Soal Kuis Scele Biolum

October 25, 2017 | Author: Tri Widjaya Putranto | Category: N/A
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scele biolum...


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In which phase of mitosis are the chromosomes moving toward the poles? Anafase Organisms are classified on the bases of all the following except: similarity of function Komponen sel yang terdapat dalam sel prokariotik adalah... Ribosom In designing an experiment, the variable that is measured by the scientist is the There are some general characteristics to decide if something is living, dear, or non-living. Here is one of them ... Living things obtain and use energy Scientific classification is primarily based on ... structure and evolutionary development The biological definition of species is simply ... The reproductive isolation o a group of organisms A cell is recognized by other tissue members as ?self? by surface... glycoproteins All the following are concepts of cell theory except? All living things have chloroplasts Which of the following structures serves as the cell?s boundary from its environment? cell membrane Teori generatio spontanea berhasil disanggah oleh teori biogenesis dari eksperimen berikut, kecuali... Harold Urey The process by which a cell divides into two daughter cells is called ... mitosis The binomial system of classification was developed by ... Linnaeus The cytoskeleton consists of ... microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments Proteins are needed by a cell for? growth and repair All of the following are characteristics of life EXCEPT movement Which of the following correctly lists taxonomic levels from largest to smallest? Domain > Kingdom > Phylum >Genus What type of transport is responsible for the movement of a polar molecule from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration? Facilitated diffusion The closest evolutionary relationship exists between individuals of the same ... genus

1. Apa yang menyebabkan Archaebakteria dimasukkan dalam domain prokariota? Persamaan sekuens dalam ribosomal RNA 2. Faktor yang memengaruhi evolusi menurut Lamarck ialah ... Adaptasi terhadap lingkungan 3. Mutations are ... a source of new genetic material. 4. The animal-like protists contain ... amoeba and paramecium 5. Which domain contains primitive cells that are lacking a nuclear membrane? Bacteria 6. Red tide menyebabkan :... produksi ikan rendah 7. Saccaharomyces cerevisiae bereproduksi dengan pertunasan 8. Enzim ekstraseluler yang dihasilkan oleh Fungi berperan sebagai: perombak medium 9. The paramecium is a one-celled, eukaryotic, heterotrophic organism with cilia. This organism is best classified in the kingdom: protista 10. Prokaryotic organisms lack a nuclear membrane 11. Phytophthora infestans merupakan jamur air yang menyebabkan penyakit? Busuk pada kentang 12. Salah satu bakteri yang bersifat patogen adalah? Bacillus anthracis

13. Struktur tertentu pada bakteri yang berguna dalam rekayasa genetik ... plasmid 14. Kelompok archaebakteria yang hidup di lingkungan dengan kondisi sangat panas adalah? Kelompok termofil ekstrem 15. Sel Bakteria Streptoccocus berbentuk: kokus 16. Member of protista which has flagella ... euglena 17. Alat gerak pada Protista yakni ... flagela 18. Di daerah asalanya, yaitu Amerika Selatan, burung Finch hanya mempunyai satu bentuk paruh. Akan tetapi, hasil pengamatan di kepulauan Galapagos terdapat variasi bentuk parauh burng finch. Hal tersebut menunjukkan evolusi... divergen 19. Which domain contains primitive cells that are lacking a nuclear membrane? Bacteria

1. Ikan bertulang sejati dapat dibedakan dengan ikan bertulang rawan dalam beberapa hal, kecuali... jantung 2. Having lungs, being warm blooded and having a four-chambered heart are characteristics of ... aves 3. What structure is plant wood also known as? Vascular cambium 4. Struktur yang mencirikan hewan Chordata ... notochord 5. Tumbuhan yang membentuk hanya ovul atau hanya polen, disebut ... dioecious 6. Pertumbuhan suatu tanaman sangat dipengaruhi oleh hormon-hormon berikut, kecuali ... asam absisat 7. What are the diploid individuals called in the alternation of generations? Sporopit 8. Jaringan epidermis berfungsi sebagai jaringan pelindung pada tumbuhan. Contoh jaringan epidermis adalah ... tidak ada yg benar 9. Rangka pada ular piton merupakan ... toraks 10. Baik hewan Mollusca (misalnya siput dan kerang), maupun Arthropoda (misalnya udang dan kupu-kupu) memiliki eksoskeleton, namun ... Eksoskeleton Arthropoda tidak ikut tumbuh dengan hewan, sedangkan pada Mollusca eksoskeleton ikut tumbuh 11. Biji dibentuk dari ... ovule 12. What structure connects the leaf of a plant to the stem? Petiole 13. Organisme berikut ini yang bukan termasuk dalam kelompok hewan ... amuba 14. Lingkaran tahun sering dijumpai pada batang ... jati 15. Seekor hewan berbentuk bulat, tubuhnya penuh dengan duri yang panjang, tubuhnya bersimetri radial, hidup di laut, maka hewan tersebut dalam kelas... echinoidea 16. Of the following, the closest relative to the whale is the ... cat 17. Which of the following types of plants do NOT contain real vascular tissue? Bryophytes 18. Animal-like protists and bacteria usually reproduce by ... binary fission

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