Smart Planet1 Grammar Basic (1)

July 24, 2018 | Author: mariacarlosmaria | Category: English Language, Sentence (Linguistics), Leisure, Foods, Languages
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Smart Planet 1 Starter Unit Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Read the sentences and circle the correct words. 1 Where are you from? I 'm /are from Madrid. 2 They isn't / aren't Spanish. They are German. 3 He 's / 'm a very good student. 4 It isn't / aren't interesting. It's boring! 5 We 're / 's very happy to be here. 2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 you / Are / England / from Are you from England


2 today / it / sunny / Is __________________________________________________________________ 3 house / Is / your / big __________________________________________________________________ 4 happy / they / Are __________________________________________________________________ 5 in / Are / the / classroom / we __________________________________________________________________

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< 1 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with is, isn't, are or aren't. 1 He



2 They ___________________________________________________________fast. 3 Mary ________________________________________________________Chinese. 4 The class____________________________________________________interesting. 5 The bag_____________________________________________________expensive.

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< 2 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 4 Look at the pictures and circle the correct words.

1 This / That is my friend Matt.

2 These / Those are my dogs.

3 Is this / that your book?

4 These / Those pictures are fantastic.

5 This / That weather is incredible.

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< 3 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 5 Answer the questions. Use the short answers Yes, I am or No, I’m not. 1 Are you a student? Yes, I am_____________________. 2 Are you 15? ___________________________________________________________________ 3 Are you from Dublin? ___________________________________________________________________ 4 Are you in English class now? ___________________________________________________________________ 5 Are you Spanish? ___________________________________________________________________ 6 Rewrite the sentences. Use the short form of the underlined verbs. 1 He is my friend. He's my friend____________________________ 2 I am not a bad student. ___________________________________________________________________ 3 Sara is not my best friend. ___________________________________________________________________ 4 These are not my dogs. ___________________________________________________________________ 5 It is cold today. ___________________________________________________________________

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< 4 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 1 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Read the sentences and circle the correct words.

1 This is my / his best friend, Tom. 2 His / Her favourite thing is his / her bike. 3 In this photo we can see my / your family. 4 Laura is my / her sister. 5 His / Her favourite place is his / her bedroom. She’s always there!

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< 5 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 2 Complete the sentences with the possessive’s.

1 This is



2 It’s _________________________________________ book.

3 It’s ________________________ restaurant.

4 These are _____________________________ rollerblades.

5 It’s ______________________________ house.

3 Complete the questions with a question word from the box.

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< 6 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Who



Where How



’s your name?

2 ____________________________

are you from?

3 ____________________________

is the English class?

4 ____________________________

is your best friend?

5 ____________________________

old are you?

4 Match the answers (a-e) with the questions (1-5) in Exercise 3. a


Next Tuesday.








That boy.

5 Answer these questions with information about you. 1 Where is your school? 2 What’s your favourite activity? 3 Who is your favourite teacher? 4 What’s your favourite class at school? 5 When is your birthday? 6 Read the sentences and circle the correct words. 1 This is me with my / our friends. 2 That boy is Charlie. His / Her favourite thing is their / his bike. 3 This is Maria. Her / His mother is Spanish and she lives near school with her / his brother and parents. 4 Their / Our favourite activity is football and we play on Saturdays. 5 My / Her favourite thing is my skateboard. I love it!

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< 7 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 2 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Rewrite the sentences. Use the short form of the underlined verbs. 1 Paul has got a new car. Paul's got a new car___________________________________________________ 2 My friends have not got money. ___________________________________________________________________ 3 She has not got two brothers. She has got one. ___________________________________________________________________ 4 Mary has got a big family. They are great! ___________________________________________________________________ 5 I have got a sister. ___________________________________________________________________ 2 Complete the questions with Have got or Has got. 1




curly hair?

2 ________________________ Peter _______________________ a new house? 3 _____________________ Sue ________________________ three brothers? 4 _________________ Dave and Hannah ____________________ a big family? 5 ________________________ Sarah _________________________ a laptop? 3 Now answer the questions in Exercise 2 with the words in the box. she has 1 Yes,

he has

they haven’t

he hasn’t

she hasn’t

he has________________________________________________________

2 No, ________________________________________________________________ 3 No, ________________________________________________________________ 4 No, ________________________________________________________________ 5 Yes,________________________________________________________________

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< 8 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 4 Complete the questions using How many? and the correct form of have got.


How many






2 _____________ mobile phones _________________ she _______________? 3 __________________ books ___________________she ________________? 4 ________________ children _________________ they _________________ ? 5 __________________ bikes _________________ he ___________________ ? 5 Now match the answers (a-e) with the questions (1-5) in Exercise 4. a

1 He has got three.


She has got a lot.


They have got three.


She has got two.


He has got one.

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< 9 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 6

Read the sentences and circle the correct words.


Has / Have he got many friends?


Joe hasn’t / haven’t got a big bedroom.


I ’ve / ’s got a mobile but I haven’t / hasn’t got any rollerblades.


My brothers has / have got long hair.


They hasn’t / haven’t got blue eyes. Their eyes are green.

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< 10 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 3 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. eats speaks 1 Brian






English, German and Spanish.

2 We_____________________________________________________ in a big house. 3 Nora ___________________________________________lunch at home every day. 4 Moira and Nick ____________________________to school together every morning. 5 Mr Smith________________________________________television in the evening. 6 I ______________________________________________my teeth after breakfast. 2 Complete the questions using Do or Does and the verbs in brackets. 1




English? (speak)

2 _______________________ your parents______________________? (work) 3 ________________ you and your friends _______________ at school? (study) 4 ______________________ you ____________________ near school? (live) 5 ________________ Matt ______________ his homework in the morning? (do)

3 Now match the answers with the questions in Exercise 2. a

2 Yes, they do.


Yes, we do.


Yes, she does.


No, he doesn’t.


Yes, I do.

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< 11 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 4 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 live / Jonathan / Where / does Where does Jonathan live? 2 do / you / What time / go / to school __________________________________________________________________ 3 have / lunch / we / When / do __________________________________________________________________ 4 her parents / Where / work / do __________________________________________________________________ 5 Write the questions for the answers using Does and the verbs in the box. study 1

get up Does







No, she studies English. 2 ________________________your father __________________________ in Bristol? Yes, my father works in Bristol. 3 What time _____________________ William _____________________________ ? William gets up at seven o’clock. 4 ______________________________ Mary _________________________ German? Yes, Mary speaks German very well. 5 ___________________________ Emma _________________________ the guitar? Yes, Emma plays the guitar very well.

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< 12 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 6 Answer the questions about Joe. Use Yes, he does and No, he doesn’t.

1 Does he play tennis?

No, he doesn’t.___________________________

2 Does he wake up at 7.30?_______________________________________________ 3 Does he live in London?_________________________________________________ 4 Does he watch TV at 9.00?______________________________________________ 5 Does he have pasta for lunch? ___________________________________________ 7 Circle the correct words. 1 Tom play / plays chess with his friends. 2 The dog eat / eats the food in the morning. 3 Do / Does he like tennis? 4 My friends don’t / doesn’t speak Chinese. 5 We never listen / listens to the radio. 6 Her brother’s friend live / lives in Mexico.

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< 13 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 4 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Circle the correct answers. 1 She________________________________________________________the guitar. a can to play

b can play

2 ____________________________________________________come to my house? a You can

b Can you

3 Sheila and Susan __________________________________Shakira songs very well. a can speak

b can sing

4 Can you swim? ______________________________________________________ a Yes, I can.

b Yes, I can’t.

5 ___________________________________________________________watch TV? a Cans he

b Can he

2 Complete the sentences or questions with can or can’t. 1 She


play chess. (-)

2 ______________________________Jo learn English with that book? (?) 3 The school __________________________ close late on Tuesdays. (+) 4 ______________________________ you play the piano? (?) 5 I _________________________________ swim. (-)

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< 14 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 3 Write sentences about what Max can / can’t do.


Max can play tennis.

2 Max________________________________________________________________ 3 Max________________________________________________________________ 4 Max________________________________________________________________ 5 Max________________________________________________________________ 4 Complete the sentences about Jenny with loves, likes, doesn’t like and hates and the verbs in the box. eating






1 Jenny

loves reading

2 Jenny _____________


books and





the piano.

_____________ pasta and ___________ History.

3 Jenny ____________ _____________ homework or _____________football. 4 Jenny ____________ _____________ TV and _____________ Maths. 5 Jenny ____________ _____________ songs and ___________ to music.

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< 15 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 5 Choose the correct object pronoun in brackets and rewrite the sentences. 1 I see my mother every day. (her / him) 2 Tom doesn’t like dogs. (us / them) 3 We can speak English very well. (it / them) 4 I like the Maths teacher. She’s nice! (her / it) 5 Sally likes Peter! (you / him) 6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. them






1 My best friend Dave lives in a big house. He likes


very much.

2 I often go to his house because he invites____________________to go after school. 3 We study together and play video games. We play _____________ when we finish our homework. 4 Dave is very good at Maths and helps ________________________________ a lot. 5 We play in a band too. We love _________________________________________ 6 We make a lot of noise and the neighbours are not very happy with_____________

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< 16 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 5 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Put the words in the box into the correct column. bread egg biscuit cheese olive vegetable fruit countable egg





uncountable bread

2 Circle the correct answers. 1 We need some / any potatoes, an / some onions and some / any eggs to make a Spanish omelette. 2 Susie never eats some / any fish. 3 Does Pete eat a / an apple every day? 4 Do you want a / an biscuit? 5 Have you got any / some bread to make sandwiches? 6 Can I have some / any water, please?

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< 17 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 3 There is a mistake in each sentence. Write the sentences correctly using a / an, some or any. 1 I have got any bananas in my bag. I have got some bananas in my bag.____________ 2 Do you want a cheese? ___________________________________________________________________ 3 Oscar never has some milk for breakfast. ___________________________________________________________________ 4 I’ve got a tomatoes and two oranges in my lunchbox. ___________________________________________________________________ 5 Can I have any chips, please? ___________________________________________________________________ 6 Emily takes some sandwich to school every day. ___________________________________________________________________

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< 18 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 4 Complete the sentences with There is / There are and a word in the box.



1 _____




There is _______

three ___



tomato ketchup.

2 _______________________________


3 _______________________________

_________________________fizzy drinks.

4 _______________________________


5 _______________________________


6 _______________________________


5 Match to make sentences. 1 c

There is

a a burger stall near the park?


Are there

b six plates on the table.


There are

c a supermarket in my town. It’s very big.


Is there

d any nice teachers in your school?


There isn’t

e any bananas in the fridge.


There aren’t

f any ketchup on the table.

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< 19 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 6 Circle the correct answers. 1 How much / How many students are there in your class? 2 There is many / a lot of water in the bottle. 3 Are there much / a lot of olives on the tree? 4 How much / How many burgers are there on the table? 5 There isn’t much / many milk in the fridge. 6 Is there many / much rice on the plate?

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< 20 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 6 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Rewrite the sentences using the short form of the verbs. 1 I am talking to my friend. I'm talking to my friend.___


2 We are having a good time. ___________________________________________________________________ 3 He is playing tennis. ___________________________________________________________________ 4 They are coming for dinner. ___________________________________________________________________ 5 She is writing a story. ___________________________________________________________________ 6 You are speaking English. ___________________________________________________________________ 2 Look at the picture and complete the sentences using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 A boy



on the board. (write)

2 Two girls________________________ ________________________. (write) 3 The teacher ______________________ ________________________. (talk) 4 Some students ____________________ ______________________. (dance) 5 A girl _______________________ __________________________. (study)

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< 21 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 3 Write the answers using the present continuous. 1 What’s the girl doing? She’s eating pasta._______

2 What are they doing? _____________________ 3 What’s the dog doing? _____________________ 4 What are the tigers doing? _____________________ 5 What’s the man doing? _____________________ 6 What are the students doing? _____________________ 4 Circle the correct answers. 1 We never are going / go to the cinema. 2 The kangaroos are jumping / jump now. 3 Tigers are fighting / fight for food. 4 I always am cooking / cook dinner. 5 Kevin isn’t learning / doesn’t learn German at the moment. 6 My friends are doing / do their homework every day.

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< 22 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1

5 Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or present continuous. 1 I

'm calling

my mum now. I can’t speak to you. (call / present continuous)

2 We ___________________________football every Saturday. (play / present simple 3 In the photo, the lions__________________________. (hunt / present continuous 4 Dolphins always___________________________in the sea. (jump / present simple 5 Mr. Smith is a teacher. He________________in that school. (work / present simple 6 In England it normally___________________________a lot. (rain / present simple

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< 23 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 7 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Complete the sentences with was or were. 1 Antonio López is Spanish. Picasso



2 The café isn’t open now. The café________________________________________________open yesterday. 3 We are happy today. We _____________________________________________________sad yesterday. 4 Today, Pompeii is in ruins. In the past, Pompeii_________________________________________ a busy town. 5 They are at the sports centre. They ________________________________________ at the skate park yesterday. 2 Complete the sentences and questions with the words was / wasn’t or were / weren't. 1 There


a lot of people at the cinema last night. (-)

2 _________________________________________there any fruit at the market? (?) 3 There ________________________________ a supermarket in the city centre. (+) 4 ____________________________there any dinosaur skeletons in the museum? (?) 5 There ___________________________________________a train at the station. (-) 3 Complete the words to make the past simple of the verbs. 1 travel


6 live


2 be


7 drink


3 come


8 read


4 make


9 arrive


5 like


10 play

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< 24 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1

4 Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in the past simple. tidied 1 I







the film yesterday. It was great.

2 Tom and Jerry_______________________________________football last weekend. 3 Laura ___________________________________________her bedroom on Monday. 4 My neighbour__________________________TV all day yesterday. It was very loud! 5 Claire ___________________________________ for her final exams last weekend. 6 My grandfather________________________________________in Bristol all his life. 5 Read about Joe’s typical Saturday. Then write what he did last Saturday. Remember to use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. On Saturday I get up at eight o’clock and I have breakfast. I usually go to the shopping centre. I travel by bus. It takes 30 minutes so I read a book. I meet my friends and we go shopping. We have a lovely time. I really like Saturdays! 1 Last Saturday, Joe

got up

at eight o’clock. (get up)

2 He ___________________________________________________breakfast. (have) 3 He __________________________________by bus to the shopping centre. (travel) 4 It ___________________________________________________30 minutes. (take) 5 He______________________________________________________a book. (read) 6 He ________ his friends and they _____________________ . (meet / go shopping)

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< 25 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1

6 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences in the past simple with ago. 1 Julius Caesar / a Roman Emperor / ago / a long time / was Julius Caesar was a Roman Emperor a long time ago._________________________ 2 Tchaikovsky / over 100 years / ago / composed Swan Lake ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3 Angelina Jolie / some time / married / ago / Brad Pitt ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4 The Beatles / famous / were / ago / about 60 years ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5 Christopher Columbus / five centuries / discovered America / ago ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6 The Vikings / many centuries / came from Scandinavia / ago ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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< 26 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 8 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Complete the sentences in the simple past with the verbs in the box. went 1 I

didn't start played

Did / do

didn't watch


tennis yesterday at the sports centre.

2 We____________________________________ to the football stadium last Sunday. 3 ____________________ you ___________ a dangerous sport last summer? 4 Sumo wrestling _______________________________________________in China. 5 They______________________________________________sport on TV yesterday. 2 Match the questions with the correct answer. 1 e

Did John wear a green T-shirt yesterday?

a Yes, he did.


Did Shakespeare write Romeo and Juliet?

b No, I didn’t. I was very tired


Did you stay up late on Saturday night?

c Yes, she did.


Did Julia wear her new dress for the party?

d No, they didn’t. They went swimming.


Did they do a dangerous sport last summer?

e No, he didn’t. He wore a hoodie.

3 Write sentences with the simple past verbs in the box. did





1 Where / Cervantes / from? Where was Cervantes from? 2 We / cycling / in the Pyrenees / last summer ___________________________________________________________________ 3 They / volleyball / last Saturday ___________________________________________________________________ 4 He / his new tracksuit / to the gym ___________________________________________________________________ 5 I / my homework / at the weekend ___________________________________________________________________

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< 27 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 4 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 d

Where did

a you go to the cinema with?


What did

b you have for dinner last night?


When was

c you when you started secondary school?


Who did

d you go last summer?


How old were

e your best friend born?

5 Write answers to the questions in Exercise 4. Remember to use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 I

went to

… . (go)

2 I___________________________________________________. ( have) 3 He / She __________________________________________ . (be born) 4 I_____________________________________________________. (go) 5 I_____________________________________________________. ( be) 6 Circle the correct words. 1 Paul must / must to study hard for the exams. 2 You must / mustn’t be quiet in the library. 3 We must’nt / mustn’t go there. 4 She musts / must cross the road carefully. 5 You must / mustn’t pay to get into the cinema.

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< 28 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 Unit 9 Basic Grammar Name _______________________________ Class ____________________ Date__________________

1 Put the words in order to make questions. 1 going / Where / are / you? Where are you going? 2 you / How long / staying / are? ___________________________________________________________________ 3 you / going / are / When? ___________________________________________________________________ 4 are / going / you / Who / with? ___________________________________________________________________ 5 you / staying / Where / are? ___________________________________________________________________ 2 Match the answers with the questions in Exercise 1. a 2

Two weeks.


My family.


In an apartment.


In August.


To Manchester.

3 Today is Monday. Write sentences about your immediate plans with be going to. 1 Tonight I

'm going to …______________________________________________

2 Tomorrow morning I ___________________________________________________ 3 Tomorrow evening I ___________________________________________________ 4 On Thursday I_________________________________________________________ 5 After school on Friday I_________________________________________________

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< 29 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 4 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs in brackets.

1 He

’s going to listen

to music. (listen)

2 They___________________________________________TV. (watch) 3 She _________________________________________a tablet. (buy) 4 They _______________________________________volleyball. (play) 5 They _______________________________food for the party. (make) 6 He _________________________________________German. (learn) 5 Put the words in the correct order to make questions with going to. 1 going to / she / Where / is / go? Where is she going to go? 2 the weather / be like? / What / is / going to ___________________________________________________________________ 3 play? / What / going to / he / is ___________________________________________________________________ 4 going to / Who / she / is / invite? ___________________________________________________________________ 5 he / going to / What / is / wear? ___________________________________________________________________

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< 30 > Smart Planet 1

Smart Planet 1 6 Answer the questions with Yes, I am or No, I’m not. 1 Are you going on holiday this summer? (-) No, I’m not.___________ 2 Are you going to meet your friends tonight? (-) ___________________________________________________________________ 3 Are you going to win the tennis match? (+) ___________________________________________________________________ 4 Are you going to the dentist’s this week? (+) ___________________________________________________________________ 5 Are you go to the party this weekend? (+) ___________________________________________________________________

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