SOAL latihan ecdis

March 13, 2019 | Author: ronie | Category: Hydrography, Navigation, Geographic Data And Information, Geography, Geomatics
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The The pri prima mary ry func functi tion on of ECDI ECDIS S is is to: to: Fungsi utama ECDIS adalah: a. Elim Elimin inat ate e the the need need to use use pap paper er char charts ts.. Mengurangi kebutuhan penggunaan peta kertas. b. Redu Reduce ce the the num numbe berr of of per perso sons ns on the the bri bridg dge. e. Mengurangi jumlah orang di anjungan. c. Con Co ntr trib ibu ute to sa safe fe nav avig igat atio ion n Berkontribusi dalam keamanan navigasi . d. Com Compute puterrie ie ship shipbo boa ard nav navig iga ation tion Komputerisasi navigasi di atas kapal.


"n impo import rtan antt bene benefi fitt of ECDIS CDIS is: is: Kelebihan utama ECDIS adalah: adalah : a. Simp Simple le and and rel relia iabl ble e upd updat atin ing g of of the the E#C E#C Sederhana dan terpera!a mengupdat E"C. b. Red Reducin ucing g nav naviigat gationa ionall $o $or%lo r%loa ad #engurangan beban kerja navigasi. c. &rov &rovid idin ing g appr approp opri riat ate e alar alarms ms or or indi indica cati tion ons s #en!ediaan alarm dan indikasi !ang ermat. d. "ll of the above. Seluruh ja$aban di atas.


(hich (hich of the foll follo$i o$ing ng is mand mandato atory ry e)uip e)uipmen mentt that that must must be conn connect ected ed to ECDI ECDIS* S* Manakah peralatan $ajib !ang harus terhubung dengan ECDIS% a. Radar+"R&" b. &osi &o siti tion onal al nav navig igat atio ion n sens sensor ors s ,e.g ,e.g..- & &S/ S/ c. Trac% co control ,a ,autopil pilot/ ot/ d. "IS


"side "side from from the the re)uire re)uiremen ments ts for for the Displa Display y ase ase and Stand Standard ard Displ Display ay-- $ho $ho selects selects the the display categories of the 2"ll other information3 display level* &ersyaratan %husus untu% tampilan dasar dan tampilan standart- yang mana%ah yang harus dipilih untu% %ategori tampilan untu% menampil%an semua informasi* a. The The hyd hydro rogr grap aphi hic c off offic ice e iss issui uing ng the the E#C E#C data data.. 4idrografi resmi yang mengeluar%an data E#C b. The EC ECDIS ma manufacturer  &embuat ECDIS c. The mariner   &elaut d. "ll of the above Semua 5a$aban diatas


(hich (hich of of the the foll follo$i o$ing ng is is 2e)uiv 2e)uivalen alentt to to an up7to7 up7to7dat date e paper paper chart. chart.3* 3* eri%ut ini yang mana%ah sama dengan mengupdate peta %ertas* a. The E#C E#C b. The SE#C SE#C c. The ECDIS display Tampilan ECDIS d. 8fffic 8f iciial upd updat ates es in dig digit ital al for form mat 9pdate resmi dalam format digital


If the the electr electronic onic char chartt is part part of an an ECDISECDIS- itit must must displa display y the mini minimum mum data data re)ui re)uired red by I;8+I48- to include all of the follo$ing Ei%a peta ele%troni% adalah bagian dari ECDIS- yang harus menampil%an tampilan data minimum yang dipersyarat%an oleh I;8+I48- termasu% pernyataan diba$ah ini %ecuali== a. 4ydrography

b. c. d.

4idrografi aids to navigation  "lat navigasi tidal cu currents  "rah arus regulatory bou boundaries atasan7batasan regulasi


(hich (hich of the the follo$ follo$ing ing must must the the electr electroni onic c chart chart of an an ECDIS ECDIS displ display ay-- as re)u re)uire ired d by I;8+I48* eri%ut ini yang mana%ah harus tampil dalam peta ele%troni% ECDIS- sesuai persyaratan I;8+I48 * a. 4ydrography b. @erry routes c. Regulatory boundaries d. "ll of the above


ECDIS ECDIS units units inco incorpo rporat rate e Digita Digitall Chart Chart Data Data @orm @ormats ats-- $hich $hich includ include e ===.. ===.. Beseluruhan ECDIS menca%up format data peta digital termasu%== a. vector only hanya vector  b. raster only hanya raster  c. vector and raster   vector dan raster  d. imposed vie$ing tampa% terbatas


(hich (hich of of the the follo follo$in $ing g are data data layer layer cate categor gories ies to be be displa displayed yed on ECDI ECDIS* S* eri%ut ini adalah %ategori data la pisan yang harus ditampil%an dalam ECDIS* a. ECDIS $a $arnings an and me messages &eringatan dan pesan ECDIS b. 4ydrographic 8f 8ffice da data Data hydrografi resmi c. #ot #otice ice to to ;ar ;arine iners infor nform matio ation n Informasi berita pelaut d. "ll of the above Semua 5a$aban diatas benar 


(hich of the the follo$ing follo$ing data layer layer categories categories is #8T #8T displaye displayed d on ECDIS* ECDIS* eri%ut ini %ategori data lapisan yang tida% ditampil%an oleh ECDIS* a. #ot #otice ice to to ;ar ;arin ine ers infor nform matio ation n Informasi berita pelaut b. ECDIS $a $arnings an and me messages &eringatan dan pesan ECDIS c. Shi hip p hy hyd dro rody dyna nam mic in inffor orm mati tion on Informasi 4ydronami% Bapal d. 4ydrographic 8ff 8ffice data Data hydrografi resmi

11. 11.

The database database resultin resulting g from ,1/ ,1/ the transf transformat ormation ion of the the electroni electronic c navigational navigational chart chart ,E#C/ ,E#C/ by ECDIS for appropriate use- ,!/ the updates to the E#C by appropriate means- and ,'/ the additional data added by the mariner- is called the ====.. Database dihasil%an dari ,1/ transformasi peta navigasi ele%troni% ,E#C/ oleh ECDIS untu% %etetapan penggunaan- ,!/ 9pdate E#C dengan alat yang tepat- dan ,'/ data tambahan yang ditambah%an oleh pelaut disebut==. a. Display play base informa rmatio tion Tampilan Tampilan informasi dasar  b. Stand tanda ard disp displa lay y info inform rmat atio ion n Tampilan Tampilan informasi standart c. Syst Sy stem em el elec ectr tron onic ic na navi viga gati tion onal al ch char artt Sistim peta navigasi ele%troni% d. Chart di display information Tampilan Tampilan informasi peta


The database database informat information ion that that should should be sho$n sho$n $hen a chart chart is first display displayed ed on ECDIS ECDIS is

the ===== Informasi database yang harus ditampil%an %eti%a peta pertama %ali tampil di ECDIS adalah=.. a. Display play base informa rmatio tion Tampilan Tampilan informasi dasar  b. Sta tand nda ard di disp spla lay y in info form rmat atio ion n Tampilan Ta mpilan informasi standart c. System stem elec electtroni ronic c nau nauti tica call cha chart rt Sistim peta navigasi ele%troni% d. Chart di display information tTampilan informasi peta 1'.

The level level of databas database e informatio information n $hich cannot cannot be removed removed from the ECDIS ECDIS display display and consists of information $hich is re)uired at all times in all geographic areas and under all circumstances is the ======. Ting%atan informasi database yang tida% dapat dihilang%an dari tampilan ECDIS dan terdiri dari informasi yang dipersyarat%an setiap saat dalam seluruh area geografi dan %eadaan yang terba$ah adalah=.. a. Displ play ay base inform rma ati tio on b. Stand tanda ard disp displa lay y info inform rmat atio ion n c. System stem elec electtroni ronic c nau nauti tica call cha chart rt d. Chart di display information


ECDIS ECDIS must must give give an alarm alarm for for $hich $hich of the the follo follo$in $ing g cases* cases* ECDIS harus memberi%an alarm sesuai %eadaan beri%ut* a. (hen (hen the the spec specifi ified ed limi limitt for for devia deviatio tion n from from the the plan planned ned route route is is ecee eceeded ded atasan tertentu %eti%a ter5adi penyimpangan rencana route telah dilampaui b. If the the shipship- $ith $ithin in a speci specifie fied d time time set by the the $atch $atch offic officer er-- is is going going to cros cross s a safety safety Contour  >i%a %apal- pengesetan $a%tu tertentu oleh per$ira 5aga- sedang melintasi safety contour. c. If the the shipship- $ithi $ithin n a specifi specified ed time time set by the $atc $atch h offic officer er-- is goin going g to cross cross the the bound boundary ary of of a prohibited area >i%a %apal- pengesetan $a%tu tertentu oleh per$ira 5aga- sedang melintasi batasan area terlarang d. "ll of the above Semua %a$aban diatas benar 


ECDIS ECDIS must must give give an alarm alarm for for $hich $hich of the the follo follo$in $ing g cases* cases* Ecdis harus memberi%an alarm sesuai %asus beri%ut ini* a. If the the shi ship p is goi going ng to to reac reach h a crit critic ical al poin pointt on the the pla plann nned ed rou route te >i%a %apal menu5u titi% %ritis dalam route yang idrencana%an b. (hen (hen the the spe speed ed of a dan danger gerou ous s tar targe gett ec ecee eeds ds a set set limi limitt Beti%a %ecepatan bahaya target melampaui batasan yang ditetap%an c. If the the shi shipF pFs s ET" ET" has has cha chang nged ed beyon beyond d the the set set lim limit it Ti5a ET" %apal dirubah melampaui batasan yang ditatap%an d. "ll of the above Semua 5a$aban diatas


Chart inform information ation detail details s to be used used in ECDIS ECDIS should should be the the latest latest edition edition of informa information tion originated by a government7authoried hydrographic office and conform to the standards of  ,the/ =====..  Informasi peta yang leng%ap yang diguna%an dalam ECDIS seharusnya informasi yang asli edisi tera%hir oleh hidrografi resmi yang ber$enang dan sesuai standar7standar== a. Inte Intern rnat atio iona nall ;ar ;arit itim ime e 8rg 8rgan ani iat atio ion n b. Inte In tern rnat atio iona nall 4ydr 4ydrog ogra raph phic ic 8rg 8rgan ani iat atio ion n c. #"S" d. 9S Coast uard


"n ECDIS ECDIS is re)uir re)uired ed to disp display lay $hich $hich info informa rmatio tion* n* ECDIS dipersyarat%an menampil%an informasi yang mana* a. Radar targets b. "R&" vectors c. 4ydrographic da data d. "ll of the above


ECDIS ECDIS must have have the capability capability to to preserve preserve the record record of of the voyage voyage trac% trac% for for the previou previous=. s=. ECDIS harus mempunyai %emampuan untu% menampil%an %embali tre% pelayaran untu% $a%tu=

a. b. c. d.

0 hours  hours 1! hours !0 hours


(hich data must ECDIS be able able to record record at one7minute one7minute intervals* intervals* Data yang harus dapat dicatat ECDIS setiap interval satu menit* a. &osition &osisi b. Elec Electr tron onic ic navi naviga gati tion onal al char chartt sou sourc rce e Sumber peta navigasi ele%troni% c. Course ma made go good hi history Ri$ayat perbai%an haluan d. "ll of the above Seluruh 5a$aban diatas


"n ECDIS ECDIS is is re)uir re)uired ed to disp display lay $hic $hich h inform informati ation* on* ECDIS dipersyarat%an menampil%an informasi yang mana%ah* a. Soundings Bedalaman laut b. (aypoints c. ;eteorological da data Data meteorologi d. Radar targets Target7target radar 


"n ECDIS ECDIS is is re)uir re)uired ed to disp display lay $hic $hich h inform informati ation* on* ECDIS diharus%an menampil%an informasi yang mana%ah* a. (ater temperature Temperatur air  b. Climatology data Data cuaca c. Speed of advance Becepatan beri%utnya d. Depth contours ambaran %edalaman


(hich data must ECDIS be able able to record record at one7minute one7minute intervals* intervals* Data mana%ah yang harus dapat dicatat ECDIS setiap interval satu menit* a. Course made good history b. Estima imated time of arrival c. Speed through the $ater  d. Shaft R&;


ECDIS ECDIS must must be able to perform perform all of the follo$i follo$ing ng Ei%a resolusi monitor ECDIS %urang dan penyetelan tida% sempurna- %emung%inan apa%ah yang berpengaruh pada ECDIS* a. Cha Chart sca scale may may be be mis misrrepre eprese sent nted ed S%ala peta mung%in %urang ter$a%ili b. Char Chartt fea featu ture res s may may not not be sho$ sho$n n in the the int intend ended ed col color  or  ambar peta mung%in tida% tampil sesuai $arna c. @ineness of of de detail ma may be be lo lost Be5ernian yang leng%ap dimung%in%an hilang d. "ll of the above Seluruh 5a$aban diatas


(hich of of the follo$i follo$ing ng reference reference systems systems affect affect the informa information tion on on ECDIS* ECDIS* eri%ut ini menun5u%%an pengaruh sistim informasi pad ECDIS* a. Draf Draftt of ves vesse sell ente entered red int into o sound sounder er tha thatt is con conne nect cted ed to to ECDI ECDIS S Sarat %apal yang dimasu%%an oleh sounder yang terhubung %e ECDIS b. &hys &hysic ical al loca locati tion on of sca scann nner er for for "R& "R&" " conn connec ecte ted d to ECD ECDIS IS o%asi fisi% Scanner untu% ER&" terhubung ECDIS c. eod eodet etic ic syst system em used used in the the cre creat atio ion n of of the the char chartt dat data a Sistim pemetaan yang diguna%an dalam membuat data peta d. "ll of the above Semua 5a$aban diatas


(ith radar radar overlay overlay on ECDISECDIS- $hat can can be the cause, cause,s/ s/ of radar radar echoes echoes not matchi matching ng the charted position of a fied ob5ect* Dengan tampilan radar pada ECDIS apa yang menyebab%an echo radar tida% sesuai de ngan posisi benda tetap dipeta* a. Inco Incorr rrec ectt inpu inputt of ship shipHs Hs posi positi tion on fi fiin ing g devi device ce ,& ,&S/ S/.. Betida% coco%an masu%an alat penentu posisi %apal b. Impro Improper per coor coordina dinate te setti setting ng of radar radar anten antennana- conn conning ing stat station ion or or shipHs shipHs dime dimensi nsions ons Betida% sempurnaan pengesetan posisi antenna radar- stasion conning atau u%ura %apal c. Either Either the the Chart Chart Display Display Catego Category ry is in ase ase Displ Display ay or the the scale scale is is so small small that that it is sho$ sho$ing ing ayers ost Bategori tampilan peta lainnya adalah tampilan dasar atau s%ala terlalu %ecil sehingga ini menampil%an layar yang hilang d. "ll of the above Semua 5a$aban diatas


These statement statement $ill give indication indication or alarm alarm true E
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