Soal Latihan UKK B, Inggris Kelas 3

May 14, 2019 | Author: Rustam Efendi | Category: N/A
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Soal Latihan UKK B. Inggris kelas 3

I. Chose the correct answers by crossing a, b, c or d!

1. Wednesday,.....friday A. thursday B. wednesday C. tuesday D. Saturday

2. There are....days in a week  A. seven B. six C. ten D. twelve

3. The day befre wednesday is.... A. thursday B. wednesday C. tuesday D. Saturday

!. The "nth befre #ay is.... A. "ar$h B. au%ust C. a&ril D. De$e"ber 

'. The "nth after au%ust is.... A. $tber  B. se&te"ber  C. nve"ber  D. (uly

). #ther %es t...., she buys ve%etable and fruit A. &st ffi$e B. "s*ue C. library D. "arket

. / a" Akbar. / a" a student, / need.... A. $ar, unifr", hand&hne, "ney B. bk, &en, &en$il, ba% C. huse, $ar, sfa, bed D. rin%, bi$y$le, bi$y$le, shes, fd

10. A. "e$hani$ B. far"er  C. d$tr  D. driver 

#y father is a....

11. A. tea$her  B. d$tr  C. nurse D. dan$er 

She is "y sister, she is a....

12. A. under  B. beside C. behind D. n

There is d%.....the table

13. A. under  B. beside C. behind D. n

The ba% is.....the dll

+. #y "ther is a d$tr. She wrks in.... A. hs&ital B. library C. "s*ue D. s$hl

1!. There is the bedr" A. s&n B. &illw C. tth &aste D. stve

. #rs. -enny is a tea$her, she tea$hs "any student, she wrks in.... A. hs&ital B. library C. "s*ue D. s$hl

1'. There are...., the bathr" A. sa&, sha"& B. blanket, &illw C. bk, ba% D. &late, %lass 1). #ther $ks in the.... A. dinin%r"

B. bathr" C. kit$hen D. %ara%e


/s it s&n

A. yes, it is B. n, it isnt C. yes, it isnt D. n, they are nt

1. /s it fryin% &en A. yes, it is B. n, it isnt C. yes, it isnt D. n, they are nt 1. The s&ell f $u& is.... A. C  4  5 B. si  yu  &i C. si  yu  ef  D. $e  yu 6 &e 20. (i  el  ei  es  es


B. : C. bank  D. behind ;. sunday 9. "arket
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