Smart View 11_Issues

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Smart View 11_Issues...


Smart View and intricacies associated with it

Smart View has been around for a while and has added some enhanced features to its list. The new office ribbon, ability for 'single sign on' and quickly flip between applications  without the pain of entering your credentials credentials oer and again, and some more to add. !ut not to forget, good things always carry a "!#T" with it. Surely the users know what $ am talking about. $n the following post, $ will be discussing about some intricacy which hangs around with Smart Sm art View 1. Decompression Failed Error  %hile working with Smart View, user user may come across an error when it pops&up on the screen with the message "ecompression (ailed" and sometimes followed by "$nalid )ointer". $t may occur at different instances as in sometimes while refreshing a worksheet, or performing an adhoc analysis, or leaing the connection till session time out.

There is a workaround which may help you to aoid this error to some e*tent but not completely. $n +S, e*pand the iew on left hand side to reach )roider serices -ight click on serer name and '+dit' properties +dit the session time out alue to increase it, say 1 or 2 hours -estart )S serices There is a second workaround to avoid the same, but I would highly recommend to take necessary back-up o the !egistry, beore carrying out any changes. "lease apply the ollowing changes in Dev#$% environment irst to avoid any break-down in "rod environment. ake following changes to +S, )S, +ssbase, +), )lanning serers. /o to&'E(#)ocalmachine#*ystem#+urrent+ontrol*et#tcip#parameters to &'E(#)ocalmachine#*ystem#+urrent+ontrol*et#tcip#parameters and  and change the  alues for the following. T0)Timed%aitelay dword decimal alue of  3#S+-)4-T dword decimal alue of 5667 3(reeTcbs dword alue of 526

. ember search unctionality does not work in *mart iew 11.1..1

This is kind of a weird error but yes it is part of Smart View %hen a user tries to search for a desired member 8with member name9 in a hierarchy using member selection, the search functionality does not work. The top member of the hierarchy gets selected, although the member still e*ists in the hierarchy. Though 4racle would surely take some time to resole this issue and come up with some patch in future, you can try out a work around to make the search work. !efore doing a member selection, turn 4: the alias table. /o to +ssbase tab, click on '0hange lias' and then select alias table 8or default9. try to search for the desired member using Search member functionality, you should get the desired member. !etter way to check it by selecting the drop&down beside find  button and select '0heck ll (ound'. $t will check all members which match the search string. /. *mart iew )og ile error $n order to setup a new connection in Smart View, it is required to update the Shared 0onnections #-;. Shared connections #-; can be updated by going into Smart View tab &< 4ptions &< danced and proide the #-;. %hile changing this Shared 0onnections #-;, user may encounter a log file error.

:eed to update the logging file location. #nder Smart View tab &< 4ption &< danced, check the bo* "-oute essages to file" and update the file path to your desired location. $t will stop popping the log file failure message. 0. &sTbar.la not ound #pgrading to Smart View brings along an error when user opens the +*cel file.

=ere goes the solution> /o to +*cel options  dd&ins /o to the bottom #ncheck the bo* =sTbar. $f it prompts you "$f you want to remoe from list", click ':o' 0lick 4?. 0lose e*cel and open again 2. Essbase tab in Ecel does not show all the time  %hen a user opens a =yperion sheet created with Smart View ersion prior to, user is able to iew 2 tabs @SmartViewA and @+ssbaseA. !ut sometimes +ssbase tab goes away displaying only @Smart ViewA tab.

$t is actually no error but the way Smart View has been designed to work. Smart View tab shows up all the time when een when you open a blank e*cel sheet. +ssbase tab shows up only   when user is connected to =yperion system or do an adhoc analysis. 3. %lias names and *heet ormatting #sers, who migrate from prior ersions of Smart View to, usually encounter a state  where their old Smart View reports, when refreshed in new ersion lose their grouping, member name changes, lose formatting, etc. This usually happens when the old sheet is saed with lias name set to some lias table, but the new Smart View connection is set to ":one" or ice&ersa.

To correct the same> 0onnect to the database 8Shared or priate connection9 -ight&click on database and select "Set lias table" Select the desired 'efault' or ':one'

:ow load the file Smart View also gies an option to retain e*cel sheet formatting. This helps to refresh the sheet without losing any customiBed formatting done to sheets. /o to Smart View tab in e*cel. Select C4ptionsD from e*cel ribbon. /o to C(ormattingD and check  the check&bo* which says @#se +*cel (ormattingA. This helps the user to retain customiBed formatting in the sheet.

4. *mart iew tab disappears rom Ecel  %hile working with Smart View, user may receie a pop&up mentioning about encountering an error and e*cel crashes. The ne*t time e*cel is started it prompts the following error.

The Smart View tab is not isible in the top menu.$n such cases, follow the below steps> :aigate to '+*cel options' Select 'dd&ins' tab from left panel /o to +*cel dd&ins 8at bottom, with a drop down9, click on the drop&down arrow and select disabled add&ins, click '/o' $n the disabled add&ins, select =yperion and click '+nable' 0lose e*cel and re&open

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