Snapple Case Questions Notes

February 4, 2019 | Author: Ryan | Category: Brand, Advertising, Marketing, Business Economics, Business
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BUS 646: Consumer Behavior Case Assignment: Snapple  Team  Team Members: Ryan Ryan Brown, rystina Cruise, Cruise, !a"lyn #i$on, #i$on, % !oe Miller Miller &ebruary '(, '()* Case +uestions: ) -n the perio. perio. o/ )0*'1)002, )0*'1)002, why .o you thin3 thin3 that Snapple Snapple ourishe. ourishe. when so many startup premium 5ui"e .rin3s staye. small or .isappeare. a In the alternative drink space, 1972-1993 was a growth period, where it was relatively easy for Snapple to nd a concentrated, highly homogenos grop to cater towards b In order to target this smaller grop, Snapple focsed heavily on the !ortheast and then garnered attention from the "est coast  " Snapple tili#ed varios spokesmen, from local cele$rity and trck driver, "endy %afman, to national news&radio icons, 'oward Stern and (sh )im$agh, in order to generate traction and attention . *hese spokespeople, copled with a general advertising strategy +convenience stores, o color advertising, were controversial and helped Snapple grow. /lso, Snapple appealed to 0hometown people who easily lifted general awareness in the area $y catering to an average /merican. non-mainstream, growth growth prodct, this advertising advertising aligned  aligned  e  /s a non-mainstream, with Snapples prodct characteristics ' 7ow loo3 at the perio. /rom /rom )004 8 )00*, .i. .i. +ua3er ma3e an error in in buying Snapple or .i. they manage the bran. a aker was challenged with trying to pivot Snapple away from a non-mainstream growth prodct to a mainstream prodct. b Some activities condcted $y aker inclde4 larger pack si#es, greater assortments, getting rid of spokespeople, moving away from convenience stores to $ig old grocery stores 5 all in attempts to cater to mainstream people instead of the !ortheastern !ortheastern niche " "hen making this pivot aker failed 5 the key 6estion a$ot  whether or not the prchase was an error or if $rand is managed poorly is why did it fail . It is or $elief that the $rand was managed poorly $ecase aker tried to cater to every$ody instead of focsing on the original niche of people looking for non-mainstream prodcts e *hey shold have focsed on e8panding geographically, $t focsing on the same niche instead of e8panding to new consmer segments as well as geographically  tried to marry Snapple drink drinkers ers with atorade atorade /  /lso, they tried drinkers, which failed, $ecase the two appeal to two dierent  cstomer segments. 2 Roll /orwar. to to )009, what "an "an Triar"s Triar"s management management team learn learn /rom +ua3ers e$perien"e ;hat "an they apply /rom their own e$perien"e a -s the mar3 mar3et et
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