Skin Care Recipes

January 3, 2017 | Author: anky | Category: N/A
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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty:

Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes

Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty

Disclaimer The recipes in this book are for informational use only. Nothing in this book is a substitute for medical advice. If you have a skin condition or health problem, problem, consult your personal health care provider.


Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC

Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty

Table of Contents Introduction 4 Chapter 1. The Problem: Dangers of Commercial Skin Care 9 Chapter 2. The Solution: Create Your Own Natural Skin Care Treatments 19 Chapter 3. The Facial Recipes: Masks, Scrubs and More 29 Chapter 4. The Moisturizing Recipes 45 Chapter 5. The Recipes For Under Your Eyes 55 Chapter 6. The Recipes: Massage Oils 65 Appendix: Glossary of Skin Care Terms 73 References 85 Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty



ave you noticed? You continue to use cosmetics… products promising you an acne-free life, anti-aging results, smoother glowing skin….

But the more you use these products, the fewer results you see. If you're like millions of other people, you may begin to feel they only prove to be a waste of both your money (the best of these products come with a hefty price tag!) and your time. There very well could be something else that is being "wasted," too… your very health. It's true!

Every year, Americans buy nearly 50 billion dollars worth of cosmetic products. The cosmetic and skin care industry is definitely a huge market. It includes the soaps and gels we use every day, as well as acne treatments, anti-aging skin products, deodorants, moisturizers… well, you get the point. From the looks of things, there appears to be no end in sight when it comes to market growth. Each and every year, thousands of new treatments are created, tested, and brought to market. But if they aren't improving your skin, reducing your acne symptoms, smoothing your skin, reducing or lessening the

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty effects of wrinkles… then what’s the use of your skin care rituals?

Even the so-called natural and organic cosmetics seem to carry potential dangers -- despite the soothing assurances of commercials and manufacturers.

Our largest organ: organ: Barrier or sponge? One of our misconceptions of our skin -- our body's largest organ -- is in the fundamental function it plays. Many of us (including me for the longest time) think of it as a barrier. It keeps environmental toxins from entering our body. It protects us in the winter from the effects of the cold. It guards us in the summer from the ravages of the UV rays of the sun. This is a misconception we need to correct. Your skin acts more like a sponge, soaking up everything it comes in contact with. If you put cosmetics on it with less than healthy -- even toxic -ingredients, guess what happens? All the potentially toxic items soak directly into your skin and into your system. Surely there must be a better way to make you look and feel better without putting your health on the line everyday!

Toxic free skin care Right at your fingertips What if I told you there were products available that are natural, and many times organic that wouldn’t harm your skin or endanger your health?

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty What if I told you there were products you can use and be absolutely sure of the ingredients you were using? What if I told you the ingredients for these outstanding skin care remedies are waiting for you right now in your very own kitchen? All you need to do is gather the items and make them. Are you crazy, you ask? No, I'm not. They aren't difficult to create and the advantages of these treatments are huge! What could homemade skin care recipes do for you? Consider these results, the very same ones that you see advertised on television and in magazine pages: • • • • •

Hasten collagen production Improve your skin's moisture content Boost your skin's ability to protect itself from environmental toxins Reduce the effects of free radicals that can damage your skin Encourage and stimulate the renewal and repair of your skin cells

If you believe you're incapable of making such therapies, think again. It doesn't take much time, it doesn't take any fancy equipment, and it doesn't take much space. You could even get started today!

Where should should you start? With the recipes in this book! Okay, you’re considering the health advantages and thinking about the relative ease of making your own skin care products. But even if it’s true, where should I start? I have no directions or recipes for such products. That's where this book comes in. Now you do. This book is a compendium of some of the easiest and most effective skin care therapies around. They are easy to create and they all come with years of proven use. Many of these formulas have been

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty handed down for generations from grandmother to mother to daughter. Many of these recipes were created by professional herbalists who studied for years and put their wisdom to use devising the most effective remedies. Imagine pulling honey and milk out of your kitchen cabinet, perhaps adding a smidgen of one or two other ingredients, and making a moisturizer that makes your skin radiantly beautiful and healthy. That's what this book comes down to. It provides you with starter recipes for facial scrubs, moisturizers, and more! I say starter recipes because once you become experienced in creating these easy treatments, you'll experiment to find the perfect proportions for your personal skin type. As well you should. The number one advantage of making your own therapies is so your skin can receive the optimum beneficial effects possible.

More than just A recipe book! But this book is more than that! Chapter 1 discusses The Problem: the inherent dangers of the modern cosmetics industry. I provide you with only a handful of potentially dangerous and toxic ingredients included in almost every commercially available treatment. Some of these items are even found in products proudly proclaiming their naturalness and their organic nature. With a little more research of your own, you can discover even more dangers, deceits, and damages you can expect from these products. In Chapter 2, I present you with The Solution: the inherent advantages of creating your own recipes, therapies, and treatments. I've included directions for making facial scrubs and

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty masks, moisturizers, under eye treatments, and even soothing massage oils. Many of these require only the items you probably have in your kitchen cabinets right now. Some of these treatments use natural herbs. If you grow an herb garden, you may be lucky enough to have these herbs right outside your kitchen door. If not, don't worry. Fresh herbs (which are highly recommended) can be found at local herbal shops and many health food stores. But think about this. If you intend to create these treatments for the long term, you may want to consider growing your own herbs. You can start small with a windowsill garden. Then you can always expand to a small outside garden. But that's for later down the road. Right now, let's get started by arming you with vital information about the dangers of the state of the modern American cosmetics industry. Then we'll talk about the ease and advantages of creating your own skin care items! Follow me to Chapter 1. Together we'll discover some of the dirty little secrets to the cosmetics industry and its potential dangers to you and your family!

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty

Chapter 1 The Problem: Dangers of Commercial Skin Care Products Beauty may be only skin deep, but the items you use to make yourself beautiful soak into your skin creating potential -- and deadly serious -- health care problems. Clearly more than beauty is at stake here.



ere's a quick anatomy quiz…

What is the largest organ in your body? Believe it or not, it's your skin. Yep! It's definitely considered an organ, ranking right up there with your liver, kidneys, and other organs vital to maintaining your health.

Did you ever really view your skin -- all 20 square feet of it, give or take some -- from that perspective? As one of the major lines of defense against infection? Well, it is. In fact, your skin is the major line of defense. If you thought about your skin as protection before now, you may have envisioned it as a barrier. But that's not really an accurate perspective.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Your skin acts more like a sponge, indiscriminately soaking up and transferring whatever you put on it. When it comes to commercial skin care products, this usually means "foreign substances." At least, that’s how your body views them. Healthy skin is far more important than we realize. But yet few of us pay much notice to the commercial products we use to cleanse and moisturize with. According to some health experts, our skin is attacked and stressed every day, barraged by the myriad of substances we use to clean and help it to look healthy. Most of which is performed in the name of beauty. Of course, there's nothing wrong with striving to look as attractive as you can. But at what price are we, as a society, paying for this quest for beauty and youthfulness?

More than beauty


Is at stake! As it turns out, the price could very well be our health. That's right! Consider this: we're putting substances on our skin that we would never dream of eating. (Not knowingly, at least!) Are you aware that the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has a list that contains some 10,000 cosmetic and skin care ingredients that you can find right now in your bathroom? You take for granted that they've safe. But more than a whopping 90% of them have never been tested for safety. Nope. Not by the FDA. Not by any other publically accountable institution. Hmm. Makes you think, doesn't it?

The European Union And cosmetics Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC

Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty By contrast, the European Union has already banned more than 1,000 ingredients used in personal and skin care products. Yes, 1,000! How many ingredients has the FDA banned? Only 10! Just a one hundredth of those that Europe has found to be risky. But the European organization is just beginning. It's still looking into potentially dangerous, damaging, and downright deadly ingredients. If the substance is even suspected of causing cancer, birth defects, or other health problems, officials overseas challenge the ingredients' safety.

Commercial Commercial skin care products: Improving or damaging? damaging? There's a bitter irony to all of this. It’s a proven fact that the greater quantity of synthetic, damaging ingredients in a skin care product -- from soap to moisturizers -- the less effective they actually are. The greater the amount of non-natural substances in your bath scrub, for example, the less likely it is that it's actually providing you with cleaner, clearer, and healthier skin. And if you're looking for that radiant glow, well, you can just forget about it. Have you ever indulged yourself to a visit to an elite beauty spa? If you have, you've probably noticed that these establishments rarely -- if ever -- put any of the commercial, synthetic-based products on your skin. Instead, they often have their own private-label products. Or products they create especially for use at the spa. What are these skin care products made of? You guessed it! All natural ingredients! Now that sets your mind thinking.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty

What makes Synthetic skin care So dangerous? dangerous? Now that I've got you asking questions, you're no doubt wondering exactly what it is that makes commercial synthetic skin care products so damaging. What do they possess that poses a health risk to us? First, I'll give you a quick overview of a few of the ways ordinary, seemingly harmless products are damaging your skin and your health. Then I'll dig into some of the more toxic specific ingredients.

Think acne medication. medication. Harmless? Think again! And again. Many acne treatments actually make your skin extremely sensitive to the sun. This in turn may cause complications with sun overexposure while you or your teen is wearing them. Studies have even showed these chemicals are present in the biopsies of breast cancer patients. This left many scientists wondering if the parabens actually caused the breast cancer. Of course, I need to add there is no proof of this! The problems extend even to gels and soaps -- items we depend on everyday to clean us. Many commercial soaps contain something called sodium laureth sulfate. You've probably never heard of it. But, nonetheless, it's irritating to your skin. Many of these soaps also contain a substance called parabens (you may be more familiar with this) that actually penetrate the skin. Remember, we said the skin acts more like a sponge than

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty a barrier! Once parabens get into your body, they stay there and slowly damage your system. Actually, parabens are a chemical preservative in addition to being a fairly common additive in cosmetics and skin care products. They’re also (believe it or not!) found as a food additive as well!

Parabens: Found in more than 13,000 products! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that this class of chemical is the most widely used family of preservatives in cosmetics today. It's found in some 13,200 skin care ingredients! And if you think that the products you're using are parabens-free because they're labeled "organic," think again. Yep! Parabens have raised their ugly faces even here. All you need to confirm this is to read the labels on your shampoos, your makeup and hair care products, your moisturizers, and even your shaving products. When you read the labels, though, be vigilant for prefixes before this word, especially methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl. They are all types of parabens. Just how dangerous could this chemical preservative be? Parabens are linked to a greater risk of breast cancer in women. These substances soak into your skin, lingering in your body and apparently setting into the breast tissue, according to the Women's Community Cancer Project of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Once they’re in your system, parabens begin what's called "estrogenic activity." This means they mimic the hormone estrogen. And estrogen is believed to stimulate breast cancer activity.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty In a nutshell, the parabens actually fool your body into thinking there's more estrogen present than there really is. In the process, they raises your risk of breast cancer.

Sulfates: The most dangerous Substances Substances you've never heard of You’ve probably heard of them, but I'm sure you never thought that this family of chemicals could have a very real effect on your health. As the research unfolds, sulfates could be related to such health conditions as premature baldness, the formation of cataracts, and contact dermatitis. Some research even shows that sulfates may be even responsible for the development of certain environmental cancers. Now these chemical additives are hitting home -- and hard! Scientists seem to agree. The most dangerous of this family is called sodium lauryl sufate. It's a detergent that is found in a whopping 90 percent all shampoos on the market today. You may also see it listed as sodium docecyl or sodium laureth sulfate. Just one serious concern about this chemical is in its apparent association with the development of cancer. In this case, the sulfate reacts with the ingredients in the cosmetic product, forming a potent carcinogen. Even if you're just shampooing with a product that contains this ingredient, it can be absorbed into your body. Ironically, the use of skin care treatments with sulfates often end up irritating the skin you're trying to maintain and save. This occurs, according to researchers, because the sulfate can literally knock down your skin's barrier. Not only that, but it also has the ability to enhance allergic responses to other toxins you may have, as well as damaging

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty and altering skin cells. The end result? A roughness that ends up in a severe modification of the skin.

The alternative: Buy natural brands? That’s your first instinct. Normally, it's a great reaction. But there's only one problem: even brands labeled as "natural" may have this dangerous substance lurking inside. So there's no two ways about it. You have to become a vigilant label reader -- or dare I suggest it? -- make your own skin care treatments!

What the heck is Propylene Glycol? In a word: trouble. It's another ingredient that is both ubiquitous and dangerous. More dangerous than you may guess. And just as with the sodium lauryl sulfate, there's an irony to this chemical as well. Look at just about any skin care treatment at your local drug store or grocery store. You'll see propylene glycol listed on a myriad of types of products: beauty creams, cleansers, makeup, and more! It might give you a start to think that this same substance is also used in other industries as well. It's an ingredient in anti-freeze, airplane de-icer, and brake fluid. Hmm. Here's the kicker. Every chemical comes with information that's commonly called a Material Safety Data Sheet, or MSDS. And one of the cautions listed on this sheet for propylene glycol is simply: "Avoid skin contact." Hmm. (Again!)

You've got to be kidding?! How could this be? Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Okay, you say, how could a small amount of this chemical possibly affect my health? You’ve probably been using this "small amount" of the chemical for most of your life. It was first added to many cosmetics more than 30 years ago! This substance has been linked with not only contact dermatitis, but kidney damage and liver abnormalities in the latest research. Not only that, but propylene glycol has been linked to triggering seizures in epileptics and to cardio-respiratory arrest. Propylene glycol is also associated with premature aging of the skin. Scientists estimate that for every decade you actually use this product, your skin is aging 13 years! The very products you're depending on to help retain your youthful skin are causing it to age beyond its years.

Only two out of . . . Who really knows? These are only two substances that are linked with adverse health conditions. There are many more out there. Far too many to relate in this format. But, I've listed another eight more dangerous ingredients you may want to be alert to. These are found in nearly all skin care treatments and other cosmetics. 1. Phthalates. Unpronounceable? Not quite, they're pronounced as THAY-lates. (Yes, both the initial "P" and "h" are silent!) This is a group of synthetic chemicals use to stabilize fragrances. These chemicals are also said to make plastic more pliable. This substance has been linked to kidney damage, problems with the liver, and problems with the lungs. The sad statistic is that approximately 5 percent of women between the ages of 20 and 40 carry more than 45 times more phthalates in their bodies than previous thought. This statistic comes directly from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty 2. Ureas. These are preservatives and there are a variety of them lurking in your skin care treatments. They come in the form of diazolidninyl urea and imidazolidinyl urea. These preservatives can potentially release formaldehyde in small amounts. Researchers cite ureas as the major cause of contact dermatitis. But more than that, high concentrations can produce joint pain, depression, headaches, chest pains, and ear infections as well as chronic fatigue, dizziness, and sleep problems. Some health experts estimate that up to 20 percent of individuals exposed to ureas experience some type of allergic reaction. 3. Petrochemicals These, as the name implies, are derivatives of crude oil. They can come labeled as petrolatum, mineral oil, and paraffin. These petrochemicals basically suffocate your skin, not allowing it to breathe. The effect is the clogging of your pores. 4. MEA/DEA/TEA These amines, or ammonia compounds, sound harmless in their abbreviated forms. But they're nothing of the sort. Once in your body, they have the potential to create harmful nitrosamines. This occurs when they meet a nitrate. These ingredients are used as foaming agents and synthetic stabilizers. They are also used to adjust the pH level of many cosmetics. So just how dangerous are they? They not only cause allergic reactions, and eye irritation, but they can also dry out your hair and skin. I'm sure the irony isn't lost on you. Products you buy to soften your skin only end up drying it out more! 5. Chemical sunscreens When you read the label on your cosmetics, you'll see these listed as oxybenzone and octylmethoxycinnamate. They're

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty known to disturb your body's endocrine activity -- the functioning of your hormones! 6. Quats Yes, it is a strange name. The name would even be funny, if the substances weren't so dangerous to your body! Examples of quats include benzalkonium choloride, steardimonium chloride, cetrimonium bromide, and cetrimononium. Whew! These substances are definitely a mouthful. They are added to cosmetics to prevent static. The chemical compounds can cause a spectrum of health problems, from skin and respiratory irritation to severe caustic burns on your skin and gastrointestinal lining. 7. Antibacterial compounds These compounds include triclosan and chlorphenesin. There are two major problems with them. First, they don't break down in the environment. And second, continued use of these are known to contribute to the growing resistance of bacteria to treatment with antibiotics. 8. Coal tar Coal tar? Even the name sounds bad! Why in the world would they be in cosmetics. They're needed in commercial cosmetics to help create synthetic colors. Coal tar contains heavy metal salts that can be deposited into your skin. The result can be skin sensitivity and irritation. Studies on animals show that they can be carcinogenic, or cancer-causing. You probably won't see the word coal tar on the label of your store-bought skin care product, but you'll know, without a doubt, it's included if you find "FD&C" or "D&C" followed by a color and a number on the label! Yes, you'll even find some of these ingredients in so-called natural products. So what are you supposed to do? Why not

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty make your own skin care products. It's much easier than you think.

Banish all doubt about safety! When you create your recipes you also have the peace of mind of knowing full well what your treatment is made from. Never thought about? Read on to the next chapter to learn a little more about the process.


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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty

Chapter 2 The Solution: Create Your Own Natural Skin Care Treatments How do you avoid the potentially dangerous products? By making your own, of course. It's easier than you think. You may even have many of the necessary ingredients already in your kitchen!


o how do you avoid all these potentially dangerous synthetic ingredients? You could become a diligent label reader, but you'd no doubt find there are few products on the shelves today that are fully natural -- despite the advertising hype surrounding them.

More people than ever before are solving this problem by creating their own skin care products. Yes! Perhaps you've never considered this before. You're probably thinking right now that you're no chemist. Actually, you don't need a doctorate in chemistry to create your own natural skin care treatments. After all, you're not going to use any of those chemicals that commercial manufacturers use.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty No, when you create your own recipes, you use nothing but natural ingredients. And when we say natural, we mean it. In fact, many of the ingredients in these recipes can be found right now on your kitchen shelves.

Why make your Own skin care treatments? There are really two reasons for you to consider creating your own treatments to pamper your skin -- and believe me, you really will feel a wondrous difference from the commercial produced items you've been using! First is the fact that the treatments, lotions, and cosmetics you buy in the store are far more dangerous to not only the health of your skin, but to your entire system.

Natural is Better than synthetic But there's a second reason as well. All commercially derived products contain sophisticated and complex substances that are actually beneficial to your skin. They include antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, enzymes as well as a host of phytochemicals. Well, you say, that's a good thing. Right? Well, it would be but… ….when they are duplicated synthetically, as they more often than not are in these store-bought products, they are far less effective than the natural versions. Ask any professional herbalist and he'll tell you the same thing. The chemical ingredients in herbs actually work in harmony to create an amazing ability to actually rejuvenate your skin. Herbal-based treatments are far more effective than the ones the cosmetic companies churn out.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty When you pluck out certain substances which have been identified as the active ingredients and then create them synthetically instead of using natural ingredients, you lose quite a bit of the effectiveness. Think of it as using vitamins or eating healthy. It's always better to have a good diet than to rely solely on vitamin tablets -especially synthetic vitamins -- for your nourishment.

An ancient art Being revived Homemade skin care therapies are more popular than ever. But few people think about the history of such treatments. You can trace naturally made cosmetics as far back as ancient civilizations. The ancient Greeks, for example, used honey as a moisturizer, keeping their skin soft and youthful. But more than that, honey acts as a natural antibacterial agent. How cool is that? It's believed that the Egyptian ruler -- and beauty -- Cleopatra routinely soaked in a rose petal and milk bath to soften her skin. By the way, scientific research has recently confirmed her wisdom. Studies have proved the astounding rejuvenating properties of rose petals, along with rose hips. But honey and milk aren't the only items that can soften the skin. For example, Italians have been known for centuries to soften their skin with olive oil.

Getting started Is easier than you think! Interested in creating a few recipes of your own to see how they work? If you make one recipe, I guarantee that you'll soon be on your way to making your own personal line of products. Your

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty skin will be healthier and more radiant than ever before. I wouldn't be surprised if friends and family comment on your "new look." In fact, your entire family can benefit from these amazing homemade recipes. The therapies range from moisturizers to soaps to deodorants. I wouldn't be surprised if you started giving some of your favorite skin-care treatments to friends and family as gifts! Wouldn't that be a unique present?

Getting started Is a breeze! So, just how do you get started? First, to make the most effective treatments, you'll need to use fresh ingredients. Since many of these therapies involve herbs, stock your kitchen up with fresh, potted herbs. You may even already be growing some in your garden now. If so, that's great. You'll also want to stock your kitchen shelves with the most popular skin care ingredients. Now you're ready to mix your own skin care products. Don't worry, you don't have to run out to the grocery store and buy every item immediately. Take an inventory of the ingredients you already have, then slowly stock up on the ones you'll need in the future. You can simply add several items to your grocery list on a weekly basis. Some of the most common items used in homemade cosmetics include: • • • • • •

Aspirin (Yes, Aspirin! The uncoated type.) Citrus fruits Dairy products Eggs Honey Oatmeal

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty • • • • •

Olive oil Sugar Salt Tea bags Vinegars

In addition to these ingredients, you'd be wise to buy a funnel for your recipes -- it makes the process a lot easier -- and a small colander or strainer. You'll also want several small glass or plastic containers for your new treatments. Also a small spray bottle for facial mists and a bottle for toners.

Benefits of Specific, natural natural ingredients ingredients Individually, the specific ingredients these recipes are made with do more than merely counter the adverse effects of synthetic contents of commercially made products. They provide your skin with vitamins and minerals needed for radiant beauty and robust health. Let's just look at a few of these items. From this short review, you'll get a good idea of how making your own cosmetics can improve your long-term beauty and health.

Green Tea: More than just a beverage! We'll start with green tea. We all know that drinking several cups a day can help reduce your risk factor of developing many degenerative diseases -- that is, diseases associated with the aging process. But few of us give green tea much if any thought as an aid for skin care treatments. But it's true! Here's why.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty First, green tea contains potent antioxidants. These substances are known to help battle "free radicals" in your system, which are responsible for the aging process. But antioxidants contain antiseptic qualities, anti-inflammatory abilities, as well as the capability of fighting viral and fungal infections. But green tea can do even more than that as part of a homemade skin care remedy. Just look at the following health, beauty, and skin care benefits of green tea: • • • • • •

Lowers your risk of acquiring rheumatoid arthritis Heals minor cuts, rashes, spots, and other blemishes Reduces acne Provides a youthful appearance Treats sunburn Slows the signs of gaining


Oatmeal Oatmeal contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals to nourish your skin. It also gently cleanses and heals the skin. It's a natural aid in relieving dry skin by adjusting your skin's natural moisture. This particular natural ingredient is also used in skin-care treatments as a natural exfoliate, helping to clear dead skin cells from your body. You'll also discover oatmeal in some facial masks. It helps to clean out your pores without irritating or drying your skin.

Banana The television commercial tells us the banana is the perfect food. It's not just for eating, though. The same vitamins that make it a potent health food also make it an amazing skin care tool. The

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty fruit contains vitamin A among other antioxidants and is rich in potassium. You'll find plenty of recipes in this book that employ bananas as a vital ingredient. There's good reason for that. The inclusion of this fruit helps to soften your skin. It's also been used as an aid in clearing acne.

Eggs From the ancient Chinese to modern celebrity use, the incredible, edible egg is also an incredible skin care ingredient as well. The egg, as you may already be aware, contains lecithin. Among its health benefits is the fact that it’s a natural skin emollient, which works at softening your skin. But that's just a small portion of how eggs can improve the health of your skin. Many individuals have that discovered facial masks using eggs are wonderful at reducing acne. The egg also helps to firm your skin, reduce any redness and inflammation.

Honey This natural sweetener is sweet for your skin! It helps to maintain its natural acid mantle. In addition to containing sugar, it also is possesses necessary enzymes and an abundance of health-giving vitamins and minerals. It's rich in amino acids to help improve the health of your skin. Consider also that honey is a natural antiseptic, which gives it astounding healing properties. It's also an amazing natural cleansing agent.

7 Vital Skin Care Tips Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Now that you're considering making your own homemade skin care remedies, here are just a few tips on how to use them. It's always best to get into a routine when it comes to any health issue. It's just as important that you develop definite habits when it comes to personal skin remedies. You can start with a few of the easier ones. As you go along, you may develop a more specific routine that suits you better.

Homemade Skin Care Tip #1 Exfoliate Every Evening Once you wash your face at night, exfoliate! Be sure to use a delicate scrub. If you haven't yet made an exfoliating recipe or are temporarily out, you can easily exfoliate with just sugar or oatmeal. It's as easy as that!

Homemade Skin Care Tip #2 Use Facial Masks This step many of us (including myself) are guilty of ignoring. Perhaps it's the image television shows portray of women who practice this. Perhaps we don't want to look silly in front of spouses or endure the endless kidding of our children. Well, just forget about those possible consequences and employ masks anyway! It's a marvelous tool to keep your skin looking beautiful. I've even written one chapter dedicated to mask recipes. So, indulge! You deserve it!

Homemade Skin Care Tip #3 Use Moisturizer and Plenty of It I didn't learn the benefits of moisturizer until I was older. Fortunate are the women who start using them when they're younger. Why? Mostly because your skin actually craves moisturizers.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Many skin care experts recommend you use moisturizers at night, so they can penetrate your skin undisturbed. These same experts suggest that you "treat" your skin to applications of alpha hydroxyl acids, vitamins A or C, and then put on the moisturizer. In this way these treatments are sure to be absorbed into your skin.

Homemade Skin Care Tip #4 Treat Your Skin with Care Even though you're using natural homemade ingredients, treat your skin gently. Don't act roughly when you clean your skin. Just because we call them facial scrubs, doesn't mean you should be scrubbing your skin the way you do the kitchen floor! If you treat your skin gently, you'll decrease the odds of damaging it and acquiring wrinkles. Seems like an easy thing to do considering the consequences.

Homemade Skin Tip #5 Protect Your Skin From Direct Sunlight I'm not saying you need to shirk the sun like a vampire. But you definitely need to take precautions, especially when you sunbathe. (Yes, I know you're going to do it!) Before you venture outside, for example, cover your skin with all the proper lotions. You may also want to avoid the tanning booths. Far too many individuals get addicted to this method. Their skin gets golden brown, yes, but it also gets dried out and it increases their chances of developing wrinkles. Worse yet, it still comes with all the dangers of real sunlight, including that of skin cancer!

Homemade Skin Care Tip #6 Eat Fresh Foods

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty What you put into your system shows up in the health of your skin. But you probably already know that in a limited way. Many individuals avoid chocolate because it worsens their acne. It should come as no surprise, then, that proper nutrition should help improve the appearance of your skin. This tip may be one of the most important suggestions you'll ever receive!

Homemade Skin Tip #7 Drink Plenty of Water Keeping your skin hydrated goes a long way toward maintaining healthy skin. You've already been told that it improves the functioning of all of your cells and your organs. Well? Your skin is your largest organ, so this only makes sense! Most health experts say you need to drink a minimum of eight to 10 glasses of water a day. If you can do this, then you're doing your skin a big favor! Now that you're armed with the benefits of natural skin care, you're ready to take the plunge. You're ready and even eager to make your own treatments. You'll discover it’s exciting. But more than that, you'll notice an immense improvement in your skin -- and your overall health. The following chapter provides you with plenty of starter recipes for facial scrubs and masks. But don't limit yourself to these recipes. Before long, you'll be adjusting these to suit your specific skin characteristics. You may be even creating recipes of your own!

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty


Chapter 3 The Facial Recipes: Masks, Scrubs, Scrubs, and More Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC

Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Now we get to the portion of the book you've been waiting for. Maybe you've even jumped ahead. Here are some easy, healthy homemade skin care recipes for masks and scrubs. Enjoy!


or the most part, the following recipes are short and

concise. They contain only a very few ingredients. Similarly, the instructions for creating them are simple. And as an added bonus, many of them use ingredients you may already have around the house.

You simply gather your ingredients, combine them and poof! You have natural homemade skin care products that aren't going to irritate, damage, or destroy your health. Amazing! Recipes for facial scrubs provide you with a perfect opportunity to exfoliate and condition your skin with just a small effort and practically no expense. While the term exfoliation may sound like it's beyond your capacity to carry out at home, you'll find the concept is amazingly simple. There's two ways you can do it. The first is achieved through what many call a mechanical means, as in a scrub. Or it may be achieved through a chemically based method by using alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) or beta hydroxyl acid (BHA). The aim of exfoliation is two-fold. First, the process aids in the removal of old, dead skin cells. These linger on the surface of your skin. Second, it actually stimulates the creation of new collagen.

Exfoliation? What's the big deal? Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty You'd be surprised by the importance of the exfoliation process in your skin care regimen. It helps the skin to become softer and more supple. It’s also vital in helping to decrease those fine lines and wrinkles. Exfoliating regularly can actually firm your sagging skin and even out a mottled skin tone. (I knew you'd be impressed!) Many of the recipes in this book, you'll soon discover, use that so-called mechanical means to create an exfoliating effect. That's the reason such ingredients like salt, sugar, or even aspirin are used. Some of the recipes use a chemical approach. Before you start wondering if I threw the natural part of this book out the window, rest assured. No harsh chemicals are called for. You can achieve a "chemical" exfoliate simply by using freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice. The abrasive nature of the juice is amazingly effective at dislodging your dead skin cells. Another important aspect of facial scrubs is their marvelous ability to help to clean pores. This is important if you're attempting to avoid or reduce outbreaks of acne and the recurrence of blackheads.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty

Using scrubs


Before you begin . . .

Oh yes, there's a certain routine in applying facial scrubs to your face in order to receive their maximum beneficial effects. Before you place the recipe on your face, ensure that you've already applied a warm face cloth to your skin first.

I know you're enthusiastic, but let me give you some advice. Don't jump in by making large batches of the recipe. You may not be entirely satisfied with the recipe as written, and you'll want to improve on it. In fact, I encourage you to take these recipes and make them your own by adjusting them.

Then, using gentle circular motions, massage the scrub lightly onto your skin. After that, rinse and dry. I guarantee you'll feel an incredible difference in your skin.

Know the purpose of each ingredient. In this way you can substitute a similar ingredient you may find is better suited to you and your skin. By all means, keep a collection

Now, here a few recipes of your favorite recipes -- and not only for facial scrubs, make sure you note any but other skin care adjustments you've made that treatments for your face as well. By the way, don't puts your personal signature on them. be afraid to alter these instructions. You may find you need a little less of one ingredient and a little more of another to create the perfect therapy for your skin. If that's the case, then do it!

That's another great benefit of making your own skin care treatments. And remember: Always have fun!

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AspirinAspirin-Citrus Facial Scrub You'll love this recipe. It's versatile. You can adapt it to suit your personal skin type. Ingredients: 5 to 10 plain aspirin: generic brand is fine, non-coated 1 to 2 tsp freshly squeezed citrus fruit: lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit Instructions: Crush aspirin tablets into a fine powder. You'll find a small coffee grinder is perfect -- especially if you're making a large amount of this. Add juice one teaspoon at a time to crushed aspirin. Mix well. Use this recipe before you cleanse and tone your face in the morning.

HoneyHoney-Almond Scrub Ingredients: 1 Tbsp honey 2 tsp almonds ½ orange 1 mint leaf Instructions: Finely grind almonds in small food processor or coffee grinder. Finely chop mint. Squeeze juice from orange. Mix these, along with honey together.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Use as facial scrub, rinsing well with warm water. Store unused portion for up to a week in your refrigerator.

Acne Scrub Ingredients: 1 Tbsp Epsom salts 1 tsp sage leaves 2 tsp fresh thyme 1/8 cup mango, ripened Instructions: Remove sage from stem. Peel and chop mango. Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until you have a paste. Use to gently scrub your face. Afterward, rinse well using warm water.

Lavender Scrub Lavender is legendary in healing the body. It also carries a delightful fragrance. You'll feel as if you're pampering yourself when you use this therapy! Ingredients: 1/8 cup lavender petals 2 Tbsp brown sugar, dark 2 Tbsp grapefruit juice, fresh Instructions: Finely chop lavender. Squeeze the grapefruit juice to attain 1/8 cup. Mix both ingredients together with brown sugar until you acquire a smooth mixture.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Gentle scrub your face, rinsing well afterward.

NoNo-Frills Cleansing Scrub Ingredients: 5 to 8 tablets of aspirin (no coating, generic brand works well) 1 tsp vitamin water Crush aspirin creating a fine powder. Adding only several drops at a time, add grapefruit juice. Mix this into a thin paste. Gently massage this mixture into your face, rinsing well afterward.

Amazing Olive Oil Sea Salt Scrub Scrub Ingredients: 2 Tbsp coarse sea salt 1 Tbsp honey Olive Oil (as much as needed) Instructions: Mix salt and honey together. Slowly add oil, one drop at time. Stir well. You should get a thick paste. Use this to scrub your skin. This rinse well with warm water.

Softer Skin Scrub Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Trust me, you'll love this recipe. Cornmeal, believe it or not, has been an ingredient in homemade skin recipes for generations. It receives its best results when used with dairy products or fresh citrus fruit. You're in for a real treat! Ingredients: 2 Tbsp cornmeal 2 to 3 tsp buttermilk 1 tsp coconut oil Instructions: Combine all ingredients to form a thick paste. (Yep! That's all there is to this one. Easy, isn't it?) Gently massage into your skin. Rinse well afterward using warm water.

Simple Herbal Scrub Ingredients: 1 2 1 2

tsp oregano, fresh tsp parsley fresh tsp marjoram, fresh Tbsp lime juice, freshly squeezed

Instructions: Using a food processor, pulse herbs and juice together. The mixture should not only be mixed well, but the herbs should be finely chopped. Use this mixture to gently scrub your skin. Rinse afterward with warm water.

Grape Facial Scrub Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty This recipe works as an effective exfoliate due to the presence of the grapes. Grapes contain a substance called tartaric acid. This is a natural form of alpha hydroxyl acid, which we've already mentioned as a "chemical" exfoliate. Ingredients: ¼ cup cornmeal 1 Tbsp ginger root Dash of light cream 5 grapes Instructions: Finely grate the ginger. Combine all ingredients in food processor. Pulse until they are well mixed. Gently massage mixture into skin. Rinse well afterwards with warm water.

38 Lime Scrub Ingredients: 1/8 cup rolled oats 1 lime 2 Tbsp honey Instructions: Grate the rind of the lime, putting it into a small bowl. Squeeze all the juice from fruit into the same bowl. Combine this with oats and honey. Mix well together. Gently cleanse your skin with it, rinsing well after with warm water.

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Indulge yourself With an herbal facial steam Have you ever experienced the decadent delight of an herbal facial steam? If you haven't, now is the perfect time to start. Here's all you need to do. To create a facial steam, place two to three quarts of water in a large pot. Bring this to a boil. Toss in the following ingredients (as you become addicted…uhm…more familiar with this process, you'll adjust and create your own combinations): 3 parts comfrey leaf 2 parts calendula 1 part raspberry leaf 1 part sage ¼ part rosemary Combine these, then place a large handful of them in the heated water. Cover this and allow it to simmer for several minutes. Remove the pot from the heat source. Place it on a heatproof surface at a height you can sit and place your face over the pot. Taking a towel, lean over the pot and drape the towel over your head and pot. In this way, you'll be capturing the steaming herbal water. Use caution because it will get very hot under there. You can easily adjust the heat by simply raising or lowering your head. Another method you can use is to lift a corner of the towel slightly to allow some cool air to enter. Don't be afraid to emerge from underneath the pot occasionally if you need to. Steam in this way for about five to eight minutes.

Yes, you can make Your own facial facial masks! Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Of course you can create your own facial masks using simple everyday ingredients. It's just as easy as making your facial scrubs. Here are just a few masks. Don't be afraid, as you go along, to tweak these recipes to bring out the best in your skin. After all, every person is an individual with specific needs.


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A Mask for Any Skin Type Ingredients: 1 Tbsp honey, preferably raw 3 drops lavender essential oil Instructions: Mix the two ingredients together well. Dampen your face with warm water, smooth the mixture on your face. Leave this on for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. I told you it was easy!

Honey and Banana Mask This facial mask is especially beneficial for those of you with sensitive skin. Enjoy its soothing benefits! Ingredients: ½ banana, mashed ¼ cup oatmeal, cooked with milk 1 egg ½ Tbsp honey, raw if possible Instructions: Mix the four ingredients together. Using slow, circular motions, massage onto your face. Leave it there for approximately 15 minutes, then rinse it off with tepid water.

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Soothing Carrot Mask Yes, carrots! If you've got oily skin, you'll want to definitely test this recipe. You'll be amazed at its effectiveness and you'll love the way it pampers your skin. Ingredients: 2 to 3 carrots 4½ Tbsp honey, raw if possible Instructions: Cook the carrots. Mash them. Mix the carrot with the honey. Refrigerate this mixture of about 10 minutes. Gently apply the mixture to your skin. Leave it on for about 10 minutes. Then, gently rinse with cool water.

Refreshing Papaya Mask This mask is made especially for individuals with oily skin. But more than that, this recipe is a great tool to help reduce the aging process of your skin. It'll help dry your skin, while refreshing it at the same time! Ingredients: 1/3 cup cocoa 3 Tbsp heavy cream 1/3 cup papaya, ripe ¼ cup honey, raw if possible 3 tsp oatmeal powder Instructions: Mix all the ingredients together well.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Apply to your face. Leave it on approximately 10 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water.

The Amazing Apple Mask Oh, yes! A facial mask made with apples. And why not? You already know how incredibly healthy apples are. It's only sensible this delicious fruit holds the same health benefits for your skin. Ingredients: 1 apple, cored and quartered 2 Tbsp honey, raw if possible Instructions: Put the apples in a food processor. Chop them. Add the honey. Refrigerate this mixture for about 10 minutes. Gently pat this onto your skin using a light tapping motion. Do this until the honey feels tacky. Leave this on your face for about 30 minutes. Rinse.

The Amazing Banana Mask Ingredients: 1 egg yolk 2 tsp almond oil 1 ripe banana Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Crush this, using a fork, until it acquires a paste-like quality. Apply this to your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Remove it with cool water. Pat your face dry.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Facial Toner Recipes Why use a toner? Toners help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face. So if you're at the age when their presence make your cringe, then give toners a try. The same toners can also help reduce the presence of acne. Who knew? Before you start in on these recipes, here are just a few tips on how to apply toners properly. Your skin should always be cleansed before applying a toner. Not only that, but use toners in conjunction with skin masks for the best effects. It really doesn't matter the order in which you use them. You can use the toner before or after the mask. When applying this skin care tool, use a cotton ball. Apply the toner in sweeping gentle motions across your face.

Green Tea Toner Ingredients: 2 tsp, powdered green tea ½ cup of boiling water Instructions Steep the tea in boiling water for 10 minutes. Allow it to cool. Then apply it to your face with cotton balls.

Mint Toner Ingredients: 1 peppermint tea bag ¼ cup witch hazel

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty 1 Tbsp lemon juice, fresh 1 cup boiling water Instructions: Steep the peppermint tea in water for 10 minutes. Remove the tea bag and allow the tea to cool. Mix in the lemon juice and witch hazel. Refrigerate in a glass jar.

Lavender Toner Each ingredient in this recipe serves a specific purpose. The witch hazel acts as a gentle astringent. The apple cider vinegar aids in restoring your skin's natural pH balance. And the lavender soothes your skin. Ingredients: 2/3 cup witch hazel 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar 3 or 4 drops lavender essential oil Instructions: Mix all the ingredients together. Place in a clean bottle. Shake the bottle well before using the toner. Saturate a cotton ball with this mixture. Using a sweeping motion, apply to your skin.

OatmealOatmeal-Yogurt Toner Ingredients: 2 4 1 1 1

Tbsp oatmeal Tbsp yogurt, plain Tbsp lemon juice, fresh Tbsp parsley, chopped tsp olive oil

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Instructions: Mix all ingredients into a paste-like consistency. Massage this into your skin. Allow it to soak in for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

LemonLemon-Honey Toner Ingredients: 1 egg white 1 tsp lemon juice, fresh 1 tsp honey, dark organic if possible Instructions: Whisk the egg white until it begins to thicken. Stir in honey and lemon juice. Apply it to your skin, being careful not to get it too close to your eyes or lips. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Then splash a bit of cold water on your face.

Rosemary Toner The rosemary in this recipe stimulates cell removal as well as helps to eliminate blemishes. It also helps to improve the appearance of spider veins. The orange is a gentle exfoliate. Ingredients: 1 orange -- use entire fruit, including peel 1 Tbsp rosemary, preferably fresh 1 cup boiling water Instructions:

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Boil these ingredients for several minutes. Allow the mixture to cool. Strain. Refrigerate.


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Aloe Vera Vera-Citrus Toner Ingredients: 1 small aloe vera leaf -- peeled and mashed 1 tsp citrus juice -- lemon, lime, or orange Instructions: Mix these ingredients thoroughly. Then apply the mixture to your skin in gentle sweeping motions. Rinse your face well.

Cucumber Toner Ingredients: 5 1 2 2 1

tsp tsp tsp tsp tsp

cucumber juice, freshly squeezed distilled water mint hydrosol yarrow tincture lemon juice, freshly squeezed

Ingredients: Combine all the ingredients. Pour the liquid into a glass bottle. When not in use, store it in refrigerator. Shake well before using. It can be stored for up to a week.

Scrubs, masks and toners are only part of a skin care routine. If you use homemade masks and scrubs but continue to buy commercially made moisturizers, you're defeating the purpose. The next chapter provides you with some homemade recipes to moisturize your skin.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty

Chapter 4 The Moisturizing Recipes Skin that's properly moisturized slows signs of aging. You'll find some familiar ingredients in these recipes, including honey and citrus. Indulge yourself in soft, hydrated skin!


oisturizing your skin is an important part of

any skin care regimen. It's not only vital in maintaining a youthful appearance, but it's actually good for your skin and your overall health.

This vital step actually protects your skin. It acts as a barrier from wrinkles and dead skin cells. No wonder that this specific skin care product is one of the most common over-the-counter items sold -- not only in this country, but all over the world. There are several reasons for this explosive growth in sales. I've already mentioned the role moisturizers play as a protective barrier. But that's really only one of the reasons.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Moisturizers also increase the water content of the dermis and epidermis layers of your skin. Not only that, but they also help to reduce your skin's vulnerability to what is known as transepidermal water loss. In effect, this means that you're less likely to lose water through your skin. But more than that, the moisturizer you use daily also helps to rebalance the skin composition of lipids (what most of us would call fats) both inside and outside your skin's cells. Finally, moisturizers also carry nutrients and other essential substances to the epidermis/dermis layers of your skin. Whew! Who knew? You probably thought you were only keeping your skin soft and youthful looking. It turns out using moisturizers actually feeds and waters your skin. It only makes sense that you try your hand at

Getting the Most from your Moisturizer Of course, you want to receive the maximum benefits from your moisturizing lotion or cream. Here are a few steps to help you do just that! First, you only need to apply a dollop of the cream, about the size of a dime. Yes, that's all you really need! Apply this using an upward, circular motion. The goal is really to massage the lotion ever so lightly onto your face. If you have oil skin, don't massage too long. A facial massage like the one you're doing actually stimulates the oil glands into producing even more sebum. This will make your skin oilier. Of course, you'll want to apply this under your eyes, but do so very gently. This area is actually the most delicate on your face. It's best to even use your fourth finger, because this is the weakest. Start at the outer corner of your eye, then pat the lotion on, working inward. Ultimately, your goal is to apply this twice a day, once in the morning before you apply your makeup, and then again in the evening after you remove your makeup.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty making your own natural moisturizing creams and lotions. That way you'll know exactly what’s soaking into your skin! This chapter provides you with a variety of recipes to get you started!

Basic Moisturizing Recipe This recipe is exactly as it's labeled: it gives you a basic, no-frills cream. But it works -- and it works well. Give it a try and you'll see what I mean. Ingredients: 1 cup almond oil ½ cup beeswax 3 vitamin E capsules 3 drops lavender (or essential oil of your choosing) Instructions: Melt the beeswax and almond oil over low heat. Remove from heat, then whisk until it has cooled. Open the vitamin E capsules. Add their contents to the beeswax. Then add the essential oil. Pour this into a sterile, airtight jar. Store in a dark, cool location.

HoneyHoney-Coconut Oil Moisturizer Ingredients: 1 tsp honey 1 Tbsp coconut oil 1 tsp lemon juice Instructions: Mix all the ingredients together.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty This can be used as a deep moisturizing treatment for dry skin. Apply it to your skin. Allow it to remain one for a minimum of 30 minutes. You can even leave it on your skin for several hours, if needed, depending on the condition of your skin. Refrigerate any unused portion. Do not keep for more than several days.

Grape Moisturizer Ingredients: 5 grapes 2 tsp lemon juice 1 Tbsp castor oil Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Mix until smooth. Apply to your skin for at least a half hour and up to several hours, if necessary. Rinse your skin well with warm water. Refrigerate any unused portion for no longer than a week.

CucumberCucumber-Almond Moisturizing Lotion Ingredients: 1 small cucumber, peeled and seeded Juice from one lime 2 Tbsp almond oil Instructions: Place all the ingredients in a food processor. Mix until smooth.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Apply to your skin for at least 30 minutes and up to several hours, depending on the condition of your skin. Refrigerate any unused portion for no longer than 3 days.


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Cocoa Butter Lotion Ingredients: ½ cup cocoa butter 2 Tbsp beeswax, grated 2 tsp distilled water 3 Tbsp sesame oil 2 Tbsp coconut oil 1Tbsp olive oil Instructions: Combine the beeswax with the water. Melt over low heat. Once melted, add the cocoa butter. Blend well. Gradually add the coconut, sesame, and olive oil. Pour the mixture into a glass jar. This will thicken as it cools. Apply to your skin.

Natural AllAll-Purpose Moisturizer This recipe is perfect no matter what your skin type! If you can't find these ingredients at your local health food store or herbal shop, you can purchase them through the internet. Ingredients: 4 Tbsp vegetable oil 2 Tbsp lanolin 2 Tbsp glycerin 1 Tbsp beeswax 1 Tbsp emulsifying wax ¼ Tbsp Borax 3 Tbsp water Instructions:

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Melt oil, wax, and lanolin. Then heat the water and borax. Stir in the glycerin. Add the glycerin, borax, and water into the melted wax slowly. Using a wooden spoon, stir continuously until the mixture is well blended. Allow it to cool.

Cocoa Butter Moisturizer Ingredients: ½ Tbsp cocoa butter 2 Tbsp beeswax 2 Tbsp distilled water 2 Tbsp sesame oil 2 Tbsp coconut oil 1 Tbsp olive oil Instructions: Over low heat, melt the beeswax. Mix it with the water. Add the cocoa butter to this and blend well. Then add the coconut, sesame, and olive oils. Stir well. Pour this mixture into an airtight jar. Allow it to cool.

Strawberry Lotion 2 Tbsp pureed strawberries 1 Tbsp of each: Coconut oil Vegetable oil Olive oil 2 drops vitamin E oil Instructions: Puree strawberries. Separately, mix vitamin and oils. Stir well. Place these oils with the strawberries. Stir again. Pour into an airtight jar.

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Jasmine Moisturizer Ingredients: 2 Tbsp emulsifying wax 2 Tbsp sunflower oil 1 tsp lanolin ½ tsp borax 1 tsp witch hazel 1 ½ tsp glycerin 8 Tbsp water 4 drops jasmine oil Instructions: Melt wax, oil, and lanolin together. Heat the water, glycerin, and borax separately, ensuring the borax is completely dissolved. Add witch hazel to this. Then add the water slowly to the oils, stirring constantly until the mixture cools.

Elderflower Moisturizer If you're not familiar with the herb elderflower, you're in for a real treat! It's used in many skin washes. Herbalists say elderflowers "refine the complexion” and relieve such skin conditions as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Even if you don't suffer from any of these skin problems, you'll love how this moisturizer feels on your face! Enjoy! Ingredients: 3 Tbsp almond oil 4 Tbsp elderflower blossom 1 Tbsp lanolin Instructions: Mix all the ingredients together in a double boiler. Allow this to simmer for an hour. Strain the mixture. Allow to cool.

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Fresh Ginger Moisturizing Lotion Ingredients: Ginger, 2-inch piece, fresh 2 tsp light sesame oil 2 tsp apricot kernel oil 2 tsp vitamin E oil ½ cup cocoa butter Instructions: Preheat oven to lowest level possible. Finely grate fresh ginger. You should have about 1/8 tsp of juice when you squeeze the gratings. Place ginger and rest of ingredients in glass container. Heat until butter melts. Cool the mixture in another, clean container.

Aloe Vera Moisturizer Ingredients: 1 tsp almond oil 1 tsp glycerin ½ cup dried rose petals 12 drops grapefruit seed extract 10 drops essential oil Distilled water Instructions: Heat the distilled water. Pour it into a jar, covering the rose petals. Close the jar, allowing it to sit overnight. The following morning, strain this water. Mix all the other ingredients into container. Shake well.

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Avocado Beauty Moisturizer Ingredients: 3 tsp beeswax 3 tsp emulsifying wax ½ cup almond oil ½ cup avocado oil 2 Tbsp rose water Instructions: Melt waxes in a double boiler. Add the avocado and almond oils to this. Then add heated rosewater, slowly, one drop at a time. Stir this continuously. Remove from heat. Continue to stir until mixture is cool

CarrotCarrot-Based Moisturizer Ingredients: 1 carrot, cooked and mashed 1 avocado, mashed ½ Tbsp heavy cream 1 egg, beaten 2 Tbsp honey Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Stir until the mixture is smooth. Apply to your face and neck, allowing to sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty This is an excellent variety of various moisturizing recipes to get you started using natural recipes. But you should also consider using homemade skin care recipes for one of the most stubborn areas of your face: the area under your eyes. It's here, in fact, that using natural ingredients, avoiding harsh additives, and pampering the area is crucial. It's actually one of the most delicate and sensitive areas of your skin. Ready to give natural under-the-eye treatments a try? Follow me to the next chapter. I'll make sure you get started on the right foot!


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Chapter 5 The Recipes for Under Your Eyes Believe it or not, the area under your eyes is the most sensitive part of your face. How are you treating it? When you use these recipes, you can be sure you're being kind to this delicate area.


t may be the most revealing part of your face: that area

under your eyes. It seems the moment we're stressed, go without sleep, or encounter bad weather, the under-the-eyes area shouts it to the world.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty As if to add injury to insult, there's not a makeup on the market today that can totally hides the problem. Basically, you're a walking billboard exclaiming your exhaustion, allergy problem, or stressed state. You may refer to this problem as "bags." Some individuals complain of puffiness. Regardless of what you call it, this skin care problem is troublesome to many people.

Warning: Extremely sensitive skin! skin! That's the caution label that should come with the care and feeding of your under-the-eye area. Indeed, the skin in this area is very sensitive. That's all the more reason to create your own recipes for this condition. Why put your eyes at risk with a host of preservatives, additives, and potentially dangerous ingredients? The following recipes are not only natural, but they work better than most -- if not all -- commercially bought therapies. You have a variety to choose from. You may decide to alternate using specific ones. Or you may decide you have a downright favorite and refuse to use anything else! And, of course, feel free to adjust these recipes to suit your specific skin care needs! Before we dig into the recipes, though, here are some health tips you can use to help reduce that puffiness.

Banish the Puffiness Tip #1 Drink water! Oh, I know. You've heard this before, not only in this book, but from countless other authors and possibly your own doctor. You

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty may think it's a cliché or just an old wife's tale, but it's an established fact. Now you have an additional reason to drink plenty of water: to help reduce those unsightly bags under eyes! Consumption of water aids in the flushing out of toxins. This fact alone keeps your skin healthy!

Banish the Puffiness Tip #2 The Magic of Vitamin E Believe it or not, this unassuming vitamin may be your best friend in your attempt to banish the puffiness. Simply apply vitamin E oil in this area. Use of vitamin E in this way is recommended by many doctors to hasten healing of the skin.

Banish the Puffiness Tip #3 Cold Compress to the Rescue Sometimes the simplest remedies are . . . well, right before our eyes. And this is certainly one of them. When you wake up in the morning, apply a cold compress to your eyes. Some experts say this should be done while you're standing. (You may think that lying would be more appropriate. Fooled you!) This compress encourages and stimulates drainage. That's why it's recommended you stand while you do this. It actually ensures that fluid buildup has someplace to go. Banish the Puffiness Tip #4 Apply Cold Spoons! What? Sure, you've heard of applying slices of cucumber or tea bags under your eyes, but you probably never thought about applying cold spoons. (And I can't really blame you there!) Yes, even before you ask, I'm talking about ordinary tableware. Go figure! According to some skin care experts, it's a very effective way to ease those tired eyes. Before you go to sleep at night, place two

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty spoons in the refrigerator. Then, when you wake up in the morning, hold these spoons to your eyes. You don't need to keep the silverware there long. A few moments will do. The reason this works so effectively is because the metal of the spoons is actually colder than a cold compress. You may have trouble doing this everyday merely because the spoons are so cold on your eyes. But if you can stand it, this method is great!

Banish the Puffiness Tip #5 Tap Those Bags Away! This remedy sounds too easy to be true, doesn't it? But, it's proven to be a reliable way to help reduce that irritating puffiness. Upon wakening in the morning, simply lightly tap the skin under eyes. And I do mean lightly. Remember that this area is among the most delicate areas of your skin. So as much as you may be irritated or angry with it, treat it with kindness. Start with the inside corner of your eyes and work to the outside. You'll discover that it's a quick fix when you're pressed for time!

Banish the Puffiness Tip #6 Don't Skimp on the Sleep! Another sound piece of advice that's easier said than done. We've all had those nights. Maybe because it was due to working late, or an early morning meeting. Sometimes it's just tough to fall asleep… you're running the day's events through your mind and thinking about tomorrow. When you replay the day and worry about the future, it's hard to sleep. It's a fact, though. If you can sleep the ideal hours for your body (most of us need 8 hours, even though we deny it!) then this is one of the healthiest and most effective methods of banishing puffy eyes!

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty When you practice even one of the above tips combined with the recipes below, you'll be sure to banish the puffiness!

Banish the Puffiness Tip #7 Step Away from the Salt Shaker! Go lightly on the salt. When you eat salt -- especially too much -- your body tends to retain water. I'm sure you already knew this. But you probably never realized that the water retention could be accumulating under your eyes! You don't shake that salt shaker that much, you say. What about the processed and packaged foods you eat? You'd be amazed at the amount of sodium in these meals. And if you eat frozen meals of any kind, you'll also be contributing unwittingly to your salt consumption!

Green Tea Eye Treatment Ingredients: ¼ cup potato, peeled 1 Tbsp green tea leaves 1 tsp sesame oil Instructions: Place all ingredients in a food processor. Mix until the ingredients are smooth. Refrigerate any unused portion. Apply a thin layer under your eyes before you retire for the evening.

Soothing Chamomile Eye Lotion Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Ingredients: 1 oz Jojoba oil 5 drops chamomile essential oil 5 drops rose essential oil Instructions: Combine both essential oils with the Jojoba oil. Mix well. Store in a one ounce glass bottle with dropper top. You only need one drop of this treatment. Apply it to your finger. Gently smooth is beneath your eye as well as the area just beneath the brow bone. Do not apply to your eyelids.


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Refreshing Aloe Vera Eye Eye Cream Ingredients: ½ tsp aloe vera gel 1 tsp apricot kernel oil 1 tsp grapefruit seed essential 1 tsp grated beeswax 1 vitamin E capsule Instructions: In a double boiler, combine apricot kernel oil and beeswax. Heat this until it's melted. Remove from heat. Mix the aloe vera gel into this using a wooden spoon. Allow it to cool. Add the essential oil and the contents of the vitamin E capsule. Apply every night before retiring.

Lavender Eye Treatment You already know how soothing and healing lavender is. Now, imagine it under your eyes! Ingredients: 3 1 5 3 2

Tbsp jojoba oil Tbsp grape seed oil drops lavender essential oil drops chamomile essential oil drops bergamot essential oil

Instructions: Mix all the ingredients in a glass eye dropper jar. Shake well. Be sure you shake well before every use as well.

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CucumberCucumber-Aloe Vera Eye Treatment Ingredients: 1 tsp fresh cucumber juice 1 Tbsp aloe vera gel ¼ tsp cornstarch 1 Tbsp witch hazel Instructions: Mix together aloe vera gel, cucumber juice, and cornstarch. Heat this until its just boiling. (This should take about one minute.) Remove from the heat and stir in the witch hazel. Allow the mixture to cool completely. The texture should resemble a gel. Store in a cool place.

The Ultimate Ultimate Pineapple Juice Therapy Don't let the simplicity of this recipe fool you. It really works! Ingredients: 2 tsp pineapple juice 1 tsp turmeric powder Instructions: Combine the two ingredients together until you have a fine paste. Apply this to the area under your eyes. Allow it to remain for approximately 15 minutes. Wash it off with cool water.

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Almond PowderPowder-Milk Eye Therapy Ingredients: 1 tsp almond powder 2 tsp milk Instructions: Mix these ingredients well until they reach the consistency of a fine paste. Apply this under your eyes, allowing it to remain for approximately 15 minutes. Then rinse it off.

Cocoa Butter Surprise It's a surprise because you'll be unexpected delighted at the richness of this nourishing under-the-eye treatment. And you'll love how easy it is to make! Ingredients: 1 1 1 1

Tbsp cocoa butter Tbsp lanolin tsp wheat germ oil drop rosemary essential oil

Instructions: Using a heavy saucepan, slowly melt the cocoa butter and lanolin. Mix in the wheat germ oil. Remove from heat. Add the essential oil of rosemary. Stir until the mixture is cool. Place in a sterile container. Apply a small amount under your eyes before retiring for the evening, working from the inside corner to the outside area. Leave it on overnight in order for your skin to absorb it.

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Herbal Eye Therapy Ingredients: 1 sprig of elderflowers (or 1 elderflower teabag) ½ tsp eyebright leaves, dried 1 tsp powdered gelatin 5 oz water Instructions: Mix the elderflowers, eyebright, and water together in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Simmer for approximately 10 minutes. Cool. Strain. Add gelatin to 3 tablespoons of this infusion in a saucepan. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes. After this, place it over low heat, melting the gelatin. Store this mixture in a clean jar with a lid. Dab a small amount of this to your under eye area.

Awesome Rosemary Skin Tightening Treatment Ingredients: 1 1 1 3

sprig of fresh rosemary tsp almonds, ground Tbsp egg white oz boiling water


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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Place the rosemary spring in a bowl. Pour the boiling water over the herb. Cover and allow it to cool. Remove the herb from the water. If necessary, strain the liquid. Mix the egg white, almonds and 2 tablespoons of the rosemary infusion together. Dab this treatment under your eyes. Allow to absorb into your skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

You've got a sampling of a variety of homemade skin care recipes. There's only one more category I feel compelled to include, and that's the creation of unique massage oils. Before you close this book, thinking a massage is pure indulgence, at least glance at the opening paragraphs of the next chapter. You'll discover that as delightful as a massage may feel, it's even a better way to promote good health. This is true if you go to a spa, or do a self-massage on spot locations. Check the benefits out. You may become an adherent of regular massages!

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Chapter 6 The Recipes: Massage Oils If you've never experienced the relaxing effects of a massage, then now's a good time to start! And there's no better way than with natural ingredients created in your own home!


ne of the ultimate indulgences in this life, I've

often thought, is getting a massage. Many times I've wanted one, but discovered I couldn't justify spending the money going to a spa.

Little did I know then that a massage -- either administered by another or a self massage -- is actually not just an indulgence, but has very real health benefits.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Who knew something that felt that great could also be good for you? If you already know the full benefits of the massage, good for you! But if you don't, it's about time you learn. And one way to discover the amazing, transforming power of this act is simply by experiencing it yourself -- with natural ingredients! It's important to use natural ingredients. More than any other skin care product; the oils you use really will soak into your skin. After all, you're massaging them in! Before I present the recipes -- and there are many variations! -I'd like to tell you just a few of the many benefits of massages. You'll be convinced after reading just this small list of benefits that you can't put off a massage one moment longer! Why Massage? Benefit #1 A vital part of your warm up and cool down exercise routine It's true! A quick self massage can be a valuable tool in keeping your muscles in shape and preparing them for exercise. When you do this, you stand less chance of injuring them while you perform you activities. Give it a try! Why Massage? Benefit #2 Relieving muscle and joint pain If you suffer from chronic conditions like arthritis or rheumatism, you'll be surprised at the amount of relief you'll receive from a massage using aromatherapy essential oils. Even if you only have an acute pain such as cramps, a massage with essential oils may be able to help ease the pain. Why Massage? Benefit #3 Better circulation

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty The act of massaging your body actually increases the blood flow throughout your body. This, in turn, improves the delivery of nutrients throughout your body. Why Massage? Benefit #4 Relieve Stress If no other reason convinces you of the advantages of a good massage, this one should. Who among us isn't affected by stress in one way or another? A good massage is also an excellent way to help relieve a tension headache!

Why Massage? Benefit #5 Reduces blood pressure Who knew? But it makes sense. After all it helps to ease your stress, which is, for many of us, a source of high blood pressure. Imagine, instead of taking high blood pressure medicine, simply receive regular massages. What a sacrifice, huh? Why Massage? Benefit #6 Sleep sounder! Indeed, when you receive a massage, you'll notice that you'll be able to sleep well that night. The effects of this single massage doesn't just last one night according to You'll discover that your sleep improves for several nights! Why Massage? Benefit #7 Boosts the immune system Your immune system improves when you get a massage. The gentle massaging action on your body helps to stimulate your digestive system as well as helps to activate your urinary system.

The Massage Oil Recipes Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Now that you understand some of the many benefits of massages, are you ready to create your own recipes? Here are just a few to get you started. Many of these recipes call for something called a carrier oil. This type of oil is not the same as an essential oil. Essential oils are derived from the leaves, roots, bark, and other portions of an herb. A carrier oil is pressed from the fatty portions -- the seeds, nuts, and kernels -- of plants. It doesn't evaporate or even emit much of an aroma. You may also hear this referred to as vegetable oil, fixed oil, or even base oil. Some carrier oils are listed below: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sweet almond oil Macadamia nut Apricot kernel Avocado Olive Cranberry seed Pecan Evening primrose Pomegranate seed Rose hip Grape seed Hazelnut Sesame Hemp seed Sunflower Jojoba Watermelon seed

You can find these oils at your local health food or vitamin shop. Sometimes grocery stores carry them. But be careful before you buy them at the supermarket. Many sold there are not cold pressed. That's ideally the type of oil you should use.

Chamomile Muscle Relief Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty This massage oil helps to heal sore muscles after a strenuous workout! Ingredients: 2 drops ginger oil 4 drops cinnamon oil 3 drops cajuput oil 3 drops chamomile oil 15 ml of sweet almond oil Instructions: Mix all oils together well. Gently massage into your muscles.

Energizing Energizing Blend


Ingredients: 6 drops grapefruit oil 6 drops palmarosa 4 drops thyme 15 ml sunflower oil Blend these oils together. Shake this mixture well. Then simply use when you need more energy!

Lemongrass Massage Ingredients: 8 6 2 2

tsp grape seed oil drops orange blossom essential oil drops lemongrass essential oil drops neroli essential oil

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Instructions: Simply mix these ingredients well.

Peppermint Massage Oil Ingredients: 10 tsp grape seed oil 3 drops eucalyptus oil 4 drops rosemary oil 2 drops peppermint oil Instructions: Blend all oils together well. Massage into your skin as needed.

Rosewood Massage Oil Ingredients: 10 tsp grape seed oil 5 drops rosewood oil 2 drops cedar wood oil 2 drops chamomile oil Instructions: Mix the above oils together well.

JuniperJuniper-Lavender Blend 6 drops juniper essential oil 5 drops lavender essential oil 4 drops cypress essential oil

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty 5 drops chamomile essential oil 2 oz sweet almond oil (as a carrier) Instructions: Mix all of these oils together. Shake well before each use. Place in an opaque glass bottle with a tight cap. Store in a dark, cool place. This mixture should last for up to six months.

Orange Bliss Instructions: 3 5 5 5 2

drops orange essential oil drops lavender essential oil drops geranium essential oil drops coriander essential oil oz sweet almond oil

Instructions: Mix these oils together. Place in a dark, airtight glass bottle. May be safely stored for up to six months.

Delightfully Relaxing Ingredients: 3 3 3 1 1

drops lavender oil drops tangerine oil drops marjoram oil drop chamomile oil oz sweet almond oil


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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Blend all these oils together. Store in an opaque glass jar in a cool, dry place.

Headache Buster Ingredients: 5 drops lavender oil 1 drop peppermint oil 1 oz sweet almond oil Instructions: Mix well. Place in an opaque, airtight glass bottle. Massage on neck and shoulders.


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Circulation Blend This recipe is specially blended to help increase your circulation. To see the best results, use two to three times daily for at least six months. Ingredients: 2 ml eucalyptus Citriodora 2 ml lemon 2 ml cedar wood 2 ml sage 2 ml cypress 2 ml niaouli 100 ml hazel nut oil Instructions: Mix well. Store in a dry, cool place. Should keep for up to six months.

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Appendix: Glossary of Skin Care Terms A Acai: A native of Brazil, a fruit nutritionally dense and rich in antioxidants often used in products to help the system slow the signs of the aging process. Accutane: Acne medication used for severe cases. Known generically as sotretinoin, it may be responsible for birth defects if taken during a pregnancy. Acid mantle: The natural acidic skin mantle that works to guard against bacterial invasion. Acid rinse: Nothing like acid rain, I promise you! Rather, it's a solution made from water and either lemon juice or vinegar. Acne: Medically known as Acne vulgaris, it's a skin condition that takes many forms, including blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, and nodules. Its characteristics include

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty plugging and inflammation involving hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the skin. Actenic keratosis: A pre-cancerous growth usually caused by repeated damage from the sun. Adenoma Sebaceum: A small, translucent tumor with its origins in the sebaceous gland. Adult-onset acne: More commonly affecting females, this condition occurs in an individual over the age of 18. It can appear in the 20s, 30s, or even later in life. You may also hear it referred to as female adult or post-adolescent acne. Alkali: Used in the soap-making process, this substance has the ability to neutralize acids. Algae: Often mistakenly used interchangeably with the term seaweed, algae actually include a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic organisms other than seaweed. Algae are found in all marine and terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. Alpha hydroxyl acids: Commonly referred to by its initials, AHAs, these are fruit acids found in plants. AHAs are found in many over-the-counter acne treatments, as well as a host of cosmetic products such as sunscreens and moisturizers. AHAs are also used in chemical peels. Androgens: This is the generic term for hormones with masculine features. Produced by both men and women, androgens are responsible for the enlargement of the sebaceous gland, which prompts a production of more sebum -- an important factor in the development of acne. Antioxidants: Substances found in fresh fruits and vegetables that neutralize the presence of free radicals in your system that cause damage, including such degenerative diseases as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Antioxidants can also be applied topically to help heal the surface of the skin.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Antiseptic: An agent which prevents or slows the growth of microorganisms. Arbutin: Composed of glucose and hydroquinone, this is a natural skin lightening agent. It's extracted from bearberry plants. Aromatherapy: The use of essential oils to soothe and heal the body, mind, and spirit. Atomizer: A device used to break down a water-based product into a fine mist to spray on the body. Astringent: A substance that removes excess oil from the skin. Very often found as an ingredient in facial scrubs to help eliminate any traces of cleansers. Ayurveda: A medical system used in India as well as a philosophy offering methods to create harmony and balance in your life. Azelaic acid: Produced by yeast, this is a naturally occurring chemical. It's used as a topical agent not only to treat acne, but also rosacea. Additionally, it can also be used to lighten the skin.

B Basal Layer: This is the lowest layer of the epidermis, which produces the needed replacement cells that travel up to provide new cells for the skin. Benzoyl peroxide: Topical antibacterial agent, used many times as an acne treatment. It's the most used topical agent in over-the-counter treatments as well as prescription medications. Beta hydroxyl acids: Abbreviated BHAs, they are members of a class of acids which includes salicylic acid. These are commonly used in commercially produced skin care products as

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty exfoliants. They're also found in a host of other over-the counter skin care treatments, like moisturizers, sunscreens, and chemical peels. Blackhead: In medical terms, it's called open comedo. This is a dark acne lesion composed of a plug of keratin and sebum. The dark color of the lesion is due to a buildup of melanin.


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C Caffeine: Yes! It's a stimulant that you may crave in the morning with your coffee. But it's also a great way to soothe puffy eyes. Camphor: This is an anti-infective agent that cools and refreshes itchy skin. Cellulose: Derived from the walls of plants, it's found in cosmetics as an emulsifier and thickener. Chemical Peel: The application of chemicals to the face for the purpose of exfoliating the outer layer of skin cells. Clindamycin: An antibiotic used topically as an acne treatment. Cold-expeller pressed oil: These are oils extracted from vegetables without the use of heat. Cold-pressed oils don't contain trans fatty acids. You can purchase these at your local health food store or online. Collagen: The chief component of connective tissue and bones. Collagen is a protein. Production declines as a person ages, causing thinning of the skin as well as wrinkles and sagging. Comedo: A plug of keratin and sebum within a hair follicle. It can surface as either a blackhead or a whitehead. Comedo extraction: A medical procedure that dislodges the contents of blackhead and whiteheads. It uses a loop that applies pressure to the area. Comedogenic: Any product that causes the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. Comedogenesis: The medical term indicating the formation of blackheads and whiteheads.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Comedolytic: Any product that breaks up and stifles the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. Comedone: A pore clogged not only with sebum, but with dead skin cells as well. Congestion: Not what you think! This is a condition in which the skin is bumpy and stopped up. The natural oils and skin sloughing slows. This, in turn, leaves the skin appearing dull. Contact dermatitis: This condition is the result of an allergic reaction or an irritant response to items that have touched your skin. Examples of contact dermatitis include poison ivy and poison oak. Cosmeceutical: An ingredient in skin care products that alters the skin and its underlying health. These are very often used with other ingredients in skin care products. Couperose: Dilated skin or broken capillaries. Cyclomethicone: A variety of silicone, it adds luster and smoothness to skin care creams and other cosmetics. Cyst: A mass filled with fluid that is usually benign. In terms of acne, a cyst often is used to mean a nodule because of their similar appearance.

D Dermabrasion: A medical procedure that uses a rotating instrument to basically sand the skin. The result is a reduction of scarring and the removal of some wrinkles. Dermatitis: A generalized term that refers to an itchy red rash. Sometimes it's called eczema.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Dermis: This is a layer of the skin just beneath the epidermis containing blood and lymphatic vessels as well as hair follicles, nerves, and glands. You may see it referred to as cutis. Detoxification: A process to cleanse or detoxify the body. Its aim is to remove accumulated toxins. Dissolving exfoliants: These ingredients are made of alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs). Substances labeled as AHAs include glycolic, citric, lactic, and malic acids. The commonly used BHAs include salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, and willow extract. DMAE: Its full name is dimethylaminoethanol, and now you know why it's better known by its initials. It's a natural ingredient found in fish. Its benefits include reversing the onset of wrinkles and sagging skin. You can use this substance both topically and internally. Doxycycline: An oral tetracycline. It's a treatment for acne and rosacea. Dry brushing: Performed with a massage brush, glove, or even a rough towel, dry brushing improves the skin's circulation. It's performed starting at the feet and moving upward. It leaves the skin slightly red, but it doesn't damage it. This action can be followed by the use of hydrating oils or moisturizers.

E Eczema: A condition in which the skin is dry, hot, and itchy. If the condition is severe, the skin can become broken, raw, and bleeding. Elastin: A protein located in the dermis, the layer just beneath the epidermis. It's responsible for the elasticity of your skin as well as its firmness. Applied topically, it can moisturize your body.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Ellagic Acid: An antioxidant with healing benefits, it's found in green tea, pomegranate, and goji berry. Specifically, this acid helps to inhibit the formation of sun and age spots. Emollient: Substance which softens the skin through the reduction of the evaporation of water. Emulsion: A mixture of two or more liquids, but not exactly in the way you think. One of these ingredients is present as microscopic droplets distributed throughout the other. Enzymatic Exfoliation: This variety of exfoliation uses basically biological factors to remove dead skin cells. This exfoliant is applied to the skin and then rinsed off. The enzymes used actually dissolve keratin in the skin. In this way, it removes the dead cells that support the exfoliation. A natural example of enzymatic exfoliation is the use of papaya and its active substance papain. Enzyme Peel: This is a type of exfoliation that uses protein enzymes or alpha hydroxyl acids, also known as AHAs, to dissolve dead skin through chemical means without using the surface abrasive action of other body exfoliation treatments. More often than not, the enzyme peel is applied as a body mask. Essential Fatty Acids: The basic building blocks of your cellular membrane, it prevents cellular water loss. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are essential fatty acids. These can be found in flaxseed and goji berry. Essential Oils: Oils extracted from certain aromatic plants, they have physiological and psychological effects on the body. Eucalyptus Oil: Also called eucalyptus globules, this oil is derived from the Eucalyptus tree. It's known for its antiseptic action. Evening Primrose: The oil of this herb contains an abundance of GLA, or Gamma Linolenic Acid. This is also more widely known as Omega 6 fatty acid. It's used as an emollient and skin

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty conditioning agent. It also possesses the ability to help develop barrier functions. Exfoliation: The removal of dead skin cells, which in turn improves circulation. It's very often used to help your body relax.


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F FD&C Dyes and Colors: These are terms describing dyes approved by the FDA for use in cosmetics, food, and drugs. Facial: A deep cleansing method for the face using steam. This may include the use of exfoliates or the application of creams, lotions, cleansers, peels, or masks. Fibroblasts: Cells that product collagen. Fixed Oils: Nonvolatile vegetable oils including almond and sunflower. May also be referred to as lipids or fats. Possible uses include massage lubricant or as a carrier for essential oils. Folliculitis: A term used to describe inflammation of the hair follicles. Possible causes of inflammation could be an infection or eczema.

G Glycerin: A liquid used in cosmetics and liquid soaps. Hydrates the skin. Grape Seed Extract: This is the substance that is known to be the active antioxidant in grapes. Grapes: An excellent natural treatment to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Can be used crushed and applied to problem areas for about 10 to 20 minutes. Green Tea: Rich in nutrients, green tea is also an excellent antioxidant. Moisten green tea bags to use with an exfoliating scrub. Also a soothing under-eye treatment. Green Tea Extract: The substance that is the natural, active antioxidant in green tea.

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H Herbal Bath: A bath using a specific combination of herbs for your own skin care type and needs. Add to bath water as sachets or extracts. Herbal Infusion: Herbs which have been steeped in water. Then sheets, bath towels, or hand towels are soaked in this infusion and applied to the body at a treatment. Herbal Wrap: A warm linen sheet, soaked in herbs, is wrapped around your body. The procedure promotes perspiration which then draw toxins from the skin. Usually this treatment lasts about 15 or 20 minutes. Homeopathy: An alternative healing method based on the theory that "like cures like." Tiny amounts of a specific substance are used to stimulate self healing. Hydrotherapy: Term covers several types of treatment all of which take place in water or use water. This may include an underwater massage, herbal bath, or other treatments. Honey: Natural ingredient with an abundance of vitamins used in many natural, homemade skin care treatments.

J Jojoba Oil: A natural oil extracted from the seeds of the shrub known as Simondsia Chinese. It's used in skin-care products as an emollient and lubricant.

L Lanolin: Derived from sheep, this substance is used as an emollient and moisturizer in skin-care products.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Loofah: A coarse sponge made from natural fibers used on the skin to encourage the sloughing of rough and dead skin.

M Mechanical Exfoliation: The physical process of peeling off dead skin cells.

O Oatmeal: A soothing ingredient typically used to relieve dry, itchy skin. Can also be used as an exfoliant. Olive Oil: A common ingredient in many homemade moisturizers.

P Papaya Juice: An ingredient used in many skin care recipes due to its ability to treat and prevent blemishes. Parabens: Probably the most commonly used class of preservatives in skin care products today. This substance carries a host of potential dangers to not only your skin, but also your health. Paraffin: A warm liquid wax used to relieve pain or rehydrate the skin. Many times it's infused with aromatherapeutic oils. pH: Measurement of the acidity of a substance. Neutral pH is a 7.0 (the pH of pure water). If measurement is higher than 7, substance is considered to be a base; lower than 7 are said to be acids.

R Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Rose Hips: Extract from wild roses which is abundant in vitamin C. Rosemary: Herb with antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Good choice for oily and acne prone skin.

S Salicylic Acid: Used as a exfoliant, it's a mild beta hydroxyl acid. Salt: Used in homemade skin recipes as a "mechanical" exfoliant. Sugar: A natural alpha hydroxyl acid used in chemical peels.

U Ultraviolet A Rays: Called by its abbreviation UVA rays, these are produced by the sun, penetrating deeper into the skin that UVB rays. UVA rays may cause photosensitivity reactions. Ultraviolet B Rays: Commonly called UVB rays, these are produced by the sun. UVB rays are most associated with skin damage and skin cancer.

V Vinegar: Used as a toner and final cleansing agent. Most commonly used vinegar is of the apple cider variety, which rebalances the skin's acidity level. Vitamin A: A vitamin vital to ensuring renewal of your skin. It's also said to improve the skin's texture and reduce fine lines.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Vitamin C: A nutrient also known as L-ascorbic acid, which helps create collagen by fibroblasts. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin D: This nutrient regulates cell life. It's often used to treat the skin condition psoriasis. Vitamin E: Also known as tocopherol, it's an oil-soluble antioxidant and emollient used in skin care. Volatility: Describes the rate at which a compound turns into a liquid and eventually a gas at room temperature, as through evaporation.

W Witch hazel: A stringent taken from the leaves and bark of the Hamamelis Virginnia plant. It helps to improve acne by removing excess oil from the skin.

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References Synthetics In Skincare: The Major Health Tradeoff In Commercial Skincare Products,, accessed 13 May 11. Human Skin,, accessed 13 May 11. Dangers of artificial additives in food, skin care products, and more,, accessed 13 May 11. Top 15 Dangerous Ingredients in Skin Care,, accessed 14 May 11. Dangerous Sulfates, , accessed 16 May 11. Phthaltes: "Not Too Pretty," es.htm, accessed 18 May 11.

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Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Natural Health Tank,, accessed 18 May 11. Green Tea Benefits - Homemade Skin Care,, accessed 18 May 11. Skin Care Tips,, accessed 18 May 11. Natural Skin Care -- Oatmeal is Not Just For Breakfast!,!&id=404128, accessed 19 May 11. Benefits of Banana For Skin,, accessed 19 May 11. Health Benefits of Banana For Skin,, accessed 19 May 11. Benefits of Honey,, accessed 19 May 11. Homemade Facial Toners,, accessed 19 May 11. Homemade Facial Toner,, accessed 19 May 11. Organic Skin Care,, accessed 19 May 11. Homemade Skin Care,, accessed 19 May 11.

Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Homemade Moisturizer,, accessed 19 May 11. Moisturizers - An Essential Part of Skin Care, n_care_art_10.html, accessed 19 May 11. Homemade Moisturizer,, accessed 20 May 11. Homemade Moisturizer, memade-moisturizer/, accessed 20 May 11. Best Homemade Moisturizer Recipes: Top 3 Homemade Face Moisturizers,, accessed 20 May 11. Natural Skin Care Recipes, l, accessed 23 May 11. Dark Circles Under Eyes?,, accessed 23 May 11. Puffiness under eye - Skin care recipes that help,, accessed 23 May 11. Natural Ways to get rid of Dark Circles -- Homemade Recipes,, accessed 23 May 11. Natural Skin Care Products: Homemade Beauty Recipes,, accessed 23 May 11. Homemade Eye Cream Recipe,, accessed 23 May 11.

Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty How to Get Rid of Baggy Eyes?,, accessed 23 May 11. Benefits of Using Aromatherapy Massage Oil,, accessed 24 May 11. Massage Benefits,, accessed 27 May 11. What are carrier oils?,, accessed 24 May 11. Aromatherapy Recipes using Essential oils for Massage,, accessed 24 May 11. Massage Therapy, ipes.html, accessed 24 May 11. Massage Oil Recipes,, accessed 24 May 11. Essential Oil Recipes,, accessed 24 May 11.

Books Berg, Rona; Kroencke, Anja, Jaffe, Deborah, Beauty: The New Basics, Workman Publishing Co., NYC, NY, 2001. Dolan, Sue, Naturally Skinsational: Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes, Skin Care Resource Center, 2009.

Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC


Secrets to Natural Radiant Beauty Gladstar, Rosemary, Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes For Vibrant Health: 175 Teas, Tonics, Oils, Salves, Tinctures and Other Natural Remedies for the Entire Family, Storey Publishing, North Adams, MA, 2001.


Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes Recipes Copyright Geysbeek Enterprise LLC

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