So Al Test TOEFL Structure and Writing Expression

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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DIRECTIONS Questions 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you ill see !our or"s or phrases# mar$e" %#B#C#D. Choose the one or" or phrase that &est completes the sentence. Then# on your anser sheet# !in" the num&er o! the 'uestion an" !ill in the space that correspon"s to the letter o! the anser you ha(e chosen. )ill in the space so that the letter insi"e the o(al cannot &e seen. 1. The attorney tol" his client that ************************* %. They ha" little chance o! innin+ the case. B. The case as o! a small chance to in C. It as nearly impossi&le to in him the case. D. The case ha" a minimum chance to &e on &y him.

,. One o! the pro!essors +reatest +reatest attri&utes is *************** %. hen he +i(es lectures B. ho in the manner that he lectures C. the ay to +i(e lectures D. his a&ility to lecture

. The &an$ sent a notice to its customers hich containe" *************** %. a remem&rance that interest rate ere to raise the !olloin+ month B. a remin"er that a raise in interest rates as the month !olloin+ C. to remem&er that interest rates ere +oin+ up ne/t month D. a remin"er that interest rates oul" rise the !olloin+ month.

0. as the "ay %. ************** The )rances In"epen"ence Day&e!ore yester"ay. B. The "ay o! the )rench in"epen"ence C. )renchs In"epen"ence Day D. )rances In"epen"ence Day

5. It as not until she ha" arri(e" home ************** remem&ere" her appointment ith the "octor. %. hen she B. that she C. an" she D. she

. 2eor+e oul" certainly ha(e atten"e" the procee"in+s ****************


%. i! he "i"nt +et a !lat tire B. i! the !lat tire ha"nt happen"e". C. ha" he not ha" a !lat tire D. ha" the tire not !lattene" itsel!.

3. *************** recei(e" la "e+rees as to"ay. %. Ne(er so many omen ha(e B. Ne(er ha(e so many omen C. The omen arent e(er D. 4omen ho ha(e ne(er

. The stu"ents li$e" that pro!essors course &ecause ********************* %. there as !e i! any homeor$ B. not a lot o! homeor$ C. o! there asnt a +reat amount o! homeor$ D. there as little or no homeor$.

6. 2eor+e ************** he coul" impro(e his test scores# &ut he "i"nt ha(e enou+h time to stu"y. %. $ne to B. $ne ho C. $ne ho that D. $ne ho to

17. ***************** he oul" ha(e come to class. %. I! 8i$e is a&le to !inish his homeor$ B. 4oul" 8i$e &e a&le to !inish his homeor$ C. I! 8i$e coul" !inish his homeor$ D. I! 8i$e ha" &een a&le to !inish his homeor$.

11. 9ee contri&ute" !i!ty "ollars# &ut he ishes he coul" contri&ute  *************** %. one other !i!ty "ollars B. the same amount also C. another !i!ty D. more !i!ty "ollars 1,. The people at the party ere orrie" a&out :anet &ecause no one as aare  ************* she ha" +one. %. here that B. o! here C. o! the place here D. the place 1. )re"s yearly income since he chan+e" pro!essions has ***************** %. nearly triple" B. +ot almost three times &i++er


C. almost +ron &y three times D. ;ust a&out +one up three times 10. Nancy hasnt &e+un or$in+ on her num&ere" plates

Questions 0 throu+h 5, are &ase" on the !olloin+ passa+e.


%s !ar &ac$ as 377 B.C.# man has tal$e" a&out chil"ren &ein+ care" !or &y ol(es. Romulus an" Remus# the le+en"ary tin !oun"ers o! Rome# ere purporte" to ha(e &een care" !or &y ol(es. It is &elie(e" that hen a she-ol! loses her litter# she see$s a human chil" to ta$e its place. This seemin+ly preposterous i"ea "i" not &ecome cre"i&le until the late nineteenth century hen a )rench "octor actually !oun" a na$e" ten-year-ol" &oy an"erin+ in the oo"s. ?e "i"nt al$ erect# coul" not spea$ intelli+i&ly# nor coul" he relate to people. ?e only +role" an" stare" at them. )inally the "octor on the &oys con!i"ence an" &e+an to or$ ith him. %!ter many lon+ years o! "e(ote" an" patient instruction# the "octor as a&le to +et the &oy to clothe an" !ee" himsel!# reco+ni=e an" uttera num&er o! or"s# as ell as rite letters an" !orm or"s. 0. The )rench "octor !oun" the &oy %. an"erin+ in the oo"s B. at his "oorstep C. +rolin+ at him D. spea$in+ intelli+i&ly. 06. In this passa+e# the or" litter most nearly means %. +ar&a+e B. master C. o!!sprin+ D. hair 57. The "octor as a&le to or$ ith the &oy &ecause %. the &oy as hi+hly intelli+ent B. the &oy truste" him C. the &oy li$e" to "ress up D. the &oy as "e"icate" an" patient 51. 4hich o! the !olloin+ statements is not true  %. She-ol(es ha(e &een sai" to su&stitute human chil"ren !or their lost litters B. E/amples o! ol(es carin+ !or human chil"ren can &e !oun" only in the nineteenth century. C. The )rench "octor succee"e" in "omesticatin+ the &oy somehat D. The youn+ &oy ne(er as a&le to spea$ per!ectly 5,. In this passa+e# the or" preposterous most nearly means %. "e"icate" B. scienti!ic C. on"er!ul D. a&sur" Directions !or 'uestions 5 an" 50 )or each o! these 'uestions# choose the anser that is closest in meanin+ to the ori+inal sentence. Note that se(eral o! the choices may &e !actually correct# &ut you shoul" choose the one that is closest restatement o! the +i(en sentence. 5. Hal used to play on the country club’s racquetball team. %. ?al plays ith the rac'uet&all team at the country clu& B. ?al "oesnt play rac'uet&all anymore# &ut still &elon+s to the country clu&.


C. %t one time hall playe" rac'uet&all on the country clu&s team. D. ?al use" to team up ith the country clu& an" play rac'uet&all 50. Peter is attending a private school and is majoring in electronics. %.
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