Snell Manuscript (Keelys Secrets)

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April 30, 1990 This story was taken from the SNELL MANUSCRIPT by C. W. Snell Detroit, 1934 KEELY'S SECRETS, 1888. John Ernest Worrell Keely -- the discoverer of compound interetheric force, as the result of more than 20 years of persistent effort to apply this force to the operation of machinery has, at last, but up to this time, not so mastered this subtle force as to control reversions. The development of his various discoveries has been one uninterrupted work of evolution, reaching, within the last year, he thinks, the sphere of perfect vibratory sympathy, both theoretically and practically. The proof of this is found in the fact that he now transmits vibrations along a wire, connected at one end with the vibratory machine which is the source of power and at its other end with the engine or cannon, as the case may be, which is operated by such vibratory power. Until recently Keely stored force, as he generated it, in a receiver, and experiments were made by him in the presence of thousands at various times for the purpose of testing the operations of this force, liberated in the presence of the audience and stored up in this small receiver. The editor of the Scientific American thus describes what took place "The confined vapor was passed through one of the small flexible tubes to a steel cylinder on another table, in which a vertical piston was fitted so that its upper end bore against the underside of a powerful, weighted lever. The superficial area of this piston was equal to one-half of a square inch, and it acted as a movable fulcrum placed close to the hinged end of the short arm of this lever, whose weight alone required a pressure of 1500 pounds to the square inch against the piston to lift it. The maximum test was made to placing an iron weight of 580 lbs. on the extreme end of the long arm of the lever. To lift this weight required a pressure of 18,900 lbs. to the square inch counting the difference in the length of the two arms and the area of the piston. When Kelly turned the valve-wheel leading from the receiver to the flexible tube and through it into the steel cylinder beneath the piston, simultaneously with the motion of his hand the weighted lever shot up against its stop a distance of several inches, as if the iron were cork. Keely then diverted the gas and fired a cannon containing a lead bullet about an inch in diameter, which went through an inch board and flattened itself to about 3 inches in diameter, with a loud report.

Keely's difficulties with his old generator of etheric force grew out of the fact, in part, that the vaporic power produced was so humid that he could not, in utilizing it, obtain its theoretical value in work. He has overcome this entirely (?) by dispensing with water and has attained a success beyond that which he originally anticipated when he abandoned his original line of experiment. (He was obliged to return soon to his former method, for he found a difficulty even more obstinate to contend with.) The atom is surrounded with a dynasphere, or etheric capsule, which prevents the atoms from touching each other, inasmuch as dynasphere is in inconceivable rapid motion. Dynaspheric force is broadly divided into two categories: the sentient and the non-sentient atoms, as the force used mechanically by Mr. Keely to his motor. (Laurence Oliphant.) The structure of the air molecule according to Keely is as follows: Broken up, by vibratory action, he finds it to contain the "atomic triplet." This exists in a triangular position within the molecule, at its center, unless acted upon by electricity, when the molecule becomes oblate and the three atoms are ranged in a line within unless broken up by vibration. Nature never gives a vacuum, consequently the space within the molecule not occupied by the atomic triplet most be filled with something. This is where the "all-prevading ether" has made its secret abode through untold aeons. Keely was obliged to abandon his first and second lines of experimental research, baffled in applying vibratory force to mechanics, and try a third method of departure from his base or principle, through another channel of experiment. Keely says: "In considering the operation of my engine, the visitor .... must abandon all thought of engines (such as conceived with pistons, eccentrics, or working with pressure.) "My system --both in the developing of this power and in every branch of its utilization is based and founded on sympathetic vibration. In no other way would it be possible to awaken or develop this force and equally impossible would it be to operate my engine upon any other principle. All needs to be done is to secure a uniform speed under different velocities and control reversions ... some few years ago, I contemplated using a wire as a connective link between two sympathetic mediums, to evolve this power as also to operate my machinery --instead of tubular connections as heretofore employed --I have only recently succeeded in accomplishing such change. This, however, is the true system henceforth ... the power will be generated, my engines run, cannon operated, through a wire." "It has been only after years of incessant labor and the making of almost innumerable experiments and the closest investigation and study of the phenomenal properties of the

substance "ether" per se, produced that I have been able to dispense with complicated mechanism and to obtain, as I claim, mastery over the subtle and strange force with which I an dealing. "When my present process of adjustment is completed, the force, the mechanism and all that pertains, will be fully explained in a theoretical exposition ... with appropriate diagrams ... "He has not succeeded in governing speed or stopping reversions. He has again reduced in size the instrument producing the force. From 1882 to 1884 the "Generator" was six feet long and correspondingly wide and high, but failing to make the arrangement automatic upon which its mechanical usefulness depended, Keely found a new standard for research in an experiment often made by himself, but never before successful, which resulted in the invention in 1885 of the "Liberator" not so large as a lady's small round worktable. He made astonishing progress with this beautiful piece of vibratory mechanism,, so as to combine the production of the power, operation of the cannon, his engine and his disintegrator in a machine no larger than a dinner plate and only three or four inches in thickness. This was completed in 1886, up to which time his experiments were upon the principle of sympathetic vibration, for liberating a vapory or etheric produce. His later experiments were another modification of vibratory sympathy, and the size of the instrument used now, 1888, for the same purposes is no larger the an old fashioned silver watch. A pressure of 30,000 lbs. to the square inch in raising of the lever, and all other operations, without one ounce of pressure in any part of the apparatus, are effected by the ether. The force is transmitted along a wire of platinum and silver. Keely has named this new modification "Negative Attraction." The two forms of force with which he has experimented and the attendant phenomena, are exactly antithetical. It is by changing the vibrations of the cosmic ether that Keely releases this energy. Dr. Dupuy, of New York. experimented along these lines for many years, but without success to the degree Keely had. Pure sympathetic concordants are as antagonistic to negative discordants as the negative is to the positive, but the vast volume the sympathetic holds over the non-sympathetic, in ethereal space, makes it at once the ruling medium and readjuster of all opposing conditions if properly brought to bear upon them. Keely's discoveries embrace the manner of obtaining the keynote, or "chord of mass," of mineral, vegetable and animal substance, therefore the construction of instruments by which this law can be utilized is only a question of full understanding of operation of this law.

Keely estimates that, after the introductory impulse is given on the harmonic thirds, molecular vibration is increased form 20,000 per second to 100,000,000. On the enharmonic sixths, the vibration of the intermolecule is increased to 300,000,000. On the diatonic ninths, atomic vibration reaches 900,000,000; on the etheric sixths, 8,100,000,000 and on the inter-etheric ninths, 24,300,000,000 all of which can be demonstrated by sound colors. Keely believes that the form of energy known as magnetism, not electricity, is to be the curative agent of the future. Fifty years age Prof. Keil, of Jena, demonstrated the susceptibility of the nervous system to the influence of the natural magnet and its efficacy in the cure of certain infirmities. Said Plato: "You ought not to attempt to cure the body without the soul." Beyond disintegration lies dispersion, and Keely can just as easily disperse atoms of matter as disintegrate its molecules, dispersing them into ether. The law of gravity appears in the light of Keely's experiments but one manifestation of a law which provides for the reversion of the process of attraction in the shape of a process of repulsion. Keely, by means of a belt and certain appliances which he wore upon his person moved single-handed, a 500 horsepower vibratory engine from one part of his shop to another, without a scratch on the floor, and astounded engineers declared it could not have been moved without a derrick, to use which would have required the removal of the roof. Keely announced in 1888 that he had proved the uselessness of building engines to employ the ether as a motive power, which could only be used as a medium for the power which he had discovered, namely a condition of sympathetic vibration associated both positively and negatively with the polar stream. The revolving globe was never created to be the "source of power" and Keely never affirmed that he could produce with it "an indefinite amount of horse power without current expense." S. Zolver Preston, in his "Physics of the Ether" says: "A quantity of matter only 1 gram and of the normal velocity of the ether, or a wave of light encloses a state of energy represented by 1,000,000,000 foot tons. Or the mass of a grain contains an energy sufficient to project a weight of 100 tons to a height of 1.9 miles." To discover an unknown power is one thing, to subjugate it is quite another thing. Demonstrating the overcoming of gravity, Keely used an airship model weighing about 8 lbs., which when the differentiated wire of

silver and platinum was attached to it, communicating with the sympathetic transmitter, rose, descended, or remained stationary midway, the motion as gentle as that of thistledown floating in the air. The experiment illustrating "chord of mass" sympathy was repeated, using a glass chamber, 40 inches in height, filled with water, standing on a slab of glass. Three metal spheres weighing about 6 ounces each, rested on the glass floor. The chord of mass of these spheres was B flat first octave, E flat second octave and B flat third octave. Upon sounding the note B flat on the sympathetic transmitter, the sphere having that chord of mass rose slowly to the top of the chamber, the positive end of the wire having been attached, which connected the covered jar with the transmitter. The same result followed the sound of the other spheres, all of which descended as gently as they rose, upon changing the positive to the negative. J.M. Wilcox, who was present remarked: "This experiment proves the truth of a fundamental law in scholastic philosophy, that when one body attracts or seeks another body, it is not that the effect is the sum of the effects produced by parts of one body upon parts of another, one aggregate of effects, but the result of the operation of one whole upon another whole." The vibrations induced by this experiments reached over 700,000,000 per second, unshipping the apparatus, thus making it insecure for a repetition of the experiments. The decarbonized steel compressors of said apparatus moved as of composed of putty. Volume of sphere 15 cubic in weight of surrounding metal, 316 lbs."

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