SLE 6th Plus Edition 2003-2014 (Dr-1.Mohmmed) Final (1)

April 27, 2017 | Author: Rhea | Category: N/A
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‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫الحمد ل رب العالمين حمد ا كما يحبه ربي ويرضاه والصل ة والسل م على حبيبي وشفيعي وسيدي رسول ال محمد صلى ال عليه وسلم‬ ‫‪...‬وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين‬ ‫أحبتي في ال وزمليئي في المهنة أطباء وطبيبات أقدم لكم هذا العمل الذي أستغرق الوقت والجهد الكثير‬

‫أطرح بين أيديكم نسخة الدصدار السادسة المطورة والحصرية إهداء لمجمل و أرقى أعضاء بالقروب‬ ‫ومجزيل الشكر للدكاترة السابقين )د‪ .‬دصمود العمر دصاحب الدصدار الول ‪ ..‬د‪.‬عامر أبو عبيدة وزمليئه الدصدار الثاني والثالث والرابع‬ ‫والخامس ‪ ..‬د‪.‬عبدال دصاحب الدصدار السادس(‬ ‫‪ ....‬اللهم لك الحمد على ما يسرت وأعنت ولك الشكر على ما وفقت وهديت اللهم تقبل مني هذا العمل وأمجعل دصدقة ومثوبة عندك‬ ‫هذا الملف هو تحديث لملف الدصدار السادس أطرحة مني شخصيا بتاريخ ‪2014 – 6 - 19‬م الموافق ‪ 21‬شعبان ‪ 1435‬هـ‬ ‫‪:‬ما قمت بعمله بهذه النسخة‬ ‫تم ترمجمة الكثير من السئلة حتى يسهل على الجميع الفهم والداراك ‪1.‬‬ ‫تم حذف السئلة المكررة وكانت كثيرة مجدا مايقارب ‪ 250‬سؤال ‪2.‬‬ ‫تم تصحيح كثير من السئلة الناقصة وإكمالها وتصحيح أيضا الكثير من العبارات النحوية واللغوية والطبية الخاطئة ‪3.‬‬ ‫ارفاق مرامجع حديثة عدت إليها في معظم السئلة للتأكيد )وضعتها باللون البنفسجي( ‪4.‬‬ ‫توضيح الكثير من التختصارات ‪5.‬‬ ‫قمت بتأكيد بعض السئلة المحلولة او المشكوك في امجاباتها ووضع حلول دصحيحة ‪6.‬‬ ‫هناك عدة ملحظات كتبتها باللون البنفسجي )لتعلموا انها ملحظتي( ‪7.‬‬ ‫السئلة المومجودة بها علمة دصفراء هي اتختيارات الدصدار الخامس المشكوك بها ‪8.‬‬


‫‪ ...........‬هذا العمل شخصي مقدم من الدكتور محمد المصباحي‬ ‫أرمجو أتمم به الفايئدة لكم ولتنسوني من تخالص دعايئكم‬ ‫====================================‬ ‫تمنياتي لكم بالنجاح دايئما وأبدا وأكثروا من الستغفار والدعاء ل وتوكل عليه ‪...‬ليجعل ال لكم فرمجا‬ ‫دعاء قـبـل المـذاكـر ة‬ ‫اللهم إني أسألك فهم النبيين و حفظ المرسلين و الملكئكة المقربين اللهم اجعل ألسنتنا عامر ة بذكرك وقلوبنا بخشيتك وأسرارنا بطاعتك‪،‬‬ ‫إنك على كل شيء قدير حسبنا ال و نعم الوكيل‬ ‫دعاء بعـد المـذاكـره‬ ‫اللهم إني أستودعك ما قرأت و ما حفظت و ما تعلمت فرده عند حاجتي إليه‪ ،‬إنك على كل شيء قدير‪ ،‬حسبنا ال و نعم الوكيل‬ ‫دعاء يـو م المـتحان‪ :‬اللهم إني توكلت عليك‪ ،‬و سلمت أمري إليك‪ ,‬ل ملجأ و ل منجا منك إل إليك‬ ‫دعاء دخــول الــقاعــه‪ :‬رب أدخلني مدخل صدق‪ ،‬و أخرجني مخرج صدق‪ ،‬واجعل لي من لدنك سلطانا نصيرا‬ ‫دعاء قــبــل بـدء ألمـتتـحان‪ :‬رب اشرح لي صدري‪ ،‬و يسر لي أمري‪ ,‬و احلل عقد ة من لساني يفقهوا قولي‪ ،‬بسم ال الفتاح‬ ‫اللهم ل سهل إل ما جعلته سهل و أنت تجعل الحزن متى شئت سهل يا أرحم الراحمين‬ ‫دعاء اثــنـاء ألمــتتحان‪ :‬ل إله إل أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين‪ ,‬يا حي يا قيو م برحمتك أستغيث‪ ,‬رب إن مسني الضر‬ ‫وإنت أرحم الراحمين‬ ‫دعاء عــنــد ألــنسيان‪ :‬اللهم يا جامع الناس ليو م ل ريب فيه اجمع علي ضالتت‬ ‫دعاء بعـد النتهاء‪ :‬الحمد ل الذي هدانا لهذا و ما كنا لنهتدي لول أن هدانا الله‬

1. a. b. c. d.

The periodontium comprise which of the following tissues: Gingiva and the PDL. Gingival, PDL, and alveolar bone. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, and cementum. *** Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, cementum, and enamel.

* The periodontal tissues = the periodontium consist of: Gingiva or gums - Periodontal ligament(PDL) - Alveolar bone - Cementum. Carranza's Clinical Periodonyology 11Ed 2012- Page 11

2. a. b. c. d.

The following chemically bonds to the tooth: Composite resin. Dental sealants. Glass ionomer cement. *** All of the above.

* Also, zinc polycarboxylate cement bonds chemically. * BUT, composite resins, compomers & dental sealants bond micromechanically ( mechanically ) ( bores by acid etching ). * BUT, amalgam and zinc phosphate cement bond mechanically.

3. a. b. c. d.

In countries with higher annual population growth rates, the need for community – based preventive programs would be greater for: OR Communities with high annual population growth need education about: Dental caries. *** Periodontal disease. Dentofacial anomalies. Dental fluorosis.

4. a. b. c. d. e.

The following medical conditions may precipitate a syncope: ‫إغماء‬ Hypoglycemia. ‫نقص سكر الدم‬ Mild hyperglycemia. ‫فرط سكر الدم الخفيف‬ Anti hypertensive drugs with ganglionic blocking agent. ‫حادصر للعقد‬ Anti depressant therapy. ‫مضادات الكتئاب‬ All of the above.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) – page 303 * These include strokes, corticosteroid insufficiency, drug interactions, epileptic fit, vaso-vagal shock, heart block & hypoglycaemia.


what’s the first sign of Syncope: a) Paleness. *** ( ‫ الومجه الشاحب ) المزرق‬. b) Nose bleeding (epistaxis(. c) Miosis.

6. a. b. c.

Most frequent cause of fainting in dental office: ‫الغماء‬ Vaso-vagal shock. *** ‫دصدمة وعايئية‬ Diabetes. Fear. ‫ كما أن من يسبب الغماء نقص السكر‬،‫ تنتج عن التخدير دصدمة وعايئية مبهمة تسبب الغماء‬vaso-vagal syncope "dental decks 1909" . ‫وليس زيادته‬


Loss of consciousness,most frequent cause: a. Syncope. ‫إغماء‬ b. CO2 increase. * The most common cause of loss of consciousness in the dental office is syncope.


Orthognathic ridge relationship (class II) presents several problems which should be taken into consideration when constructing complete denture prosthesis. These include all except: a. Require minimum interocclusal distance. *** b. Have a great range of jaw movement. c. Require careful occlusion, usually cuspless teeth are indicated. Complete Denture 17th Ed – page 16 Orthognathic Ridge Relationship: Class II or retrognathic : is usually difficult as the patient looks toothy, often holds the mandible forward to improve appearance with subsequent TMJ problems, usually have a great range of jaw movements in function, require careful occlusion, and usually needs a large interocclusal distance. Class III or prognathic : is usually easier. It requires a minimum of interocclusal distance.

9. a. b. c. d.

Class III jaw relation in edentulous Pt.: It will affect size of maxillary teeth. Affect retention of lower denture. Affect esthetic and arrangement of maxillary denture. All of the above. ***


Planning centric occlusion for complete denture, it is advisable to have: a. 1-2 mm of vertical and horizontal overlap of upper and lower anterior teeth with no contact. *** b. Definite tooth contact of upper and lower anterior teeth in order to facilitate the use of anterior teeth for incision.

11. The posterior extension of maxillary complete denture can be detected by a.

the followings except: Hamular notch.

b. c.

Fovea palatine. *** Vibrating line.

12. The distal palatal termination of the maxillary complete denture base is a. b. c. d. e.

dictated by the: Tuberosity. Fovea palatine. Maxillary tori. Vibrating line. *** Posterior palatal seal. Heartwell 5th ed - page 224 * Vibrating line determines the posterior extension of the posterior palatal seal.

13. Vibrating line: a. b.

Between hard & soft palates. Between mobile and non mobile soft tissues. ***

14. Oral surgeon put his finger on the nose of the patient and the patient asked to blow. This done to check: a. anterior extention of posterior palatal seal. *** b. lateral extension of posterior palatal seal. c. posterior extension of posterior palatal seal. d. glandular opening.

15. Pt. Presented after insertion of complete denture complaining of dysphagia and ulcers what is the cause of dysphagia? a.over extended. *** b.over post dammed. c.under extended. d.under post dammed.

16. Pt. with denture has swallowing problem and sore throat. The problem is: a. b. c.

‫حلق ملتهب‬ Posterior over extension at distal palatal end. *** Over extension of lingual. Over extension of hamular notch.

17. Nausea is a complaint that a new denture wearer might encounter. It may a. b. c. d.

result from: ‫الغثيان‬ Thick posterior border. Denture under extended. Denture slightly over extended. a & b are correct. ***

18. After insertion of complete denture, Pt. came complaining from pain in a. b. c. d.

TMJ and tenderness of muscle with difficulty in swallowing, this could be due to: High vertical dimension. *** Low vertical dimension. Thick denture base. Over extended denture base. Dental Decks - page 398

19. Most common complete denture post insertion complaint after 24 hrs.: a. Rough. b. Overextension causing laceration. *** irritation and ulceration or injury ). c. Pt. not to use new vertical dimension.

( or: Overextension causing tissue

20. Which palatal form is more retentive and offers better stability to complete denture: a. V shaped. b. Wide palate. c. U shaped.*** d. Flat palate.

21. All relate to retention of maxillary complete denture except: a. b.

Tongue movement. *** Type of saliva.

22. Best instrument to locate vibrating line, it is: T-burnisher. ***

‫مصقلة أو نهاية المرآة‬

23. We can use for palatal posterior seal: 1. Le jao carver. 2. Kingsley scraper. ***

24. The most frequent cause of failure of a cast crown restoration is: a.

Failure to extend the crown preparation adequately into the gingival sulcus. ‫حافة اللثة‬ b. Lack of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth. c. Lack of attention to tooth shape, position, and contacts. *** d. Lack of prominent cusps, deep sulcus, and marginal ridges. Dental Decks - page 466

25. An examination of the edentulous mouth of an aged Pt. who has wore

maxillary complete dentures for many years against six mandibular teeth would probably show: a. Cystic degeneration of the foramina of the anterior palatine nerve. b. Loss of osseous structure in the anterior maxillary arch. *** c. Flabby ridge tissue in the posterior maxillary arch.


Insufficient interocclusal distance. Dental decks - page 390

26. Dental carries is an endemic disease, means that the disease is: a. b. c. d.


‫مستوطن‬ Occurs clearly in excess of normal expectancy. ‫أكثر بكثير من المتوقع‬ Is habitually present in human population. . ‫بشكل اعتيادي عند السكان‬ Affect large number of countries simultaneously. ‫يغزو دول عديدة بوقت واحد‬ Exhibit a seasonal pattern. ‫موسمي‬

27. Pt. on treatment with steroids are placed on antibiotic after oral surgical a. b. c. d.

procedure because: The Pt. is more susceptible to infection. *** Antibiotics are synergistic to steroids. Antibiotics inhibit herksheimer reaction. Antibiotics protect the Pt. from steroid depletion.

28. The post operative complication after the removal of impacted third molar is:

a. b. c. d. e.

Secondary hemorrhage. Swelling. Pain. Alveolar osteitis. All of the above. ***

29. If the oral tissues are inflamed and traumatized, impression for making a a. b. c. d. e.

new denture: Should be started immediately in order to prevent further deterioration. ‫تدهور‬ The occlusion of the existing denture is adjusted, and tissue condition material is applied, and periodically replaced until the tissues are recovered, then making impression takes place. ***. ‫تستخدم مكيفات النسيج لمعالجة اللثة‬ The Pt. is cautioned to remove the denture out at night. a & b are correct. All of the above are correct.

30. Polyether impression materials: a. b. c.

Are less stable dimensionally than polysulfide rubber. Are less stiff than polysulfide rubber. Can absorb water and swell if stored in water. ***

31. The indication for the use of lingual plate major connector includes: a. b. c. d.

For the purpose of retention. When the lingual frenum is high or when there is a shallow lingual sulcus. To prevent the movement of mandibular anterior teeth. All of the above. *** Dental decks 641

Contraindications for the use of lingual plate major connector : Crowding of * . lower anterior teeth

32. Lingual plate: a. Shallow sulcus. b. Mobile anterior teeth. c. Deep sulcus. d. a+b *** e. All of above. Dental decks 641

33. Lingual bar contraindication except : a- shallow lingual sulcus. b- long lingual frenum. c- Too crowded lower anterior teeth. *** d- Mobile anterior teeth.

34. Lingual bar indication: a- short lingual frenum. b- deep lingual sulcus. c- too crowded lower anterior teeth. d- all of the above. ***

35. In class I partially edentulous lower arch, selection of major connector a. b. c. d.

depends on: Height of lingual attachment. Mandibular tori. Periodontal condition of remaining teeth. All of the above. ***

36. An anterior fixed partial denture is contraindicated when: a. b. c. d.

Abutment teeth are not carious. An abutment tooth is inclined 15 degrees but otherwise sound. There is considerable resorption of the residual ridges. *** Crown of the abutment teeth are extremely long owing to gingival recession. Dental Decks - page 452

37. In registering the vertical dimension of occlusion for the edentulous a. b. c. d.

patient. The physiological rest dimension: Equals the vertical dimension of occlusion. ‫يعادل البعد العمودي الطباقي‬ May be exceeded if the appearance of the patient is enhanced. Is of little importance as it is subject to variations. Must always be greater than vertical dimension of occlusion. *** ‫أكبر من البعد‬ ‫ الطباقي‬. Dental Decks - page 496

38. Three weeks after delivery of a unilateral distal extension mandibular removable partial denture, a Pt. complained of a sensitive abutment tooth, clinical examination reveals sensitivity to percussion of the tooth, the most likely cause is: a. Defective occlusion. *** ( occlusal trauma ). b. Exposed dentine at the bottom of the occlusal rest seats. c. Galvanic action between the framework and an amalgam restoration in the abutment tooth. Dental Decks - page 618

39. Pt. with lower complete denture, intraoral examination shows slightly

elevated lesion with confirmed border, Pt. history of ill fitting denture. It is treated by: a. Immediate surgical removal. b. Instruct Pt. not to use denture for 3 weeks then follow up. *** c. Reassure Pt. and no need for treatment.

40. Examination of residual ridge for edentulous Pt. before construction of a. b.

denture determines stability, support and retention related to the ridge: True. *** False.

41. Upon examination of alveolar ridge of elderly Pt. for construction of lower a. b. c.

denture, easily displaceable tissue is seen in the crest of ridge. Management: Minor surgery is needed. Inform the Pt. that retention of denture will decrease. Special impression technique is required. *** Questions and Answers : ‫المرمجع‬

42. In recording man-max relation, the best material used without producing a. b. c.

pressure is: Wax. Compound. Bite registration paste. ***

( Zinc oxide & eugenol paste ).

43. The posterior seal in the upper complete denture serves the following

functions: It reduces pt. discomfort when contact occurs between the dorsum of the tongue and the posterior end of the denture base. b. Retention of the maxillary denture. *** c. It compensates for dimensional changes which occur in the acrylic denture base during processing. d. b & c are correct. *** a.

44. Function of post dam:

( PPS ) a. Prevents tongue from palate touch increase comfort. b. increases retention c. to compensate acrylic dimension. d. all. ‫التعويضات المتحركة الكاملة‬

45. In recording jaw relation, best to use: a.

Occlusal rim with record base. *** * ( record base = base plate ) in recording jaw relation = recording maxillomandibular relation and arrangement of the teeth. b. Occlusal rim with base wax. c. Occlusal rim with nacial frame. Dental Decks - page 428

46. During 3/4 crown preparation on premolar, bur used to add retentive grooves is: a. Radial fissure. b. Tapered fissure. ***

47. The goal of construction of occlusion rims is: 1.

To obtain the occlusal plane, vertical dimension, tentative centric relation, face low transfer & placement of the teeth. *** 2. To obtain the protrusive condylar guidance. 3. To obtain the lateral condylar posts and incisal guide. 4. None.

48. A temporary form representing the base of a denture which is used for

making maxillo-manibular ( jaw ) relative record for arranging teeth or for trail insertion in the mouth is: 1. Bite rims. 2. Custom tray. 3. Set up. 4. Base plate. *** (= record base)

49. To recheck centric relation in complete denture: a. b. c. d.

Ask Pt. to open and close. Ask Pt. to place tip of tongue in posterior area and close. *** To wet his lip and tongue. All of the above.

50. In Recent years, there has been an evidence that the prevalence and

intensity of the caries attack has been diminished in the more economically developed countries, mainly because of the wide spread use of: OR In recent years, caries reduced in developed countries mainly due to:

OR Cost effective method to prevent dental caries: a. Water fluoridation. *** b. Fluoride toothpaste. c. Dental health education programs. D. Individualized oral hygiene care. E. a & c. Dental Decks - page 1664 Dental decks pedo 2004- Page 148 % 60 -50 ‫*أدصبح من المعروف تماما أن استخدام الفلورايد في مياه الشرب بالدول المتقدمة أدى لنقاص تسوس السنان بنسبة‬

51. In terms of caries prevention, the most effective and most cost effective method is: a. Community based programs. *** ( Artificial water fluoridation ). b. Individually based programs. c. Private based programs.

52. The effects of natural fluoride versus added fluoride in reducing dental a. b. c.

caries as it relates to the concentration are: Greater. Less. *** The same. ‫الفلور المومجود فى الطعام)الفلورايد الطبيعى(هو أقل أهمية وتأثيرا في الوقاية من التسوس مقارناة بالفلور المضاف للماء)الفلورايد‬ (‫الصناعى‬

53. When does child should be first exposed for using tooth brush: a. b. c. d.

As eruption of first tooth. *** One year old. Two years old. Primary school year.

54. When a child must first exposed to the use of the tooth brush:

a- Of age of 2 years. b- Of age of 4 years. c- After eruption of primary teeth. *** (or Immediately after eruption of first tooth) Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) - page 25 * Brushing using a fluoride toothpaste should start as soon as the first teeth erupts ( about 6 months of age ). Parents should supervise brushing up to at least 7 yrs of age to avoid over-ingestion of toothpaste and ensure adequate plaque removal.

55. When tooth paste is used, the child is advised: a- Not swallow. ***

b- swallow a small amount. c- do not rinse. d- none.

56. Fluoridated toothpaste for 3 years child is: a. b. c. d. e.

Recommended. *** Not recommended. Common. Toxic Non of above. * Fluoridated toothpaste for 3 years child is recommended but under supervision in small pea-sized amount.‫ بكمية صغير ة مثل حجم حبة البازلء‬. National Fluoride Information Centre - Guide to Fluoride

57. Fluoride which we use in the clinic doesn’t cause fluorosis because: a. b. c. d.

It's not the same fluoride that cause fluorosis. Teeth already calcified. *** Calcium in the mouth counter. Saliva wasn’t out. Dental Decks - page 2229

58. Mentally ill child, the best way to apply fluoride: a. b. c. d.

Acidulated phosphate fluoride. Natural sodium fluoride. Fluoride varnish. *** Stannous fluoride.

59. Type of professionally applied fluoride for mentally retarded pt.: 1. Neutral sodium fluoride. 2. Stannous fluoride. 3. Acidulated fluoride solutions. .Flouridr varnish :‫* هذا النوع ف الختيارات هوا أفضلهم ولكن الفضل منه لهؤلء المرضى هو‬

60. Type of professionally applied fluoride for mentally retarded pt.: OR flouride application for mentally retarded p.t: 1. Neutral sodium fluoride. 2. Stannous fluoride. 3. Acidulated fluoride solution. 4. Fluoride varnish. ***

61. Fluoride decreases dental caries by remineralization of enamel: a. b.

True. *** False.

62. Person drinking fluoridated water, using toothbrush with fluoride, rinsing with fluoride mouthwash, then no need to put pit and fissure sealants in his permanent teeth: a. True. b. False. ***

63. Dental fluorosis: a. b. c. d. e.

Is indicative of systemic fluorosis. *** Can be contracted at any age. Becomes less noticeable with age. Is reversible. Is largely preventable.

64. Fluorides are most anticaries effective when: a. b. c. d. e.

Incorporated in the tooth enamel. *** Present in the blood stream. Present in the plaque and tissue fluids bathing the newly erupted tooth. Present in the ingested foods. Present on the intraoral mucous membranes.

65. Fluoride is not taken up systemically from which of the following sources: a. b. c. d.

Water. Food. Dentifrices. ‫ مستحضرات العناية بالسنان‬. Topical applications of fluoride. ***. ‫تطبيق موضعي‬

66. Fluoride reduces caries activity by:

a. Reduces bacterial adhesion and carbohydrate storage (antimicrobial activity). ‫ تقليل التصاق الجراثيم والمخزون السكري‬. b. Enhances the precipitation of insoluble fluoroapitite into the tooth structure. ‫ تشكيل فلورو أباتيت‬. c. Fluoride enhances remineralization of the noncavitated carious lesions. ‫ إعادة تمعدن الميناء غير المسوس‬. d. All of the above. e. b & c. *** Dental decks 2228 : ‫المرمجع‬ Dental decks 2232 . ‫* ل رابط بين الفلورايد وبين منع التصاق الجراثيم على السن‬

67. Optima water fluoridation: a) 1-1.5 mg\liter. *** b) 0.2-0.5 mg\liter. C) 2-3 mg\liter

68. Optima water fluoridation: a) 1 mg\liter. ***

b) 0.2-0.5 mg\liter. C) 2-3 mg\liter d) 0.5 mg\liter

69. Optima water fluoridation: a) 0.5 – 0.8 mg\liter. *** b) 0.2-0.5 mg\liter. C) 2-3 mg\liter d) 1-5 mg\liter Oxford Handbook of Clinic Dentistry 5Ed 2009 – Page 30-31 Sturdevant's Art & Science of Operative Dentistry 6Ed 2013 – Ch2 - Fluoride Exposure The optimal fluoride level for public water supplies is 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of wate (‫محمد‬.‫ )د‬1mg/liter ‫ وتعادل‬1.2ppm-1-0.7 ‫والنسبة المذكوره في اغلب المرامجع هي‬ . ‫* في المناطق الحارة حيث يكثر شرب الماء يجب أن يكون تركيز الفلورايد أقل‬ 45 ‫ كتاب طب أسنان الطفال ص‬: ‫المرمجع‬

70. Acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF): a- 1% fluoride ions b- 1.23%. *** (F = 12.3 mg/ml) c- 2%. d- 2.23%. Oxford Handbook of Clinic Dentistry 5Ed 2009 – Page 29 Dental Decks - page 2230

71. a. b. c. d.

Actual destruction of micro-organisms in the root canal is attributed mainly to: Proper antibiotic thereby. Effective use of medicament. Mechanical preparation and irrigation of the canal. *** None of the above.

72. A tooth very painful to percussion, doesn’t respond to heat, cold or the

a. b. c. d. e.

electric pulp tester. The most probable diagnosis is: OR 20 years old male pt. came with severe pain on chewing related to lower molars. Intraoral examination reveals no caries, good oral hygiene, no change in radiograph. Pt. gives history of bridge cementation 3 days ago. Diagnosis: Reversible pulpitis. Irreversible pulpitis. Acute apical periodontitis. *** Pulp Necrosis. None of the above

73. During post insertion examination of a 3 unit ceramometal fixed partial denture. One of the retainers showed chipping of porcelain at the ceramometal junction. In order to avoid the problem the dentist must: a. Reduce the metal to 0.3 mm.

b. c. d.

Have uniform porcelain thickness. Have occlusion on metal. Keep porcelain metal junction away from centric contacts. ***

74. What is a Pier abutment? a. b. c. d.

Single tooth holding one pontic. A tooth that supports a removable partial denture. All of the above. None of the above. ***

75. A pier abutment is : a. b. c. d.

Periodontally weak abutment. Edentulous space on both sides of the abutment. *** Edentulous space on one sides of the abutment. Abutment tooth away from the edentulous space.

76. Which are the ways in which the proximal contacts can be checked? a. b. c. d. e.

Use a pencil. Use a shim stock. ‫ورق عض‬ Use a silicone checker. Use a dental floss. ‫خيط سنى‬ Only b & d. ***

77. The incisal reduction for a metal ceramic restoration should be: a. 1.5 mm. b. 2 mm. *** c. 3 mm. d. 4 mm. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics

78. The occlusal reduction for an all metal veneer crown should: a.

Be as flat as possible to enable an easy fabrication of occlusion anatomy. ‫مستوي‬ b. Follow the occlusal morphology with a clearance rating from 1 to 1.5 mm . with the opposing dentition. *** c. Follow the occlusal morphology with a clearance of no more than 0.5 mm with the opposing dentition. d. Be the last step in the tooth preparation.

79. Gingival retraction is done: a. b. c. d. e. f.

To temporarily expose the finish margin of a preparation. To accurately record the finish margin of a portion of uncut tooth surface apical to the margin in the final impression. Even in the presence of a gingival inflammation. By various methods but the most common one is the use of retraction cord. a and b. a, b and c.


a, b and d. ***

80. Regarding tissue retraction around tooth: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Short duration of retraction of gingival margin during preparation of finishing line. Retraction of gingival margin during taking final impression to take all details of unprepared finish line. Usually retracted severely inflamed gingival margin. Retraction of gingival margin can be done by many ways one of them is retraction cord. a, b and c. b, c and d. a and d. ***

81. Loose enamel rods at the gingival floor of a class II amalgam cavity should a. b. c. d.

be removed using : Straight chisel. Hatchet. Gingival curetla. Gingival marginal trimmer. ***

Dental Decks - page 2180 Art and science of operative dentistry 2000 – page 315

82. Removal of undermined enamel in Class II cavity is done by : A) Chisel. *** ( Binangled chisel ) B) Angle former C) Excavator Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) – page 145

83. Hand instrument which we used to make internal angles retentive grooves and preparation of cavity walls in the cavity is: Angle former. *** (To shape line and point angels inter a cavity giving retention) b. Chisel ‫إزميل‬ c. File d. Enamel hatched a.

Art and science of operative dentistry 2000 – page 314 FUNDAMENTALS OF OPEERITIVE DENTISTRY – page 318

84. What is the cavo-surface angle of prep. for amalgam restoration: a. b. c. d.

30 degree 60 degree 90 degree *** 130 degree. Principles of OPERATIVE DENTISTRY

. ‫ درمجة حتى ل ينكسر الملغم‬90 - 70 ‫* يجب أن تكون الزاوية‬ . ‫ويختلف المر عند استخدام الحشوات التجميلية المعتمدة على اللصاق‬

85. To provide maximum strength of amalgam restoration the cavo-surface 1.

angles should: Approach 75

with outer surface.


Approach 90 with outer surface.

3. 4. a)

Be supported by sound dentine. Be located in area free of occlusal stress. 2+3+4. ***

86. Which of the following materials has been shown to simulate reparative a. b. c. d.

dentine formation most effectively when applied to the pulpal wall of a very deep cavity: Copalite varnish. Calcium hydroxide preparation. *** Zinc phosphate cement. Anhydrous class inomer cement.

87. Calcium hydroxide is best pulp capping material because: 1. 2. 3.

It has best seal over pulp. It is alkaline + less irritating to pulp. It induces reparation dentine formation. ***

88. patient came to dentist after previous stressful procedure complaining of burning & discomfort of his lip on examination u found lesions on the palate, diagnosis is: - contact dermatitis - allergy - aphthous ulcer - herpes simplex ( herpetic gingivostomatitis ) ***

89. patient came to you with multiple vesicles on the attached gingiva in the a. b. c. d.

area of upper anteriors after having extensive dental treatment the day before, what is the possible cause of the ulcers? recurrent aphthous ulcer recurrent herpes gingivostomatitis*** allergic stomatitis mucositis

90. Aphthous ulcer, compared with herpes ulcer is: a. b. c. d. e.

* Compared to herpetic ulcers, aphthous ulcers are: More characteristic in histology. Leaves scar. Less response to stress. Small size Occurs in lining mucosa. ***

91. Syphilis first appearance: a. b. c. d.

Multiple vesicle. ‫حويصلت‬ Erythematous reaction. Ulcer. *** Bullae. ‫فقاعات‬

92. Child with vesicles on the hard palate with history of malaise for 3 days what is the possible diagnosis: 1/ herpes simplex. *** 2/ erythema multiform

140 ‫أكسفورد ص‬ herpes simplex ‫الحويصلت والتوعك ) الضيق ( من علمات‬

93. Which virus is present in the patient's mouth all his Life? a. b. c. d.

Herpes Simplex Herpes zoster Varecilla Virus None of the above ***

* Herpes Simplex: Cold sores are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus.Once infected, they plague ‫كالطاعون )يظل متوامجد فى( يصيب‬the patient’s body for life. .Herpes Simplex (HSV1) ‫* الفيروس الذي يسكن الجسم ) وليس الفم ( مدى الحياة هو‬

94. Clinical failure of the amalgam restoration usually occurs from: a. b. c. d.

Improper cavity preparation. Faulty manipulation. Both of the above*** None of the above

95. It has been proven that amalgam restoration has the following a. b.

characteristics: Micro leakage decrease with aging of the amalgam restoration. It is the least techniques sensitive of all current direct restorations.

c. d. e. f. g.

High dimensional changes. a, b and c. a and c. a and b. *** b only. Art and science of operative dentistry 2000, Page 156 - 169

96. When polishing the amalgam restoration: a. b. c. d. e.

Avoid heat generation by using wet polishing paste. Wait 24 hours. a and b. *** b only. a only. Dental Decks - page 2304

97. Maximum time elapsed before condensation of amalgam after titration: a. b. c.

1minute. 3minutes. *** 9minutes.

98. After amalgam titrations, the mix should be placed within : a. b. c. d.

1 min. 3 min. *** 5 min. 10 min.

99. MOD amalgam restoration with deep mesial box, Pt. come with pain a. b. c. d.

related to it after 1 month due to: Pulp involvement. *** Supraocclusion. Upon contact. Gingival recession.

100. a. b. c. d.

Reduction in amalgam restoration should be: 1 - 1.5 mm. 1.5 - 2 mm. *** 2 - 3 mm. 3 - 5 mm. Art and science of operative dentistry 2000, page 659

101. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Depth of amalgam restoration should be: 1 – 1.5 mm. 1.5 – 2 mm. *** 2 – 3 mm. 3 – 5 mm.


Silicate cement:

a. b. c. d.

First tooth colored restoration. It can be used as permanent filling. It contains 15 % fluoride. a and c. *** Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry – page 475 Silicate cement is the first translucent filling material, was introduced in 1878 by Fletcher in England. dental material & thier selection2002 ‫ فلورايد‬% 25 -12 ‫يحتوي إسمنت السيلكات‬ Dental Decks part2 2007-2008 - page2066 ZOE,reinforced ZOE, ZOE-EBA, Silicate and zinc phosphate cements are no longer used as permanently cement restorations .

103. a. b. c.

Treatment of gingival trauma from faulty oral hygiene is mainly: To advice the patient to change their faulty habits immediately *** Reassure the patient that it will disappear by it self. To buy a new brush.

104. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following statement is true regarding dental calculus: It is composed entirely of inorganic material. It is dens in nature and has a rough surface. It is mineralized dental plaque. All of the above. b & c only. ***

105. a. b. c. d. e.

Overhanging restoration margins should be removed because: It provides ideal location for plaque accumulation. It tears the gingival fibers leading to attachment loss. Stimulate inflammatory reaction directly. Its removal permits more effective plaque control. a & d. ***

106. a. b. c. d.

Main use of dental floss: Remove calculus. Remove over hang. Remove bacterial plaque. Remove food debris.


What is the benefit of rinsing the mouth with water: A) Plaque removal B) calculus removal C) washing the food debris. ***

108. a. b.

What is the benefit of rinsing the mouth with water:

Plaque removal Prevent the formation of plaque.


Dilute the concentration of bacteria


The water rins devices for periodontal therapy has a main goal which

is: a- remove plaque b- prevent plaque attachment c- dilute bacterial toxin d- remove dental pocket


One of these is less exposed to extensive dental caries: a- Obes, malnourished b- Pt. has xerostomia c- Less plaque score. ***


Calculus induces further periodontal lesion due to: a) Directly stimulates inflammation b) more plaque adhere to it. *** c) irritate the gingiva


Missing lower six and tilted 7: a- Uprighting of molar by orthodontics. *** b- Proximal half crown. c- Telescope crown. d- Non rigid connector. ‫حسب المرمجع التالي يجب ومجود تخيار كل ما سبق‬ Oxford handbook, 3rd edition, page 303


Floss used to: a. Remove interproximal plaque. *** b. Remove overhangs. c. Stimulate gingival.


Plaque consists of: a. Bacteria b. Inorganic material c. Food

115. a. b. c. d.

To prevent perio problem, most effective method is: Community program. Removal of plaque. *** Patient education. Water floridation


Length of pins must be equals in both tooth and restoration by a depth of: a. 1 mm. b. 2 mm. ***

c. d.

3 mm. 4 mm.

117. a. b.

Calcium channel blockers cause increase saliva secretion:

True. False. ***

118. a. b. c.

RCT contraindicated in: Vertical fracture of root. *** Diabetic Pt. Periodontally involved teeth.

119. a. b. c. d.

What can we use under composite restoration: Ca (oh). *** ZOE. ZINC phosphate cement. a and c


Gutta percha contains mainly: a. gutta percha 20%. b. zinc oxide 66%. ***

121. a. b.

Component of gutta percha: 50% Gp & 50% ZOE. 20% Gp & 70% ZOE. *** Cohen's Pathway of The Pulp 10th Ed 2011, Page 363 Gutta percha cones consist of : Matrix Gutta percha: 20% filler Zinc oxide: 65% Radiopacifier heavy metal sulfates: 10% Plasticizer waxes and resins: 5% Ingle’s Endodontics 6Ed 2008, Page 1020 G.P: 18-22% Zinc oxide filler: 59-76% Radiopacifier heavy metal sulfate: 1-18% Plasticizer wax & resins: 1-4%

122. a. b. c. d.

Single rooted anterior tooth has endodontic treatment is best treated by: (If a substantial amount of coronal structure is missing) Casted post and core. *** Performed post and composite. Performed post and amalgam. Composite post and core


Post fracture decreases with: prefabricated post ready made post casted post. ***

metal post


Teeth with RCT and you want to use post, which post is the least cause to tooth fracture : 1. Ready made post. 2. Casted post. 3. Fiber post. *** 4. Prefabricated post.


During post removal the first thing to do is: A) Remove the G.P B) Remove all the old restoration, undermined enamel & caries. *** C) Insertion of post immediately


For root canal treated tooth u choose to put post & amalgam this depends on: 1. Remaining coronal structure.*** 2. Root divergence. 3. Presence of wide root. 4. Others


Post length increasing will: increase retention. *** increase resistance. increase strength of restoration.

128. a. b. c.

2mm 10mm 5mm. ***

129. a. b. c. d.

For post preparation we should leave ……mm of GP:

( 4 – 5 mm. ) Post and core - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : ‫المرمجع‬

Which of the following endodontic failure may be retreated only with

surgery: Missed major canal. Persistent interappointment pain. Post and core. *** Short canal filling.


Which of the following failure may be treated nonsurgically: Post filling that has removed. *** Severe apical perforation. ‫انثقاب شديد‬ Very narrow canal with a periapical lesion and the apex can not be reached. d. None of the above. a. b. c.

131. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

In post and core preparation must: Extend to contrabevel. Extend to full length tooth preparation. Take same shape of natural tooth. Take shape of preparation abutment. a & d. *** a & b. d & c. b & c.

132. a. b. c.

After RCT, for insertion of post dowel: Post applied pressure. Post should be lose. Insert it without pressure but with retention. ***

133. a. b. c. d.

Amount of GP should after post preparation: 1 mm. 4-5 mm. 10 mm. None of the above.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) – page 154

134. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Post retention depends on: Post length. Post diameter. Post texture. Core shape. Design of the preparation. a and b a, b and c. All of the above.

135. a. b. c. d.

The best restoration for max. central incisor that has received RCT through conservatively prepared access opening would be: Post-retained metal-ceramic crown. Post-retained porcelain jacket crown. Composite resin. *** None of the above.


One of anatomical land marks ( in determining the posterior occlusal plane during denture construction ) is : a. Ala tragus line. *** b. Ala orbital. c. Frank fort plane.


The PH of the calcium hydroxide is: 5.5 7.5 12 *** (12.5) 19

a. b. c. d.


Hyperemia results in: ‫تؤدى الى‬ Trauma of occlusion. Pain of short duration. Radiographic changes. All of above.

a. b. c. d.


Tooth had trauma resulted in hyperemia? a) pain increased with cold b) reverible condition c) pain of short duration d) b and c e) all

140. a. b. c. d.

The x- ray of choice to detect the proximal caries of the anterior

teeth is: Periapical x-ray. Bitewing x-ray. Occlusal x-ray. None of the above.


In primary teeth, pathologic changes in radiographs are always seen

in: a. b. c. d.

Periapical area. Furcation area. *** ‫مفترق الجذور‬ Alveolar crest. At base of developing teeth. Dental Decks - page 1534


Pulpities in decidous teeth in radiograph seen related to a.furcation. *** b.apex of root c.lateral to root

143. 1. 2. 3.

In deciduous tooth the first radiographic changes will be seen in: Bifurcation area. Apical area. External root resoption. * ‫وإذا مجاء فى السؤال ووضح أن المقصود هو التغيرات التى تحدث مع ظهور السنان الدايئمة تحت السنان اللبنية فتكون التغيرات التى‬ ‫ ( تحدث طبعا هى ذوبان مجذور السنان‬External root resoption ‫( اللبنية‬

144. a. b. c. d.

Eruption cyst "Eruption hematoma" can be treated by: No treatment. *** Immediate incision. Complete uncoverage Observe for one week then incise

Oral pathology clinical pathologic correlation,3rd Ed, Page 296 No treatment is needed because the tooth erupts through the lesion.

145. a. b. c. d.

After trauma a tooth becomes yellowish in color, this is due to: Necrotic pulp. Irreversible pulpitis. Pulp is partially or completely obliterated. Hemorrhage in the pulp. *** Principles and Practice of Endodontics (Torabinejad) – Page 45

146. a. b. c. d.

Step deformity of the mandibular body fracture may due to: Forward pull of lateral pterygoid muscle. Upward pull of masseter and temporalis. *** Toward pull of medial pterygoid muscle. Downward pull of geniohyoid and myalohyoid.‫ة‬

147. a. b. c. d.

What is the copper ratio that eliminates gamma phase 2: 2% copper 4% copper 10 % copper 13 % copper ***

148. abcd-

To prevent discoloration under amalgam filling: use Zn phosphate box use cavity varnish. *** (to prevent mercury leakage to dentin tubuls) wash the cavity with NaOCL b4 filling use the correct amalgam-alloy ratio

149. a. b. c. d.

Inorganic materials in bone compromise: 65%. *** 25% 10% 95%

150. a. b. c.

Polishing bur have: Less than 6 blades. 6-7 blades. 10-12 blades.


More than 12 blades. (Carbide bur blades)

151. a. b. c. d.

Pain during injection of local anesthesia in children could be minimized by: Slowly injection. Talking to the child during injection. Using long needle. a and b. ***

152. a. b. c. d. e. f.

Rubber dam is contraindicated in: OR With children rubber dam not use with: Pt. with obstructive nose. *** Mentally retarded Pt. Handicapped and Uncooperative child. Patient with fixed orthoappliance. Hyperactive patient a and b.

153. a. b. c. d.

The most common type of biopsy used in oral cavity is: Excisional biopsy. Incisional biopsy. *** * Also called : traditional or conventional biopsy. Aspiration through needle. Punch biopsy. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 5th Ed 2009, Page 373 the common type is Incisional biopsy e.g. Fine-needle aspiration, punch biopsy and Trephines, True cut needle aspiration.

154. a. b. c.

In maxillary 1st molar 4th canal is found in: MB canal. *** DB canal. Palatal root.

155. a. b. c.

Formocresol used in: Full concentration. 5th concentration. ‫الخامس‬ One fifth concentration. ***

5/1 : ‫تخمس‬

156. a. b. c. d.

Formocresol when used should be: Full Saturated. Half saturated. Fifth saturated. None of the above. ***

Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent 9Ed 2011 (McDonald)- Page 352 Formocresol 1:5 concentration is a safer medicament Cohen's Pathway of the pulp 10Ed 2011, Page 824-826 • Application of 1:5 dilute formocresol solution for 5 minutes • Application of 15% ferric sulfate solution for 15 seconds

• Application of Mineraltrioxide aggregate MTA Formulation of a One-Fifth Dilution of Formocresol Solution 1 part Buckley’s formocresol solution is mixed with: • 1 part distilled water and 3 parts glycerin. Formulation of Full-Strength Buckley’s Formocresol Formaldehyde 19% Tricresol 35% Glycerin 15% Water 31%


10 years old child presents with bilateral swelling of submandibular area, what could be the disease: a. Fibrous dysphasia. b. Cherubism *** ‫ورم زوايا الفك‬ c. Polymorphic adenoma. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 5th Ed 2009, Page 378 White and pharaoh,oral radiology principles and interpretation,4th,462 Cherubism : the most common presenting sign is a painless, firm, bilateral enlargement of the lower face. It develops in early childhood.

158. a. b. c. d.

Pt. complains from pain in 45 which had gold onlay. The pain could be due to: Chemicals from cement. High thermal conductivity of gold. *** Related to periodontal ligament. Cracked tooth or fractured surface. Dental Decks - page 2134

159. a. b. c. d.

The irrigation solution is good because: Lubricate the canals. Flushes the debris. None of the above. All of the above. ***


Which is most common: a. Cleft lip. b. Cleft palate. c. Bifid tongue. d. Cleft lip and palate. *** (Most common & most complicated) Peterson’s Oral & Maxillofacial, surgery page 841 Clefts of the upper lip and palate are the most common major congenital craniofacial abnormality.

Atlas of Oral Diseases in Children Cleft lip and palate are more common together than is cleft lip alone.


a. b. c. d. e. f.

Which cranial nerve that petrous part of temporal bone houses:

OR Pass throw parotid gland: ‫يعبر الغدة النكفية‬ OR The nerve which supplies the tongue and may be anesthetized during nerve block injection: V. (5 = Trigeminal n). VII. (7 = Facial n). *** X. (10 = Vagus n.( VIII. (8 = Vestibalcochealer n). IX. (9 = Glossopharyngeal n). XII (12= Hypoglossal n). Dental decks 1904 If needle placed too posteriorly, anaesthetic may be put into parotid gland (dangerous systemic effects) or paralyse facial N. , resulting in Bells symptoms If needle placed too medially, medial pterygoid muscle can be injected, .resulting in trismus The sphenomandibular ligament is most often damaged in an inferior alveolar nerve block

162. a. b. c.

21 years old Pt. with pathological exposure in 35. Management: Direct pulp capping. Indirect pulp capping. Root canal treatment. ***

163. a. b. c. d.

Hypercementosis: Occur in Pajet disease. Difficult to extract. Bulbous root. ‫مجذر بصلي‬ All the above. *** Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 5th Ed 2009, Page 378 Dental secrets – page 256 Hypercementosis increases the difficulty of tooth removal.


For onlay preparation, reduction of functioning cusp should be: a. 1.5 mm. *** b. 2 mm. c. 1 mm. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics + Dental Decks - page 2122

165. a. b. c.

Thickness of porcelain should be: 0.3 - 0.5 mm. 0.05 - 0.15 mm. 0.5 - 1.5 mm. ***

Dental Decks - page 442 The necessary thickness of the metal substucture is 0.5 mm. The minimal porcelain thickness is 1.0 - 1.5 mm. ‫دصيغة أتخرى للسؤال يرمجى النتباه‬:


Thickness of porcelain should be: 0.3 - 0.5 mm. 0.05 - 0.15 cm. *** = 0.5 – 1.5 mm. * ‫ركز فى الجابة مكتوب سم وليس مم يعنى ممكن الواحد يتلخبط بسهولة جدا بمجرد رؤيته الرقا م وليركز على وحد ة القياس يفترض أن‬ ‫ تكون بالمم بس هو جابها مساوية بالسم‬. c. 0.5 - 1.5 cm. a. b.

167. a. b. c. d.

Class II composite resin is lined by: G.I. *** Reinforced ZOE. ZOE with epoxy cement. Cavity varnish.

168. a. b.

Occlusal plane is: Above the level of the tongue. Below the level of the tongue. *** mcqs in Dentistry the tongue rests on the occlusal surface

169. a. b. c. d.

1. 2. *** 5. 7.

170. a. b. c. d.

Embryo becomes fetus in: 1 week 1st month. 2nd month. 3rd month. *** ‫في بداية الشهر الثالث‬

‫تتحول المضغة إلى مجنين‬


171. a. b.

Lateral pterygoid muscle has how many origin:

All are single bone in the skull EXCEPT: Lacrimal. *** ‫الدمعي‬ Occipital. ‫القذالي‬

c. d.

Sphenoid. ‫الوتدي‬ Parietal. ‫الجداري‬

172. a. b. c. d.

The scientific evidence in dictating that oral lichen planus is a "premalignant lesion" is: Very strong Non-existent Moderately strong Weak. *** Rare malignant transformation ( 0.5 – 3% ) .

173. a. b. c. d. e.

Oral lesions of lichen planus usually appear as: White striae. *** ‫" تخطوط بيضاء‬Wickham striae" Red plaque. Shallow ulcers. ‫قرحات مسطحة‬ Papillary projections. Builae. ‫فقاعات‬ Dental Decks - page 1340

174. a. b. c. d. e.

The oral lesions of the lichen planus: Are usually painful. Rarely appear before lesion elsewhere on the body. May be part of a syndrome in which lesions also appear on the skin, conjunctiva and genitalia. *** ‫الجلد والملتحمة والعضاء التناسلية‬ Often appear in nervous, high-strung individuals. Heals with scarring. ‫يترك ندبة‬

175. a. b. c. d. e.

All of the following are oral features of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS EXCEPT: Candidiasis. Erythema multiform. *** ‫نادرا ما تصاحب اليدز‬ Hairy leukoplakia. Rapidly progressing periodontitis. Kaposi's sarcoma. ‫ مومجودة مع اليدز ولكن بنسبه دصغيره مجدا مجدا )غير شايئعة( إذا‬Erythema multiform ‫ كنا اخترناه‬Non of the above ‫لو هناك خيار ليس من السابق‬

176. a. b. c. d. e.

Hairy trichoglossia may be caused by: ‫تشعر اللسان يكون بسبب‬ Broad spectrum antibiotic. H2O2 mouth wash. (Hydrogen peroxide = (H2O2) ) Systemic steroid. Heavy smokers. All of the above. *** "Dental Secrets 2Ed" : ‫المرمجع‬ .‫يضاف لها نقص اللعاب وتناول مركبات البزموت والصحة الفموية السيئة‬

177. a.

In hairy tongue, which taste buds increase in length: Filli form. ***

b. c. d.

Fungi form. Foliate. Circumvallates. Dental Decks - page 1337

178. a. b. c.

Coronal suture is between: Occipital and temporal bone. Frontal and parietal bones. *** Occipital and tympanic bone.

179. a. b. c.

During instrumentation, sudden disappear of root canal due to: Bifurcation of main canal. *** Apical perforation. Calcification. Dental decks 154

180. a. b. c. d.

Space loose occurs in: Proximal caries. Early extraction. Ankylosis. All of the above. ***

181. a. b. c. d.

What is the number of pharyngeal "branchial" arches:

4. 5. 6. *** 7. "Anatomy of the Human Body " : ‫المرمجع‬

182. a. b. c. d.

What is the name of first pharyngeal "branchial" arch: Maxillary. Mandibular. *** Thyroid hyoid


Stomodeum and fugi separated by: 1/ buccopharyngeal arch. ( buccopharyngeal membrane ). 2/ ectodermal cleft *The stomodeum is separated from the anterior end of the fore-gut by the buccopharyngeal membrane.

184. a. b. c.

In cavity preparation, the width of the cavity is: 1/2 inter cuspal distance. 1/3 inter cuspal distance. *** 2/3 inter cuspal distance.

185. a. b. c. d.

Polyvinyl siloxanes compared with polysulfide: Can be poured more than once. Can be poured after 7 days. Less dimensional stability. a and b. ***


The most accurate impression material for making impression of an oral cavity is: The best material for taking impression for full veneer crowns: a- Irreversible hydrocolloid (Alginate) (the least accurate imp. mat.). b- condensation type silicon. c- polyvinyl siloxanes. *** (Addtional silicon type) d- poly sulfide.

187. a. b. c. d.

Hand over mouth technique is used in management of which child: Mentally retarded. Positive resistance. Uncooperative. Hysterical. *** ‫هستيري‬

188. a. b. c. d.

Pits and fissures sealants are indicated in: Deep Pits and fissures. Newly erupted teeth. Proximal caries. a and b. ***


Pit and fissure sealants are indicated to prevent dental caries in pits and fissures: a. In primary teeth b. In permanent teeth c. a & b. *** Dental Decks - page 2250

190. a. b. c. d.

The rationale for pit-and-fissure sealants in caries prevention is that they: Increase the tooth resistance to dental caries. Act as a barrier between the sealed sites and the oral environment. *** Have anti-microbial effect on the bacteria. None of the above answers is correct. Dental Decks - page 2250

191. a. b. c. d.

Teeth that have lost pits and fissure sealant show: The same susceptibility to caries as teeth that have not been sealed. Higher susceptibility than non sealed teeth. Lower susceptibility than non sealed teeth. *** The same susceptibility as teeth with full retained sealant.

Primary Preventive Dentistry - 6th Ed (2004) Teeth that have been sealed and then have lost the sealant have had fewer lesions than control teeth.This is possibly due to the presence of tags that are retained in the enamel after the bulk of the sealant has been sheared from the tooth surface. When the resin sealant flows over the prepared surface, it penetrates the finger-like depressions created by the etching solution. These projections of resin into the etched areas are called tags.


20 yr old p.t all his first molars carious and suspected pit and fissure areas of the second molars. Treatment plan: a. Restore all first molars and observe second molars. B. Restore all first molars and topical fluoride on second molars. C. Restore all first molars and seal pits and fissures of second molars. *** d. Restore first and second molars with composite. E. Restore first and second molars with amalgam.


Most tooth surface affected by caries: a) Pit and fissure. *** b) Root surface. C) Proximal surface.


Pit & fissure least effective with: a/ tweny-four month year. ( 2 years ). b/ primary molar. c/ 2nd primary molar. d/ 5 years old child. ‫مهمة للسنان البازغة حديثا و بعمر تخمس سنوات ل يومجد أسنان بازغة حديثا‬ *Age range for application of pit and fissures sealants is as follows :

  3-4 years of age for the primary molar   6-7 years of age for first permanent molar   11-13 years of age for second permanent molars and the premolars.


Procedure done before applying pit & fissure sealant: a- Acid etch by phosphoric acid. *** b- floride Dental Decks - Page 2224

196. 1) 2) 3) 4)

Success of pit & fissure sealants is affected mainly by: increased time of etching contamination of oral saliva. *** salivary flow rate. proper fissure sealant.

Dental Decks - page 2250

197. a. b. c. d.

Management of knife edge ridge in complete denture: Reline with resilient material. Maximum coverage. *** Wide occlusal label. All of the above.

Dental Decks

198. a. b. c.

The antibiotic of choice in pregnant: Metronidazole. Penicillin. *** Tetracycline.

199. a. b. c. d.

Verrucous carcinoma: Malignant. *** Benign. Hyperplastic Non of above

200. a. b. c.

Suture commonly used in oral cavity: Black silk. *** Cat gut. Chromic.

The most commonly used suture for oral cavity is 3-0 black silk.

201. a. b.

In combined endo-perio problem: Start with endodontic IX. *** Start with periodontic IX.

202. a. b. c. d.

Tooth fracture during extraction may be occur due to: Non vital tooth. Diabetic Pt. Improper holding by forceps. a and c. ***

203. a. b. c.

Caries consists of: Bacteria. *** Fluid. Epithelial cells.

204. a. b.

Amount of reduction in PFM crown: 1.5 - 2. *** 1.7 - 2.


2 - 5.

205. a. b. c. d.

AH26 is root canal sealer consists of:

ZOE. Epoxy resin. *** Steroids all of the above


Patient comes to your clinic complaining that the denture become tight, during examination you notice nothing, but when the patient stand you notice that his legs are bowing (curved). What you suspect: OR Pt. came with prominence in the forehead and the potassium sulfate level increased with curved legs and enlarged mandible and maxilla: Hypercementosis and ankylosis are seen in: A) Paget’s disease. *** B) monocytic fibrous dysplasia. C) hyperparathirodism.


The most prevalent primary molar relationship: ‫الشاكئعة‬ a- Flush terminal plane. *** b- mesial step terminal plane. c- distal step terminal plane.

208. a. b. c.

In primary teeth. The ideal occlusal scheme is: Flush terminal. Mesial step. *** Distal step.


Dental Decks - Page 252

209. a. b.

When you give a child a gift for a good behavior this is called: Positive reinforcement. *** Negative reinforcement.


In distal extension RPD. during relining, occlusal rest was not seated: a. Remove impression and repeat it. *** b. Continue and seat it after relining. c. Use impression compound.

211. a. b.

After taking alginate impression: Wash with water and spray with sodium hydrochloride for 10 sec. Same but wait 5-10 min. and then put in sealed plastic bag. ***


Many parts of bones are originally cartilaginous that replaced by bone: a. True. *** b. False.

213. a. b.

Buccal object role in dental treatment of maxillary teeth: MB root appears distal to P if cone is directed M to D. DB root appears mesial to P if cone is directed M to D.***

214. a. b. c. d.

Occlusal plane should be: Parallel to interpupillary line. Parallel to ala tragus line. At least tongue is just above occlusal plane. All of the above. ***


Pt. comes for check up, no complaining, after radiograph u see well circumscribed radiolucent area related to mandibular molar & the periphery was radiopaque which not well defined border the diagnosis is: 1. Simple (Traumatic) bone cyst. *** OR Called unicameral bone cyst


Scallopped border above inferior alveolar canal between roots of mandibular molars, this lesion is: a) Solitary cyst. b) Aneurysmal bone cyst. c) Traumatic bone cyst. *** ( = simple bone cyst = unicameral bone cyst).


Cyst between roots of mandibular molars, above the mandibular canal has Scallopped border above inferior alveolar canal, on inspiration straw like exudate, the teeth were vital, no periodontal involvment this lesion is: a. Static bone cyst b. Stafne bone cyst c. Aneurismal bone cyst d. Unicameral bone cyst.***

Unicameral bone cysts = traumatic bone cyst = simple bone cyst = solitary bone cyst= hemorrhagic bone cyst = progressive bone cyst = idiopathic bone cyst = Idiopathic bone cavity .

218. a. b. c.

Radiographic radioulucency in the interradicular area: Invasion of furcation. Periodontal abcess. Periodontal cyst. ( radicular cyst ) ( periapical cyst ) .

Oral RadiologyY 5th Ed – Page 321


Mental foramen appears in radiograph as radiolucent round area in the area of: a. Mandibular premolars. *** b. Mandibular incisors. c. Maxillary canine.

220. a. b. c. d. e.

Radiographic diagnosis of a well-defined, unilocular radiolucent area between vital mandibular bicuspias is more likely to be: Residual cyst. The mental foramen. *** A radicular cyst. Osteoporosis. None of the above.

221. a. b. c. d.

Which cyst is not radiolucent? Globulomaxillary cyst. Follicular cyst. ( = Dentigerous cyst ) Dentigerous cyst. ( = Follicular cyst ) Non of the above.*** All cysts are radiograohically radiolucent.


Cyst in x- ray: 1. Radiolucent with bone expansion. 2. Radiolucent with bone resorption. *** "MASTER DENTISTRY- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radilolgy, Pathology and Oral Medicine – Page 149" * Cyst growth : Several mechanisms are described for cyst growth, including: • Epithelial proliferation. • Internal hydraulic pressure. • Bone resorption.


Which of the following lesions has more tendency to show well defined multilocular radiolucency: a. Lateral periodontal cyst. b. Squamous cell carcinoma of jaw bones. c. Primordial cyst. d. Ameloblastoma. *** e. Osteomylitis of the mandible.


Radiographic diagnosis of bone destructive in the mandible without evidence of bone formation is: a. Osteomyelitis.

b. c. d.

Malignancy. *** Fracture. osteoradionecrosis. Dental secrets – page 115


A 60 years man has been treated for a squamous cell carcinoma by radical radiotherapy. He has a history of chronic alcoholism and was a heavy smoker. 6 years after treatment, he develops a painful ulcer in the alveolar mucosa in the treated area following minor trauma. His pain worsens and the bone became progressively exposed. He is treated by a partial mandibular resection with graft. The diagnosis is: a. Acute osteomylitis b. Gerre's osteomylitis c. Osteoradionecrosis *** d. Chronic osteomylitis


Osteoradionecrosis is more in: a. Maxilla b. Mandible. *** c. No difference


Radiographic diagnosis of bilateral expansible radiopaque areas in the canine premolar region of the mandible is: a. Hematoma. b. Remaining roots. c. Tours mandibularis. *** d. Internal oplique ridge. e. Genial tubercle.

228. a. b. c.

In radiographs, which disease causes multiple radiolucencies: Hypothyroidism. Hyperparathyroidism. *** Ricket disease.

229. a. b. c. d.

The following are multilocular radiolucencies in x-ray EXCEPT: Ameloblastoma. Odontogenic keratocyst. Adenomatoid odontogenic cyst. *** Myxoma.


33 years old female Pt. comes with slow growing swelling in the angle of the mandible. Radiograph shows radiopaque with radiolucent border diagnosis: a. Osteoma. b. Osteosarcoma. c. Cementoblatoma. ***


Female with swelling in left of mandible, slowly increasing, radiopaque surrounded by radiolucent band: a. Osteoma. b. Ossifying fibroma. c. Cementoblastoma. *** d. Osteosarcoma.


Patient came to your clinic with severe pain, on x-ray the right side of the mandible has radiolucency with a radiopaque border that resembles the sunshine rays. Your diagnosis is : A) Ossifying fibroma B) Osteosarcoma. *** C) Acute osteomyelitis

233. a. b. c. d.

The most common type of malignant bone tumor of the jaws is: Osteochondrosarcoma. Osteosarcoma. *** Leiomyosarcoma. Chondrosarcoma. "Oral pathology clinical pathologic correlation " : Chondrosarcoma ‫بينما الساركوما الغضروفية هي الثانية‬


Child 12 years old with swelling in the mandibular premolars area, first premolar clinically missing, in X-ray examination we found radiolucent is cover the pericoronal part of the 3rd molar is: OR Young pt. came without any complain. During routine X-ray appears between the two lower molars lesion diameter about 2mm. & extend laterally with irregular shape. What’s the type of cyst: OR Young with swelling in the mandible ( # 6 – 7 -8) area, 3rd molar clinically missed, in X-ray examination we found Radiolucent is cover the pericoronal part of the 3rd molar DIAGNOSIS : OR Radiolucent are cover the pericornal part of the 3rd molar is: 1. Dentigerous cyst. ***


Osteomyelitis more common in: a. Maxilla b. Mandible *** c. Zygoma d. Nasal septum e. Condyle


Diabetic patient came to clinic with pain, swelling & enlarged mandible, on radiograph it showed moth eaten appearance, your diagnosis is: a) Acute osteomyelitis. b) Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis.*** c) Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis. d) Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis. (cotton wool appearance).


Patient suffering from pain in the area of the mandibular molars with paresthesia ( numbness ) in the lower lip. By clinical and radiographic examination your diagnosis: A) Acute osteomyelitis. ***


The x-ray shows scattered radiopaque line in the mandible jaw, the diagnosis will be: A- Paget disease. *** B- Garres syndrome C- Fibrous dysplasia D- Osteosarcoma


Pt. came with fracture because of blow in the right side of his face. He has ecchymosis around the orbit in the right side only and subjunctional bleeding in the maxillary buccal vestible with limited mouth open what is ur diagnosis? A- le fort 1 b- lofort 2 c- lefort 3 D- zygomatic fracture. ***


Moon face appearance is not present in: a. Le fort I. B. Le fort II. C. Le fort III d. Zygomatic complex. *** e. Le fort II and Le fort III. Bhatia's Dentogist : mcqs in Dentistry (Clinical Sciences) with Explanatory Answers.


Open bite is seen in: a: lefort 2 b: unilateral condyle fracture c: bilateral condyle fracture ***

242. ‫ موجودين‬:

What is the first sign if there is fracture in the face ‫ كلهم‬.. ‫مفيش علمة أولية‬

1. 2. 3. 4.

Fluid paranasal. Diastic suture. Overlap of bone. All the above. ***

243. a. b. c.

By aging, pulp tissue will: OR Pulp with age: Decrease collagen fibers. Increase cellularity and vascularity. Decrease pulp chamber size. ***


Complete blood count "CBC" is a laboratory test important in dentistry: a. True. *** b. False.

245. a. b. c. d. e.

Diagnosis prior to RCT should always be based on: Good medical and dental history. Proper clinical examination. Result of pulp vitality test. A periapical radiographs. All of the above. ***

246. a. b. c. d.

Which of the followin used to disinfect gutta percha: Boiling. Autoclave. Chemical solutions "Agents" *** ( Naocl ). Dry heat sterilization.

247. abc-

To disinfect gutta percha points use:

H2O2 5.2% Naocl a&b Endodontics 4th Ed, Page 126-128 * The primary GP points selected should be sterilized with Naocl, H2O2 or Chlorhexidine.


Most convenient and effective form of sterilization of dental instruments: a. Boiling. b. Autoclave. ***


The role of good sterilization: 1. Washing, inspection, autoclave, drying, storage. ***

2. Inspection, autoclave, drying, storage. 3. Autoclave, drying, storage. 4. Autoclave is enough.


Protocol of sterilization: Initial cleaning, inspection, cleaning, sterilization, storage. ***


Autoclave relative to 100f dry oven: a) the same time b) slightly higher time c) considerable higher time d) Less time. ***


What is the type of sterizliation applied on ligation/fixation wires: A) Autoclave. ***


Why the moisture heat sterilization (autoclave) is better than dry heat sterilization (oven) : A) Makes the instruments less rusty and blunt B) Needs more time and affects the proteins of the cell membrane C) Needs less time and affects the proteins of the cell membrane. ***


AUTOCLAVE PRINCIPLE: a. Breaks the protein cell membrane at moderately low temp. *** b. Breaks the protein cell membrane at very high temp.

255. a. b. c. d.

Which one of the following is a disadvantage of autoclaving endodontics instruments: It can dull the sharp edges of instruments. *** ‫تقلل الحدة‬ All forms of bacteria are not destroyed by it. Compared to other technique it takes too long to sterilize. None of the above. "Dental Secrets" ‫ إمكانية قلة حدة السطوح القاطعة ودصدأ أدوات الكاربايد وضرورة تجفيف الدوات‬: ( ‫مساوئ التعقيم بالحرارة الرطبة ) التوكلف‬ . ‫وتغليفها قبل التعقيم‬

256. a. b. c. d.

The radiographic criteria used for evaluating the success of endodontic therapy: Reduction of the size of the periapical lesion. *** No response to percussion and palpation test. Extension of the sealer cement through lateral canals. None of the above.


If the maxillary first molar is found to have four canals, the fourth canal is likely found: a. In the disto-buccal root.

b. c. d.

In the mesio-buccal root. *** In the palatal root. None of the above.


What is the basis for current endodontic therapy of a periapical

lesion: Due to rich collateral circulation system, the perpical area usually heals despite the condition of the root canal. ‫التروية الدموية الغنية تكفى‬ b. If the source of periapical irritation is removed, the potential for periapical healing is good. *** c. Strong intracanal medications are required to sterilized the canal and periapical area to promote healing. d. Periapical lesions, especially apical cyst, must be treated by surgical intervention. a.

259. a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

To enhance strength properties of ceramometal restoration, it is important to: Avoid sharp or acute angles in the metal structure. Build up thick layer of porcelain. Porcelain should be of uniform thickness and any defect of the preparation should be compensated by the metal substructure. Compensate any defect in the preparation equally by porcelain and metal substructure. a and b are correct. a and c are correct. *** b and d are correct. Shillingburg 3rd Ed, Page 457


a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Endodontically treated 2nd maxillary premolar with moderate M & D caries is best restored by: OR The best method to protect teeth that underwent bicuspidization procedure from fracture: OR Old pt. came to replace all old amalgam filling he had sever occlusal attriation the best replacement is: OR Female came needing endodontic for central insicor, and has composite restorations in the mesial and distal walls and has attrition in the insicial edge the best restoration: Amalgam. Composite 3/4 crown. Full crown. *** Metal crown. splint with composite orthodontic splint Dental decks – page 273


HBV can be transmitted by transplacenta: ‫المشيمة‬ True. *** False.

a. b.

262. 1. 2. 3. 4.

a. b. c. d.

Bleeding of the socket following tooth extraction: Is always a capillary bleeding in nature. Takes not less than half – day in normal individual. Is always favorable if it is primary type. Can be due to the presence of a nutrient vessel. 1 and 2 are correct. 1, 2 and 3 are correct. 1, 3 and 4 are correct. *** All are correct.

263. a. b.

In sickle cell anemia, O2 is decreased in oral mucosa: ‫فقر الدم المنجلي‬ True. *** False.


Destruction of RBC may cause anemia and it is due to defect in cell membrane: a. True. *** b. False.

265. a. b.

Immunofluorecent test and biopsy are used to diagnosis pemphigus: True. *** False.


Selection of shade for composite is done: * Shade guide: a. Under light. *** b. After drying tooth and isolation with rubber dam. c. Dry tooth d. None of the above.


Measuring blood pressure is one of vital signs important in medical compromised: a. True. *** b. False.

268. a. b. c. d. e.

Most commonly, after placement of amalgam restoration Pt. complains from pain with: *Patient with amalgam usually complains of pain with: Hot. Cold. *** Occlusal pressure. Galvanic shock. Sweet.

269. a. b. c. d.

Management of tuberosity fracture during extraction of maxillary molar is: Replace and suture. *** ‫نرمجعها إلى مكانها وتخيطها‬ Remove and suture with primary heal. Replace and suture intra alveolar by wire. Remove and leave to heal. Dental decks 1954 * If the tuberosity is fractured but intact, it should be manually repositioned and stabilized by sutures.


During maxillary 3rd molar extraction the tuberosity fractured. It was firmly attached to the tooth and cannot be separated. What is the management: a) Remove it with the tooth. B) Splint the tooth to the 2nd molar then re-extracted after 6 weeks. C) Suture.


After extraction a molar you found a hard tissue at the furcation like pearl . what is it: OR Tooth # 36 planned to extraction on x-ray no PDL after extraction u found lesion like pearl on furcation what’s the lesion: a. Enamel pearl*** b. Enostosis c. Hypercementosis


Microbial virulent produced by root bacteria is collagenase from spirochete: a. True. *** b. False.

273. a. b. c.

Bacteria in endodontic pathosis mostly is: Porphyromonas endodontalis obligate anaerobic. *** ‫لهوايئية‬ Streptococcus mutans. Streptococcus anaerobic.

274. a. b. c. d.

Bacteria in root canal pathosis: Mixed anaerobe and aerobe. *** Single obligate anaerobe. Aerobic. None of the above. Dental Pulp 2002, Page 294

275. a.

Calcium hydroxide is used in deep cavity because it is: Simulate formation of 2nd dentine. ***

b. c.

Not irritant to the pulp. For thermal isolation.


Use of miswak and toothbrush: Toothbrush after meals and miswak at prayer time and when out of home.

a. *** b. c.

Miswak and toothbrush must be used together. Use the miswak only when they can not afford to buy the toothbrush and toothpaste. d. Not use the miswak and use the toothbrush instead.

277. a. b. c. d.

Oral diaphragm consists mainly of: Or (‫الحجاب الفموي )قاع الفم‬ Muscle that form floor of the mouth: Tongue. Geniohyoid muscle. Digastric muscle. Mylohyoid muscle. *** Prosthodontic Treatment For Edentulous Patients 12Ed 2004, Page 239

278. a. b. c. d.

Occlusal rest function: To resist lateral chewing movement. To resist vertical forces. *** Stability. Retention.


The retainer of rubber dam: OR In placement of rubber dam: a) Four points of contact 2 buccally and 2 lingually without rocking. *** b) 4 points of contact 2 buccally and 2 lingually above the height of contour. c) 4 points of contact 2 mesially and 2 distally. d) 2 points one buccally and one lingually

280. a. b. c.

Chronic suppurative periodontitis: Pt. complains from moderate pain. Fistula with drain. *** Pulp polyp is open coronal carious lesion.

281. a. b. c.

Acute periodontal abscess: Fistula present. Swelling enlargement in tooth site. *** None of the above.


Masseter muscle extends from lower border of zygomatic arch to lateral border of ramus and angel of the mandible: a. True. *** b. False. Dental Decks - page 416


Extend of temporalis behind infratemporal fossa of temporal bone insert in coronoid process: a. True. *** b. False.

284. a. b.

Main arterial supply in face is facial artery and superficial temporal

artery: True. *** False.


Mandible is the 1st bone calcified in skull but clavicles start first but in same embryological time: a. True. *** b. False.

286. a. b.

Mandible formed before frontal bone: True.*** False.

287. a. b. c. d.

Maxilla is formed: before mandible same with mandible slightly after mandible. *** none of the above


Development of maxillary process and medial frontal process in medial elongation of central portion: a. True. b. False. ***


Some bones are formed by endochondral ossification like long bone, flat bone by intramembranous ossification and some bones by endochondral and intramembranous ossification: a. True. *** b. False. Flat bone grows by intramembranous ossification. Long & short & Irregular bone grow by endochondral ossification


Facial nerve supply: Masseter muscle. Temporal muscle. Buccinator muscle. *** Mylohyoid muscle.

a. b. c. d.


Muscles of facial expressions are all innervated by facial nerve: True. *** False.

a. b.


Upon giving a lower mandible anaesthesia, you notice the patient’s eye, cheek and corner of the lip are uncontrolled , what’s the reason : A) Paresthesia of the facial nerve. ***


While performing cranial nerve examination you notice that the patient is unable to raise his eyebrows, hold eyelids closed, symmetrically smile or evert his lower lip. This may indicate: a. Trigeminal nerve problem. B. Facial nerve problem.*** C. Oculomotor nerve problem. D. Trochlear nerve problem. E. All of the above.


Dentin permeability: 1- decreases with the increase of cavity preparation. 2- Increase when sclerotic dentin develops under a carious lesion. 3- Increase with smear layer. 4- Bacterial toxins can pass through before the actual penetration of bacteria. ***

295. 1234-

Dentin permeability: Decreases with the increase of cavity preparation. Increase when sclerotic dentin develops under a carious lesion. Increase with smear layer. Decrease in prescence of sclerotic dentin under caries lesion.

Art & Science: Dentin permeability: Increase with the increase of cavity preparation. Decrease when sclerotic dentin develops under a carious lesion. Decrease with smear layer.


Tooth brushing and dental floss help in community prevention of periodontal disease: a. True. *** b. False.

297. a. b. c.

The most prominent cell in acute inflammation is: Lymphocyst. Plasma cell. PMN. ***

298. a. b. c.

Cell of chronic inflammation: Lymphocyte. *** PMN. Neutrophil.

299. a. b. c.

Dentist must: Treat Pt. medically. Prescribe medication to Pt. with medical problem. Do clinical examination, take medical history and evaluate the medical state.***


After patient came to your clinic and gave you the symptoms and history and complain, what’s your next step in treatment : A) Clinical examination. *** B) Start the treatment C) Radiographic examination D) Restore the teeth

301. a. b.

Reparative dentine: Same like secondary dentine. Happen as site if irritation. ***

302. a. b. c. d.

Reparative dentine: 2 dentine. Formed as dentine bridge above the pulp. *** Highly tubular dentine and it is detective from 1 st dentine. Sclerosing dentine with less permeability. nd

303. a. b. c.

Physiological reaction of edema on vital pulp: Decrease tissue fluid by decompression of blood vessel. Increase blood preasure. *** Necrosis of pulp due to hyperoxia and anaryxia.


Microabscess on vital pulp: starts necrosis of small part and sequela of destruction cycle and full repair: a. True. b. False. *** "Dental pulp 2002 " : ‫المرمجع‬

305. a. b.

Amalgam tattoo is an oral pigmentation lesion: True. *** False.

306. a. b.

Oral and perioral cysts formed from epithelial rests of serres: True. False. *** ( formed from epithelial rests of malassez ).


Cementum contains cell like bone. It is yellow in color in vital, extracted or avulsed tooth. But in non vital tooth, its color is dark: a. True. *** b. False.

308. a. b. c.

Dentine composition: 60-65 % inorganic by wgt. ( 70 % inorganic by volume ). *** 25% water by wgt. (13% water by volume). 43% organic by wgt. (20% organic by volume).


The primary direction for spread of infection in the mandible is to submental lymph node: a. True. b. False. *** ( submandibular lymph nodes ).

310. a. b. c. d.

7 days after amalgam restoration Pt. came complaining of pain during putting spoon on the restored tooth because: * OR Filling amalgam in the first madibular molar when touch the spoon there is a pain the reason is: Irreversible pulpitis. Reversible pulpitis. Broken amalgam. Galvanic action. ***

311. a. b.

DNA only infect human but RNA doesn't infect human: True. False. ***

312. a. b.

Artificial teeth best to be selected by: Preextraction cord. *** Postextraction cord.

Dental Decks - page 408

313. a. b.

In full gold crown, to prevent future gingival recession: Make the tooth form gold at gingival one third. *** Make the tooth form gold at gingival one fifth.


Make the tooth form gold at gingival one half. Dental Decks - Page 466


Subgingival scaling and root planning is done by: Gracey Curette. *** Hoe. Chisel.

a. b. c.


Paraesthesia of lower lip after surgical removal of lower 8 is due to the irritation of inferior alveolar nerve: a. True. *** b. False.


The aim of conditioning agent on dentine before GI cement is to remove smear layer: a. True. *** b. False.


Compomer releases fluoride as GI : True. False. ***‫ليس مثل الجلس أيونيمر‬ ‫* حيث يحرر الكمبومير الفلورايد بكمية أقل ولفترة أقصر وبنوعية مختلفة عن الفلورايد الذى يحرره الجلس أيونيمر كما أنه ل يمتص‬ . ‫فلورايد معجون السنان ليعيد تحريره كما فى الجلس أيونيمر‬

a. b.


Barbed broach in endodontic is used for pulp examination in straight canals: a. True. *** b. False.


Fixed partial prosthesis is more successful in: Single tooth missing. *** Multiple missing teeth.

a. b.


Best pontic is: Ridge lap. Hygiene. *** ‫دصحية‬ Saddle.

a. b. c.


Pt. feels pain of short duration after class II restoration. Diagnosis

is: a. b. c.

Reversible pulpitis (hyperemia). *** Irreversible pulpitis. Periodontitis.

322. a. b.

Radiotherapy increases caries by decreasing salivary secration: True. *** False.


In the preparation of cavity class II, for restoration with composite resin all cavosurface angles should be: a. Well rounded. *** b. Right angles. c. Acute angles. d. Obtuse angles.

324. a. b. c. d. e. f.

A class IV composite resin restoration should be finished with a: *The best finished composite surface is achieved by: No. 330 Tungsten carbide bur. Mounted stone. 12- fluted carbide bur. *** ( Carbid finishing bur ). Coarse diamond point. Daimond bur Matrix band with no additional finish * The 12-fluted carbide burs have traditionally been used to perform gross finishing of resin composites.

325. 1. 2. 3.

In class 5 composite restorations a layer of bonding agent is applied: Following removal of cement then cured. *** Following removal of cement and not cured. Cured then remove cement.

326. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

After class V GI restoration removal of a thin flush of GI is done by:

Scaller or knife immediately. Finishing stone immediately. Scale or knife later. Finishing stone later. a + b. a + d. *** a+c d+c


After class V GI restoration removal of a thin flush of GI is done by: a. Scaller or knife in the same visit . b. Finishing stone in the same visit. c. Scale or knife next visit .

d. Finishing stone next visit. e. a + b. f. a + d. g. b + c . h. d + c .


After finish class V glass ionomer cement we do finishing with: 1. Pumice slurry. 2. Aluminum-oxide disc. Dental Decks - page 2098 3 ‫نفس الكلم يخص الكومبوزت في الكلس‬


Indirect composite inlay has the following advantages over the direct composite EXCEPT: a. Efficient polymerization. b. Good contact proximally. c. Gingival seal. d. Good retention. ‫*** ثبات‬

330. a. b. c. d.

Indirect composite inlay has the following advantages over the direct composite EXCEPT: Efficient polymerization. Good contact proximally. Gingival seal. Price. ***


Indirect composite inlay overcomes the direct composite by: 1/ insusffition polymerization 2/ good contact proximaly 3/ gingival seal 4/ good retention a/ 1-2-4 b/ 1-2-3. *** c/ 4-3

332. a. b. c. d.

A glossy finish is best retained on a: Microfilled composite resin restoration. *** Macrofilled resin restoration. Hybrid composite resin restoration. Fiber reinforced composite resin restoration

Dental decks 2 page 2100

* Microfill (fine particle composite) 0.01 - 0.1 develops the smoothest finish. Fundamentals of operative dentistry, a contemporary approach, 2nd edition, Page 237 * Microfilled resin composite can be polished to the highest luster and the smoothest surface of all the resin composites.

333. a. b. c.

Composite for posterior teeth: Microfilled + fine filler. Macroflled + rough filler. Hybrid + rough filler. ***

334. a. b.

Check bite of retainer by: Paste. *** Impression.

335. a. b. c.

Mastoid process is a part of: Temporal bone. *** Parietal bone. Occipital bone.

336. a. b.

Parotid duct opens opposite in 2nd Mandibular molars: ‫القناة النكفية‬

True. False. ***


parotid duct is opposite to: a. maxilary premolar b. maxilary 1st molar c. maxilary 2nd molar *** d. mandibular 1st molar

338. a. b. c.

Palate consists of: Palatine and sphenoid bone. Palatine and maxillary bone. *** Palatine and zygomatic bone.


Hard palate consists of the following: A. Palatal maxillray process & Ethmoid bone B. Palatal maxillary process & Sphenoid bone C. Palatal maxillary process & Palatine bone. *** D. Palatal maxillary process & Temporal bone


a. b. c. d. e.

The most important microorganism in dental caries is: Q:Most common bacteria causing caries: Q:Organism that initiates caries: Q:The organism that not found (or rarely found) in newborn mouth: Q:Baby born without which bacteria: Q:For a newly erupted tooth, the most bacteria found around the tooth is: Streptococcus mutant. *** Streptococcus salivarius. Spirochaeta. e-coil. Skin bacteria.

341. a. b. c.

Emergency endodontic should not be started before: Establishing the pain. Check restorability of the tooth. Establishing the diagnosis. *** . ‫* المعيار الساسي في قرار بدء المعالجة اللبية ) عل ج العصب ( هو التشخيص المناسب‬


Selection of type of major connector in partial denture is determined: a. During examination. b. During diagnosis and planning. *** c. During bite registration.

343. a. b.

White polycarbonate are temporary crowns used for anterior teeth: True. *** ( in deciduous anterior teeth ). False.

344. a. b. c.

For etching 15 sec. for composite restoration use: 37% phosphoric acid. *** 15% fluoric acid. 3% sulfuric acid.

345. a. b.

Nerve impulse stops when injection local anesthesia: True. *** False.

346. a. b. c.

The most common benign tumor in oral cavity is: Fibroma. *** Papilloma. Lipoma.

Dental Decks : page 1030-1039

Fibroma: is the most common benign soft tissue tumor seen in oral cavity. It is characteristically a dome-shaped lesion

347. a. b.

Pulp chamber in lower 1st molar is mesially located: True. *** False. "Endodontics Problem solving in clinical practice 2002 " : ‫المرمجع‬

348. a. b. c.

Radiopacity at the apex of a tooth with chronic pulpitis: Condensing osteitis ( chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis ). *** Cemental dysplasia. Perapical granuloma. ( radiolucency ).

Dental Decks - page 1050


a. b. c. d.

Patient with radiopacity in the periapical area of 1st mandibular molar with a wide carious lesion and a bad periodontal condition is: OR Radiopacity at the apex of a tooth with deep carious lesion related to lateral surface of root : Condensing osteitis ( chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis ). *** Cemental dysplasia. Perapical granuloma. ( radiolucency ). Hypercementosis

350. a. b. c.

Radiopacity attached to root of mandibular molar: Ossifying fibroma. Hypercementosis. *** Periapical cemental dysplasia.

351. a. b.

Extra canal if present in mandibular incisor will be: Lingual. *** Distal. "Endodontics Problem solving in clinical practice 2002 " : ‫المرمجع‬ ‫ وتحتا ج تأمين مدتخل لساني قريب من‬% 45 ‫*من أهم أسباب فشل المعالجة اللبية للقواطع السفلية ومجود القناة اللسانية بنسبة‬ . % 60 ‫ نفس القناة تومجد بالقواطع العلوية بنسبة‬.‫الحافة القاطعة للودصول إليها‬

352. a. b. c.

The access opening in lower incisor: Round. Oval. *** Triangular.

Dental Decks - page 152

353. a. b.

The accesses opening for a maxillary premolar is most frequently: Oval. *** Square.

c. d.

Triangular. None of the above. Dental Decks - page 152

354. a. b. c. d.

The correct access cavity preparation for the mandibular second molar is: Oval. Quadrilateral. Round. Triangular. : ‫ مكتوب كل سن وشكل فتحة التحضير‬.. NBDE part II ‫*في كتاب‬ :Upper central : triangular lateral: ovoid canine: ovoid first premolar: ovoid second premolar: ovoid first molar: triangle second molar triangle :Lower central: ovoid lateral ; ovoid canine: ovoid first premolar: ovoid second premolar : ovoid first molar: triangle or trapezoid second molar: triangle or trapezoid


Acute periapical cyst and acute periodontal cyst are differentiated by: *We distinguish between periapical and periodontal abscess: a. Vitality test. *** (Vitality of the pulp) b. Radiograph. (X-Ray examination) c. Clinical examination.

356. a. b. c.

Acute periapical abscess associated with: Swelling. *** Widening of PDL. Pus discharge.

357. a. b.

The most common cause of endodontic pathosis is bacteria: True. *** False.

358. a. b. c.

Palatal canal in upper molars is curved: Buccally. *** Palatally. Distally.

359. a. b. c. d.

If tooth or root is pushed during surgical extraction into max. sinus: Leave it and inform the Pt. Remove it as soon as possible. *** Follow the Pt for 3 months. None of the above.

360. a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Difference between Gracey and universal curette: Section of gracey is hemicircular and in universal triangular. Gracey has one cutting edge while universal has two. Gracey used for cutting in specific area while universal is in any area. Universal 90 not offset, gracey 60 offset. a and d a, b and c. b, c and d.

361. a. b. c.

Cause of fracture of occlusal rest: Shallow preparation in marginal ridge. *** Extension of rest to central fossa. Improper centric relation.


Child came to the clinic with amalgam restoration fracture at isthmus portion, this fracture due to: a) Wide preparation at isthmus. b) High occlusal. C) shallow preparation. *** D) Constricted isthmus. ( Constricted = Narrow ).


After class II amalgum fill, broken is happen in isthmus area why: A. Over high of filling vertically.*** B. Over flair cavosurface angle or edge. C. Unproper mixed fill.

364. a. b. c.

The cause of fracture in amalgam class II restoration is: Thin thickness at the marginal ridge. *** Wide flared cavity. Deep cavity.

*‫ المطلوب هو‬:

Narrow (constricted ) & deep isthmus preparation and no high


. occlusal amalgam ‫بخل ف الثلث خصائص السابقة يحدث كسر فى ال‬ .isthmus portion

365. a. b. c. d. e. f.

Bridge returns to dentist from lab with different degree of color although the shade is the same, the cause: OR You sent shade of PFM, technician gives you different color with same shade: Thin metal framework. Different thickness of porcelain. *** (Not uniform thickness of porcelain) Thick opaque. thin opaque. thick metal. thin porcelain. ‫ وفى سؤال آتخر كانت المجابة الصحيحة هى‬: Increased porcelain thickness. *** ( or thick porcelain ).

366. a. b. c. d.

Complete denture poorly fit and inadequate interocclusal relation: Relining. Rebasing. New denture. *** None of the above.

367. a. b. c.

Small caries confined to enamel: Preventive measure. Amalgam filling. *** Keep under observation.

368. a. b.

In enamel caries passing half of enamel: Leave it. Restoration. ***


Currently the only effective preventive measure for periodontal disesse (a part from limited use of antiseptic solutions) is: a. Regular and rough removal of dental plaque. *** b. Salt flouridation c. Dental health education.

370. a. b.

Dental caries: Is a transmissible disease Is world wide in distribution but uneven in intensity.

c. d. e.

Can be prevented All of the above. *** None of the above.

371. a. b. c. d. e.

At which location in enamel is the density of enamel crystals is

lowest: Prismless enamel. DEJ. *** ‫الملتقى العامجي المينايئي‬ Center of enamel Prisms. Edge of enamel Prisms. Facial enamel. Sturdenvant 4th edition - page 17 * The density of enamel decrases from the surface to the DEJ.

372. a. b. c.

Rampant caries in adult in anterior teeth restored by: Glass ionomer. *** ZOE. Amalgam.

373. a. b.

The 1st cervical vertebrae is: ‫الفقرة الرقبية الولى‬ Atlas. *** Axis. ‫هى الفقر ة الرقبية الثانية‬ Atlas 2 - Axis 3 - Longus colli 4 - 5 - 6 - 7- prominens - 1 : ‫*فقرات الرقبة‬

374. a. b. c. d.

OR The ETCHANT of most dentine bonding systems applied for: 15 sec. ‫دصحيحة‬ 30 sec. 40 sec. 60 sec.

375. a. b. c. d.

10 15 30 60

376. a. b. c.

Most of dentine bonding material need conditioning time:

Time of curing of dentine: sec. sec. sec. sec.

Light curing time for simple shallow class III composite: 10 sec. 15 sec. 20 sec.

377. a. b.

Cartilaginous joints in the body affect bone growth: True. *** False.

378. a. b. c. d.

Cavity varnish should be applied at least in: One layer. Two layers. *** Three layers. Four layers.

379. a. b. c.

Geographic tongue is seen in Pt. with: Diabetes. *** Iron deficiency anemia. Pemphigus.‫الفقاع‬

380. a. b. c. d.

Geographic tongue is always accompanied in patient with:

Diabetes. Erythema multiform. Iron deficiency. Psoriasis. *** ‫ اللسان الجغرافى يظهر مع مرض الصدفية ومع مرض السكر ولكن مع الصدفية أكثر‬.


A 21 years old patient who has iron deficiency anemia, difficulty in swallowing, with examination of barium sulphate, you found: A. Geographical tongue. B. Burning mouth syndrome. C. Plummer vinson syndrome. *** ( Patterson brown Kelly syndrome ). D. Diabetic patient.


Pt. came to the clinic complaining from soreness in the tongue and sore throat the diagnosis is: a) Burning mouth syndrome. *** ( burning tongue syndrome ). b) Geographical tongue c) Fissure tongue.


Burning mouth syndrome is a chronic disorder typically characterized by each of the following EXCEPT: a. Mucosal lesion. *** ‫ليست أفة ظاهرة بالعين ولكنه ألم ) ومجع ( فى مكان محدد فى الفم‬ * It’s a mucosal pain not a mucosal inflammation or a mucosal lesion. b. c. d.

Burning pain in multiple oral sites. Pain similar in intensity to toothache pain. ‫يشبه ألم السنان ألمه‬ Persistent altered taste perception. ‫تغير مستمر بحاسة التذوق‬

384. a. b. c. d.

Which of the following is the most likely potential cause of BMS ( Burning mouth syndrome ): ‫ كل السباب التية صحيحة ولكن السبب الكثر احتمال هو‬: Denture allergy. Salivary dysfunction. ( Decreased salivary flow = Xerostomia ). Neural dysfunction. *** ‫ كما قالت الدراسات الحديثة أنه يمكن أن يكون السبب الكثر احتمال‬. Menopausal changes. Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine 3Ed 2013 Scully, Page 38

385. a. b. c. d.

Which of the following represents the best pharmacologic therapy for BMS: Antidepressant agents. Corticosteroids. Anxiolytic agents. There is no therapy of proven general efficacy. ***


Diabetic Pt. with ill fit denture, examination of residential ridge helps to: a. Determine the need for tissue conditioning and surgery. *** b. Determine occlusal height. c. Determine vertical dimension of occlusion.


Handicapped Pt. with lesion in central nervous system appears to have different type of disorder in movement and procedure: a. Seizure.‫نوبة‬ b. Cerebral palsy. *** ‫شلل دماغي‬ c. Learning disability. McDonald, 7th Ed, page 585

388. a. b.

To obturate the canal the most important step is: Cleaning and shaping of the canal. *** Irrigation of the canal.


Aim to shape apical 3rd of the root: a) widening apex. b) Permit irrigation to reach apical 3rd. *** c) permit GP to fill. d) For good sealer achieve. ( ‫ طوني أبو مجودة ) دكتوراه في المداواة‬.‫حسب كلم د‬.

390. a. b. c.

The most important in RCT is seal: Apical 1/3. *** Middle 1/3. Cervical 1/3.

391. a. b. c. d.

1 2 3 4

During placement of amalgam pins, the number of pins per cusp is: pin. *** pins. pins. pins.

392. a. b. c.

The amount of L.A in 2% lidocaine with 1/100000 adrenaline is: 0.01mg. 0.02mg. 36 mg. ***

Dental Decks - page 1870


How many mg. of adrenalin in cartridge 1.8 cc of 2 % Xylocine: a- 1.8 mg b- 0.18 mg c- 0.36 mg d- 3.6 mg e- 0.018 mg. ***

394. a. b. c.

What is the amount in mg. in 1.8 ml. of xylocain: 20 mg/ml 1.8 mg/ml 36 mg. ***

395. a. b. c. d.

The most common odontogenic cysts in the jaws are: The most common endodontic cyst is: Most common cyst in oral cavity: Radicular cyst. *** (=periapical cyst =apical radicular (periodontal) cyst). Peridontal cyst ( = lateral periodontal cyst ) Keratocyst. Acute apical periodontitis.


a. b. c. d. e. f.

Pt. complains from severe spontaneous pain related to upper 6. It responds to vitality test no pain on percussion, diagnosis is: * Pt. comes with pain tooth 3# When drink hot tea. Pain continuous for 10 minutes diagnosis: * Pt. came with pain awaken her from sleep 20 am. and could'nt sleep later: * Spontaneous pulpal pain is indicative of: * Acute exacerbation of chronic pulpitis: Irreversible pulpitis. *** Reversible pulpitis. Acute apical periodotitis. Periodontal pain Neurotic pulp Atrophic pulp


hyperplastic pulp

397. a. b. c. d.

The most common complication after extraction for diabetic Pt. is: Infection. *** Severe bleeding. Oedema. All of the above.

398. a. b. c.

Lateral canal is detected by: Radiograph. *** Tactile sensation. ‫إحساس اللمس‬ By clinical examination.


Contact area is in incisal/occlusal 1/3 in which tooth: * In which teeth the contact is at the incisal edge: a. Mandibular incisors. *** (Lower Ant.Teeth) b. Mandibular molars. c. Maxillary molars.

400. a. b. c.

Incipient caries is diagnosed by: Fiber optic light. *** ( and dyes ). Tactile examination. X-ray film.

401. a. b. c.

Disinfection of GP is done by: Autoclave. Dry heat. Sodium hypochlorite. ***

402. a. b. c.

Periodontal ligament fibers in the middle third of the root is: Oblique. *** ‫مايئل‬ Horizontal. Transeptal.


To detect interproximal caries in primary teeth, the best film is: Periapical. Bitewing. *** ‫يقصد هنا السنان اللبينية الخلفية وليست المامية لن فى أسنان الفطفال المامية ممكن يظهر التسوس‬ ‫ بدون أشعة‬. c. Occlusal. a. b.

404. a. b. c.

Pt. with missing lower right 1st molar for long time you'll find: Mesial drifting of lower right 2nd molar. *** Intrusion of upper right 1st molar. ‫انغراس‬ Over eruption of lower right 2nd molar.

405. a. b. c.

Over erupted upper right 1st molar will be managed by: EXCEPT: Intruded easily orthodontically. ***‫ندتخله لمكانه بالتقويم‬ ‫بسهولة‬ Crowing. Adjustment of occlusion.

406. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Over erupted upper right 1st molar will be managed by: Intruded easily orthodontically. ‫ندتخله لمكانه بالتقويم‬ ‫بسهولة‬ Crowing. Adjustment of occlusion. In severe cases may be extracted. a, b & c b, c & d **** a, b & d a, c & d

407. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Over erupting tooth can be treated by: Crowning after endo. Ortho intrusion. Extraction. 1 and 2. All the above. ***

408. a. b. c.

Broken instrument during RCT, best prognosis if broken at: Apical 1/3. *** Middle 1/3. Cervical 1/3.

409. a. b. c.

Pulp stone: Cause discomfort and pain. Free in pulp chamber. *** None of the above.


Pulp stone can be the following EXCEPT: a) present freely in the pulp. b) Cause discomfort & pain to the patient. *** c) In radiographs, small spheroidal radiopaque. d) False stone occurs due to dystrophic dentin. Pathway of the pulp 9ed 1st part – page 219

411. a. b. c. d.

1.3 1.7 0.8 2.2

The amount of facial reduction in PFM crown: ( 1.5 – 2 mm. ).


A tooth with 25 degrees inclination could be used as abutment: a. True. *** ( 15 - 25 degrees inclination of a tooth can be used as an abutment ). b. False.


Intercellular movement of PMN leukocytes is called migration: ‫الحركة‬ ‫داتخل الخلية للكريات البيضاء تدعى الهجرة‬ a. True. *** b. False.

414. a. b.

In onlay, stopping of cusp is 1.5 - 2 mm.: True. *** False.

415. a. b. c. d.

Among the reasons that molar teeth are more difficult to treat endodontically than anterior teeth: Molar have more complex canal configuration. Molar tend to have greater canal curvature. a and b. *** None of the above.

416. a. b. c. d.

Gingival hyperplasia related to phenytoin therapy is: ‫مضاد الصرع‬ Most common on lingual surface. Most common in older Pt. Strongly related to phenytoin dosage. Strongly related to poor oral hygiene. ***

417. a. b. c. d.

Type I diabetes mellitus can be characterized as: Non-insulin-dependent. Adult- onset. ‫بدءا بالبلوغ‬ Ketosis-prone. *** ‫معتمد على النسولين‬ Accompanied by normal cell activity.


Which of the following statement is true for the reported relationship of periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus: a. The reported incidence of periodontal disease in the diabetes is less than that for non diabetic. b. Pts. with history of diabetes of less than 10 years have more periodontal disease destruction than those with history of longer than 10 years. c. The prevalence of periodontal disease increases with the advancing age of the diabetic. ***


The prevalence of periodontal disease increases with the better metabolic coronal of the diabetic state.

419. a. b. c. d. e.

The spontaneous production of an electric current resulting from two dissimilar metals in the oral cavity is called: Nuclear reaction. Galvanic action. *** Precipitation reaction. Thermodynamics. Fission. Dental Decks - page 2268

420. a. b. c. d. e.

The first step in diagnostic work up is obtaining the: Medical history. Present complaint. *** Biographical data. Restorative history. Traumatic history.

421. a. b. c. d.

The The The The

The basic difference between K files and reamers is: number of spirals or flutes per unit length. geometric cross section. *** ‫ الشكل أو المقطع العرضى الهندسى‬. depth of flutes. direction of the spirals.

422. a. b. c. d.

In case of traumatic intrusion of young permanent incisor, the treatment of choice is: Surgical repositioning of intruded tooth and splinting. To wait for re eruption of the intruded tooth during months. *** Slow orthodontic extrusion using light force. Only antibiotic prescription and wait for eruption. *** "Dental Secrets" ‫المرمجع‬ ‫ أيام ومع معالجة لبية وحشو بماءات‬10 ‫ وفي حال كانت الذروة مكتملة يتم القلع وإعادة الزرع مع مجبيرة‬،‫يتم البزوغ تخلل شهرين‬ . ‫ أو يقلع إذا انغرس حتى مجراب الدايئم‬،‫ أما السن اللبني فيترك ويراقب‬،‫الكالسيوم تخلل أسبوعين‬

423. a. b. c. d.

Best treatment of choice for carious exposure of a primary molar in a 3 years old child who complains of toothache during and after food taking: Direct pulp capping with caoh. Direct pulp capping with zao paste. Formocresol pulpotomy. *** Caoh pulpotomy. First Aid for the NBDE Part II 2008, Page 181 the reason why pulp capping is not used on primary tooth is the alkaline of PH of ca(oh)2 or MTA can irritate the pulp and induced internal resorption but in permanent teeth High PH induces reparative dentine formation.

424. a. b. c. d.

Which of the following statement about the mechanism of action for denture adhesive is not correct: It depends in part on physical force and viscosity. *** ‫لزومجة‬ Carboxyl group provides bio adhesion. Greater water solubility increases duration of adhesion. Zinc salts have been associated with stronger longer adhesion. . ‫يزيد الثبات مع زيادة الرتباط الميكانيكي ولكن ينقص مع زيادة لزومجة اللعاب‬ ‫ كما يزيد الثبات مع كل من مركبات الكربوكسيل وأملح الزنك‬.

425. a. b. c. d.

One week after filling of class II restoration, the Pt. presents with a complain of tenderness on mastication and bleeding from the gingiva. The dentist should initially: Check the occlusion. Check the contract area. *** Consider the probability of hyperemia. Explain to the Pt. that the retainer irritated the surrounding soft tissue and prescribe an analgesic and warm oral rinse.

426. a. b. c. d.

It is recommended to avoid an intraligamental injection when the planned dental treatment is: Pulp extirpation. Pulpotomy. *** Full crown preparation. a and b.

427. a. b. c. d.

The root canal treated teeth has the best prognosis when the root canal is instrumented and obturated: To the radiograph apex. 1 mm. beyond the radiograph apex. 1-2 mm. short of the radiograph apex. *** 3-4 mm. short of the radiograph apex. "Clinical Endodontics TRONSTAD " : ‫المرمجع‬

428. a. b. c. d.

Which of the following would be clinically unacceptable as a primary of isolating a tooth for sealant placement: Cotton roll. Rubber dam. Vac-ejector moisture control system. ‫نظام الشفط بمادصة اللعاب‬ None of the above. ***


Which one of the following is least likely to contribute to bad oral breath: ‫الكريهة أقل عامل يساهم في رايئحة الفم‬ a. Periodontal disease. b. Denture.***

c. d.

Faulty restoration. Carious lesions.

430. a. b. c. d.

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of dentinal hypersensitivity: It is one of the most successfully treated chronic dental problems. *** Its prevalence range from 8 to 30 %. The majority of the Pts. who experience it are from 20 to 40 years of age. One source of the irritation that leads to hypersensitivity is improper tooth brushing. Art and science of operative dentistry 2000 : ‫مرمجع‬ * Dentin hypersensitivity is a common clinical condition that is difficult to treat because the treatment outcome is not consistently successful.


Hypersensitivity is due to: A- Exposed dentine with opened dentinal tubules. *** B- Obliterated dentinal tubule.

432. a. b. c. d.

The most common form of oral ulcerative disease is:

HSV. Major aphthous ulcer. Bahjet disease. Minor aphthous ulcer. ***

433. a. b. c. d. e.

The majority of primary herpetic infections are: Symptomatic. Asymptomatic. *** ( not painful ). Proceeded by fever. Accompanied by gingival erythema. a, c and d.

434. a. b. c. d.

The function of the anterior teeth is: Disarticulate the posterior teeth. Incise food. *** ‫تقطيع الكل‬ Prevent attrition. Prevent food impaction.

435. a. b. c. d. e.

In geriatric Pt., cementum on the root end will: ‫مريض الشيخوتخة‬ Become thinned and almost non existent. Become thicker and irregular. *** Render apex to locater useless. Often not be seen on the radiograph. Indicate pathosis.

436. a. b. c. d. e.

Tobacco should be considered a risk factor when planning treatment for Pt. who require: Implants. Periodontal surgery. Oral surgery. Esthetic treatment. All of the above. ***

437. a. b. c. d. e.

Pulpal pain may not be referred from: The right maxilla to the left maxilla. *** The third molar to the ear. A max. molar to the sinus. An incompletely fractured tooth. A max. cuspid to ear.

438. a. b. c.

Internal Resorption: Painful. Seldom differentiated external resorption. Can occur in primary teeth. ***

439. a. b. c. d.

Primary teeth had trauma, tooth change in color becomes white yellowish, what should you tell the parents: Pulp is dead. Inflammation of pulp. Calcification of dentin. b & c. *** 407 ‫ – ص‬36 ‫" ص‬Principles and Practice of Endodontics WALTON " :‫المرمجع‬

440. a. b. c. d.

Teeth that are discolored as a result of internal resorption of the pulp may turn: Yellow. Dark brown. Pink. *** Green. Dental Decks - page 244


Treatment of internal resorption involves: Complete extirpation of the pulp to arrest the resorption process. *** Enlarging the canal apical to the resorbed area for better access. Utilizing a silver cone and sealer to fill the irregularities in the resorbed area. d. Filling the canal and defect with amalgam. e. Sealing sodium hypochlorite in the canal to remove the inflammatory tissue necrotic in the area of the resorption. a. b. c.

Clinical Endodontics textbook TRONSTAD – page 150

* The treatment of choice is complete extirpation of the pulp to arrest the resorption process then pack the canal with calcium hydroxide paste. By the next visit, the calcium hydroxide necrotized any remaining tissues in the canal and the necrotic remnants are readily removed by irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and complete RCT.

442. a. b. c. d. e.

Sensitivity to palpation and percussion indicates: Reversible pulpitis. Irreversible pulpitis. Neurotic pulp. Hyperplastic pulpitis. Inflammation of the periradicular tissues. ***


Trauma leads to fracture in the root between middle and apical thirds: a) Poor prognosis. b) Good prognosis. *** * Fracture in the root between middle and apical thirds ( apical third fractures ) has the best prognosis. * Fracture in the root between middle and cervical thirds ( coronal third fractures ) has the poorest prognosis.


Tooth with a fracture between the apical and the middle thirds, what's your management: a) RCT for the coronal part only. *** b) RCT for both. c) Splint the two parts together. :126 ‫حسب أكسفورد ص‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ إذا لم يتغير مكان القطعة التامجية فإن فقدان الحيوية أمر‬،‫ أسبوع‬6-4 ‫ غالبا يكون السن متحرك فنحتا ج لجبيرة‬:‫كسر الثلث الوسط‬ .‫ وإل فيتم حشو القناة بماءات الكالسيوم‬،‫مستبعد‬ ‫ نحتا ج فقط‬.‫ غالبا ل نحتا ج لعل ج ومع ذلك فإنه يجب إبقاء السن تحت المراقبة لحتمال تموت الثلثين التامجيين للب‬:‫كسر الثلث الذروي‬ .‫ النذار مجيد‬. ‫لتحضير القناة حتى تخط الكسر لن الثلث الذروي يحافظ عادة على حيويته‬ .Fracture of the apical third not need a treatment Fracture between the middle and apical thirds needs RCT for the coronal part .only Fracture between the middle and cervical thirds needs RCT for the coronal .part only and a splint for 4 – 6 weeks

445. a. b. c. d.

Transverse fracture of developing teeth in the mixed dentition can be managed by: ‫الكسور العررضية‬ Forced eruption. *** ‫تبزيغ‬ Extraction and placement of a removable partial denture. Placement of single tooth. All of the above.


Pt. presented to u with trauma of the central incisor with open apex, clinical examination revealed cut of blood supply to the tooth what is the next step: 1- extraction. 2- endo. 3- observe over time. *** ‫ نستنى نشوف هيحصل نيكروزيز ول ل‬.


Child came to u with gray discolouration of the deciduous incisor also on radiographic exam, there is dilation of follicle of the permanent successor what will u do: 1- Extract the decidous tooth. 2- Start endo. 3- Observe over time. ***


pt. came with class IV he had tooth trauma & he brought the fracture segment & on examination u found that the pulp is not exposed & only u can see dentine, how u manage: A- To get rid of the fragment & fill with composite. B- To reattach the fragment with composite and later cover with veneer. *** C- others.


Adult 20 years male with soft tissue & dental trauma reveals severe pain in soft tissues with loss of epithelial layers and anterior upper centrals are intruded the diagnosis is: a- abrasion with luxation b- errosion with sub luxation c- Laceration with luxation (traumatic ulceration with luxation) *** d- ulceration with subluxation


Apexification is procedure that: Finds the most apical stop of the guttpercha in RCT. Induces the formation of a mineral barrier in the apical region of incompletely root. *** c. Is new in the endodontic field. d. Involves the surgical removal of the apical region of the root and placement of a retrograde filling material. a. b.

451. a. b. c. d.

The preferred material used in apexification is: Zinc phosphate cement. Zinc polycarboxylate cement. Calcium hydroxide. *** Dycal.


What is the time between the first onset of HIV virus and the appearance of acute symptoms :

a) 1-5 years. b) 9 - 11 years. *** c) No specific time is known.

453. a. b. c. d. e.

What is the estimated incubation period of HIV infection:

‫فترة الحضانة‬

‫التقريبية‬ 4 weeks. 6 months. 3 years. 6 years. 10 years. ***

454. a. b. c. d.

Hydrogen peroxide is the ideal bleaching agent because: It bleaches effectively at natural ph. It bleaches faster than carbamide peroxide. Protection for sensitive tissues can be incorporated into the hydrogen gel. All of the above. ***

455. a. b. c. d. e.

The most common cause of the angina is: ‫الذبحة‬ Stress. Renal disease. Arteriosclerotic plaques of the coronary vessels. *** ‫انسداد الوعية التامجية‬ Hypoglycemia. ‫نقص السكر‬ Hypertension. ‫ارتفاع الضغط‬

456. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following drugs is completely effective in eliminating angina episode: ‫نوبة الذبحة‬ * completely effective in eliminating = treatment . Propranolol. Nifedipine. Diltiazem. *** ‫ مضاد ذبحة‬. (‫دواء لعلج الذبحة الصدرية )ديلتيازيم‬ Transdermal nitroglycerin. *** ‫ موسع تامجي دواء للوقاية من الذبحة الصدرية‬. None of the above.

 


Diltiazem : for treatment . Transdermal nitroglycerin : for prevention .

CPR : Is best performed in the dental chair. Should be performed on all patients experiencing chest pain. Is more efficient when using a full mask, delivering 100% oxygen than with the mouth to mouth technique. *** d. Is beyond the medico legal responsibility of the practicing dentist. a. b. c.


Which statement concerning sensitive teeth is false: Small dentin exposure can result in sensitivity. The extent of dental hard tissue loss always correlates with

a. b.


*** c. d.

A wide variety of clinical condition can cause teeth to become sensitive. Oral hygiene habits and diet can contribute to clinical sensitivity problems. ‫ل يسبب ضياع نسج السن دوما الحساسية فهو يترافق أحيانا مع تشكل عا ج ثانوي ومع تقدم العمر‬

459. a. b. c. d.

Droplet nuclei containing mycobacterium tuberculosis: Do not cause infection. Settle out of room air quickly. ‫تستقر تخار ج هواء الغرفة سريعا‬ Do not spread widely in the building. Remain airborne for prolonged period. *** ‫تنتقل بالهواء لفترة طويلة‬

460. a. b. c. d.

The most common activity associated with percutaneous injury of the dentist is: ‫أكثر فعل يترافق بأذى مجلد الطبيب‬ Suturing. Anesthesia injection. *** Handpiece dig. ‫الحفر بالقبضة‬ Trimming impressions. ‫تشذيب الطبعة‬

461. a. b. c. d.

The most common location of percutaneous injury among dentists is: Hand. *** Face. Elbow. ‫مرفق‬ Arm.

462. a. b. c. d.

The normal response of a vital pulp to the thermal testing is: No response. Lingering painful response. Hypersensitive painful response. Painful response that disappears soon after stimulus is removed. ***

463. a. b. c. d.

The normal response of an inflamed pulp to the thermal testing is: No response. Lingering painful response. *** ‫ استجابة ألم لفترة طويلة‬. Hypersensitive painful response. Painful response that disappears soon after stimulus is removed.

464. a. b. c. d.

The normal response of a vital pulp to the electric pulp testing is: No response. Higher than that of the control teeth. Lower than that of the control teeth. In a range similar to that of the control teeth. *** ‫مشابه للسنان المتحكم بها‬


a. b. c. d. e.

Asymptomatic (not painful) tooth has a necrotic pulp, a broken lamina dura, and circumscribed radiolucency of long duration. The periradicular diagnosis: OR Patient during recurrent normal check he had different sense on percussion on his tooth and X-ray widening lamina dura apical 3rd: Acute apical periodontitis. Chronic apical periodontitis. *** Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis. Chornic apical abscess Acute apical abscess.

466. a. b. c. d.

A Pt. with severe periradicular pain has a necrotic pulp, a broken lamina dura, and circumscribed radiolucency of long duration. The periradicular diagnosis: Acute apical periodontitis. Chronic apical periodontitis. Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis. *** Abscess.


Patient came to your clinic with dull pain in the #6,no response to the pulp tester, in radiographs it shows 3mm of radiolucency at the apex of the root. Diagnosis is: a) Chronic apical periodontitis. b) Acute apical periodontitis. c) Acute periodontitis with abscess. d) Chronic apical abscess. ***

468. a. b. c. d.

A Pt. present in severe pain. The periapical area over the involved tooth is inflamed and swollen. The tooth is mobile and depressible in its socket with a diffused radiolucency. The diagnosis is: Acute apical periodontitis. Chronic apical periodontitis. Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis. Abscess. ***


Reduction of mandibular fracture is defined as: ‫رد الفك السفلي المكسور‬ Nonalignment and separation of the fracture segments. Realignment of fracture segments. *** ‫ اعاد ة القطع المكسور ة الى مكانها التشريحى الصحيح‬. Holding of the fracture segments in place. ( fixation ( ‫وهذه هى الخطوة الثانية‬ d. Screw and bone places. e. Internal fixation. a. b. c.


Wiring the upper and lower teeth together is called: * Wiring the maxilla ( upper jaw ) and mandible ( lower jaw ) together is called:

a. b. c.

Internal fixation. An open reduction. Intermaxillary fixation. *** ( maxillomandibular fixation MMF ) wiring the jaw shut ). d. Displacement. e. External fixation.


471. a. b. c. d.

The incidence of nerve damage after third molar surgery is estimated to be: 5 % or less. *** 10 % to 15 %. 15 % to 20 % 20 % to 25 %.

472. a. b. c. d.

The least likely mechanism for the nerve damage is: ‫اللية القل احتماال لذية‬

‫العصب‬ Direct needle trauma. ‫ضربة مباشرة بوتخزة البرة‬ Intraneural haematoma formation. ‫تشكل دموي داتخل العصب‬ Local anesthetic toxicity. ***‫تسمم بالمخدر الموضعى‬ Stretching and binding of the nerve. ‫شد وربط العصب‬

473. a. b. c. d.

Which of the following is the cause of immediate type allergic reaction to latex products: Accelerator. Antioxidants. Latex protein. *** Nickel.

474. a. b. c. d.

Which of the following is the longest in the dental arch: Maxilliary central incisor. Maxilliary second premolar. Mandibular canine. Maxilliary canine. ***

475. a. b. c. d.

Chlorhexidine is used as mouth wash in the concentration of: 0.1 - 0.2% *** 1 - 2% 5 - 10% 20%

476. a. b. c. d.

Traumatically fractured crown of central incisor in an 8-years-old child with pulp exposure ( more than 1 mm. ) half hour ago, medical history is non- contributory and the tooth is not displaced. What is your management: Endodontics-pulpectomy and obturation. Direct pulp cap with caoh and composite. Caoh pulpotomy. Total extirpation of pulp and caoh. *** ( apexification ).

477. a. b. c. d. e.

The use of the rubber dam in endodontics is: Frequently required. An established rule. *** ‫قانون معروف‬ Not required. Time consuming. Dictated by Pt. comfort.

478. a. b. c. d.

Dentine hypersensitivity is best relieved or controlled by: Using efficient cooling system. Blocking exposed tubules on the dentin surface. *** Opening tubules to permit release of intrapulpal pressure. Applying anti inflammatory agent to exposed dentin.


a. b. c. d. e.

Pt. came to ur clinic has a painless ulcer on the lip , which begin last 6 weeks as elevated border with deep center ulcer developed very quickly during first 4 weeks then ( slowly growing or stop growing ) have no history of truma but the pt. works outside under exposure of the sun. Biobsy reveals PMN & acanthotic exudate, what is the diagnosis: OR Which of the following is a benign epithelial neoplasm: Rhabdomyoma. Fibroma. Lipoma. Granular cell tumor. Keratoacanthoma. *** ‫ورم شايئكي متصبغ‬ Journal of Applied Oral Science * Keratoacanthoma : is defined as a benign epithelial neoplasm.

480. a. b. c. d. e.

The function of the periodontal ligament includes: Mechanical function. Formative function. Nutritive function. Sensory function. All of the above. ***

Clinical periodontology 9th edition page 39

481. a. b. c. d.

Ankylosis: No PDL. Caused by trauma. Extracted surgically. All of the above. ***

482. a. b. c.

The following are types of hamartoma EXCEPT: Cementoblastoma. ***. Compound odontoma. Complex odontoma.


A child came to the clinic with continuous involuntary movement of his head and extremities and difficulty in vocal communication. The condition is described as: a. Epilepsy. ‫دصرع‬ b. Cerebral palsy. *** ‫شلل دماغي‬

484. a. b. c. d.

The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane is

called: Osmosis. *** ‫التناضح‬ Active transport. ‫النقل الفعال‬ Filtration. ‫الفلترة‬ Diffusion. ‫النتشار‬ * Osmosis : is the net movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane driven by a difference in solute concentrations on the two sides of the membrane.

485. a. b. c.

Cell that can give more than one type: Fibroblast. Odontoblast. Mesenchymal cell. ***

486. a. b. c. d.

High rate of fractures at canine area in the mandible due to: Change direction of forces occruing here. Long canine root. *** Lower border is thin in this area. Alveolus is thin in this area.

Surgery: Basic Science and Clinical Evidence By Jeffrey A. Norton - Page 2013 * The mental foramen and the long roots of the canine teeth as well as impacted 3rd molars create points of weakness that are particularly prone to fracture.

487. a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Non odontogenic Lesion similar to endo Lesion: Hyperparathyroidism. Initial stage of cemental dysplasia. *** ‫المرحلة الولية من تخلل تنسج الملط‬ Ossifying Fibroma. Dentigerous cyst. Ameloblastoma. Lateral periodontal cyst. Myxoma & hemangioma. ‫ورم مخاطي و وعايئي‬

488. a. b. c.

Infection is more dangerous in children than adult because: Marrow spaces are wide. *** ‫فراغات نخاع العظم واسعة‬ Affect growth centre. ‫تأثر على مركز النمو‬ Hypocalcification in enamel. ‫زيادة التكلس في المينا‬

489. a. b. c. d.

The common disease affecting the submandibular salivary gland is: Salivary calculi. *** Pleomorphic adenomas. Viral sialoadenitis. Infected sialoadenitis.


Which most common salivary gland neoplasm: A. Pleomorphic adenoma. *** ‫ورم غدي متعدد الشكال‬ Oral pathology clinical pathologic correlation 3rd edition - Page 239 * Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign tumor of the major and minor salivary glands. *Affect Parotid gland in 80% of total diseases that affect salivary glands & ducts.


Ranula is associated with which salivary gland: a- submandiular gland. b- sublingual gland. *** EAOM - OBSTRUCTIVE SALIVARY DISEASE [Notizia-89] * Ranula is a similar cyst arising in the floor of mouth from the sublingual gland.

492. a. b. c. d.

Ranula can be treated by: Excision. ‫الستئصال‬ Cauterization. ‫الكي‬ Incision. ‫الشق‬ Marsupialization. *** ‫التجويف‬

Cawson’s Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine 8Ed 2008 – Page 293 Treatment is preferably by marsupialisation with removal of the related gland, A simple incision leads to recurrence, and enucleation is difficult because of the very thin wall Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 5Ed 2009 – Page 377 Rx. (treatment): excision of cyst and associated sublingual gland Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Histopathology 2012 – page 58 Excision with removal of the involved minor salivary glands. Recurrence can occur if the ducts of the remaining glands are severed during the procedure. Oral pathology clinical pathologic correlation 6Ed 2012, Page 189 minor salivary glands, treatment consists of removal of both the mucus retention cyst and the associated gland. If a duct is surgically entered, special precautions (marsupialization/cannula) are used to aid the healing process Textbook of Oral Medicine 2Ed 2010 – Page 654 • Surgical excision—they are best treated by surgical excision including a portion of the surrounding tissues. • Partial excision with marsupialization—the major part of the cyst wall together with its overlying mucus membrane is excised. A Colour Handbook Oral Medicine 2Ed 2012 Mucoceles are treated by surgical excision to include the lesion and the adjacent minor salivary glands Head and Neck Pathology 2Ed 2013 by John R. Goldblum – Page 232 Complete excision, including minor salivary gland, usually is adequate Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent 9Ed 2011,Page 132 Lesions are usually treated by marsupialization, with occasional recurrence being noted. Chronic recurrence may require excision of the entire involved gland. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery, 6th Ed 2014,Page 410 * The usual treatment of ranula is marsupialization. * The preferred ttt. for recurrent or persistent ranula is excision of the ranula and sublingual gland.


Solitary bone cyst management: a. Anti-inflammatory and follow up. b. Curettage and close. *** c. Marsupialization and antibiotic d. No active management.

494. a. b.

For the ceramometal restorations, the type of finish line is: Chamfer. Beveled shoulder. *** Shillingburg 3rd Ed, Page 151 There was difference between shoulder bevel & shoulder , so it recommended to use shoulder bevel finish line in the metal ceramic restoration


Benefits of opaque porcelain layer:

a. b. c.

Bonding the metal structure. Initiating the color. a & b. *** Dental Decks - page 604


Radiographic examination in impacted teeth is useful to demonstrate: a. Proximity of the roots to the adjacent anatomical structures. b. Associated pathology. c. All of the above. ***

497. a. b. c. d.

Epidemiology can be defined as: ‫علم الوبايئيات‬ A study of special areas of the skin. The study of the distribution and determinant of disease in man. *** Study of biological animals. Study of disease in research laboratory.

498. a. b. c.

Which of the following spaces are bilaterally involved in Ludwig's

angina? Submandibular + masticatory spaces. Sublingual + Submandibular + sublingual + submental. *** Dental Decks - page 1554

499. a. b.

When you do amalgam finishing: Immediately. 24 hours later. ***

500. a. b. c. d. e.

When polishing amalgam restoration: Avoid heat generation by using wet polishing paste. Wait for 24 hours. a & b. *** a only b only

501. a. b. c.

The roof of mandibular ( glenoid ) fossa consists of: Thin compact bone. *** Spongy bone. Cancellous bone.

502. a. b. c. d.

Neoplasm that spread by lymphatic from the angle of the mouth reaches the: Preauricular lymph nodes. ‫أمام دصيوان الذن‬ Mental lymph nodes. Submandibular Lymph nodes. *** ( and submental lymph nodes ). Pterygoid plexus.


Jugulo-digastric nodes.

503. a. b. c. d.

Aplastic anemia is caused by: Tetracycline. Penicillin. Erythromycin. Sulfonamide. *** ‫مثل السيبتريم‬

504. a. b. c. d.

Odontogenic infection can cause least complication: Pulmonary abscess. ‫تخرا ج ريئوي‬ Peritonitis. ‫التهاب الصفاق‬ Prosthetic valve infection. ‫عدوى دصمام القلب‬ Cavernous sinus thrombosis. *** ‫تخثرة الجيب الكهفي‬

Dental Secrets – page 260


Cavernous sinus thrombosis not manifested as: a. infra orbital syndrome. b. Syncope due to atrial obliteration. *** c. eye exophthalmos. Dental Secrets – page 263 * Cavernous sinus thrombosis: Patients present with eye exophthalmos, orbital swelling, neurologic signs and fever.


After u inject L.A for 2nd. max. molar pt. becomes colorless with external swelling it’s due to : 1/ facial artery. 2/ plexus vein. *** 3/ Posterior alveolar nerve. Hand Book Local Anasthesia – page 168 * Hematoma is commonly produced by inserting the needle too far posteriorly into the pterygoid plexus of veins. Also, the maxillary artery me be perforated.

507. a. b. c. d.

Endomethasone is a root canal sealer that: Dissolves in fluid so it weakens the root canal filling. Very toxic containing formaldehyde. Contains corticosteroids. All the above. ***


Cause that master G.P not reach working length although it is the same size of last file: a. Dentin debris. ( Dentin chips ).

b. c. d.

Ledge formation. a & b. *** None of the above

( in root canal ).

Endodontics Problem solving in clinical practice 2002 – page 135

509. a. b. c.

Small access opening in upper centeral incisor leads to: Complete removal of the pulp. Incomplete removal of the pulp. *** Conservative restoration.

510. a. b. c.

How can you prevent dental hypersensitivity: Restoration by adhesion. *** Controlled by alcohol. Put sedative medication.

511. a. b.

U-shaped radiopaque structure in the upper 1st molar x-ray is: The zygomatic process. *** Maxillary sinus wall

Dental Radiographic Diagnosis by Dr. Thunthy - page 44 And Dental Decks – page 150


Loss of sensation in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is related to paralysis of: ‫شلل‬ a. Lingual nerve. *** b. Hypoglossal nerve. c. Chorda tympani nerve. Dental Decks * For tha ant. 2/3: lingual n. for the sensation & chorda tympani n. for the taste. * For the post. 1/3: both taste & sensation by glossopharngeal n.

513. a. b. c. d.

The choice of local anesthesia depends on: Diameter of the nerve Structure of the bone Number of branches Type of L.A agent chemistry. *** ( Chemical composition of anesthesia ) .


Choice of local anesthesia technique influenced by: a) Chemical composition of anesthesia. B) The location of the nerve. C) Bone structure. *** ( If it’s a maxilla or a mandible ). Dental decks - page 1904

* The bone of the maxilla is more porous than that of the mandible, so it can be infiltrated anywhere.

515. a. b. c. d.

Mandibular foramen in young children is:

OR When you want to give Inf.Alveolar block for a child you have to take attention that the mandibular foramen is: At level of occlusal plane. Above the level of occlusal plane. Anterior the level of occlusal plane. Below the level of occlusal plane. *** PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY - 3rd Ed. (2005) – page 98 In children, the mandibular foramen is low in relation to the occlusal plane. * ‫و لكن لتخديرها فإننا‬ ‫يرمجى النتباه للفرق بين السئلة السابقة حيث أن فتحة القناة عند الطفال تكون تحت مستوى الطباق‬ (‫ندتخل البرة بمستوى الطباق )عبيدة‬ The mandibular foramen was located 4.12 mm. below the occlusal plane at * the age of 3 years. It subsequently moved upward with age. By the age of 9 years, it had reached approximately the same level as the occlusal plane. The foramen continued to move upward to 4.16 mm. above the occlusal plane in .the adult group

516. a. b. c. d.

When you give inferior dental block for pedo Pt. the angulations for the needle: 7 mm below the occlusal plane. 5 mm below the occlusal plane. 7 mm above the occlusal plane. At the occlusal plane. *** Pediatric dentistry infancy through adolescence, pinkham, 3rd edition, page 416 * Needle must be inserted at the level of occlusal plane. And McDnald 7th ed – page 285 * The mandibular foramen is situated at a level lower than the occlusal plane of the primary teeth, so the injection must be made slightly lower and more posteriorly than for an adult patient.

517. a. b. c. d.

The cell primary site of ATP production is: OR The organelle most directly involved in cellular aerobic respiration is: Mitochondria. *** Lysosomes. Nucleus. Vacuoles.


The organelle most closely associated with the manufacture of proteins within the cell: a. Ribosome. ***

b. c. d. e.

Lysosome. Nucleolus. Cell wall. Cell membrane.

519. a. b. c. d.

The packing and sorting of protein is the function of: Endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus. *** Mitochondria. Nucleus.

520. a. b. c. d.

The process of attraction of neutrophils to a site of local tissue injury is called: Phagocytosis. ‫البلعمة‬ Diapedesis. ‫انسلل‬ Chemotaxis. *** ‫انجذاب كيميايئي‬ Epistaxis. ‫الرعاف‬

521. a. b. c. d.

The process of cell engulfing particle is called: ‫عملية ابتلع الخليا للجزيئات‬ Endocytosis. Exocytosis. Phagocytosis. *** ‫بلعمة‬ Pinocytosis.

522. a. b. c. d.

Action of Histamine: Vasodilatation. ‫الدموية توسع الوعية‬ Permeability. ‫النفوذية‬ Chemokinesis. ‫التحفيز الكيمياكئى‬ Bronchoconstriction. ‫تضييق الشعب الهوايئية‬ e. All of the obove.

523. a. b.

Cholesterol crystals are found in: Keratocyst. *** Periodontal cyst. * Cholesterol crystals are found in many odontogenic cysts including radicular cysts, dentigerous cysts and keratocysts.

524. a. b.

Most commonly dentigerous cysts are associated with: Unerupted permanent maxillary canines. Unerupted mandibular 3rd molars. ***

Bilateral Dentigerous Cysts - Report of an Unusual Case and Review of the Literature

Although dentigerous cysts may involve any tooth, the mandibular third molars are the most commonly affected.

525. a. b. c. d.

Histopathologically, dentigerous cyst lining epithelium may be: Cuboidal in type. ‫مكعبي الشكل‬ Stratified squamous in type. *** ‫حرشفي طبقي الشكل‬ Reduced enamel epithelium. ‫نقص تخليا النامل الطليئية‬ All of the above. Oral pathology clinical pathologic correlation,3 rd Ed,Page 294 ‫ ويكيبيديا و‬: ‫المرمجع‬


Thyroglossal duct cysts: ‫كيس القناة الدرقية اللسانية‬ Are only found in the posterior tongue. Clinically present in the lateral neck tissue. May be found anywhere along the pathway of the embryonic thyroglossal duct. *** ‫قد تومجد بأي مكان على طول ممر قناة الدرقية اللسانية الجنينة‬ d. Are sometimes called lympho-epithelial cysts. a. b. c.

Oral pathology clinical pathologic correlation,3rd edition, Page 316

527. a. b. c. d.

Unilateral swelling and slowly progressing lesion on the left side of the mandible. This could be: Osteoma. Cementoblastoma. Ossifying Fibroma. *** Osteo-sarcoma. Oral pathology clinical pathologic correlation, 3rd edition, Page 357

528. a. b. c. d.

Tooth germs of primary teeth arise from: Dental lamina. *** Dental follicle. Enamel organ. Epithelial cell of malassez.

 

Tooth germ = Tooth bud. Tooth germs of permanent teeth arise from dental lamina.

529. a. b.

Apical periodontal cyst arises from: Hertwig sheath. Epithelial cell rest of malassez. ***

530. a. b. c.

Formation of Lateral periodontal cyst due to: Nasolacrimal cyst. Hertiwig's epithelial root sheath Epithelial rest of malassaz. ***

d. e.

Peals of serres the epithelial rests or glans of serres


Which is the most likely cause of periodontal cyst? Cell rest of Malassez. *** Cell rest of serss. Cell of Hertwig sheath.

a. b. c.


Primary malignant melanoma of the oral mucosa: Always originates within the surface epithelium. Mostly originates within the surface epithelium. *** Always originates from nevus cells in the connective tissue. Always originates from langerhans cells within epithelium.

a. b. c. d.

Primary malignant melanoma of the oral mucosa originates within the epithelial-connective tissue interface ( within surface epithelium and connective tissue ). * ‫ لذلك فى الختيارات هيجيبلك واحد ة فقط من الختيارين التين وكلهما صحيح‬:

 

Mostly originates within the surface epithelium. Or Mostly originates within the connective tissue.

533. a. b. c. d.

Histopathologically, adenoid cystic carcinoma is characterized by islands of: Basophilic islands of tumor cells that are intermingled with areas of pseudocartilage. ‫شكل الجبنة السويسرية‬ Basophilic islands of tumor cells having a "Swiss cheese" appearance. *** Basophilic islands of tumor cells having a "Swiss cheese" appearance and evidence of serous acini. ‫عنيبات مصلية‬ Basophilic islands of tumor cells contain mucin & normal acini. ‫مخاطية المحتوى‬


The risk of malignant change being present in epithelium is greatest

in: a. b. c. d.

Homogenous leukoplakia. Erythroplakia. *** Chronic hyperplasic candidiasis. Speckled leukoplakia. * Erythroplakia should be viewed as a more serious lesion because of a significantly higher percentage of malignancies associated with it.

535. a. b. c. d.

The term acanthosis refers to: A decreased production of keratin. An increased production of keratin. An increased thickness of the prickle cell zone. *** None of the above. ‫الكانثوسيز هو ورم حميد وهو انتفاخ الطبقة الشكوكية‬

(stratum spinosum).

536. a. b. c. d.

The most common malignant tumors of the minor salivary glands are: Adenoid cystic carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. *** Adenoid cystic carcinoma and acinic cell carcinoma. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma. **‫اتختيار ادصدار السادس‬ Mucoepidermoid carcinoma and polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma. Because Mucoepidermoid is malignant tumor common of Major salivary glands Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg -- Malignant Minor Salivary Gland Tumors of the Larynx, July 2006, Ganly et al. 132 (7): 767

The most common malignant minor salivary gland tumors are mucoepidermoid carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma.

537. a. b. c. d. e.

Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve leaves the skull through: Foramen rotundum. Foramen ovale. *** Superior orbital fissure. Inferior orbital fissure. Jugular foramen.

538. a. b. c. d. e. f.

Foramen ovale is in the following bone: * The optic foramen canal is a part of: *Optic nerve coming from which bone: Temporal bone. Occipital bone. Sphenoid bone. *** Esthmoid bone. Frontal bone. Palatel.


The inferior alveolar nerve is branch of: 1. Mandibular nerve.*** 2. Posterior mandibular alveolar nerve. 3. Anterior mandibular alveolar nerve.

540. a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

The following structures open into the middle meatus: Nasolacrimal duct. Posterior ethmoidal sinus. Maxillary sinus. Sphenoid sinus. Anterior ethmoidal sinus. a, b & d. a & b.

h. i.

c & e. *** All of the above (Maxillary sinus, anterior ethmoidal sinus and middle ethmoidal sinus).

541. a. b. c. d.

Ligaments associated with TMJ: Tempromandibular. Sphenomandibular. Stylomandibular. All of the above. ***


Location to give inferior alveolar nerve block the landmarks are: 1/ pterygomandibular raphe. 2/ cronoid notch. 3/ All of the above. ***

543. a. b. c. d. e.

The following cavity bases are moisture sensitive:

Polycarboxylate. Zinc phosphate. GI cement. *** ZOE. a, c.


Which of the following types of base materials can be placed in contact with polymethyl methaacrylate & not inhibit the polymerization of the resin: a. ZOE. b. GI cement. c. Zn phosphate cement. d. Varnish. e. b, c. *** Dental Decks - page 2076 - 2102

545. a. b. c. d.

Cement which contains fluoride: GI. *** ZOE. Reinforced ZOE. Polycarboxylate cement.


Marginal deterioration of amalgam restoration should be due to: ‫تتدهور حواف الملقم بسبب‬ a. No enough bulk of dentine. ‫كمية عا ج غير كافيه‬ b. Corrosion. ‫تآكل‬

c. d. e. f. g. h.

Over carving. ‫نحت زايئد‬ Improper manipulation of amalgam. ‫سوء استخدام الملقم‬ a and b. c and d. All the above. *** b, c and d. Marginal deterioration = Marginal degradation = Marginal ditching = Marginal crevicing. Art and science of operative dentistry 2000 – page 157


A restoration of anterior teeth with RCT, abraded incisal edge & small Mesial & Distal caries is by: a. Ceramometal crown. *** b. Composite laminated. c. Veneer. d. None of the above.

548. a. b. c.

The powder for GI cement contains: Sio2, Al2O3, CaF2. *** Sio2, Zno, barium sulphate. None of the above.


The body secrets antibody against antigen using which cells: * Body defends itself by antibodies from: * Cell that produce antibodies: a. T lymphocyte b. B lymphocyte c. Palasma cell

550. a. b.

In diabetic patient, periodontium affected by which cells: Neutrophil. Called PMN Macrophages. ***


When take an x-ray to pregnant lady, we use all of these methods

EXCEPT: a. Digital x-ray. b. High sensitive film. c. Paralleling tech (long cone) 16 inch. d. Bisecting angle (short cone) 8 inch. *** e. Lead apron with thyroid collar.

552. a.

6 feets away in 90 - 135 angle.

553. a. b. c. d.

Cause of angular cheilitis:

Loss vertical dimension and Pt. have complete denture. *** Autoimmune factors. “Dental secrets” & " ‫" كتاب "أمراض الفم‬ "Atlas Of Oral Medicine "

557. a. b. c.

In a study, it should: ‫في الدراسات ينبغي‬

Protect against role of the statistician. ‫الحماية ضد دور التخصايئي‬ Protect against legal risks. ‫الحماية ضد التخطار القانونية‬ Protect against physical risks. ‫الحماية ضد التخطار الطبيعية‬

556. a. b.

Proximal caries confined to enamel:

Prevention. Observation. Restore with GI. ***

555. a. b. c.

Proximal caries should be opened when:

Confined within enamel. Pass DE junction. Dentin laterally. All of the above. *** Sturdevant's Art & science of operative Dentistry Carise increase when reach DEJ

554. a. b. c.

When take x-ray we should stand:

Ugly duckling stage:

9-11 years old. 13-15 years old. 7-9 years old.

558. 1. 2. 3.

Eruption of primary dentition starts from: 6-7 months. *** ( primary central incisors "A" ). 1 year. 9 months.

559. a. b.

All are irrigation for canals EXCEPT:

Saline. Hydrogen peroxide.

c. d.

Naocl. RC prep. ***

560. a. b.

In community diagnosis and treatment program: Water flouridation. Diagnose, prevent and treat. ***

561. a. b. c.

Porcelain shrinkage after firing: 1-5 %. 5-10 %. 10-20 %. Oxford,Page 783: 30-40%

562. a. b. c. d.

The cement under MOD amalgam have this character: High modulus of elasticity. *** ‫ ( معامل مرونة عالي‬high stiffness ) Low modulus of elasticity. ( low stiffness ) The high modulus of elasticity prevents bonding and decreases tensile strength. Both a & c. oxford, Page 753 "Sturdevant's Art & Science of Operative Dentistry" Page 479

563. a. b. c. d.

Examination of Pt. health by the dentist: To know the patients health. To know what medications to give. To know general health data. All of the above. ***

564. 1. 2. a. b. c. d.

2 statements true or false: RCT abutment of FPD has higher risk for fracture. Abutment which has RCT in cantilever FPD has higher susceptibility to fracture. 1st is true,2nd is false 1st is false, 2nd is true. *** Both are false Both are true.

565. a. b.

Both glass ionomer & polycarpoxylate cement contain: Polyacrylic acid. *** ZOE powder. Churchill's Pocket Books Clinical Dentistry 3 rd Ed 2007, Page 124-129


Factors delay healing of wound: ‫العوامل المؤتخرة لشفاء الجروح‬ a. Infection. ‫العدوى‬

b. c. d.

Torn wound edges. ‫الحواف المتشققة‬ Strain. ‫المجهاد‬ All of the above. ***

567. a. b.

Factor interferes with healing: Poor suturing. Infection. ***

Dental Decks - page 1792 * Healing occurs more rapidly with a lower risk of infection.

568. a. b. c. d.

Dry socket happens after:

24 h. 3 – 5 days. *** 1 week. 2 weeks.


Avulsion more important factor that affects reimplantation: ‫القلع عامل مهم‬ ‫يؤثر على إعادة الزرع‬ a. Contaminated roots. ‫تلوث الجذور‬ b. Time since the avulsion. ‫الوقت المنقضي منذ القلع‬ : Dental secrets ‫المرمجع‬

570. a. b. c. d.

Dentinogenesis imperfecta have all EXCEPT: Broken enamel. ‫انكسار المينا‬ Blue sclera. ‫ازرقاق دصلبة العين‬ Broken bone. ‫انكسار العظم‬ Supernumerary teeth. *** ‫أسنان زايئدة‬


Generalized gray discoloration in a 28 years old patient’s teeth, with blue sclera and an enlarged pulp chambers and short roots, and multiple fractures in enamel, the diagnosis is : OR X- ray shows large pulp chamber, thin dentine layer and enamel: A) Dentinogenesis Imperfecta. *** B) Amelogenesis Imperfecta.


30 years old pt. came to the clinic with brownish discoloration of all his teeth (intrinsic discoloration) & yellowish in U/V light, the most likely cause is: 1/ flourosis. 2/ tetracycline. *** 3/ amelogensis imperfecta. 4/ dentogensis imperfectea.

573. a. b. c. d.

Most sign of fracture of mandible: Nose bleeding. ‫نزيف أنفي‬ Malocclusion. *** ‫سوء إطباق‬ Exophthalmos. ‫مجحوظ العين‬ Parasthesia of infraorbital nerve distribution ‫تخدر عصب ماتحت العين في الفك العلوي‬ mcqs In Dentistry The mandible fracture Associated with Malocclusion,tongue and sublingual Bleeding, Numbness of Inf. Aleovlar nerve, Paraesthesia of lower lip or chin


What supply the gingival buccal tissue of premolars, canines and incisors: ‫هو لم يحدد هل أسنان علوية أ م سفلية؟‬ a. Long buccal nerve. b. Inferior alveolar nerve. *** ( innervates the mandibular molars, premolars, canines and incisors ). c. Superior alveolar nerve. ( innervates the maxillary molars by posterior superior alveolar nerve, innervates the maxillary premolars by middle superior alveolar nerve and innervates the maxillary canines and incisors by anterior superior alveolar nerve ).


Drainage of tip of the tongue: ‫تصريف سوايئل قمة اللسان‬ a. Submandibular lymph nodes. ( Drain lateral parts “ right&left sides ” of anterior 2/3rd of the tongue ). b. Submental lymph nodes. *** Oral pathology Regezi 3rd edition - page 72

576. a. b. c. d.

Cementum in cervical 2/3 has: Acellular intrinsic fiber. ‫ليف ل تخلوي داتخلي‬ Acellular extrinsic fiber. *** ‫ليف ل تخلوي تخارمجي‬ Cellular mixed fibers. ‫ليف تخلوي مختلط‬ Intermediate cementum. Dental Decks - page 836 ‫و‬

Periodontology PAGE 15 : ‫المرمجع‬

577. a. b. c. d.

Pins are inserted into: Enamel. Dentin. *** Enamel and dentin (DEJ). Any of the above . Dental secrets : ‫المرمجع‬ .‫ ملم عن الملتقى المينايئي العامجي‬1 ‫ ملم في العا ج والحشوة ويبعد‬2 ‫ويجب أن يكون طوله‬

578. a. b. c. d.

After etch enamel and bond it with 5th generation the strength is ? 5-10 Mp. 25 Mp. *** 30 Mp. 100 Mp.

.But, dentin strength becomes 35 Mp *


Composite restoration that was matching in shade, after one week it became much light. The reason could be: a. Light started photoinitation. b. Absorption water. c. Shade selected after rubber dam. ***

580. a. b. c.

Disadvantages of digital x-ray EXCEPT: Large disk space storage. Clarity and resolution. *** ( Advantages ). Expensive. . ‫من مميزات التصوير الرقمي إمكانية التحكم بالصورة وتوضيحها‬

581. a. b. c.

Treatment of fungal infections: Penicillin. Tetracyclin. Nystatin. *** Oral thrush ( fungal infection in the ‫و‬

Dental Decks - page 2454 : ‫المرمجع‬ mouth )

582. a. b.

Properties of ideal endo obturation material are all EXCEPT: Biocompatible. Radiolucent. *** ‫ هى ل تظهر فى الشعة سوداء وانما تظهر بيضاء‬.

583. a. b.

Most difficult of extract: Mand. 3rd molar with mesioangular fused roots. Mand. 3rd molar with distoangular angulation with divergent curved roots.

*** Dental decks - page 1846 Wisdom tooth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia * Typically distoangular impactions are the easiest to extract in the maxilla and most difficult to extract in the mandible, while mesioangular impactions are the most difficult to extract in the maxilla and easiest to extract in the mandible.


Pt. has hyperventilation in clinic. Most cause: * Hyperventilation in dental office: ‫زيادة التنفس‬ a. Reduced (Low) CO2. b. Increase (High) CO2. c. Anxiety. *** ‫التوتر والقلق والخوف‬

585. a.

Very important part in endo treatment: Complete debridement of the canal. ***

586. a. b.

Perio endo lesion the primary treatment: Endo treatment. *** Deep scaling and root planning.

Dental decks - page 216

587. a. b. c. d.

Local Contraindication to extraction: Cardiac pt. Tooth in the malignant tumor Pt. recent received radiotherapy. Both B & C *** Dental secrets

588. a. b.

Base of the flap should be wide for: Healing. Better blood supply to the wound.

Dental decks 1754 * Flap design should ensure adequate blood supply so, the base of the flap should be larger than the apex.

589. a. b. c.

Supra calculus all true EXCEPT: Hard and rough. *** ( in subgingival calculus ). ‫الجير فوق اللثة يكون دصلب و تخشن‬ Easy to detach. ‫نشيلو بسهولة‬ Has component of saliva. Supra calculus = Supragingival calculus . . ‫الجير فوق اللثة سهل الزالة ومن مكوناته اللعاب‬

590. a. b. c.

Thickness of luting cement: 100 micrometer. 40 micrometer. *** ( 12 - 25 micrometer ). 1mm. :Dental Decks Part 2, 2007-2008 page 2072 .The maximum allowable thickness is 25 µm (ADA specification) * Dental Cements: .microns film thickness is ideally suited for luting applications 12 *

591. a. b.

Zinc phosphate cement: Mechanical attachment. *** Chemical attachment.

592. a. b. c.

Traditional Glass ionomer: Mechanical bonding. Acid-base reaction. *** ( chemical bonding ). Mechanical chemical bonding. ‫فوسفات الزنك يرتبط إلى السن ميكانيكيا بعكس غلس أينومير وبولي كربوكسيلت‬: Dental Decks - page 2060 . ‫الزنك يرتبطان كيميايئيا‬

593. a. b. c. d.

Pontic design of an FPD: Same size buccolingually of the missing tooth. Smaller than missing tooth buccolingually. *** Wider buccolingually. None of the above.

594. a. b. c.

False negative response of an electric pulp test given: After trauma. *** Periodontal disease. In teenager. ‫ تكلس اللب أو زيادة العا ج الثانوي– عدم اكتمال الذروة _الرضوض – وعند‬: ‫تحصل الستجابة السلبية الكاذبة في الحالت التالية‬ .‫المسنين المترامجعين بالوظايئف العصبية _ بعد تناول المسكنات‬

595. a. b. c.

Young with open apex, examination test: Reliable. ‫موثوق‬ Non reliable. *** ‫غير موثوق‬ None of the above. . ‫لن هنا تحدث استجابة سلبية كاذبة‬

596. a. b. c. d.

Best media for the avulsed tooth: Tap water. ‫ماء الحنفية‬ HBSS. *** ( Hank's balanced salt solution ). Saliva. Milk. Dental secrets : ‫حسب‬ ‫ ثم الحليب‬Viaspan ‫أفضل الوساط لحفظ السن المنخلع قبل إعادة زرعه هي بالترتيب محلول هانك الملحي المتعادل ثم فياسبان‬ . ‫البارد ومحلول السالين ثم اللعاب ثم ماء الحنفية‬


Rigid palatal strap major connector. The material of construction is: A. cr-co *** or co-cr (chrome-cobalt or cobalt-chromium). B. Gold alloy. C. wrought wire.


The use of low speed hand piece in removal of soft caries in children is better than high speed because: a. less vibration. ‫أقل اهتزاز‬ b. less pulp exposure. *** ‫أقل عرضة لنكشاف اللب‬ c. better than high speed.


Progression of initial caries to cavitations takes 18 months this based on: a. streptococci mutans initiate caries. b. lactobacilli progress caries. ***


The vertical fracture of the tooth detected by: A. Periodontal pocket. ***

B. Radiographically. C. Vertical percussion. Dental secrets – page 161 Dental Decks - page 135 : 1. Fiber optic light. 2. Persistent periodontal defects ( periodontal pocket ). 3. Radiographs rarely show vertical fractures difficultly.

It is recognized clinically because a periodontal pocket forms along the fracture line.


Principle of elevator use all of the following EXCEPT: 1) Wheel and axle. ‫عجلة ومحور‬ 2) Wedging the socket wall. *** ‫توتيد مجدار السوكيت‬ 3) Wedging. ‫التوتيد‬ 4) Lever. ‫العتلة للرفع‬ Textbook for General and Oral Surgery – page 193


To kill HIV use all of the following EXCEPT:

OR The least way to kill HIV or AIDs is: OR The least effective method to kill the HIV is through: A. Sodium hypochlorite "Naocl". very effective B. Ultraviolet chamber. *** ( Ultraviolet light ). C. Autoclave. D. Chemoclave. Non of the above * ‫لو ذكر تخيار‬ ‫ طبعا هختاره لن اللترافيولت ليت هى طريقة تستخدم لقتل فيروس اليدز ولكنها أقل طريقة فعالة‬.


Pain of short duration with hot and cold: A. Dentin sensitivity. *** B. irriversible pulpitis. C. chronic pulpitis. D. apical periodontitis.


When do we do incision and drainage? A. Indurated diffuse swelling. ‫انتفاخ منتشر قاسي‬ b. Sinus tract. c. Chronic apical periodontitis. ***


Pregnant lady needs oral surgery: a. Needs prophylactic antibiotic. B. Needs under GA. c. Needs steroid cover. d. None of the above. ***


When do we give antibiotic: a. Widespread rapid infection. ‫عدوى سريعة واسعة النتشار‬ b. Compromised host defence. ‫دفاع مضيف منقوص‬ c. a&b. ***


Tooth requires RCT with bone resorption. Terminate RCT at: a. Radiographic apex. b. 0.5-1 mm. short of radiographic apex. *** c. 0.5-1 mm. beyond radiographic apex. Color atlas of endodontics – page 54

Some researchers suggest calculating the working length 1 mm. short of the radiographic apex with normal apical anatomy, 1.5 mm. short with bone but no root resorption, and 2 mm. short with bone and root resorption.


Incipient caries: ‫التسوس المبتدىء‬ a. Surface zone is relatively unaffected. *** ‫المنطقة السطحية غير متأثرة نسبيا‬ b. The surface zone is the largest portion with the highest pore volume. c. Tooth preparation and composite is the best treatment. d. Pulpal reaction is not possible. e. Caries progress in enamel faster than dentin. Dental decks 2080 * Surface zone relatively unaffected by the carious attack.


Important factor in long term success of perio treatment: a. Skill of the operator. b. Perio maintenance.


Which causes gingival enlargement: A. Cyclosporines. *** ( Nefidipine ). B. …


Pedo use rubber dam for: a. Improve visibility and access. ‫لتحسين الرؤية والودصول‬ b. Lowers risk of swallowing. ‫تقليل تخطر البلع‬ c. Sterile field. ‫مكان معقم‬ d. a & b. ***


Root most commonly pushed in max. sinus: a. Buccal of 7. b. Palatal of 6. *** c. Palatal of 7. d. Buccal of 6. e. Distal of 6 & 7. Dental decks 1816

The palatal root of the maxillary first molar is most often dislodged into the maxillary sinus during an extraction procedure.


If tooth or root is pushed during surgical extraction into maxillary

sinus: a) Leave it and inform the patient. b) Remove it as soon as possible. *** c) Follow the patient for 3 months. d) None of the above.


Cementum is formed from: a. Cementoblasts. *** ‫تخليا البنايئية للملط‬ b. Fibroblasts. c. Cementicles.


Avulsed teeth stored in: a. Milk. *** b. Water.

616. a. b. c. d.

The best media for keeping the avulsed teeth is: Water in the same temperature of room. Milk in the same temperature of room. Cold water. Cold milk.***


The depth of cavity prep. for composite in posterior: a. Limited to enamel. b. 0.5 mm. in dentin. c. Depends on caries extension. *** ‫يعتمد على امتداد التسوس‬ d. Depends on tooth discoloration. e. 0.2 mm. in dentin.


Factors that make impaction surgery more difficult: ‫العوامل التي تجعل عملية‬ ‫إزالة السن المطمور أكثر دصعوبة‬ a. Mesioangular position, large follicle, wide periodontal ligament and fused

conical roots. B. Mesioangular position, large follicle, wide periodontal ligament and curved roots. C. Distoangular position, large follicle, wide periodontal ligament and fused conical roots d. Distoangular position, thin follicle, narrow periodontal ligament and divergent curved roots. *** E. Soft tissue impaction, separated from second molar and inferior alveolar nerve.


Which scalpel below is universally used for oral surgical procedures? ‫مستخدم عالميا‬ OR Most used scalpel in oral surgery: A. Number 2 blade. B. Number 6 blade. C. Number 10 blade. D. Number 12 blade. E. Number 15 blade. *** (Bard Parker)


Main disadvantage of chlorhexidine: a. Staining. *** ‫التصبغ‬ b. Burning sensation. c. Altered taste. ‫* أكبر سلبية للكلوروهكسيدين هي تأثيره الملوون للسنان واللسان بالضافة إلى أن التركيز المنخفض المستخدم ل يكفي للتخلص من‬ . ‫إيجابيات الغرام فتطلق الكبريت الطيار وتسبب رايئحة كريهة‬


The radiograph shows condylar head orientation and facial symmetry: OR The best way of radiograph shows displacement of mandibular condyle: OR Pt. presented with vehicle accident u suspect presence of bilateral condylar fracture what is the best view to diagnose condylar fracture: a. Submentovertex. b. Reverse towne. *** c. Occiptomental d. Lateral oblique 30 degree. "US Army medical course - Dental Radiography – page 376" Dental Decks Reverse towne is used for fractures of condylar neck & ramus areas


What kinds of radiographs which we do not use for TMJ. movements? a- Transcranial. ‫لنها ليست أشعة‬ b- Computerized tomography. c- Conventional tomography. d- Arthrography.


To check a perforation in the desk of the TMJ. we need: *To check TMJ. range of movement: A) Cranial imagery. B) Arthrography. *** (CT after injection of a high contrast fluid). C) Traditional tomography. D) Computerized tomography. Churchill's Pocketbooks Clinical Dentistry 3Ed 2007, Page 49 Arthrography to determine the disc position & detect disc perforation & adhesion. but it's not comfortable for pt. and has largely replaced by MRI


Zinc phosphate cement and polycarboxylate cement both have: a. Zinc oxide particles. *** b. Silica quartz particles. c. Polyarcyilic acid. d. Phosphoric acid. Churchill's Pocketbooks Clinical Dentistry 3Ed 2007, Page 129


Pedo, has trauma in 11, half an hour ago, with slight apical exposure, open apex, treatment is: a. Pulpotomy with formacresol. b. Apexification. *** c. DPC. (Direct pulp capping). d. Extraction.


Which intracanal medicament causes protein coagulation: a. Formocresol. *** b. Naocl. c. Hydrogen peroxide. ‫يستفاد من تخادصية تخثير الفورموكريزول للبروتين في تثبيت لب السنان المؤقتة‬


GIC. compared to composite: a. Increase linear coefficient of thermal expansion. B. More wear resistant. c. Less soluble. d. Polymerization shrinkage. *** ( less in GIC. ). GIC: less thermal expansion & less wear resistance & more water resorbable less microleakage (shrinkage) because it fused chemically to tooth wall


Pt. with severe pain in lower left mandibular molar, examination positive pulp test & percussion test, no radiographic abnormality, right side have recent FPD in upper: a. Chronic apical periodontits. b. Actue apical periodontitis. *** c. Apical abcess.

d. None of the above.

629. a. b. c. d.

6 years old child have 74 and 84 extracted best space maintainer is: Lingual arch. *** ‫لما يكون الضرسين مخلوع‬ Bilateral band and loop. ‫لما يكون ضرس واحد فقط مخلوع‬ Bilateral distal shoe. No need for space maintainer.


6 years old child lost his upper right 1st molar, arrangement: * Pedo, lost 75, sm.: * 5 years old patient lost his primary first maxillary molar the best retainer is: a. Band and loop. *** ‫لن ضرس واحد بس هوا اللى مخلوع‬ b. Crown and loop. c. Lingual arch. d. Nance appliance. ‫إذا كان الضرس الثانى المؤقت بحامجة لتا ج فيكون الخيار الثاني‬ band & loop ‫ سنوات وأكثر تكون‬6 ‫إذا كان عمر الطفل‬ crown & loop ‫إذا كان عمر الطفل أقل من بزوغ الضرس الول الدايئم تكون‬

631. a. b. c. d.

Band and loop space maintainer is most suitable for the maintenance of space after premature loss of: A single primary molar. *** ‫ضرس واحد فقط هوا اللى مخلوع‬ Two primary molars. A canine and a lateral incisor. All of the above.


6 years child with bilateral loss of deciduous molars & the anterior teeth not erupted yet, the space maintainer for choice is: a- lingual arch. B- Bilateral band and loop. c- Bilateral band and loop with distal shoe. d- Removable partial denture. ***


Lower anterior teeth labial mucosa supplied by: a. Mental nerve. *** b. Inferior dental nerve. C. Buccal nerve.


Buccal branch of trigeminal is: a. Sensory. *** b. Motor. c. Psychomotor. d. Sensory and motor.


Buccal branch of facial is: a. Sensory. b. Motor. *** c. Mixed.


Dentine permeability increases: ‫نفاذية العا ج تزيد‬ a. Coronal less than root dentine. *** ‫عا ج التا ج أقل من عا ج الجذر‬ b. Permeability increases toward DEJ. C. Permeability increases toward bcj.


Which material has best biocompatibility Intraorally: a. Cobalt chromium. b. Titanium. *** ‫التيتانيوم‬ c. Nickle chromium. d. Gold Palladium.


Porcelain teeth in complete denture opposing natural teeth are not preferred due to: a. Increase occlusal load on natural teeth. b. Wear of natural teeth. *** ‫تآكل للسنان الطبيعية‬ c. Clicking during mastication.


Which of following restorations more likely to cause wear to opposing: a. Composite. b. Gold. c. Porcelain. *** d. Amalgam.


In restoring lost tooth, which is least important: a. Esthetic. b. Pt. demand. *** ‫رغبة المريض‬ c. Function. d. Arch integrity and occlusal stability.


Enamel tufts are: a. Extensions of odontoblasts in the DEJ. b. Enamel rods change their direction. c. Enamel rods get crowded. *** "Enamel tufts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "


In clinical research: ‫في البحث الطبي‬ a. No different between Blind or double blind. ‫العمى وضعيف البصر‬ b. Needs control. c. Includes need of intervention. *** ‫تتضمن التدتخل‬ d. Offers no benefits to subject at risk.


One of the main causes of malocclusion: a. Premature loss of primary teeth. *** ‫الفقد المبكر للسنان اللبنية‬

644. a. b.

Squamous cell carcinoma is derived from: Epithelial tissue. *** Connective tissue.

645. a. b. c. d. e.

Most common site of squamous cell carcinoma: Postero-lateral border of tongue. *** ‫المكان الول‬ Floor of the mouth. ‫المكان الثانى‬ Buccal mucosa. Lip. Skin.

646. a. b. c. d. e.

Most common site of oral squamous cell carcinoma: Postero-lateral border of tongue. *** ‫المكان الول‬ Floor of the mouth. ‫المكان الثانى‬ Buccal mucosa. Lip. Skin.

Dental Secrets - page 35 :

The posterior lateral and ventral surfaces of the tongue are the most common sites of intraoral cancer.

647. a. b. c. d.

The majority of introral squamous cell carcinomas are histologically: Poorly differentiated. Well moderately differentiated. *** ‫ ( متمايزة لحد ما‬moderately differentiated ) Spindle cell in type. ‫مغزلية الشكل‬ Carcinoma in situation.

648. a. b.

Squamous cell carcinoma is multifactorial: True. *** False.

649. a. b. c. d. e.

‫متعددة العوامل‬

Early squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity presents as: Vesicle. ‫حويصله‬ Sessile mass. ‫كتل بل ساق‬ An ulcer. ( Later changes ). ‫ تتحول بعد ذلك الى قرحة‬. Red plaque. *** ( Early appearance ) ‫ بقعة حمراء‬. A white cauliflower like lesion. ‫آفه تشبه القرنابيط البيض‬

650. a. b. c. d.

Firm, fixed neck nodes are most to be detected in association with: An ameloblastoma. A basal cell carcinoma. An odontogenic fibroma. A squamous cell carcinoma. ***


Stage Ib disease of squamous cell carcinoma: a- T1 NO MO ( Stage IA disease ‫ >ــــ‬T1 NO MO ). b- T3 NO MO c- T2 NO MO. *** ( Stage IB disease ‫ >ــــ‬T2 NO MO ). d- T4 NO MO


File #40 means: a. 0.40 is the diameter at D0 . *** b. 0.40 is from d1 to d16. Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp 10Ed 2011, Page 240 Endodontics Principle & Practice 4Ed 2009 (Torabinejad), Page 208


Cause of radicular cyst: a. Non vital tooth. *** b. Vital tooth.


Minimum thickness of noble metal crown: a- 0.1 mm. b- 0.5 mm. *** c- 1 mm. d- 2 mm.


To locate the canal orifice use: a- Barite probe. b- Endo spreader. c- Endo file with curved tip. d- Round bur. ***

Also, endodontic explorer is used to search for canal orifices. or by Curved file or Micro-openers.


Healing by secondary intention causes: AA space between the edges filled by fibrous tissue. b- Leading to scar formation. d- A and b. ***


Contraindications for endo treatment EXCEPT: A-non strategic tooth. (‫سن غير استراتيجي )غير واضح المعالم مثل الضرس الثالث‬ B-non restorable teeth. ‫سن غير قابل للترميم‬ C-vertical fracture teeth. ‫كسر عمودي بالسن‬ D-tooth with large periapical lesion. ***

658. 1.

Arrange the steps:

ca(oh)2 placing _ varnish _ base _ amalgam. 2. ca(oh)2 placing _ base _ varnish _ amalgam. ***


Soft palate falls abruptly ‫ فجأة‬facilitate recording post dam. falls gradually make recording post dam difficult. A. two statements true. B. two false. *** C. first true, second false. D. first false, second true. 2006 ‫ "التعويضات المتحركة الكاملة" دمشق‬: ‫المرمجع‬


Caries progress in children more than adult due to: A. difference in ph. B. generalized dentin sclerosing by age. *** ‫العا ج يتصلب مع تقدم العمر‬ C. increasing in organic content of tubular dentin by age. Dental Decks - page 2188


Osteogensis during endodontic surgery aimed to prevent: A. fibrous in growth. *** ‫نمو اللياف‬ B. growth factor. C. formation of blood.


60 years old patient needs to make complete denture with thick labial frenum with wide base. The operation: A. Vestibuloplasty. *** ‫رأب دهليز الفم‬ B. Z-plasty. C. Subperiostum incision. D. Deepmucoperiosteum incision. "Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2nd Ed 2004 page 173" * Z-plasty is effective for narrow frenum attachments. But, Vestibuloplasty is often indicated for frenum attachments with wide base.


In 6 weeks of intrauterine life, the development starts. The oral epithelium is stratified squamous epithelium will thickened and gives dental lamina: a- true. *** b- false. ‫في السبوع السادس من الحياة الرحمية يتطور الفم من الخليا الطليئية الحرشفية وتتضخم و تعطي الصفيحة السنية‬ * The development of dental lamina occurs in 6 weeks of intrauterine life.


Retention of amalgam depends on: a- Amalgam bond. b- Convergency of walls oclusally. *** /______\ ‫الرسم لتوضيح الفرق‬ c- Divergency of walls oclusally. \_______/ d- Retentive pins. Bhatia's Dentogist: mcqs in Dentistry.


Energy absorbed by the point of fracture called: a- Ultimate strength. b- Elastic limit. c- Toughness. *** ‫الصلبة‬ d- Brittleness.


Mix in walking non vital bleaching: a- H2O2 with phosphoric acid gel. B- Superexol with sodium perborate. c- Superexol with calcium hydroxide. d- H2O2 with sodium perborate. ***

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005). Churchill's Pocketbook Clinical Dentistry 3rd Ed 2007,Page 286 combine 35% hydrogen peroxide with sodium perborate to give thick consistency


Since composite tooth preparation should be conservative so the

design: a- Amalgam in moderate and large cavities. b- Beveled amalgam margines. c- Conservative restorations. *** . ( ‫ بما أن حشوات الكمبوزيت هي حشوات محافظة فإن التحضير يجب أن يكون محافظا ( بقدر امتداد التسوس فقط‬: ‫معنى السؤال‬ (‫ )عبيدة‬. ‫أعتقد أن الحتمالين الول و الثاني ليس لهما علقة بالسؤال‬


Preparation of all incipient cavity within enamel acquired pellicle: ‫تتطلب غشاء رقيق‬ a- Structures a layer protects tooth. *** ‫ تكون فطبقة تحمى السن‬. b- Aids in remineralization.


The most affect tooth in nurse bottle feeding: a- lower molars. b- upper molars. c- Max. incisor. *** d- mand. Incisor.


Most impacted tooth is: Most common tooth which needs surgical extraction: a- Mandible third molar "8" .*** b- Max. 2nd c- Upper canine. d- Premolars.


Patient is diagnosed for ceramometal full veneer. You plan to use epoxy resin, what's the best impression material to be used : *The impression material of choice when we want to take impression for epoxy resin pin is: A. Polyether. *** ( polyvinyl siloxane is the best then polyether ). B. Polysulfide. C. Agar agar. D. Irreversible hydrocolloid. ( = Alginate ). Certain impression materials , polysulphide and hydrocolloid are not compatible with epoxy resin , however, good result are achieved with silicone and polyether.

672. a. b. c. d. e.

what is the most unfavorable impression material by the patient due to bad taste: OR Impression material causes bad taste to patient: Agar. Additional silicone. Polyether. Polysulfide.*** Alginate Dental terminology ( ‫ رايئحة البولي إيثر سيئة ولكنها ليست أسوأ من رايئحة وطعم البولي سلفايد ) رايئحة الكبريت‬.

673. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The impression used for preliminary impressions or study casts is: * What is the least accurate imperession material: Agar agar. Silicon. Alginate. *** ( = Irreversible hydrocolloid ). None.

674. 1223-

Irrigant that kills e-faecalis: NaoH. ( not NaoCL ‫( ملحظة مهمة‬ MTAD. *** saline. chlorohexidine.

675. 1223-

Irrigant that kills e-faecalis: NaoH. ( not NaoCL )‫ملحظة مهمة‬ MTA. *** saline. chlorohexidine.

‫ ملحوظة هاااااااااااااامة مجداااااااااا‬: * Sodium hypochlorite = Naocl not Naoh.

  

MTAD is more effective than Naocl in killing E. faecalis. Naocl is more effective than MTA in killing E. faecalis. Also, Chlorhexidine can kill E. faecalis


During the orthodontist removes orthodontic braces he noticed white hypocalcific lesion around the brackets what to do: 1- micro-abration and application of pumice then fluoride application. *** ‫يحكها‬

‫تخفيفا ويضع بومس ثم فلورايد موضعي‬ 2- composite resin. 4- leave and observe.


Amount of daily wear of amalgam ingested in the body: ‫كمية التآكل اليومي‬ ‫للملقم المنهضم في الجسم‬ * Daily wear of amalgam: a. 1-3 μgs/day of mercury . "μgs = micrograms" b. 10 – 15 μgs /day of mercury. c. 25 μgs /day of mercury.


Weeping canal we use: 1- G.P 2- CaoH2 *** 3- Formocresol The Treatment of weeping canals is: CaOH Clinical Endodontics textbook TRONSTAD – page 224 * In “weeping canal”, the apical part of the canal not dried properly. The right therapy is a discontinuation of the use of the tissue-irritating antiseptics followed by 2–3 weeks of calcium hydroxide in the root canal. The chemically-induced exudation will then have stopped and the root canal can be dried and obturated. ‫ أسابيع وإذا توقف نضع الحشوة النهايئية‬3 – 2 ‫ من‬Caoh ‫القناة الغير مجافة أو التي بها دم نضع بها‬


The easiest endo retreatment in: a- Over obturation w GP. b- Under obturation w GP. c- Weeping canals. *** d- Obturated w silver cone. ‫حشوة عصب غير متماسكة‬

680. 1. 2.

Tug back refers to: Retention of GP inside the canal. *** ‫تعلق الكوتابركا داتخل القناة أثناء الزالة‬ Fluidity of GP.

681. 682.

Cracked enamel best Dx by: a. Dye. *** How can test crack tooth?

A. X-ray B. electric test C. ethyle dye test. *** D. vitality test


Method of detection of cracked teeth : A) Horizontal percussion. B) Vertical percussion. C) Electric pulp test. D) Transillumination.*** (Fibreoptic "FOTI")( Visible light test ).


Cracked tooth syndrome is best diagnosed by? A. Radiograph. b. Subjective symptoms and horizontal percussion. ‫عن طريق العراض والطرق الفقي‬ c. Palpation and vertical percussion. d. Pulp testing. Pickard's Manual of Operative Dentistry 8TH Ed OXFORD - Page 213


Atropine : A- Dries secretion such saliva. *** ‫يجفف الفراز مثل اللعاب‬ B- Depresses the pulse rate. ‫يقلل معدل النبض‬ c- Causes central nervous system depression. ‫يسبب انخفاض في المركز العصبي‬

686. 1234-

Drug used to increase saliva is: anticholinergic. cholinergic. *** antidiabetic. anticorticosteroid.


In order to decrease the gastric secretion: ‫لكي نقلل الفراز المعدي‬ a. histamine A antigen equivalent. ‫المكافىء‬ b. histamine B antigen equivalent. c. anticholinergic. *** d. adrenal steroids.


Pt. with complete denture come to your clinic, complaint from his dry mouth, the proper medicine is: 1. Antidiabetic medicine. 2. Anticholenergic. 3. Steroid. 4. cholinergic. ***

689. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Drug used to decrease saliva during impression taking is: Cholinergic. Anticholinergic. *** ( Atropine ). Antidiabetic. Anticorticosteroid.


Probe used to detect furcation: 1- Nabers probe. ***‫ يحدد المنطقة ما بين الجذرين‬.


Patient with pain on 15 and this tooth undergo with RCT but he still has pain on percussion,what u suspect? OR During endo pt. is complaining of pain with percussion what is the cause (what u suspect): OR During doing RCT, pt. complains from pain during percussion due to: 1- Primary apical periodontitis. 2- secondery apical periodontitis. 3- over instrumentation. *** 4- over medication. 5- Impact debris fragment.


Pt.on long term antibiotic came with systemic candida: 1- amphotrecin. 2- Fluconazol. *** 3- nystatin.


Systemic candida in pt. with AIDs what is the best medicine :

a- amphotrecin B b- fluconazol. ‫*** الفلوكونازول‬


Candida infection is a frequent cause of: A. Burning mouth. ***

695. a. b. c. d.

Which one of the following was the most frequently reason for replacement of a molar restoration with larger restoration: New caries. Recurrent caries. Faulty restoration. All of the above. ***


Lesion at junction between hard and soft palate and surrounded with psudoepithelium and hyperplasia in salivary gland: A. Necrotizing sialometaplasia. *** ‫حؤول الغدة اللعابية الناتخر‬ B. Squamus cell carcinoma.


A child at dentition age is suffering from: ‫مرحلة التسنين‬ a) Diarrhea. ‫السهال‬ b) Sleep disorders. ‫اضطرابات النوم‬ c) Increased salivation. *** ‫زيادة اللعاب‬ ‫ * يصاحب بزوغ السنان كل من زيادة اللعاب وقلة الشهية واللتهابات ووضع اليد بالفم‬: 49 ‫كتاب طب أسنان الطفال ص‬ . ‫والعض على أمجسام غريبة‬


When restoring asymptomatic healthy tooth with amalgam, the normal physiologic symptom after that is: a. Pain on hot. b. Pain on cold. ***

c. Pain on biting. d. Pain on sweet.


Sharp pain is due to which type of fibers? A. A fibers. *** B. B fibers. C. C fibers. * A- delta fibers: transmit sharp pain. * C- fibers: transmit dull or aching pain.


Minimal facial reduction when preparing for veneers: a. 0.3 mm. b. 0.3 - 0.5 mm. *** c. 1 - 1.5 mm. Facial veneers reduction is 0.5-0.7 mm


After u did RCT to your pt. he came back to the clinic after few days with sever pain on biting, you did x-ray and it revealed that the RCT filling is very good, but u saw radiopaque, thin ( film like ) spot on the lateral border of the root what is the most probable diagnosis? A) Accessory canal. B) Vertical root canal fracture. *** C) Perforation


Patient suffering from a cracked enamel, his chief complain is pain

on : A) Hot stimuli. B) Cold stimuli. C) A & B. *** D) Electric test.


Patient came complaining of severe pain on biting, related to a certain tooth. Upon examination no pulpal or periodontal findings, and pulpal vitality is positive, your Dx: 1) cracked tooth syndrome.*** ( ‫) اقرء الثلث أسئلة القادمين مهمين مجداااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا‬

704. a. b. 1. 2.

The best method for tooth brush is bass method because: It enters to interproximal area. Can be used by patient with gingival recession and it rotainary advice to all types of patients. The both sentences are correct. *** The first sentence is correct and the second is wrong.


Bass brushing has the advantage of the bristles enters in the cervical area, and it is recommended for all patients: a) both statements are true. *** b) both statements are false. c) first is true, second is wrong. d) first is wrong, second is true. Caranza – periodontology – page 658: * Bass method advantages: - It concentrates the cleaning action on the cervical and interproximal portions of the teeth. - The Bass technique is efficient and can be recommended for any patient with or without periodontal involvement.


Patient comes to you with edematous gingiva, inflamed, loss of gingival contour and recession, what's the best tooth brushing technique? A. Modified bass. b. Modified stillman. *** c. Charter. d. Scrub. Dentogist MCQs in Dentistry: * The brushing technique which is recommended after periodontal surgery is Charter. * The brushing technique which is recommended for areas with progression gingival recession is modified stillman.


Pt. have unilateral fracture of left condyle, the mandible will: * Unilateral fracture of left condyle the mandible will: a) deviate to the left side. *** ‫ينحرف الفك إلى الجهة اليسرى‬ b) deviate to the right side. ‫ينحرف إلى الجهة اليمنى‬ c) no deviate. ‫ل ينحرف‬ dental decks 2004

The mandible will always deviate to the side of injury or fracture.


Pt. came after 24 months of tooth replantation which had ankylosis with no root resorption. It most likely to develop root resorption in: 1/ reduce greatly. *** ‫تناقص شديد‬ 2/ increase. 3/ after 2 years. 4/ after 4 years. 136 ‫حسب أكسفورد ص‬

‫ ونسبة تموت اللب‬%80 ‫ من حالت النخلع الكامل وإذا ترافقت إعادة الزرع بالتصاق فيكون احتمال النجاح‬% 35-6 ‫يحدث التكلس في‬ %16-13

709. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

Tracing of GP used for: ‫تتبع مسار أو تقفى أثر الجاتا بركا‬ source of periapical pathosis. *** ‫لمعرفة مصدر الفه حول السن‬ acute periapical periodontitis. periodontal abscess. none.


Isolated pocket in: A- vertical root fracture. B- palatogingival groove. C- endo origin lesion. D- all. ***


After bleaching a tooth, we want to restore the tooth with composite resin, we don’t want to compromise the bonding, we wait for: a) 24 hours. b) a week. *** c) choose a different material. " Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials Theory, Practice, and Cases (3rd Ed 2009)" * Esthetic restoration of teeth should be delayed for 2 weeks after the completion of tooth whitening ( bleaching ). . ‫* يجب تأتخير عمل الحشوات التجميلية لما بعد التبييض بأسبوعين لتأمين ربط كافي مع الميناء‬


Three years old pt., has anodontia ( no teeth at all ), what would you

do: a) full denture. *** b) implant. c) space maitainer. d) no intervention. "PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY - 3rd Ed. (2005)" page 294

In cases of anodontia, full dentures are required from about 3 years of age, with the possibility of implant support for prostheses in adulthood.


Treacher collins syndrome characterized by : A-Prognatheic of mandible. ‫تقدم الفك السفلي‬ B-No hearing loss. ‫عدم فقد حاسة السمع‬ C-Upward sluing of eye. ‫ميلن العين للعلى‬ D-Malar Bone NOT well formed or absent. *** * Malar bone = Zygomatic bone = Cheek bone. * Treacher Collins syndrome = mandibulofacial dysostosis. face fish like due to underdeveloped cheek bone, down sluing of eye

retrognathic of mandible, fissure palatal, open bite, hearing loss


Patient presents with deficiency at the malar bone, open bite, normal mental abilities: 1- Treacher collins. *** ( mandibulofacial dysostosis ). 2- Cleidocranial dysplasia. 3- Eagle syndrome.


When removing lower second molar: a- occlusal plane perpendicular to the floor. b- Buccolingual direction to dilate socket. *** c- mesial then lingual.


Stock trays compared to custom trays for a removable partial denture impression: A. Custom trays less effective than stock trays. B. Custom trays can record an alginate impression as well as elastomeric impression. C. Custom trays provide even thickness of impression material. *** D. All of the above.


Which type of burs is the least in heat generation: a) Diamond. b) Carbide. *** ( tungsten carbide ). c) titanium. d) Steel bur.


Pt. wears complete denture for 10 years & now he has cancer in the floor of the mouth. What is the first question that the dentist should ask: a- does your denture is ill-fitted b- smoking. *** ( 80 % of the cancer of the floor of the mouth is caused by smoking ). c- Alcohol. d- Does your denture impinge the o.mucosa. ( traumatic cause ). Screening Oral Cancer - Prepared by Bruce F. Barker, D.D.S. and Gerry J. Barker, R.D.H., M.A. AND University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry.


Secondary dentin occurs due to: a- occlusal trauma. b- recurrent caries. c- attrition dentin. d- all of the above. ***


All of these are ways to give L.A with less pain EXCEPT: a- Give it slowly. b- Stretch the muscle. c- Topical anesthesia. d- The needle size over than 25 gauge. ***


How much subgingivally do you go with the band in class II restorations: A) 0.5 – 1 mm. *** B) 1 – 2 mm. C) 2 – 3 mm.


The matrix band should be above the adjacent tooth occlusal surface by: a. 1 - 2mm. *** b. 2 - 3mm. c. 2.5 - 3.5mm. d. below to it. Textbook of operative dentistry- with MCQs – page 139


A female patient came to your clinic with dry lips and mouth and bilateral submandibular oedema and ocular dryness. Diagnosis is: a) Polymorphic adenoma. b) sialitis.*** ‫التهاب الغدد اللعابية‬ ‫ مفروض هيا دى الجابة الصحيحة لهذه العراض‬: Sjögren's syndrome = "Sicca syndrome".


The compression / relaxation cycle of external cardiac compression should be repeated: a- 2 times / second. b- 60 times / minute. c- 76 times / second. d- 100 times / minute. *** Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) - page 304 Dental Decks - page 1790


One of the primary considerations in the treatment of fractures of the jaw is: a- to obtain and maintain proper occlusion.*** ‫للحصول والمحافظة على الطباق السليم‬ b- test teeth mobility. c- vitality. d- embedded foreign bodies. Dental Decks - page 1756


A child patient undergone pulpotomy in your clinic in 1st primary molar. Next day the patient returned with ulcer on the right side of the lip, your diagnosis is: a) Apthosis. b) Zonal herpes. c) traumatic ulcer.*** ‫العض على الشفة‬

727. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Bitewing x-Ray is used to diagnose all EXCEPT: Proximal caries. Secondary caries. Gingival status. Periapical abscess.*** ‫لنها ل تظهر في الشعة إطلقا‬


We can use under the composite restoration: 1. Varnish. 2. Zinc oxide eugenol. 3. Ca (OH)2. 4. Zinc phosphate cement. A. 1+2. B. 2+3. C. 3+4*** D. 2+4. ‫ أما أكسيد زنك الومجينول والفرنيش فهما‬، ‫يمكن وضع كل من ماءات الكالسيوم والغلس إينومير وفوسفات الزنك تحت الكومبوزت‬ .‫يعيقان التماثر‬


A patient complaining from a severe oedema in the lower jaw that increases in size upon eating, diagnosis is: a) salivary gland. *** ( submandibular salivary gland ).


A patient that wasn’t anaesthetized well in his 1st visit, next day he returns with a limited mouth opening ( trismus ) He must be anaesthized, what’s the technique to be used: a) William’s technique. b) vazirani-akinosi technique *** (Bercher’s technique) ‫عبد الكريم تخليل‬.‫ د‬- ‫ التخدير الموضعي لجراحة الفم والومجه والفكين الجزء الثاني‬:‫المرمجع‬ .Vazirani-akinosi technique: a closed mouth injection technique *


At which of the following locations on a mandibular molar do you complete the excavation of caries first: a- axial walls. b- Pulpal floor over the mesial pulp horns. c- Peripheral caries. *** ‫التسوس الجانبي‬ d- All of the above are correct. Oxford, Page 301

It is generally advised to start carious dentin excavation from the periphery * towards the center of the lesion to minimize the risk of infection in case of .accidental pulp exposure. Larger burs are recommended for this reason


CMCP contains phenol in concentration: a- 0.5 %. b- 35 %. *** c- 65 %. d- 5 %. CMCP= Camphorated MonoChloroPhenol used as RCT disinfection contain: p-Chlorophenol 35%, Camphor 65%


Dentist provided bleaching which also known as ( home bleaching ) contains: a- 35 - 50 % hydrogen peroxide. b- 5 - 22 % carbamide peroxide. *** Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) - page 316 * A solution of 10 % carbamide peroxide in a soft splint is required for home bleaching.


Thermomechanical technique of obturation is: A) Thermafil. B) Obtura. C) Ultrafil. D) Mcspadden. *** ( Source : Endodontic obturation materials ).


What is the disadvantages of mcspadden technique in obturation: A. requires much practice to perfect. ***


What are the disadvantages of mcspadden technique in obturation: a) Increase time. B) Increase steps. C) Difficult in curved canals. *** ( and overfilling occurs ). D) All the above. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) - page 177 Endodontic Obturation


Dental student using thermoplastized G.P. What is the main problem he may face: ‫ الجاتا بركا الحرارية الطرية التى يتم ادخالها الى القنوات عن فطريق المسدس‬. 1- Extrusion of G.P. from the canal. ***

( overfilling occurs ). ‫ خروج الجاتا بركا من القنا ة‬. 2- Inability to fill the proper length. 3- Failure to use maser cone at proper length. 4- Ledge. * But, this method can be used in curved canals. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005)- page 177


65 years old black man wants to have very white teeth in his new denture what should the dentist do: a- Put the white teeth b- Show the patient the suitable color first then show him the white one. c- Convince him by showing him other patients photos. *** d- Tell him firmly that his teeth color are good. Or - Do not show white teeth ‫تخيار في نموذ ج أسئلة آتخر‬ Complete Denture 17th Ed – page 73-74 Often a short informative talk using some of the tooth manufacturer's (or preferably your own) "before and after" photos can be very effective in motivating patients to accept a more natural tooth selection. SHADE SELECTION: The shade is selected with the Portrait shade guide. There are 24 shades; enough to fulfill the color requirement of any denture patient. The large selection seems confusing but you will soon note that certain shades will be used the most. Shades A,B,C, & D (16) are the most useful and are called characterized shades as they are a subtle mix of many shades. The last 8 are the Bioform shades, B59-882, and are not characterized and do not look as natural. They are included as Bioform teeth and shades have been sold for

many years and it's often necessary to match them. For youthful patients, use lighter shades with a bluish incisal. For older patients, use a darker shade with mostly body color. If the patient has dark hair, brown eyes, and dark skin, darker shades with more yellow and brown will look more natural. 'This rule does not apply for Black patients as they often have very white teeth. 4. If the patient has blue eyes and fair skin, use lighter shades with more gray. 5. Consider the patient's desires: Many patients have very definite ideas on tooth color and will often not accept the above guidelines. Don't let the patient get a hold of the shade guide; many will select the pearly white A1 !! Select a shade that you think is suitable and let them make the final choice. 6. Consider the patient's old denture. Do they like the color of the teeth? If they think the color of the old dentures teeth were satisfactory, match them closely. Keep in mind that teeth discolor and other manufacture's shades may be somewhat different. 1. 2. 3.

:‫حسب أكسفورد‬ ‫رأي المريض هو الهم في اتختيار لون السنان الصناعية مع تدوين رأي الطبيب‬ "‫وحسب كتاب "التعويضات المتحركة الكاملة‬ ‫وعندما نبدأ بانتقاء اللون يجب على الطبيب استبعاد اللوان شديدة البياض لن بعض المرضى يستهويهم اللون البيض النادصع‬ ‫ ويكتفي الطبيب باتختيار طيف غير واسع من اللوان بحيث تكون كلها مقبولة ويعرضها‬. ‫فنحصل على نتايئج مخزية في نهاية العل ج‬ ‫ نصر على مشاركته حتى ولو اتختار بين لونين أو ثلثة‬،‫ وإذا ما رفض المساهمة بالتختيار‬،‫بعد ذلك على المريض ليساهم بالتختيار‬ . ‫ليشعر في النهاية أنه مساهم ومسؤول مثله مثل الطبيب عن النتايئج الجمالية للعل ج‬ ‫إن رضى المريض والطبيب معا وتسوية المور بشكل وسطي غالبا يعتبر أفضل الحلول ويجب عند ذلك أن يكون الطبيب والمريــض فــي‬ ‫حالة ارتياح ورضى تجاه القرار النهايئي وإل فإن النتايئج النهايئية للمعالجة ستكون في تخطر وإذا ما كان المريض متصلبا في آرايئــه ولــم‬ . ‫يستطع الطبيب إقناعه أو إيصاله إلى التختيار الصحيح فسيكون اللجوء إلى طبيب آتخر أو عدم متابعة المعالجة أمرا متوقعا‬


During clinical examination the patient had pain when the exposed root dentin is touched due to: *Pt. presented to u having root recession he has pain when putting probe gently on the root what is the diagnosis: a. Dentin hypersensitivity. *** b. Reversible pulpitis. c. Irreversible pulpitis. d. Apical Periodontitis.


The patient has dull pain and swelling and the periapical x-ray shows apical radiolucency your diagnosis will be: a- Acute periodontal abscess. ‫مشكوك فيه‬ b- Chronic periodontal abscess with swelling. ***


All these show honeycombed bone radiographically EXCEPT: a- Ameloblastoma. b- Odontogenic myxoma cyst. c- Odontogenic keratocyst. d- Adenomatoid tumor. *** ‫ورم شبه غدي ليس له علقة بالعظام‬ Source :


Flouride amount in water should be: a- 0.2 - 0.5 mg/liter. b- 1 - 5 mg/liter. c- 1 - 2 mg/liter. *** d- 0.1 - 0.2 mg/liter

743. a. b. c. d.

For children considered to be at high risk of caries and who live in areas with water supplies containing less than 0.3 ppm: 0.25 mg. F per day age 6 months to 3 yrs. 0.5 mg. F per day from 3 - 6 yrs. 1 mg. F per day more than 6 yrs. All of above. ***

744. a. b. c. d.

3 years old pt., water fluoridation 0.2 ppm what is the preventive treatment: 0.25 mg. fluoride tablet. *** 1 mg. fluoride tablet. Fluoridated mouth wash. Sealant. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 5th Ed 2009, Page 31


The powered toothbrush invented in: ‫فرشاة السنان الكهربايئية اتخترعت في‬ a- 1929. b- 1939. *** c- 1959. d- 1969.


The most superior way to test the vitality of the tooth with: A- Ice pack. B- Chloroethyl C- Endo special ice. *** (Spray) D- Cold water spray. Q: Best Cold Test for Pulp: Endodontic ice spray * Cold test by “Endo Ice” and percussion test are the two most important tests in vitality diagnosis.


Mucocele The best ttt. is: a- Radiation b- Excision. *** ‫الستئصال‬ c- Chemotherapy d- Cauterization ‫الكي‬ e- Leave it Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 5Ed 2009 – page 376 Rx. excision with associated damaged gland and duct


8 years old came with fractured maxillary incisor tooth with incipient exposed pulp ‫ العصب انكشف جزء بسيط‬after 30 minutes of the trauma, what’s the suitable ttt.: * 8 years old pt. had trauma to 8 presented after 30 minute of injury, he had crown fracture with incipient pulp exposure what u do: a- Pulpatomy. b- Direct pulp capping. *** c- Pulpectomy. d- Apexification.


pt. came to dental clinic having a haemological problem after lab test they found that factor VIII ( 8 ) is less 10 % what’s the diagnosis: a- Hemophilia A. *** b- Hemophilia B. (Defect in factor IX (9) : hemophilia B = Chrismas Disease).


All these are contraindicated to RCT EXCEPT: a- Non restorable tooth. b- Vertical root fracture. c- Tooth with insufficient tissue support. d- Pt. who has diabetes or hypertension.


Sharpening the curette and sickle, the cutting edge should be at

angle: a- 50-60 b- 70-80. *** c- 80-90 d- 60-70


Avulsed tooth is washed with tap water, it should be replaced again: a- Immediately. *** b- After 2 hours. c- 24 hr’s.


10 yrs old child, who is unable to differentiate the colors, and can’t tell his name or address. He is acting like: OR child 8 years old Patient with separation, he is unable to name color or his name, this stage likely to be: a. 3 years old. *** b. 4 years old. c. 10 years old.


Patient with complete denture pronouncing F as a V: A. Anterior teeth are upward from lip line. *** B. Maxillary anterior teeth had placed too far from superiorly and anteriorly *** Dental decks II - page 396 * Placement of maxillary anterior teeth in complete dentures too far from superiorly and anteriorly may result in difficulty in pronouncing F and V sounds.


pt. have a complete denture came to the clinic, tell you no complaint in the talking or chewing, but when you exam him, you see the upper lip like too long, deficient in the margins of the lip, reason is? A) Deficiency in the vertical dimensional.

b) Anterior upper teeth are short. *** c) Deficient in vit. B.


Child has a habit of finger sucking and starts to show orodental changes, the child needs: a- Early appliance. *** ‫مجهاز تقويمي مبكر‬ b- Psychological therapy. ‫عل ج نفسي‬ c- Rewarding therapy. ‫عل ج مكافىء‬ d- Punishment. ‫عقاب‬


Knife ridge should be ttt. with: 1/ relining soft material. 2/ maximum coverage of flange. *** 3/ wide occlusal table. 4/ all. Dental Decks - page 414


Child 3 years old came to clinic after falling on his chin, you found that the primary incisor entered the follicle of the permanent incisor what you will do: A) Surgical removal of the follicle. B) Leave it. C) Surgical removal of the primary incisor. *** Dental Decks - page 1626 * If the intruded primary incisor is contanting the permenant tooth bud, the primary tooth should be extracted.


Tongue develops from: 1/ Mandibular arch & tuberculum impar. *** 2/ 1st branchial arch.


Perforation during endo space preparation what is the most surface of distal root of lower molar will have tendency of perforation: 1/ Mesial surface. *** 2/ Distal surface. 3/ Buccal surface. 4/ Lingual surface.

761. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

Crown and root perforation: respond to MTA. use matrix with hydroxyapatite and seal with G.I. 1 & 2. *** root canal filling.


Acceptable theory for dental pain: ‫النظرية المقبولة لـ آلم السنان‬ 1/ hydrodynamic. *** ‫تخاص بعلم القوى المايئية‬ 2/ fluid movement. 3/ direct transduction. Dental Decks - page 2234 * The most accepted theory to explain the unusual sensitivity and response of exposed root surfaces to various stimuli is the hydrodynamic theory. "Art and science of operative dentistry 2000" PAGE 257 * Most authorities agree that the hydrodynamic theory best explains dentin hypersensitivity.


While u were preparing a canal u did a ledge, then u used EDTA with the file, this may lead to: a. perforation of the strip.

764. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

Removing of dentine in dangerous zone to cementum is: perforation. ( Apical perforation ). ledge. stripping. *** ‫ ( انثقاب مجانبي‬Lateral perforation ). zipping.

Stripping is a lateral perforation caused by over instrumentation through a thin wall ( danger zone ) in the root.


Follow up of RCT after 3 years, RCT failed best treatment is to: a) Extraction of the tooth. b) Redo the RCT . *** ( Redo = Retreatment ). c) Apicectomy.


Acute abscess is: a) Cavity lined by epithelium. ( by pyogenic membrane ). B) Cavity containing blood cells. C) Cavity containing pus cells. *** d) Cavity containing fluid. MASTER DENTISTRY- Oral and Maxillofacial, Surgery, Radilolgy, Pathology and Oral Medicine: Acute abscess is a pathological cavity filled with pus and lined by a * .pyogenic membrane


The most close tooth to the maxillary sinus: a) maxillary 1st molar. ***


Mechanochemical preparation during RCT mainly aims to: ‫الهدف الريئيسي‬ 1) Widening of the apex. 2) Master cone reaches the radiographic apex. 3) Proper debridement of the apical part of the canal. ***


Master cone doesn't reach the apex: 1) Ledge. 2) Residual remenants. ( Debris ). 3) 1 & 2. ***


Child patient with obliteration ‫ انسداد‬in the central permanent incisor. What will you do: a. RCT. b. pulpotomy. c. pulpectomy. d. Careful monitoring. *** ‫مراقبة جيد ة‬


At which temperature that gutta percha reaches the alpha temp.: a- 42 - 48 c *** b- 50 - 60 c- 70 - 80 d- 100c


After completion of orthodontic treatment he came complaining of pain in 11, radiograph show absorption in the middle third of the root of 11 what is the proper management: a. Apply CaoH at the site of resorption. ****** b. Do RCT in a single visit. c. Extract the tooth & reimplant it. d. Extract the tooth & do implantation. Dental decks part 2 page236 * External inflamatory root resorption, this type of external resorption is rapidly progressive and will continue if treatement is not started immediately. The resorption process can be stopped by immeditae root canal treatment with calcium hydroxide paste. * The etiology of external resorption : excessive orthodontie forces, periradicular inflammation, dental trauma or impacted teeth.


Patient that has a central incisor with severe resorption and who's going through an ortho treatment that is going to make him extract the premolars, which of the following won't be present in the treatment plan: a. RPD. b. implant.

c. Maryland bridge. d. autoimplant of the premolars. ****** * ‫عندما يكون المريض تخاضع لمعالجة تقويمية تعتبر الجسور الثابتة ممنوعة الستخدام لنها تمنع حركة السنان أثناء التقويم لذلك‬ . ‫نختار أن نضع زرعة أو مجهاز متحرك أو مجسر ميرلند لنه مرن و ل نضع مجسور ثابتة سواء معدنية أو بورسلين مع معدن‬ (‫)عبيدة‬


The aim of treatment maintenance is: A) Prevent secondary infection. *** B) Check tissue response.


The aim of maintaining therpy is: a- Prevent recurrent disease. *** b- Check tissue response.


Provisional restoration for metal ceramic abutment is: OR Best provisional coverage for anterior teeth is: a) aluminum sheet. b) stainless steel crown. c) ZnO. d) Tooth colored polycarbonate crown. ***


Dr. black ( GV. black ) periodontal instrument classification: A. study what the number represents in the instrument formula. ***

778. a. b. c. d.

For g.v black classification study what the number refers to angulation? Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 *** Number 4 * For g.v black classification study what the number represents in the instrument formula : ( one for width, one for length and one for angulation ). * 1st: Width of blade, 2nd: Length of the blade and 3rd: Angle of blade and angle of cutting edge.


An adult had an accident, maxillary central incisors intruded, lip is painful with superficial wound what is the trauma’s classification: a) luxation. *** b) subluxation.

c) laceration. ‫تمزق‬ d) abrasion. e) contusion. ‫كدمة‬ Handbook of dental trauma 2001- page 73


Schick test is an intradermal test for determination of susceptibility

to: a. b. c.

Diphtheria hypersensitivity. ***‫تحسس الخنق‬ Tuberculosis hypersensitivity. ??? lepsron.


In a curved root u bent a file by: A. Put gauze on the file & bend it by hand. *** ‫شاش‬ b. Bend the file by pliers. ‫ملقط‬ c by bare finger. ‫إدصبع مجرد‬ d. By twist. ‫حبل‬ . ‫ يتم الثني بقبضة المرآة‬: ‫* وحسب أوكسفورد‬


Father for child 12 years pt. asked you about the age for the amalgam restoration of his child, you tell him: a) 2 years. b) 9 years. c) 2 decades. *** ( = 20 years ). “ 15 – 20 years “ . d) All life. Art and science of operative dentistry 2000 – page 766 * Complex amalgam restoration with pins: it’s reported that 72 % of amalgam restorations survived for 15 years, including those with cusp coverage. . ‫ سنة‬20 ‫* هذا يعني أن الحشوات العادية تستمر حتى‬

783. 1. 2.

Cleft lip is resulted from incomplete union of: Tow maxillary arches. Maxillary arches and nasal arch.***


Arrange the steps of cleft palate management: 1. Measures to adjust speech. ‫القياس لتعديل النطق‬ 2. Establish way for nursing and feeding. ‫تأسيس طريقة للرضاع‬ 3. Cosmetic closure. ‫غلق تجميلي‬ 4. Prevent collapse of two halves. ‫منع سقوط أو انهيار نصفى سقف الحلق‬ A. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3. ‫ابحث عنها فى الكتب جوجل‬


Time of PT, PTT: a) 11 - 15 seconds, 25 - 40 seconds. *** PT = 12-14 sec ‫زمن تخثر الدم‬, PTT = 30 -40 sec , Bleeding T = 8> min ‫زمن توقف النزف‬


When extracting all maxillary teeth the correct order is: a) 87654321 b) 87542163. *** c) 12345678 Dentogist MCQs in Dentistry: * The first maxillary molar and canine are key pillars ‫ الركان الساسية‬of maxilla and most firm teeth of the arch, once their adjacent teeth are removed they can be easily luxated and extracted rathar than when these are tried to be removed first.


For a patient that is on a corticosteroid therapy, upon oral surgery, the patient is given: A) 100 - 200 mg. hydrocortisone. *** B) 400 - 600 mg. prednisone.


Patient under corticosteroid therapy, he will undergo surgical extraction of third molar. what will you give to avoid adrenal crisis: a- Dixamethasone(4 mg IV) ***( better as it has a long duration of action ). b- Methyl prednisolone ( 40 mg IV) c- Hydrocortisone sodium sulfide (40 – 50mg) d- Hydrocortisone sodium succinate (100 –200 mg)


Patient with lupus erythematous and under cortisone, he needs to surgical extraction of a tooth. What should the surgeon instructs the patient: a) Take half of the cortisone dose at the day of operation. B) Double the cortisone dose at the day of operation.*** c) Take half of the cortisone dose day before and at the day of operation and day after. D) Double the cortisone dose day before and at the day of operation and day after.


The right corticosteroid daily dose for pemphigus vulgaris is: a- 1 - 2 g/kg/daily. b- 1 - 2 mg. c- 10 mg. d- 50-100mg hydrocortisone. *** (max. is 120mg. daily prednisone)

Tyldesley's Oral Medicine, 5th Edition – page 132 ‫ دصيغة أتخرى للسؤال يرمجى النتباه للفرق فى الخيارات‬:


The right corticosteroid daily dose for pemphigus vulgaris is: a- 1 - 2 g/kg/daily. b- 1-2 mg/kg/daily.*** ( (‫ مجم من الهيدروكورتيزون‬120 ‫ الى‬100 ‫وتعادل تقريبا‬ (max. is 120 mg. daily prednisone). c- 10 mg/kg/daily. d- 50 - 100 mg/kg/daily hydrocortisone.


The following are indications of outpatient general anesthesia EXCEPT: a) ASA categories 1 & 2. b) The very young child. c) Cost increase. *** ‫زيادة الكلفة‬ d) Patient admitted and discharge the same day.

793. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The primary source of retention of porcelain veneer: mechanical retention from undercut. mechanical retention from secondary retentive features. chemical bond by saline coupling agent. micromechanical bond from itching of enamel and porcelain. ***


A removable partial denture patient, Class II Kennedy classification. The last tooth on the left side is the 2nd premolar which has a distal caries. What’s the type of the clasp you will use for this premolar: a) gingivally approaching clasp. *** ‫مشبك قادم بشكل لثوي‬ b) ring clasp. ‫مشبك حلقي‬


A 55 years old patient with multi-extraction teeth, after extraction what will you do first: a) Suturing. B) Primary closure should be obtained if there is no sufficient tissue. C) Alveoplasty should be done in all cases. *** ‫تنعيم العظم وتعويضه بعظم دصناعى داتخل السوكيت‬ ‫ لتظبيط وضع العظم فى الفك والريد ج للستفادة بعد ذلك لو تم عمل زراعة أسنان أو طقم دصناعى كامل‬.


Child with traumatized lip, no tooth mobility, what will you do first: a) Radiograph to check if there is foreign body. *** b) Refer to the physician for sensitivity test. ‫كتاب الطفال‬


2nd maxillary premolar contact area: a) Middle of the middle third with buccal embrasure wider than lingual

embrasure. B) Middle of the middle third with lingual embrasure wider than buccal embrasure. *** ‫الفرمجة الحنكية أكبر من الدهليزية‬ c) Cervical to the incisal third.


Patient comes to the clinic with ill-fitting denture, during examination you notice white small elevation on the crest of the lower ridge, what will you tell the patient: a) This lesion needs no concern and he should not worry. B) The patient should not wear the denture for 2 weeks then follow up. ***


How do you know if there are 2 canals in the same root:


Hunter Schreger bands "HSB" are white and dark lines that appear

OR Best way to detect presence of 2 canals: a) Radiographically with 2 files inside the root. *** (putting 2 files & take X-ray) b) The orifices are close to each other.

in: a) Enamel when view in horizontal ground. B) Enamel when view in longitudinal ground. *** ‫نراها بالمقطع الطولي‬ c) Dentin when view in horizontal ground. D) Dentin when view in longitudinal ground.


Patient complains from pain in TMJ. During examination you noticed that during opening of the mouth mandible is deviate to the right side with left extruded. Diagnosis is: a) Condylar displacement with reduction. B) Condylar displacement without reduction. ***


Pt. Presented to u complain of click during open and close. Thers is no facial asymmetry EXCEPT when opening. What is the diagnosis: 1- internal derangement with reduction. *** ‫تخلل داتخلي مع رد للكسر‬ 2- internal derangement without reduction. 3- Reumatoid arthritis. Streptococcus activity detected by: a) Fermentation. *** ‫التخمر‬ B) Catalase. latex agglutination (LA) test is can be useful for the detection of mutans streptococci in dental plaque and also as a caries-activity test District Laboratory Practice Tropical Countries, page 64 Catalase test This test is used to differentiate those bacteria that prodce the enzyme catalase as staphylococci from non-catalase producing bacteria such as



Cleidocranial dysostosis characteristics: ‫تخلل تعظم الترقوي القحفي‬ a) Supernumerary teeth. ‫أسنان زايئدة‬ b) Clavicle problems. ‫مشاكل بالترقوة‬ c) Delayed closure of fontanelles. (‫تأتخر إغلق اليافوخ )عظام بين عظام الجنين‬ d) All of above. ***


To hasten ‫ لتسريع‬Zinc oxide cement, you add: a) Zinc sulfide. B) Barium sulfide. C) Zinc acetate. *** D) Barium chloride. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 4th Ed. (2005), Page 770 "Journal of Dental Research"


Child with mental disorder suffers from orofacial trauma, brought to the hospital by his parents, the child is panic ‫مذعور‬and Irritable ‫ متهيج‬, the treatment should done under: a) Local anesthesia. B) General anesthesia.*** ‫التخدير العام‬ C) Gas sedation. D) Intravenous sedation.


Fracture before 1 year of upper central incisor reach the pulp in 8 year old child. How will you manage this case: a) RCT. B) Apexification. *** c) Direct pulp capping d) Indirect pulp capping. ‫ سؤال آتخر مشابه و لكن الدصابة حالية و ليست قبل سنة‬:


8 years old child came to your clinic with trauma to upper central incisor with pulp exposure and extencive pulp bleeding your treatment will be: a. direct pulp capping. b. pulpectomy with gutta percha filling. c. apexification. d. pulpotomy with calcium hydroxide. ***


10 years pt. came with necrotic pulp in upper central with root apex not close yet best treatment: OR child 10 years came with trauma on the centeral incisor from year ago, and have discoloring on it, in the examination, no vitality in this tooth, and in the x-ray there is fracture from the edge of the incisal to the pulp, and wide open apex the best treatment a. Capping. b. Calcific barrier. *** ( Apexfication ) , (Calcification) c. apexfication with gutta percha filling. d. RCT with gutta percha. e. Extraction Dental Decks - page 176


To remove a broken periodontal instrument from the gingival sulcus:

a) Schwartz Periotriever. ***

810. a. b. c. d.

An 18 years old Pt. presents complaining of pain, bad breath and bleeding gingiva. This began over the weakened while studying for the final exam. The Pt. may have which of the following conditions: Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. *** ( ANUG ). Rapidly progressive periodontitis Desquamative gingivitis. Acute periodontal cyst.


Gingival condition occurs in young adult has good oral hygiene was weakened: OR Student came to clinic with severe pain, interdental papilla is inflamed, student has exams, heavy smoker, poor nutrition:

A. ANUG. *** B. desqumative gingivitis. C. periodontitis. D. gingivitis.


Differences between ANUG and AHGS is: a. ANUG occurs in dental papilla while AHGS diffuse erythematous inflamed gingiva. b. ANUG occurs during young adult and AHGS in children. c. All of the above. *** d_symptoms


The rows show “truth”, the column shows “test result”: a) Cell A has true positive sample.*** B) Cell A has true negative sample. C) Cell A has false positive sample. D) Cell A has false negative sample.


Distinguishing between right & left canines can be determined: a. because distal concavities are larger. *** b. with a line bisecting the facial surface the tip lies distally. c. others. Dental Decks - page 1602 ‫ وإذا‬،‫ والمجابة الثانية إذا كان المقصود هوالناب المؤقت‬،‫* المجابة على هذا السؤال هي الخيار الول إذا كان المقصود هو الناب الدايئم‬ . ‫لم يكن هناك ذكر لكلمة مؤقت فالمقصود هو ناب دايئم‬


The best way to remove silver point: a) Stieglitz pliers. *** (Henry Schein) c) Ultrasonic tips. d) H files. e) Hatchet.


Pt. complain of pain and X-Ray show periapical abcess and your decision was retreatment, When u remove filling, the canals was obturated with silver points what the best material to remove: OR The best way to remove silver point: a) Pliers and hemostate. *** c) Ultrasonic tips. d) H files.


Isolation period of chicken box ‫الجدري‬should be: A- after appear of rach by week. B- untill vesicle becomes crusted. *** ‫ لما الحويصلة تتقشر‬. C- until carter stage is last. Dental decks - page1308


In fixed Partial denture u use GIC for cemntation what best to do: A-remove smear layer by acid to increase adhesion. B-do not varnish because it affects adhesion. *** C-mixed slowly on small area untill becomes creamy. D-remove excess when it in dough stage. ‫مرحلة العجين‬ "Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics ROSENSTIEL – page 772"


Child has tooth which has no mobility but has luxation best treatment: A. Acrylic splint. B. Flexible fixation. *** ( Non rigid “ physiological “ splinting ). C. Rigid fixation. Handbook of dental trauma 2001 – page 71 * Luxation with immobilization treatment: Non-rigid(physiological) splinting should be applied for a period of no more than 2 weeks.


To drain submandibular abscess: A) Intraorally through the mylohyoid muscles. B) Extraorally under the chin. C) Extraorally at the most purulent site. D) Extraorally at the lower border of the mandible. *** "Oral and maxillofacial surgery - Jonathan Pedlar – page96"


Scale to measure marginal deterioration: 1. Mahler scale. *** ‫مقياس ماهلير‬ 2. Color analogues scale. ‫مقياس ماهلير يستخدم لقياس التدهور الهامشي‬ "Art & Science - Page 158"


Streptococcus mutans cause caries & this disease is? 1/ epidemic. ‫وبايئي‬ 2/ endemic. *** ‫مستوطن‬ 3/ isolated. ‫معزول‬ Q:Mutant streptococci is : endemic


One of these has no effect on the life span of handpiece: a- Low Air in the compressor. *** ‫هواء منخفض في الضاغط‬ b- Trauma to the head of the hand piece. c- Pressure during operating.


Advantage of Wrought Wire ‫ السلك الطرى‬in RPD over Cast Wire: a- Less irritation to the abutment.‫*** يقلل التهيج للدعامة‬


Why we use acrylic more than complete metal palate in complete

denture: A- Can’t do relining for the metal. *** ‫ل نستطيع عمل تبطين للمعدن‬


Relining of denture: ‫تبطين الطقم‬ A- remove all or part of fitting surface of the denture and add acrylic. B- add acrylic to the base of the denture to increase vertical dimension. *** ‫إضافة أكريل لقاعدة الطقم لزيادة البعد العمودي‬


Rebasing of Complete Denture means: a- Addition or change in the fitting surface. b- Increasing the vertical dimension. c- Change all the fitting surface. *** ‫تغيير سطح قاعدة الطقم‬ 401 ‫ أكسفورد ص‬: ‫المرمجع‬ .Rebasing is replacement of most or all of the denture base * ‫وفيه يجب عد م تغيير البعد العمودي‬


When do class I preparation of posterior tooth for Composite Restoration: a- remove caries only. *** b- extend 2mm in dentin.


Color Stability is better in: ‫ثباتية اللون أفضل في‬ a- Porcelain. *** b- Composite. c- GIC.


When all the teeth are missing EXCEPT the according to kennedy classifications it is: a- Class I modification 1. ***

2 canines,


Antibiotics are most used in cases of: a- Acute localized lesion. b- Diffuse, highly progressing lesion. ***


Patient un-cooperation can result fault in operation Technical faults ‫ الخطاء الفنية‬only are related to patient factor: A. True. B. False. *** 1st state true 2nd state false


Bone graft material from site to another site in the same person: a- allograft. (Allogenic or homograft) ‫نقل نسيج من فرد إلى فرد من نفس الصنف مع أتختلف الجينات‬ b- autograft. ***( autotransplant ) ‫نقل نسيج من مجزء من الجسم إلى آتخر في نفس الشخص‬ c- alloplast. d- Xenograft (‫ نقل نسيج من دصنف إلى دصنف آتخر )مثل نقل نسيج الغوريل للنسان‬.


Ester type of local anathsesia metabolized by: a- liver only. b- kidney. c- lung. d- plasma. *** ‫البلزما في الدم‬ Dental Decks - page 2376 ‫لذلك يفضل استعماله مع الحوامل ولكنه توقف استخدامه بسبب السمية‬


where does the breakdown of lidocaine A) kidneys. B) Liver. *** ‫الكبد‬ Dental Decks - page 2362


occurs :

Patency filing: ‫التسليك‬ a- push the file apically to remove any block at the apex. *** b- rotate the file circumferentially at the walls to remove any block of lateral canals. c- rotary files circumferentially at the walls to remove any block of lateral canals. d- file with bleaching agent.


Best stress transfer under amalgam: a- with thin base layer. b- with thick base layer. *** c- If put on sound dentin.


Tooth with full crown need RCT, you did the RCT through the crown, what is the best restoration to maintain the resistance of the crown: A) Glass ionomer resin with definite restoration. B) Amalgam.


5 years old pt. had extraction of the lower primary molar & he had fracture of the apex of the tooth what is the best ttt.: 1/ aggressive remove. 2/ visualization & remove. 3/ visualization & leave. *** Permanent bud ‫حتى ل يأثر على‬


7 years or (Boy) came to the clinic in the right maxillary central incisor with large pulp exposure: 1/ pulpectomy with Ca(OH)2. 2/ pulptomy with Ca(OH)2. *** 3/ Direct pulp capping. 4/ leave it.


Child has bruxism to be treated with: a. sedative. b. cusp capping. c. vinyl plastic bite guard. *** "Dentistry for Child and Adolescent - Page 646" * A vinyl plastic bite guard ( Night Guard for children & adults ) : that covers the occlusal surfaces of all teeth plus 2 mm. of the buccal and lingual surfaces can be worn at night to prevent continuing abrasion due to bruxism. The occlusal surface of the bite guard should be flat to avoid occlusal interferences.


Avulsed tooth: 1/ splint (7-14) days. *** 2/ or (3- 14) weeks.


Proxy brush with which type of furcation: A. Furcation Grade I. B. Furcation Grade II. C. Furcation Grade III. *** D. Furcation Grade IV.


Instrument used for wax grooving for a die in FPD: * Instrument we use to make groove in the wax is: A. PKT no1 B. PKT no3 C. Spoon excavator. *** D. Burnisher.


After u did upper& lower complete denture for old pt. He came back to the clinic next day complaining of uncomfort with the denture. After u recheck, no pain, good occlusion, good pronunciations, but u notice beginning of inflammation in the gum and outer margins of the lips, u will think this is due to: 1- Xerostomia. *** ‫الجفاف‬ 2- Vit-B deficiency. 3- Scleroedema.


Patient comes to your clinic with complete denture for routine visit no complaining during speech or swallowing or opening the mouth just glossitis, angular cheilitis and discomfort increasing while day: a. Vitamin B deficiency. *** (= Riboflavin deficiency ). b. Xerostomia. c. Scleroedema. ‫التهاب الشفة و اللسان تدل على نقص فيتامين ب‬


Patient with leukemia, absolute neutrophilic count is 1700 what oral surgeon should do: a. go on the manager. b. as usual pt. *** c. postpone another day. d. work with prophylactic antibiotic. e. platelets transfusion. ‫ بما أن العدد ضمن الطبيعي فنعامله كمريض عادي‬.


Child came to your clinic have leukaemia number of neutrophils are (1400) want to extract his primary central incisor will you treat him: OR Child came to your clinic have leukaemia number of neutrophils are less than (1500) want to extract his primary central incisor will you treat him: a. as usual pt. b. give prophylactic antibiotic. *** c. gives platelets before extraction. d. do not extract. ‫ العدد أقل من الحدود الطبيعية نعطي مضادات حيوية‬.

*Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) > 1500 Neutrophils/mm3. * In leukemia, dental treatment should only be performed if the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) exceeds 1000 and if the platelet count at least 50000 . And prophylactic antibiotic coverage should be provided in consultation with the pt.’s oncologist. ‫طبيب الورام‬ Dental surgical procedures and administration of local anesthetic blocks should be avoided during periods of thrombocytopenia ( it means that the platelet count is less than 50000 ) . A platelet transfusion may be needed if the platelet count is less than 50000 . q:Patient with leukemia, absolute neutrophilic count is 1700 what oral : surgeon should do A. Go on the manover .B. Postpone another day .C. Work with prophylactic antibiotic .D. as usual pt :‫هنضطر نختار التختيار دا علشان مفيش اتختيار‬ .E. Platelets transfusion


Galvanic shock: a. Put separating medium. b. Wait. *** ‫ننتظر‬ c. put varnish. Dental Decks - page 2268

Galvenic shock: it gradually disappears in a few days.


8 years old child suffered from a trauma at the TMJ region as infant complaining now from limitation in movement of the mandible. Diagnosis is: a) Subluxation. b) Ankylosis. ***


Generalised lymphadenopathy seen in: ‫تضخم الغدد اللمفية‬ a- Infection. ‫العدوى‬ b- Lymphocytic leukemia. c- HIV. d- Pernicious anemia. ‫فقر الدم الخبيث‬ A. a+b B. a+b+c. *** C. only d D. b+d * Causes of generalized lymphadenopathy: 1) Infection. 2) Hepatitis & AIDS ( HIV ). 3) Tuberculosis & 2ry syphilis.

4) Malignant: Leukaemia, Lymphoma & carcinoma. 5) Hyperthyroidism.


Contraindication of gingivectomy: a- periodontal abscess. ***


Surgical interference with edentulous ridge for: a- good retention, stability and continuous uniform alveolar

ridge. ***


The tip of size 20 endo file is: A- 0.02 mm. B- 0.20 mm. *** Cohen's Pathway of the Pulp 10th Ed 2011, Page 239-240 There's different between tip & tapering The taper of instruments is designed to be a 0.02mm taper namely a diameter-increase by 0.02 mm for each mm of length, starting at the tip. Tapering of ISO standardization is 0.02mm But the Tip of file = D0 For File 20 yellow in color D0=0.20mm D16= 0.52mm


Bonding agent for enamel we use: A- Unfilled resin. *** B- primer & adhesive bonding agent. C- Resin dissolves in acetone or alcohol. D- Primer with resin modified glass ionomer.

Dental secrets – page 188


We redo high copper amalgam restoration when we have: a- Amalgam with proximal marginal defect. *** food accumulation b- Open margin less than 0.5 mm.



Thickness of amalgam in complex amalgam restoration in cusp tip

A- 0.5 mm. B- 1 - 1.5 mm. C- 1.5 - 2 mm. D- 2 - 3 mm. *** Dental Decks - page 2170 Working cusp reduction for amalgam is 2.5 - 3 mm.


For cavity class II amalgam restoration in premolar, the best matrix to be used: A) Tofflemire matrix. *** B) Mylar matrix. C) Gold matrix. D) Celluloid strips.

2nd maxillary

Summery of Operative dentistry – page 220


Cast with (+ve) bubbles because of: A- Mixing stone. B- Voids in impression when taken by the dentist. *** ‫ومجود فقاعات في الطبعة‬ C- Pouring. D- Using warm water when mixing stone.


Which of the following non- absorbable suture: A. Plain catgut. B. Chromic catgut. C. Silk .*** D. All the above. Dental Decks - page 1774.


Most important criteria for full ceramic FPD: A- High compressive strength. *** ‫قوة ضغط عالية‬ B- High tensile strength. Restorative dental materials 2002 – page 5 * Because ceramics are stronger in compression than in tension, this property provides increased resistance to shattering. ‫النشطار‬


Reciprocal arm in RPD helps to resist the force applied by which

parts: A- retentive arm. *** B- guide plane


Patient who has un-modified class II kennedy classification, with good periodontal condition and no carious lesion the best clasp to use on the other side ( teeth side ): a) reciprocal clasp. ( aker's clasp ). ***

b) ring clasp. c) embrasure clasp. d) gingivally approaching clasp.


Pt. needs complete denture u take impression with irreversible hydrocolloid ( alginate ) & poured it after late more than 15 min. the cast appears short & chalky the reason is: a. Dehydration of the impression. *** ‫فقد الماء فأصبح قصيرا وفطباشيريا‬ ( ‫ ) انكمش ونشف‬. b. Expansion of the impression. c. Immerse the impression in a chemical solution. Oxford


A completely edentulous patient, the dentist delivers a denture in the 1st day normally, 2nd day the patient returns unable to wear the denture again, the cause is: OR After insertion of immediate complete denture, pt. removes denture at night next day he couldn`t wearing it and came to you, why this is happened: .a. relife .b. Swelling and inflammation after extraction c. lack of skill for the patient to put the denture ‫قلة مهارة المريض في وضع الطقم‬ d. Lack of frenum areas of the complete denture


Over extended GP should removed using: a- Ultrasonic vibrating. b- Dissolving agent. ‫ عامل مذيب مثل الحرار ة عن فطريق تسخين الكوندينسر مثل‬Rotary or round bur. d- Surgery. ***


Sterilization means killing: a- Bacteria and virus. b- Bacteria, virus, fungi and bacteria spores and protozoa. *** C- Bacteria and fungus d- virus and bacteria spores


Killing of bacteria is: A- Bacteriostatic. ‫احباط نمو البكتريا‬ B- Bactericidal. *** ‫قتل البكتريا‬


The most technique use with children: A- TSD. *** ( Tell - Show - Do ). B- Hand over mouth.

C- Punishment. * ‫ أي تخبر الطفل ثم تريه ثم تبدأ العمل‬.


Chronic pericoronitis: A- Difficult mouth opening. ‫دصعوبة فتح الفم‬ B- Halitosis. ‫رايئحة فم كريهة‬ C- All of the above. ***


Safe months to treat pregnant ladies:

A- 1 - 3 B- 4 - 6. *** (2nd trimester) C-7 - 9.


Mandibular 1st permanent molar looks in morphology as: a- primary 1st mand. molar. b- primary 2nd mand. molar. *** c- primary 1st max molar. d- primary 2nd max molar.


Material which used for flasking complete denture: a- plaster. *** b- Stone. c- Refractory. . ‫ اذا كانت مومجوده فى التختيارات تكون هي الدصح‬a & b hl=ar&site=webhp&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=5765l18572l0l19897l1l1l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0 &safe=active&q=cache:o2F1_V_B6LAJ


Ideal properties of RC filling material is the following EXCEPT: a) Radiolucent in radiograph. *** b) Not irritate the surrounding tissue. c) Easily removable when retreatment is necessary. d) Stable and less dimensional change after insertion.


The best method for core build up is: 1. Amalgam. *** 2. Compomer. 3. Glass ionomer.


Best core material receiving a crown on molar: a) Amalgam. ***

b) reinforced glass ionomer. d) composite. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) – page 158 Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics – page 185


Most common site which drain pus is: a) Mandibular central incisors. b) Mandibular canines. c) Mandibular first molar. ***


When removing moist carious dentin which exposes the pulp, dentist

should: 1- Do direct pulp cap. 2- Do indirect pulp cap. 3- Prepare for endo. *** "Dental secrets – page 167" "Dental pulp 2002 – page 335"


In prevention of dental caries, the promotion of a healthy diet is: ‫في‬ ‫نخر السنان التشجيع للحمية الصحية‬ 1- low effective measure. 2- Moderately effective measure. 3- High effective measure. *** 4- Mandatory measure.


Treatment of cervical caries in old patients with a temporary restoration is best done by: a) Glass ionomer. *** due to its chemichal bond & fluoride release b) Composite resitn. c) Amalgam.


Most used sugar substitute: ‫بديل السكر الكثر استخداما‬ a) Sorbitol. b) Mannitol. c) Insulin. d) Xylitol. *** ‫زايليتول‬ .Xylitol is a "tooth-friendly" and non fermentable sugar * ‫ سعرات أقل من السكروز وله‬%40 ‫قليل السعرات الحرارية حيث يحتوي‬,‫هو عبارة عن سكر كحولي غير قابل للتخمر من تخشب البتولق‬ ‫تخواص مضاده للتسوس‬

882. a.

What the influence of xylitol: It causes caries.

b. c. d.

Safe to the teeth. *** Increase saliva. Decrease saliva.


The infection will spread cervically in infection from: a- lower incisors. b- lower premolars. c- lower 2nd and 3rd molars. *** d- upper incsisors.


In hypertension patient, the history is important to detect the severity: a. true. *** b. false.


In inflamed mucosa due to wearing denture, when do new denture: a- immediately. b- after week. c- Put tissue conditioning material and wait until the tissue heals and take impression after 2 weeks. ***


Forceps to hold flap when suturing: A. Adson’s. *** Oral Surgery – page 46 Adson forceps: used in anterior areas.


Pulp oedema: ‫تجمع للسواكئل‬ 1- has no effect on vascular system. 2- fluid is compressed in the vessels limiting the intercellular pressure. 3- Interstitial pressure increased due to increased vascularity. *** ‫زيادة الضغط‬ ‫الخللي بسبب زيادة الوعية‬ 4- causes necrosis of the pulp tissues.


Master cone doesn't reach the apex: a. ledge. b. residual remnants. ‫البقايا المتبقية‬ c. a & b. ***


Pterygomandibular raphe: a. Insertion & origin.

b. muscles. c. should be medial to the injection. d. all of the above. ***


The divergence should be mesiodistally for an amalgam restoration: a. no it should be convergent. b. if the remaining proximal marginal ridge = 1.6 mm. c. if the remaining proximal marginal ridge only > 1.6mm. d. if the remaining proximal marginal ridge only < 1.6mm. *** if thickness of mesial & distal margine less than 1.6mm for premolar & less than 2mm for molar then should do divergence between them during preparation to make enough thickness for amalgam to support enamel from broken Dental Decks - page 2298


イ ロ

Patient had anaphylactic shock due to penicillin injection, what's the most important in the emergency treatment to do: ‫مريض به دصدمة فرط الحساسية بسبب حقن البنسلين ماهو العل ج الطارئ الذي نعمله‬ a. 200 mg hydrocortisone intravenous. b. 0.5 mg epinephrine of 1/10000 intravenous. c. adrenaline of 1/1000 intramuscular. *** (IM) Management Place pt. in supine with legs raised if possible & give 0.5ml of 1:1000 adrenaline IM or SC (subcutaneous), Repeat after 15 mins until improved. Do not give IV in this concentration as it will induce ventricular fibrillation Up to 500 mg of hydrocortisone IV Up to 20 mg of chlorpheniramine slowly IV (if available) O2 by mask

ハ ニ ホ ヘ


:‫ملحظة‬ ‫ بينما عند حدوث التحسس من البنسلين فإن الدرنالين المستخدم للحقن العضلي‬% 2 ‫الدرنالين المستخدم في التخدير الموضعي الطبيعي‬ 1/1000 ‫ أي‬%0.5 - 0.1 Bronchial asthma epinephrine concentration subcutaneously:

A) 1/1000. *** B) 1/10000 C) 1/100000 Dental Secret – Page 50


Which is contraindicated to the general anaesthia: a. patient with an advanced medical condition like cardiac. *** b. down's syndrome patient. c. child with multiple carious lesion in most of his dentition. d. child who needs dental care, but who's uncooperative, fearful…etc.


Continuous condensation technique in GP filling is: a. obtura I. b. obtura II. c. ultrafill. d. System B. *** . ‫الخيارات الثلثة الولى هم أنواع من تقنيات حقن الجاتا بركا الحرارية‬


Best material for major connector: a. Gold wrought wire. b. Chrome cobalt. *** ( CR-CO ) “ Cobalt chromium ( CO-CR ) “. c. gold palladium. d. titanium.


Central incisor receiving a full ceramic restoration during finishing of shoulder finish line subgingivally, what is the type of preferred bur: A. Diamond end cutting.


In a class III composite with a liner underneath, what's the best to

use: a. Light cured GI. *** b. ZOE. c. Reinforced ZOE.


Outline of 2nd Mandibular molar access opening: A. Triangular with the base mesially.***


The outline form of maxillary molar access opening is triangular. The base of triangle is directed toward : A) Buccal. *** B) Palatal C) Mesial D) Distal


After usage of sharp scalpels, needles what's the best management: 1) throw in a special container of sharp instruments. *** ( Sharp container ). 2) sterilize and reuse. 3) through in ordinary plastic waste basket.


Sharpening of hand instrument mounted air driven better than unmounted due to: A) Fine grit. *** ‫التشذيب الناعم والدقيق‬ B) Sterilization.

C) Ability to curve instrument. Mounted-stone technique is 2nd technique for sharpening dental instrument useful with curved or irregular shaped nibs,cylindrical shape, has fine grit, use with straight hand piece. Mandrel mounted stone made of 2 materials: a. Arkansas stone b.ruby stone (sand stone):composed of aluminum oxide, coarse, has rapid cutting ability, used with dull instrument.


Unmounted sharpening instruments are better than mounted because: a. has finer grit. b. don't alter the bevel of the instrument. c. easier to sterilize. d. less particles of the instruments are removed.***cut less of the blade ‫لنها‬ ‫تزيل أقل من المعدن أثناء التشذيب‬ "Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials: Theory, Practice, and Cases, 3rd Edition" Unmounted stones are preferred as they are kinder on * .instrument by removing less metal in the sharpening process


Pt. came to the clinic with a lesion confined to the middle of the hard palat, on the clinical examination the lesion is fluctuant ‫ & متمو ج‬tender. On the X-ray radiolucent area between the two central incisors roots. The diagnosis will be: OR Pt. came to the clinic complaining from pain related to swelling on maxillary central incisor area with vital to under percussion: 1/ periapical cyst. 2/ incisive cyst. *** ( incisive canal cyst ). ( nasopalatine duct cyst ). 3/ globulomaxillary cyst. 4/ aneurysmal bone cyst.


The percentage of simple caries located in the outer wall of the dentin (proximal sides of the tooth) which left without cavitations is around: 1- 10% 2- 30% 3- 60% *** 4- 90% Art & Science of Perative Dentistry – Page 102 * Approximately 60% of teeth with radiographic proximal lesions in the outer half of dentin are likely to be noncavitated.


Irrigation solution for RCT, when there is infection and draining from the canal is:

a) Sodium hypochlorite. b) Iodine potassium. c) Sodium hypochlorite and iodine potassium. *** "Pocket Atlas of Endodontics – page 154" Iodine potassium is good antiseptics with good tissue biocompatibility Betadine is commercially available product. ‫ نفس السؤال السابق مع تغيير في التختيارات وهو اتختيار دصحيح أيضا‬.


Irrigation solution for RCT, when there is infection and draining from the canal is: a) Sodium hypochlorite. b) Iodine potassium. c) Sodium hypochlorite and H2O2. *** d) Normal saline (Nacl)


Trigeminal neuralgia treated by carbamazepine, the max. dose per day divided in doses is: A- 200 mg. B- 500mg. C- 1000mg. D- 1200mg. *** Carbamazepine Dosage – Daily dose: 600-1200 mg is a tricyclic anticonvulsant and analgesic C15H12N2O used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and epilepsy Mechanism: Block Na channels Adver effects: Liver toxicity-blood dyscrasia- induction of cytochrome P-450.


10 years child with congenital heart disease came for extraction of his lower 1st molar, the antibiotic of choice for prevention of infective endocarditis is: a- Ampicillin 30 mg /kg orally 1hour before procedure. b- cephalexin 50mg/kg orally 1hour before procedure. c- clindamycin 20mg/kg orally 1hour before procedure. d- Amoxicillin 50mg/kg orally 1hour before procedure. *** Dental secrets: .Amoxicillin 2 gm orally 1 hr. before procedure * .Or also, ampicillin 50 mg/kg IM or IV 1hour before procedure In patients that allergic to ampicillin or penicillin give clindamycin 20mg/kg orally 1hour before procedure


What is uses of microscope? A. To see metabolic. B. To see live cells. *** C. To see dead cells.


Patient has a palatal torus between hard & soft palates, the major connector of choice: a. Anterior-posterior palatal strap. b. U shaped. *** (horseshoe) c. posterior palatal strap. d. full palatal strap


White lesion bilaterally on cheek & other member in the family has

it: a. leukoplakia. b. white sponge nevus. ***(Cannon's disease) Hereditary disease c. others. Dental Decks - page 1336 "Burket- Oral medicine"


Pt. construct for him a complete denture after few days he came to u complaining from pain & white spots on the residual ridge do relief in that area & give him ointment & after few days he came again complaining the same but in another area the main cause is : a. Uneven pressure on the crest of alveolar ridge. *** ‫ضغط غير منتظم‬ b. Increase vertical dimension.


After final inlay cementation and before complete setting of cement we should: a- remove occlusal interferences. b- Burnishing of peripheries of restoration for more adaptation. *** c- lowering occlusal surface. Pickard's Manual of Operative Dentistry 8th Ed , Page 186


Pt. with renal dialysis the best time of dental ttt. is: a- 1 day before dialysis. b- 1 day after dialysis. *** c- 1week after dialysis. Dental secrets – page 54 Pt. receive dialysis 3 times/week, Dental ttt. should done 1 day after dialysis to prevent bleeding difficulties, also we can't do surgery in the same day of dialysis due to presence of heparin in blood.


Child has dental caries in 3 or 4 surfaces of his first primary molar we will replace them with: A. preformed metal crown. *** ( = Stainless steel crown ). B. porcelain crown. C. amalgam crown.

D. composite restoration.


Electro surgery rate: a. 1.5 – 7.5 millions cycle per seconds. *** b. 7.5 – 10 millions cycle per seconds. c. 10 – 25 millions cycle per seconds. d. 30 millions cycle per seconds. Caranza periodontology – page 582


9 years old Pt. came to the clinic after he has an accident. X-ray revealed bilateral fracture of the condyles. Mandible movements are normal in all directions. What is your treatment? 1. Inter maxillary mandibular fixation. 2. Fixed IMF for 6 weeks. 3. Inter mandibular fixation. 4. No treatment is performed only anti inflammatory drugs and observation. ***


6 years old patient received trauma in his maxillary primary incisor, the tooth is intruded. The permanent incisors are expected to have: a. Displacement. b. Malformation. c. Cracks in enamel. d. Yellowish or whitish discoloration.*** (with hypoplasia) Atlas Of Oral Medicine – page 151 Enamel hypoplasia : due to trauma or infections of developing teeth.


Head and neck nevi with multi lesion is: 1/ Eagle syndrome. 2/ Albright syndrome. *** ‫متلزمة ألبرايت‬ 3/ Apert syndrome 4/ congential melanotic nevi. Oxford – Page 795


Avulsed teeth with replantation, dentist evaluates prognosis with : 1/ flexible wire. 2/ ridge wire. 3/ in follow-up pd. wire. .The ideal splint for avulsed teeth is a flexible splint *


Pt. needs complete denture, when u did the examination u notice the maxillary tuberosity will interfere with denture: 1/ need no. 12 blade for extension. *** ‫للتوسيع‬ 2/ partial thickness flap extend buccal & palatal. 3/ suture under tension.

Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2nd Ed 2004 – page 169


For recording of vertical dimension we use: a. Willis Gauge. *** ( or : another method: Two dots technique ). b. Caliper. c. Face bow.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) – page 194


What name of bur used in proximal surface of laminate veneer? A. Radial. B. Dimound. *** C. Fissure. %20II.pdf


What name of bur use in facial surface of veneer? A. Dimond. *** (Round end) B. Fissure.


Pacifier habit what you see in his mouth 7 years old pt.? ‫اللهاية‬ a. Anterior Open bite, Posterior crossbite *** b. Anterior open bite with expansion max.bone c. Move incisal to labial d. crossbite Dentistry for child and adolescent: * Children who were pacifier users were significantly more likely to show open bite, posterior crossbite and increased overjet.


In the pulp: 1. Cell rich zone contains fibroblasts.

2. Cell free zone contains capillaries and nerve networks. 3. Odonotbalstic layer contains odontoblasts. . ‫ اذا ممكن تختار أى اجابة منهم‬Dental Decks - page 226 ‫ مومجودة حرفيا في‬،‫كلها دصحيحة‬


What type pontic design would you do in a patient with a high esthetic demand when preparing teeth number 9 – 11 for a F P D: a- Ridge lap or saddle pontic. b- An ovate pontic. c- Modified ridge lab pontic. *** Dental Decks - page 483


Design of anterior pontic: a- Modified ridge lab. *** b- saddle. c- Hygienic.


Skeletal bone of skull develops from : a- Neurocranium ossification. b- Intramembranous ossification. c- Endochondral ossification. *** Dental decks 287 * Endochondral ossification : Short bone and long bone and bones of skull ( ethmoid, sphenoid and temporal bones ). ‫تعظم غضروفي‬ * Intramembranous ossification: Flat bone. ‫تعظم داتخل الغشاء‬

930. a. b. c.

Skeletal face is from:

Neural crest. *** ‫القمة العصبية‬ Paraxial mesoderm. Lateral plate mesoderm. Sadler's Langman's Medical Embryology


Glenoid fossa is found in: 1/ orbital cavity. 2/ nasal cavity. 3/ middle cranial fossa. 4/ Temporal bone. *** Anatomy of the Human Body - Henry Gray – page 82 Glenoid fossa = Mandibular fossa. * The mandibular fossa: is a depression in the temporal bone.


The spread of odontogenic infection is based on: 1/ host defense. ‫دفاع المستضيف‬ 2/ virulent of microorganism. ‫سمية الميكروب‬ 3/ No. of bacteria. ‫عدد البكتريا‬

4/ All. ***


3rd generation of apexo locator: Uses with all pts. Needs more research. Increases chair time. Decreases radiographic film need. ***

a. b. c. d.

934. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

1 2 4 6

pt. taken heparin he should do surgery after : Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. Hrs. ***


Twins came to your clinic during routine examination, you found great change behaviour between both of them this due to: A) Hereditary. B) Environment. *** C) Maturation. ‫النضو ج‬ D) Gender E) None Dentistry for child and adolescent: * The differences between monozygotic twins ‫توأما أحادي الزيجوت‬result from environmental differences whereas those between dizygotic twins ‫توأما‬ ‫البيضيتين‬result from differences in both environment and heredity.


Epileptic patient you will not give him :‫مريض الصرع‬ A) Aspirin. B) Azoles. C) Metronidazole. *** ( Flagyl ). D) All of the above


Dilantin ( phenytoin ) don’t give with : A) Aspirin. B) Azoles. C) Metronidazole*** ( Flagyl ). D) All of the above


Pregnant 25 years, bleeding on probing, location on papilla of anterior area of the maxilla, isolated ‫معزول‬:

A) Giant cell granuloma B) Pyogenic granuloma. ***


( pregnancy epulis ).

Porcelain, highly esthetic, anterior maxilla area, we choose:

OR Pt. has discoloration on his Max. Ant. central incisors, and u planning to do veneer for him. Which type of porcelain has high easthetic ? a. In ceram. *** b. Dicor glass reinforced risen. c. Impress. Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics – Page 436

940. A)

The highest strength in porcelain: ZR ( zircon ) reinforced in ceram. ***


Amalgam pain after restoration due to: A) Phase 2 gamma. B) Phase 1 gamma. C) Zinc containing alloy. *** D) Admix alloy.


Zinc if added to amalgam: a. Increases moisture sensitivity and causes expansion. *** b. Increases marginal integrity and longevity than zinc free amalgam. c. a+ b. Dental Decks - page 2312 ‫وظيفة الزنك منع تأكسد الخليطة وسلبيته تمدد الحشوة إذا مستها الرطوبة أما تخرب الحواف فينقص عن استخدام أملغم غني بالنحاس أو‬ ‫عند إطالة إو إنقاص زمن المز ج وعند تكثيف الحشوة بشكل غير كافي حيث يبقى زيئبق زايئد فيها‬


Endocrine and exocrine gland is : A) Pancreas. *** ‫البنكرياس غدة داتخلية وتخارمجية الفراز‬ B) Pituitary gland. C) Thyroid gland. D) Salivary gland. E) Sweat gland. Pancreas: Endocrine gland producing hormones: e.g. insulin,glucagon,andsomatostatin. Exocrine gland producing digestive enzymes pass to small intestine.


Saline coupling agent for wetting wall of pulp: 1- decreases wall tension. *** ‫عامل الزدوا ج الملحي يقلل توتر مجدار اللب‬ 2- increases wall tension.


In endo, one of sealer property is to be flowable (or wetability) to enhance this quality we can mix it with a material that have: a. Low surface tension. *** b. High surface tension.


Saline coupling agent: 1/ used with porcelain to enhance wetability of bonding. *** 2/ used with tooth and porcelain. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) – page 146


For discharged sharp instrument ( blades, needle tips, wedges,…etc) put in : A) dicharged paper basket. B) designed sharp instrument special container. *** C) disinfectant in autoclave then throw. D) put it in multifoil.


Female patient came to your clinic with continous severe pain related to 1st maxillary molar. After examination dentist diagnose the tooth is carious and has irreversible pulpitis. He decides to do RCT. After enough time for anesthesia, Patient won’t allow the dentist to touch the tooth due to severe pain. Dentist should: A) Give another appointment to the patient with description of antibiotics. *** B) Extraction. C) Intra-pulpal anaesthia.


32 years old patient came to your dental office, suffering from a bad odour and taste from his mouth. By examination patient has an anterior mandibular 3 units bridge that bubbles upon applying water spray and slight pressure. Cause: A) Broken abutment. B) Food impaction underneath the pontic. C) Separation between the abutment and the retainer. *** ( Dissolving of cement / microleakage ). ‫التسرب الدقيق وذوبان السمنت‬


Patient complaining from pain in the floor of the mouth ( beneath the lower jaw ) your diagnosis is related to the salivary glands, what’s the best x-ray to help you: OR

Patient complains from swelling in submandibular, swelling increase when patient eating and swallowing only what type of x ray use to diagnosis: A) panoramic x-ray. B) occlusal. C) Sialography. *** (Specialized radiograph for the Salivary gland disorders ). Dental secrets – page 107


Distal surface for first upper premolar, contact with the neighboring teeth: A) in the middle with buccal vastness wider than lingual one. B) in the middle with lingual vastness ‫ اتساع‬wider than buccal one. ***


The movement of polymorphic cells in the gaps of intracellular to the blood capillary outside it called: A) Porosity. ‫مسامية‬ B) Slinking. ‫تسرب‬ C) Diapedesis. *** ‫انسلل‬ Wikipedia


Child with cleft palate and cleft lip with anodontia due to: a- Van Der Woude syndrome. *** b- Treacher Collins syndrome. c- Paget disease.


Which of the following canals in # 14 is most difficult to locate: a- palatal. b- Distobuccal. c- Mesiobuccal. *** d- All of above.


Which condition is an apical lesion that develop acute exacerbation of chronic apical abscess: a- Granuloma. b- Phoenix abscess. *** c- Cyst. d- Non of above. Dental decks – page 165 ‫حرفيا‬


Which tooth requires special attention when preparing the occlusal aspect for restoration: a- lower 2nd molar. b- lower 1st premolar.*** because lingual cusp longer than buccal

c- lower 2nd premolar. d- upper 1st molar. Dental Decks - page 2295


Pt. came to u with coloration bluish or greenish black in the gingival margins, He said that he has gastrointestinal problem. This is caused by: a- mercury. ‫زيئبق‬ b- lead. ‫ردصاص‬ c- Bismuth. *** ‫البزموث‬ d- arsen. . ‫تستخدم أملح البزموث في تركيب مضادات القرحة والحموضة المعدية‬ ‫علما أن مجميع‬.‫السؤال يشير أن المريض يعاني من مشاكل هضمية ما يعني أنه يتناول مضادات حموضة والتي يدتخل في تكوينها البزموث‬ .‫المعادن المذكورة تعمل تصبغ لثوي‬


How can u repair fractured rest ( in the place where it passes over the marginal ridge of the tooth ) in removable partial denture? A- Spot welding. ‫تلحيم بقعي‬ b- Electric soldering. *** ‫تلحيم كهربايئي‬ c- Industrial brazing. ‫تلحيم دصناعي‬


Sealer is used in RCT to: 1- Fill the voids. *** ‫ لمل الفراغات‬. 2- Increase strength of RC filling. 3- Disinfect the canal.


Child patient presented with swelling in the buccal and palatal maxillary anterior area two days ago, the pathology of the lesion there is a giant cell, what is the diagnosis: 1. Giant granuloma. *** ( Giant cell granuloma ). 2. Hemangioma.

961. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Child with anodontia and loss of body hair, the diagnosis is: Down's syndrome. Ectodermal dysplasia. *** Fructose. Diabetic.

962. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cavity etching before applying GIC is: Polyacrylic acid 10 seconds. *** Polyacrylic acid 60 seconds. Phosphoric acid 10 seconds. Phosphoric acid 60 seconds.


To increse retention of GIC u should use: a- 37% polyacrylic acid for 15 seconds. b- 35% polyacrylic acid for 10 seconds. c- 10% polyacrylic acid for 10 seconds. *** d- 10% polyacrylic acid for 15 seconds. a,b a,d c,d c only. *** d only

For GIC, etching is more better to done by 10% polyacrylic acid for 10 seconds for enamel and dentin ( note: GIC contains polyacrylic acid ).

 For Composite, etching is more better to done by 37% orthophosphoric or phosphoric acid for 20 seconds on enamel but for 10 seconds on dentin.


Surgery for ridges aims to: 1. Vertical dimension. 2. Speech. 3. Modify ridge for stability. *** ‫تعديل حواف الفك للثباتية أثناء تركيب الطقم‬


Patient with warfarin treatment and you want to do surgery, when you can do: 1. When PTT is 1 – 1.5 INR on the same day. 2. When PTT is 2 – 2.5 INR on the same day. 3. When PT is 1 – 1.5 INR on the same day. 4. When PT is 2 – 2.5 INR on the same day. *** Dental secrets – Page 38


Patient with pain on the upper right area, and the patient can not tell the tooth causes the pain, what is the least reliable way to do test pulp: 1. Cold test. 2. Hot test. 3. Electric test. *** 4. Stimulation the dentine.


Pt. have denture, after 5 years he complains of ulcer and inflammation in lower buccal vestibule. What is the diagnosis: 1/ Hypertrophic frenum. *** ‫تضخم اللجام‬ 2/ Epulis fissuratum.


Patient presented to you after fitting the immediate denture 5 – 10 months, complaining pain and over tissue in the mandibular, what is the diagnosis:

1. Epulis fissuratum. *** 2. Hypertrophic frenum.


Main reason for surgical pocket therapy: a. Expose the roots for scaling and root planning. *** b. Remove supragingival calculus.


Biological width: ‫العمق الحيوي للثة‬

a. 1 mm. b. 2mm. *** c. 3mm. d. 4mm.

971. A.

Biological depth: Crestal bone to gingival sulcus. ***


Periodontal attachment contains: A. Epithilum, sulcus & connective tissue. ***

973. a. b. c. d. e.

Periodontally involved root surface must be root planed to: Remove the attached plaque and calculus. Remove the necrotic cementum. Change the root surface to become biocompatible. All of the above. a & b only. *** : Periodontal debridement.

974. a. b. c.

Best measurement of periodontitis by:

Pocket depth. Bleeding. Attachment level. *** Oxford, Page 120

( Attachment loss ).


The tissue response to oral hygiene instructions is detected by: a- Probe pocket depth. b- Less bleeding on propping . *** Oxford, Page 120

976. a. b. c. d.

After scaling and root planning healing occurs by: Long junctional epithelium. *** = ( created) New attachment. New bone and connective tissue formation. New attached periodontal ligament fibers. Dental decks – page 266


During examination 34 show gingival recession buccally, the least correct reason is:

a. b. c. d.

‫ هو طالب في السؤال أقل أو أضعف سبب دصحيح وبقية السباب قوية لحدوث انحسار اللثة‬. Frenum attachment. Pt. is right hand brushe. *** Occlusal force. Inadequate gingiva.


Periodontal pocket differs most significantly from gingival pocket with respect to: a. Depth. *** ‫العمق‬ b. Tendency to bleed on gentle probing. c. The location of the bone of the pocket. d. All of the above. * To have a true periodontal pocket, a probing measurement be 4 mm. or more . * Normal gingival depth is 1 - 3 mm.



All of these are right ways to handle the instrument EXCEPT: A- Modified pen handle. ‫مسكة القلم المعدلة‬ b- Inverted pen. ‫القلم المعكوس‬ c- Pen handle. *** ‫مسكة القلم‬ d- Palm and thumb. ‫اقرباضةة املربهامم و الررااحة‬ * There are four grasps used with the hand instruments: Modified pen, Inverted pen, Palm and thumb, Modified palm and thumb.


Amalgam is used in extensive cavities : a- When the cusp is supported by dentine and proper retentive preparation. b- When cusps lost and thin supported wall. *** c- When one cusp is lost and need to apply restoration to replace it.


What is the most factor encouraging dental caries:

OR Most common cause of caries: OR Incipient caries in the old patients is MOSTLY due to: A) Xerostomia. *** B) Hypocalcification. C) Smoking. D) Diet sugar consumption. E) Saliva


The best definition to odontoblast: a- It’s subadjacent to predentine & odontoblastic process. *** b- Odontoblast cell is more in the cellular pulp than radicular.


The last sensation which disappears after local anesthesia:

A- Pain. ‫آلم‬ b- Deep pressure. *** ‫ضغط عميق‬ c- Temperature. ‫حرارة‬


Wax inlay which type contain in much gradient: OR The kind of onlay wax used in cast: a) Paraffin wax. *** ‫شمع النفط البيض‬ b) Bee wax. ‫شمع النحل‬


While RCT if u penetrate the furcation area of roots what u will do? a. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate ( MTA ). *** b. Caoh. c. formocresol.

986. a. b. c. d. e.

The mineral trioxide aggregate ( MTA ) is best material for: Indirect pulp capping. ( Direct pulp capping ) ‫ خطأ وانما تستخد م فى‬: Apexogenesis. Apexofication. Root canal obturation. all except a. *** ( ) Direct Pulp Capping / Apexification / Perforation: ‫ تستخدم في‬MTA Internal&External Resportion / Root End Filling : ‫المصدر‬


The fundamental rule in the endodontic emergencies is: a. control pain by inflammatory non steroid. b. diagnosis is certain. *** ‫التشخيص يكون محدد‬


Female pt. comes with endo treated upper central with M & D caries and have incisal abrasion. Porcelain veneer is planned with modification to cover incisal edge. Veneer should end: a. fourth lingualy 0.5 mm before centric occlusal. *** b. fourth 1.5 mm before centric occlusion. c. fifth 1.5 mm before centric occlusion.


Pt. comes with siuns u make GP tracing & take radiograph the GP appears in lateral surface of the root: a. periodontal abscess. b. periodontitis. c. lateral acessory canal.


Technique of endo fill where we use continuous condensation: a. vertical condensation. *** Principles and Practice of Endodontics WALTON – Page 273


Post graduated student uses MTA the prognosis depends on prevent: a. immediate suture. b. disturbance during closure of wound. *** ‫الضطراب أثناء غلق الجرح‬ c. using a flab.


The cause of black cast which prevents pickling due to: a. over heat. *** ‫زيادة التسخين‬ b. contaminate with gas. c. incomplete casting.


Pt. takes 40mg cortisone in day of procedure: a. double the dose in the day of procedure. *** b. double the dose in the day of procedure & day after. c. stop the medication.


What is the dominant type of fibers found in cementum: ‫ماهو نوع اللياف‬ ‫السايئد المومجود في الملط‬ A) longitudinal. B) Circular. C) Sharpey's fiber. *** ‫ألياف شاربي تومجد في العظام والسنان والملط‬


Fibers which completely embedded in cementation and pass from cementation of one tooth to the cementation of adjacent tooth is: ‫اللياف المطمور ة‬ ‫التي تعبر من ملط سنين متجاورين‬ 1. Sharpey's fiber. ‫ألياف شاربي‬ 2. Transseptal fibers. *** ‫عبر الحامجز‬ 3. Longitudinal fibers. ‫ألياف طوليه‬


What is the main function of impression tray holes : A) Fixing the Impression material. *** ‫تثبيت مواد الطبعة‬


A Tailor ‫الخياط‬is presented to your dental office, what’s the most common feature to be found in his teeth upon examination : A) Attrition. B) Abrasion. *** ‫انسحال‬

C) Erosion. ‫تآكل‬ D) Abfraction


Abrasion of enamel and root surfaces may result from the long term

use of: A. hard toothbrush. B. Tooth abrasive toothpaste or powder. C. Vigorous use of the toothbrush. D. A and B only. E. A, B and C. ***


Patient came to your clinic complaining of pain, upon examination you can’t find a cause. What’s the next logical step to do in investigation: A) Panoramic X-Ray. *** B) CT Scan. C) MRI. D) Regular tomography.


Contraindications of implant EXCEPT: 1. many dental caries. *** 2. malignancy. 3. radiation therapy.


Dental implants are successfully with min. failure: a- premaxilla area in the upper arch. b- Posterior area of the maxillary arch. ( max. failure ). c- Mandible between the mental foramens. *** d- Buccal shelf of the mandible. Dental secrets


What’s the best implant type allowing osseointegration: ‫ما نوع الزرعة‬ ‫الفضل في الدمج العظامي‬ A) Root-form endosseous implant. *** ‫هيئة الجذر كطعم داتخل العظم‬


The indications of implantation: 1. Diabetic patient. 2. Loss of one tooth only with the adjecent teeth. ***


what medical condition should prevent the dentist from practicing dentistry : A) Diabetes. B) Hypertension. C) Influenza. *** (‫النفلونزا )الكحة‬

D) Headache. ‫الصداع‬

1005. A)

patient complaining of Xerostomia & frequent going to the toilet at

night: Diabetes Mellitus. *** ‫من علمات مريض السكر‬


which of the following materials is not agent : ‫موقف للنزيف‬ A) Oxidized cellulose. B) Gelvon. Gelfoam gelatin : ‫السم الصحيح‬ C) Zinc oxide. ***

a hemostatic


Patient suffering from a submandibular gland abscess, dentist made a stab incision and is fixing a rubber drain to evacuate the pus, the drain is sutured to : A) Intra-oral between the myeloid muscles. B) Extraorally from the most fluctant point. *** OR (From angle of the mandible) C) Extraorally under the chin.


what is the concept of Pro-taper system: A) Step down tech. B) Step back tech. C) Crown down tech. ***

1009. a. b. c. d.

Labial reduction for porcelain metal restoration must be: OR Preparation of tooth for metal ceramic restoration should be done in: One plane for aesthetic. Two planes by follow the morphology. *** ‫الشكل على مرحلتين بإتباع‬ 0.8 All. Parallel to axial wall of the teeth


preparation for labial surface in one plane in the preparation for metal crown is: A) More retentive. B) Less retentive. *** ‫أقل تحفظ‬ c) Less cutting of tissues .


Upon opening an incision in a periapical abscess in a lower 1st molar, you open :

A) The most bottom of the abscess. *** ( Intraorally ). ‫داتخل الفم نفتح من قاع الخرا ج‬ B) The most necrotic part of the abscess. C) Extraoral.


What’s the test used for HIV: A. Elisa. *** ( called also : EIA ).


Neonate 2 years old has a lesion on the centrum of the tongue with the eruption of the 1st tooth: A) Riga-fede disease. *** ( sublingual traumatic ulceration ). Mosby Medical Dictionary. granuloma of frenulum linguae ‫ل‬ ‫جميم م اللناسان‬ ‫ي ل مل ل ج‬ ‫م ال ل‬ ‫ الوججر ل‬, ‫ مفميد‬- ‫دالء مرغيغا‬ ‫حجبميب م ي‬ Which of the following conditions is highly indicated for the short therapy of DOTS and is directly observed once in the clinic: A) Tuberculosis. *** (‫السل )الدرن‬ B) HIV. C) H1N1. D) Mental illness.


At the begining of the operation day in the clinic, you should start the water/air spray for three minutes in order to get rid of which type of microorganisms: A) Streptococcus mutans. B) Streptococcus salivarius. ***


The main link between the pulp and periodontium is:

A. Apical foramen. *** B. Dentinal tubules. C. Accessory canals. D. PDL.


Patient came with severe pain related to right 1st mandibular molar, there's no swelling related, pulp test is negative, no evidence in radiograph. Diagnosis: A. Irreversible pulpitis. B. Acute periodontal abscess. *** C. Suppurative periodontal abscess.


Which of the following teeth has a contact area between the incisal ( occlusal ) third and middle third:

A. 1st maxillary premolar. B. 1st mandibular premolar. *** C. 1st maxillary molar. D. Central mandible Incisor. Textbook of Dental and Oral Anatomy Physiology and Occlusion – page 110


A pt. came to your clinic after examination you found deformity in the neck and collarbones ‫ عظم الترقوة‬and supernumerary of teeth what is the diagnosis : a. Cleidocranial dysostosis.*** ‫تخلل تعظم الترقوة القحفي‬ b. Amelogensis imperfecta.


Pt. with complete denture complains from tightness ‫ضيق‬of denture in morning then becomes good this due to: A) Relif of denture.*** ‫ ( إراحة الطقم‬because there may be pressure points or areas that the tissues will try to adapte to it throughout the day ). B) Lack of cheeck elastisty. C) Poor post dam.


Old pt. comes with set of compelete denture with tight denture in morning and become loose later in a day what is the cause: a. lack of posterior palatal seal. b. deflecting of occlusion. ‫ علجها بإنقاص التبطين قلي ا‬. c. excessive relining of denture.*** ‫ل‬ d. inelasticity of cheek.


A border line diabetic pt. came with denture stomatitis you find abundant debris in the tissue surface area of the denture, the proper management is: A. Systemic antibiotic. B. Topical antifungal. *** ‫مضاد فطريات موضعي‬ C. Systemic antifungal. D. Topical antibiotic.


Pain in central incisors from: A. Central & lateral incisors. *** B. Lateral & canine. C. Canine & premolar. D. Premolar & molar.


To treat non vital tooth with open apex when doing access opening with gates glidden bur take care to : ‫ احرص على أن‬: A. Remove all dentin. B. Remove minimal dentine. *** ‫ تشيل مجزء بسيط مجدا من العا ج‬. C. Follow conservative method. ‫سؤال مشابه مع اتختلف مجوهري‬


To treat non vital tooth with open apex when doing access opening with gates glidden drills take care to avoid: ‫ أحرص على أن تتجنب‬: a. Remove all dentin. *** ‫ أن تشيل كل الدنتين‬. b. Remove minimal dentine. ‫ لن المفروض تحرص على أن تشيل مجزء بسيط مجدا من الدنتين وليس كل الدنتين‬. c. Follow conservative method.


20 years old pt. have avulsed tooth for 60 min. the management to return vascularity of the tooth: A. Scrap the surface of the root. B. Place the tooth in sodium sulfide of X %. C. Place it in sodium chloride then sodium sulfide. *** Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 4th Ed. (2005) – page 73:

1026. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The peripheries of the custom tray should be under extended to all border and clearance from the frenum areas: 2mm. *** 4mm. 6mm. 8mm.

1027. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The goal of making the peripheries of the custom tray under extended to all bordered clearance from the frenum areas: To give enough space for the used impression materials to allow border molding the tray. *** To give enough space for the die spacer. To give enough space for the cementation materials. None.

1028. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The base plate could be made by:

Acrylic plate. Ceramic plate. Wax plate. 1 and 3. ***


The vertical height of the maxillary occlusion rim from the reflection of the cast is: 1. 12mm. 2. 22mm. *** (2.2cm.)

3. 4.

32mm. 42mm.

1030. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The anterior width of the maxillary occlusion rim is: 5mm. *** (0.5 cm.) 10mm. 15mm. 20mm.

1031. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The posterior width of the maxillary occlusion rim: 8-10mm. *** (0.8 - 1 cm.) 8-15mm. 10-15mm. 15-20mm.

1032. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The anterior height of the mandibular occlusion rim is:

6mm. 16mm. *** 26mm. 36mm.

( 1.5 cm. )

1033. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The posterior height of mandibular occlusion rim is: Equal to the point representing 1/2 of the height of retro molar pad. *** Equal to the point representing 1/2 of the height of the frenum areas. Equal to the point representing 1/2 of the height of the alveolar ridge. None.


Record the occlusal plane in order to: To determine the amount of space between the mandible and the maxilla which will be occupied by artificial teeth. b. To determine vertical and horizontal levels of the teeth. c. a and b. *** d. None. a.


The protrusive ‫ البارز‬condylar guidance should be set on the articulator at: a. 30 – 35 degree. ( 30 – 40 degree ). b. 50 degree. c. 60 degree. e. 70 degree.

1036. a. b. c. d.

The lateral condylar posts should be set on the articulator at: OR The incisal guide should be set on the articulator at articulator at: Zero degree. 20 degree. 40 degree. None.

1037. a. b. c. d.

The primary goal of anterior tooth selection is:

OR The primary role of the anterior teeth on a denture is: To provide good functional requirements. To satisfy esthetic requirements. ***(Esthetics) ‫لتحقيق المتطلبات الجمالية‬ To let the patient feel comfortable. None.

1038. a. b. c. d.

The primary goal of posterior tooth selection is: To provide good functional requirements. *** ‫لتوفير المتطلبات الوظيفيه‬ To satisfy esthetic requirements. To satisfy psychological requirements. None.

1039. a. b. c. d.

You need…….to get the teeth shade: Shade guide. *** ‫دليل اللوان‬ Incisal guide. Acrylic teeth. Porcelain teeth.

1040. a. b. c. d.

The teeth materials are: Acrylic teeth. Porcelain teeth. a and b. *** None.

1041. a. b. c. d.

The width of the lower teeth is: 1/2 of the maxillary anterior teeth in normal jaw relationship. 1/3 of the maxillary anterior teeth in normal jaw relationship. 3/4 of the maxillary anterior teeth in normal jaw relationship. *** None.

1042. a. b. c. d.

Generally posterior teeth are classified into: Anatomy (cusp) teeth. Non-anatomy (cuspless) teeth or flat. a and b. *** None.

1043. a. b.

The process of positioning or arranging teeth on the denture base is

termed: Casting. Investing.

c. d.

Setting up. *** ‫العداد‬ Flasking.

1044. a. b. c. d.

Important functions must be considered when arranging anterior

teeth: Aesthetics. Incision. Phonetics. All.

1045. a. b. c. d.

Which surface of the central incisor that contacts the median line: Distal. Mesial. *** Buccal. Lingual.

1046. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The incisal edge of the maxillary lateral incisor is……..above and parallel to the occlusal plane: 1/2 mm. 1 mm. *** 2 mm. 3 mm.

1047. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The long axis of the maxillary cuspid is inclined slightly to the: Mesial. Distal. Buccal. Lingual.

1048. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The long axis of the maxillary first molar is inclined to: Buccal. *** ( when viewed from the front ). Mesial. Distal. ( when viewed from the side ). Lingual.

1049. 1. 2. 3. 4.

It is called ……….. when the occlusal surfaces of the right and left posterior teeth are on the same level: Vertical plane. Horizontal plane. *** Compensating curve. All.


The ………. of the maxillary first bicuspid is raised approximately 1/2 mm. of the occlusal plane: 1. Buccal cusp. 2. Lingual cusp. *** 3. Mesial surface.



1051. 1. 2. 3. 4.

All maxillary posterior teeth touch the occlusal plane EXCEPT: 1 bicuspid. 2nd bicuspid. 1st molar. 2nd molar. *** st

1052. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The distance between the lingual surfaces of the maxillary anterior teeth and the labial surfaces of the mandibular anterior teeth is: Vertical overlap ( overbite ). Horizontal overlap ( overjet ). *** Occlusal plane. All.

1053. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The distance between the incisal edges of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth is: Horizontal overlap ( overjet ). Vertical overlap ( overbite ). *** Occlusal plane. All.

1054. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The average distance between the lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth and the buccal surface of the mandibular anterior teeth is: ( Horizontal overlap “ overjet “ ) : 1/2mm. 1mm. 2mm. *** 3mm. * An ideal bite has an overjet of 1 – 3 mm. and an overbite of 1 – 3 mm. * Horizontal overlap “ overjet “ and Vertical overlap “ overbite “ is 1 - 3 mm.

1055. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Which tooth of the mandibular anterior teeth that touch the lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth in normal centric relation? Central incisor. Lateral incisor. Cuspid (Canine). *** None.

1056. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The The The The

The mesial surface of the mandibular lateral incisor contacts: mesial surface of the central incisor. distal surface of the central incisor. *** mesial surface of the cuspid. distal surface of the cuspid.

1057. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The tip of cusp of the mandibular cuspid is 1mm above the occlusal plane to establish ………. of the maxillary anteriors : Horizontal overlap. Occlusal plane. Vertical overlap. *** All.

1058. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The relation involves the movement of the mandible to the side either right or left in which the act of mastication is to be accomplished. Therefore the side to which the mandible moves is called: Balancing side. Working side. *** Compensating side. All.

1059. 1. 2. 3. 4.

When the mandible moves to the working side, the opposite side cusp to cusp contacts in order to balance stresses of mastication. This relation is called: Working relation. Balancing relation. *** ( Balancing side ). Occlusal relation. None.

1060. 1. 2. 3. 4.

In order to distribute the primary forces of mastication, to fall within the base of the denture, the mandibular teeth are set: On the buccal edge of the ridge. On the lingual edge of the ridge. On the crest of the ridge. *** All.

1061. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The mandibular posterior tooth that has no contact with any maxillary teeth during the balancing occlusion is: First bicuspid. *** Second bicuspid. First molar. Second molar.

1062. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The used device in flasking procedure is called: Articulator. Separating medium. Flask. *** None.

1063. 1. 2. 3.

We vaseline the inner surface of the flasks all rounds: To help in the packing procedure. To separate the models ( casts ) safety. *** 1 and 2.



1064. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The procedure that follows the flasking procedure is called: Polishing. Deflasking. Packing. *** ‫الحشو‬ Curing the acrylic.

1065. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Teeth selection in setting up is based on these factors: Shade of the teeth. Size and shape of the teeth. Angle of the teeth. 1 and 2. *** All the above.

1066. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Direct pulp capping is done in: Primary molar. Primary incisor. Permanent molar. *** None of the above.

1067. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Indirect pulp capping is done in: Primary molar. Premolar and molar. Incisors. All the above. *** ‫ المجابة الدصح هي‬non of the above Indirect capping indicated in permanent teeth with immature apices.


What do we use as temporary filling material in anterior region when aesthetic is important: 1. Composite. 2. Glass ionemer cement. *** (GIC) 3. Zinc oxide eugenol.

1069. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The maximum dose of x-ray exposure dose for radiographic technique: 100 milli roentgens per week. *** ( 0.1 Rem per week ). 10 roentgens per week. 100 roentgens per week. 300 roentgens per week. Dental Decks - page 62 Person who works near radiation can be exposed in one year to a maximum dose of 5 Rem.


Acute periapical abscess characterized by:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Varying degree of pain. Varying degree of swelling. Some time not shown on the radiograph. All the above. ***

1071. 1. 2. 3. 4.

10 20 15 25

It is preferable to be the length of the handle of the custom tray: mm. mm. mm. *** (1.5 cm) mm.

1072. 1. 2. 3. 4.

………… is the art and science of functional, anatomic and cosmetic reconstruction of missing or defective parts in the maxilla, mandible or face by the use of non living substances: Complete denture. Maxillofacial prostheses. *** ‫بدايئل أو الطراف الصناعية للومجه والفكين‬ Orthodontics. Partial denture.

1073. 1. 2. 3. 4.

…….. Is the one that provides application and device to restore aesthetic and functional requirements to patients with maxillofacial defects: Endodontist. Pedodontist. Maxillofacial prosthodontist. *** Peridontist.

1074. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The objectives of maxillofacial prosthetics: Aesthetic. Functions. Protect the tissues. All. ***

1075. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The type of maxillofacial defects: Congenital defects. Acquired defects. Developmental defects. All. ***

1076. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cleft palate, cleft lip, missing ear, prognathism ‫ بروز الفكين‬are: Acquired defects. Congenital defects. *** ‫عيوب تخلقية‬ Developments defects. None.

1077. 1. 2.

Accidents, surgery, pathology are: Acquired defects. *** ‫عيوب مكتسبة‬ Developments defects.

3. 4.

Congenital defects. None.

1078. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Extra-oral restorations are: Radium shield. ‫درع الراديوم‬ Ear plugs for hearing. ‫سدادة الذن للسماع‬ Missing eye, missing nose or ear. *** All.

1079. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Lost part of maxilla or mandible with the facial structures is classified by: Intra-oral restorations. Extra-oral restorations. Combined intra-oral and extra-oral restorations. *** All.

1080. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The lack of continuity of the roof of the mouth through the whole or part of its length in the form of fissure extending anterioposteriorly is: Obturator. Splint. Stent. Congenital cleft palate. ***

1081. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The factors that influence the induction of cleft palate: ‫العوامل التي تؤثر مباحث‬ ‫الحنك المشقوق‬ Hereditary. ‫وراثية‬ Environmental. ‫بيئية‬ 1 and 2. *** None.

1082. 1. 2. 3. 4.

A prosthesis used to close a congenital or acquired opening in the palate is: Stent. Splint. Obturator. *** ‫سدادة‬ None.

1083. 1. 2. 3. 4.

…….. are appliances used for immobilization of fragments of broken parts of jaw bones in their original position until repair takes place? Splints. *** ‫مجبيرة‬ Stents. Obturators.‫السدادة‬ Speech aids.

1084. 1. 2.

The prepared surface of an abutment to receive the rest is called: Minor connecter. Major connecter.

3. 4.

Rest seat. *** ‫مقعد السناد‬ None.

1085. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The part of a removable partial denture that contacts a tooth it affords ‫ تتحمل‬primarily vertical support is called: Minor connecter. Major connecter. Rest. *** ‫السناد‬ None.

1086. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The part of a removable partial denture is: Rests. Major connecters. Retainers. All. ***

1087. 1. 2. 3. 4.

A rigid part of the partial denture casting that unites the rests and another part of the prosthesis to the opposite side of the arch is called: Minor connecter. Major connecter. *** Retainer. Rest.

1088. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The part of a removable denture that forms a structure of metal struts ‫ دعامات‬that engages ‫ تشغل‬and unites the metal casting with the resin forming the denture base is called: Minor connecter. Major connecter. Denture base connecter. *** Retainer.

1089. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The rests are classified into: Anterior rests. Posterior rests. 1 and 2. *** None.

1090. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The surveyor instrument consists of: ‫أدات المسح تتكون‬ Vertical arm. Cast platform or table. Small analysis rod. All. ***


The primary guiding surface that determines the insertion for the partial denture is: 1. The tooth surface opposite to the edentulous areas. 2. The tooth surface adjacent to the edentulous areas. *** 3. None.

1092. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The one who is supposed to give the correct design of the removable partial denture: Prosthodontist. ***‫طبيب البديلت السنية‬ Technician. Assistant. None.

1093. 1. 2. 3. 4.

To fabricate a removable partial casting requires making a second cast of high-heat investment material this cast is called: Study cast. Master cast. Refractory cast. *** (‫قالب التكسية )مقاوم للحرارة‬ All.

1094. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Kennedy divided all partial edentulous arches: Two main types. Three main types. Four main types. *** Five main types.

1095. 1. 2. 3. 4.

According to the Kennedy's classification, the bilateral edentulous areas located posterior to the remaining natural teeth is: Class one. *** Class two. Class three. Class four.

1096. 1. 2. 3. 4.

According to the Kennedy's classification, unilateral edentulous area with natural teeth remaining both anterior and posterior is: Class one. Class two. Class three. *** Class four.

1097. 1. 2. 3. 4.

We should select the shade for a composite resin ( or porcelain ) utilizing: Bright light. ( ‫ضوء سافطع ) بتاع الشمس‬. Dry shade guide. Dry tooth isolated by the rubber dam. None of the above are correct. ***

1098. 1. 2. 3.

4th canal in upper first molar is found: Lingual to MBC. *** Buccal to MBC. Distal to MBC.

1099. 1. 2. 3. 4.

To get file size 24, the following length should be cut from file size 20: 1mm. 2mm. *** 3mm. 4mm.

1100. a. b. c. d.

Red color endo file acccording ADA:

20 (yellow) 25. *** (Red) 30 (Blue) 35 (Green)

1101. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a) b) c) d)

The following canals may be found in an upper molar: Mesio-buccal. Disto-buccal. Mesio-palatal. ( MB2 ). Disto-lingual. Palatal. 1+2+4. 1+2+4+5. 2+3+4+5. 1+2+3+5. ***

1102. a. b. c. d.

Patient needs fixed bridge after you check in mouth of the patient see change color of bridge to cloudy to milky what causes? Excessive fired. *** ‫سخن بشكل زايئد‬ Reduced fired. Excessive moisture. Increased poursity. Dental Decks2 - Page 712 * When porcelain is fired too many times it appears as a milky state and makes glazing is very difficult.


The ideal crown to root ratio of a tooth be utilized as abridge abutment is: a- 3:1. b- 2:1. c- 1:2. *** d- 1:1. Dental Decks


First step in ttt. of abused tissue in patient with existing denture is to: ‫الخطوة الولى في استغلل النسج لمريض لديه طقم‬ A. Educate the patient. *** ‫تعليم المريض‬ Dental decks – page 401


pt. has a lesion in tongue which suffering from scar & fever, the lesion when removed leave bleeding area under it, diagnosis is: a. Leukoplakia. b. Candida. c. ulcer.


Food low cariogenic affects the following should be characteristic: 1/ contain protein. 2/ PH low than 3. 3/ contains minerals. ‫ فطعا م يحتوى على معادن لذلك يسبب تسوس أقل‬. 4/ Bufferin and antibacterial

1107. a. b. c. d.

When resection the tip of root in apicectomy, the cut shoud be: Perpendicular to the long axis of tooth. ‫متعامد مع محور السن الطولي‬ Parallel to long axis.‫موازي لمحور السن‬ Acute angle. ‫زاوية حاد ة‬ Obtuse angle. ‫زاوية منفرمجة‬ When do resection it's should be Perpendicular to the long axis of tooth OR should be 45 degree.


Child patient with painful herpes simplex the treatment is acyclovir

with: aVit. C. bLocal anesthesia with multivitamins.***(Vitamines C, A , E) cLocal anesthesia with protein. 335 ‫كتاب الطفال ص‬


Adding of surfactant to irrigation solution during RCT to increase wettability of canal walls by: a- lowering surface tension. *** ‫تقلل الشد السطحي‬ b- increasing surface tension. c- Passing through dentinal tubules. Surfactant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Surfactant: ‫مادة تقلل الشد السطحي للسايئل المذابة به‬


The function of post: a. provides retention for a crown.

b. enhances the strength of the tooth. c. provides retention for a core. *** d. provides the root canal sealing.


patient comes with severe stained anterior central left maxillary incisor with small distal caries & lost incisal edge treated by: a. Full ceramic restoration. ***

1112. a. b. c. d.

The ideal post drill for most posterior teeth is: gates glidden size 3 peeso drill size 3-6 profile size 60-70 peeso drill size 2-3 ***

ENDODONTICS 5th Edition – page 924


The decision to retreat substandard ‫ دون المعيار‬endodontics shoud be based on: 1- Radiographic evaluation of the endodontic treatment quality. *** 2-periapical pathology. 3- patient symptoms. 4- physical exploration of the root canal type and quality seal. 5- restorative treatment plan.


The most common injuries in child is: a. Avulsed tooth. ( The most common injuries of teeth in children are luxation or avulsion of teeth ). ‫انخلع السن‬ b. Root. c. Intrusion of the tooth inside the socket wall.


Child with previous history of minor trauma with excessive bleeding we do test, the result is prolonged PT & slightly increase clotting time & ………..test is +ve, the diagnosis is: a. Hemophelia b.

Hemophelia A or B (unaffected PT , prolonged PPT ). b. thrombocytopenia. ‫قلة الصفيحات الدموية‬ .(unaffected PT , prolonged bleeding time) *** .c. Vit.K deficiency .(prolonged PT , trauma & excessive bleeding)


pt. came to your clinic complaining from his gingiva which bleed alot with any little pressure, on clinical examination u found pinpoint purple dots and general rash like of ecchymosis on his body laboratory finding : highly decrease in platlets (slightly less than 25000 ) have a history of ecchymosis ‫ كدمات‬and bruising ‫ تجمعات دموية‬all over his body : a. thrombocytopenic purpura.*** ‫قلة الصفيحات الدموية الفرفرية‬ ‫العدد الطبيعى للصفايئح الدموية‬: Normal platelets count is: 150,000 – 450,000


The best test for vitality of crowned tooth is:

OR Testing a tooth with PFM with: A. Cold with rubber dam. *** ( or hot : ”thermal testing” ). B. Cold test. D. Cold & Hot test.


Nitrous oxide interferences with:

OR Over exposure of nitrous oxide inhibits metabolism of vitamin: A. Vit B12 *** B. Vit B6 C. Vit A D. Vit C


Salivary gland role in maintaining tooth and bacteria integrity on the oral cavity is done by: a- Bacterial clearance. b- Remineralization. c- Buffering and direct anti-bacterial role. *** d- Bacterial clearance and reminerlization.

1120. a. b. c.

physiolgical activity of local anesthesia:

Lipid solubility of unionized form. *** ‫ذوبانية الشحوم الغيرمتأينة‬ Diffusbility. Affinity for rotien bendin.

d. e.

Percent ionizing at physiologic pH. Vasodilition properties.


what is the form of local anesthesia when enters the nerve tissues: lipid soluble ionized form. lipid soluble non-ionized. *** ‫ذوبان الشحوم الغير متأينة‬ water soluble ionized. water soluble nonionized.


: ‫الرابط‬ hl=ar&site=&btnK=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&safe=active&q=cache:SbzBndI3vQUJ: ity+of+unionized+form&ct=clnk


Intraosseous injection of local anesthesia to lower molar: a. Perforate the bone mesial to the tooth. ‫هو ثقب العظم صح بس الغلطة انه قال ميزيال لنها مش‬ ‫ هتفرق ناحية الميزيال أو الديستال‬. b. Give one with 1:50000 epinipherine. c. Give 1/4 to 1/5 of the cartridge. *** ‫ لزم نضع كمية قليلة من المخدر‬. d. Ask the pt. if he has numbness in his lower lip after injection.


re implant of avulsed tooth, what you do: A- Optimal reposition and fixed splint. B- Optimal reposition and flexable splint. *** ‫إرمجاعه لمكانه و مجبيرة مرنة‬ C- Observe. D- Watch with splint periodontally. :Avulsed tooth * Splint tooth in position with ( preferably ) a flexible splint. Have patient bite into occlusion to be certain that the position is correct before applying the .splint. The splint will be kept in place for about one week


The following drug for angina pt. except: Propranolol .1 NSAIDs. *** (Non steroid Anti-inflammatory drugs) .2

1125. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Ideal form for the wall of root during RCT is: flaring toward the occlusion surface. *** ‫متباعد بإتجاه سطح الطباق‬ convergent toward occlusion surface parallel toward occlusion surface angularity toward occlusion surface


Thermal pulp test principle of: 1/ blood supply of pulp. 2/ nerve supply of pulp. *** ( AS nerve fibers of pulp ). 3/ AO fibers.

1127. a. b. c. d.

Rideal-Walker test is the test for detecting activity of: Disinfection. *** ‫اتختبار عملية التطهير‬ Antibiotics. Sterealization by dry heat. Sterealization by wet heat.


When do tooth formation start in fetus: 1. between 5th and 6th week. *** (in Bell's Stage)


Die ditching means: a) Carving apical to finish line. b) Carving coronal to finish line. c) Mark finish line with red pen. ‫وضع علمة على تخط النهاء بالقلم الحمر‬


When esthetic is important, posterior class I composite is done in: a. Subgingival box. b. Bad oral hygiene. c. Contact free area. d. Class I without central contact.


Child 10 years old came to the clinic with periodontitis associated with the 1ry & 2ry dentitions with severe generalized bone destruction and calcification on the general examination hyperkeratosis of hands & feet is noticed the diagnosis is: a. Hypophosphotasia. b. Prepuberty periodontitis. c. Papillon lefevre syndrome. *** d. Juvenile periodontitis. Oxford Handbook 4th ‫خلل التقرن و التكلس في النسنان‬:‫ لميفميفر‬- ‫ملة بابميلون‬ ‫مت جل جزم ج‬ ‫ل‬


pt. with palmar plantar keratosis and periodontitis in permanent dentition is likely to has: a. papillon lefevre syndrome. *** b. down’s syndrome. c. leukemia. d. hypophosphatesia.


Early exfoliation of deciduous teeth is seen in:

a. b. c. d.

papillon-lefevre syndrome. *** Peter-killy syndrome. Pierre robin syndrome. Non of the obove.


While taking X-ray for upper right first premolar with two equal roots using mesial slob, its lingual root will move [comparing to the zygomatic process]: OR When take x-ray in upper premolar to locate lingual root using mesial shift it will appear: A. Distal. B. Mesial. *** C. Buccal. D. Lingual.


Maternal immunity that passed from mother to the fetus through the placenta, IgG & IgA is considered: (‫المناعة المومية )المكتسبة من الم‬ a- Natural passive immunity. *** or: Natural acquired passive immunity. b- Natural active immunity. c- Acquired passive immunity. d- Acquired active immunity.


When u want to make immediate complete denture after extraction all teeth what the type of suture u will use: a. Horizontal mattress suture. ‫تخياطة تنجيدية أفقية‬ b. Vertical mattress suture. ‫تخياطة تنجيدية عامودية‬ c. Interrupted suture. ‫تخياطة متقطعة‬ d. Continous locked suture. *** ‫تخياطة الغلق المستمر‬

1137. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Smear layer composed of: Dentine debris. ‫بقايا العا ج‬ Inorganic particles. ‫مجزيئيات غير عضوية‬ Bacteria. ‫بكتريا‬ All the above. *** Dental secrets.


During making filing by NiTi it gets fractured due the property of:

OR While dentist making biomechanical preparation by using NiTi file it broken this is because the property of: a- Rigidity and memory. ‫دصلبة‬ b- Elasticity and memory ‫المرونة‬ c- Axial fatigue. *** ‫إمجهاد محوري‬ d- tarnish. ‫فقد اللمعان‬

‫ اذا التختيار‬Fracture of NiTi rotary files is due to the cyclic fatigue and torsional * .stresses ( b or c )‫الصحيح هو الثانى أو الثالث‬ :Basic Dental Biomaterials Sciense


Child has blue swelling on gingiva with no sysmptoms just heavy saliva, what is ur diagnosis: A. Eruption hematoma.***


After remove impacted 3rd lower molar, there is parasthesia why? a. irritating the nerve during extraction.*** ‫تهيج أو مجرح العصب أثناء الخلع‬ b. broke mandible.


The test for testing the bur in which all the blades of the burs pass through 1 point called: a. Runout. *** b. Concentricity. ‫إتحاد المركز‬ c. Runout and concentricity. d. None of above. Runout: is dynamic test measuring accuracy which all blade tips pass throough a single point. Art & Science 2000,Page 335


Mobility in midface with step deformity in frontzygomatic suture. Diagnosis: A. Lefort II. B. Lefort III. *** C. Bilateral zygomatic complex fracture. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 4th Ed 2005


Two weeks baby born with 2 anterior teeth which is highly mobile, and his mother have no problem or discomfort during nursing him what is ur managemnt : a. do not do anything as the baby have no problem during feeding. b. do not do anything as the mother don`t feel discomfort. c. U must extract as soon as possible to avoid accident inhalation of them. *** (because those are natal teeth) d. Do nothing, it will shell by it self. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry 4th Ed


Most common cause of chipped porcelain in PFM: a- Thin layer of metal. b- Thin layer of porcelain. c- Centric occlusal contact at the junction of porcelain and metal. ***


The forces action through a FPD on the abutment tooth should be directed:

1- As far as possible at right angles to the long axes of the teeth. 2- Parallel to the long axes of the teeth. ‫موازية للمحور الطولي للسنان‬ 3- By decreasing the facio-lingual dimension of the pontic. 4- By decreasing the mesio-lingual dimension of the pontic. 5- In a mesial direction so that teeth nearer the midline will offer additional support. a. 1+3+4 b.1+2+5 c. 1+4+5 d. 2+3 e. 2+4 f. 2+5


Which not compatible to the pulp:

A- GIC. B- Zinc phosphate cement. *** C- Zinc polycarboxylate cement.


The working time of zinc phosphate cement is shortened ( decreased ) by: ‫وقت عمل الزنك فوفسات يقل بـ‬ a- concentrating the acid. ‫تركيز الحمض‬ b- Warming of glass slab. *** ‫ترطيب لوح الزمجا ج‬ c- Incremental mixing of powder. ‫تزايد تخلط البودر‬ d- all of the above.


Most abrasive contact: ‫أكثر إنسحال يحدث بإتصال‬ a- tooth to tooth. ‫السن بسن‬ b- Porcelain to tooth. *** ‫السن بالبورسلين‬ c- gold to tooth. ‫السن بالذهب‬


Length of post: a- 1/2 root. b- 2/3 root. c- 1/2 root containing in bone. d- As much longer and leave 4 mm. apical seal. ***


Concentrating of acid used in etching porcelain veneer: a- 9.6 % hydrofluoric acid. *** ‫ الثنين يستخدموا لكن هذا الفضل‬. b- 35 % phosphoric acid. c- 37 % phosphoric acid. d- 37 % hydrflouric acid.


Placement of maxillary anterior teeth in complete dentures too far superiorly and anteriorly might result in difficulty in pronouncing: a) f and v sounds. *** b) d and t sounds. c) s and th sounds. d) most vowels.


An advantage of rubber-base impression material over reversible hydrocolloid material (e.g agar) is that rubber base impression material: a) will displace soft tissue. b) Requires less armamentarium. c) is significantly more accurate. *** ‫أكثر دقة بشكل ملحوظ‬ d) is more accurate if saliva, mucous or blood is present.


In a clinical research trial we primarly need to : a. Get written subject in the patient's own native language. *** ‫ الحصول على موضوع مكتوب باللغة الصلية الخاصة بالمريض‬. b) Verbally write subject briefly. ‫ارسال الموضوع شفهيا باتختصار‬ c) Tell patients that they are part of study ‫أتخبر المرضى أنهم مجزء من دراسة البحث‬


Radiolucent structure occupied by a radiopaque structure that forms a mass of disorganized arrangement of odontogenic tissue: a. Complex odontoma. *** ‫ هى كتلة غير منظمة الترتيب ول تشبه شكل السنان‬. b. Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Cyst. c. Compound odontoma ‫ منظمة الترتيب وتشبه شكل السنان‬. Oxford 4th edition


Which of these canal irrigants is unable to kill E. feacalis : A. NaOH. *** ( not Naocl ‫( خد بالك كويس أوى‬ B. MTA. C. Chlorhexidine.


The least effective irrigant against E. feacalis : a) sodium hypochlorite. ( Naocl ). b) Tetracycline. ‫ ضعيف جدا‬. c) Iodine. *** ‫ ل يستخدم‬. d) Chlorohexidine.


in Root end resection, what is the conditioning: a. Citric acid. (‫حمض السيتريك )حمض الليمون‬

b. tetracyclin. c. EDTA.


During endodontic surgery the irrigation solution used is: a. Saline. *** ‫محلول ملحي‬ b. EDTA. c. Naocl.


Edentulous pt. class II kenndy classification 2nd premolar used as abutment when we serving we found mesial undercut what is the proper clasp used: 1/ wrought wire with round cross section. *** 2/ wrought wire with half round cross section. 3/ cast clasp with round cross section. 4/ cast clasp with half cross section.


Balanced occlusion in complete denture helps in: A. retention. B. stability. ‫*** استقرار‬


After a trauma on a primary tooth what is the least possibility? A. changes in the permanent tooth enamel color. *** B. changes the primary tooth color. C. apex pathology on primary tooth.


In case of infiltration anesthesia we give: a) submucosal. *** ‫تحت المخاطية‬ b) intraosseous. c) subperiosteal. d) none.


The patient who has not breakfast, we never give him anesthesia because: a) hyperglycemia. b) hypoglycemia. *** ‫ نقص السكر‬. c) increased heart rate. d) hypertension.


Gingivitis means: a) Inflammation of the periodontal ligaments. b) Inflammation of the bone. c) Inflammation of the gingiva. *** ‫التهاب اللثة‬ d) Inflammation of the tongue.


Patient is suffering a pain during sleep the diagnosis is: a) Inflammation of dentin.

b) Inflammation of enamel. c) Inflammation of cementum. d) Inflammation of pulp. ‫التهاب اللب‬


Permanent restoration is: a) Calcium hydroxide. b) Amalgam. *** c) Alginate. d) Zinc oxide eugenol.


Composite is used mainly for: a) Anterior teeth. *** ‫السنان المامية‬ b) Posterior. c) a+b. d) None.


For injection local anesthesia in the lower jaw we use: a) Short needle. b) Long needle. *** c) None.


In case of advanced upper jaw to the lower jaw this is called: a) Angle class I b) Angle class II. *** c) Angle class III d) All of the above


The best method for brushing: a) vertical. b) Horizontal. c) Bass sulcular method. *** ( Bass method ). d) All of the above.


Apicectomy means: a) Surgical removal of the apical portion of the root. *** b) Removal of one or more roots. c) The root and the crown are cut lengthwise. d) None.


The instruments for examination are: a) Probe and tweezer. ‫مسبار وملقط‬ b) Mirror. ‫المرآة‬ c) a + b. *** d) Amalgamator.


Panorama x-ray is used for:

a) Periapical tissues. b) Interproximal caries. c) Giving complete picture for upper and lower jaws. *** d) None.


Adrenaline is added to local anesthesia for: a- Increasing the respiratory rate. b- Prolonging the effect of local anesthesia. *** c- Increasing the bleeding. d- None.


…… is a white lesion: a- Lichen planus. *** b- Cancer. c- Heamatoma. d- None.


Fordyce's spots is on: a- Tongue. b- Oral mucosa. *** ‫الغشاء المخاطي الفموي‬ c- Upper lip. d- Throat.


…… is an anticoagulant agent: a- Aspirin. b- Heparin. *** c- Paracetamol. d- Evex. Heparin: give in every 6 hrs and work on PTT


Duct of submandibular gland is: a- Wharton. *** b- Bartholin. c- Barvenous. d- Stensen. ( Duct of parotid gland ).


Leukoplakia is present on: ‫عبارة عن بقع بيضاء تظهر‬ a- The mouth. *** b- Eye. c- Heart. d- Lungs. Leukoplakia: A white spot or patch in the mouth.


Cranial nerves are:

a- 12 nerves. *** ( Twelve pairs of cranial nerves ). . 12 ‫زو ج من العصاب‬ b- 14 nerve. c- 10 nerve. d- 16 nerve.


According to two digits system, 42 means: a- lower right lateral incisor. *** b- upper left lateral incisor. c- upper right lateral incisor. d- none.


According to the universal system, 6 means: a- upper left first molar. b- lower left first molar. c- lower right first molar. d- None. *** * Number 6 refers to upper right canine.


A preventive agent is: a- Composite. b- Glassionomer. c- Fluoride. *** d- Zinc oxide eugenol.


One of the following releases fluorides: a- Composite. b- Glassionomer. *** c- Fluoride. d- Zinc oxide eugenol.


Dental plaque is formed after: a- 6 hours. *** b- 12 hours. c- 24 hours. d- 48 hours.


Tooth paste with fluoride is: a- Systemic application. b- Topical application. *** ‫فلورايد موضعي‬ c- a+b. d- None.

1187. abcd-

Fluoride in water it concentrates: 2 ppm. 1 ppm. *** ( 1 gram of flouride dissolved in 1 million grams of water ). 3 ppm. None.


Too much ingestion of fluoride may lead to: a- Dental caries. b- Dental fluorosis. *** ‫التسمم بالفلورايد‬ c- Gingivitis. d- None.

1189. abcd-

Deficiency of vitamin C leads to: Scurvy. *** ‫مرض السقربوط‬ Anemia. ( Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to pernecious anemia ). Rickets. Defect in blood clotting.


Deficiency of vitamin K leads to: a- Scurvy. b- Anemia. c- Rickets. d- Defect in blood clotting. *** ( ‫) يمنع تجلط الدم‬.


Deficiency of vitamin D leads to: a- Scurvy. b- Anemia. c- Rickets. *** ( ‫ مرض الكساح ) لين العظا م‬. d- Defect in blood clotting.


At which age will a child have 12 permanent and 12 primary teeth: A. None of the above. 9 ‫ أسنان لبنية في عمر‬10 ‫ الجملة خافطئة لنه ل يوجد ال‬.

1193. a. b. c. d.

Medicine ethics aim to: The dentist should study to know patient psychology. Not to compromise or undermine ability to treat patient in community as professional. Ability to make decision. All of above. ***


During surgery firmly handle forceps of flap tissue : A) stillis forceps. b) Adison forceps. ***


Lymphadenopathy due to ‫ تضحم العقد اللمفاوية بسبب‬: a) Infection. ‫العدوى‬ b) Lymphocytic leukemia. ‫إبيضاض اللمفاويات‬ c) HIV. ‫فيروس اليدز‬ d) Pernicious aneamia. e) a,b and c. ***


The aim from prosthetic surgery: A) Increase stability, retention & ridge dimension. *** b) Increase vertical dimension. c) Esthetic anterior.


Composite can be done in: a) Conservative class one. *** b) Uncontrolled application class 2 proximal. c) Deep gingival margin .


EPOXY RESIN: ( Endo sealer ) A. contains formaldehyde toxic. B. contains corticosteroids. C. resorbable so it weakens the endofill. D. all. ***


Extra canal in upper 6 presents in which root : A) MB root. *** B) DB root. C) Palatal root.


In case of internal resorption your ttt is : OR Immature tooth with external apical third resorption: a) Ca(OH)2 application. *** b) Formocresol medicament. c) Zinoxide eugenol. d) Apexofication & GP filling.


In primary tooth for restoration before putting the filling u put:

a. base. b. calcium hydroxide. c. varnish. d. you put the filling after proper cleaning and drying. ***


A child with thumb sucking habit he will develop: a. Anterior openbite and posterior crossbite. ***


Colour of normal gingiva is interplay between: a. Keratin- vascularity – melanin- epithelial thickness. *** ‫كراتين – الوعية الدموية – الميلنين – سماكة الطبقة الطليئية‬


During mentoplasty, doctor should take care for injury of what

nerve: a. Lower branch of the facial nerve. ***

Mentoplasty: is a chin reduction surgery. ‫رأب الذقن مجرحيا‬


Amputation means: ‫البتر‬ a) Surgical removal of the apical portion of the root. ( Apicectomy ). b) Removal of one or more roots. *** c) The root and the crown are cut lengthwise. d) None. * Amputation is also called : Radisectomy. ‫بتر الجذر‬


Hemisection means: ‫التنصيف‬ a) Surgical removal of the apical portion of the root. ( Apicectomy ). b) Removal of one or more roots. ( Amputation ). c) The root and the crown are cut lengthwise. *** ‫يقطعو بالطول‬ d) None. * Hemisection: is the process of cutting a tooth with two roots in half. Each half tooth consists of half the crown ( top of the tooth ) and one root.


For treatment of pericoronitis: ‫عل ج التهاب حوايئط التا ج‬ a- Extraction of the tooth. b- Analgesic + sterility + antibiotic. *** ‫مهدىء و تعقيم ومضاد حيوي‬ c- Cleaning with concentrated phenol. d- None. (‫ تخلع السن يتم في الحالت الشديدة و ليس دايئما كما أن الغسول يكون أول محاولة للعل ج ويكون بمحلول ملحي دافئ )سالين‬.

1208. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Outline of Pericoronitis treatment may include: Mouth wash and irrigation. Extraction of the opposing tooth. Surgical removal of the causative tooth. All the above. ***


Attrition may be caused by: a- Friction due to pipe. ‫احتكاك بسبب تدتخين الغليون‬ b- Friction during sleep. *** ‫ ( احتكاك أثناء النوم‬Bruxism or clenching ).

c- Gastric acid. ‫حمض معدي‬ d- None.


Sterilization in dry oven: ‫التعقيم في الفرن الجاف‬ a- one hour at 160 c. ( one hour at 170 c ). b- 90 minutes at 160 c. c- two hours at 160 c. *** d- None. * Sterilization in dry oven: two hours at 160 c or one hour at 170 c. First Aid for the NBDE Part II 2008, Page 399 Dry heat 1hr at 340 F (171 c) Dry heat 2hrs at 320 F (160 c) Rapid heat transfer at 375 F (191 c) 6 min for unwrapped 12 min for wrapped


The roots of the following teeth are closely related to the maxillary

sinus: a- Canine and upper premolar. b- Lower molar. c- Upper molar and premolar. *** d- None.


Patient positions are: a- Upright position. ‫وضع عامودي‬ b- Supine position. ‫وضع الستلقاء‬ c- Subsupine position. * b & c are called: Reclined positions. ‫وضع التكاء‬ d- All of the above. ***


For the right handed dentist seated to the right of the patient, the operator zone is between: a- 8 and 11 o'clock. *** b- 2 and 4 o'clock . c- 11 to 2 o'clock . d- all of the above.


For right handed dentist, the static zone is between: a- 8 - 11 o'clock. b- 11 - 2 o'clock. *** c- 2 - 4 o'clock. d- all of the above.


For right handed dentist, the assistant's zone is between: a- 8 - 11 o'clock. b- 11 - 2 o'clock. c- 2 - 4 o'clock. *** d- all of the above.


For right handed dentist, the transfer zone is between: a- 8 - 11 o'clock. b- 4 - 8 o'clock. ***

c- 2 - 4 o'clock. d- all of the above. * For right handed dentist, 1. Operator Zone : 8 _ 11 o’clock. 2. Static Zone : 11 _ 2 o’clock. 3. Assistant Zone : 2 _ 4 o’clock. 4. Transfer Zone : 4 _ 8 o’clock.,+the+assistant %27s+zone+is+between&source=bl&ots=ezPvo5shjX&sig=Isq3hROR_2emyi1 DiodlawaTx6g&hl=ar&sa=X&ei=96guT7yQMsbpObiZvIMO&ved=0CCoQ6AEwA Q#v=onepage&q=For%20right%20handed%20dentist%2C%20the %20assistant%27s%20zone%20is%20between&f=false


Burs is: a- Critical items. *** ‫مادة حرمجة‬ b- Semi critical. c- Non critical. d- All of the above. %3D275+cemi+cretical+instrument+in+dentistry&cd=3&hl=ar&ct=clnk&gl= sa&client=firefox-a


Mouth mirror is: a- critical items. b- semi critical. *** ‫شبه حرمجة‬ c- non critical. d- all of the above. %3D275+cemi+cretical+instrument+in+dentistry&cd=3&hl=ar&ct=clnk&gl= sa&client=firefox-a


Saliva ejector is placed: a- At the side of working. b- Under the tongue. c- Opposite the working side. d- b + c. **


HVE is placed: HVE is: High Volume Evacuator a- At the side of working. *** b- Under the tongue. c- Opposite the working side. d- b+c.


Grasping the HVE is by: a- Thumb to nose grasp. b- Pen grasp. c- a+b. ***

d- none.


Carbohydrate is digested in: a- mouth. *** ‫ بداية هضم الكربوهيدرات يكون فى الفم‬. b- small intestine. c- large intestine. d- none.


Carbohydrate is essential for: a- Building the body. b- Supplying the body with energy. *** ‫دعم الجسم بالطاقة‬ c- a+b. d- none.


The following factors affect the health: 1- hereditary. ‫الوراثة‬ 2- environment. ‫البيئة‬ 3- social and economic factors. ‫عوامل امجتماعية و اقتصادية‬ 4- family welfare. ‫ رعاية السر ة‬/ ‫رفاهية‬ A) 1+2 B) 1+2+4 C) 1+2+3 D) All of the above. ***


Diagnostic cast wax up helps in: a- Predicts the result of treatment. ‫توقع نتيجة المعالجة‬ b- Explains the treatment plan to patient. ‫شرح تخطة العل ج للمريض‬ c- All of the above. ***


In mean of compressive strength and tensile strength which is strongest: a- Resin cement. *** ‫ القوى في قوة الضغط ومقاومة الشد‬:‫الريسن‬ b- zinc phosphate. c- G.I. Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials Theory, Practice, and Cases 4Ed 2013, Page 105 Resin cement Originally they had a very high film thickness.


Shoulder is the finish line of choice for: a- full veneer. b- PFM. *** c- ¾ crown. Indication of shoulder finish line : metal ceramic crown & complete ceramic crown. Clinical procedure ch.7 principle of tooth preperation.


Which of the following characteristics of inlay wax is its major disadvantage: a) Flow. b) Rigidity. c) Hardness. d) High thermal expansion. *** ‫تمدد حراري عالي‬ id=SdOOEbeyNVkC&pg=PA90&dq=major+disadvantage+of+inlay+wax&hl=ar &sa=X&ei=YYUyT_eMJonpObfzkYIH&ved=0CDIQuwUwAA#v=onepage&q=maj or%20disadvantage%20of%20inlay%20wax&f=false


As the gold content of a dental solder, decreases the: ‫بما أن الذهب محتوى من‬ ‫لحام السن فإنه يقلل‬ a) Hardness decreases. ‫تقل الصلبة‬ b) Ductility increases. ‫الليونة تزيد‬ c) Corrosion resistance decreases ‫يقل مقاومة التآكل‬. d) Ultimate tensile strength decreases. *** ‫تقل مقاومة الشد نهايئيا‬ id=Pb_lcACduEQC&pg=PA470&lpg=PA470&dq=As+the+gold+content+of+a+ dental+solder+decreases,the&source=bl&ots=7MuN6i7D0h&sig=SH5ixJfEkX0

VyeYwRgrbIh2x9A&hl=ar&sa=X&ei=lIEyT_ShNMOgOsPQhfAG&ved=0CDEQ6AEwA g#v=onepage&q=As%20the%20gold%20content%20of%20a%20dental %20solder%20decreases%2Cthe&f=false


The most ductile and malleable metal is: a) Sliver. ‫الفضة‬ b) Gold .*** ‫ أكثر معدن مطاوع ولين هو الذهب‬. c) Copper. ‫النحاس‬ d) Platinum. ‫البلتين‬


In processing an acrylic denture in a water bath, a proper heating cycle is desired because of the possibility of: a) warpage. ‫انفتال‬ b) Shrinkage of the denture. ‫تقلص الطقم‬ c) Porosity due to boiling of the monomer.*** ‫مسامية بسبب غليان المونمر‬ d) crazing of the denture base around necks of the teeth. a=v& %2520Folder/Processing%2520the %2520denture.pdf+In+processing+an+acrylic+denture+in+a+water+bath, +a+proper+heating+cycle+is+desired+because+of+the+possibility+of&hl=a r&gl=sa&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjqq9L2GWyZc5CJlDO90mKIsIZxqWVh2DY7hW WM1OqHv9VEqk0MHl_wj9OC78UM_X-QLv1GBCTQXEnWY44Tcq4BNj_DV44vLOBsMpdEKJayPmbZCXCJvynmGIJHtExHFg3GQTB&sig= AHIEtbQRTzSHZvC7xHX3vQ7NmlQAVaypbQ page6


Elastic impression material is: ‫مواد الطبع المرنة‬ a) Rubber. *** ‫مطاطية‬ b) Plaster. c) Zinc oxide. d) Compound.


Alginate contains calcium sulfate in concentration of:

a) 40 %. b) 50 %. c) 12 %. ( 8 – 16 % ). d) None. Calcium sulfate is a reactor ‫ منشط‬found in alginate in 12 %. First Aid for the NBDE Part II 2008, Page 52

Calcium sulfate dehydrate is reactor, react with sodium alginate to form an insoluble calcium alginate gel in 14%.


In an alginate impression material, tri sodium phosphate is the:

a) filler. b) Reactor. c) Retarder. *** ‫مثبط‬ d) accelerator. First Aid for the NBDE Part II 2008, Page 52 Sodium phosphate is a retarder ‫ مثبط‬found in alginate in 2 %. Control setting time (fast or slow) a=v& uments/afms/ctb_108334.pdf+In+an+alginate+impression+material, +trisodium+phosphate+is+the&hl=ar&gl=sa&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjwMO48 dImoJLW_qVgPuudR0HJC0tyofQ6H-T-SoncPgUU9R_CEJEJfEYPXdx4ynCIrNx3eaFcJLL6F10LCYptsM0bYrO31EXdPU5c4LoQfENlR90mpc BtM9jSjBgFVtcQQeFo&sig=AHIEtbT1PTIFi8AINPfZJo40LChZy6ukjQ page 4


The principal function of an indirect retainer is to: a) stabilize against lateral movement. b) Prevent settling of the major connector. c) Minimize movement of the base away from supporting tissue. *** d) Restrict tissue ward movement of the distal extension base of the partial denture.


Child 8 years old hearing loss, flush around his mouth and notches in incisors and bolbous molars What is your diagnosis? OR 8 years Patient came to your clinic has impaired hearing, upon examination his mouth you found copper color lesion, notched incisor and mass on the occlusal surface of the molars. This patient has : a) Gardner syndrome. b) Congenital syphilis. ***


Nicotinic stomatitis :(Pipe-Smokers' palate) a) acanthosis with keratin. *** b) palate hyperplasia b) prickle cell like shape prominent bases. ‫طبقة تخليا شايئكة فوق سماكة من النسج‬ Burket's Oral Medicine 11Ed 2008, Page 101 smoker’s palate is characterized by hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and a mild subepithelial inflammation. prevalence 0.1-2.5% appear more in men and palate

Acanthosis: disease of the prickle cell layer of the skin, where warts appear on the skin or inside the mouth


On radiograph, onion skin ‫ مجلد البصل‬appearance and under microscope there is glycogen: a- Osteosarcoma. (sunburst appearance) b- Ewing's sarcoma. *** (onion skinning) First Aid for the NBDE Part II 2008, Page 321


Using a larger file while reducing the length in endodontics is called: A. Step back. *** hile+reducing+the+length+in+endodontics&cd=3&hl=ar&ct=clnk&gl=sa&cli ent=firefox-a

 

Using a larger file while reducing the length in endodontics is called a Step back technique. ‫فايل كبير ثم أدصغر نرمجع لورا‬ Using a smaller file to reach the apex in endodontics is called a Crown down technique. ‫ انزل لتحت يعنى فايل دصغير‬.

1240. a.

What is the name of the instrument used to diagnose halitosis: Halimeter. *** %3Den+instument+used+to+diagnose+halitosis&cd=1&hl=ar&ct=clnk&gl=s a&client=firefox-a


You examined a child and found that the distal part of the upper primary molar is located mesial to the distal outline of the lower primary molar. This is called: a. distal step. *** b. mesial step. * Distal step: Mandibular terminal plane is distal to Maxillary terminal plane. * Mesial step: Mandibular terminal plane is mesial to Maxillary terminal plane. Review the NBDE part 2 section 5, page 150


what the name of the depressions present on molars in the middle and between the cusps:


Developmental grooves. ***


Patient had enamel and dentin hypoplasia your ttt.: a) Porcelain crowns. *** b) Splinting with composite. c) Composite bridge.


Patient had bulimia ‫ مرض الفراط أو الشراهة فى الكل‬and had lesion in palatal surface in upper teeth with recurrent vomiting. What is the type of lesion : a) Attrition. b) Abrasion. c) Erosion. *** ‫التآكل‬


Parotitis with purulent exudate, what you will do: ‫التهاب الغدة النكفية مع افراز‬ ‫قيحي ماذا ستعمل‬ A. Immediate coverage with antibiotic 7 days. B. delay selection antibiotics until know culture result. C. antiviral drug. D. gives patint wide spectrum antibiotic until result of lab culture. *** (Give antibiotic and make culture to know bacteria and antibiotic sensitivity) ‫المجابتين دصحية‬ Parotitis: Inflammation of the parotid glands. A classic feature of mumps.


Pt. came to u needing upper partial denture class II kinnedy classification, he has palatal defect ( torus palatinus ) preferable partial denture with: a- horseshoe. ( ‫فى أى نوع من الكلسات‬large torus palatinus ( ‫ لو قال‬: b- Palatal bar. c- Anterio posterior palatal bar. *** ‫دا أفضل نوع ثم ثانى أفضلية للنوع‬: Anterio posterior palatal strap. . * ‫ الخلصة‬: ‫ بس مقالش أن حجمه كبير أو واصل لورا‬Torus palatinus ‫لو قال ان فيه‬ ‫أو مقالش أن هوا موجود أصل‬: 1) The best major connector is: Anterio posterior palatal bar that used in classes i, ii & iv. The next preferable major connector is: Anterio posterior palatal strap that used in classes ii & iv. 2) Horseshoe major connector: Is the least accurate so it’s the least preferable major connector but it’s used in any class when torus palatinus prohibits ‫ يمنع استخدام النواع التخرى نظرا لكبر حجمه‬other connectors as it extends to the posterior limit of the hard palate ( large torus palatinus ). First Aid for the NBDE Part II 2008, Page 66 Maxillary major connectors:

1. Post. palatal strap 2. U-shaped (Horseshoe) 3. Ant. Post. palatal strap 4. full palatal plate


One of the main features of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is the ulcers are confined to the attached gingival and hard palate: a. True. *** b. False. Visicles become ulcers found in attached gingiva and hard palate. 1248. Pt. came with bristles ‫شعيرات‬even on mucous membrane, u asked for immune test: a. pemphigus. b. bullous pemphigoid. *** ‫شبيه الفقاعات‬ c. lichen planus.

1249. a. b. c. d.

Cheek biting in lower denture can occur if: Occlusal plane above tongue. Occlusal plane below tongue. Occlusal plane at lower lip. None of the above. ***

Complete Denture 17th Ed.: * Cheek biting: is the most common and is mainly due to inadequate overjet. Solution: Increase the overjet by reducing the buccal of the lower posterior teeth.

1250. a. b. c. d.

Permeability of dentine: ‫نفوذية‬ Bacterial product go through it. Decrease by smear layer. Allow bacteria to go in. All of above. ***


Gracey 13/14: a. Mesial posterior. b. Distal posterior. ***


Each of the following is correct EXCEPT which one: Bad breath appears to be largely bacteria in origin. Bad breath originating from the gastrointestinal tract is quite common. Self-perceptions of bad breath appear to be unreliable. ‫ل يمكن التعويل على حس‬ ‫ الشخص برايئحة فمه‬. d. Fear of having bad breath may be a severe problem for some people. *** ( it’s a severe problem for many people not some people ). a. b. c.

‫هؤلء الشخاص ل يشعرون بمشكلتهم إل من تخلل التخرين فغالبا ما تكون الشكوى من الزومجة أو أحد أفراد السرة أو الدصدقاء أما‬ ‫الشخص نفسه فغالبا ل يشعر برايئحة فمه و هذا ما نراه في العيادة و عليه يكون الجواب التخير هو الدصح لن هذه المشكلة تشكل‬ . ‫أرق للكثير من الناس و ليس البعض و المرمجع التالي يؤكد الجواب الرابع‬ Because it's difficult to rate your own breath, many people worry * .excessively about their breath even though they have little or no mouth odor

1253. a. b. c. d. e.

When using the buccal object rule in horizontal angulation, the lingual object in relation to the buccal object: Move away from the x-ray tube head. Move with the x-ray tube head. *** Move in an inferior direction from the x-ray tube head. Move in a superior direction from the x-ray tube head. None of the above. Dental Decks - page 72 If the object appears to move in the same direction as the x-ray tube, it is in the lingual aspect.


:Radiographic evaluation in extraction .A. Relationship of associated vital structures .B. Root configuration and surrounding bone condition .C. Access to the tooth, crown condition and tooth mobility .D. All of the above *** .E. A & B


Radiographic evaluation in extraction EXCEPT: A. Relationship of associated vital structures. B. Root configuration and surrounding bone condition. C. Access to the tooth, crown condition and tooth mobility. *** E. A & B.


Odontogenic tumors: a. Arise from dental tissues. *** ‫تنشأ من أنسجة الفم‬ b. Can turn malignant but rarely. c. Have specific radiographic features.


Prophylactic antibiotic needed in: A. Anesthesia not interaligamentary. B. Suture removal. C. Routine tooth brushing. D. Orthodontic band. ***

"Dental secrets"


Electric pulp tester on the young is not accurate because: a) Late appearance of Fibers A. *** ‫الظهور المتأتخر للياف ألفا‬ b) Late appearance of Fibers C. c) Early appearance of fibers A. d) Early appearance of fibers C. " Pathway Of Pulp 6th edition page 314" ‫فاحص اللب الكهربايئي يعطي نتايئج غير دقيقة عند اليافعين بسبب عدم اكتمال قمة مجذور السنان‬


A patient that had a class II amalgam restoration, next day he returns complaining of discomfort at the site of the restoration, radiographically an overhanging amalgam is present. This is due to: a) lack of matrix usage. b) Improper wedging. *** ‫تخطأ في وضع الوتد‬ c) No burnishing for amalgam


Occlusal splint device: 1/ used during increase vertical dimension. 2/ alleviate muscle of mastication. ***. ‫تخفيف حد ة عضلت المضغ‬ 3/ occlusal plane CR/CO. 4/ All.


Child with late primary dentition has calculus and gingival recession related to upper molar what is the diagnosis: 1. Periodontitis. 2. Local aggressive Periodontitis. 3. Viral infection. Dental Decks - page 776

1262. a. b. c. d.

Histopathologically, early verrucous carcinomas: Have characteristic microscopic features. *** ‫لها ميزات مجهرية مميزة‬ Can be confused with acute hypertrophic candidiasis. Can be confused with lichen planus. Can be confused with chronic hypertrophic candidiasis.


pt. came with multiple cyst on his scalp and neck ‫فرو ة الرأس والرقبة‬and osteomas ‫ ورم عظمي‬multiple on his mandible side, what is the diagnosis: a. Gardner's syndrome. *** b. cleidocranial dysplasia. c. ectodermal dystosis. d. oesteogenesis imperfecta. Burket's Oral Medicine 11Ed 2008, Page 151 Benign Non-odontogenic Tumors of the Jaws Osteomas & Gardner's syndrome Patients with Gardner’s syndrome develop multiple osteomas of the maxilla and

mandible, colonic polyps, supernumerary teeth, impacted teeth, skin cysts, and fibrous tumors of the skin


Diabatic pt. with multiple nevi on the neck and the scalp, and multiple jaw cysts, ur diagnosis will be: a. Eagle syndrome. b. Gorlin Goltz syndrome. *** ( Basal cell nevus syndrome ). c. Pierre Robin syndrome. d. Non of the above.


A reline ‫ التبطين‬for a complete denture is contraindicated when: a) There is extreme over closure of the vertical diamention. b) Centric occlusion and centric relation do not coincide. *** ‫ ل يتوافقو مع بعضهم‬. c) The denture contains a broken tooth. d) There is resorption of the ridge.


Complete re-epithelization after surgery occurs after: a. 1-5 days. b. 10-15 days. c. 17-21 days.


Low sag factor in a metal-ceramic FPD causes: 1- Flow of metal under functional load. 2- High abrasion resistance. 3- Less deformation of bridge during firing. *** ‫تشوه أقل للجسر أثناء الحرق‬ 4- Poor metal-ceramic bond strength. 5- Contamination of porcelain. id=SdOOEbeyNVkC&pg=PA10&lpg=PA10&dq=ways+do+surface+characterist ics+of+porcelain+affect+the+perceived+from+of+the+final+restoration&so urce=bl&ots=Avnk7fOnj&sig=jQvaBjOH_3VUoXLaDDV6pB2uHVs&hl=ar&sa=X&ei=qUsxT8jQG9CXOpj 7mdsG&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAQ#v=snippet&q=low%20sag%20factor %20&f=false


Nickel-chromium allergic from dentures appears more in:

a) Male. b) Female. *** c) Equal.


We put the pin very close to line angle because this area: A- less material of restoration need. B- Intiate dentin caries. C- need less condensation of material. D- Great bulk of dentin. *** ‫حجم كبير من العا ج‬

Art and science of operative dentistry 2000 – page 774


Best root canal material primary central incisor: a- iodoform. *** b- Guttapercha. c- Formacresol. * Iodoform, Ca(oH)2 and ZOE are root canal materials for the primary teeth but iodoform and ca(oh)2 are more better than ZOE.


HBV disinfection: iodophors and hypocloride. formaldahide. Dettol / 100% ethyl alcohol. Ethyl dioxide gas. 1+2. *** 1+2+3. 3+4. 2+3. HBV = Hepatitis B Virus * Iodophors and hypocloride, formaldahide and 80 % ethyl alcohol. 1) 2) 3) 4)

a. b. c. d.


Filling in RCT must finish: a- Exactly up the radiographic apex. *** b- Few millimeters before apex. c- At the half distance between apex and the pulp chamber. d- Filling the pulp chamber.


initial step to do post and core in RCT tooth is: A. remove gutta bercha by hot. B. by cleaning cavity of caries and remove old filling. *** C. immediat insertion. D. gates glidden drill.


How can remove a hard discolored dentine: a. Excavator. b. Stainless steel burs with low speed. c. Very low speed. d. High speed carbide burs. ***


Class II amalgam restoration with deep caries the patient comes with localized pain related to it after one month or "3 months" due to: OR Patient returned to you after 1 month from doing amalgam filling with

definite severe pain, due to: a) unidentified pulp horn exposure. b) Over occlusion. c) Moisture contamination during the restoration. *** due to amalgam expansion d) supra calculus. ‫ يوم‬30-3 ‫ اللم بعد حشوات الملغم بسبب تمدد الحشوة يكون خلل‬:‫ كتاب المواد السنية‬.


A child with caries in the incisors we call this caries: a. Rampant caries. b. Nursing caries. *** c. Children caries.


pt. during routinly cheeck up need preventive treatment pit& fissure sealant, upon examination the dentist found small caries lesion & he decised to do a small preparation and do restoration for this pt. these can be called: A. pit & fissure seleant. B. Preventive restoration. ‫حشوة وقايئية‬ C. Conservative restoration. *** ‫حشوة محافظة‬


Pt. has bad oral hygiene and missing the right and left lateral incisors what ttt.: Implant. (contra indication with bad.OH) RPD. *** (can remove by Pt. to clean around abutment & under pontic) Conventional FPD. (not easy to clean) Maryland bridge. (indication with good oral hygiene Pt.)


Cement appears in radiograph like caries and cannot distinguish from it: a) Calcium hydroxide include hydroxyl group. *** b) Zinc phosphate. c) Glass ionomer. e) Zinc polycarboxlate. f) None of above. * Calcium hydroxide ( cement ) & Composite ( restoration ).

1280. a. b. c. d.

The most common cause of dry mouth in adult patients is: Tranquillizer. ‫مهدىء‬ Anti-histaminics. *** (‫أدوية مضادات الحساسية )الهيستامين‬ Insulin. Birth control pills.


8 years child came without complaint while routine exam you found obliteration ‫ انسداد‬of canal in maxillary central incisor what u will do: a. Extraction. b. RCT. c. Pulpotomy. d. None of above. ***

.1 .2 .3 .4


All are participating in the determination of the posterior extension of the maxillary denture ( posterior palatal extension ) EXCEPT: A. vibrating line. B. Hamular notch. C. Fovae palatine. D. Retromolar (pads) areas. ***

1283. a. b. c. d.

To a great extent, the forces occurring through a removable partial denture can be widely distributed and minimized by the following methods (lower RPD): ‫لفضل مدى توزيع وتقليل القوى الطباقية‬ Proper location of the occlusal rests. ‫الموقع الصحيح للسنايئد الطباقية‬ Selection of lingual bar major connector. ‫اتختيار المودصل الكبير للطباق اللساني‬ Developing balanced occlusion. ‫إنشاء إطباق متوازن‬ All of the above. ***

1284. a. b. c. d. e.

Which of the following may cause gingival enlargement: Phenytoin. ( Dilantin ). *** 50-60% Cyclosporine. 20-30% ‫مثبطات المناعة‬ Nifedipine. ( a calcium channel blocker ). 20% Aspirin. ‫أسبرين مسكن وتخافض للحرارة ومضاد لتكدس الصفيحات‬ None of the above. Dental Decks - page 910 The highest incidence of drug induced gingival hyperplasia (gingival enlargement) is reported to phenytoin ( Dilantin ). Phenytoin: is Anticonvulsats (Anti-Epileptic) ‫مضاد الصرع ولضطراب نظم القلب‬


Pt. came to u with sublingual space infection, change in color of mucosa of floor of the mouth. The tongue is stilly elevated haw u will do incision for drainage: a. Extra orally parallel to lower border of the mandible. b. Intraorally parallel to wharton's duct. *** c. Intraorally between mylo-hyoid muscle.

1286. a. b. c. d.

Reliability of the measurements reflects that property of the measurements which: ‫ موثوقية القياسات تعكس دقة القياسات‬: Measures what is intended to be measured. ‫ قياس ما يراد قياسه‬. Produces repeatedly the same results under a variety of conditions. ‫استخلص‬ ‫ نتايئج واحدة بشكل متكرر في ظروف مختلفة‬. Detects reasonably small shifts in either direction, in group condition. ‫ اكتشاف تغيرات طفيفة في مجموعة القياس‬. All of the above. ***


You extract tooth with large amalgam restoration, how to manage the extracted tooth: 1. Autoclave and deep buried. 2. Sharp container. ‫حاوية المواد الحادة‬ 3. Ordinary waste container. ‫حاوية المخلفات العتيادية‬ 4. Office container. ‫حاوية العيادة‬ 5. Container Designed not to be burned *** Basic guide to Dental Instrument 1Ed 2006, Page 55 & 96 Items suitable for disposal in Sharp containers include: scalpels, matrix bands, needles, carpules, orthodontic wires, burs and endodontic files. (‫محمد‬.‫)د‬ ‫تكمن خطورة الزئبق الناسائل في أنه غيتبخر في درجة حرارة الغرفة وبالتالي تختلط ذرات الزئبق مع الهواء‬ ‫ وعندما غيناستنشق النناسان هذا الهواء فإن ذرات‬.‫دون أن غيدركها النناسان خاصة وأنها عدغيمة الرائحة واللون‬ .‫الزئبق تدخل للرئة وتصل بالتالي إلى الدم والمخ‬ ‫وتكمن خطورة بخار الزئبق الناسائل في أنه غيبقى في المكان لفترة طوغيلة فالزئبق الناسائل غيتبخر ببطء على‬ ‫مدى أغيام وأنسابميع طوغيلة وغيحتاج لفترات طوغيلة حتى تزول آثاره‬ ‫لهذا الناسبب نحتاج إلى وضعها في نسلة مخصصه للمواد الغمير محروقه‬ .‫وكما نعلم معظم النفاغيات تحرق فأذا إحرق الزئبق غيؤدي لتلوث و مشاكل على المجتمع‬


Polysulfide impression material: a. Should be poured within 1 hour. *** (or immediately) or in 1st hr b. Should be poured within 12 hours. c. can be poured after 24 hours. d. can be poured after 6-8 hours.


To plan the line-angles in the proximal cavity in a class II you use: A. Straight chisel. B. Bin-angled chisel. C. Enamel hatchet. *** ( Bi-beveled hatched ) ‫ بالتحديد‬: d. Beveled chisel. Enamel hatched is used for planning enamel and dentin during cavity .preparation : ‫ يكون هو المفضل‬Round bur ‫في حالة ومجود تخيار‬ All internal line angles should be rounded to reduce internal stresses. Removing caries with a large diameter round bur automatically produces the desired shape.


Which of the following burs would you prefer to use preparing a slot for the relation of an extensive amalgam restoration on maxillary molar: ( slot preparation = class II preparation ). a. Number 5 round bur. b. Number 56 fissure bur. c. Number 556 fissure bur.


Number 35 cone bur. *** ( or No. 33 1/2 inverted cone bur ). Operative Dentistrey A Partical Guide to Recent Innovations, Page 43


Acyclovir dose for treatment of herpes: a) 200 mg / 5 times a day. *** ( orally for 7 days ). b) 200 mg / 4 times a day. c) 400 mg / 4 times a day. d) 800 mg / 4 times a day. In case of immunodeficiency double the dose to 400 mg Burket's Oral Medicine 11th Ed 2008, Page 36-37 Oral ACV 200 to 400 mg five times a day will shorten healing time Cawson’s Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine 8Ed 2008, Page 208 aciclovir (200-400 mg/day by mouth for 7 days).


The functions of cement bases are: To act like a barrier against acids or thermal shocks. ‫ سد‬- ‫حامجز‬ The minimal thickness, which is required, is 0.5 mm of base. All. None of the above. 1 only. *** 2 only.

12a. b. c. d.

Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry, 4th edition - page 171 .Cement bases are typically 1 to 2 mm *


Early loss of anterior tooth: Affects phonetics. Affects esthetics. Causes space loss. A and b. All the above. ***

a. b. c. d. e.

‫الفقد المبكر في السنان اللبنية يأثر على النطق والناحية الجمالية‬ ‫الفقد المبكر في السنان الدايئمة المامية يسبب ضياع المسافة وانزياح القواطع الدايئمة لمكان الفقد‬

1294. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

Intraosseous cyst in radiograph appears: multiradiolucent may or not expand to cortical bone. *** radiopaque may or not expand to cortical bone. multiradiolucent may with resorption of cortical bone. radiopaque may with resoption of cortical bone.


Type of autoclave used: a- Hot oven outoclave. b- Class b autoclave. *** c- Class s autoclave. d- Class d autoclave.


Open margin in crown could be due to: a- proximal contact. b- Failure to demargination of wax. c- Die spacer in the margin. d- All of above. ***


Crown with open margin can be due to: Putting die space on finishing line. Waxing not covering all crown preparation. ‫التشمع ل يغطي كل تحضير التا ج‬ Over contouring of crown prevents seating during insertion. All of the above. ***

a. b. c. d.


18 year old Pt. suffer of sever inflammation in attaced gingiva and tired and has psychological stress in his life: A. Aphthous ulcer. *** B. Recurrent herpes ulcer. C. Allergic stomatitis.

1299. a. b. c. d. e.

The most desirable finished surface composite resin can be provided by: OR Best finishing of composite done by: White stones. Hand instrument. Carbid finishing burs. *** Diamond finish burs. Celluloid matrix band.


Child with 7 years old when extrction of lower frist molar the tip of root is fracture in the socket how to manengment : a- leave it if the mother n't complaine during feeding. b- Should be removed by file. *** c- take x-ray to insure if n't swallwed or in respiratory.

1301. a. b. c. d.

1 2 3 4

How many canals can be present in mandibular second molars: 1, 2, 3 or 4. *** 2, 3 or 4. 3 or 4. 3. canal present but rarley canals found in 6% canals found in 90% canals found in 4%

1302. was:

The most common immediate treatment reported for fractured teeth

a. b. c. d.

25%. *** 50%. 82%. 95%.

1303. a. b. c. d.

What is the proper cavity preparation for V-shaped cervical erosion lesion to be restored with glass ionomer cement: Cervical groove, incisal groove. Cervical groove, incisal bevel. ( make a bevel in composite restorations ). 4 retention points, 90 margin. No mechanical preparation is necessary. *** ( no bevels in glass ionomer cement restorations ).

1304. a. b. c. d. e.

If the initial working length film shows the tip of a file to be greater than 1 mm from the ideal location, the clinician should: Correct the length and begin instrumentation. *** Move the file to 1 mm short of the ideal length and expose a film. Interpolate the variance, correct the position of the stop to this distance, and expose the film. Confirm the working length with an apex locator. Position the file at the root apex and expose a film.


Trauma caused fracture of the root at junction between middle and cervical thirds: A) Do endo for coronal part only. B) RCT for both. C) Leave. D) Extraction. E) Splint the two parts together. ***

1306. a. b. c. d. e.

Pt. with a history of subacute bacterial endocarditis is a medical problem in a surgery because of the possibility of: Bacteremia. ‫تجرثم الدم‬ Septicemia. ‫تسمم الدم‬ Hypertension. ‫ارتفاع ضغط الدم‬ Mitral stenosis. ‫تضيق الوعية الدموية‬ Auricular fibrillation. ‫"تغير في ضربات الذين "رمجفان أذيني‬ A. a, b and d. *** b. All of the above.

1307. a. b. c. d.

Blood supply of the palate is from: ‫التروية الدموية للحنك من‬ Greater palatine artery. Lesser palatine artery. Facial artery. Long sphenopalatine artery.


Anatomizing braches from all of the above EXCEPT C. *** ‫مجميع الفروع التشريحية‬ ‫بإستثناء الشريان الومجهي‬


Epithelial cells: a. Rest of malassez decrease with age. *** b. Rest of malassez increase with age. c. Hertwig sheath entirely disappear after dentinogenesis. d. Epithelial remnants could proliferate to periapical granuloma.


The type of cement which give retention to crown: a- Zn phosphate. b- Zn polycarpoxylate. c- Resin. *** ( Resin cement gives the best retention to crown ). d- Resin modified glass ionomer.


Ethics of the study include all of the following EXCEPT: ‫أتخلقيات الدراسة‬ ‫ والبحث العلمي‬: a. Privacy of all subjects. ‫والخصوصية لكل المواضيع السرية‬ b. Informed consent may be required or not. ( ‫ ) طبعا لبد من أتخذ الموافقة المسبقة‬. ‫ موافقة المريض المسبقة أو ل‬. c. refuse if the subject not take part of the study. ‫حق العتراض لو الموضوع لم يأتخذ مجزء من‬ ‫الدراسة البحثية‬.

1311. a. b.

Provisional luting cement: ‫اللدصق المؤقت‬ Prevents restoration from dislodgement. *** ‫ يمنع تخرو ج أو سقوط التركيبة‬. Sealing. Planning and Making Crown and Bridges – page 134

1312. a. b.

Maryland bridge: Use with young. To replace single missing tooth. ***

1313. a. b. c. d.

Maryland bridges depend upon: Chemical retention. Indirect retention. Micromechanical retention. *** ( Cemented by acid etch & resin ). None of the obove.


Composite restoration follow up after 2 years showed stained


High copper amalgam prevents:

margin: a. Stress from polymerization shrinkage. b. Hydrolic destruction on bond. ‫الحل الصحيح هو‬....‫ ممكن الحتمالت ناقصة‬: C. Marginal leakage or micro leakage. *** Art & Science : ‫المصدر‬


Marginal leakage. *** ‫الملقم المليء بالنحاس يمنع تسرب الحواف‬


Digital radiography is a technique that shows transition from white to black. Its main advantage is the ability to manipulate the image by computer: a. 1st T, 2nd F. b. 1st F, 2nd T. c. Both T. *** d. Both F. ‫ التعامل مع الصورة بالكمبيوتر وتقليل زمن التعرض للشعة‬:‫ أهم فايئدتين بالفعل وهما‬.


The imaging showing disk position and morphology and TMJ bone: a. MRI. *** (MRI = Magnetic resonance imaging) ‫الرنين المغناطيسي‬ b. CT. c. ARTHROGRAPHY. d. Plain radiograph. e. Plain tomography.


Enamel: a. Repair by ameloblasts. b. Permeability reduces with age. *** ‫النفاذية تقل مع العمر‬ c. Permeability increases with age. d. Permeable to some ions. ‫يسمح بالنفاذ لبعض اليونات‬ ‫ أدصح ان‬b ‫ دصحيحين فاذا مجاء الحتمالن معا فى اتختيار فهو دصحيح اما اذا كانت الصيغة كما في العلى فاظن ان الحتمال‬b & d . ‫شاء ال‬


Upper teeth palatal mucosa supplied by: a. Nasopalatine. b. Anterior palatine. c. Both. *** d. Post superior alveolar nerve.


Indirect retainers mostly needed: a. Class VI. b. Class I. *** ( Class I, II & IV ). c. Class III. d. Class III with modification. Oxford Handbook 5th Ed 2009, page 303


Periapical X-ray for immature tooth is: A. Generally conclusive. *** ‫تشخيص حاسم‬ B. Simply inconclusive. ‫تشخيص غير حاسم‬ C. Should be compered with another types. ‫يجب أن يقارن مع النواع التخرى‬


Child patient takes sedation before appointment and presents with physical volt. What should dentist do: ‫طفل أتخذ مهدىء قبل الموعد و لديه فولت طبيعي فماذا على الطبيب فعله‬ A. conscious sedation. ‫تهديئة واعية‬ B. Redo sedation. ‫زيادة مجرعة المادة المهديئة‬ C. Tie with Bapoose board. ‫ربطه بلوح تخيزران‬ D. Tie in unite with bandage. ‫ربطه بشكل موحد مع مجبيرة‬


Caries detection dye composed mainly of: a- 0.5% acid fuchsin. b- 0.5% basic fuchsin. c- Propylene glycol. *** Paediatric Dentistry 3rd Ed (2005), Page 165 : 0.5% basic fuchsin. Dental pulp 2002" + "Operative Dentistry" : propylene glycol. Basic fuchsin dye at 0.5 percent solution, in combination with propylene glycol, has been used as a disclosing solution for carious dentin basic fuchsin a histological stain, a mixture of pararosaniline, rosaniline and magenta II. Also, a mixture of rosaniline and pararosaniline hydrochlorides used as a local anti-infective

1324. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/

When increase vertical dimension you have to: increase minimal need. construct anterior teeth first then posterior teeth. use provisional crown for 2 months. *** ‫نستخدم تا ج مؤقت لشهرين‬ all.


Treacher collins syndrome is mainly:

1/ Mandibular retrognathia. *** ( 80 % of cases ). ‫ترامجع الفك السفلي‬ 2/ Loss of hearing. ( 50 % of cases ). Oxford Handbook


Contents of the anaesthesia carpule: A) Lidocaine + epinephrine + ringer’s liquid. *** B) Lidocaine + epinephrine + distilled water. C) Lidocaine + epinephrine only. "page 92"Hand Book of Local Anesthesia :‫حسب‬ . ‫ ليدوكايئين وأدرينالين وسايئل رنجر )كلور الصوديوم( وماء مقطر‬:‫تحتوي أمبولة المخدر‬ ‫وحسب كتاب التخدير الموضعي للدكتور عبد الكريم تخليل‬ Local anesthetic drug - vasopressor - Ringer’s liquid (nacl) distilled water - preservative substance (methylparaben) ‫مضاد فطور‬ preservative for vasopressor ‫ مادة حافظة للدرينالين‬.


Distal fissure of premolar contact oppose: a- Middle of the middle third & buccal fissure is wider than lingual. b- Cervical line & lingual fissure is wider than buccal. c- Middle of the middle third & vice versa. d- Cervical of the middle third & vice versa. ***


You make ledge in the canal. You want to correct this. What is the most complication occur in this step: a. Creation false canal. b. Apical zip. c. Stripping. *** ( = lateral perforation ). d. perforation. ( = apical perforation ).


To prevent gingival injury place the margin of the retainer: A. At the level of gingival crest. *** B. Above gingival crest. C. Apical to gingival crest 1 mm. d. Apical to gingival crest 0.5 mm. Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics 3rd Ed, page 132 Preservation of the Periodontium


How can you alter the setting time for alginate: a) Alter powder water ratio. *** ‫التعديل في نسبة البودرة والماء‬ b) Alter water ratio. c) We can’t alter it. d) By accelerated addition. * ‫ولكن هذه الطريقة تغير بعض صفات ماد ة المقاس ولذلك أفضل فطريقة هى تغيير درجة حرار ة الماء‬ ‫ فاذا وجدت فى الختيارات فنختارها‬.Alter water temperature


How can you alter the setting time for alginate: a) Alter ratio powder water. b) Alter water temperature. *** ‫ تغيير درمجة حرارة الماء‬.


What’s the reason of the wax shrinkage upon fabrication of the bridge/crown: A. Solidification shrinkage. ***‫دصلبة التقلص‬


You should treat ANUG until the disease completely removed. Otherwise, it will change to necrotic ulcerative gingivitis: A) Both sentences are true. *** B) Both sentences are false.

C) 1st true, 2nd false. D) 1st false, 2nd true.


Studies show that complete remineralization of surface of an accidentally etched enamel: a- never occur. b- after hours. c- after weeks. d- after months. *** ‫بعد أشهر‬


Inlay waxs must invested fast because of flow and quickly deformity of dimension this property due to: OR Wax properties are: a. Slow flow. b. Internal stress. *** ‫الجهد الداتخلي‬ c. Expansion.


Teenager boy with occlusal wear the best ttt. is: 1/ remove the occlusal. 2/ teeth capping. 3/ restoration. ***


In FPD in upper posterior teeth we should have gingival embrasure space ‫ فراغ لثوي‬to have healthy gingival so the contact: a- In the middle. *** b- Depend in the opposing occlusion. c- Occlusally As far as you can.


Complex amalgam restoration when to do it: A- Weak cusp with undermined enamel. *** ‫ضعف الحدبات مع بقايا المينا‬ B- Bevel and contra bevel. C- Weak cusp should strengthen it by resin.


Most important sealer criteria to be success: A- High viscosity. ‫لزومجة عالية‬ B- High retention. ‫ثبات عالي‬ C- High strength. ‫قوة عالية‬ D- can add colorant. ‫نستطيع إضافة ملون‬ E- High resilience. *** ‫مرونه وسيولة عالية‬


Discoloration of endo treated teeth: a- Hemorrhage after trauma. b- Incomplete remove GP from the pulp chamber. c - Incomplete removal of pulp tissue. ***

Pocket Atlas of Endodontics – Page 88-178 Pathway of the pulp 9Ed – Page 231


The nasopalatine bone forms a triangle will be parallel to an imaginary lines extended between cemento-enamel junctions of adjacent teeth: a. True. *** b. False.


7 years patient came with untreared truma to tooth that became yellow in colour what you should tell the parents: a. pulp is dead. b. pulp became calcified. c. the tooth will absorb normally. 1. a and b. 2. a and c. 3. all of the above. ***


The needle holder used in suturing of lower third molar: A. Curved hemostat. *** B. Allis forceps. C. Adson forceps. D. Regular tweezers.


Instrument which use for grasping a tissue when remove thick epulis fissuratum: OR What is the forceps used to grasp Epulis Fissuratum during surgical procedure: a- Allis forceps. *** b- Addison forcep. c- Curved hemostat. d- Stilli forceps


The favored relationship in case of fabrication of a lower class 1 RPD opposing a natural dentition is: 1- prognathism. *** ‫بروز الفك‬ 2- working side. 3- balancing side. 4- none of the above.


pt. with renal transplantation came with white elevated lesion on tongue no history of smoking or tobacco chewing diagnosis is: a- Candidiasis. ***

B- iatrogenic lesion. c- Hyperkeratosis. D- Stomatitis. Pocket atlas of oral diseases * Oral candidiasis is a frequent oral lesion in renal transplant patients. ‫زراعة كلية‬ . * Uremic stomatitis is a rare disorder that may occur in patients with acute or chronic renal failure. ‫ فشل كلوى‬.


Patient 5 years old with denture has a severe gag reflex, upon history he says he had the same symptoms in the first few days of the denture delievery and it went all alone: a. patient has severe gag reflex. b. patient has underlying systemic condition. c. Denture is overextended. *** * Bone resorpion of the lower ridge leads to overextension of the distolingual area of the lower denture (Palatoglossus Muscle) .


Immature tooth has less sensation to cold & hot due to: OR Electric pulp tester on the young is not accurate because: 1. Short root. 2. Incomplete innervations. *** ‫عدم إكتمال العصب‬ 3. Wide pulp chamber.


In centric occlusion is normal but in eccentric occlusion the lower ant. teeth & upper ant. teeth interfere with contact what should be do: 1/ reduction of mand. incisors. 3/ reduction of lingual inclination of max. incisiors. ‫تقليل ميلن الجهة الحنكية للقواطع العلوية‬


Premature contact between upper and lower ant. teeth in eccentric occlusion while there is absolutely no contact on the centric occlusion. So the management is by grinding of: A- incisal edge of ant. max. teeth. B- Incisal edge of ant. man. teeth. C- Inclination of Ant. max. teeth lingually. D- Inclination of ant man teeth.


Instrument used to remove dark color in dentin: A. Round stone bur with low speed. B. Round diamond bur with low speed. C. Large excavator. *** D. Carbide bur with high speed.

Dark color in dentin remove with Large excavator But, the hard caries in dentine remove with carbide bur low or high speed


Patient feels severe pain in upper mouth, pain is radiated to eye and ear, after you check no caries when you pressure on maxillry premolar he feels pain. In x-ray no change what dignosis? a. Acute apical periodontits. b. maxilary sinusitis. *** c. canine space infection. d. dentoalveolar infection.


Class III crown fracture in child patient the type of pontic: a. ovate. *** ( highly esthetic used in class II & III crown fractures). b. egg shaped. c. hygienic. d. ridge lap.


What is the test name for detecting the virulent of bacteria: a- Hemolysis. ‫انحلل الدم‬ B- Catalase. *** ‫لتفرغيق الجراثميم المحتوغية على إنزغيم الكاتالز عن غميرها‬:‫خمتبا لر الكاتالز‬ ‫ا خ‬


Which design first in the study cast of RPD with a lingual bar major connector: A. The lower border of lingual bar major connector. B. The upper border of lingual bar. C. Indirect rest and rest seat. *** ‫ أمل قداح‬.‫حسب رأي د‬


Naocl is used in RCT: A. Oxidative effect. ‫تأثير مؤكسد‬ B. irrigant solution of choice. ‫محلول الرواء‬ C. efficacy increasing with diluting. ‫كفايئته تزيد بتخففيه‬ D. Better result when used combined with alcohol. ‫أفضل نتيجة بإستخدامه مع الكحول‬ Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry, 4th Ed 2005, Page 172

1357. 1. 2. 3. 4.

It It It It

Receiving the impression after removal from the mouth directly: must be disinfected immediately. *** ‫يجب أن تعقم مباشرة‬ must be poured immediately. must be mounted immediately. must be left for minutes.

1358. 1. 2. 3.

Retentive grooves: ‫ميازيب التثبيت‬ Always axiobuccal and axiolingual. Prevent lateral displacement of restoration. *** ‫تمنع الزاحة الجانبية للحشوة‬ Is axiopulpal and axiogingival.


Tooth number 26, had a root canal treatment since two years, upon x-ray you found a radiolucency with bone resorption along one of the roots: a. Ca(OH)2. b. resection of the whole root ( ‫فى حالة المتصاص بالجذر وليس فى العظم ولز م تكون كمان ضرس تحتوى على‬ ‫أكثر من جذر‬ c. redo RCT. d. periodontal currettage. *** ‫لحظ أن المتصاص فى العظم وليس فى الجذر وأيضا السنة أمامية بجذر واحد ) السنة‬ ( ‫ المامية السفلية الثانية‬.


If you do mouth wash by 10% glucose, the PH can be read from the


A. The PH in dental plaque after the mouth rinse (mouth wash) with 10 % . glucose changes but the high PH is 6.5 – 7

1361. 1362.

pt. have trauma in upper central incisor the tooth and the alveolar bone move as one piece, in examination intraorally x-ray you will see : .a. gap between the apex of root and alveolar bone *** .b. definite line of fracture .c. no apear in x-ray


Yellow-brown hypomineralization of enamel with or without hypoplasia can be treated by: A. Acid-pumice microabrasion. *** ‫سحل دقيق بالبومس‬


3 months baby had black-blue discolured rapid growing swelling, the x-ray shows unilocular radiolucency and displaced tooth bud, is it: OR Child 2 years old came to your clinic with his parents, he has bony lesion bluish-black in color, the most probable diagnosis is: a. aneurysmal bone cyst. ‫للسؤال اللول حسب الدصدار الخامس‬ b. Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour. *** ‫ورم مجلدي ظاهر تصبغي‬ c. ameloblastic fibroma. d. Gaint cell granuloma -


What first treatment of thumb sucking? a. counseling therapy. ‫بالنصح العل ج‬ b. rewarding therapy. *** ‫ العلج بالتشجييع والمكافأ ة‬.


A 7 years child has a habit of finger or thumb sucking what is the management or best way to start a therapy with: a. Rewarding therapy. b. Counseling therapy. *** ‫علج نفسى وإذا لم ينفع فى وقت قصير فلبد من عمل الجهاز الذى يمنع تلك العاد ة لن هناك‬ ‫ خطر حدوث التشوهات للسنان الداكئمة والفك أيضا‬.

c. Punishment. d. Remaindering therapy. e. Nothing


Glass ionomer : (GIC) a) introduction 1970. ( in 1972 ). b) needs dry field when application. *** c) both. d) none of the above.


Which one of the conditions would delay a dentist's decision of taking full mouth X-ray examination? a. pregnancy. b. patient had full mouth examination by X-ray 6 months ago. c. patient will receive radiotherapy next week. d. patient had CT examination last week. ***

1369. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

the: Mesio-buccal canal. *** Disto-buccal canal. Palatal canal. Disto-palatal canal. Mesio-palatal canal.

1370. a. b. c. d.

The narrowest canal found in a three root maxillary first molar is

which part of root canal diameter is the smallest:

OR What is the smallest area in root canal: Radigraphical apex. Apical foramin. Apical constriction. *** ( Cementodentinal junction ) Cementoenamel junction. Cementum ‫ وهي منطقة إتصال العا ج بالملط أي‬Apical constriction ‫أضيق وأدصغر منطقة في مجذر السن هي‬ with dentin

1371. a. b. c. d.

To record the vertical dimension in order to: To determine the amount of space between the mandible and the maxilla which will be occupied by an artificial teeth. *** To determine vertical and horizontal level of the teeth. (Used to determine the centric relation) a and b. None.


TB patient in active stage (sputum ‫ ) البلغم والبصاق‬when we do treatment :


Emergency case.*** ( send him to emergency dental care in a hospital) * If tuberculosis is inactive, you can do dental treatment. b. With rubber dam. c. With mask. d. Postpone the treatment.


When root perforation we close it by:

A- G.I. B- Caoh. *** ( MTA is the best material ). C- Silver point. D- Composite. Ca(oH)2 ‫ وبعد ذلك‬MTA ‫الفضل هو‬ ‫نستعمل هيدروكسيد الكالسيوم لنه متجانس مع النسجة ول يسبب تهيج ويحرض تشكيل العا ج الثانوي‬

1374. 1234-

Irrigation solution for RCT causes protein coagulation is: Sodium hypochlorite. Iodine potassium. Formocresol. None of the above. *** ‫بما أن الفورمكريزول ل يستخدم كسايئل إرواء و إنما يستخدم لتثبيت اللب فإن كل ما ذكر تخاطئ أي المجابة الصحيحة هى التخيرة‬


Selection of shade for porcelain is done EXCEPT: a) Before preparation. ‫قبل التحضير‬

b) We must rest the eye by looking to a yellow color. *** c) We must look to the tooth only 5 sec.


6 years child in routine examination, explorer

hang ‫ انحشر‬in the pit of 2nd molar, other teeth free dental caries what is the management: fluoride gel application. -a fissure sealant. ***-b restore it with amalgam restoration.-c .d- restore it with composite restoration

1377. a. b. c. d.

Parotid malignancy shows perineural spread ‫ انتشار ماحول العصب‬is seen as: Warthon’s path. Ductal papilloma. Polymorphic adenoma. Adenoid cystic carcinoma. *** ‫سرطانية كيسية غدية‬


Salivary gland disease (tumor) with perineural invasion ‫غزو حول العصب‬: 1. pleomorphic adenoma. 2. Adenocyctic carcinoma. ( Adenoid cystic carcinoma ). ***


we want to do a maxillary PD to a patient using anterior-posterior strap, we want it to be rigid,we use: agold. bcast gold. cco-cr. *** (cobalt-chromium)


The degree of taper for crown preparation: a. 3 - 5. *** b. 15. First Aid for the NBDE Part II 2008, Page 70 Taper (total occlusal convergence) ideal is 3-6 degrees, the more parallel the walls of the preparation, the better retension and resistance form


Amalgam filling opposite gold onlay and cause pain what should you do: 1. Change the filling. *** (but we should wait and observe if pain gone then we should do nothing , if pain presents change filling) 2. Exo. 3. varnish apply. 4. apply medium separator.


P.t have porcelain in upper tooth what you should make in the opposite tooth: 1. Porcelain 2. Porcelain with occlusion surface of gold 3. Acrylic with gold

4. hard acrylic


Patint with haemophelia what is the additional anaesthetic procedure used with him? A. Intraligmentary technique, intraosseous technique and intrapappillary technique. *** ‫يجب التأكد من المجابة‬


What is the material which we use after apicectomy? filling material ) a. Citric acid. b. EDTA. c. Tetracycline.

( retrograde


temprature that damage the bone during implant procedure: A. If temperature is raised in the bone to 47C for more than 1 minute. *** Bone cell will be damaged irreversibly causing excessive resorption and osseointegration failure.

1386. a. b. c.

hemiseptal fracture: ( hemiseptum defect ): Horizontal recession - one wall fracture. *** Horizontal recession - two walls fracture. Horizontal recession - three walls fracture.


Maximum porcelain thickness: (Full porcelain) A. 1.5 mm. ***


High mylohyoid crest in patient for complete denture, the surgeon must avoid vital structure which is: (during preprosthetic surgery of mylohyoid ridge reduction) a. Lingual nerve. ***


In the normal tissues, the basal cell layer adheres to: A. Prickle cell layer ( Suprabasal cell layer ). *** ‫طبقة الخلية الشايئكة‬


3 years old pt. came to clinic with his parents he has asymptomatic swelling bluish in color fluctuant ‫ متمو ج‬in midline of palatal raphe, diagnosis is : a- Bohn's nodules. ‫ كييسات اشتمالية في حنك الوليد‬:‫عقيدات بون‬ (away from the palatal raphe ) (or on buccal and lingual surfaces of alveolar bone ). ( ‫) لو جاكئت في السؤال أن المكان بعيد نختار الجابة بالسفل‬ b- Herps semplex virus. c- Lymphepithelial cyst. d- Gingival cyst. ( on the crest of alveolar bone ).

‫أعتقد أن هذا الختيار ناقص وهو الجابة الصحيحة لنه الوحيد الذي يوجد في المكان المحدد بالسؤال‬ E. Epstein's pearls. *** ( in the midpalatal raphe ). ‫للىء إبستين عبارة عن كتل دصفراء دصغيرة في الخط المتوسط للحنك‬


Mandibular foramen is: A. Above occlusal plane in elderly people. B. At the occlusal plane in adult. C. Below the occlusal plane in children. D. All of the above. ***


Dentin etching often takes: a. 15 sec. *** b. 30 sec. ( for enamel ) c. 45 sec. d. 60 sec.


Preparation to small occlusal cavity to premolar the width of cavity

is : a. 1/4 inter cuspal distance. *** ( for small or conservative cavities). b. 1/2 inter cuspal distance. c. 1/5 inter cuspal distance. d. 3/5 inter cuspal distance. * 1/3 intercuspal distance:for large (not conservative) cavities.


a. b. c. d.

Pt. of HBV came to ur clinic and during dental procedures have a sever Injury and bleeds alot, what is ur management: 1. Squeeze the wound but don’t scrub. ‫عصر الجرح ولكن ل يفرك‬ 2. Wash the wound with water and put waterproofer plaster ‫غسل الجرح بالماء ووضع لزقه‬ ‫مضاده للماء‬. 3. Assess the virulent of the pt. and refer him for infectous disease consltant. ‫تخمين حدته لدى المريض و تحويله لستشاري المراض المعدية‬ 4. Ask him to apply pressure on the wound to stop bleeding. 1+2+3. *** 1+4. 1+2+4. 3+4. HBV = Hepatitis B virus.


Tissue displacement for making an impression is improved by: 1. Removing sufficient tooth substance subgingivally. 2. Improving the health of the gingival tissue before the preparation. 3. Using reversible hydrocolloid rather than polysulphide rubber silicon or polyether impression material. a. 1+2. ***

b. c. d.

1+3. 2+3. All of the above.


An elastic impression for a full crown would be inaccurate when:

a. b.

Free gingival obliterated a part of preparation. A small amount of saliva was on part of the preparation when the impression being made. c. Both of the above. *** d. Undercuts was present.

1397. a. b. c. d.

For best impression of prepared tooth with elastic impression material, the prepared tooth should be: Very dry. Free of surface moisture. *** ‫تخالي من السطح الرطب‬ A thin layer of saliva shouls be there. Cover with surface tension reducing agent.


Ring liner is used as a lining in a casting to: a- Insulate against the thermal conductivity. b- Allow for expansion of the investment. c- Prevent fracture of the investment during heating. d- Facilitate removal of the investment after casting. e- All of the above. ***

1399. a. b. c. d.

The wax exhibits shrinkage. ‫الشمع يظهر انكماش‬ Becomes brittle. ‫تصبح هشه‬ Subjected to fracture. ‫تتعرض للنكسار‬ The wax has memory and begins to distort. *** ‫الشمع يحفظ شكله لفترة قصيرة ثم يتشوه‬



Wax patterns should be invested soon because:

Heating gypsum casting investments above 1300°F in the presence of carbon results in: a- Fine grain size. b- Shrinkage porosity. ‫تقلص المسامية‬ c- Oxidation of castings. ‫تأكسد القالب‬ d- Sulfur gases being released. *** ( and blacking of cast ). ‫ظهور الكربون في قالب التكسية يسبب زيادة قوة الجبس ومع إرتفاع درمجة الحرارة‬ (‫ فهرناهيت يتحرر غاز الكبريت فيصبح القالب أسود )محروق‬1300 ‫فوق‬ *** 1300°F = 704°C. Presence of carbon in gypsum investment causes increasing strength of gypsum.


In articulator, incisal guidance represents: a- Horizontal guidance. b- Condylar guidance. c- Equivalent of horizontal and vertical overlap. ***


( of anterior teeth ).

The most accurate impression least distortion if poured after 24

hours: a- Polyether. b- Silicone. *** ( Additional Silicone = polyvinyl siloxanes ). c- Reversible hydrocolloids in humidor. d- Compound impression.


Post should set passively in root canal and crown should set with slight resistance: a- Both statement are false. b- Both statement are true. c- First statement is true and second is false. d- First statement is false and seconds statement is true. *** * Post may set in root canal passively or actively but crown should give resistance and retention.


In the metal-ceramic technique, the bond between porcelain and the noble-metal alloy is dependant on the: 1- Proper matching of coefficients of thermal expansion of metal and porcelain. ‫تقارب معامل التمدد الحراري للمعدن والبورسلين‬ 2- Formation of base-metal oxides. ‫نضيف معادن أتخرى على المعدن النوبل علشان نطلع كمية أوكسيد كافية‬ ‫لعمل الترابط الكيميايئى بين المعدن والبورسلين ولن كمية الوكسيد التي يطلقها المعدن النوبل غير كافية لعمل هذا الترابط‬ 3- Formation of noble-metal oxides. 4- Surface roughness of the alloy. 5- Adhesion 1. 1 and 2. ***


In casting the substructure for a metal ceramic restoration, it is necessary to use: 1- Gypsum -bonded investment. 2- Phosphate- bonded investment. *** 3- Gas-air torch. 4- Crucible which has not been used for other gold alloy.


In order to maintain the health of the tissue beneath a pontic, it is desirable to: 1- Scrape the ridge area on the cast and use gold for the ridge contact. 2- Scrape the ridge area on the cast and use porcelain for the ridge contact. 3- Have passive contact with ridge tissue when the restoration is placed in the mouth. 4- Have slight blanching of the ridge tissue when the restoration in the mouth. 5- Have minimal tissue coverage. a. 1 and 4 b. 1 and 5 c. 2 and 3 d. 2 and 4 e. 3 and 5. *** f. 4 and 5


The most frequent cause of porosity in a porcelain restoration is: a- Moisture contamination. b- Excessive firing temperature. c- Excessive condensation of the porcelain. d- Inadequate condensation of the porcelain. *** ‫التكثيف غير الكافي للبورسلين‬


Cobalt-chromium alloys, the constituent responsible for corrosion resistance is: a- Silver. b- Nickel. C- Cobalt. d- Chromium. *** ‫ الكرو م ماد ة مقاومة للصدأ‬. e- Tungsten.


Three weeks after insertion FPD, marked discomfort to heat and cold occurs there are no other symptoms. The most likely cause is: a- Gingival recession. b- Unseating of the FPD. *** ‫انخلع التركيبة‬ c- Deflective occlusal contact. d- Torsional forces on one abutment tooth. e- Incomplete coverage of cut surfaces of prepared aboutment teeth.


A permanently cemented FPD may become loose because of: a- Insufficient retention in the abutment preparation. b- Deformation of the metal casting on the abutment.

c- Lack of embrasure space. d- Torque. ‫عزم الدوران‬ e- Passive contact of the pontic to the ridge lap. A. a,b B. a,b,d C. b,d,e D. c,d,e E. d,e


From properly mounted diagnostic casts, determination can made for fixed prosthodontic treatment planning concerning: a- axial alignment of the abutment teeth. ‫الروابط الجانبية للسنان المحضرة‬ b- Physical condition of the abutment teeth. ‫حالة السنان المحضرة‬ c- Gingival tissue contour and pocket depth. ‫محيط أنسجة اللثة وعمق الجيوب‬ d- Tentative design of abutment preparation. ‫التصميم المبديئي لتحضير السنان المحضرة‬ A. a only. B. a, b. c. C. a, b & d. *** D. b ,c, d. E. all of the above.


Which following condition in a FPD could cause porcelain bonded to metal to loosen (fractured/separated): a- removal of 0.7mm of bulk from facial surface of the abutment teeth. b- Contamination of the metal framework ( metal coping ). *** c- Baking the facing too rapidly. ‫تخبز ومجهي سريع مجدا‬ d- Insufficient mechanical locks. ‫غلق ميكانيكي غير كافي‬ e- a,b. f- a,b,c. g- b,c. h- b,c,d. *** i- d only. j- all of the above.

1413. a. b. c. d.

The porcelain metal bond is :

Chemical. Mechanical. a & b. *** ‫ ولكن الترابط الكيمياكئى أهم بكثير من الميكانيكى‬. None of the above.


A patient is missing a mandibular first molar, the maxillary molar has extruded approximately 2.8 mm into the space, periodontally is acceptable.

Restoring satisfactory occlusion with FPD will require: a- extraction of maxillary molar. b- Reducing and restoring the maxillary molar to normal occlusal plane. *** c- reducing and polishing the maxillary molar to normal occlusal plane. d- none of the ttt indication.


Which the following applies when selecting a shade for metalceramic restoration: a- it is a better select a shade with too low a value than too high a value if staining to be improve the match. b- it is a better to select a shade with too high a value than too low a value if staining is not to be used to improve match. c- The basic shade selected should be that of the middle third of tooth to be matched. d- None of the above.


To select shade of porcelain: a) one light. ( Under different light sources ). b) Before preparation. c) Wet tooth. d) Shade guide must be wet. C. b,c,d. ***


Cement producing mechanical bond with gold alloy:

A- GIC. B- Zinc phosphate cement. *** C- Zinc polycarboxylate cement. (Chemical bond) D- All of the above.


All expect one are present in Zinc phosphate cement liquid: a- Water. b- H2SO4. c- H3PO4. (38%) d- ALPO4. First Aid for The NBDE Part II 2008, Page 80 Zinc Phosphate Liquid are: H3PO4 38% , H2O 32%


The strength of Zinc phosphate cement is increased by increase powder/liquid ratio: a- true. *** b- false.

Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials Theory,Practice,and Cases 4Ed 2013,Page 98 The higher the powder/liquid ratio, the greater the strength, the lower the solubility and in general the better the cement on the other hand, working time increase and viscosity increase.


Zinc polycarboxylate cement is better than zinc phosphate cement

in: a- Compressive strength. b- Low solubility. c- Film thickness. d- Adhesion to enamel. *** ( Chemical bond & Biocompatible ). Clinical Aspects of Dental Materials Theory,Practice,& Cases 4Ed 2013,Page 104 Polycarboxylate cement bonds to tooth structure and this results in very little leakage It is not as acidic as zinc phosphate cement, is very biocompatible.


To create space for cement: a- Die space. *** ‫دى محدده وواضحة‬ b- Roughen of metal and tooth. c- Investment expansion ‫( لزم يقول انها بالزيادة‬Increase investment expansion ). d- Electro.


Patient with sensitivity may be due to: a- crack. *** b- gap between tooth and restoration.


In soldering PFM FPD, greenish staining on porcelain without effect glazing this staining due to: a- over heating firing. *** ( leading to silver releases from metal ) b- flux. (‫مادة لتسهيل اللتحام في الصناعات السنية )ةمسيل‬ c- Investment contact.


During try in and rocking ‫ يهز‬FPD, what will do: a- Gap will fill with cement. b- Adjust tooth preparation. c- Adjust metal and disconnect and soldering. *** ‫تعديل المعدن بفك الرتباط وتلحيمه‬


Cause of fracture porcelain bonding to metal: a- thick opaque. b- Occlusion on junction of porcelain and metal. ***


Most acceptable theory of bonding porcelain and noble metal: a- formation of base metal oxide. *** b- formation of noble metal oxide. c- Adhesion.


When porcelain is baked (‫ يخبز )يقسى بالحرارة‬against metal, it should possess a: a) high fusion expansion. ‫تمدد إنصهار عالي‬ b) high fusion temperature ‫ درمجة إنصهار عالية‬. c) Linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than but close to, that of the metal. *** ‫معامل تخطي للتمدد الحراري أقل لكن قريب من المعدن‬ d) linear coefficient of thermal expansion greater than but close to that of metal.


Reversible hydrocolloids exhibit the property of transformation from sol to gel and gel to sol as a function of the: a) concentration of the fillers and plasticizers. b) percentage of composition by weight of water. c) concentration of potassium sulfate. d) Temperature. *** ‫الحرارة‬ Sol. = Solution


The principal feature of a sealant that is required for success is: a) High viscosity. ‫اللزومجة العالية‬ b) Adequate retention. *** ‫تثبيت كافي‬ c) An added colorant to make the appearance slightly different from occlusal enamel. d) High strength ‫قو ة عالية‬.


The retention of a pin: a) increases as the diameter of the pin increases. *** b) Increases as the diameter of the pin decreases. c) Decreases as the diameter of the pin increases. d) The retension of a pin has nothing to do with the diameter of the pin.


In which of the following properties does a type IV partial denture gold alloy exceed ‫ يتجاوز أو يتفوق‬a base-metal partial denture alloy in numerical value ‫القيمة العددية‬: a) hardness.

b) Specific gravity. *** ‫الجاذبية الخادصة‬ c) casting shrinkage. ‫تقلص القالب‬ d) Fusion temperature . ‫درمجة حرارة النصهار‬ Base metal alloy better thank gold alloy in: 1.Hight strength & rigidity 2. wrought wire clasp


Within practical limits, when the water/powder ratio is increased beyond the recommended amount in mixing plaster ( or gypsum ) : ‫سواء ذكر البلستر‬ ‫ أو الجبس فالبلستر نوع من أنواع الجبس وهو أضعف نوع فيهم من حيث القو ة‬. a) Setting time is increased. b) Setting expansion is decreased. c) Compressive strength is decreased. d) All of the above. ***


An overload ‫ الحمل المفرط‬of the mucosa will occur if the: a) teeth used for replacement are non-anatomic ‫ السنان البديلة غير تشريحية‬. b) Bases covering the area are too small in outline. *** ( Or : denture bases are underextended ). c) Bases covering the area are too large in outline. d) Bases covering the area are overextended distally.


Overextension of a mandibular denture base in distobuccal area will cause dislodgement of the denture during function as the result of the action of the: a) masseter muscle. *** b) buccinator muscle. c) pterygomandibular raphe. d) lateral tendon of temporalis muscle.


The most important criterion ‫مقياس‬-‫ معيار‬for a gingival margin on a crown prepration is that: a) it is dull knife edge. ‫حافه حادة‬ b) its position is subgingival. ‫موقعها تحت اللثة‬ c) Its position is supragingival. *** ‫موقعها فوق اللثة‬ d) its position be easily discernible. ‫موقعها يكون سهل الرؤية والتمييز‬


A thin application of cavity varnish over the cut surface of a prepared tooth just prior to the cementation of a crown or a bridge with zinc phosphate cement will: a) Impede the seating of the restoration. b) Insulate the tooth against thermal change.

c) Increase the possibility of thermal sensitivity. d) Reduce the possibility of irritation of the pulp. ***


Metal-ceramic restorations may fail ‫ تفشل‬due to fracture of ceramic material. This can best be avoided if: a) occlusal forces are minimal. b) the metal is not over 0.5 mm thick. c) the ceramic material is at least 1.5 mm thick. d) The casting designed to reduce stress concentration in the ceramic material. ‫وعلى التخص نقطة التصال بين المعدن والبورسلين لنها أكثر عرضة للكسر‬


For a removable partial denture, the lack of indirect retention would be manifested ‫ يظهر كـ‬by: a) tissue ward movement of the distal extension base of the prosthesis. b) Movement away from the tissue of the extension base of the prosthesis. *** c) Settling of the major connector of the prosthesis. d) Lateral and medial movement of the extension base of the prosthesis.


The posterior palatal bar should be placed in a relationship: a) To incorporate the hamular notch on each side. b) Which is anterior to the junction of the movable and immovable soft palate. c) Which is posterior to the junction of the movable and immovable soft palate. *** ( posterior to the vibrating line ). d) Extending from one hamular notch to the other hamular notch across the fovea palatinae.


Most elicit painful area is: a) Gingival wall. b) Proximal wall. c) Pulpal wall. *** ‫مجدار اللب‬ d) None of the above.


Success of implant is 55 % in maxilla and 60 % in mandible: a) Both true. b) Both false. *** c) first statement true and second is false. d) first statement false and second is true. ‫ فى كل الفكين‬% 98 ‫ أنظمة الزرع الحديثة تحقق نسبة نجاح قد تصل الى‬.


Most common type of porcelain in dentistry: a) High fusion.

b) Medium fusion. c) Low fusion. *** ( low fusion or ultra low fusion ). d) All of the above.


Casting shrinkage ‫ النكماش‬of gold alloy IV related to: a) Thermal expansion. ‫ ( التمدد الحراري‬Compensates the casting shrinkage of gold alloys ). b) Coefficient of thermal expansion. c) None of the above. *** ( The cause is: thermal contraction )‫النقباض الحراري‬


Most common occurs due to denture: a) Sore spots. *** ( = Traumatic ulcers ). b) Angular chelitis.


Reversible hydrocolloid properties: ( Agar agar ): a) hydration. *** ‫ ) رفطب‬Hydrophilic:‫) محب للماء‬ b) dehydration. ‫جاف‬


Radiation stent used to locate the proper position of implant. Surgical stent makes some modifications to use as radiation stent: a. Both true. b. Both false. *** c. First true, second false. d. First false, second true. * Surgical stent is used to locate the proper position of implant. * Surgical stent does n’t used as a radiation stent.


Fiber composite FPD used for: ( Fiber post( ‫يقصد‬ a) posterior teeth. *** (and anterior teeth) b) Patient have allergic for metal. ( metal post ( ‫يقصد‬ c) None of the above.


Implant absolute not used for: a) patient takes radiotherapy.‫نستطيع عمل زراعة لهم تحت احتياطات معينة‬ b) Smoking. c) None of the above. *** ‫أسنان لهم نستطيع عمل زراعة‬


Patient takes radiation needing implant: a) wait 6 months. *** b) cessation of smoking. ‫انقطاع التدتخين‬

c) None of the above. d) Both of the above


Path of preparation depends on: ‫مسار التحضير يعتمد على‬ a) Esthetic. ‫الجمالية‬ b) Contour. ‫المحيط‬ c) Pulpal wall. ‫مجدار اللب‬ D. All of the above


Sequence of colour shade: a) Chroma, hue, value. b) Hue, chroma, value. c) Value, chroma, hue. *** *Value is determined first followed by chroma then hue. Munsell Colour System: Value: Brightness (lightness or darkness) Chroma: Intensity (the amount of the hue) Hue: the actual color (e.g. red, yellow, ..etc)

1452. aabd-

Crowns are to be placed on abutment teeth for a PD, then: Wax pattern contours should be surveyed. *** Crowns should be placed prior to surveying for clasp design. Wax pattern should carved to the original morphology. All of the above.


Before an accurate face-bow transfer record can be made, it is necessary to determine: a- The axial center of opening-closing rotation peoples. b- The inclination of each condoyle. c- The physiologic rest position. ‫وضع الراحة الطبيعي‬ d- Centric relation. e- All of the above.


The non-rigid connector may be used in FPD in those cases involving: a- Long span bridges replacing two or more teeth. b- Short span bridges replacing one missing tooth where the prepared abutment teeth are not in parallel alignment. *** c- Long span bridges opposing a mucosa- borne partial denture where the anterior retainer of the bridge strikes an opposing natural tooth, but the distal portion of the bridge is in occlusion with the removable partial denture.

d- Long or short span bridges where one of the abutment teeth has limited periodontal support.


Splinting of several teeth together as abutments for a FPD is done

to: a- Distribute occlusal load. *** (And resist lateral forces). b- Facilitate plaque control. c- Improve retention of the prosthesis. d- Preserve remaining alveolar support. E- Assure optimum design of embrasure.


Advantage of shoulder finishing line is: a- It provides enough thickness of porcelain. *** b- Make the margin of restoration obvious in impression. c- Assist the technician to locate the finish line on the die. ‫يجب ومجود تخيار كل ماسبق‬


Regarding gingival retraction, the following are true except one is false, the false is: a- Retraction by electro-surgery is contraindicated for patient with cardiac pacemaker. ‫ جهاز تنظيم ضربات القلب‬. b- It can be done by chemical, mechanical, and electrosurgery. c- Retraction cord impregnated ‫ مغموس‬in epinephrine is the best for all cases. ‫ ممنوع مع مرضى القلب‬. d- Retraction cord can't be used in severely inflamed gingival. First Aid for the NBDE Part II 2008, Page 72 Epinephrine 0.1, 0.8%: cause vasoconstriction & contraindication for cardic PT.


The most important property of cement for durable restoration: ‫تركيبة‬

‫داكئمة‬ a- Low co-efficient of thermal expansion. b- Compressive strength. *** c- Solubility in oral fluids. ‫يبقى دى اللى نختارها‬. Resistance to solubility in oral fluids ‫* لو قال هذه الصفة‬


The most retentive pin is: a- Cemented pins. ‫الوتد المثبت بالجبس‬ b- Self threaded. *** ‫وتد محلزن‬ c- Fictional type. ‫النوع المثبت بالضغط‬


The least preferable abutment for FPD is: a- Rotated and tipped tooth. b- Endodontically treated tooth. c- A tooth with short tapered root and long clinical crown. *** d- A tooth with little remaining tooth structure.


The use of amalgam post-core depends on: a- Remaining tooth structure. *** ‫بنية السن المتبقية‬ b- Width of root canal.


Correct incisal and gingival color of metal-ceramic restoration, the color may be modified by: 1- Use of stains. 2- Use of stained porcelain. ‫استخدام ملون البورسلين‬ 3- Re-firing at high temperature. 4- Changing the light reflection by grinding and re-polishing. a. 1 only. b. 1 and 2 only. *** c. 1,2 and 3. d. 2 only. e. 2 and 3 only. f. 4 only.


In which of the following ways do surface characteristics of porcelain affect the perceived form of the final restoration? ‫تتميز طبقة البروسلين بتأثيرها على الشكل‬ ‫المحسوس للستعاضة النهايئية‬ 1- A surface smoother than normal will give the impression of a larger size. 2- Horizontal highlights suggest increased length. 3- Vertical highlights give an illusion of width. 4- Changes in contour and resulting highlights can be used to alter the apparent long axis tooth. a. 1,2 and 3. b. 1,3 and 4. c. 1 and 4 only. *** d. 3 and 4 only. e. All of the above.


Which of the following contribute to the bonding of dental porcelain to metal casting alloys? 1- Metallic bonds. 2- Chemical bonding. 3- Adhesive bonds.

4- Mechanical bonding. a. 1 and 2 only. b. 1,2 and 4. c. 1,3 and 4. d. 2 and 4 only. *** e. 3 and 4 only. f. All of the above.


In an ideal centric occlusion, the mesio-facial cusp of the permanent maxillary first molar opposes the: a- Central fossa of the mandibular first molar. b- Mesial fossa of the mandibular first molar. c- Facial embrasure between mandibular second premolar and first molar. d- Sulcus of the disto-facial groove of the mandibular first molar. e- Sulcus of the mesio-facial groove of the mandibular first molar. ***


In children pulp damage is less frequent than in adults due to : a- Minor subluxation doesn't cut the blood supply. b- More hemoglobin content in children. c- Less nutritional deficiences.


Which of these is used for gingival contouring gingivectomy ): A. PK.2 B. PK.4 C. Bard Parker. *** ( surgical blades no. 11 & 12 ).



To increase the retention of full crown for a short molar: a. Use zinc phosphate. b. Retintive vertical groove. *** c. Shoulder finish line.


Pt. infected by anthrax ‫مرض الجمر ة الخبيثة‬, after examination, doctor should disinfect with: a. 12 % cholorihexiden. b. Antibacterial hand scrub. c. Non antimicrobial soap. *** ( Wash your hands with soap and water ). ‫ل تغسل‬ ‫ يديك بمضاد للجراثيم وانما بالماء والصابون فقط‬. ‫ لتطهير المكااان وليس الطبيب‬. Chlorine dioxide ‫وانما تستخدم‬


8 yr old pt. swollowed 10ml of 10% flouride, what the immediate

action: a. Ingest milk. *** ‫ابتلع حليب‬ b. Hospitalization. ‫إدتخاله المستشفى‬


Decrease the polymerization shrinkage of composite by : a. Incremental placement with increase time of curing. b. Incremental ‫ تزايد‬placement with high intensity ‫ كثافة‬light cure. *** ‫أعتقد أن السؤال ناقص‬


Pt. with sialolithiasis ‫ حصوات لعابية‬we want to take x-ray with ordinary film in order show the stone we should: a. Take x-ray in the same way as usual. *** ‫أتخذ الشعة بنفس الطريقة المعتادة‬ b. Increase the intensity of x-ray.


Retrograde filling is indicated in what condition: a. Max. central incisor with good filling with 9mm radiolucency. *** ( Apicectomy ‫ يقصد يعنى نعمل‬: ) b. Max. premolar with post and core buccal root with 4 mm short filling and radiolucency at the apex but the palatal root with good filling. c. 1st molar with MBR and DBR short filling and platal root with fracture instrument.


Apicectomy what is the right statement: 1. Incisor with an adequate RCT and 9mm lesion. *** 2. Lateral incisor with good condensing RCT but swelling and pain 14 day after the treatment, the tooth asymptom before the obturation. 3. First upper premolar with lesion on the buccal root.


2 walls defect in perio what is the best graft to treat this defect: a. Cortical freeze dried bone allograft. *** ‫ هذا هو النوع الفضل‬. b. Cancellous freeze dried bone allograft. c. All are the same. ‫ الثنين صح بس هو فطلب فى السؤال ما هو النوع الفضل‬.


Test for determinig the efficiency of sterilizing agent is:

a. Fungi. b. Virus. c. Bacteria. d. Bacterial spores. ***


Which of the following doesn't has damage effect on hand piece: A. Apply great pressure during use. B. Infrequent moisturization. *** ‫ ل تخرج ماء باستمرار أثناء تشغيلها وهذا يضر السن وليس الهاند بيس‬. C. Fall down of the head of the hand piece.


Pt. with lesion in the posterior of the tongue we want to take excisional biopsy how to pull the tongue forward: A. mennesota tongue retractor. ‫يستخدم لتومجيه اللسان والخد لناحية اليمين أو اليسار‬ B. mirror handle. C. Towel clip. *** (‫بيشد اللسان لبره أثناء أخذ )العينة‬ Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 3Ed 2012, Page 52 The tongue forceps are of two types: 1. Swab Holder: It may cause damage to the tongue 2. Towel clip: better than the swab holding variety as the tongue is traumatized at only one point.


Pedo pt. with extremely –ve behavior, to restrain the extremity: ‫طفل‬ ‫مريض سلوكه سيء مجدا لكبح شدة انفعاله‬ A. use mouth prope. ‫يعمل على ابقاء الفم مفتوحا‬ B. Belt. ‫حزام‬ C. Board. *** ( Papoose Board ). ( ‫تكتيف الجسم ) ربط اليدين والرمجلين‬ ‫المجابة تخاطئة حسب المرمجع وومجود مجواب ناقص‬ Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent 9Ed 2011, Page 468 The following are commonly used for protective stabilization: Body Papoose Board (Olympic Medical Corp., Seattle, Wash) Triangular sheet Pedi-Wrap (The Medi•Kid Co., Hemet, Calif) Beanbag dental chair insert Safety belt Extra assistant Extremities Posey straps (Posey Co., Arcadia, Calif) Velcro straps Towel and tape Extra assistant Head Forearm-body support Head positioner Plastic bowl Extra assistant


During anathesia what's true: A. The needle should be inserted before cartridge.

B. The needle cap is inserted before the stopper. C. Excessive force should be applied to allow insertion of the cartridge into the harpoon.


Vasoconstrictors are: a) Lidocaine. b) Adrenaline. *** d) Sulpha. c) All of the above.


When we extract roots we start with: a) Forceps. b) Periosteal elevators. (Used for reflecting the mucoperisosteal flap) c) Elevators. *** d) Needles. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 6Ed 2014, Page 76 -68 Periosteal elevator: used for elevating mucoperiosteum Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 3Ed 2012, Page 62 Elevators used to luxate the teeth from the socket prior to application of the forceps Periosteal elevators: used for reflecting the mucoperiosteal flap


In case of bad odor in the entrance of the pulp we: a) Extract the tooth. b) Remove the pulp. c) R.C.T *** ‫ بس مش هقفل الشغل كلو فى نفس الزيار ة وتحتاج غسول كثير فى زيارات متعدد ة‬. d) None. ‫السؤال غير مفهوم‬


Insulin is a medicine for: a) Hypertension. b) Cardiac diseases. c) Diabetes. *** ‫مريض السكر‬ d) Decrease in platelet count.


In case of infiltration we give: a) Anti inflammatory. b) Antibiotic. c) a and b. d) None. ***


For the mandible we prefer: a) Infiltration. b) Block. *** c) Intraossous. d) None.


Phosphoric acid is applied for: a) 10-20 seconds. b) 30-45 seconds. c) 20-30 seconds. d) None.


The lower teeth are supplied with: a) Maxillary nerve. b) Infra orbital nerve. c) Mandibular nerve. *** d) All of the above.


The main cause of inflammation of gingiva ( gingivitis ): a) Smoking. b) Calculus. c) Bacteria. *** ( OR: Bacterial plaque ). d) Fluoride.


The pregnant woman is suffering from: a) Gingival recession. b) Pregnant granuloma. *** c) Periapical abscess. d) None.

1491. a- 17 b- 18 c- 19 d- 20

Muscles of the tongue are: ***


Sterilization in autoclave: a- 20-30 minutes at 121 c. b- 2-10 minutes at 134 c. c- a+b. *** d- None. First Aid for the NBDE Part II, Page 339 Sterilization Autoclave 30min at 250 F (121 C) at 15 psi Sterilization Autoclave 3min at 134 C


Crossbite means: a- Upper teeth occlude inside the lower teeth. *** lingual to the lower teeth ). b- Upper teeth occlude outside the lower. c- a and b. d- None.


( Upper teeth occlude

The efficiency of the autoclave is decreased due to:

a- Sterilization without cleaning the instruments. b- Over loading. c- Dry blood on the instruments. d- All of the above. ***


The food which build new cells: a- Carbohydrates. b- Proteins. *** ‫البروتينات‬ c- Fats. d- Minerals.


Brushing of the anterior teeth from the lingual side is: a- Vertical. b- Horizontal. c- Oblique. *** ‫مجانبي‬ d- None.


When we delay the cleaning and sterilization of instruments we put it in: a- Holding solution. *** ( detergent ‫ منظف‬or water ) b- Sodium hypochlorite. c- a+b. d- None.


Before doing vitality pulp test, the tooth must be: a- Moist. b- Dry. *** c- Moist or dry not affect. d- None.


One plane labial reduction leads to: A. Overcounterd crown. B. Improved retention. C. Occlusal disharmony. *** ‫عدم التوافق الطباقي‬


Patient 3 years old had injury in the primary teeth, the permanent teeth are rarely undergo to: A. Micro abrasion in the enamel. B. Discoloration. C. Dilaceration. D. Partially stoppage of the root formation. *** ‫التوقف الجزيئي لتكون الروت‬


Galgavin-vermilion formula used in: A. Calculation of flouride in water according to temperature.


The punch hole in the rubber dam for a child is: a. small. b. medium. ‫ الحجم المفضل للفطفال بالنسبة للرابر دا م نفسه‬. c. large. *** ‫ بالنسبة لحجم فتحات الرابر دا م‬. d. the hole size isn't important. * Use the larger holes for the posterior teeth and smaller holes for anterior teeth, but use the largest hole than normal on the punch for the tooth to receive the rubber dam retainer. * But, a size 5 X 5 inch medium gauge rubber dam is best suited for use in children.‫ دا بالنسبة لحجم الرابر دام نفسه وليس الفتحات‬. . ‫ هقولو الحجم الوسط‬: ‫* يعنى لو مجاب سؤال وقال ما هو الحجم الفضل للرابر دام بالنسبة للطفال‬


The reason of separation or fracture of opaque layer in ceramo metal crown in gold: a. Technique not using conditioning material on opaque layer. b. Contact of occluion on opaque layer. *** ( due to thick opaque layer ).


Patient had intrinsic stain in anteriors you decide to put full veneer crowns porcelain fused to metal had irreversible pulpitis, you decide to make RCT and make access opening from palatal side. What is the most appropriate filling to do will not disturb the crown cementation: A) Reinforced cement and any appropriate filling. *** b) Towl. c) pin amalgam seal.


When we can put composite restoration in recently bleached tooth : A. After 1 week. ***


In prefabricated twisted pin in amalgam it should be go equaly into dentine alloy : a. one mm. b. two to three mm. *** c. five mm. d. only in enamel.

1507. a. b. c.

Inferior orbital fissure located: Lateral wall & floor of of orbit. *** ( between them ). The medial part of orbit. Between the two wings of sphenoid.


In standard instrument for proper work the cutting edge should be: a. perpendicular to the handle. *** ( cutting edge of the blade is at a right

angle to the handle of the instrument ). b. parallel to the handle. c. acute angle. d. inverted angle.


Which of the following not considered type of healing of fractured root: a. healing by bone deposition in proximity. b. healing by cementium deposition in proximity. c. healing by cementium and soft tissue in proximity. d. healing by soft tissue inflammation in proximity. *** ( healing by granulation tissue ).


6 years old came to u with carious lower molar sinus drainage: a. Pulp pathosis. *** ‫مجرثومة اللب‬


symptoms of congenital syphilis: A. Deafness, notch incisor, bolbous cuspless molar and oral pigmentation. ***


Treatment of grade 2 furcation involvement: A. Scalling, rooth planning, bone grafts with guided tissue regeneration GTR. ***


Stephan curve for plaque: Rapid drop under critical ph 5.5 followed by slowly raise. ***



Patients with high caries activity have low PH and the PH falls on the lower level: a. Carbohydrate retained to the tooth has prolonged effect. b. After rinsing by 10 % glucose, the PH falls within 2 – 3 minutes below the critical level of PH and remain for about 30 – 50 minutes. *** c. Fall the PH below the critical level of PH, the enamel can be remineralized.

1515. 1. 2. 3. 4.

For the prevention of mercury toxicity in the clinic put it in: Water. Sodium chloride. The appearance of radial. Fixer of radial. *** ‫المثبت الشعاعي‬


21 years old pt. has submandiular space infection swelling in 36 area and 38 is missing on radiograph he has radioloucency extend in 36,37,38

area with septal tubercula and root resorption: A. Keratocyst. B. Ameloplastoma. C. Dentegerous cyst. ***


Pt. has high mastication forces has caries on posterior teeth and he want only esthetic restoration: a. Composite with beveled margins. b. Composite without beveled margins. *** c. Light cured GI. d. Zinc phosphate cement.


Anomalis during initiation and profilration of tooth germ will lead to: a. Amelogenasis imberfecta. b. Dentinogenasis imberfecta. c. Dentinal dysplasia. d. Oligodontia. *** ‫نقص فى عدد السنان‬


Autoclaving technique is depending on: A. Dry heat. B. Steam heat. *** ‫حرارة البخار‬ C. Chemicals.


Radiographically interdental bone appears perpendicular to the CEJ,if the CEJ of many number of adjacent teeth are not in the same level, the interdental bone will appear or create angulations, the both statements are: a- First true. b- Both true. c- Both false. d- Second true.


Blade of periodontal instrument should be: A- Perpindicular to long axis. B- Parallel to long axis. C- Perpendicular to shank. ‫ درمجة‬90 ‫ وليس‬80-70 ‫بس مش فى كل الدوات لن ممكن تكون الدرمجة‬


Patient has ulcers on the cheek and lip and has bull's eye lesion ‫عين‬ ‫(الثور‬target) with surrounded odema and erythema on the hand and foot. What’s your diagnosis: A- herpetic ulcer.

B- bollus pemphigoid. C- erythema multiform. *** D- Behget's disease.


A 45 years old patient with badly broken upper second molar which will be extracted. After the dentist injected the local anesthesia, patient complaints from nausea ‫ & غثيان‬blood perssure became 100/70 ‫الضغط واطي‬. When dentist asks the patient about his medical condition he informs dentist that he is under ttt. of osteoarthritis. ‫التهاب مفادصل العظم‬ ?What is the cause of this condition .Hypotension .1 .Bronchial asthma .2 *** .Adrenal insufficiency .3 . ‫ على اساس ان المريض بياتخد كورتيزون وكان لزم يضاعف الجرعة قبل الخلع بساعة يوم الخلع‬3 ‫اتخترت‬

1524. a. b. c.

Compomer restorative materials are: Glass ionomer with polymer components. Resin systems with fluoride containing glasses. *** Composite resin for cervical restorations only.


Balanced occlusion refers to: a. The type of occlusion which allows simultaneous contact of the teeth in centric occlusion only. b. The type of occlusion which allows simultaneous contact of the teeth in centric and eccentric jaw positions. *** ‫ في العلقة المركزية و اللمركزية‬. c. A type of occlusion which is similar to the occlusion of the natural teeth. Dental Decks - page 548


Fractured tooth to alveolar crest, what's the best way to produce ferrule effect: A) Restore with amalgam core sub-gingivally. *** b) Crown lengthening. c) Extrusion with orthodontics.



‫ وضع حشوة مجلس أينومير بعد حشوة أملجم وحدث نقص في الحواف فما السبب والخيارات هي‬: 1- ‫ تحرير الفلور فورا من الجلس‬. 2- ‫ المينا امتصت الفلور‬. *** ( Enamel will absorb the fluoride ). - 3 . ‫تحرير النحاس من الملجم‬ 4- ‫ الهتراء‬.


Sequence of treatment planning: A. Opertive, endo, perio, surgery and ortho. B. Endo, perio, operative, surgery and ortho. C. Perio, endo, operative, surgery and ortho. D. B & C.


During the designing of a partial denture (lingual bar) in the lower arch for a a patient what will u start with: a- the upper border of the bar.*** b- inferior border of the bar. c- designing the rest seats location. d- extension of the denture base


A child with trauma and swollen lip for the last few days, no pain and teeth are good, what will u do next: a- take an x-ray of the lip to exclude any foreign object. b- cold packs to manage the swelling. c- anti inflammatory drugs.


When you do RCT and you want to prescribe an antibiotic. What's the drug of choice: A- clindamycine. B- erythromycin. C- penicillin. D- metronidazol. But, in the difficult cases: a combination of penicillin and metronidazol * .should be taken nd .The 2 choice is clindamycin and also given if there’s a penicillin allergy *


Child 10 years old came to you with truma on maxillary central incisor (before 36 hours) and has large pulp exposure. What will you do: A- pulpectomy with calcium hydroxide. B- pulpotomy with calcium hydroxide. C- direct pulp capping. D- extraction.


Child 3 years old with congenital heart disease and has deep caries with diffuse abscess and he transfered to hospital for special management. What they will give the child before start: A- endocarditis prophilaxis. B- intravenous antibiotic.

1534. 1234-

Apical foramen: content in the apex of root. detected by apexolocator. in the lateral canal. releted to orifice.


All these materials are used in the impression for partial denture with distal extention except: 1- plastic pearl. 2- elastic.

3- silicon. 4- ZOE.

1536. 1234-

All these causes xerostomia except: antidepressant agent. complete denture. radiotherapy. defect in salivary gland. ‫ لزم نختاره ولكن إن لم يكن مومجودا فإننا‬Non of the above ‫* كل التختيارات السابقة تسبب مجفاف الفم فإذا ومجد اتختيار‬ . ‫ وذلك لنه يعتبر أقل سبب لحدوث مجفاف الفم‬2 ‫سنضطر اتختيار رقم‬


Why we use caoh between visits in RCT: 1- antibacterial. 2- formation hard tissue. 3- primary seal. 4 - resorption pathology.


The ratio of organic to inorganic material is approximately the same

in: a- cementum and dentin. b- compact bone and cementum. c- spongy bone and dentin. d- alveolar compact bone and spongy bone. e- all of the above.


What can not diagnosed by radiography: a- proximal caries ‫تشخص بالشعة‬ b- Abscesses ‫تشخص بالشعة‬ c- Sever gingivitis ‫ل تشخص بالشعة‬


which of the following events occurs during dentinogenesis: A. Odontoblasts become long cuboidal. *** B. The matrix and proteoglycans maturate with collagen fibers.


Frankel appliance is used in: A. Prevent oral habit. B. Prevent cross bite. *** * Frankel appliance is an orthodontic appliance used to prevent cross bite and treat classes I, II or III malocclusions.


Enamel rods form the main structure of enamel, they extend from the DEJ toward the dental pulp: a. true. b. false. *** * Enamel rods = Enamel prisms. * Enamel rods ( enamel prisms ) form the main structure of the enamel. It’s the basic and the largest structural elements of the enamel. These rods

extend from the dentinoenamel junction DEJ toward the enamel.


8 years old child present to the clinic with a fractured crown of upper central incisor and the pulp is slightly exposed and bleeds superficially, Rx: 1- direct pulp cap. 2- pulpectomy. 3- pulpotomy. *** 4- apexification.


Fracture upper central incisor in 8 years old child with pulp exposure, management is: a. Apixification. b. Pulpotomy. *** c. RCT.


When removing moist ( soft ) carious dentin which exposes the pulp , dentist should: a. do direct pulp cap. b. do indirect pulp cap. c. prepare for endo. ***


Treatment of a periodontal abscess caused by a foreign body is: 1- gingivectomy. 2- antibiotics. 3- elimination of the pocket. 4- none of the above. *** * Treatment of a periodontal abscess caused by a foreign body is: elimination of the causative factor that’s the foreign body.

1547. 1234-

Stainless steel pins are used mainly in amalgam to enhance: retention. *** strength. resistance form. all of the above.


Stainless steel pin is used in amalgam for: a. Increase retention. b. Increase resistance. a. Increase strength. b. a and b. *** Pins increase both retention and resistance forms but mainly the retention. ‫ونفس الكل م تماما مع البوست‬Post


Buccal frenum:

a- the oral activities in this area are horizontal as well as vertical so wider clearance is usually needed. b- it is usually in the areas of the first premolars. c- the center of the denture will be a little narrow in this area due to the activity of the levator anguli muscle. d- the center of the denture will be a little narrow in this area due to the activity of the depressor anguli muscle. e- a, b and d. *** f- a, b and c.


The finishing line form on prepared tooth for metal ceramic crowns should be: a- sharp internal line angle f.l. b- marginal step f.l. c- feather edge f.l. d- chamfer, shoulder, or shoulder beveld f.l. ***


Which one of the following impression materials is inelastic ( rigid ), sets by acid base reaction: a- impression plaster. b- zinc oxide eugenol. *** c- alginate. e- thiokol rubber. * Zinc oxide eugenol impression material: is inelastic ( rigid ) material and its setting is done by a chemical reaction (acid base reaction).


Optimal & minimum crown root ratio and minimal acceptable ratio

is: a- 1:1 and 2:3 respictivly. b- irrelevant as long as there is no mobility. c- 3:2 and 1:1 respectively. d- 2:3 and 1:1 respictively. *** e- irrelevant as long as ants law satisefied.


The ideal crown to root ratio of a tooth be utilized as a bridge abutment is: a- 3:1 b- 2:1 c- 1:2 *** d- 1:1


Important part of the distal extention RPD that maintains the stability: A- Retentive arm. B- Reciprocal arm. C- Occlusal rest. D- Denture base. ***


The distal extention RPD receives its suppot: A. From terminal abutments. B. Mostly from residual ridge. *** C. Equally from abutments and residual ridges. D. Exclusively from residual ridge. E. Denture base.


The retraction cord displaces the tissue: a- laterally. b- apically. c- apically and laterally. *** * The retraction cord displaces the tissue apically and laterally 0.5 mm away from tooth preparation.


Chemomechanical tissue retraction: A. Displaces the gingival tissue laterally. *** B. Displaces the gingival tissue apically. C. Causes shrinkage of gingival tissue. D. Causes tearing of gingival tissue attachment. * ‫هذا النوع بالتحديد بيوسع النسجة جانبياااااااااااااااااااااااااا فقط‬ Chemomechanical tissue retraction = Chemomechanical retraction cord.


Which of impression materials has syneresis: ‫فقدان الماء‬ A. Alginate. *** B. Agar agar. C. Silicons. •Syneresis and impitition: ‫فقدان الماء وامتصاص الماء‬ occur in both alginate and agar agar but it’s more in alginate. ‫لو هناك خيار يجمع الخيار‬ ‫ الول والثاني سنختاره لكن لو أتى السؤال بهذه الصيغة سنختار الجابة الولى ان شاء ال‬.


Which one of the following materials undergoes syneresis? a. Alginate. *** b. Rubber Base. c. Polyether. d. Impression Compound. e. Silicone Rubber.


Which one of the following impression materials is elastic, sets by a physical reaction, and is subject to syneresis and imbibition? a. Irreversible Hydrocolloid. b. Reversible Hydrocolloid. *** c. Polysulfide Rubber. d. Condensation Silicone. e. Polyether.


Which material undergoes to hysteresis: A. Irreversible hydrocolloid.

B. Reversible hydrocolloid. *** C. Impresssion plaster. D. Metallic oxide paste. Reversible hydrocolloid = agar agar. Irreversible hydrocolloid = alginate. Reversible and Irreversible hydrocolloids ( agar agar and alginate ) are elastic impression materials and have the properties of syneresis and imbibition. But the difference between them: Agar agar sets by a physical reaction and this reaction is reversible. Alginate sets by a chemical reaction and this reaction is irreversible. Syneresis and imbibition are more in alginate than in agar agar. Only, agar agar has the property of hysteresis. Alginate is the least accurate impression material.


Which is the least accurate impression material: A. Agar agar. B. Alginate. *** C. Compound. D. Silicone.


Which is the most accurate impression material: A. Agar agar. B. Alginate. C. Compound. D. Silicone. *** * Silicone = Additional type silicone = Polyvinyl siloxane .


Zinc phosphate cement thickness to be between: a- 13 - 35 um. b- 25 - 40 um. *** c- 60 - 100 um. d- Thickness acceptable is not specified. * The maximum thickness for a type I zinc phosphate cement is 25 um. * The maximum thickness of a type II zinc phosphate cement is 40 um. * But, the thickness of zinc phosphate cement to provide effective thermal insulation ( zinc phosphate cement base ) should be between 0.5 – 1 mm.


Denture pressure on the papilla can cause: a- parathesia. b- pain. c- burning sensation. d- relief should be provided. e- all of the above. ***


The most common difficulty associated with patients suffering from neuromascular disorders in construction of complete denture is: a- recording jaw relation. ***

b- difficult in impression making. c- difficult in arrangement of posterior teeth. d- difficult in border molding the impression.


Immediate denture serves many of the following except one: a- maintanance of the patient appearance. b- improving the appearance of the patient. *** c- restoring adequate function of proprioception. d- less ridge resorption occurs.


Etiology of subpontic osseous hyperplasia: ( OR subpontic exostosis ) a- Chronic irritation. b- Exessive functional stresses. *** ‫ يعنى لو فى اختيار يجمع بينهما فطبعا هنختاره بس لو لز م نختار اختيار واحد فقط يبقى هنختار الختيار الثانى ان‬.. ‫الختياران صحيحان‬ ‫شاء ال‬ * Subpontic osseous hyperplasia: developed more in posterior mandibular bridge. Etiology of subpontic osseous hyperplasia: 1. Chronic gingival irritation. 2. Exessive functional stresses.


Constituant of alginate which is insoluble is: a- calcium alginate. *** b- sodium alginate. c- sodium sulfate.


The most common type of odontogenic cyst is the:

OR The most common type of inflammatory odontogenic cyst is: A. Dentegirous cyst. B. Periapical cyst. *** C. Odontogenic keratocyst. D. Residual cyst. * Periapical cyst = Radicular cyst = Dental cyst.


The most common type of developmental odontogenic cyst is the: A. Dentegirous cyst. *** B. Periapical cyst. C. Odontogenic keratocyst. D. Residual cyst. * The most common odontogenic cyst is the periapical cyst (radicular cyst / dental cyst). * The second most common odontogenic cyst is the dentigerous cyst (follicular cyst).

* The third most common odontogenic cyst is the keratocyst (primordial cyst).

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