Soal Bahasa Inggris Klas XI semester I
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Tes Semester Gasal Kelas XI Paket C Setara SMA...
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BAHASA INGGRIS Senin, 14 Desember 2015 120 Menit !15"#0 $1%"00& () !Sebelas& 1 !*anjil&
Petunjuk Umum : 1" +eroal +eroalaa- sebelm sebelm an an sesasesa- menger mengerjaka jakan n soal" 2" TlislaTlisla- a-l a-l nomor nomor .eserta .eserta Ana Ana .aa lembar lembar jaaban jaaban ang ang terseia" terseia" #" +aala- engan engan teliti teliti .etnj .etnjk k an an ara ara mengerja mengerjakan kan soal" soal" 4" a.ork a.orkan an ke.aa ke.aa .enga .engaas as a.abila a.abila aa tlisan tlisan ang ang tiak tiak jelas, rsak, rsak, ata krang krang jmlajmlalembar soalna" 5" 'erjakan 'erjakan soal ang ang Ana Ana angga. angga. .aling .aling mama- terlebiterlebi- a-l a-l"" 3" 'erjaka 'erjakan n .aa .aa lembar lembar jaaban jaaban ang isei iseiaka akan, n, engan engan menggna menggnakan kan bol.oi bol.oin/. n/.l. l.en en ang ang bertinta bir ata -itam" %" Periksa kemba kembali li jaaban jaaban Ana, Ana, a.abila a.abila telatela- selesai sera-ka sera-kan n ke.aa ke.aa Pengaas" Pengaas" Petunjuk Khusus 1" Pili-laPili-la- jaaban jaaban ang ang engan engan memberikan memberikan tana silang silang !(& !(& .aa .aa -r -r a, b, , ata ata e .aa lembar jaaban ang terseia" 2" A.abila A.abila aa jaaban jaaban ang ang Ana Ana angga. angga. salasala- an Ana Ana ingin mem.erb mem.erbaikin aikina, a, berila- tana tana !& .aa jaaban semla an beri tana silang !(& .aa jaaban ang Ana angga. benar" 6onto-: 7aaban semla a b e Dibetlkan menjai a b e
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A!CD or E" The te#t is $or %&estions n&'ber ( to ) *o+e Story o$ Antony an, C-eoatra
Mark Antony became one of the three rulers of the Roman Empire, together with Octavious Caesar and Lepidus, and was responsible for the eastern part of the empire !e fell in love with Cleopatra, the "uenn of Egypt As his wife had #ust died Antony married married Octavious$ sister, Octavia, in an attempt to heal the rift between the two emperors %hen Cleopatra heard about Antony$s marriage she &ew into #ealous rage as she knew that Antony did not love Octavia Antony went to Athens when war broke between Caesar and 'ompey, Antony sent Octavia back to Rome and he returned to Egypt Caesar was angry with Antony$s behavior and declare war on both Antony and Cleopatra %hen the Romans arrived, Antony was o(ered a choiceof how to )ght !e chose to )ght on sea *he Egyptian navy was inade"uate %hen Cleopatra$s navy turned and &ed, Antony followed them Caesar defeated them Antony got news that Cleopatra was dead Antony was devastated and decided to kill himself !e wounded himself without dying !is followers took him to Cleopatra$s tomb, where he died in her arms + %ho is Mark Antony a Roman oman -en -ener eral al b .ing .ing of Roma oma c /uee ueen of of Egy Egypt pt d .ing .ing of Athen thena a e Caesar 0 %ho fell in love with Cleopatra a Caesar b Antony c Octavia d Lapidus e Octa Octav vious ious 1 %hen Cleopatra$s navy turned and &ed Antony followed them Caesar defeated him 2efeated means333 a *o win a victory over someone in a )ght, war war or or competition competition b *o cause cause someone someone or or somethin something g fail c *o accept accept that that you you cannot cannot do somethin something g d !aving !aving no hope and e4pectin e4pecting g to fail e *o pass the conte contents nts of bowels bowels out out of the body body 5 !e a b c d e
wounded himself without dying 6%ounded7 is a synonym for33333 'reve evente nted .illed !urted 2estr estro oyed 'ained 2
8 %hat is the type of the te4t above a Report b Analyt Analytica icall E4pos E4positi ition on c 2esc escript iption ion d 9poof e :arrati rativ ve ; %hat is the purpose of the te4t above a *o describe describe some something thing in in general general b *o enterta entertain in the reader readers s c *o rete retell ll past past eve events nts d *O e4plain e4plain how somethin something g happens happens e *o describe describe a particula particularr person, person, thing thing or event event
*he te4t is for "uestions "uestions number < to +0 *he giant panda panda is the common common name for a bear bear found in province province of western western China *he giant panda resembles=other bears in general appearance, with the e4ception of the black patches over its eyes, ears, and legs and the black band across its shoulders -iant pandas live in bamboo forest at high elevations and feed primarily on bamboo >nlike other bears, they vocali?e by bleating rather than roaring @emales weight about B kg about +B lbD, and males weight about +BB kg about 00B lbD *he giant$s panda so=called si4th front toe is not a digit or claw but an enlarged wrist bone that functions as a thumb in grasping foods -iant pandas feed almost e4clusively on bamboo, which is not highly nutritious @urthermore, some bamboo species &ower simultaneously and die shortly afterward, afterward, occasionally leading to starvation among giant panda populations f their usual food supply is threatened, threatened, giant pandas feed on gardens, crops, and even chickens, but they are little threat to people e4cept in close encounters *he habitats habitats of family family groups and and the survival survival of #uvenile giant pandas are are still poorly understood -iant pandas seem to have no permanent den and do not hibernate, although they shelter in the winter in dens or hollow trees -iant pandas are fairly solitary most of the year @emales may live in loose groups within the range of a dominant male Freeding takes place from March to May, and the young are born three to si4 months later weighing only 8 to +5B g 1 to 8 o?D *wo cubs maybe born, but only one survived *he young cry loudly for help and re"uire great care from the mothers, and losses of young are serious problem in the recovery and management of giant= panda populations *he giant panda$s broken range has created si4 isolated populations *he total number of giant pandas in the wild is now about +BBB Fecause giant pandas are restricted to a small area of western china, theirs tatus may be the most precarious of all the species bears nhapp ppy y or or sor sorry ry c :ot :ot inte interresti esting ng d @ee eelin ling g plea pleasu surre e *o make make someon someone e angry angry + + Ele Elena na K %ha %hatt do do you you thin think k of of gue guest st star star of Lady Lady -aga -aga Ahma Ahmad d K can$t can$t sta stand nd watch watching ing her her 9ome 9ome of her her wor words ds rea really lly irr irrita itated ted me me Elena K Really *he underlined words are e4press e4pressions ions of333333 of333333 a 2isa 2isagr gree eeme ment nt b Love c 'leasure d 9adness e Anno nnoyanc yance e +G +G saa saac c K !i, !i, Case Casey y Hou Hou don don$t $t loo look k wel well l %ha %hatt is the the mat matte ter r Casey K $ve got a bad headache saa saac c K %he %herre is is -er -erry ry have haven$ n$tt see seen n him him for for abo about ut a mon monrt rth h Lily ily K !e !e is is in in the the hos hospita pital l !e is is ba badly dly sic sick k in in be bed t rea eall lly y ma makes me depressed *he underlined words e4press33333 e4press33333 a Assura urance nce b Fein Feing g hope hopele less ss c 9adness d 9ympathy e Apology 0B Ari K My teacher gave me an assignment to write a book review Can you tell me what book should review Adi K %e %ell, ll, 33H 33Hou$d u$d bett better er review view *he Adve dventur ntures es of*om 9a 9awyer er a 9or 9orry to say say tha thatt b $d like like to to sugg suggest est that that c f we werre yo you d have have no ob#e ob#ect ctio ion n e *hanks 0+ 0+ *ono ono K *he *he new new reg regim ime e ha has mad made e no no suc succe cess ss at all all ania ania K :o way way n n my opin opinio ion, n, the the reg regim ime e has has achie achieve ved d seve severa rall prog progrresse esses s %e will know that ania is e4pressing33333333 a Agre greement ment b Anno nnoyanc yance e c Emba Embarrrase raseme ment nt d 2isa 2isagr gree eeme ment nt e Anger 00 *he lady33333333333talked to me #ust now is my teacher 3
a b c d e
%hom %ho %hose %hich %hen
01 Mr 9iregar 3333333 introduced to my father is my manager a %hom b %ho c %hose d %hich e %hatt 05 Fogor33333333is in %est Java is a beautiful town a %hom b %ho c %hose d %hich e %hatt 08 9pring is the season3333333plants begin to grow a %hom b %ho c %hose d %hich e %hatt 0; t was a town333333there was no law a !ow b %hen c %ho d %hose e %here 0
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