Soal Cause & Effect

May 26, 2018 | Author: eca indira | Category: Hemp, Cannabis (Drug), Nature, Business
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soal cause and effect sebanyak 25 soal...


1. Many species species of wildlife wildlife are becoming becoming extinct, extinct, _________ __________ _ the rainforests rainforests are being destroyed. A. there therefo fore re B. since C. so D. Conseq Conseqen ently tly ! . As ". _________ __________ _ logging logging pro#ides pro#ides $obs and profits, profits, the go#ernment go#ernment is relctant relctant to control it. A. %o B. Cons Conseq eqe ent ntly ly C. De to to D. %i %inc ncee !. &han &han' 's to to (. )emp can be sed sed to ma'e paper, paper, ________ __________ __ it cold redce redce the need need for  logging. A. there therefo fore re B. so C. de to D. Beca Becas see !. &hs

*. )emp was grown grown throgho throghott history ______ __________ ____ its #ersatil #ersatility+ ity+ it can can be sed to ma'e many different things. A. d dee to B. beca becas see C. since D. as a resl resltt !. or

-. )emp is related related to the mari$ana mari$ana plant+ plant+ _______ __________, ___, it is illegal illegal in many many contries. A. so B. beca becas see C. de to D. win wing g to !. as a res resl ltt /. )emp cannot cannot be sed to prodce prodce mari$an mari$ana, a, _________ __________ _ its low &)C &)C content. A. beca becas see B. as C. be beca cas see of  D. Conseq Conseqen ently tly !. %in %ince

0. Mari$ana Mari$ana is less toxic toxic than alcoho alcoholl or tobacco. tobacco. _________ __________, _, some people people  belie#e it shold be be legalied. A. %o B. &h &her eref efor oree C. De to D. Beca Becas see ! . As 2. _________ __________ _ Canada Canada has legalied legalied hemp hemp farming, farming, we can expect expect to to see  plp and paper prodced prodced from hemp #ery soon. A. &her &heref efor oree B. De to C. %o D. As !. Cons Conseq eqe ent ntly ly 3. 4anice 4anice got got home late. %he missed her &5 program. program. 6se the case or effect transition to relate r elate those sentence7 A. De De to to B. Beca Becas see C. &her &heref efor oree D. Conseq Conseqen ently tly ! . %o

18.Al#in missed the bs. )e wo'e p late. 6se the case or effect transition to relate those sentence7 A. B. C. D. !.

De to Beca Be cas see &herefore Conseqently %ince

11.My brother does not sleep #ery well since the neighborhood is noisy. 6se the case or effect transition to relate those sentence7 A. B. C. D. !.

De to Becase of  &herefore Conseqently %ince

1".Drn'ennes is __________ by too mch alcohol A. De De to to B. %o C. Beca Beca se D. Ca Cas sed ed !. Beca Becas see of  1(.9)e 1(. 9)e got to wor' really, really late :cos he missed his train;.
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