
May 27, 2018 | Author: Bry Xabier | Category: Sales, Safety, Bearing (Mechanical), Electric Motor, Marketing
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Short Description

EASA guide...


Table of Contents

Ident dentif ificat ication Materia rials EASA EASA Decals, Cam era-Ready era-Ready Art, Art, Uniform P atches, Lapel Pins .......... 1

Promotional Promotional Materia erials Electri Electrical cal Engineering Engineering P ocket ocket H andboo k .............. ..................... .............. .............. .............. ......... .. 2 Mechanical Mechanical Reference Reference Ha ndbook .............. ...................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ....... 2 H ow To G et The The Most From From Your Your Electric Motors Motors ............................... 2 A Gu ide To AC AC Motor Repair Repair And And Replacement ................................. 3 Un derstanding derstanding Energy Efficie Efficient nt Motors Motors .............. ..................... ............... ............... .............. ........... .... 3 Failures Failures In ThreeThree-Pha Pha se Stator Stator Windings Windings .................................. ............ 3 EASA EASA Recommended Recommended Practice Practice .............. ..................... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... ............ ..... 4 “Reliable Solutions Toda y!” Videos Videos ..................................... .................. 4

Engineering ringRefere Reference Materials rials And Tools Tools Technical Manual .................................... ...................................... ......... 5 Internal Connection Diagrams................. Diagrams......................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... .. 5 Principles Of Large AC Motors ..................................... ........................ 5 AC Motor Redesign Redesign ................................. ...................................... ......... 5 EASA EASA Motor Motor Rewind Rewind Data On CD-ROM CD-ROM .............. ...................... ............... .............. .............. .......... ... 6 AC Motor Verification erification &Redesign Progra m On CD -ROM .................. 6 G ood Practice Guide — The The Repair Of Ind uction Motors — Best Practices To Maintain Energy Efficiency Efficiency .................................. 6 Core Iron Study..................... ..................................... ............................ 6 Tech Notes ................................. ..................................... ....................... 7 Radial B all Bearing Chart .............. ..................... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. ............. ...... 7 Cylindric Cylindrical al Roller Roller Bearing Chart .............. ...................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... .. 7 Round Magnet Wire Wire Data Chart .............. ...................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... .. 7 H igh-Poten igh-Poten tial Tests ests Using AC/H AC/H igh-Poten igh-Poten tial Tests ests Using DC .......... 8 Lock Nuts And Lock Washers For Ball Bearings ................................... 8 Bolts And Nuts Cha rt ..................................... ..................................... ... 8 Motor Lead Wire Chart .............. ...................... ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .......... 8

Engineering ring Forms Winding Data Forms ................................. ...................................... ....... 9 AC Form Coil D ata Sheet Sheet .............. ..................... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. ............. ...... 9 Stator Core Test est Forms .................................. ..................................... ... 9 Warranty Report Forms ................................. ...................................... .. 9

(Continued on next page)


Table of Contents

(Con tinued from previous page)

EASA Seminars And Technical Training Seminar s................ ..................................... ...................................... .... 10 EASA Vo-Tech ..................................... ...................................... ........... 10 EASA Trainin g Prog rams On VHS Video Ca ssettes .......................... 10

Management And Sales Training EASA Marketing Manual And Marketing Manual Upd ate ............... 11 H igh Perform ance Field Sales............................................................ 11 New D irections In Inside Sales ........................................................... 11 Michael Marks On Negotiations......................................................... 11 Peter Land : Comm unicating As A Leader ........................................ 11 The Perfect Sales C all ......................................................................... 12 Sales Force Compensation Manual .................................................... 12 Safety Resource Manual ...................................................................... 12 Employee Safety G uide ....................................................................... 12

Quality Assurance And Environmental EASA-Q Quality Mana gemen t System ................................... ............. 13 EASA Environmen tal Ch ecklist .................................. ........................ 13 Waste Minimization Program ............................................................. 13

General Materials And Services EASA Yearbo ok ..................................... ...................................... ......... 14 CU RRENTS ......................................................................................... 14 Pa st Trend s And Pro bab le Future Ch an ges In The Electric Motor Industry .................................................................. 14 EASA Nameplat es .................................. ..................................... ......... 15 Job Descriptions For EASA Service Centers ................................... ... 15

Notes .............................................................................................. Price List...................................................................................

ii 2



Identification Materials EASA Emblem Vi nyl Decals 


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Available in two sizes, these loo k great o n a ny smooth surface. The 8” decal will set off items like meta l cabin ets, doors, lockers and shop walls. The h and y 3” decal is just right for smaller application s – toolboxes, notebo oks, folder s, car bumpers and rear windows.


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EASA Emblem Camera-Ready Art Work 

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Reliable Solutions Today! 

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ReliableSolutionsTod ay! 

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Use this line ar t to ha ve the EASA emblem printed on your letterhea d, envelopes, invoices and other printed materia ls. For use in offset printing, th is camera -read y art can be used fo r on e- or two-color prin ting, o r on e-color, twotone printing. The EASA logo is shown in various sizes, ranging from 1/2” to 2” in d iameter. (In dicate Active, Allied o r Associate memb er.) Note th at EASA logos are available for d ownload from t he “Memb ers Only” section o f EASA’s Web site,

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ReliableSolutionsTo day! 

EASA Emblem Uni form Patches  Add the m ark of p rofessiona lism to uniform s, shirts, jackets, coveralls and other apparel. The 3” diam eter, high-qua lity embro idered emblem loo ks great when worn as a shoulder patch.

EASA Lapel Pi ns  Ann ounce your affiliation with EASA in a fashionab le man ner. Altho ugh th is gold -plated pin d oesn’t come with a chain clutch, it can do uble as a tie-tac. (Not Shown Actual Size)


Promotional Materials Electr i cal Engineeri ng Pocket H andbook  Imprint Your Logo And Contact Information Here

Filled with practical information, the handbook makesa great “give-away” item for your customers and potential customers! And, when imprinted with your company information, it reminds customers to call on your firm when in need of electrical apparatus sales or service. Use the handbook to make everyone in your organization a sales person! If one of your technicians helps a customer with a troubleshooting problem, for example, remind the customer of this valuable assistance by providing EASA’s professionally produced handbook with your company’s contact information. Actual size : 3.5” x 6”

M echani cal Reference Handbook  This hand boo k contains carefully selected m aterials designed to assist repair firm s in their everyday work. Just as importan t, your customers and poten tial customers can use the latest edition of this 84-page po cket hand boo k as a ha nd y reference for mechan ical data for motors and driven eq uipment. When imprinted with your firm’s contact information, the M echanical Reference H an dbook also makes a great tool fo r sales calls and other promo tiona l activities. Actual size : 3.5” x 6”

H ow To Get T he M ost Fr om  Your Electr i c Motors 

Imprint Your Logo And Contact Information Here

Your customers and prospects can u se the 25-page “ how to ” b ooklet as a guid e for performing routine maintenan ce of electric motors. In add itional to m aintenance, the bo oklet covers detailed backgroun d on service condition s, voltage, con struction featu res, application co nsideration s, installation, spare mo tors and repa ir vs. replacemen t. It also con tains a h elpful glossary of term s. Many EASA memb er firms give customers a copy of th e bo oklet when th ey deliver repaired moto rs. Your company’s contact information can b e imprinted on the cover. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Promote Your Business With EASA Handbooks 2

Promotional Materials A Gui de To AC Motor Repai r And Replacement  Designed as an information al hand out for existing and potential customers, the boo klet helps a business make the best decision o n wheth er to repair or replace AC mo tors. The bo oklet points to the importan ce of ha ving an implementation plan read y before a mo tor fails. It includes information on ho w to figure energy costs and why this is importan t when m aking a repa ir/replacement d ecision. Anoth er area covers weighing the cost of repair, as well as other factors, against buying a new motor. Your compa ny’s contact info rmation can be imprinted on the cover.

Imprint Your Logo And Contact Information Here

Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Understandi ng Energy Effi ci ent M otors  The information in this publication is intended to enhance th e und erstanding of moto r efficiency and the applicable standa rds needed for cost-effective product selection. Som e of th e topics covered are: “What Is Efficiency?”; “ What Are Motor Losses?”; “In terpreting Q uoted Efficiency”; “Motor Efficiency Legislation” ; “What Are The Operating Conditions?”; “Common Misconceptions About Energy Efficient Motors”; “Determining Efficiency On The Jobsite”; and “Repair Concerns.” Your com pan y’s conta ct informa tion can be imprinted on th e cover.

Imprint Your Logo And Contact Information Here

Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Fai lures In T hree-Phase Stator Windi ngs  Fail ur es in T hree-Phase Stat or Windings is a six-page broch ure on heavy, ena meled stock tha t was prod uced by EASA’s Techn ical Ser vices Com mitte e to assist memb ers in a variety of ways –– as a training aid , an info rmative hand out or a promo tiona l mailer. For the g reatest impact and a lasting impression, include your company imprint on the front cover, inside or both. The brochure features large, full-color ph otog raph s of the most comm on failures in th ree-pha se stator windings, togeth er with brief descriptions of the po ssible causes. A photo graph of a goo d stator is included for the pur pose of comparison. The bo oklet also is available in French and Spanish! Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Imprint Your Logo And Contact Information Here

Also Available In French an d Spanish!

Use EASA Promotional Materials To Grow Your Business 3

Promotional Materials EASA Recommended Pr acti ce 

Recognized as an American National Standard (ANSI) ANSI/EASA AR100-1998

For Th e Repai r Of Rotati ng Electri cal Appar atus (Revised 1998)  EASA Standard AR100-1998

With the American Na tional Stan dard s Institute (ANSI) status noted o n th e cover, EASA’s Recommended Practi ce For T he Repai r Of Rotating Electr ical Appa ratu s  (ANSI/EASA AR100-1998) is an im port an t pub lication to distribute bot h internally and to customers. Ord er extra copies so tha t you and everyone at your repair facility will have this comprehensive set of g uidelines nearby for han dy reference. EASA’s Recommended Practi ce promotes integrity and good faith among members, suppliers and customers by maintainin g a level of workmanship tha t will produce qua lity prod ucts. Further, adh erence to EASA Recommended Practi ce  will help mem ber firms improve the q uality of their operation s while providing their customers with guid elines for judging whether repairs have been performed in a n acceptable manner.


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Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

“Reli able Soluti ons Today!” Vi deos  Market your products and services with EASA’s professionally produced video package, “Reli able Soluti ons Today!”  It’s a great way to show your curren t and prospective customers the kind s of quality work you d o. The package co ntain s two versions (on separate VHS tapes): “ Reli able Soluti ons Today!  ” focuses on th e professionalism, techn ical expertise, reliability and flexibility provided by EASA sales and service center mem bers (length : 5:40); and “Reli able Solu ti ons Today ––  Additi onal Servi ces” –– includes some the add itional services many EASA members provide, such as predictive maintena nce, windin g insulation upgra des, VPI, dynamometer testing, vibration analysis and precision alignment (length: 7:50).

Vi sit To Fi nd The Latest I nformati on About  The Associ ation, I ts M ember s As Well As Products And Ser vi ces  • • • •

About EASA Chapter s Convention Join EASA

• Find A M ember

• • • •

Seminar s EASA News Products   Other Resources  

• M embers Only  

• Industr y   I nfor mation 

EASA’s Recommended Practice Has ANSI Status 


EngineeringReference Materials And Tools Technical M anual  EASA’s Techni cal M anu al is comprehen sive ( more than 700 pages) an d user-friendly! Packaged in a d urable th ree-ring b inder, it features 18 sections, each with a detailed table of contents. In addition to mo st of the information from the previous version, this edition conta ins material fro m o ther EASA publication s such as the EASA Recommend ed Practice for t he Repai r of Rotating El ectr ical A pparatu s, Electri cal Engi neeri ng Pocket H an dbook, M echani cal Reference H andbook, H ow To Get T he  M ost From Your El ectri c Motors and the Di rector y of Techni cal Textbooks  .

Internal Connecti on Diagrams  This invaluable pub lication, upd ated in 2001, provides diagr ams for con necting three-phase windin gs. It is also a vailable o n C D-ROM. It includes these conn ections: Wye-conn ected ( 2 through 48 poles); delta-conn ected ( 2 through 36 poles); part-winding (fo r wye-and delta-conn ected m otors, 2 throug h 14 poles); m ultispeed ( for 2 & 4 throu gh 24 & 48 poles); wye-de lta co nn ected (2 thr oug h 48 poles); consequent-pole conn ected (wye and d elta 4 thro ugh 48 poles). New to this version ar e: par t-wind ing d oub le-de lta con nec tion s for 2,4 & 6 pole s; PAM diagr ams for multispeed; triple-rated a nd q uad ruple-rated m otors. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Pri nciples Of Large AC Motors  EASA’s valuable 391-pag e instruction al/re source man ual used in the “P rincip les of La rge AC Motors” seminar is available in prin ted and CD-ROM versions. The manual includes drawings, photos and extensive text and documentation on AC moto rs, including h ow they work, specific information on en closures, construction o f comp onen ts and a pplications. It covers all AC m otors, especially those with accessories that were associated with larger mach ines in the pa st (such a s encod ers, RTDs, therm ostats, space h eaters, vibration s sensors, etc.). The CD ROM version is very convenient. It conta ins all the infor mation in th e printed man ual, but com es in th e easy-to-use Portable D ocumen t Format ( PDF). And, perhaps the mo st powerful tool included with the CD -ROM is “bookmarks.” Boo kmarks provide a visual table of co nten ts and allow the read er to q uickly browse the do cument and “jump” to a desired page.

AC M otor Redesi gn  EASA’s AC M otor Redesign manual (1990 edition) explains how to make all possible changes in the ratings of AC electric motors, within design limitations. Besides mathem atical formulas, it provides guidelines on the limitations for each type of redesign. These are useful in determining whether a desired new rating is possible befo re the m otor is stripped . Terms are expressed in b oth En glish an d me tric units. Each chapter conta ins at least one example to guide you through your own redesigns. The pu blication also is available in Span ish.

A C M O TO R Redesign Also Available In Spanish!

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Reliable  Solutions  Today! 

E l e c t ri c a l A p p a r a t u s S e r v i c e A s s o c i a t i o n , I n c . 1331 Baur Blvd. • St. Louis, Missouri63132 • USA (314) 993-2220 • FAX (314)993-1269

Actual size : 8.5” x 11”


EngineeringReference Materials And Tools EASA M otor Rewi nd Data On CD-ROM  The 2001 edit ion of EASA’s Moto r Rewind D ata on CD-ROM contains a significant increase in data over the 1998 edition; the database has grown by more than 12,000 motors, including a substan tial amou nt of Ba ldor facto ry data fo r AC mot ors. The CD -ROM ma kes finding rewind dat a ea sy with th e speed search, m ulti-search an d scroll featur es. The 2001 Motor Rewind D ata  on CD-RO M includes: 50 an d 60 Hz polyphase AC mo tors (rated in H p an d kW) of all voltages; 50 and 60 Hz po lypha se, multi-speed AC m otor s of a ll voltag es; 60 Hz single-pha se AC m oto rs; DC mo tors and generators (rated in Hp an d kW), including arma ture and field data where available; abo ut 2,300 entires. The AC data includes fractiona l Hp th roug h h igh-voltage (over 600 volts) mo tors with o ver 384,000 data entries. The C D-ROM wo rks on IB M PCs an d compatibles, and is shipped with installation and usage instructions.

AC M otor Veri fi cati on & Redesi gn Program  ( For Wi ndows®-Based Systems) 

The “AC Motor Verification & Redesign P rogra m” on CD-ROM is everything you expect f rom an e asy-to-use Wind ows-ba sed pro gra m. This prog ram lend s itself to easy verification o f either con centric or lap windings, as well as redesigns with ch ang es in poles, horsepower, or voltage. The redesign printo ut is in the EASA dat a sheet form at, with the original and new data printed out on the same page for convenience. All entered da ta can be automatically saved in o rder to b uild your own d atabase of customer winding da ta. Other features of the progra m include: • Rectangular wire input, as well as AWG or m etric are accepted. • The user default settings can be established when you start using the program, lettin g you select AWG o r met ric for th e red esign wire size. • The redesign gives you the wire size, not just a circular mil total.

Good Practi ce Gui de • The Repai r of Induction Motors Best  Practi ces To M ai ntai n Energy Effi ciency  Get extra co pies of this publication for your technicians and customers. The study report conclud es that electric m otors up to 22kW, includin g en ergy-efficient mo dels, can be rep aired without d egrad ing efficiency. This is an impo rtan t study that d ispels a myth that has been harmful to our industry. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Core Iron Study  EASA’s Core I ron Study conta ins the results of a series of tests undertaken to determ ine the effects that con trolled-temperatu re burnoff an d chemical stripping techniq ues have on stator co res. Since this study presents the only author itative inform ation available on th is aspect of repair tech nolog y, you’ll want your key employees and importa nt customers to have their own copies. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”


EngineeringReference Materials And Tools Tech Notes  Tech N otes cover a variety of techn ical subjects in grea t deta il. Tech N otes make excellent han do uts to supplement your in-hou se training prog ram, as well as hand y references for your foreman and other shop employees. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Radial Ball Beari ng Chart  EASA’s Radial Bal l Beari ng Chart provides a wealth of useful information in a hand y and durab le format. One side of the chart shows the maximum an d minimum shaft diameters and end bell housing bo res (in inches) for ball bearings most frequently used in rotating electrical equipment. The reverse side of th e chart includes nominal b earing d imensions in inches and m illimeters. (The ABMA num bers listed are fo r single-row, deep g roove ba ll bearings.) Plus, it’s covered by a high -qu ality lamin ation t hat pr otects it from stains, spills and smudges! Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Cyli ndri cal Roll er Beari ng Chart  EASA’s Cyli ndr ical Roller Beari ng Chart also provides useful information in a handy and durable format. O ne side of th e chart shows the maximum and minimum shaft diameters and end bell housing bores (in inches) for roller bearings most freq uently used in electrical rotatin g eq uipment. The reverse side of th e chart includes nomin al bearin g dimen sions in inches and m illimeters. (The ABMA numb ers listed are for single-row, cylindrical ro ller bearin gs.) It, to o, is covered by a high -q uality lamination tha t protects it from stains, spills and smudges! Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Round M agnet Wi re Data Chart  EASA’s lam ina ted Roun d M agnet Wi re Data Chart is the idea l reference to use right at th e ben ch! Easily convert am ong the various wire mea surement systems used aroun d th e world without h aving to “ch eck the boo ks.” This is sure to simplify the process of gathering data needed for calculating windings. It’s all right there for you! In a ddition, you won’t have to worry about d iscoloring or d amaging th is chart b ecause it’s covered by a high -qua lity laminat ion th at pro tects it from stains, spills and smudges. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”


EngineeringReference Materials And Tools H igh-Potenti al Tests Using AC  H igh-Potenti al Tests Using DC  EASA’s high qua lity, lamin ated cards fo r shop use, H igh-Potent ial Tests Usin g AC an d H igh-Potent ial Tests Usin g DC  , provide extensive information about conducting h ighpoten tial tests. Both cards are covered with a high-qu ality lamina tion to pro tect them fro m stains, spills and smudges in the harsh shop environmen t. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Lock Nuts And L ock Washers For Ball Bear i ngs  EASA’s laminated chart entitled L ock Nu ts and L ock Washers for Bal l Beari ngs is a convenient too l to use right at th e bench or at your parts desk. It shows the outside diam eter measuremen ts of each lo ck nut for ball bearin gs. It also provides the thickness and num ber of t ang s for lock washers. The oth er side o f this hand y chart provides decimal and metric eq uivalents for linear m easures. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Bolts And Nuts Char t  EASA’s lam ina ted Bolt s And Nu ts Chart provides a boun ty of useful information. One side of the chart shows the most commonly used bolt grade markings. The reverse side shows bolt tightening torque values for both metal-to-metal con tact an d non metallic parts bolted to metallic parts. The chart also lists precautions for tightening bolted joints. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

M otor L ead Wire Chart  EASA’s lam ina ted Lead Wi re Chart conta ins such useful information a s: suggested ampa city values for electric motor lead wires; minimum acceptable lead wire temperature ratings; insulation characteristics; lead wire nominal temperature operating ranges; and temperature classifications. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”


EngineeringForms Winding Data Forms  With EASA’s Win din g Data Forms  , you can record important winding data for your record s while contr ibuting valuable info rmation to EASA’s winding data file. You buy an o rder o f da ta card s (single-phase AC, polyphase AC or DC) , which come pad ded in two-part sets. As jobs come in for repa ir, you record the d ata a s usual, keeping on e copy for your shop an d sendin g the o ther to EASA’s rewind d ata file. When your shop h as filled out 600 single-phase or polyphase cards, or 40 DC d ata sheets, return the copies to EASA. EASA then records your shop’s submissions, and each time you reach a tot al of 600 single-phase or p olyphase cards, or 40 DC d ata sheets, EASA will send you a fr esh supply of th e appro priate type –– free of charg e.

AC For m Coi l D ata Sheet  Avoid co stly mistakes, missing or incorrect d ata, a nd comm unication problem s when m aking or o rderin g new form coils. Begin using EASA’s AC Form Coil Data  Sheet . This form can be used as a universal replacemen t for th ose used b y the various coil manufa cturers. It also assists technicians in recordin g all the in forma tion n eeded to prod uce exact duplicates of the origina l coils. It’s logically arranged, too. O ne of the b est things about using the AC Form Coil D ata Sheet is that after you buy on e pad (100 sheets to pa d) , EASA will send you a free replacement pad for each 100 completed d ata fo rms you con tribute to EASA’s data ban k. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

Stator Core Test For ms  EASA’s Stator Core Test Form allows you to record co re test data for your own reco rds and to co ntribute this data to EASA H eadq uarters’ files. As with EASA’s other free data card programs, you first purchase an order o f Stator Core Test Forms  , which come pa dd ed in two-part sets, complete with carb on paper. As you per form co re tests, record the d ata, keeping one copy for your shop and sending th e other to EASA Hea dq uarters. When you’ve completed 40 forms, return them to EASA. EASA then record s your shop’s submissions, and each t ime you send in a to tal of 40 test form s, EASA sends you a fr esh supply of two-par t for ms — free of ch arg e. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

War ranty Report For ms  EASA’s Warrant y Report Forms provide the ideal way to record your warranty service accurately. Many manufacturers request that warranty work be documen ted o n th is form . EASA’s warra nty for ms come in pa ds of 100. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”


EASA Seminars And Technical Training Seminars  Q

Training For Sho p Superviso rs.......................2 Da lla s ,Te x a s —Oc tob e r 2 6 -2 7 ,2 0 0 1


MechanicalRepairFundamentals Of Electric Motors ...................................................3 Ne w Orle a ns ,Louis ia na —Nov e mbe r 8 -9 ,2 0 0 1 Atla nta ,Ge orgia—Ma rc h2 2 -2 3 ,2 0 0 2


Principles of Large ACMotors ........................4 St.Louis ,Mis s uo ri—J a nua ry2 5 -2 6 ,2 0 0 2


StrategicPlanningFor EASAMembers......5 La s Ve ga s ,Ne v a da—Fe brua ry8 -9 ,2 0 0 2


Root Cause Failure A nalysis.............................6 St.Louis ,Mis s uo ri—Ma y 1 7 -1 8 ,2 0 0 2

A numb er of seminars are offered to help memb er firms operate their businesses more efficiently. Sales and man agem ent seminars are designed specifically to he lp EASA memb ers mana ge business and market the ir prod ucts and services more effectively. Technical seminars are o ffered to h elp mem bers improve their service techniq ues and qua lifications. Taking ad vanta ge of these semina rs leads to the development of new method s of operation, better trained personnel, and a reputation of pro fessionalism within the memb ership. The classes are taugh t through a combination of textbook study, lecture and actual test demonstrations. Schedules an d broch ures are m ailed with EASA’s newsletter, CURRENTS  . Most of EASA’s seminar s are available to memb ers firms and chapters on a “ private” basis. For more information, contact EASA Headquarters. Actual size : 8.5” x 11”

EASA Vo-Tech  The nine-volume EASA Vo-Tech Progra m simplifies train ing. Topics rang e from Safety to Basic Shop Skills to AC an d D C Motors. Depend ing on a memb er’s compan y size, the progr am can be cond ucted in a classroom lead by a designated individual, in small groups or self paced. A comprehensive test with answer key is provided for ea ch volume purcha sed. D iscounts are a vailable for mem bers who wish to p urch ase a full nin e-volum e set. You ca n a lso save by orderin g multiple copies of each volume. Ord er at least one complete ninevolum e set of EASA Vo-Tech and receive a com plimentary copy of M anaging A Trai ni ng Program. Topics include how to ana lyze your training needs, the supervisor as trainer, and evaluating your training results.

EASA Trai ni ng Programs On VH S Vi deo Cassettes  These videos are tailored to the needs o f th e electro-mechan ical service industry an d ar e designed to tea ch new emp loyees subjects such as da ta-taking, d isassembly, re-assemb ly, windin g a nd testing EASA’s technica l train ing video s have been extremely effective because they make use of b oth sight an d sound and break each oper ation into easy-to-follow steps. Most of the train ing video s (Nos. 1-19) were converted from slide/still format to VHS ta pes. They are n ot “ action” videos. The only videos filmed in “action” are Nos. 18, 20 and 21, which are available in the action and still versions.

Training Materials Make Your Employees More Valuable 10

Management And Sales Training Marketing Manual And Marketing Manual Update  EASA’s M arketin g Manual is a com prehen sive guide t hat tea ches a variety of marketing methods and explains how to use them in the local marketplace. If you already have a copy of the original M arketin g Manu al  , you’ll want to ord er the 53-page Update  . The new pages were prepared to fit into your existing M arketin g Manual binder. The conta ins up-to-date ba ckground info rmation o n external M arketin g Manu al Update  factors in the marketplace and major observable trends in the business world, including : consolidation of the customer/supplier base; e-comme rce; supply chain management.

H i gh Per formance Field Sales  H igh Performan ceField Sales is a customized course that can turn low performa nce salespeople into high performers. The program includes all the materials necessary for video p resentation s, group d iscussions, accoun t reviews, panel discussions, role playing, brainstorming a nd action plann ing. This self-conta ined course is offered in three related, but independ ent programs. Each program is divided into two segments, which can be presented separate ly, as stand alone p rogra ms, or together as a six-part series.

New Directi ons In Inside Sales  New Directions in I nside Sales is a five-segment, video/print b ased train ing pro gram that can be used as self study for a single inside sales person or in a classroom situation . Straightfo rward and pra ctical, segments include: “In trod uction To A Cha nging Marketplace”; “Account B uilding” ; “Sales and Customer Service”; “You and the Compan y”; “Goal Setting and Time Management.”

M i chael M arks On Negoti ati ons  M ichael M arks on Negoti ati ons helps salespeople understand the negotiations environmen t an d d evelop skills to d eal with it. The video cou rse may be used as self study for a single salesperson or in a classroom environmen t for an inside or outside sales force. The prog ram co vers an explan ation o f the neg otiation process, how to strengthen customer relations through improved rapport, and successful methods.

Peter L and: Communi cati ng As A Leader  Peter Land: Communicati ng as a Leader is a video course th at h elps EASA mem bers walk their managers and supervisors through a program that begins with how good commun ications with employees impacts success. It continues thro ugh a co mplete list of concepts and skills that will help ensure that success.


Management And Sales Training The Per fect Sales Call  Joe Ellers, Director of Palmetto Associates in Clemson, South Carolina, teamed up with the Association Ed ucation Alliance ( AEA) a nd EASA to pro duce “The Perf ect Sales Call, ” which is geared to distribution sales. The presentation is appropriate for inside and outside sales; the prin ciples apply whether your fo cus is on prod ucts or services. The program consists of a video and two accompanying guides — a leader guide for sales managers and a participant guide for salespeople. And the guides also come on a floppy disk so tha t you can m ake as many copies as you need . You don ’t have to keep ordering materials because you can print as many as you need for a s long a s you wan t. Your salespeople will even get a ch ecklist to use when they’re selling. Of all the sales training programs on the market, very few of them focus on the m ost critical element itself: the sales call itself. Too m any prog rams today feature “blue sky” solutions that have never been applied in the distribution indu stry. This progra m no t only tells your people wha t to d o — it shows them h ow  to d o it — so the y can apply what th ey learn righ t away.

Sal es Force Compensati on M anual  Sales Force Compensation Manual L AP   P   A  R     I CA A    T    

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Electrical Appa ratusService Associa tion, Inc.

EASA’s Sal es Force Compensati on M an ual is designed to help owners and m anagers of electrical appa ratus sales and service compa nies develop sales compen sation plan s that will best suit their specific need s and go als. The ma nual b egins by examining the increa singly importan t role tha t professional selling is playing in our in dustry. It then discusses the un ique a nd difficult job of tod ay’s sales professionals –– and what “compensation” means to them. Presented in detail are five Prototype Sales Com pensation P lans. Also includ ed ar e a sample “Corporate Sales Policy” a nd a “ Sales Compensation Model”—both of which a re geared specifically to the need s of EASA memb er firms.

Safety Resource M anual  EASA’s Safety Resource M anual is designed to h elp you improve safety and reduce losses in your business. Using the m anual can help improve your safety record and reduce the a ccident-an d loss-related co sts that can erode your compan y’s profits. For tho se who d on’t have a safety/loss-contro l progra m, th e ma nual co ntains everything needed to get started: an overall structure for th e progra m; sample safety and losscontrol forms; examples of effective safety policies, procedures and work rules; tips on how to cond uct safety meetings; and a list of safety resources and hotlines.

Employee  Safety  Guide  P    CAL AP   A R      I    R A  T         T    C U          E S            L






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Reliable  Solutions  Today 

Also Available In Spanish!


Employee Safety Gui de  EASA’s p ocket-sized Employee Safety Guide presents commo n-sense preca ution s and practical work rules to help EASA member firms achieve a higher level of employee safet y. The Guide gives special attention to safety problems specific to the electrical apparatus service industry. It pr esents recommen dation s that reflect th e experience o f electric service center operations as well as the suggestions of employees, supervisors and safety specialists througho ut the electric motor repair ind ustry.

Quality Assurance And Environmental EASA-Q Quali ty M anagement System  EASA-Q was crea ted to pro vide EASA mem ber s a pra ctical, cost-effect ive mean s of developing a quality management system. Based on the international ISO 90021994 quality stand ard , EASA-Q is designed so that all electrical appa ratus service orga nizations, both small and larg e, can use it with m inimal assistance. In expensive to implement and operate, EASA-Q can a ssist in red ucing op erating co sts by helping to a ssure con sistency –– which of ten elimin ates rework. It also is available in French Canad ian.

EASA Envi ronmental Checklist  The EASA Envi ronment al Checkli st covers these topics: Hazard communication; waste gen eration ; waste disposal; and air an d water regulation s. The ch ecklist is self-explanato ry, althoug h you may need to refer to the a pplicable regulation s to fully understand how to respond to certain questions. References to applicable U.S. federal regulations precede each section. Using the checklist to perform your own “environmental audit” m ay be useful in showing authorities a “ good faith” effort; it could h elp reduce your liability if you are cited fo r environment al violations.

Waste M i nimizati on Program  In ma ny areas, governmen t officials are trying to m inimize the creation o f waste rather th an just trying to find ways of getting rid o f it. With this in mind –– and beca use eliminatin g waste makes goo d b usiness sense –– EASA developed the . This booklet outlines the reasons to minimize waste Waste Mi ni mization Program  and the steps you can take to implement a waste minimization pro gram, including m aking a waste min imization assessment of your workplace.

EASA Publications Keep Members Informed 13

General Materials And Services EASA Year book  EASA’s yearbook contains a wealth of information about your Association and its members. By sharing this information with your key personnel, you will reap more benefit from your EASA membership while making your employees feel part of the team. Among the ma ny items included in the yearbook are: Importan t EASA information, such as the recommend ed practices and warranties, materials and services price list; energ y and en viron men tal policies, listings of th e Bo ard of Directors, staff, committees and chapter officers; future convention dates and sites; and bylaws and governing policies; a listing of EASA mem bers geogr aph ically, including full ad dress information ; pho ne a nd fax num bers; business activities and capabilities; convenient listings of members by company and representatives by name; Associate members, their contact information and what they do.

CURRENTS  Your f irm’s official re presenta tive alread y receives a copy of CURRENTS each mon th. O rdering extra subscriptions will ensure tha t all key people in your company will also be kept informed of EASA’s programs, seminars, technical articles and in dustry trend s an d events. You’ ll also save the tro uble of h aving to copy or clip articles to pass along to others in your company –– especially when you need to keep certain a rticles for yourself. Ord er as man y annual subscriptions as you like. Extra subscriptions will be sent to your company address, but be sure to list the n ames of the ind ividuals to whom they should be sent.

Past Tr ends And Probable Futur e Changes  In The Electri c M otor Industr y  An imp ortan t key to business success these days is to keep a breast of chan ges within your ind ustry and a djust your strategies accord ingly. To h elp memb ers in this regard , EASA has released an upda ted ( June 2001) ind ustry report en titled “Pa st Trend s and P roba ble Future Cha nges in the Electric Motor In dustry.” The report fea tures easy-to-read charts and graph s to summa rize trends in: The n ew  moto r mar ket; motor failures; motor r epair ma rket; adjustable-speed drives; new  areas of b usiness oppor tunity; and qua lity assurance prog rams. The repo rt also addresses general motor repair industry trends and gives recommendations for business action. Members can download the report from the “Members Only” section o f EASA’s Web site — m — or o rd er th e prin ted version .

Stay Informed: Visit EASA’s Web Site At 14

General Materials And Services EASA N ameplates 

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Made of sturdy gauge alum inum, EASA moto r nam eplates are printed in red enam el and la cquer-coated to resist corrosion.  C AL    I    R     T     C      E

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Job Descri pti ons For EASA Ser vi ce Centers  Written job descriptions can be trem end ously helpful in making your oper ation s run m ore smoo thly, especially since em ployees are usually mor e prod uctive when they know exactly what is expected of th em. EASA’s publicatio n, Job Descri ptions For  EASA Serv ice Centers  , provides a starting point for members who wish to write or revise job descriptions for th eir ind ividual rep air cent ers.

EASA Resources And How To Order Call: 314-993-2220

Fax: 314-993-1269 Mail: 1331 Baur Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63132

E-mail: easainfo@




Price List AL AP   P   A R      I C    R A        T T        C U          E      L S      






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Reliable  Solutions  Today! 

1 ) M ai l:

How To Order From EASA Send your completed order form (or photocopy) to EASA with payment.

Delivery: Norm al delivery time is approximately fourteen (14) days. Special Han dling: For faster service on any item , a “special handlin g” charge of $5.00 per order is made, plus a “special postage” charge, if shipped any w ay other than normal.

2 ) Ph on e: Call 31 4-99 3-22 20 and ask for Customer Service. 3 ) Fa x:


3  Easy Ways to Or der *

Fax your completed order form to EASA at 31 4-99 3-12 69 .

Minim um ord er is $10. A $2.00 service charge will apply to orders received without payment. Payment by non members m ust be made in advance.

Imprinted Items: Be sure to indicate precisely the data you wish to be im printed. Type or print clearly. Call Headquarters for informati on on tw o-sided imprinting for Failures In Th ree-Phase Stator W indin gs.

Overseas Orders: Items sold off the North American continent (including Hawaii and Puerto Rico) are sold F.O.B. St. Louis, w ith air shippi ng charge, plu s insurance charge (if required) added to the invoi ce. Such pu rchasers agree to pay air freight, plu s insuran ce charge (if required). Terms: Net 10 days. Payable in U.S. funds only. Missouri residents must add 6.8 25 % sales tax. All items and prices subject to change w ithout prior n otice.

Prices, an order form and fur ther details for or dering are included in this Price List. If you have questions about how to order, please call EASA Headquarters at 314-9 93-2220. M e m b e r P r i c e s 

Description  Active/Allied 




Nonmember  Price 

Items are priced according to mem ber and nonm ember category. “N/A” ind icates item s not available to th at category.

EASA Emblem Vinyl Decal 8”(two for) ...................... ........................ ........................ .......... $ 5.50 ..................... ......... N/A ....................... .... N/A .............................. N/A 3” (ten for) ...................... ........................ ........................ .......... $ 9.00 .............................. N/A ........................... N/A .............................. N/A EASA Emblem Camera-Ready Art Work (each) ...................... .. $ 2.00 ...................... ........ N/A ........................... N/A .............................. N/A “Associate Member” Art Work (each) ...................... .................... N/A ...................... ....... 2.00 ........................ ... N/A ...................... ........ N/A EASA Emblem Uniform Patches 10 ....................... ........................ ....................... ........... $ 13.90 ..................... ...... 13.90 ....................... .... N/A 25 ....................... ........................ ....................... ........... $ 31.50 ..................... ...... 31.50 ....................... .... N/A 50 ....................... ........................ ....................... ........... $ 56.00 ..................... ...... 56.00 ....................... .... N/A 100 ...................... ....................... ........................ ............ $ 95.00 ........................ ... 95.00 ....................... .... N/A

...................... ........ N/A ...................... ........ N/A ...................... ........ N/A ...................... ........ N/A

EASA Lapel Pin ....................... ........................ ........................ $ 4.00 ..................... ........ 4.00 ....................... .... N/A ...................... ........ N/A

PROMOTIONAL M ATERIALS  Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook  Unimprinted Each ....................... ....................... ........................ .............. $3.00 ..................... ........ 3.00 ....................... ... 6.00 ...................... ....... 9.00 100 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 153.00 ........................ . 153.00 ...................... 306.00 ..................... .... 459.00 200 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 296.00 ........................ . 296.00 ...................... 592.00 ..................... .... 888.00 500 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 690.00 ........................ . 690.00 ................... 1,380.00 ...................... 2,070.00 1000.. ........................ ........................ ........................ .. $ 1,330.00 .................... .. 1,330.00 ................... 2,660.00 ...................... 3,990.00 Imprinted—Front Cover 200 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 364.00 ........................ . 364.00 ....................... .... N/A ...................... ........ N/A 500 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 775.00 ........................ . 775.00 ....................... .... N/A ...................... ........ N/A 1000.. ........................ ........................ ........................ .. $ 1,450.00 .................... .. 1,450.00 ........................ ... N/A ....................... ....... N/A  Mechanical Reference Handbook  Unimprinted Each ....................... ....................... ........................ .............. $2.50 ..................... ........ 2.50 ....................... ... 5.00 ...................... ....... 7.50 100 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 147.00 ........................ . 147.00 ...................... 294.00 ..................... .... 441.00 200 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 284.00 ........................ . 284.00 ...................... 568.00 ..................... .... 852.00 500 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 675.00 ........................ . 675.00 ................... 1,350.00 ...................... 2,025.00 1000.. ........................ ........................ ........................ .. $ 1,300.00 .................... .. 1,300.00 ................... 2,600.00 ...................... 3,900.00 Imprinted—Front Cover 200 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 348.00 ........................ . 348.00 ....................... .... N/A ...................... ........ N/A 500 ...................... ....................... ........................ .......... $ 755.00 ........................ . 755.00 ....................... .... N/A ...................... ........ N/A 1000.. ........................ ........................ ........................ .. $ 1,400.00 .................... .. 1,400.00 ........................ ... N/A ....................... ....... N/A


Price List Description  How To Get The Most From Your Electric Motors

M e m b e r P r i c e s  Active/Allied 



Nonmember  Price 

Items are priced according to m ember and non mem ber category. “N/A” indicates items not available to that category.

Unimprinted Each ................. ................ ................. ................ ................ .. $2.50 ................. ............ 2.50 .............. ............ 5.00 ................ ........... 7.50 100 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 150.00 ................ ......... 150.00 .............. ........ 300.00 ................ ....... 450.00 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 290.00 ................ ......... 290.00 .............. ........ 580.00 ................ ....... 870.00 500 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 615.00 ................ ......... 615.00 .............. ..... 1,230.00 ................ .... 1,845.00 1000 ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... $ 1,120.00 ................ ...... 1,120.00 ................. .. 2,240.00 ................ .... 3,360.00 Imprinted—Front Cover 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 380.00 ................ ......... 380.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A 500 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 760.00 ................ ......... 760.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A 1000 ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... $ 1,280.00 ................ ...... 1,280.00 ................. .......... N/A ................ ............ N/A Understanding Energy Efficient Motors Unimprinted Each ................. ................ ................. ................ ................ .. $2.25 ................. ............ 2.25 .............. ............ 4.50 ................ ........... 6.75 100 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 114.00 ................ ......... 114.00 .............. ........ 228.00 ................ ....... 342.00 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 220.00 ................ ......... 220.00 .............. ........ 440.00 ................ ....... 660.00 500 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 530.00 ................ ......... 530.00 .............. ..... 1,060.00 ................ .... 1,590.00 1000 ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... $ 1,030.00 ................ ...... 1,030.00 ................. .. 2,060.00 ................ .... 3,090.00 Imprinted—Front Cover 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 278.00 ................ ......... 278.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A 500 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 610.00 ................ ......... 610.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A 1000 ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... $ 1,150.00 ................ ...... 1,150.00 ................. .......... N/A ................ ............ N/A  A Guide To AC Motor Repair and Replacement  Unimprinted Each ................. ................ ................. ................ ................ .. $2.50 ................. ............ 2.50 .............. ............ 5.00 ................ ........... 7.50 100 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 150.00 ................ ......... 150.00 .............. ........ 300.00 ................ ....... 450.00 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 290.00 ................ ......... 290.00 .............. ........ 580.00 ................ ....... 870.00 500 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 615.00 ................ ......... 615.00 .............. ..... 1,230.00 ................ .... 1,845.00 1000 ................ ................. ................ ................. ........... $1,120.00 ................ ...... 1,120.00 ................. .. 2,240.00 ................ .... 3,360.00 Imprinted—Front Cover 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 380.00 ................ ......... 380.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A 500 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 760.00 ................ ......... 760.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A 1000 ................ ................. ................ ................. .......... $ 1,280.00 ................ ...... 1,280.00 ................. .......... N/A ................ ............ N/A Failures In Three-Phase Stator Windings “Failures Brochure” available in English, French and Spanish. Please specify language. Unimprinted Each ................. ................ ................. ................ ................ .. $2.50 ................. ............ 2.50 .............. ............ 5.00 ................ ........... 7.50 25 ................. ................ ................. ................ ............... $ 25.25 ................. .......... 25.25 .............. .......... 50.50 ................ ......... 75.75 50 ................. ................ ................. ................ ............... $ 44.50 ................. .......... 44.50 .............. .......... 89.00 ............... ........ 133.50 100 ................ ................ ................. ................ ................ $ 78.00 ................ ........... 78.00 ................. ..... 156.00 ................ ....... 234.00 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 146.00 ................ ......... 146.00 .............. ........ 292.00 ................ ....... 438.00 500 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 340.00 ................ ......... 340.00 .............. ........ 680.00 ................ ..... 1020.00 1000 ................ ................. ................ ................. ............. $ 630.00 ................ ......... 630.00 .............. ..... 1,260.00 ................ .... 1,890.00 Imprinted—Front Cover 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 204.00 ................ ......... 204.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A 500 ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. $ 425.00 ................ ......... 425.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A 1000 ................ ................. ................ ................. ............. $ 770.00 ................ ......... 770.00 .............. ............. N/A ................ ............ N/A (Call for information about two-sided imprint.) “Failures Brochure” Photographs Individual Photographs (price each) 8” x 8” ................ ................. ................ ................ ................ $ 25.00 ................ ........... 25.00 ................. ....... 50.00 ................ ......... 75.00 11” x 11” ................ ................. ................ ................. .............. $ 45.00 ........................... 45.00 ........................ 90.00 ....................... 135.00 Set of 12 Photographs (1 of each) 8” x 8” ................. ................ ................ ................. ............. $ 200.00 ................ ......... 200.00 .............. ........ 400.00 ................ ....... 600.00 11” x 11” ................. ................ ................. ................ ............ $ 425.00 ................ ......... 425.00 .............. ........ 850.00 .................... 1,275.00 Reliable Solutions Today! Video Package ................ ................. ................ ................. ..... $ 48.00 ................ ........... 48.00 .............. .......... 48.00 ................ ......... 96.00 EASA Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus Each.................................................................................. $10.00 ........................... 10.00 ........................ 10.00 .........................20.00 60.00 ....................... 120.00 10.................................................................................. $60.00 ........................... 60.00 ........................ 25 ................. ................ ................ ................ ............... $100.00 ................ ......... 100.00 ................. ..... 100.00 ................ ....... 200.00 50................................................................................ $150.00 ......................... 150.00 ...................... 150.00 ....................... 300.00 100 ................ ................ ................. ................ ............... $250.00 ................. ........ 250.00 .............. ........ 250.00 ................ ....... 500.00 200 ................ ................ ................. ................ ............... $450.00 ................. ........ 450.00 .............. ........ 450.00 ................ ....... 900.00 300 ................ ................ ................. ................ ............... $600.00 ................. ........ 600.00 .............. ........ 600.00 ................ .... 1,200.00


Price List Description 

M e m b e r P r i c e s  Active/Allied 


Nonmember  Price  Privileged/Honorary 

ENGINEERING REFERENCE  M ATERIALS AND TOOLS  Internal Connection Diagrams Printed OR CD-ROM Version (Indicate Printed or CD-ROM on Order Form) Each ............................................................................ $ 41.00 ........................... 41.00 ........................... 82.00 ...................... 123.00 4-9 (price each)............................................................ $ 36.00 ........................... 36.00 ........................... 72.00 ...................... 108.00 10+(price each) ........................................................... $ 31.00 ........................... 31.00 ........................... 62.00 ........................ 93.00 Printed/CD-ROM Combo Each ............................................................................ $ 67.00 ........................... 67.00 ......................... 134.00 ...................... 201.00 4-9 (price each)............................................................ $ 58.00 ........................... 58.00 .......................... 116.00 ...................... 174.00 10+(price each) ........................................................... $ 49.00 ........................... 49.00 ........................... 98.00 ...................... 147.00 AC Mot or Redesign available

 AC Motor Redesign

in English and Spanish. Please specify language.

......................................................... $ 34.00 ........................... 34.00 ............................... N/A ........................... N/A

Core Iron Study  Each............................................................................... $ 7.50 ............................. 7.50 ............................. 7.50 ........................ 15.00 5 ............................................................................. $ 24.00 ........................... 24.00 ............................ 24.00 ........................ 72.00 10 ............................................................................. $ 33.00 ........................... 33.00 ............................ 33.00 ........................ 99.00 20 ............................................................................. $ 46.00 ........................... 46.00 ............................ 46.00 ...................... 138.00 50 ............................................................................. $ 82.50 ........................... 82.50 ............................ 82.50 ...................... 247.50 100........................................................................... $ 129.00 ......................... 129.00 .......................... 129.00 ...................... 387.00 Principles of Large AC Motors Printed Manual OR CD-ROM Version (Indicate Printed or CD-ROM on Order Form) Each .......................................................................... $ 199.00 ......................... 199.00 ......................... 399.00 ...................... 599.00 4-9 (price each) .......................................................... $ 179.00 ......................... 179.00 ......................... 379.00 ...................... 579.00 10+(price each) ......................................................... $ 159.00 ......................... 159.00 ......................... 359.00 ...................... 559.00 Printed Manual/CD-ROM Combo Each .......................................................................... $ 299.00 ......................... 299.00 ......................... 499.00 ...................... 699.00 4-9 (price each) .......................................................... $ 269.00 ......................... 269.00 ......................... 469.00 ...................... 669.00 10+(price each) ......................................................... $ 239.00 ......................... 239.00 ......................... 439.00 ...................... 639.00 Technical Manual  ........................................................... $ 99.00 ........................... 99.00 .......................... 299.00 ...................... 499.00 Tech Notes (each) ................................................................. $ 3.50 ............................. 3.50 ............................ 10.00 ........................ 20.00 Tech Note Subjects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Hoist Troubleshooting  The Function of the Interpole in DC Machines Connecting the Variable-Speed Commutator Motor Frog-Leg Windings for DC Machines Dynamometer Testing Electric Motors New International Connection Diagrams for Foreign 6- and 12-Lead Star-Delta Motors Suffixes to NEMA Frames Understanding Motor Efficiency & Power Factor TIG Welded Commutator Connections Winding Connections for Multi-Mode ThreePhase Motors Voltage Stresses in Three-Phase AC Motors Conversion Charts (For Converting Concentric Windings To Lap Windings) Round Magnet Wire Data Conversion Charts The Commutator and Its Maintenance Some Aspects of Magnetic Centering Effects on Sleeve Bearing Induction Motors

16. Guidelines for Maintaining Motor Efficiency During  Rebuilding  17. Stator Core Testing  18. Troubleshooting a DC Motor at the Job Site 19. Lubrication of Rolling Bearings in Electric Machines 20. Cause and Analysis of Anti-Friction Bearing Failures in AC Induction Motors 21. Thrust Anti-Friction Bearings for Vertical Motors 22. Brushholders and the Performance of Carbon Brushes 23. Squirrel Cage Rotor Bar Testing  24. UL 1446 System Of Insulating Materials 25. Rewinding Inverter Duty Motors 26. Rewinding Energy Efficient Motors 27. The Cause and Analysis of Bearing and Shaft Failure in Electric Motors 28. Assuring the Mechanical Integrity of Electric Motors 29. The Application Considerations of Pulse-Width Modulated Inverters and AC Induction Motors to a Total System

30. Fabrication of Replacement Shafts for Electric Motors 31. The Cause and Analysis of Stator and Rotor Failures in AC Induction Machines 32. Standards for Dynamic Balancing  33. Taking Data on Form-Wound Motors and Generators 34. PWM Amplifiers 35. Rewinding Form-Wound Motors and Generators 36. Armature Banding With Fiberglass 37. Interpersed Windings: What Are They? 38. Repairing Sleeve Bearings 39. Procedure Writing: It takes A Little Time, But The Results Are Worth It  40. An Analytical Approach to Solving Motor Vibration Problems

Laminated Charts For Shop Use Radial Ball Bearin g Di mensions ............................................. $ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 .............................. 8.20 ........................ 12.30 Cylindrical Roller Bearing Dimensions ................................... $ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 .............................. 8.20 ........................ 12.30 Round M agnet Wir e Data ..................................................... $ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 .............................. 8.20 ........................ 12.30 High-Potential Tests Using AC ............. .............. ............. ........$ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 ..............................8.20 ........................ 12.30 High-Potential Tests Using DC ............. .............. ............. ........$ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 ..............................8.20 ........................ 12.30 Lock Nut s & Washers / Decimal & Metric Equivs. .... .... ..... .... ..... .$ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 ..............................8.20 ........................ 12.30 Bolts and Nut s Chart ............ .............. ............. .............. .........$ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 ..............................8.20 ........................ 12.30 Mot or Lead Wire Chart  ....................................................... $ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 .............................. 8.20 ........................ 12.30 Commutator Machining/Troubleshooting Chart  ..................... $ 4.10 ............................. 4.10 ..............................8.20 ........................ 12.30


Price List M e m b e r P r i c e s 





Nonmember  Price 

EASA Motor Rewind Data On CD-ROM ........................... $ 108.00 ......................... 108.00 ............................... N/A ........................... N/A Good Practice Guide - The Repair of  Induction Motors Each............................................................................... $ 5.00 ............................. 5.00 ............................. 5.00 ........................ 10.00 10............................................................................. $ 40.00 ........................... 40.00 ............................ 40.00 ........................ 80.00 25............................................................................. $ 75.00 ........................... 75.00 ............................ 75.00 ...................... 150.00 50........................................................................... $ 100.00 ......................... 100.00 .......................... 100.00 ...................... 200.00  AC Motor Verification & Redesign Program ..................... $325.00 ......................... 325.00 ............................... N/A ........................... N/A on CD-ROM

ENGINEERIN G FORM S  Winding Data Forms DC Data Forms (40 sets per pad) ........................................... $ 8.45 ............................. 8.45 ............................ 16.90 ........................ 25.35  AC Data Cards (600 set min. order) Polyphase ..................................................................... $ 51.50 ........................... 51.50 .......................... 103.00 ...................... 154.50 Single Phase .................................................................. $ 99.00 ........................... 99.00 .......................... 198.00 ...................... 297.00  AC Stator Form Coil Data (pad of 100) ............. ............. ...... $ 12.60 .. ............. ............ 12.60 .. .............. ............ 25.20 ... ............. ........ 37.80 Stator Core Test Form (40 sets per pad) ............................... $ 9.50 ............................. 9.50 ............................ 19.00 ........................ 28.50 Warranty Report Form (pad of 100) .................................... $11.00 ........................... 11.00 ............................... N/A ...........................N/A

M e m b e r P r i c e s 



Price Each 

10% Discount  (4-9 copi es) 

15% Discount  (10 or more copies) 

Nonmember  Prices are  Double  the Pri ces  Listed at Left 

BONUS: Order at least one complete nine-volume set of EASA Vo-Tech and receive a complimentary copy of  Managing a Training Program. Topics include how to analyze your training needs, the supervisor as trainer, and evaluating your training results.

Volume 1 Safety ................................................................ $135.00 ......................... 121.50 .......................... 114.75 .................................           ¬ Volume 2 Basic Shop Skills ................................................ $175.00 ......................... 157.50 .......................... 148.75 .................................           ¬ Volume 3 Basic Shop Skills II ............................................. $175.00 ......................... 157.50 ..........................148.75 ........................... N/A           ¬ Volume 4 Basic Electricity I ............................................... $120.00 ......................... 108.00 .......................... 102.00 ...........................N/A           ¬ Volume 5 Basic Electricity II .............................................. $100.00 ........................... 90.00 ............................ 85.00 ...........................N/A           ¬ Volume 6 Basic Mechanics I .............................................. $135.00 ......................... 121.50 .......................... 114.75 ...........................N/A           ¬ Volume 7 Basic Mechanics II ............................................. $125.00 ......................... 112.50 .......................... 106.25 ...........................N/A           ¬ Volume 8 AC Motors .......................................................... $150.00 ......................... 135.00 .......................... 127.50 ........................... N/A           ¬ Volume 9 DC Motors .......................................................... $65.00 ........................... 58.50 ............................ 55.25 ........................... N/A           ¬ Total for 9-Volume Set .......................................................$910.00 .............................. N/A ............................... N/A ........................... N/A           ¬





Note: Training Films 1-19 were converted from slide/still format to VHS tapes; consequently, they are not "action" videos. The only training videos filmed in “action” are Nos. 20 and 21. Training Films And Slide Programs Subjects Nos. 1-5, 8-20 Slides (per subject) ....................................................... $ 149.00 ......................... 149.00 .......................... 298.00 ...................... 447.00 1/2” VHS Video Cassettes (per subject) ........................... $ 48.00 ........................... 48.00 ............................ 96.00 ...................... 144.00 Subjects Nos. 7, 21 Slides (per subject) ....................................................... $ 298.00 ......................... 298.00 .......................... 596.00 ...................... 894.00 1/2” VHS Video Cassettes (per subject) ........................... $ 97.00 ........................... 97.00 .......................... 194.00 ...................... 291.00 Script For Subject No. 20 ................................................... $ 22.50 ........................... 22.50 ............................ 45.00 ........................ 67.50 Script For Subject No. 21 ................................................... $ 45.00 ........................... 45.00 ............................ 90.00 ...................... 135.00

Training Film Subjects 1. 02. 03. 04. 5.


Taking Winding Data From a Three-Phase Induction Motor Disassembly of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Machine Winding Three-Phase Random Wound Coils Winding a Three-Phase Stator Assembly of a Three-Phase Induction Motor

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Manufacturing Form Coils Winding Stators With Formed Coils Taking Data From a Single-Phase Motor Disassembly of a Single-Phase Capacitor Motor Winding Single-Phase Concentric Coils

Price List M e m b e r P r i c e s 

Description  Training Film Subjects (continued) 12. Winding a Single-Phase Stator 13. Assembly of a Single-Phase Capacitor Motor 14. Taking Data From a Hand-Wound DC Armature 15. Hand Winding a DC Armature 16. Disassembly of a DC Machine


A sso ci at e

Nonmember  Price  Pr ivileged/ Honor ar y  

17. Assembling a DC Machine 18. Random-Winding DC Field Coils 19. Layer-Winding DC Field Coils 20. Testing Three-Phase, AC Motors 600 Volts or Less 21. Testing DC Machines  Also: AEMC’s Understanding Power Factor

TRAIN ING—M ANAGEM ENT & SALES  EASA Marketing Manual (Complete and Updated) Printed Version .................................................................. $75.00 ....................... $75.00 ......................... 150.00 ........................ 225.00 Printed Plus Complete Manual on CD-ROM ...................... $85.00 ....................... $85.00 ......................... 170.00 ........................ 255.00  Marketing Manual Update (53-Page Update to Original Manual) Printed Version .................................................................. $29.00 ....................... $29.00 ........................... 58.00 ............................. N/A Printed Plus Complete Manual on CD-ROM ...................... $39.00 ....................... $39.00 ........................... 78.00 .............................N/A The Perfect Sales Call (video pkg.) ....................................... $175.00 .....................$175.00 ......................... 350.00 ........................ 350.00  Michael Marks on Negotiations (video pkg.) ......................... $149.00 .....................$149.00 ......................... 299.00 ........................ 299.00 Peter Land: Communicating As A Leader(video pkg.) ............. $149.00 .....................$149.00 ......................... 299.00 ........................ 299.00 High Performance Field Sales Training Program (self-contained video course) .............................. $555.00 ....................... 555.00 ......................... 750.00 ........................ 750.00  New Directions in Inside Sales (video and book) .....................$169.00 ....................... 169.00 ......................... 329.00 ........................ 329.00 Leader’s Guide (each) ........................................................... $8.00 ........................... 8.00 ........................... 16.00 .......................... 24.00 Extra Workbook (each) .......................................................... $3.00 ........................... 3.00 .............................6.00 ............................9.00  Sales Force Compensation Manual ........................................ $ 7.00 ........................... 7.00 ........................... 14.00 .......................... 21.00  Safety Resource Manual  ................................................... $ 19.00 ......................... 19.00 ........................... 38.00 .......................... 60.00 Emp loyee Safety Gui de available in English and Spanish. Please specify language. Employee Safety Guide (minimum purchase 20) 20-50 (each) .................................................................. $0.63 ........................... 0.63 .............................1.26 ............................1.89 51-75 (each) ................................................................... $0.46 ........................... 0.46 .............................0.92 ............................1.38 76+ (each) ..................................................................... $0.35 .......................... 0.35 .............................0.70 ............................1.05

EASA Seminars—See brochures or call. Directory of Recommended Technical  Reference and Training Textbooks ...................................... $ 0.00 ........................... 0.00 .............................0.00 .......................... 15.00

ENVIRONM ENTAL REFERENCE M ATERIALS  Environmental Checklist ........................................................ $ 6.75 ........................... 6.75 ........................... 13.50 .......................... 29.00 Waste Minimization Program ................................................. $6.75 ........................... 6.75 ........................... 13.50 .......................... 29.00 Hazard Communication Manual  ....................................... $ 32.00 ......................... 32.00 ........................... 64.00 .......................... 96.00


EASA-Q is available in English and French Canadian. Please specify language.

EASA-Q Quality Management System ................................ $ 560.00 ....................... 560.00 ...................... 1,120.00 ..................... 1,500.00

GENERAL M ATERIALS AND SERV ICES  Mailing Labels—Call for details. EASA Yearbook (membership directory) ............................... $ 35.00 ......................... 35.00 ........................... 35.00 ........................ 100.00 Extra Subscriptions to CURRENTS (newsletter) ...................... $ 12.00 ......................... 12.00 ...........................12.00 .......................... 36.00 Equipment Bulletin Advertising (per ad) .............................. $ 3.00 ........................... 3.00 .............................. N/A .............................N/A Six Month Listings ............................................................. $ 17.00 ......................... 17.00 ..............................N/A .............................N/A 1st Class Mail Subscription (1 year) .................................... $ 30.00 ......................... 30.00 ........................... 60.00 .......................... 90.00 EASA Nameplates (alum. only; no imprint; min. 50)  AC Squirrel Cage Machine: 50 ............ .............. ........ $ 37.00 .. .............. ............ N/A .. ............. .............. . N/A .............. .............. . N/A 100 .................................. $ 69.00 ............................ N/A ..............................N/A .............................N/A  AC Wound Rotor Machine: 50 ............ .............. ........ $ 62.00 .. .............. ............ N/A .. ............. .............. . N/A .............. .............. . N/A 100 ................................ $ 115.00 ............................ N/A ..............................N/A .............................N/A DC Machine: 50 .................................. $ 62.00 ............................N/A .............................. N/A ............................. N/A 100 ................................ $ 115.00 ............................ N/A ..............................N/A .............................N/A


Price List M e m b e r P r i c e s 



Nonmember  Price  Pr ivileged/ Honorary  

A sso ci at e

Replacement Membership Plaque ..................................... $ 15.00 ......................... 15.00 .............................. N/A ............................. N/A  Job Descriptions for EASA Service Centers (each) ...................................................................... $8.75 ........................... 8.75 ...........................17.50 ..........................39.00 Past Trends and Probable Future Changes ......................... $ 19.00 ......................... 19.00 ...........................19.00 ..........................38.00 in the Electric Motor Industry 

NOTE: Complete this order form to purchase EASA materials. For additional copies, please photocopy the order form.

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