Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMK kelas 10 semester 1...
: : : :
Bahasa Inggris X / Jasa Boga, Busana Butik, Ak P!rh !rhot!"a !"an # $P%
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Tidak Tidak diperk diperkena enanka nkan n mengerja mengerjakan kan denga dengan n spidol. spidol. Tulis Tulis nama, nama, kelas, kelas, dan nomor peserta peserta anda anda pada pada lembar lembar jawaban. jawaban. Apabila Apabila terdapat terdapat tulisan tulisan yang yang kurang kurang jelas dan dan rusak, rusak, segera segera tanyakan tanyakan pada pada pengawas. pengawas. Periksa Periksa kembal kembalii lembar lembar jawaban jawaban anda anda sebelum sebelum diserah diserahkan kan kepada kepada pengawas pengawas.. Tidak Tidak diperkenan diperkenankan kan menerima menerima dan memberi memberi jawaban jawaban kepada orang orang lain, apabila apabila terbukti, terbukti, maka maka yang memberi memberi dan menerima menerima akan diberikan nilai nol.
I Mu"t Mu"ti' i'"! "! (hoi (hoi)! )!s* s* +u!stion to -: )hoos! th! ina''ro'riat! stru)tur! in th! .o""oing s!nt!n)!s or 0ia"ogs 1!"o 1. and anda a -ion -ion
/uben Tino /uben /uben
3. r. r. (am ira ira r. r. (am (am
! "hy "hy did didn# n#tt you you go go the the $a%a $a%a $a&& $a&& 'est 'esti% i%al al last last (atu (aturd rday ay) ) *t *t was was grea great+ t+ A ! 'rank 'rankly ly spea speaki king, ng, * do do not not enj enjoy oy $a& $a&&. &. * pre preer er /o0k /o0k musi musi0. 0. *t is ene energ rget eti0 i0 tha than n $a&& $a&&.. ! *#%e in inall ally de0ided to uit my job. A ! "hy) * thought you enjoy working here. ! "ell, "ell, * used used to. to. ut ut our our mana manager ger asked asked me me to handle handle a job job whom whom * don#t don#t like like %ery %ery mu0h. mu0h. ! ould ould you pi0k pi0k our our guest guest speake speakerr up up at at the the airpor airportt this this ater aternoo noon) n) ! 0our 0ours se, sir sir. ut how how will * re0og e0ogni ni& &e her her) A ! (he has has 0urly short hair, and she#ll she#ll take take a blue blue map with with her. her. ou# ou#llll ind ind her easily easily,, don#t don#t worry. worry.
4. ou ou will ind a manual manual inside the the bo6. * you ollow the pro0edures, you would be able to operate the the ma0hine. * * A you ind any dii0ulties, please 0onta0t our bran0h oi0e at 728498::54:8. ur operator will be glad to help you sol%e your problems. 5. *t was the the irst time time or the the s0hool to join an nglish nglish debate 0ontest. The The team got a %ery satisied satisied result and won won A the irst pri&e. The headmaster was %ery pleased with the students# a0hie%ement a0hie%ement in the 0ompetition. :. The new 0ellul 0ellular ar phone is low in in 0ost than the the pre%ious pre%ious one; but it is is more stylish stylish and user9ri user9riendly. endly. A 8.
ne o the the most %isited %isited hotels in in the 0ountry is
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