Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Structure (Model Test 1 by Cliffs 5:45 PM
M Ahkam A
Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Structure (Model Test 1 by Cliffs
Soal Tes Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban (Structure Model Test Test b! b ! "l#$$s% Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan &unc# Jawaban (Struct ure% ure% d# d# bawah #n# bersumber dar# buku "l#$$s'TOEFL Prearat#on )u#de* Perlu Anda ketahu# bahwa ses# Structure and +r#tten E,ress#on terd#r# E,ress#on terd#r# dar# 4- soal* 5 soal ertama meruakan soal structure sementara .5 seleb#hn!a meruakan soal wr#tten e,ress#on* &e emat uluh (4-% soal tes TOEFL ses# structure and wr#tten e,ress#on #n# e,ress#on #n# harus Anda /awab dalam waku 05 men#t* +aktu +aktu !an1 t#dak lama* Olehn!a kam# sarankan Anda Anda untuk ban!ak'ban!ak men1ulan1 ela/aran ela/aran dalam hal emahama Anda Anda terka#t 1rammar atau mater# structure TOEFL* 2alam s#tus #n#3 Anda daat menemukan berba1a# t#s t #s bela/ar TOEFL termasuk Metode termasuk Metode ela/ar Structure3 )rammar )ra mmar TOEFL !an1 a#k 3 - Mater# Ser#n1 2#u/#kan ada Te Tess Structure TOEFL33 dan mas#h ban!ak t#s la#nn!a* TOEFL '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''' Soal Te Tess TOEFL
* "ata#n enr!3 enr !3666666666666 6666666666666 6 cret slowl! throu1h the underbrush* A* be#n1 remote $rom the enem!3 * attemt#n1 to not encounter the enem!3
"* tr!#n1 to a7o#d the enem!3 2* not #n7ol7#n1 h#msel$ #n the enem!3 0* Tomm! was one 66666666666666666666 A* o$ the ha! ch#lds o$ h#s class * o$ the ha#est ch#ld #n the class "* ch#ld who was the ha#est o$ all the class 2* o$ the ha#est ch#ldren #n the class .*6666666666666 he be1an to make $r#ends more eas#l!* A* a7#n1 entered school #n the new c#t!3 #t was $ound that * A$ter enter#n1 the new school3 "* +hen he had been enter#n1 the new school3 2* 8on enter#n1 #nto the new school3 4* 9t #s 7er! d#$$#cult to sto the cult#7at#on o$ mar#/uana because 6666666666666 A* #t 1rows 7er! carelessl! * or #ts 1rowth w#thout attent#on "* #t 1rows well w#th l#ttle care 2* #t doesnt care much to 1row 5* The $act that sace e,lorat#on has #ncreased dramat#call! #n the ast th#rt! 66666666666 A* #s an e7#dence o$ us want#n1 to know more o$ our solar s!stem * #nd#cates that we are 7er! ea1er to learn all we can about our solar s!stem "* how we want to learn more about the solar s!stem 2* #s o#nt#n1 to e7#dence o$ our #ntent#on to know a lot more about what #s called our solar s!stem ;* Man! o$ the current #nternat#onal roblems we are now $ac#n1 666666666666666 A* l#n1u#st#c #ncometenc#es * are the result o$ m#sunderstand#n1s "* are because o$ not understand#n1 themsel7es 2* lacks o$ the #ntell#1ent caab#l#t#es o$ understand#n1 each other
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