SnakeEyes December 2013

April 5, 2018 | Author: CommissarNasty | Category: Leisure
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Garage Gamers Group official monthly publication, about the group, wargaming and promotions of products, events and memb...




Ork Stompa







2 0 1 3


Garage Gamers Group. What we are all about

The games we play

Game reviews

How to make the most of terrain


Garage Gamers Group started like everything else does, as an idea. As of today, both GGG facebook page and GGG facebook group are up and running, so if you want to point any facebookers in the direction of either of these sites, please do so. Promoted elsewhere in this issue, GGG is about to have its very own tournament albeit for members only. Years ago during my time in the old club Warhounds, we ran a two day tournament which I called DecaCon. The concept was for gamers to play 10 different games in the one tournament. The games were preset, all the gam-

ers had to do was turn up and play. Rule sheets were provided for each less familiar game, and there were floating referees to assist on the weekend. The weekend was success. GGG member Courtney Halvorson contacted me with the idea of a Christmas BBQ for the members. This conversation grew into a “How about a tourney” before Christmas. PentaCon was born. Same basic setup as the other, and we only needed 10 players, but could we do it in time. Well the venue is set, players have nominated their interest, and it’s just the games that need to be locked down. That

being said, current games the Tourney will have are Wild West, Necromunda, Warhammer 40k, Star Wars X-Wing & Fames of War - Open Fire box set. There will be a trophy for the overall winner plus random prizes. Cost will be $10 per entry. Please see further info on PentaCon in the adverts section. See You There...

GGG members in the middle of a session of WFRP...

current & New 

Sales page

Members Gallery

Hints & Tips



NECROMUNDA...RETURN TO THE SPIRE Necromunda was a Warhammer 40k spinoff game. It was set on the planet Necromunda, in a future where cities grew upwards as well as outwards. To live was to be forever inside one of these cities for to go outside was to invite a quick death due to the corrosive atmosphere. Theses said cities

were referred to as hives. Hives could stretch upwards on ten miles into the sky, and housed millions of inhabitants. Production and trade were high priority in the hives and gang warfare erupted constantly for schisms real and imagined between the trading houses to which gangs would show their allegiance.




Hive Primus on Necromunda is the chosen background for the game, also known as Hive Palantine. Players take charge of a gang, of a house of their choice, and battle it out, fighting for territories and on the orders of their individual houses, fighting until dead or their nerve is broken...See more in this issue.

GarageGamersGroup-The Games We Play

StarWars X-Wing Box and Contents

Game Spot-Star Wars XWing Star Wars X-Wing is a boardgame based on recreating battles in the Star Wars universe. Each starter box comes with the rules, dices, tactical cards, measuring sticks and of course, the miniatures. One XWing and two Tie Fighters. Add-ons for the game come in a variety of ships including the Millennium Falcon, Slave One, XWings, Tie Fighters, Tie Bombers, Advanced Tie Fighters, A-Wings, B-Wings and Y-Wings, a HWK 290 Freighter and the Imperial Shuttle all in 1/270 scale. Each game is played on a 3 feet square surface, and a standard tournament force is 100 points. Depending on the skills of gamers each game can take approximately 60-90 minutes. Due to the popularity of this game, individual ships are getting harder for sellers to hold on to or even get in store in some cases. The Core Box set retails for around $50, and the individual ships $20-$50.

A GGG discussion supported any miniature based game could be promoted by the group. To date the following lists the games to be played and currently playing in GGG.


Current games include:


Warhammer 40k

Arkham Horror

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay


Axis & Allies Warhammer 40k roleplay American Civil War AD & D

Games coming soon include:

BattleCry StarWars X-Wing

Wings of Glory

Old West

Flames of War (Open

Fire) Warhammer Fantasy Mordheim Axis & Allies WW1 edition Bolt Action WW2 Axis & Allies Pacific Axis & Allies Europe Command Combat Man O War Dreadfleet Blood Bowl Space Hulk

GGG-Members Simon Machin

Jamie Federoff

Paul Treichel

Sam Corvi

Courtney Halverson

Claude Chase

Steven Azzopardi

Chris Taylor

Alan Anderson

George Elliot

Martin Dorney

Alessio Calvatore

Zachary Seib

Michael Orton

Kellie Steel

Darian Chase

Sean O’Hanlon

Zac Mehta

Abby Federoff

Glen Taylor

Demi Federoff

Tim Prenzler


Craig Federoff


Sean Federoff

Ken Carr

Nick Chase




battles as well or be lost, as they leave your gang for better prospects. They won’t work for free after all. This only matters if you are playing in a campaign, as we are. of my favourite GW games made its appearance in the mid nineties. I loved the fact that it was a reasonably quick game at a time where a game of Warhammer Fantasy or 40k would take hours to play. Necromunda could be over in twenty minutes. Campaigns were easy to create and all you needed to play was one gang of roughly 8 miniatures so a very small gaming investment. As a collector, Necromunda was also a game I nearly completed, and only nearly because of our geographical location made it nearly impossible to get hold of hard to reach, limited releases. That being said, we at GGG have resurrected the game, and present the results here for your and our, entertainment.

In a campaign, the leader is determined by the gang rating. This is formulated by adding the cost of gang members including hired guns and all of their equipment, to the cost of the total experience of

The setup is simple. All the initial gangs are fairly level. You have 1000 credits to purchase your gang from a choice of six (in-house) gangs namely:- House Goliath, Orlock, Delaque, Esher, Cawdor, and Van Saar. These were added to in the release of a supplement called Outlanders, which allowed players to field gangs of Ratskins, Pit Slaves, Spyrers, Redemptionists and Scavvies. If you chose any of the outlander gangs you were already outlawed, with rules then released for Hive Enforcers, an enemy of any gang. You also had the option of hiring extra guns if you could afford it, enhancing your gang with scum, bounty hunters, ratskin scouts and from Outlanders, psykers, pit fighters and special characters.

HOUSE ESCHER members and hired guns. This ‘gang rating’ would change with deaths of gang members and experience gained after battles. After the campaign is over, the gang with the highest rating, wins overall.

Necromunda added different things to battles, like being able to shoot into hand to hand combat, and for your own gang members to be shot accidently by being in the line of fire. It is a game where ranges are guessed before a weapon is fired, and then measured. Even if out of range the gang member must fire as the weapon could have misfired and be useless for the rest of the battle. Gangers can hide, can go into overwatch, and you could target an enemy as long as you saw skin. Game play was on a 4 x 4 foot board, and as much terrain as you could manage. Once setup, the game would play in a random scenario such as Gang Fight. Many scenarios are won by the loser running off the board, and this is the usual aim of many a battle. Once a side had lost 25% of their starting force, they have to roll on the highest leadership score, hoping for an equal or under result on 2 dice. If they rolled over, it was game over for them, as their gang failed what is called in the game, a ‘bottle test’, and quite simply, ran away.


So after spending your creds on hiring a gang, you then rolled for territories, to determine what your gang derived its income from in between battles. These could be lost in a gang fight as well, if losses were severe enough. Any hired guns had to be paid in between SNAKE



GGG have started their Necromunda campaign, with all gangs starting with their usual 1000 cred creation. The first 3 scenarios for each gang playing, will be gang fight. Gang Fight is simply, kill as many of the other gang as you can. This is to get everyone familiar or re-familiar with the rules. It is envisaged that during the campaign, all gangs will have a maximum of 12 battles. Special rules are that the gangs must reach level three (have had three battles of the twelve), before they can fight any level gang, once again to give players a fair understanding of the rules. Blank gangs are used to allow players to fight with their gangs and not have to fight the same player multiple times. We also are having three


Sam Corvi - Spyrers Craig Federoff - Chaos Cultists The first game we had with GGG members was a four in battle. Myself, Simon, Courtney and Darian. Once we had made ourselves familiar again with the rules we launched the first game of Necromunda. Courtney had the lowest gang rating, therefore he had first pick of the table side that he was going to enter from. He also had to set up first. After the rest of us had set up our gangs, we had to roll for turn order. Courtney won first turn, followed by myself, Darian, then Simon.


and four gangs on the table at the same time, gamers permitting. GGG members currently battling their gangs up the Spire are as follows: Nick Chase - House Orlock Darian Chase - House Goliath Courtney Halverson - House Escher Simon Machin - House Delaque SPECIAL CHARACTER MAD DONNA ULANTI

Courtney wasted no time in targeting my Orlock’s and Darian’s Goliaths as he was spread out in between our gangs. Gunfire flew everywhere through the air as four gangs jinked, slid, climbed

Tim Prenzler - House Van Saar Special characters are available for hire in Necromunda but won’t hire out to just any old gang. Mad Donna (above) will hire out to an Escher gang before any other…

Steven Azzopardi - House Cawdor Zach Seib - Enforcers SNAKE



and dropped towards each other. It was a couple of turns in when the first bottle test was failed. Courtneys Escher gang ran from the fight, vowing their revenge, next time.

gangs were one man short of 25% losses. Whoever could take down one more enemy would make the other gang start having to take their bottle tests at the start of their next round.

A couple of turns later and Simons Delaque leader was pinned by gunfire, with Simon cursing the rule maker as his leader rose only to be targeted and shot again, this time dropping him for good. Bottle tests have to happen when the gang loses 25% of their total. The test is made against the gang leaders Leadership score. When the time came for him to test his nerve, it had to be against the next highest in the gang. Unfortunately for the Delaque gang it wasn’t enough. They too, looked forward to payback, especially when one ganger was kidnapped by Nick’s Orlocks.


The Goliaths raced across the undercity, positioning themselves to attack the Orlocks. The Orlocks moved toward the Goliath gang at a more sedate pace, knowing that they only had to have enough of the burly Goliaths in range of the assortment of autoguns and lasguns. The moment came when both gangs had almost met in the centre of the table of terrain. It was Nicks turn, and he had several gangers close enough to target a Goliath ganger multiple times. It seemed like over kill, but faced with the negatives that can take a killing shot in Necromunda and quickly turn it into a near miss, the Orlocks took no chances. Two shots hit the ganger front on, stopping him in his tracks. One would have only pinned him, but the seconded wounded and the Goliath went down. Darian rolled his bottle test with baited breath. The Goliaths ran. The Orlocks had won.


Then it was just down to Orlocks versus Goliaths. Darian had kept his gang in the background, keeping any chance of being targeted low, although earning a good natured tease about his big tough Goliaths hiding. He had to come out now, but Nicks Orlocks were equipped to fight at long range, whereas Darian had equipped his Goliath gangers to excel at hand to hand combat. If Darian had any chance, he had to get close enough to the Orlocks, to charge them. It wasn’t long before both





Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay predates both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k. Where Dungeons & Dragons or D & D, lent towards a character combination of combat and magic skills, WFRP widened the range to specialise in either or both. The list of careers both starter and advanced, give characters a huge choice in just how the want their characters to develop. So far, WHRP has had 3 editions released, but being a sucker for the original, and being able to pull into what the 2nd and 3rd editions offered, GGG started with first edition, and as mentioned last issue we started with The Enemy within Campaign.

returned the jewel and received agreed payment, then only to find themselves running from the law after Durim was recognised. The group jumped ship on a river boat heading for Altdorf. The noble, Axel Von Kruger refused to leave, proclaiming he was a noble in his home city of Nuln and had nothing to fear from the law as he had done nothing illegal. He was subsequently arrested. Whilst his credentials were being verified, Axel was interviewed by a man who he later found out was a member of the Witch Hunters. The group met up again at a river stop, where due to a boatman strike, had to continue by coach to Altdorf, the capital. It was during this leg of the journey when the coach, group and passengers came upon the wreck of another coach, and mutants were enjoying the spoils. As it was their fashion, and they just hated mutants, the group attacked and killed the killers. While collecting the bodies for disposal, they had a shock, as one of the dead passengers looked exactly like Axel. A search of the doppelgangers body revealed a letter to a solicitors in the town of Bogenhafen, discussing payment to this person of twenty thousand gold coins. A quick discussion soon led to the decision to travel to Bogenhafen as soon as possible.

The adventure opens with the group arriving by river to Nuln, on a wet, wintery night with the prospects of a good nights accommodation slim to none. They accept the advice of a shady character and after payment has passed palms, follow the said character to where he assures them, is an inn that will have adequate lodgings for the group. Instead, they are set upon by cutpurses and choose to fight their way out, killing two of the would be thieves and sending the rest fleeing for their lives. They made it to an Inn eventually that still had vacancies, and there met a noble who, looking for some adventure, joined the group, after spending his coin on the bedraggled bunch. At this time the group consisted of two Dwarves, an Elf, a Human and a Halfling.

Keeping as low a profile as possible, the group made their way into Altdorf. They ran into an old friend of Stephens, down by the docks. A barge owning river trader. He offered them work on the barge in return for travel on his barge to Bogenhafen. Whilst awaiting in an Inn and talking of old times the group were provoked into a fight by some young nobles and their bodyguards. This also was joined by a local protagonist, who was feared by the locals for his cruel behaviour. Needless to say that luck was against them, as one noble got away after a knife struck him in the face. The protagonist was killed as was the other noble and bodyguards. Because of the cruel behaviour of the protagonist, the group were cheered by the locals and the killings were covered up.

During the night a face is spotted at the window of the dingy inn, and failing to chase the owner, most of the group spent the rest of the night sleepless. The next day while looking for employment, one of the Dwarves, Durim, made his way to the Watch-house to make formal complaint about the footpads and the two deaths. Whilst there he became under suspicion but managed to escape before being embroiled further. Meeting after midday in the Konnigsplatz, the group chanced upon a notice for employment and took on the role to recover a certain family gem. This began the Oldenhaller Contract. As it turned out the gem was a Nurgle (Daemon Prince of Pestilence) artefact, and although the group did recover it, with some members nearly dying in the process after fighting through two sewer gangs, a group of nurgle cultists and a Beast of Nurgle that the cultists had managed to summon. They

The group left the Inn under advisal of a hasty departure from Altdorf, but not without being attacked again by two would be assassins, bearing a mark on their chests in the shape of a purple hand. The next day on the river, the group learned that from a river patrol, that authorities in Altdorf were on the lookout for a group for the killing of two nobles near the riverside the previous night. The pressure was now on, as they made their way down the river to Boganhafen.




Off The Palette PAINTING BAD MOON ORKS - SIMON MACHIN Orks by their very nature are individualistic scum bags. They tend to have bits and pieces attached to them and their vehicles. Hence when assembling an army of Orks, I find it best to make each one as individual as possible, then after assembly I undercoat the miniatures with a black undercoat. SKINS - I then paint in the basecoat of the Orks skin, in this case Dark Green (I used an old Dark Angels Green - GW) for mine. I then use a 50/50 mix of the dark basecoat and Goblin Green, after which I dry brush the skin, using Goblin Green only. To highlight the upper levels of the skin of the miniature I then drybrush Scorpion Green. METAL - All metal bitz on the model as well as their weapons are drybrushed with Boltgun Metal. UNIFORM - I use Codex Grey on trousers and vests and highlight the raised areas of cloth with Fortress Grey. The boots are painted Chaos Black. For any leather straps I paint them in Bestial Brown as a base coat, then highlight the raised areas with a 50/50 mix of Bestial Brown and Khemri Brown. Any rings or ammo cartridges I paint with Dwarf Bronze. I then go back and highlight the boots using a 50/50 mix of Chaos Black and Codex Grey. FACE - Paint the eyes Red. I paint the teeth of the Ork Khemri Brown, and then layer the lower 3/4




Of the teeth, with a 50/50 mix of Khemri Brown and Bleached Bone. I then paint the lower part with a layer of Bleached Bone. For the Bad Moon colouring, I took some yellow layer paint (Flash Git Yellow) and diluted it with a thinner or you could use water to a ratio of 7/30 paint to water. I then painted this colour over any Ork symbols on the miniature, and over any helmets or shoulder pads. I always leave the edges of helmets and shoulder pads unpainted to give that rough, worn appearance. As this mix of paint is quite thin you will need to re apply this several times to build up the layer. The layering also gives the appearance of weathering. After completing this phase, I then wash the miniatures in a mixture of black and brown wash, ensuring that the mix is not too dark. If you get any issues with this being too dark on the model remove the wash with some water on your brush. Allow these to dry.

PAINTING BAD MOON VEHICLES Assemble the Ork vehicle and undercoat in black, ensuring to leave and clear parts like canopies and windows to the side, prior to painting, as they can be added on after the model is painted. Allow the undercoat to dry. If possible paint separately parts like cockpits etc as they can be extremely detailed, and look great if painted correctly. I drybrush the entire model with Boltgun Metal. For the bigger models I like to prepare the Bad Moons colour separately in another container. In this case I used a 50/50 mix of Iyanden Dark Sun and Bad Moons Yellow. I then thinned the base colour with about 40% thinner. With the basecoat so thin, it allows the build-up of several layers on the model. I also try to make the paint look patch work. This fits in with the Ork theme, as opposed to a solid colour when painting marine tanks. Any patch effect is also applied to any armour plates on the vehicle. Once all the detail is covered I then add any miniatures to the vehicle and any canopies. I then use a mixture of thinned brown paint and brown ink, and wash the model several times with this mix. Watch for any thick colouring as the aim is to give the model a muddied appearance. I would suggest using a thick brush that holds a lot of the wash mixture and use the mix to the edges of the model without allowing it to gather on the flat plates. After the first coat has dried, check that the model is not shiny. If it is you may have to remix your wash using more brown paint. The overall colour should be flat. I will wash a model at least 5 times or more to get the look I am after so have patience as it is worth it. The look I am aiming for here is a dirty, rusty appearance, which I believe is the Orky look. Once the wash is dry you can drybrush brown or orange on parts you want muddy or rusty, and highlight the metals on the guns. That’s it for me. Good luck painting your Orks. The best advice I can give anyone is to practise and experiment. Simon. Below are two of Simons paint jobs, the third being on the previous page, showing the colours and techniques that he covers in his article. The Stompa also appears on the cover of this newsletter.




PENTACON 1 DAY TOURNAMENT 5 DIFFERENT GAMES Warhammer 40k Necromunda Flames of war - open fire Star wars x-wing Wild west Sunday December 15 Membership to Garage Gamers Group is free.You can be approached by a member and asked if you wish to join, or turn up and play in one of our games. Locations, dates and times are in this newsletter. Contact the Editor for more information on submissions. See the back page of this publication for contact information.

$10 entry Trophy & random draw prizes 10 positions only 1000hrs start Battlestation ipswich 239 Brisbane street Ipswich Contact 0419729794 SNAKE




Come and see Nate at


BattleStation Ipswich for all your gaming wants and needs. .


Ph: 07 3281 3653


239 Brisbane Street, Ipswich











Perry Miniatures I haven’t been exposed to a lot of American Civil Wargaming excepting BattleCry the boardgame and Command Combat using 15mm figures but, I have always wanted to collect an ACW army and find some rules down the track. I had been eyeing off

Perry Miniatures online for some time as my other passion in miniatures is size. I like the detail on a 28mm figure. The other bonus of these boxsets are that you can use them as Union, or Confederate. I was familiar with The Perry twins work at GW but was very pleasantly surprised when my boxes arrived. Very clean mould lines, which as a gamer is the most hated, I think part of preparing the

model and spending hours scraping excess plastic. The detail on these miniatures are crisp, and sprue options are numerous. I’m in no rush to paint these but am looking forward to it.

This month as promised I want to talk about accessing those old painting books, and rule books. If you want them in hard copy there

mainstream miniature sellers are not

Hints & Tips As a gamer for many years, I have always tried to combat the ongoing conundrum of what you want verse what you’re willing to spend. I hate the rising costs of miniatures and good terrain and rulebooks as much as anybody, therefore am quite mercenary when it comes to the purchase of these items. I present this column to all of those gamers looking for that other option.

“When the

in your price range, there

are a couple of places to start. Ebay for one, if you’re lucky, and don’t forget to change your search options as the item may be under a different description. Most will be listed under your choice of system, but occasionally you will find them just under books. The Book Depository (www.thebookdepository) may have your book and if not can remind you when it comes in, just leave a contact email address for them. Incidentally you will also see a great discount in a lot of novels that you may already collect and

you can pre-order. They also offer free postage.

are alternatives”

A google search will also produce results and this is ideal if you are happy with a digital copy. The search will usually provide a page of potentially available books in this format. For the really old painting guides you can find them on Scribd. At around $10 a month you can have a good look and download what you need. As usual if it’s free you may get more than you are looking for. Ensure good PC protection & good luck.

From the Collector’s Vault Last issue I rambled on a little of how to keep it simple when it comes to collecting miniatures. The companies that sell these items do it very well, and as each release comes out it is usually painted and advertised to such a degree that you MUST HAVE it. Sometimes it’s hard to fight this impulse (see last issue) but if you remain true to your goal, you can

do it. Pick your game firstly, as in what system do you want to play? Fantasy, Historical, SciFi etc. Buy a starter box set. These usually contain two small armies to give you a feel for the game, and contains the rules in some format. Purchasing this will achieve multiple outcomes. Do you like the system? Are you ‘good’ or ’bad’? Do you enjoy painting these? This


type of purchase also gives you some core forces that you can add to over time, and like mentioned in last issue, you may have your two starting armies. Currently GW’s Warhammer, 40K and LOTR have starter box sets, Flames of War have a set named Open Fire, and Bolt Action has a Normandy starter set with terrain and a hard cover rulebook.



The Collector is a gamer with 24 years in collectable games and wargaming...

Star Wars X-Wing at Ned’s Shed X-Wing Rebel intercept Mission. Captured Rebel Agent is on her way to Prison Planet KaBlaa for deep mind probe interrogation of critical Rebel secrets. Imperative elimination by Rebel force as all previous attempts of rescues failed.

The End. Failed mission. 1 TIE Fighter destroyed. Shuttle escaped and the Agent .... Well??? All Fighter pilots rookies except surviving TIE base level initiative 3, Shuttle 2. Ed - Ned made the base himself. Will ask him to tell how in next issue. SNAKE



Dark Heresy is a role playing game set in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium , the decaying dark future of Warhammer 40,000. Below is the background story of Magnus Silvanus, GGG member Courtney Halversons character in Dark Heresy. GRIM TRAUMA ( Magnus Silvanus ) By Courtney Halverson Magnus's life was destined to be filled with tragedy and rejection. The circumstances of his birth had sealed that when his mother fell pregnant with him after being raped by a mutant. His mother, Lyra was a gaunt figure with deep mysterious grey eyes, beautiful long ginger hair and ghostly bluish skin. Life on the border of the station and its underdecks were always fraught with trials and dangers. His father, Cortez Silvanus was a man to behold in his unusual beauty. He was a tall man at 1.8 metres. He was of a spindly build, with watery blue eyes, fair skin and flowing blond hair. All though he looked young he is quite old for one born in the voids of space. He was thirty seven terran years of age compared to Lyra who was twenty five. When she gave birth to Magnus she did not survive his birth for the trauma and stress that was placed on her body was too much for her bear and she gave unto deaths embrace with one last push to give her son life. Cortez hated his son for taking the life of the one he loved he couldn't understand why he felt extremely uncomfortable in the presence of young Magnus. It was just after Magnus's fifth birthday, when Cortez finally snapped. He could no longer tolerate Magnus in his house, so took the boy for a walk through the halls of the station. While the boys attention was else were he slipped silently from Magnus's side, and with one last look at the boy he faded into the shadows never to see Magnus again. For the next three years Magnus skulked around the underdecks living off scraps of food and fending off mutants and anything that would do him harm while still trying to find his way home to no avail. One day while sifting through some rags and junk his hand brushed over the body of a woman. She had very elegant hands and in her cold right hand she still gripped a knife. As he reached for the knife the hand jerked out of his reach. Startled by the movement he jumped back out of reach and just in time as the blade sung through the air right were his throat had been. The body, dragged herself to the nearest wall for support. Magnus watching her intently, noticed the laboring rise and fall of her chest as his gaze moved up his eyes locked on hers. They were a mesmerizing violet that was made all the more vibrant by her porcelain skin and blond hair. Her right arm was extended in a defensive manner her hand was not steady. She was afraid of him, her face once beautiful now distorted by fear. He didn't have time for this. He could hear the mutants coming for him. The death of one of their own at the hands of a small boy bore a dark vengeance upon Magnus. A vengeance he was sure would shorten his chances of survival. With a quick movement he was under the woman's guard before she new what was going on, and he had knocked her to the ground. The look of terror in her violet eyes was amusing to Magnus. Now that he had her pinned and had wrested the knife from her hands a sinister grin that looked out of place on the small boy sent the woman over the edge as she thrashed around to try and knock the boy off. When that failed she begged and pleaded with him to let her go, but he just stared back and started to laugh as he drew the knife slowly across her throat. He watched with an excitement he had never known before as her life flowed through the opening in her throat and the light that had made those eyes so vibrant went out and left them pale and vacant. Before he




could enjoy this moment further there was a crash some distance behind him that broke this beautiful euphoria. As he left her lifeless body with an enriched vitality and purpose to live he vanished into the dark depths of the underdecks. Now armed with a knife and the desire for killing he would often sit and watch passers by and pick an unsuspecting victim. the beauty he saw as he wrested the life from each victim was as euphoric as the vibrant violet eyed porcelain doll that had awakened this addiction within him. Twelve years had passed and his body count had started to raise interest and concern for what passed as the law on the station, but for try as they might they could not catch him. That was until one day someone approached him with an offer that would bring him out of the underdecks. The thought of being paid by someone to kill to indulge in his addiction was one he could not refuse. With his agreement he stood to his full height of 2.1 metres and the thug with the offer now realized that this is someone very detached from the realm of sanity. The lifeless and seemingly vacant green eyes, the greyish skin, and black hair pulled into a tight knot at the back of his head added to the already fear inducing presence that emanated from his being. The offer it seemed, was from the Inquisition.

"Innocence proves nothing"

Zach Seib runs a Dark Heresy campaign every second Sunday at Sam’s Garage. GGG members playing have enjoyed themselves so much that games have run into the night and one session even into the wee hours. Leave a message for Zach if you’re after more information by emailing [email protected] BTW I didn’t make it to the last session, so still don’t know how to turn on the damn power fist...




We didn’t know what it was but we we’re nearly done for...40k Roleplay

Members Gallery

Darians’ Goliaths

Necromunda—above & below



Old style Cadians - Imperial Guard 16

Advertisements Some or all of these items may be subject to Trade Mark 6 Rogue Trader Marines

Wanted - for Necromunda, Karl Jericho, The Redeemer, The Caller, Bounty Hunter with Hat, Spyrer Matriarch and Patriarch

Command Set $8 each or all 6 for $40 Miniatures clipped, cleaned, assembled and undercoated - $3 per miniature all unused sprue pieces bagged for your convenience DRAGONFORGE DARK ELF FANTASY FOOTBALL TEAM FOR SALE-CONTACT COURTNEY

DREADFLEET - 99% complete, missing Dwarf dirigible - $120 ONO Blood Angel Games Day 2012 miniature NIB $50









Garage Gamers Group

GGG or Garage Gamers Group is a collection of gamers with similar ideals about what makes a game fun and how to have fun with it… Snake Eyes is the GGG newsletter, available for free to members and selected organisations… Phone: 0419 729794 E-mail: [email protected]

GGG supports a gamers for gamers attitude

Facebook: Garage Gamers Group

Trademark names in the newsletter have been used without permission & only used for promotional purposes for the GGG. They include: Games Workshop & associated trademarks, Milsims, Aliexpress, BattleCry, StarWars X-Wing, War & Peace Games, Avalon Hill, Arkham Horror, Wings of Glory, Flames of War, Zombiecide, Eureka miniatures, Stone Mountain miniatures & AD &D. Picture are the property of the editor & have been used with the permission of members of the GGG. Other pictures have been used without permission but for the same reasons aforementioned above.

Members Spotlight - Tim Prenzler Well I and my brother started playing Warhammer Fantasy with some guys at school and that’s how I first heard about all this Games Workshop stuff. When I was about 12 my brother got Necromunda I started playing that. My first gang was Cawdor but I then got a Scavvie gang and a Ratskin gang. i ran out of people to play with when I was about 13. I then moved onto playing all the Warhammer 40k stuff I could on either the pc or playstation. Space hulk on the playstation was my first game. I then had rites of war (I think that’s what its called) on the pc. Then life got in the way, but I got back into it when I brought dawn of war and the expansions (winter assault, dark crusade and soulstorm). I then moved onto dawn of war 2 and

its expansions (chaos rising and retribution). I met Nick after starting as a train guard with Queensland Rail. We had a conversation about wargaming and he found out that I had played Necromunda, and still had four gangs, which after minimal haggling I sold to him, (For an absolute bargain - Ed). We soon after got together for a game of Warhammer 40000. I had decided to collect a Dark Angel variant army, but initially Nick loaned me a chaos Slaanesh army to play. We entered a local tournament and although we both lost more than we won, I did enjoy myself and that’s when I got back into the table top game. I have also enjoyed reading the books of the Horus Heresy or any other space marine book that I can. My first favourite was my SNAKE



Ratskin gang. I have now moved onto collecting a Dark Angel army and running with a Van Saar gang. I have started to collect a Tau army as well. I will pretty much play anything if it’s with a good group of people. Warhammer 40000 is available from most games stores and retails at $165 for the starter box set Dark Vengeance

Current Edition Warhammer 40k starter box set

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