SMKAP Captain Nobody Trial Questions and Sample Answers

August 4, 2017 | Author: Umi Kamsha | Category: N/A
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SPM TRIAL 2016 – Novel (Captain Nobody) Questions and Sample Answers By : The Peer Guides, SMK Agama Pahang MELAKA

“We must have the courage to do the right thing” p.2 Based on the novel that you have read, provide incidents from the novel that support this statement.


“A brave man is not he who doesn‟t feel afraid, but he who conquers fear” p.3 With close reference to the text, describe how this is portrayed by one of the characters and explain how this quality would benefit you.


It is important to stand up for what is right. Discuss how this is portrayed in the p.4 novel you have read. Support your answers with close reference to the text.


“Family supports family.” p.5 With close reference to the text, describe how this is portrayed by one of the characters and explain how this quality would benefit you.


Suggest one character in the novel that you think is admirable. Briefly describe the p.6 character and give reasons for your choice with close reference to the text.


“People should be allowed to follow their dreams.” p.7 Write about a character who wants to realize his or her dream. Support your answer with close reference to the text.


Which character in the novel you sympathize with? Explain why you sympathize p.8 with this character with close reference to the text.

SELANGOR A “Good values bring positive effects.” p.9 How far is this true in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text. SELANGOR B Write about an event that has shown you the importance of making a responsible p.10 decision. Support your answer with close reference to the text. SELANGOR C This novel teaches us many lessons about life.” p.11 Based on the novel you have read, discuss the lessons you have learnt based on one incident. Support your answer with close reference to the text. SARAWAK

“Having a strong family relationship is essential in one‟s life.” p.12 How is this shown in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.

TERENGGANU Based on one of the novels you have studied, choose an event that you find to be p.13 unforgettable. Explain why it is unforgettable to you. Support your answer with close reference to the text PENANG

The main character is a strong willed person. How is this shown in the novel. p.14 Support your answer with close reference to the text.


From the novel that you have learnt, describe an event that changes the life of a p.15 character and how the event affects his / her life and the people around him/her. Support your answer with close reference to the text 1


MELAKA “We must have the courage to do the right thing” Based on the novel that you have read, provide incidents from the novel that support this statement.

Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story is about a kid named Newton Newman or more popularly known as Captain Nobody. Throughout his journey to transform from the unknown, he showcases his courage to do the right thing in a variety of situations. Firstly, Newt climbs the dumpster to get the drum for his best friend, Cecil. At first, Newt who was afraid of heights did not want to do so. He was worried it may crush Cecil if it slips and drops. However, Cecil convinced Newt that only Captain Nobody could do the job. So, Newt decided to fulfil his friend‟s wish although it was difficult for him. In my opinion, Newt showed his courage to do the right thing here which is to help his friend. If I were Newt, I would do the same thing to make my friends feel happy.

Next, Newt showcases his courage by saving Ferocious the ferret when he dashed onto the highway and screamed at the vehicles to stop in order to save Ferocious. No one was brave enough to save the ferret except for Newt. He knew he must take good care of Ferocious because it was his school‟s football team mascot. In my opinion, Newt did the right thing to save Ferocious, which was a responsibility entrusted to him. However, he would not have been able to do so if he did not have the courage. Lastly, Newt climbs up the Appleton water tower to save Reggie Ratner. Newt watches the news report about Reggie Ratner climbing to the roof of the Appleton water tower and he quickly made his way there. Even though he is afraid of heights, he courageously climbed the water tower to save Reggie. For a ten-year-old, in my opinion, his decision to climb the water tower to save another person who has nothing to do with him is the right thing to do and is very bold and extraordinary.

In a nutshell, as we can see from the evidences above shown by Newt, we must have courage to do the right thing. By doing so, it will help us to grow stronger and face challenges in life.

By : Najma Hayati and Nurul Hana



JOHOR “A brave man is not he who doesn’t feel afraid, but he who conquers fear” With close reference to the text, describe how this is portrayed by one of the characters and explain how this quality would benefit you. Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, a quality about conquering fear has been portrayed by the main character of the novel – Newton Newman. Newt was characterized as someone who is timid and afraid of height, but somehow succeeded in conquering his fear. This quality is shown many time throughout the story. First things first, Newt climbed the dumpster to get the bass drum for his best friend. At first, he was reluctant because he was scared of heights but he convinced himself that Captain Nobody was a fearless hero. Even though climbing a dumpster does not seem that challenging, this event showed that Newt had succeeded in conquering his fear. In my opinion, no matter what problems we will face today or tomorrow, if we have the courage to conquer our fear, we are able to overcome any difficulties in life. Secondly, Newt climbed the Appleton Water tower to save Reggie Ratner. Reggie was hustled by Chris‟s teammates, and he decided to climb the Appleton water tower to spray paint a sign in support of Merrimac High on the tower. Before he could carry out his plan, his foot broke through the rotten roof and got stuck. People assumed he was going to jump down and commit suicide. Newt showed his bravery by climbing up the tower. By doing so, Next found a new friend in the hulking Reggie Ratner. In my opinion, this shows us that being brave will allow us to make more friends easily.

The third event was when Newt save Ferocious the ferret. In the mad tussle with Ricky Ratner and his friends, the ferret‟s cage door flew open and Ferocious escaped. Captain Nobody bravely diced with death several times on the highway to save Ferocious and ended up stopping four lanes of traffic. This enabled a plane with engine trouble to make a safe emergency landing. In my opinion, it is important to have the courage to save someone in trouble. This shows that being brave benefits us as we will be able to protect others especially our loved ones In a nutshell, Newt is a brave person. He tried to overcome his fear in order to help others. We should try to follow the examples shown by Newt because, as I have mentioned above, being brave benefits us in numerous ways. By : Rohaila and Nadhirah Aisyah



KEDAH It is important to stand up for what is right. Discuss how this is portrayed in the novel you have read. Support your answers with close reference to the text.

Based on the novel that I have read in the literature component in form five which is titled „Captain Nobody‟ by Dean Pitchford, there are loads of events that showed the importance of standing up for what is right. Standing up for what is right was portrayed when Captain Nobody retrieved the big bass drum from the top of the dumpster for Cecil. At first, Newt was deciding whether he should help Cecil or ignore the call but then decided to go and help him to get the drum because he thought of his responsibility as superhero. If Newt had ignored his friend ‟s call for help, maybe Cecil would have lost faith in him. In my opinion, Newt standing up for what

was right was the best decision and that made his friends’ faith in him became much stronger. That event truly showed that standing up for what is right is important. Other than that, Newt showed that he stood up for what was right in the event where he tried to chase Ferocious the ferret and unexpectedly made space for an aeroplane to land safely. When Ferocious ran away, Newt could have chosen to just leave it be but when he remembered that Ferocious was his responsibility, Newt decided to chase Ferocious because that was the right thing to do. Newt stood up for what was right and at the same time he saved many lives in the aeroplane. In my opinion, if Newt had not stood up for what was right the aeroplane would have crashed and many lives would have been lost. That event clearly showed that standing up for what is right is important because it can benefit us as well the people around us. The next event that showed how Newt stood up for what was right is when Newt saved Reggie Ratner on top of the water tower. When Newt saw on the news that Reggie who everyone believed wanted to commit suicide from the top of the Appleton water tower, he went straight to the scene to help Reggie and to tell the truth about who knocked out Chris Newman. I think that if Newt had not decided to go and help Reggie which was the right decision, Reggie might have been stuck at the top of the Appleton water tower for a long time and the truth would have not been unveiled. That event really showed that Newt stood up for what was right as Captain Nobody.

As the conclusion, standing up for what is right is very important and it can also benefit not only one‟s life but other people‟s lives too.

By : Aiman, Arman and Aman



KELANTAN “Family supports family.” With close reference to the text, describe how this is portrayed by one of the characters and explain how this quality would benefit you.

Based on the novel that I have studied which is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford, the main character which is Newton Newman had gone through many obstacles and challenges to be noticed by people around him. Throughout this whole novel, the character who was portrayed to support his family is Newt. One of the evidences that proved this was that Newt cooked breakfast for his family every morning. This was supposed to be his mother‟s duty but she was easily distracted and once even put turkey with the bowl of milk. Since then, Newt had taken over the responsibility of making breakfast for the family. This shows that he is supportive towards his family. In my opinion, Newt is an exemplary member of a family because for a ten year old, he knew just what it takes to help ease his family’s burden. Secondly, Newt helped cheer his mum up when she was down about Chris’ condition. He tried to be funny by wearing his brother‟s clothes which were too big for him. But when he wanted to show it, his mum already left the house which made him a bit disappointed because he wanted to see his mother‟s smile but didn‟t get the chance to see it. If I were him, I would definitely do the same thing just to see my family happy -

even if it means that I do silly things like Newt. Lastly, he took care of himself without his parents being around so that he would add to the burden of both of his parents when Chris was in coma. This shows that it needs understanding between the family members to keep the family together. In my opinion, for a ten year old boy, he is really matured, which indicates that he would be a great and supportive leader for his family in the future. In a nutshell, it is important for us to support our family members despite whatever challenges that may have come. Being a family means that you are guaranteed to have people supporting you from the back and cheering you on. In order to have this kind of family relationship, we need to start supporting our family just like what Newt did.

By :Najwa Hanisah & Siti Syaqilah



MRSM Suggest one character in the novel that you think is admirable. Briefly describe the character and give reasons for your choice with close reference to the text.

The novel I study is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. The story is about a ten yearold boy named Newt who found his inner other when he first wore the Captain Nobody costume. He had gone through many difficulties during his life journey. The character that I think is admirable is Newt. There are many reasons to support my choice. The first reason why I find Newt to be admirable is because Newt is brave. There was one time when Cecil asked Newt to help him to retrieve a big bass drum from the dumpsters. It was hard for Newt because he had a fear of heights but, after some encouragement from Cecil, he finally climbed up the dumpster and passed down the drum. In my opinion, for a child that was scared of height like Newt, it was something impressive to do. This can prove that Newt is not just an ordinary ten year-old kid, but he is wise and matured. It was a good deed to do and if I were him, I will definitely do the same thing just to be a better person.

The second reason why I believe Newt is an admirable character is because he is a responsible child. Preparing breakfast had become his new daily routine since his mom could not be distracted while doing two things at once. He was also the one who was responsible enough to wake Chris up the morning of the Big Game. In my opinion, Newt had showcased his maturity and his responsibility by helping his family to prepare breakfast. To have the youngest member of the family preparing breakfast is indeed something admirable. So, we must make Newt as a role model of showing our responsibility even if we are the youngest in the family. The last reason is why I find Newt so admirable is because Newt is helpful. This was proven when he helped Mr. Clay by walking him to his home. It happened right after he helped Cecil, when Mr. Clay held his ankle. Newt thought that the person might be a drunkard but he then realized that it was Mr.Clay, a locksmith. His mom used to call him whenever she forgot or lost the keys. Then proudly, Newt offered to walk him to his house. He even introduced himself as Captain Nobody. In my opinion, we should help other people especially the people who we know like Newt. In a nutshell, Newt is admirable. He has showcases various examplary good values and does good things to other people. So, we must follow Newt‟s good values and spread the good vibes to others. These are the reason why I choose Newt as a character who is admirable. We should try to follow the examples shown by Newt. By : Shima and Raihani



NEGERI SEMBILAN “People should be allowed to follow their dreams.” Write about a character who wants to realize his or her dream. Support your answer with close reference to the text. Based on the novel that I have studied in the literature component in form five which is titled „Captain Nobody‟ by Dean Pitchford, there are many characters who wanted to realize their dreams. Among all of the characters, there was one character who stood out the most in realizing his dream. The character who I picked that realized his dream is none other than the main character, Newton Newman. Newt’s dream was to change himself from someone who does not exist in people’s eyes to someone who is recognised by others. He realised him dream by making improvements to his appearance with the Captain Nobody costume which was originally just an old jersey and sweatpants. Newt only thought of dressing up like Chris to cheer his mother up but at the same night he had to go out on a Halloween Night and he still did not prepare a costume for himself. So, his friends decided to make the changes to what he was already wearing. In my opinion, the change of apparel was a very smart move to let other people notice him. With that attempt, he became one stop closer to

The second step in realizing Newt‟s dream was coming up with a brilliant new name for his alter-ego. On the Halloween Night when Newt, Cecil and JJ were „Trick or Treating‟, someone asked Newt about the costume that he was wearing and asked what can they call him. Cecil and JJ tried to give names but Newt came up with an awesome name which is Captain Nobody based on the letters „CN‟ on his mask. Later, when Newt wore his costume to school, all of the other kids and teachers started to notice him. In my opinion, he might have chosen the name Captain Nobody to express his feeling that he was a nobody in people’s eyes and he wanted that to change. Finally, Newt realised his dream by being a good samaritan. Newt made an impact in all of Appleton when he appeared on the news because of the things that he did to help others as Captain Nobody. First, he appeared on the news as someone who foiled a robbery when all he did was trying to advise the store owner about the sign board. The, he appeared again after he had accidentally saved an aeroplane from crashing and finally, as the hero who had saved Reggie Ratner from committing suicide. In my opinion, being a good a person always pays off in the end. In a nutshell, all of Newt‟s effort in becoming Captain Nobody made his dream a reality. From being someone who does not exist in people‟s eyes to someone who is known all over Appleton. By: Aiman, Arman and Aman 7


SBP Which character in the novel you sympathize with? Explain why you sympathize with this character with close reference to the text.

The novel that I have studied which is Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford is about a kid named Newton Newman who had been overshadowed by his brother Chris Newman, a famous football player. Chris got into a coma supposedly because of Reggie Ratner when in fact Reggie was absolutely innocent. Therefore the character that I sympathize with the most would be Reggie Ratner. One of the evidences that proved this is when Reggie received many hateful comments from people after the Big Tackle. He was blamed for putting Chris into coma although the incident was not his fault. This would probably be because Reggie and Chris were seen as rivals. People just assumed it without any concrete proof. In my opinion, we

shouldn’t jump into conclusions. We should also avoid believing in rumours without any evidences. Secondly, Reggie’s house was vandalized by people from Chris’ school. They placed garbage all over the house. As if doing so wasn ‟t enough, they also scattered tissue paper all over the garden. This action can only be concluded as childish. Vandalizing is a serious crime because it is mortifying to both the owner and the neighbours nearby. Lastly, Reggie was bullied when he had to pay for the Chinese takeout that he didn’t order. The takeout was addressed to him as a punishment for supposedly putting Chris into coma. There was not much for Reggie to do except to pay for it. In my opinion, we should think before we act because our action can cause harm to others. For example, they can end up being depressed or violent. Which is why, these action taken on Reggie are not acceptable. Bullying is never an answer.

As a conclusion, I really sympathise with Reggie Ratner because throughout the story he was portrayed as the bad person when in fact he never did anything wrong. By: Najwa Hanisah and Siti Syaqilah



SELANGOR A “Good values bring positive effects.” How far is this true in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text. Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story is about a kid named Newton Newman who is going through many challenges in order to be accepted in the society. Throughout his journey to transform from the unknown to somebody known, he had showcases a lot of good values which bring positive effects to himself and the people around him. The first value is being helpful. Newt is a very helpful person. He climbs the dumpster to get the big bass drum for his best friend, Cecil. Although he is afraid of height, he tried to overcome his fear in order to fulfil Cecil's dream. At the end of the day, he managed to get the drum for Cecil and Cecil become so happy. In the process, he also met Mr Clay and helped to the forgetful old man home. In my opinion, we should always try our best to help other people especially those closest to us. By helping others, we can spread love and show our concern towards them. The second value is bravery. Newt is a really brave boy. Newt showcases his courage by saving Ferocious the Ferret when it accidentally escaped from its cage. Ferocious ran wildly, so Newt and his friends chased after it. They chased after Ferocious until they reached the highway. Ferocious bolted into the middle of the highway and stopped. JJ and Cecil stopped chasing after Ferocious but Newt was the only one who was brave enough and he dashed towards Ferocious and stopped the traffic. Suddenly, an aeroplane landed due to an emergency. Newt‟s brave action had save the lives of the aeroplane passengers. In my opinion, we should be brave whenever we face a challenging situation. We should always follow our guts and be confident to make the right decision. The last value is responsibility. Newt climbed the Appleton water tower to save Reggie Ratner from committing suicide. Actually Reggie climbed the water tower to spray paint on the water tower tank but people assumed that he wanted to commit suicide due to depression. Newt felt responsible to save Reggie as he was the only one who knows the truth. He wanted to tell Reggie that he knew Reggie was not the one who knocked Chris out and sent him into coma. In my opinion, we should be responsible to tell the truth even if it is difficult. In the end, Newt managed to achieve his dream of being somebody known. He had become the hero of Appleton. The evidences above clearly show that good values will definitely bring positive effects. By : Najma Hayati and Nurul Hana 9


SELANGOR B Write about an event that has shown you the importance of making a responsible decision. Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story has an event that shows the importance of making a responsible decision. Newt was a kid that happened to become the town hero - Captain Nobody. Along his journey in being known in the society, Newt had shown the importance of making a responsible decision. Firstly, the event that showed the importance of making a responsible decision is when he decided to save Reggie Ratner at the water tower. Newt would not have been able to climb the water tower without his friends, JJ and Cecil ‟s help. I think that JJ and Cecil helped Newt to get to Reggie because they believed that he, as Captain Nobody, had made the right decision to help Reggie. I think that df Newt had decided to turn his back on

Reggie, JJ and Cecil might have lost their respect and faith in him. Newt was afraid of heights, but as everyone assumed that Reggie would commit suicide, Newt was determined to continue climbing the ladder even though the water tower was way too high and dangerous. By deciding to save Reggie, Newt overcame his fear of heights. In this incident, Newt succeeded in conquering his fear of heights which is why I believe his decision to save Reggie no matter what was a responsible decision. Finally, after reaching the top of the water tower, Newt somehow got to know Reggie Ratner as a better person and that unfortunately he was stuck at the tower because his feet was wedge between the beams on the water tower. If Newt did not make the decision to finish climbing the water tower till the top, nobody would have known that Reggie got stuck on the tower and cannot get down. In my opinion, Newt’s choice in saving Reggie was a responsible choice as it was important to get Reggie down from there.

To conclude, it is important to make a responsible decision so that we can grow up to be a wiser and mature person in the future. This story has shown, it is really important to make a responsible decision in our life.

By: Nadhirah Aisyah and Rohaila



SELANGOR C This novel teaches us many lessons about life.” Based on the novel you have read, discuss the lessons you have learnt based on one incident. Support your answer with close reference to the text. The novel that I have studied is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. This story is about Newt, a timid ten year-old boy who transformed into a daring superhero known as Captain Nobody. Throughout his journey, he had faced many challenging incidents. One incident in particular where I have learnt many lessons was the one when he had risked his life in order to save Reggie Ratner. Actually, Reggie was thinking to spray paint on the water tower but his legs got stuck. The people assumed that he wanted to commit suicide after being hassled a lot. Even though Newt did not know Reggie personally at all, he was still determined to help him because of his caring nature. This incident taught me to care about other people although we hardly know them. In my opinion, we must care about people around us and lend a hand to anyone in need of help. Another lesson from this incident is we must be brave to do the right thing. In this incident, Newt decided to climb the ladder courageously even though the tower was dangerously high. At first, Newt was contemplating whether to climb or not but when he thought about Reggie who he believed was about to jump down, he scratched the thought out of his mind and he succeeded to reach the top of the tower. In my opinion, Newt showcased his bravery and overcame his fear. For a ten year-old boy, his decision to climb up the tallest structure in the town is very bold and extraordinary. Lastly, I learnt about the importance of friendship from this incident. In this event, his friends JJ and Cecil both played a big role as Newt ‟s friends by showing their support and even encouraged him to save Reggie. Being the tallest among them, JJ had helped Newt to reach the first rung of the ladder by lifting him up. Meanwhile, Cecil helped to distract the policeman. In my opinion, friends’ support is important in one’s life. In this case, Newt would not be able to reach the top of the tower if it were not for Cecil and JJ’s help. So, we must support our friends as best as we can because a friend in

need is a friend indeed. In a nutshell, this event had taught me a lot of lessons. I have learned that it is important to care about people around us and be courageous to help others. Newt inspires me to be more helpful and matured in life. By : Shima and Raihani



SARAWAK “Having a strong family relationship is essential in one’s life.” How is this shown in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text. Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story had shown a strong family relationship between Newt and his family. A strong family bond is essential in one’s life as it is clearly portrayed by the main character Newton Newman who is always seeking for his parent’s attention. Firstly, Newt was sickly worried about his brother Chris after the Big Tackle accident which put Chris into a coma. This tragedy influenced Newt‟s mood as he was not really excited to celebrate Halloween. This showed that a strong family relationship is important because anything bad happened to our family could also affect us. In my opinion, this event taught me to appreciate our family as long as long as they are still alive.

Secondly, Newt’s everyday routine is preparing the breakfast for his family. He would prepare breakfast even though no one ate his cooking. Newt showed how caring he is towards his family although he never gets the love he deserved. In my opinion, whatever happens to us, as a child we must always do good deeds to our family to ensure we keep a good relationship between each other in the family. Thirdly, is when Newt’s parents took care of Chris when he was in the hospital. They take turn to take care of him. Even though when Chris was healthy, they did not spend too much time together, it was good since they really pay attention to Chris when he needs them. In my opinion, it shows that strong family bond will give him strength to get well soon. It will also help in tighten the family relationship. As a conclusion, it is important to have a strong family relationship as one cannot live without their loved ones. This story has shown a great family bond by making family love as a theme of the story.

By : Nadhirah Aisyah and Rohaila



TERENGGANU Based on one of the novels you have studied, choose an event that you find to be unforgettable. Explain why it is unforgettable to you. Support your answer with close reference to the text Based on the novel that I have studied in the literature component in Form Five which is „Captain Nobody‟ by Dean Pitchford. Many memorable events happened in the story filled with valuable lessons to be learnt. There is one unforgettable event that stood out from all of the other events. The event that I find to be unforgettable is when Captain Nobody saved Reggie at the top of the Appleton water tower. This particular event cannot be erased from my memory because in this event, the value of courage is portrayed very well. Newt is so afraid of heights and clearly the thought of climbing that rickety ladder up the Appleton water tower is out of his mind but with

Newt‟s friends support he managed to grab the ladder and climbed up the water tower to save Reggie. That is clearly took courage. Newt inspires me to have courage to succeed in life and that is why I find this event unforgettable. The second reason why this event is unforgettable is because Captain Nobody showed how important it is to stand up for what is right. If Newt did not decide to help Reggie when he heard the news that Reggie was believed to have been trying to commit suicide, the ending would have been a bad one. Plus, Newt would not have known the truth about why Reggie actually climbed up the water tower and Reggie might have been stuck up there for a who knows how long. I think this exemplary behaviour shown by Newt had given a massive impact to my life. That really made the event unforgettable. The third reason why I picked this event to be unforgettable is because the outcome of the event was completely unexpected. I had thought that Captain Nobody would once again save the day miraculously like he did before, but this time he ended up suffering injuries after they fell and Reggie landed on top of him. Amazingly, Newt still forgave Reggie for what he did and he even stopped the hatred of his parents towards Reggie by telling them the truth about who actually knocked Chris out during the game. This event gave a lot of lessons to be learnt and that can help to improve myself to be a better person. That was no doubt a clear reason to why it is an unforgettable event.

In conclusion, this particular event provides lots of lessons to be learnt and is no doubt very beneficial for me. We can all follow Newt‟s example from this unforgettable event to become an outstanding person. By : Aiman, Arman and Aman



PENANG The main character is a strong willed person. How is this shown in the novel? Support your answer with close reference to the text.

The novel Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford that I have studied is about a boy name Newton Newman who created his alter ego - Captain Nobody during Halloween. Initially, Newt was a timid person, but becoming Captain Nobody made his turn into a strong willed person. Firstly, when Cecil asked Newt to help him retrieve the big bass drum at the top of the dumpster, he refused. This was simply because he was afraid of heights. But later, when he thought that he was the only one who could help Cecil, he knew he couldn ‟t let his best friend down, he finally did it. He managed to climb the tall dumpster by reminding himself that Captain Nobody was a fearless hero. This proved that you can do anything if

you have a strong will. Next, Newt showcased his strong will when Newt saved Ferocious the Ferret. Ferocious was the mascot for Chris‟ football team and Newt had to take it home for the day. By chance, he met Reggie‟s cousin, Ricky. They argued and in the end, Ferocious ‟ cage ended up left open by accident. Newt displayed his strong will when he risked his life to save Ferocious who had run onto the middle of the highway. He stopped the traffic in order to save it. Amazingly, through his strong will, Newt was not only able to save the ferret, but also a plane full of passengers. In my opinion, this incident clearly displays Newt’s strong will to take care of the responsibility entrusted to him. Lastly, Newt displayed his strong will when he climbed up the Appleton Water Tower in order to save Reggie Ratner. For the second time he conquered his fear of heights. Reggie Ratner climbed the water tower so that he could write words of encouragement for his school but his foot ended up getting stuck between the beams on the tower. Spectators from underneath misunderstood that he was attempting suicide. Newt felt as though he was responsible for telling Reggie that he was not the one to blame for putting Chris into coma, which was why he climbed up the water tower. Newt’s action showed how strong his will was. Otherwise, there was no was a 10 year old boy could do what Newt did. He knew that he could help so therefore that was exactly what he did.

To conclude it all, these evidences proves that the main character, Newt, displayed very strong will despite his young age. I personally believe that just like Newt, we can achieve what we hope to achieve if we have the strong will to do so.

By : Najwa Hanisah and Siti Syaqilah 14


PERAK From the novel that you have learnt, describe an event that changes the life of a character and how the event affects his / her life and the people around him/her. Support your answer with close reference to the text Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have studied, the story is about a boy named Newton Newman who went through many difficulties and challenges in order to be recognised by the people around them. The event that changes Newt’s life is when, with the help of his best friends JJ and Cecil, he created an original superhero costume using Chris’s old clothes. This event had affected his life and the people around him. When Newt wore his Captain Nobody costume, he felt strong and confident. For instance, because he was wearing the costume, Newt was able to climb a tall dumpster in order to retrieve a big bass drum for his friend Cecil even though he was afraid of heights. Cecil, who had always wanted to have a drum was beyond happy to finally own one with the help of Captain Nobody. So, by creating his Captain Nobody costume, Newt who at first a timid person had changed into a person who can conquer his fears and fulfil his friend’s wish. Next, after he wore the costume, Newt was able to do an impressive act which was saving Ferocious, his school‟s football team mascot. He dashed onto the highway and screamed at the vehicles to stop in order to save the ferret. No one was brave enough to save Ferocious except for him. On top of that, by clearing the road, he had unwittingly saved an aeroplane full of passengers that needed to do an emergency landing. In my opinion, this once again shows that by making the Captain Nobody costume, Newt had changed his life and the people around him. Lastly, wearing the costume had given Newton Newman the courage and confidence to climb up the Appleton water tower in order to save Reggie Ratner. After watching the news report about Reggie climbing to the roof of the Appleton water tower, Newt immediately rushed to tell him the truth about the big tackle incident. Even though he could not stand heights, he courageously climbed up the water tower to save Reggie. In my

opinion, because of the costume, Newt was able to conquer his fear and save Reggie who was stuck on the water tower. In a nutshell, based on the evidences above, I think I have made my point clear why I believe that creating the costume is an event that had changed Newt‟s life as well as the people around him. By : Najma Hayati and Nurul Hana 15

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