Smart City Traveler Synopsis

April 15, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Android Smart City Traveler Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement  For the award of the degree of

B. TECH  In 

Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted by Yash Tyagi(1706810359) Tyagi(1706810359) Vaibhav Mangla(1706810336) Mangla(1706810336) 

Under the Supervision of Mr. Ankit Saini Sir (Assistant Professor)



At present, in general tourists and travellers waste a lot of time planning and deciding their trips to ach achieve ieve maximum satisfaction. In this context, this application aims to identify the main computing needs to support the improvement of tourist point of promotion for the traveller, by the means of an easy to use mobile application proposal.  Normally, most travellers like to visit the famous sightseeing spots as well as local charms unique to that  place. To achieve this, we propose a system that can automatically show a travel route route and plan for the user. This application also leads to quicker decision making with respect to places to visit.

This system is basically used to help a traveller new to the city or anyone who wants to explore a city ci ty within a specific time period. The user is supposed s upposed to enter his/her interests and prefer preferences ences while signing up. Once the account has been created, the user can choose the location manually or let the system detect his/her current location as the starting and ending point of the trip. Then, the start st art and end time of the trip must be specified by the user. Since all the trips tr ips of a user will be stored, he/she can also view the previous trips. Smart City Traveller as the name indicates, indicates , smartly makes its way in analyzing users’ inter interests ests and  preferences and the time period the user is willing to explore a place and designs an itinerary and a route with the best tourist spots around the selected location such that he/she returns to the start starting ing location by the specified end time. This makes use of shortest path pa th algorithms for determining the route.

Fig.1 Introduction to our Application


2. Objective “Smart City Traveler” mobile application which will help to travel in any specific region. This app is  basically for the new comer in any city or any place. Through this app, we will prov provide ide the information about that particular place. Not only the information but also the famous places of those areas, the distance of those areas from any particular location, the specialty about those places. Along with the famous place, this app will show the nearby location also. This app will help the tourists to great extent. Not only the tourist but anyone can use this app for the guideline regarding any places. This app can be used in anywhere by anyone.

As it’s a mobile application which is user -friendly -friendly as well as pocket-friendly pocket-friendly too. In today’s generation, the smart phone has become so common that it can be available in anyone’s pocket. This kind of kind of mobile application helps in making the city as smart as can c an by providing the facility to the user anywhere. In this application we will use the GSM (Global system for mobile communication) services, GPS (Global  positioning system) services; this will help in finding the location easily. GPS is the space-based navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere.

Fig.2 Our Application Blueprint 


3. Why did we choose this topic?

1.  In the existing systems, the tourist has to face f ace many problems and troubles while traveling, they have to hire a tour guide for traveling and for that they have ha ve to pay extra money. Sometimes tour guide cheats them and they have to face multiple problems. 2.  Sometimes finding places becomes difficult for tourist because they th ey don’t know the name of specific  places, each and every time they have to ask for a different different kind of place with their name to other  people, as they are newer in the city so it is difficult for them. 3.  So, in order to resolve all the travel problems for the user, this application plays a crucial role in guiding them to reach every destination and explore different parts of a particular particul ar city. 4.  This will make users journey way easier and user doesn’t need to hire h ire any tour guide as this will act as a tour guide for the traveler. There are multiple places included in this application This application will give each and every information about a place pla ce with a click. So that traveler travel er doesn’t need to ask any information about a particular place to anyone. 5.  Travelers have different mother tongue with different languages, so we w e are making available language select option this will make the user very familiar fa miliar with our application.

Fig.3 Travelling made easy with Smart City Traveler Application


4. Methodology 

In the proposed system, “planned time to return” is also als o considered at the time of the use. In this way, this system can propose a sightseeing route and sightseeing plan that it can guide that used present time from time to return time automatically. The system automatically searches for places of interest around the location. So, the traveller will not miss out on any attractions which he is unaware of. The interests and preferences of the user is also considered and the places are chosen accordingly. In this application system, we make m ake a list of sightseeing information according to sightseeing categories. In the result, we display both guidance routes on the map and guidance routes by text. The application displays a menu with the main categories of attractions a ttractions available in the cit city, y,  by clicking on one of the categories all the related information is displayed.

Fig.4 Level-1 DFD


  5. Hardware and Software to be used            

• • • • • •

Java Android Java Script Google Maps API Firebase Android Studio

6. Conclusion Since travelling is one of the important aspect today, it is very necessary necess ary that proper planning need to be done  beforehand in terms of time management. Most people without using the latest technology waste a lot of time  just planning trips. So, an application like Smart City Traveller really helps tourists to utilize their precious time to the fullest and also enjoy their trip at the same time.

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