Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sd

October 25, 2018 | Author: NIsa Zain | Category: Foods
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My School  This is my school. The headmaster is in the office. There is a library near a classroom; my school has a school yard and a toilet. In the yard there is a flag. There is a teacher in front of the classroom and there are students in the garden. 1. Where is the headmaster? He is in ........ A. the classroom B. the office C. library D. toilet 2.  There is a ... near a classroom. A. Cl Cla ass ssro roo om B. Office C. library D. toilet 3. My school has ........ A. a schoolyard and a toilet B. a classroom C. toilet and waiting room D. Toilet and bench. 4. Who is in front of classroom? He is ........ A. headmaster B. a teacher C. student D. school guard 5. It is a ........ A. windy B. cloudy C. rainy day D. sunny day 6. Mit itha ha ... playing computer game. A. has B. am C. are D. is 7. Is this this a bird? bird? ... It is a but butter terfly fly A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it is not C. No, it is not D. No, it is 8. Mr. Akbar has many hens. His hens give him some ........ A. milk B. Feather C. Eggs D. Skin 9. Do you like chocolate? Yes …. A.I done B.1 does C.I did D.I do

10.My 10. My mo moth ther er .. .... in th the e ki kitc tche hen n every day. A. cooks B. cook C. cooked D. cooking 11.eating 11. eating - like -some – I- cake in good sentence is …. A.I like some eating cake B.I eating like some cake C.I like eating some cake D. I like some cake eating 12.Where can you get any food if  you yo u hu hung ngry ry? ? I ca can n ge gett so some me food in ........ A. hospital B. school C. post office D. restaurant 13.hav 13. have e - lun lunch ch - we - to – want in good sentence is A. We have to want lunch B. We lunch to have want C. We want to lunch have D. We want to have lunch 14.Mr 14 .Mr.. Ma Mama man n is ex expl plai aini ning ng th the e less le sson on in in clas cl assr sro oom om.. He is a ........ A. doctor B. farmer C. teacher D. typist 15.Pl 15. Plea ease se ch chan ange ge th the e se sent nten ence ce into form. negative She wears wea rs blo blous use e an and d sk skirt irt fo for  r  shopping.. shopping A. sh she e doesn’t doesn’t wear wear blous blouse e and skirt for shopping B. She doesn’t wears blouse and skirt for shopping C. She don don’t ’t wea wearr blous blouse e and and skirt for shopping D. She don’t wears blouse and skirt for Shopping 16.Pl 16. Plea ease se ch chan ange ge th the e se sent nten ence ce into positive form. Do you like meatball? A. like you are meatball Page 1

B. you like are meatball C. meatball are you like D. You like meatball 17.please change the sentence into interrogative Form. There is a raincoat . A. A raincoat is there B. Is a raincoat there C. Is there a raincoat D. There a raincoat is 18. There ….. trousers on the bad A. is B. are C. do D. does 19.My mother …… a kebaya for attending wedding party. A. wear B. is C. wears D. are 20.Randy and I …..T-shirt and shorts for playing badminton. A. Wears B. Are C. Is D. Wear 21.10.40 WIB. It is ……. A. twenty minutes to eleven B. twenty minutes past eleven C. twenty minutes to ten D. twenty minutes past nine 22.It is five minutes to nine ….. A. 08.05 B. 08.50 C. 09.05 D. 08.55 23.It is half past seven A. 07.30 B. 08.30 C. 03.07 D. 07.07 24.It is quarter to eleven A. 09.11 B. 11.45 C. 11.15 D.10.45 25.It is five to four A. 11.40 B. 04.55 C. 04.05 D.11.05

26.….. time is it now? A. What B. When C. Where D. How 27.11.50. It is ……. A. ten minutes past twelve B. ten minutes to twelve C. ten minutes to eleven D. ten minutes past eleven 28.08.45. It is ….. A. a quarter to eight B. a quarter past eight C. a quarter to nine D. a quarter past nine 29.01.50. It is ….. A. ten minutes to two B. ten minutes to one C. ten minutes past two D. ten minutes past one 30.We can fly like ….. A. cow B. horse C. fish D. bird 31.It can bark like …. A. cat B. cow C. dog d. rabbit 32. The ……. can hop. A. kangaroo B. cock C. butterfly D. hen 33. The snake can ….. A. climb B. slither C. swim D. fly 34.Crocodile is …… animals A. cute B. beautiful C. dangerous D. interesting

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