SM Mall of Asia

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SM Mall of Asia

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City,, Pasay Pasay,, Philippines Barangay 76,  76, Bay City

Opening date

May 21, 26


!M Prime "oldings


!M Prime "oldings


"enry !y, !r#



No. of stores and services

1' shops, incl&ding (6 dining esta)lishments

anchor No. of  of a nchor tenants


Total retail floor area

*6,+62 m2 *,(-,. s% ft/

No. of floors

Main 0 entertainment )&ildings 2 he !M !tore (


Carpark )&ildings 6


-, cars314


!M Mall of $sia !M Mall of $sia at !M Prime

Coordinates 1*5(26#2*8 125.-..#7.9 Coordinates

SM Mall of Asia  is a shopping mall in Bay City City,, Pasay, Philippines Philippines,, near the !M Central B&siness Park, the Manila Bay Bay,, and the so&thern end of 9pifanio de los !antos $:en&e 9;!$/# $:en&e  9;!$/#

"oldings,, the largest mall chain o=ner and th  )&ilding )eing occ&pied occ&pied )y  ele eleech ech "old "oldings, ings, @nc# as their flagshi flagship p site in the co&ntry/# he !M Mall of $sias design team incl&des $r%&itectonica $r%&itectonica,, design architectG H" !er:ices, main proEect manager, and "ilmarcs Constr&ction Corp#Constr for the so&th parking  )&ilding, mall, mall, and entertainment mall/ mall/ and Monolith Constr&ction &ction ;e:elopment Corp# for the north parking )&ilding/, general contractors# ;ay of  of 2. )&t had )een delayed d&e he mall =o&ld ha:e opened )efore Christmas ;ay to hitches in the deli:ery of constr&ction materials# Fre%&ent rains in the last %&arter of  2. also delayed the t&rno:er of mall space to tenants# !M Prime decided to mo:e the opening date to March (, 26# po and Con:ention Center/ ProEect 8ame M$@rade/ is the Philippines largest pri:ately r&n e>hi)ition and con:ention center #  he *6,6*7As%&are meter )&ilding =ill ha:e three floors and  )asement parking =ith a total leasa)le area of 1+,- s%&are s%&are meters feat&ring large large e>hi)ition areas and f&nction rooms# he con:ention center can fit appro>imately 6, people# 32.4

he gro&nd)reaking =as held on March 2(, 26# he P+ million proEect, =as completed and ina&g&rated on 8o:em)er ., 27# @t is &sed as an alternate =ith the  andWorld rade Center near)y stateAr&n Philippine @nternational Con:ention Center  andWorld Metro Manila located Manila located in the CCP Comple> Comple>## he *6,6*7As%&are meter )&ilding is composed of three floors and a )asement parking =ith a total leasa)le area of 1+,- s%&are meters# he $rchitect, $ $rch# rch# Iose !iao Ling, designed the str&ct&re ma>imiJing the &se of space, gi:ing e>hi)itors fle>i)ility and options in terms of their specific area re%&irements# he e>hi)ition area at the gro&nd le:el =ill ha:e a floor area of +,As%&are meters, =hich can )e di:ided into fo&r halls# Commercial shops =ill )e located along the perimeter# $ )ridge=ay on the second le:el =ill connect !M Con:ention Center to the malls so&th parking  )&ilding# he third le:el =ill ha:e a ttotal otal floor area of -,7( s%&are m meters, eters, =hich can  )e di:ided into si> halls for f&nctions and con:entions, con:entions, along =ith ni nine ne meeting rooms# 3264


Mall e*pansion $ ne= 2Ale:el e>pansion =ill )e )&ilt at the top of the main mall to )e )&ilt ne>t year and set to finish )y 217# he ne= e>pansion =ill feat&re an iconic rooftop foot)all field at the malls *th le:el and allAne= shops and resta&rants at the malls third le:el# he ne= e>pansion =ill )e accompanied )y maEor changes on the mall layo&t and tenant mi># For instance, the ice skating rink =ill )e mo:ed on the topmost floor of the mall# @n light of the preparations for the ne= e>pansion, a ne= parking floor in the  parking )&ilding is constr&cted together =ith the the ne=ly opened steel parki parking ng near the @M$ heater# he he ne= e>pansion =ill relegate !M Mall isting (+, s%&are meters floor area =hich =ill )e e%&ated to .(, s%&are meters# 3274


Metro!tar Ferry erminal

tram ser:es  ser:es =ithin mall gro&nds pro:iding transport to shoppers# $ 2Aseater tram $dEacent to the con:ention center, the Metro!tar Ferry erminal erminal ferry ser:ice c&ts c &ts tra:el time to Ca:ite City City  from + min&tes )y road to less than ( min&tes# he terminal also ser:es as a passenger port for to&rists =ho =ill tra:el to !Ms to&rism estate, the "amilo Coast, in 8as&g)&, in 8as&g)&, Batangas# Batangas#  portA@mport Credit $gency Phil9@M/ $gency Phil9@M/ ina&g&rated the P1(.A  proEect )et=een Ca:ite City City and  and !M Mall of $sia/# Phil9@M President million ferry  ferry proEect )et=een Nirgilio Ni rgilio # $ngelo stated that it g&aranteed the loan loan of  of Metrostar Ferry, @nc# Metrostar/ for thego:ernment thego:ernments s Manila Bay ransport Bay ransport ProEect# $ngelo stated that CityAAL&neta L&neta Board=alkA;el  Board=alkA;el Pan the ferry ser:ice ferry ser:ice =o&ld also open in the Ca:ite City Bridge =ater=ay =ater=ay## 2, riders are e>pected to )enefit cost of P6A7, 6( am &ntil 7 pm/# 32-4


See also 

List of largest shopping malls in the =orld


List of largest shopping malls in the Philippines List of shopping malls in the Philippines

(eferences O$)o&t MpansionO# Philippines oday O!M Megamall &ndergoing P1#. B e>pansionO# oday## etrie:ed $&g&st 2(, 21(# O!M Megamall opens ne= Carpark and B&s BayO # !M Prime# etrie:ed $&g&st 2(, 21(# Ca)er, Michael 26A2A27/# OCracks endanger Pasays Mall of $siaO# $siaO # Metro  Metro Stories Manila Stories Manila !tandard oday/# etrie:ed 27A2A1.# Ca)er, Michael 26A2A2-/# O9ngineer denies threat to Mall of $siaO $siaO## Metro  Metro Stories Manila Stories Manila !tandard oday/# etrie:ed 27A2A1.# Yahoo! N ews# ews# ahooQ, ahooQ, @nc# 26A2A22# etrie:ed27A2A1.# OOPhilippines !M Prime delays Mall of $sia opening to MayO# MayO # Yahoo! HM$8e=s#t: 9:erest Nas%&eJ, ;inna Chan 26A.A1+/# OM$LL esO# cineple>esO #  Life Life & Entertainment stories Manila stories Manila !tandard oday/# etrie:ed 27A2A1.# Life & Entertainment stories Manila stories Manila !tandard oday/# etrie:ed 27A2A1.# Li)arios, Ha))y 26A6A27/# OFor yo&r ice onlyO# onlyO #  Life !al&m)ides, Wi Willie $ $##, Er Er# 2 27A1A16/# OPretty yo&ng thing on iceO iceO## Sports stories Manila stories Manila !tandard oday/# etrie:ed 27A2A1.# !al&m)ides, Wi Willie $ $##, Er Er# 2 27A1A2./# OLeslie =ins ice skatings top a=ardO# a=ardO# Sports storiesManila storiesManila !tandard oday/# etrie:ed 27A2A1.# )ashO## Life  Life & Entertainment stories Manila stories Manila !tandard oday/# ed, @sah N# 26A12A*/# ORNs m&sic :ideo )locks first anni:ersary )ashO etrie:ed 27A2A1.# Oim&m capacity of * million people# 314


!ontents 

"ist stor ory y 1 "i 2 B&i B&ildi lding ngss 2# 1 Me 2#1 Mega ga $tri $tri&m &m 2#2 2# 2 B&i B&ild lding ing C 2#( Mega Fashion "all Mega ;/ 

9>pans ansio ion n ( 9>p * @ncidents and accidents . !e !eee al also so efe feren rence cess 6 e 7 9>te 9>terna rnall link linkss

-istor# he mall =as )&ilt in 1+-+ and opened its doors on I&ne 2-, 1++1, the third !M !&permall )&ilt )y "enry !y, !r# !r#,, after !M City !ta# Mesa and Mesa and the !M City 8orth 9;!$## !M Megamall is located in the ploded at *(pm inside the Ladies oom of Cinema 6 on the third floor of the mall, killing one and inE&ring doJens# =o =o of the 364

:ictims serio&s inE&ries# Ian&ary s&stained 26, 21( :ery $ hold&p and shooto&t occ&rred =hen the Martilyo Hang ro))ed a Ee=elry store in the ;epartment !tore in the first floor# 374

See also 

!M Prime "oldings !M City 8orth 9;!$ !M Mall of $sia !M $&ra Premier  !t# Francis !%&are Mall

!hangriAla PlaJa Mall he Podi&m !M !o&thmall

(eferences 1#

P;F/ # !M Prime# $pril 17, 21*  21* httpUU===#smprime#comU&ploadsU;o=nloada)leFormsU!9C\217A$A21(#pdf # etrie:ed 17

help// $pril 21*# Missing or empty |title=help 2# (# *# .# 6#

OMegamallO# OMegamallO# Malls  Malls## !M Prime "oldings, @nc# $rchi:ed from the original  original on 27A1A21# etrie:ed 27A2A1.# O!M Prime e>panding Megamall for P1#.)O# Today## May 2, 211# etrie:ed 2( $&g&st 211# P1#.)O # Manila Standard Today 9mil 27A1A1/# Pocock, 9mil  27A1A1/#  OWorlds OWorlds Largest !hopping MallsO# MallsO  #meri$an # #meri$an Studies at Eastern %onne$ti$ut State niversity' Shoppin( Mall original on  on 27A2A1(# etrie:ed 27A2A1.# Studies## 9astern Connectic&t !tate Dni:ersity# $rchi:ed from Studies from  the original O!M Megamall is that incorporate the co&ntrys second @M$ heater # he main dining esta)lishments of the City Center are sit&ated on the second le:el, =here they )reak thro&gh the frontage in a se%&ence of linear casements =hich o:erlook the !ky Harden# 3743-4 -4 3743

1nterior 6one /Anne* 80

he Car Park PlaJa or $nne> 1 =as the first additional )&ilding, )&ilt in Fe)r&ary 1+--# he original str&ct&re =as a fo&rAle:el parking lot# @n the 2s, t=o additional le:els =ere constr&cted to accommodate more :ehicles and to integrate the ne=ly constr&cted he Block# he Car Park PlaJa feat&res the first o&tlet of the Cy)erJone, =hich =as later mo:ed to he $nne> )&ilding, and an additional -, parking slots# he )&ilding is connected to the main mall =ith a foot)ridge located at the second floor# oday oday,, the former Car Park and Cy)erJone has )een transformed into a


Olifestyle centerO, named the @nterior Kone, =hich opened in I&ly 2+ and planned )y $rchitects 9$ from $&stralia $&stralia,, the ( meter long Olifestyle centerO is a shop for f&rnit&re, ho&se=are, decor, &pholstery, =allpaper, =allpaper, tiles and lighting fi>t&res#  $lso on the $nne> $nne> 1 is a solar po=er plant located on the se:enth le:el =hich feat&res the installation of .,76 solar panels that can generate &p to 1#. MW of po=er, =hich makes !M City 8orth 9;!$ as the =orlds largest solarApo=ered shopping mall# 3+4


The Anne* /Anne* +0

he $nne>

he original $nne> )&ilding =as )&ilt in I&ly 1+-+ formerly he !M City $nne>/, consisting of three floors, as an e>pansion to the City Center# @t feat&red close to 2 shops and resta&rantsG aside from fo&r additional mo:ie ho&ses it also catered a )ingo  )ingo hall,  hall, an am&sement center and a )o=ling alley# he lo=er gro&nd floor or  )asement/ also ser:ed as the former former administration office office of !M City 8orth 9;!$ along =ith a fe= )ea&ty clinics and a E&nior anchor, "ard=are Workshop# $ foot)ridge =as constr&cted at the left side of the City Center to ha:e easy access to the mall# =as closed and demolished as part of !M City 8orth 9;!$ Comple>s rede:elopment plan#  @n ;ecem)er 2- it reopened =ith highAend retails stores, specialty resta&rants, a Cy)erJone, a game arcade and a ne= )o=ling center# he anne> )&ilding meas&red +, s%&are meters# Like he Block, the $nne> has an e>terior =ith &nd&lating a%&a marine ri))on consisting of perforated metal panels# he $nne> has a c&r:ilinear atri&m atri&m,, =hich stretches its length# @n I&ne 2+, !M City  8orth 9;!$ reopened its )o=ling ce center nter located at the lo=er gro&n gro&nd d floor# 3114



The lock /Anne* 20

he Block 

he Block =as opened in I&ly 26, this 76,*. s%&are meter mall has fi:e le:els of retail shops and resta&rants, fo&r highAdigital cinemas, and a 1, s%&are meter !M "ypermarket on the gro&nd le:el# he Blocks architect&ral design is centered on a large o:al co&ntryard, =hich has )ecome a location for e:ents and prod&cts la&nches# his is crisscrossed )y m<iple )ridges on se:eral le:els and is lit thro&gh large circ&lar skylights# Bridge connections integrated he Block =ith the e>isting mall and carpark areas# 31(4

The North Link /Anne* 90

he 8orth Link is a si>Astory )&ilding located )et=een the City Center and @nterior Kone, constr&ction started in !eptem)er 2+# his mi>edA&se str&ct&re =as en:isioned to accommodate different types of tenants =ith )&siness =ith  )&siness process o&tso&rcing and o&tso&rcing  and pri:ate offices along =ith retail stores# of old and ne= technologies, the &se of &tiliJed =all system allo=ed for the sim<aneo&s installation of e>terior =alls and =indo= panels =hile the floors =ere )eing completed# 31*4

Sk# 5arden

he !ky Harden is a long, ele:ated c&r:ilinear park# # oday, Totse 8et=ork leases a portion of the Wa Wareho&se reho&se )&ilding# Part of the )&ilding =as con:erted into a parking lot for its :alet ser:ice# Mean=hile, e>pansion plans for the former !&per !ale Cl&) =areho&se =o&ld potentially add another (, to ., s%&are meters of gross floor area and =ill incl&de a ne= retail, commercial and  )&sinessAprocess o&tso&rcing o&tso&rcing mod&le# 324

The 5rass (esidences

$nother area for de:elopment inside the !M City 8orth 9;!$ Comple> is the .A hectare Hrass esidences# $ fi:eAto= fi:eAto=er er residentialAcondomini&m )&ilding encompasses the comple>, =here an old military camp &sed to stand# 31-4

SM !#er ! #er West Av Aven"e en"e

he !M Cy)er West $:en&e is a 1.Ale:el str&ct&re that co:ers more than *2, s%m of HF$, HF$, and aro&nd 22,7 s%m of HL$ for office space# he )&ilding =ill )e linked :ia )ridge=ays to the !M 8orth 9;!$ Mall as =ell as near)y M st stations# ations# @t targeted primarily for a )&siness process o&tso&rcing or BP< companies =hich ho&ses 9merson 9lectric, 9lectric, Concentri> Concentri> and  and Con:ergys Con:ergys## @t =ill rise on a highly :isi)le 2,+1 s% m# property at the corner of the main 9;!$ thoro&ghfare and West $:en&e# he remaining leasa)le area mostly fo&nd in the gro&nd and second le:els =ill feat&re a !a:e More s&permarket and other s&pport retail and commercial esta)lishments#

5aller# New Mall 


he Block atri&m


he !kygarden


!M "ypermarket at he Block 


he $nne> hall=ay


 8e= facade


!M ;epartment !tore at the City Center it is no= renamed as he !M !tore/


Old Mall 

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