Statistical Models for Computer Science Paper: CSE-405 UNIT-I 1
(a) (a)
Desc Descri ribe be the the pos possi sibl blee samp sample le spa space ce if if an “if “if … then then … els else” e” sta state teme ment nt is is executed four times.
Use the axioms of algebra of events to prove the folloing
relations !
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Defi Define ne the indep ndepen ende denc ncee of of eve event ntss and and also also the ter term el elia iabi billit. t.
(a) (a)
+hat +hat do do ou ou mea mean n b ,ro ,roba babi bili lit t mod model el - +hat +hat is is $am $ampl plee spac spacee - $ta $tate te and prove aes/ rule.
(b) "
+rite don all axioms of algebra of events.
(1) ()
2n manufacturing a certain component3 to tpes of defects are li4el to occur ith respective probabilities probabilities 0.05 and 0.1. +hat is the probabilit probabilit that a randoml chosen componenti) Does no not have bo both 4i 4inds of of de defectsii) 2s defectiveiii) iii) 6as 6as onl onl one one 4ind 4ind of defe defect ct give given n tha thatt it it is is fou found nd to be defe defect ctiv ivee- (10) (10)
" series series of n78obs arrive at a computing center ith n processors. "ssume that each of the nn possible assignment vectors (processors for 8ob13……3 processor for 8ob n) is e9uall li4el. li4el. :ind the probabilit that exactl one processor ill be idle. (10) 5 (a) 2f a1 and a are an to events3 prove that ,(a1 ua) #p(a1);p(a)7p(a1%a). da). (ii) "t least to person have the same birthda.(month>da) birthda.(month>da)
# (") Derive Derive the product la of reliabilities reliabilities for series series sstem sstem and product las of unreliabilit/s for parallel sstem. (10) (b) consider four computer firms "33?3D bidding for a certain contract. " surve of past bidding success of these firms firms on similar contracts contracts shos the folloing probabilities of inning !
,(")#0.@53p()#0.153p(c)#0.@3p(d)#0. efore the decision is made to aard the contract3 firm ithdras its bid. :ind the ne probabilities of inning for "3 ? AD. (10) B. +hat is ae/s ule- =he source of incoming 8obs at a universit computation centre is 15C from du4e3 @5C from orth ?arolina and 50C from orth ?arolina $tate. $uppose that the probabilities that a 8ob is initiated from these universities re9uire set7up are 0.013 0.05 and 0.0 respectivel. :ind the probabilit that a 8ob is chosen at random is a non set7up 8ob. "lso find the probabilit that the randoml chosen 8ob comes from the Universit of orth ?arolina given that it is a non set7up 8ob. (10) . Define ernoulli trial and generaliEed ernoulli trial. ?ompute reliabilities of m7Fut7f7 n $stem as a function of reliabilit using n# @ and m#133@. (10) UNIT-II
Define ,G:. $ho that the sum of to independent random variables is the product of their ,G:s.
2? chips are purchased in lab. Het I and J denote the times to failure of these chips purchased from to different suppliers. =he 8oint pdf of I and J is estimated b f (x3 ) # K 1 K e
7( K1x; K)
here 0 L x L M and 0 L L M.
:ind the marginal densities of I and J. :ind the 8oint distribution. (10) !
+hat if N==:- Give N==: for an to distributions.
Het I and J be to random varibables. =hen prove that
2f O # I ; J3 then N>m 9ueuing sstem. (15)
C(ITE(I) *+( INTE(N), )SSESSMENT 2nternal "ssessment! 5 Nar4s of "tt.! B.5 Nar4s of "ssignment! B.5 Nar4s of $essional! 10
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