1. Ita buys a (Televisi) (Televisi) a. Hair dryer b. Television Television c. computer 2. A……..is very shine (Lampu) a. i!er b. "air c. Lamp #. Loo$ % it is a…….(beca$) a. &arria'e b. edicab c. Truc$ . A……….is a lon' vehicle ($ereta api) a. *peedboat b. Train Train c. Helicopter +. Indah 'oes to Australia by…….(pesa,at) a. &arria'e b. Ta!i Ta!i c. lane -. The vehicle that can ly is……(balon air) a. Air balloon b. &art c. *cooter /. y uncle buy su'ar and coee in the……………(to$o $elonton') a. useum b. 0lorist c. rocery store . There is a ootball match in the………. (stadion) a. 0ield b. *tadium c. s,immin' pool 3. I am in the ….no, (perpusta$aan) a. 4estaurant b. 5oo c. Library
16. y 7rother ,or$s in the……..($antor) a. 8ispensary b. ost oice c. 9ice 11. This This is a……….(terminal a……….(ter minal bus) a. 7us station b. 4ail,ay station c. olice station 12. Loo$ % This is a………….(apoti$) a. 8ispensary b. *tadium c. 5oo 1#. 7udi ,ants to 'o to…………(pelabuhan) a. 7us station b. Harbor c. &hurch 1. rs. 8iana is a…………..(se$tretaris) a. "urse b. aitress aitress c. *ecretary 1+. y Aunt is a………….(penari) a. Teacher b. 8ancer c. *in'er 1-. r. 7oni is a………..(tu$an' pos) a. echanic b. 4eporter c. ost man 1/. 4ia li$es…………..(berlari) a. Litin' b. ;o''in' c. Lon' I like…………………….. Karate is my favorite sport. 2> Mr Bruno is playing………………… in the golf court. #> The students do…………………….. every Friday. > Who is deliver the letter from the post office ?……………………………. +> Who is uild a house and uilding ? ………………………………. -> Who is drive a car ? ………………… /> !. We make a hole y ……………… > We tie "oods y…….......………….. 3> We iron our clothes y ……………… 16> We call a friend y…………………..
a. #ost man d. $elf defense h. %rill . Bricklayer e. &olf i. '(e c. %river f. &ymnastics ). Iron k. #hone III.Translate it into Indonesia!
*. I have a hansa" +. I have a car ,. I have s"imming pool -. My hoy is cycling . My hoy is volleyall
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