su!in eats "rea! $ith "utter an! !rinks a g#ass f +i#k. He is ha'ing his ((((((((((((((( a. Breakfast

". -inner

1). in!a is sick "ecause he eats ((((((((((((( .  

a. hea#th, f!

". unhea#th, f!

15. What ! ,u ! ha'e t ! after taking "ath a. g t sch#

". !r, up ,ur "!, $ith t$e#

16. We +ust $ear (((((((((((( $hen $e p#a, utsi!e a. a $atch

". a pair f shes


Use BLUE COLOUR to colour the healthy food and use YELLOW COLOUR to colour the unhealthy food.


-ise!iakan #eh  Pn Siti Hasirah Hasan

Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2016 / PPKI SKHA / Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5


Match to the correct answers


-ise!iakan #eh  Pn Siti Hasirah Hasan

Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2016 / PPKI SKHA / Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5



I eat "rea! an! eggs $ith a g#ass f +i#k in the +rning.



I eat rice8 9sh an! 'egeta"#es at nn. I !rink a #t f $ater t.



I eat rice8 frie! chicken an! +eat at night. I a#s !rink a g#ass f range  
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