The main ui is divided into what what three sections What does the banner frame contain What does the application navigator contain What does the content frame contain What's the name of the application navigator search box box What's a module and application in the example ... Incident > create new What is the edge What are the 5 ways you can search in servicenow Where is the list search option Where is the global text search T or F searches searches are case sensitive What's the name of text indexing search engine Where would you change the banner icon and text Where would you change banner color and other colors What two ways can something in the th e edge bar be opened What does a list display What does a form display !ists can display how many tables What is a record What does the list editor do
What is a sys"id Where are bread crumbs in #$ What options do you have for saved %lters Where do saved %lters end up What does the search term &search do What does &(search do What happens to the gear icon once you've made changes What does the gear in list view allow you to do. )ow does a sys admin set list layout view globally T or false* resetting resetting the list layout globally globally will over ride personal p preferences references )ow do you edit a form What does the light red form %eld indicator mean What does the light green form %eld indicator mean What does the red form %eld indicator mean What does the orange form %eld indicator mean What does a red dashed line indicate in a form %eld
What i+# versions are supported for sn What version of droid is supported
)ow do you get to the mobile and tablet version of sn What functionality do you get from the mobile version of sn What do plugins do )ow do you get to plugins What is a user What form can a user see their user record )ow are users brought into sn ,oth account and authentication What type of connection does sn ma-e to !/0
#n can integrate with any solution that uses one of the following 5 techni1ues What is a group What's one way to create a group Why would you create a group
What is a role What are the #$ provided roles What does the system administrator role have access to What died the ess re1uester have access to T or F* F* a role does not inherit all the permissions of any other roles it includes includes What is the personali2e"form role do What's the best practice for assigning roles What does the ITI! ful%ller role have access to What is a delegate T or F* F* the role delegation delegation comes turned on and ready ready to go out of the box What does the s-ills plugin allow you to do What tabs will you %nd in the bottom of a user record by default )ow do you toggle tabs in a form What's considered best practice when it comes to assigning roles What type of db is sn built on What does a db table contain What does a db record contain
What is a db %eld )ow does a table organi2e data )ow could you modify a %eld What are the two most commonly used core tables What are the 5 most common extended tables o3 of tas- What are the 4 most common extended tables o3 of cmdb Where can you get a list of existing tables6 with column6 column attributes and indexes What is the primary use of the tables columns module /side from viewing the schema map ... What else can you do in tables columns module Who has access to schema maps and tables and column module )ow are tables related to each other
What are three examples of one to many db What is an extended table What are the mechanics of ma-ing extended tables What related tables does the schema map show +n the schema map6 boxes that have green or blue bars are what T Tables ables that have rred ed bars in the schema map are are what )ow are referenced %elds identi%ed in sn
What's in the data dictionary table
)ow does the %eld type type collection collection behave What does a dictionary override do
What's a good use case of extend tables What are the default values for the numbering #n automatically provides numbers for which tables Where do you manage record numbering What db %eld stores the record number What tables can't be deleted
)ow would you delete a custom table When you delete a table what else gets deleted What is the app creator )ow do you wor- on your app )ow do you deactivate an application What else happens When you ma-e an application inactive What are the two ways you can access the application crea creator tor When you create a new app ... What automatically gets created Where would you add a table for a new n ew application
Where would you add a module for a new application What are the ma7or steps to building an application What is an import set T or F* F* all users can manage and setup import import sets What happens if the data being imported by an import set is the same as the data in the table What external sources can you import using an import set )ow would you import data from !/0 What function does the import set table serve What does the transform map do What is the auto matching functionality of the transform map What parts of #$ are designed to be integrated with What are best practices of importing data into #$
What are the 8 ma7or steps of importing data into sn What does specifying a coalesce mean Where would you go to start an import set Where would you to do a transform map T or F* F* transform maps can can only be used once )ow does automating in an import set wor- What does the mapping assist utility do for an import set
What happens if a match is found with the %eld that's been mar-ed coalesce Where would you go to clean up and remove a used import set table T or F* F* asset and 9Is are are often the same entity but but information about them them are expressed di3erently Itil says that asset information is used for What is a ci
Why is it better to manage machines in the cmdb than assets What is a business service map What is a cmdb according to sn What are the two main cmdb tables What are the two base tables in #$ What is a schema map What does inheritance do for extended tables If a table is extended6 but itself is not an extended table6 it's called a )ow do you populate the 9:, Where would you go app navigator to add a server to the 9:,
Where can you access the -nowledge base from )ow can you populate the -nowledge base ;ive an example of an automatically created event driven -now article What are the notable -b db %elds What does the article type %eld do in the servers > all and clic- add new /ny form that has the -now icon* ## self serviceK ITI! users can get it through self service and #ervice es-K admins and -nowledge managers have additional ability with other modules :anually6 from the service catalog record producer6 automatically from events6 most importantly6 from incidents or other tas-s #erver outage triggers a -b news item T Topic6 opic6 catego category6 ry6 valid to6 attachment attachment lin-6 wor-=ow6 roles6 roles6 article type !et's you pic- between an )T:! and wi-i editor for writing your article They end up in the =agged article article sectionK you'll also see any ffeedbaceedbacsomeone left False a -b can be both public and private. ,y default it's set to private so only logged users can see it T True rue you can ma-e ma-e your #$ instance only available available to certain instances ,lue booIt's an ordering system for goods and services ?i.e.6 one stop shopping@K access to service des-K where you get help and training
Eecord producers ?builds system components associated with the re1uest@6 Eecord items6 variables ?help the shopper@6 order guides ?to bundle items@6 and wor-=ows It's an interface used to create service catalog recordsK an alternative to lists and forms Wor-=ow Wor-=o w based things re1uest emergency change6 wi2ards6 etc #elf service items They can see open records* rec ords* re1uests6 it emsvariables tas-s verything* catalog de%nitions6 policy items and ;o to system de%nition > choice list Waiting Wa iting for approval > approved > pending > completed 0ublish it to the service catalogK group in an order guideK show sh ow users 1uestions and choices They de%ne the 1uestions to as- the end user ordering ordering the catalog it item em 9ommon web elements* multiple choice6 select box6 single line text6 reference6 chec-box It's a container with variables. Cou Cou can reuse the sets. #ervice 9atalog > 9atalog Uariables > Uariable #ets It allows user to order everything they need for one particular type if user #ervice 9atalog > catalog de%nition > maintain items and clic- new ;o to the items and add choices under the variable tab #ervice catalog > catalog de%nition > order guides and clic- new ;o to the order guide and go to the variables section. 9lic- new ;o to the order guide and clic- on the rule base tab It's a virtual representation representation of activities consisting of connected steps planned out in a se1uential manner T To o automate a se1uence o off activities In the stage %eld in sc"re1"item Ee1uest 9ancelled and 9ompleted In the graphical wor-=ow editor /pproval6 noti%cation and tas#c"re1uest H Wor-=ow > wor-=ow editor C Cou ou need to chec- it outK this prevents prevents errors errors It's the bloc-s that organi2e the individual actions the wor-=ow performs as it runs. /pprovals6 conditions6 noti%cations6 tas-s6 timers6 utilities u tilities Whoever is listed as your manager in the user table 9ontract"sla
/ set amount of time for a tas- to reach certain conditions. If the #!/ tasdoes not reach certain conditions then th en it's mar-ed as breached #!/ de%nition6 tas- #!/6 #!/ #! / wor-=ow and #!/ automation #!/6 +!/ B9 In the tas- #!/ form T Tas-"sla as-"sla C Cou ou %ll in a di3erent di3erent value for type %eld Eetroactive Eetr oactive start ?when to start@6 duration ?user speci%ed@. uration type ?M business days@6 schedule ?what's a wor- day@6 time2one6 conditions ?start6 stop pause@ Eeports app > viewArunK right clic- on the list menu do do bar or pie chartK add then to the homepage h omepage gauge It's a mapped graphic image on the home h ome pageK when you clic- on a section of the graph it lin-s to a listK it's a refresh able widget #ystem tables* sys"audit6 syslog6 syslog"transaction6 sys"attachment and sys"email :a-e the report that will feed the gauge BI policy6 data policies6 BI actions and scripts It's a rule that applies to a form to dynamically change form information or the form itself +n the client side ?browser@ nables admins to set mandatory and read only states for %elds and can enforce data consistency across applications. Cou can set import data as read only6 e.g.6 user info H It's the method to out buttons6 lin-s6 and context menu items on forms and lists6 ma-ing the BI more interactive6 customi2able6 and speci%c ton user activities It determines the order of when buttons get displayed It's Rava#cript con%gured to run when a record is displayed6 inserted6 updated6 deleted6 or when a table is 1ueried J false it's business rules +n the server6 but can be clientcallable. If that setting is chec-ed then you can use /Rax on the client side false they are not real time. They do not monitor %elds on a formK they monitor records as they are inserted or updated ,usiness rules mar-ed as running on table global are loaded and initiali2ed at the beginning of each interaction between user and and platform. This is a bad practice and will slow system response 9lient scripts are shipped to the client ?the browser@6 and they run there instead of on the server. Cou can use Rava#cript
+n!oad6 on9hange6 on#ubmit6 on9elldit Eound trip T True rue security concern +n9elldit6 on9hange6 +n!oad6 on#ubmit ;o to the form6 right clic- on the form header and select personali2e > BI policies ;o to a form ?e.g.6 incident form@ and right clic- on the banner. banner. #elect personali2e > business rules. There you'd set the name and a few other variables ... /dd a script 9reate6 Eead6 Bpdate6 elete /pplication and module accessK table and %eld access Eoles6 e.g. e.g. +nly a user that has the ITI! role role can access the change change management application /ll #$ users of that instance will see it. They wouldn't see it because it's nested under application Through access controls controls ... 9ontrols 9ontrols every level in the #$ ob7ect ob7ect hierarchy. Cou Cou can control speci%c tables and %elds. H #ystem property and access control It is a security rule de%ned and set at the row level and the column level6 and it is executed when attempting to access any #$ table It's a bunch of access controls for a table6 i.e.6 show me all access controls for table What is being secured ?row or table@ and the rights to it Eow.level ?access to then record@ and column level ?access to the %eld@ Eecord Field 9onditional expressions ?if this then@6 scripts and roles H
#ystem properties > securityK system security > access controlK system security > high security settings #ecurity"admin ... It consolidates security settings to one streamlined interfaces and adds concept of elevated privilege 0ull it up in the application navigator6 right clic- and clic- on edit application menu
False in order to create access control rules6 you need to activate security"admin elevated privileges It is an indication to the #ervice$ow processes processes that something notable has occurred6 e.g.6 approving a re1uest6 wor-=ow6 etc. Bser action and scripts M45 #ysevent"register It's a table containing a record every generated event T To o the event 1ueue and loo- forofim impersonation personation in the name %eld Bsing business rules or wor-=ow activities It's a tool for alerting user that events that concern them have occurred H mail6 #:#6 meeting invitation 9on%gure email6 create events and business rules6 create the email noti%cation6 con%gure subscription based noti%cations plugin6 use inbound in bound email actions to perform various actions #ystem policy > email > noti%cations It's a way a saying what db and %eld are you referencing6 e.g.6 assigned"to.manager / registry event is re1uired in order to generate a noti%cation for an event even t #ystem logs > emails It's a group of customi2ations that can be pac-aged and moved from one instance to anotherK it's really a point I time S:! snapshot of the record It writes every change ?to trac-ed tables@ to the customer update ?sys"update"xml@. Bse an update set to migrate your code ntered data is not capturedK examples* modi%ed 9Is6 data records6 new data records6 users and groups ... #chedules and scheduled 7obs ,usiness rules6 client scripts6 %elds6 forms and form sections6 reports6 tables6 views and wor-=ows )omepage False you absolutely can roll bac- changes )ave a an6 -now what's being developed and ma-e sure admins are awar awareK eK include many changes into one update False they can be combined between users The newest one ta-es precedence ,y clic-ing on the -ey in the top left corner #etmandatory %elds on a form from to visible or hiddenK editable or read onlyK optional or
It displays the contents of the attachment instead of the text in the form ;o to system update sets > local update sets and clic- new ... :a-e your changes ... Then go to local update sets and mar- it complete ;o to system update sets > update sources and point it to your instance ... ,ring it over then go to retrieved update sets and commit update set Feature release6 patch release and hot%x Feature /pache Tomcat False you can bloc- an update by emailing #$ ... Cou need to give them 5 business days ;eneral availability ?;/@ and controlled availability ?9/@ 0roblems with feature release 9ombines hot %xes from last feature release and does other %xes. It ta-es all hot %xes and patch %xes since the last feature release 4J days /ny record that has been altered from the base state. The upgrade app loo-s at the customer update table ?e.g66 sys"update"xml@ /ny record that has been updated is -ept in the customer update table ?e.g66 sys"update"xml@ #ystem diagnostics > upgrade history
H #ystem diagnostics > stats > stats #ystem logs > events and %nd system.upgraded event ;o to system policy > noti%cations and %nd the system upgraded event. #et #et it up to email whoever /pplication server response6 networ- latency6 browser rendering and parading6 and instance cache The time for the application application server to process process a re1uest and render render the resultant page The time for your browser browser to render the )T:! and and parseAexecute parseAexecute Rava#cript The amount if system resources resources available for processing Instance log vital statistics on every transaction V system logs > transactions In the system log > transaction list ... Eight clic- on the h header eader and go to personali2e > list calculations ... #elect maximum and average value It displays the processing time6 including the total time6 networ- latency and browser rendering and parsing In the right hand h and corner of forms and lists 4 seconds6 on average
JJms on average C Cou ou can type in your browser or or go to system diagnostics diagnostics > stats > stats :emory6 response time available semaphores False it's a snapshot in time of what's happening HJJX ... Cou Cou shouldn't be under HJX for an extended period
#emaphores control control the number of user transactions that can be run in parallel. It ma-es sure there aren't too many things running at once. #et at implementation and based on si2e and load 9hat6 service des- chat6 live feedAcompany feed ;o to social IT > feed administration > messages ... #elect the message and mar- it deleted in the state %eld $avigator %lter False it's 4M character It's a gear icon located in top left hand side every list. It allows you to add columns ?via slush buc-et@ to the current list you are on It updates the db %elds and brings you bac- to a list ;o to ;o to H #ys"user ##+6 !/0 and manual import #-ills based routing within #$ HMY8 T Ta-es a-es you to form for that record. record. If you clicclic- on other %elds li-e li-e user ... Then it will go to a di3erent form li-e user False it's a special data set brought over using a di3erent module C Cou'll ou'll go to a blanblan- incident form ,ecause it runs on every record and transaction. It's unnecessary overhead for your system. ,y chec-ing it out. Cou Cou don't have to publish it to test it It's a way to copy an entire instance to another instance6 use case would be refreshing dev to be li-e prod #ys"update"xml 9hec- the server response. If it's more than JJms then it's a problem arly adopters
navigation6 content6 banner logo
type %lter text inc app6 create new module grey toolbar in th left list6 chatscript6 list view6 global banner J 2ing system security> content managemet daat record one row
uni1ue identi%ctn
What is a Transform Transform Map in ServiceNow? A map to determ determine ine relationships relationships between fields fields displaying displaying an Import Set Set to fields in an existi existi What application application is availa available ble to all user users? s? SelfService !ow do you change the sort se"uence of fields or tas#s? Modify the order field Tables and $ields can be viewed and manipulated where? %ecord &ist $orm Tables and 'olumns Where do you change change the Smart $ilter $ilter 'ondition ( (uilder? uilder? 'lic# arrow next to breadcrumb in list !ow do you display the slushbuc#et? 'lic# &ist Mechanic gear above chec# boxes What do you call a saved version of a pe personali)ed rsonali)ed fform? orm? A view !ow do you apply a saved filter? 'lic# on the table name at the top of a list and select filter What displays displays fields from on onee record and can be used to edit the rrecord ecord data? A $orm What are the field field status indicators? indicators? &ight red re"uired but has a saved value* 2reen Modified field content need to save* %ed %e"uired and needs value* +range %eadonly What does a reddashed reddashed line indic indicate? ate? Invalid data or mistyped word What do you clic# to save changes on a new form an and d return to the pr prev ev viewed page? Submit What do you clic# to save changes on an existing rec record ord and return to prev form? ,pdate What do you clic# on to save changes without leavin leaving g the form? %ight clic# form header and clic# save What do you do to save a new new record to th thee db instead of upda updating ting the curren currentt item? Insert or Insert and stay What is a rule that that applies to to a form to dynam dynamically ically cha change nge form inform information ation on the form itsel ,I -olicy What enables enables admins to se sett mandatory and readonly sstate tate for field? .ata -olicy /not used much0 What do you use to put buttons1 buttons1 lin# lin#ss and context m menu enu items on for forms ms and lists lists?? ,I Actions What is a control cont applies ies permissio permissions1 ns1 sends noti notifications fications and ttriggers riggers other pr processes ocesses wh %ulrol A (usiness %ule e that appl 'lient script apply only when?
When access through through the form (usiness %ules apply when? 2lobally When S!+,&.N3T S!+,&.N3T you use cl client ient scripts? When you can use , ,II policies or Access Access 'ontrol %ules %ules 'lient scripts can be executed in four ways* What are they? on'ell4dit5on'hange5on&oad5on on'ell4dit on'hange on&oad onSubmit 'an plugins be removed? No1 but they can be disabled Name three interfaces for viewing and manipulating tables? %ecord list view Schema map Tables and 'olumns module What stores structure an and d relations relationship hip definitions? .ata .ictionary What three tables tables provide .a .ata ta .ictionar .ictionary y and relati relationship onship informa information? tion? Sys6dictionary sys6documentation sys6dbob7ect !ow do you establish the se"uence for displaying lists? +rder field (est practice 8 digit numbers What does 'I stand stand for? 'onfiguration Item What is a series series of tables th that at contains a all ll the asse assets ts and busines businesss services cont controlled rolled by a com 'M.( What do you call a tangible devic devicee or intangible d dedicated edicated softw software are in the 'M. 'M.(? (? Item em /'I0 A 'onfiguration It What is the core core 'I table? cmdb6ci What is the 'I relationship relationship ttable? able? 'mdb6rel6ci &ist 'I examples? 'omputers5.evices on the networ# software contracts and licenses (usiness services What are the two two base tabl tables es of SN? Tas# and 'I &ist (enefits of 'M.(? &ocate failed changes and associate incidents $acilitate "uic# analysis of impact1 helping reduce or eliminate downtime cost savings What is a (SM map? map?
(usiness Service Map graphically displays the 'Is that compose a bi) service and indicates sta After the !igh Security Security plugin is a activated1 ctivated1 a security6admin security6admin pr privilege ivilege is created* created* What is an el A role that ha hass special permissions permissions for the the duration of the log log in session To access the control list you have to have which access? security6admin Where is the user record store stored? d? In the ,ser sys6user table Where are groups stored? Sys6user6group p table Sys6user6grou Where are roles roles stored? Sys6user6role table What is a collection collection of permis permission sion to grant a access ccess and as assign sign security? A role Name the four builtin roles? System Admin Speciali)ed Admin ITI& 4SS What does a role role inherit? All the permissions permissions of any other other roles it includes includes What is best practice practice for user users5groups5r s5groups5roles? oles? o groups1 map roles roles to groups* .on3t map roles to users* users* Apply general general roles to la la Assign users tto What are the 8 levels levels of Access Access?? Sysste tem m /us /user ern name5 e5pw pw05 05Ap Appl plic ica atio ion ns an and Mod Modul ules es /% /%o oles es05 05T Tab ablles and $iel elds ds /S /Sys ysttem -r -rop oper ertt Sy Where are row and column se security curity set? Access 'ontr 'ontrol ol in Tables and and $ields Where is Table Table security set? System -roperty in Tables and $ields What are the three three ways Ac Access cess 'ontrol % %ules ules are defin defined? ed? 'onditional 4xpressions5Scripts5%oles What is the list list of all Acces Accesss 'ontrols for a table? A'& What is an Access Access 'ontrol? rule defined and set at the row and column A security rule column level What is the Access Access 'ontrol eva evaluation? luation? Specific to general if all conditions are true /'onditions1 Scripts and %oles0 In a S&A .efinition1 which one is a condition that will trigger an S&A? Start condition1 Stop condition and -ause conditions What is the se"uencing se"uencing of publish publishing ing an 9nowledge 9nowledge Article? .raft %eview -ublish Name : ways the 9nowledge (ase can be populated? Manually $rom the Service 'atalog with a %ecord -roducer
Automatically ly from events Automatical $rom existing Incidents or Tas#s What is the 9nowledge 9nowledge base hierarchy? hierarchy? Topics 'ategories Articles !ow do you protect 9( articles? %oles !ow do you allow users to access 9( without logging in? Ma#e it public and protect with roles What do you call an indication tto o the SN proces processes ses that som something ething notabl notablee has occurred occurred?? 4vent What can cause cause events? ,ser actions Scripts/(usiness %ules5Wor#flows0 What contains contains a record of every generate event? 4vent "ueue What do events trigger? trigger? Notifications What does a Notification Notification cont contain? ain? A mix of static and and dynamically dynamically determined determined content Why would you clone clone an instan instance? ce? To copy prod over a subprod instance What are the three three releas releasee types? $uture -atch !ot$ix Are user customi)ation customi)ation rec records ords upgraded? No What are best best practices rresponse esponse times times?? Total %esponse Time networ# browser and server 8 seconds Server %esponse time below ; %ITM 'atalog tas# What is a virtual virtual representation representation of activiti activities es consisting of cconnected onnected steps planned out in a Wor#flow What are the default default service ccatalog atalog wor# wor#flow flow stages stages?? Waiting for appr approval oval $ulfillment .elivery 'ompleted /or re"uest cancelled0 What are the wor#flow wor#flow ac actions? tions? Approvals 'onditions Notifications Tas#s Timers ,tilities !ow are wor#flows made available to users? They are published What is an event? event? to the SN process that something An indication to something notable has has occurred What contain contains s a record of event events? s? The event "ueue What is a notification? notification? 'an be triggered by events in the platform What are releases releases name named d after? DWorld classD cities When are customers customers notified of a an n upgrade? 8< days prior to the start of the rollout period What are the different different types of rreleases? eleases? $eature release -atch release !ot fix What is an access access control control?? A security rule rule defined and set at the rowlevel and and at the columnlevel columnlevel and is executed executed whe What is an A'&? A'&?
the access controls A list of all the controls for a table table !ow are access controls defined? 'onditional expressions Scripts %oles What are the performance performance b baseline aseline best practices? Networ#1 browser1 and server about 8 seconds %esponse time /server response time0 below ;
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