Soal Bahasa Inggris Procedure Text

May 24, 2018 | Author: Rudi Saragih | Category: Icon (Computing), Baking Powder, Computer File, Breads, Food & Wine
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Soal Bahasa Inggris-Procedure I nggris-Procedure Text Text PROCEDURE TEXT Text 1 The following text is for questions number 1 to 5. Pineapple Stew Ingredients: 1 pineapple cut into dices 3 glasses of water 1 glass of granulated sugar Directions: 1. Boil water until boiled. 2. Then add sugar, cinnamon, and clovers. 3. Bring it to boil and add the pineapples. . !ait until "ou can smell the pineapple. #. $emove from heat and serve cold. 1. The recipe tells "ou how to ma%e &. '. ingredients B. dice (. granulated sugar D. pineapple stew 2. !hat ingredients are needed to ma%e pineapple stew) '. Dice, glass, sugar B. *ineapples, water, sugar (. +lass, water, sugar D. *ineapples, dice, water 3. ow much sugar do we need) '. 1 glass B. 3 glasses (. 1 cup D. 3 spoons . !hen do we have to stop boiling the pineapple) '. !hen the water is boiled B. 'fter sugar, sugar, cinamon, and clovers are added (. !hen we smell the pineapple D. 'fter we remove the stew from heat #. ow should "ou serve the pineapple stew) '. It is served cold B. It is served hot (. It is served raw D. It is served uncoo%ed Text 2 The following text is for questions number 6 and 7. SEOTE!" Ingredients# 1 large ginger granulated sugar as desired - piece of palm sugar 1 g peanuts, fried and get rid of its inner s%in. 1 g green beans, boiled 3 slices of bread, slice into dices 1 g pomegranate seeds, boil until soft

Instructions# "inger water# 1.*eel and slice the ginger. 2.Boil it in a litre of water. 3.'dd some granulated sugar and - piece of palm sugar. ./train once it0s boiled. Ser$ing# 1.*our some boiled ginger water into a small bowl. 2.'dd 1 tbs of pomegranate seed, green bean and peanut. 3.'dd some bread on top. . The generic structure of the tet contains &. '. +oalIngredients/teps B. +oal/teps (. 4rientation5vents D. IdentificationDescriptions 6. To To ma%e se%oteng, we need... '. ginger, granulated sugar, palm sugar, peanut s%in, green bean, bread, pomegranate seeds B. ginger, granulated sugar, palm, peanut, green bean, dices, pomegranate seeds (. ginger, sugar, peanut, green bean, bread, pomegranate seeds D. ginger, granulated sugar, palm sugar, sugar, inner s%in of peanut, green bean, bread Text 3 The following text is for questions number 8 to 11. %&!I''& DROPS COOIES 78a%es  do9en Ingredients# 1 - cups all purpose flour ; teaspoons ba%ing powder ; teaspoons vanilla etract 2 eggs 1 cup sugar Directions# 1.(ombine flour and ba%ing powder, set aside. 2.Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla etract in a miing bowl until lightcoloured. 3./tir in the flour and ba%ing powder miture. .Drop the batter b" teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto a greased and floured ba%ing sheet. /et aside in a room temperature for  hours. #.Ba%e at 3#anddoll, 'merica0s Best ?ol. I ' (ollection of /avor" $ecipes @. The tet gives us ... how to prepare vanilla drop coo%ies. '. instructions B. descriptions (. stories D. opinions A. !hat ingredients do "ou need to ma%e vanilla drops coo%ies) '. flour, ba%ing powder, vanilla etract, eggs, and sugar B. flour, ba%ing powder, powder, vanilla ice cream, eggs, and sugar (. flour, ba%ing powder, vanilla ice cream, eggs, and salt D. flour, miing bowl, vanilla etract, eggs, and sugar 1. ow long does it ta%e to ba%e the coo%ies)

'. 2 minutes B.  minutes (. 3# minutes D.  minutes 11. ow man" coo%ies will "ou get with the above recipe) '.  B. 12 (. 1 D. @ Text 4 The following text is for questions number 12 to 15. (o)e)ade Cand* Ingredients# 1 c. water 1 c. granulated sugar 1 c. light corn s"rup 12 tsp. peppermint oil or other flavour Directions# 1./prin%le a thic% coat of powdered sugar on a coo%ie sheet. 2.(ombine the granulated sugar, light corn s"rup and water in a heav" saucepan. 3.(oo% over mediumhigh heat until the hardcrac% stage. 7!hen the cand" caramel crac%s, then dip into cold  water. .$emove from heat. #.'dd the peppermint oil or other flavour. /tir well. .*our onto the coo%ie sheet. 6./prin%le with more powdered sugar. @.(ut with a %nife as soon as cool enough to handle. 7/ource: B/5 adapted from: http:howC@#2Cma%epeppermintcand" http:howC@#2Cma%epeppermintcand".htm .htm 12. !hat do "ou learn from the recipe) '. ow to ma%e candies B. ow to sprin%le sugar on a coo%ie sheet (. ow to stir well D. ow to cut candies with a %nife 13. !hat ingredients do "ou need to ma%e it) '. water, granulated sugar , light corn s"rup, peppermint oil B. water, sugar, corn, peppermint (. coo%ie sheet, caramel, powdered sugar D. a %nife, coo%ie sheet, saucepan 1. ow man" steps are there to ma%e cand") '.  (. @ B. # D. 1 1#. !hen can we cut the cand") '. Before sprin%le with more powdered sugar B. 'fter we pour the miture to the coo%ie sheet (. 's soon as the candies cool enough to handle D. 's soon as we remove the caramel from heat

Text 5  The following text is for questions number 16 to 18. U!+IT &S&, Description# This traditional beverage has the function of reducing bod" odour, refreshing, smoothing, and slimming our bod". Ingredients# 1 %g turmeric 1 %g palm sugar 2# g blac% tamarind salt as much as needed 3 l of water Instructions# *eel turmeric and wash it. Then, slice it. se a grinder or blender to grind the sliced turmeric. *our the grou nd turmeric into a deep pan and add the rest of the ingredients. Bring it to boil. /tir it occasionall". 4nce it is boiled strain the miture. >et it cool off and serv e it with some ice cubes. 7/ource: B/5, ta%en from: www.virgina.multipl".com www.virgina.multipl".com 1. This recipe tells us how to ma%e E%un"it asamF. It is a %ind of &. '. coo%ie (. soup B. drin% D. biscuit 16. !e have to & the turmeric before we wash it. '. peel (. grind B. cut D. boil 1@. 4nce it is boiled strain the miture. The underlined word most nearl" means &. '. pour the miture with a sieve to separate the solid part from the liGuid part B. move substance around, using a spoon in order to mi it thoroughl" (. combine two or more substances, in a wa" that the" cannot easil" be separated D. cut something easil" with a sharp blade Text 6 The following text is for questions number 19 to 23. ,IXED ICE ES C&,PUR. 71 serving Ingredients# - of avocado 3 tbs. of condensed mil% 1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings some ice cubes (ow to )a/e it# 1.(ut the avocado into small pieces. 2.*ut ice cubes into the glass. 3.=ill - of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings. .'dd the sliced avocado. #.'dd the condensed mil% on the top of avocado. .8IH5D I(5 is read" to be served. 6. (ombine flour and ba%ing powder.

1A. The tet tells "ou &. '. about avocado

B. how to mi ice (. how to ma%e 8ied Ice D. how to eat 8ied Ice 2. ou ou need the following things to ma%e 8ied Ice, 5H(5*T &. '. avocado (. condensed mil% B. ice cubes D. sugar 21. ow much coconut water and coconut shavings do "ou need) '. 1 glass (. - can. B. - glass D. ; glass. 22. ow man" servings can "ou get form the recipe) '. one (. three B. two D. four 23. ou ou need 3 tbs. of condensed mil%. The underlined word is the abbreviation of &. '. spoon (. tablespoon B. teaspoon D. cup Text 7  The following text is for questions number 24 and 25. (ow to turn on a co)puter 1.Turn the power suppl" on. 2.Turn the computer on 3.Turn the monitor on. (ow to turn o00 a co)puter 1.(lic% start menu 2.(lic% Turn 4ff. 3.(lic% Turn 4ff again. .Turn the monitor then the power suppl" off. 7source: B/5 2. To To turn on a computer c omputer,, first we have to turn the & on. '. monitor (. start menu B. power suppl" D. computer 2#. !e must & the ETurn 4ffF after we clic% start menu if we want to turn off a cmputer. '. clic% (. turn B. press D. push Text 8 The following text is for questions number 26 to 35. (ow to Install CD-RO, 1.Turn off "our computer and unplug power cord from power outlet. 2.(arefull" remove the computer cover. 3./et the 8aster/lave Jumper on the rear panel of drive. 7To 7To get best results, we strongl" suggest that "ou connect "our device to the /econdar" ID5 port as the 8'/T5$ device. .(onnect the ID5 cable to the drive. #.(onnect the pole power cable to the drive. .(onnect the audio cable 7if applicable. 6.(arefull" slide the drive into the empt" ba" and mount it. Then replace the computer cover. @.*lug "our computer bac% to power outlet and then turn the power on. 7/ource: B/5

2. The tet above shows us how to &. '. unpac% (D$48 B. install the (D$48 (. uninstall (D$48 D. remove (D$48 from our computer 26. !hat is the purpose of the tet) '. To To eplain how to install (D$48 B. To To tell the readers how to connect computers using (D$48. (. To To discuss the influence of (D$48 on the computer wor%. D. To To measure the effectiveness of computer wor%ing with (D$48 installed. 2@. !hat should be done first before installing the (D$48) '. $emove the computer cover B. nplug all other devices first (. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cable D. Turn the computer on before installing (D$48 2A. !hat does the writer strongl" recommend in order to get the best result of the (D$48 installation) '. That we remove the computer cover first. B. That the computer should be turned off before installing (D$48. (. That the (D$48 is set as 8aster device in the /econdar" ID5. D. That (D$48 is set as 8aster device in *rimar" ID5. 3. !e have to connect the (D$48 to the following t"pes of cable 5H(5*T &. '. power cable B. audio cable (. ID5 cable D. monitor cable 31. !hat part of the (D$48 should be set if "ou want to appl" (D$48 as 8aster or /lave) '. 8otherboard slot B. ID5 slot (. (able power D. 8aster/lave Kumper 32. E(onnect the audio cable 7if applicable.F The sentence implies &. '. ou ou ma" not turn the computer on before connecting the cable. B. our our (D$48 ma" not wor% properl" if "ou do not connect the cable. (. It is not necessar" to connect the cable if it is not valid D. $einstall the (D$48 if "ou have not connected the cable. 33. E(onnect the ID5 cable to the dri$e.F dri$e.F The word LdriveL in the sentence refers to &. '. (D$48 B. Jumper (. motherboard D. computer 3. E(arefull" slide the drive into the empt" 1a* and 1a* and mount it.F The word Lba"L in the sentence is similar in meaning to &. '. Jumper B. cable (. button D. compartment 3#. *lug "our computer bac% to power outlet power outlet and  and then turn the power on. The word LoutletL in the sentence is similar in meaning to &. '. button B. channel (. cable

D. port Text 9 The following text is for questions number 36 to 38. Printing a 2ile 1.Turn the printer on. 2.4pen the file that "ou want to print. 3.(lic% E=ileF. 'nd then clic% EprintF. .(hec% if the printer0s name is the same as the one "ou are going to use. If it is not the same, then search for the name of the printer that "ou are going to use b" clic%ing on the small triangle or arrow beside it. #.(lic% EpagesF and then t"pe the pages that "ou want to print. ./elect the number of copies that "ou want to print b" clic%ing on the arrows beside it. 6.(lic% E4MF or E*rintF. 7source: B/5 3. The tet is about how to &. '. save a file (. print a file B. open a file D. delete a file 36. ow do we open the file) '. Kust b" turning the printer on. B. Kust b" clic%ing the E=ileF (. Kust b" clic%ing E*rintF D. Kust b" t"ping the pages 3@. !hat do we have to do if the printerLs name is not the same as the one we are going to use) '. /earch for the name of the printer that we are going to use b" clic%ing on the small triangle or arrow beside it B. /elect the number of copies that "ou want to print b" clic%ing on the arrows beside it. (. (lic% EpagesF and then t"pe the pages that "ou want to print. D. Turn the printer off. Text 1 The following text is for questions number 39 to 43 Connecting 3et2lash 0lash dis/. to a Co)puter 1.*lug the Ket=lash directl" into an available /B port on "our des%top or noteboo% computer. 2. !hen the Ket=lash is successfull" success full" connected to a computer, the Ket=lash Ns >5D will light up. ' $emovable Dis% driveO with a newl" assigned drive letter indicating the Ket=lash will appear in the 8" (omputer window. In addition, a $emovable ardware icon and an icon Puic% 8enu 7provided "ou setup Ket=lash elite will appear in the !indows /"stem Tra" 3.'fter the Ket=lash is connected to the computer, "ou can start transferring data to the Ket=lash Kust drag and drop files or folders directl" onto the $emovable Dis% icon that represents the Ket=lash . 7/ource: B/5, ta%en from: Ket=lash manual 3A. !hat does the tet tell us about) '. The steps to install the Ket=lash . B. The steps to uninstall the Ket=lash . (. The steps to install Puic%8enu of the Ket=lash. D. The steps to cop" files and folders to the Ket=lash. . !here do we plug the flash dis%) '. Into the ID5 port. B. Into the power slot. (. Into the /B port. D. Into the power outlet. 1. !hat indicates that the Ket=lash is successfull" connected to "our computer) '. The Ket=lash Ns >5D will light up. B. The computer is restarted automaticall". automaticall". (. The computer is removing the data to the Ket=lash .

D. The 'uto >og In of the Ket=lash is running. 2. In addition, a $emovable ardware icon and an icon Puic% 8enu 7provided "ou setup Ket=lash elite will appear in the !indows /"stem Tra".F The sentence implies & '. If the icons do not appear, "ou must reinstall the Ket=lash elite. B. If the icons do not appear, "ou must chec% "our hardware configuration. (. In some computers with different operating s"stems, the icons ma" not appear. D. ou ou must install the icons so that the icons ma" appear in the !indows /"stem Tra". Tra". 3. EIn addition, a $emovable ardware icon and an icon Puic%8enu 7provided "ou setup Ket=lash elite will appear in the !indows /"stem Tra".F The word LiconL in the sentence s entence is similar in meaning to .... '. port B. s"mbol (. cable D. drive Text 11 The following text is for question number 44. CD BO4'S ,aterials# 4ld (Ds air dr"eroven 8etal bowl +lue /mall saucersomething to cover the (D hole Directions# =irst, place the (D in a metal bowl and heat it with a hair dr"er. 4r put it in the oven on low heat. Then, bend the (D softl" when it softens. 'fter that, let it cool off. =inall", =inall", glue a small plastic saucer or an"thing to cover the hole. 7'dapted from: . !hat is the hair dr"er for) '. to place the (D B. To bend the (D (. o cool off the (D D. To heat the (D Text 12 The following text is for questions number 45 and 46. Tie D*eing Old T-shirt Things *ou need# 4ld cotton Tshirt >arge thread or rubber band (loth d"e Buc%et Steps# 1.!ash the cotton Tshirt. 2.*lace the wet shirt flat on the wor% surface. 3.Tie %nots in the Tshirt, or twist it and secure the folds with rubber bands or heav"dut" thread. .8i 12 c. liGuid d"e 7or 1 pac%age powdered d"e in 1 Gt. hot water. Dissolve # tbsp. table salt in the miture. #.>et the miture cool to room temperature. .*ut the entire shirt in the d"e and let it soa% for at least 2 minutes. 6.$inse the shirt in cold water until the water runs clear. @.ndo the %nots and rinse the shirt again. A.ang the shirt to dr", under the sun.

#. ow must we place the wet Tshirt) '. inside out B. upside down (. folded D. flat . Dissolve # tbsp. table salt in the miture. The underlined word means to ma%e the table salt become .... '. part of the miture B. more solid (. colourful D. fro9en Text 13 The following text is for questions number 47 and 48. REC+C'I!" P&PER E5uip)ent# 4ld paper, maga9ines, or newspapers Blenderfood processor Buc%et Insect screensstrainers !ire Bleach !hite glue Iron !ater Directions# =irst, shape wires into a rectangular shape. Then, cover the wire frame with insect screens and sew it. 'fter that, rip the paper into small pieces. 'nd then, put the torn paper in a buc%et and fill it with warm water. 'dd one table spoon of bleach. /oa% the paper for a half an hour. Qet, put a cup of soa%ed soa% ed paper in a blender, add some bleached water and blend it. 'nd then, pour the blended paper in a large rectangular container. e.g. sin% or tra". 'fter that, repeat step # and  until all of the soa%ed paper are blended. Then, add and mi two table spoon of white glue to the blended paper. 'fter that, dip the screen frame into the blended paper. >ift and rinse the water for a minute. Then, dr" the paper 7with the screen frame still on in the sun. 'nd then, peel the papers out of the frame screens  when it0s dr". dr". =inall", iron the paper. 7/outce: B/5, adapted from:"cling.paper"cling.paper.html .html 6. !hat do "ou learn from the tet) '. ow to shapes wires B. ow to rip paper into small pieces (. ow to rec"cle paper D. ow to bleach paper @. /oa% the paper for a half an hour. !hat does the underlined word mewan) '. to ma%e something completel" wet B. to ma%e something completel" dr" (. to put something Guic%l" into liGuid and ta%e it out again D. to tear something often suddenl" or violentl"

Text 14 The following text is for questions number 49 and 5. Snow "lo1es +lue a small obJect to the inside of the lid  a plastic figurine, f, etc. 'dd glitter, glitter, beads, or foil confetti, etc. =ill the Jar  with eGual parts water and corn s"rup, add food colouring if desired. /eal the lid onto the Jar using using a watertight sealant 7the %ind used for aGuariums, or the stuff found in the plumbing section of "our hardware store. *ut a bead of sealant on the threads of the Jar and on the inside threads of the lid. (lose it up, leave overnight to dr". 7source: B/5ta%en from: A. !hich of the following is not needed to ma%e /now +lobes) '. wire (. thread B. glue D. mier #. !h" do "ou have to leave it over night) '. to cool off (. to blend B. to heat D. to dr"

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