SJ-20110907140552-026-NetNumen U31 R52(V12.11.30)System Topology Management Operation Guide

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Download SJ-20110907140552-026-NetNumen U31 R52(V12.11.30)System Topology Management Operation Guide...


NetNumen™ U31 R52 Unified Element Management System

Topology Management Operation Guide Version: V12.11.30

ZTE CORPORATION NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China Postcode: 518057 Tel: +86-755-26771900 Fax: +86-755-26770801 URL: E-mail: [email protected]

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First Edition

Serial Number: SJ-20110907140552-026 Publishing Date: 2012-02-15 (R1.0)

Contents About This Manual ......................................................................................... I Chapter 1 Topology Management Overview ............................................ 1-1 1.1 Topology Management Functions ........................................................................ 1-1 1.2 Definition of Some Topology Management Terms ................................................. 1-2 1.3 Introduction to the Topology Management Window ............................................... 1-3 1.3.1 Opening the Topology Management Window.............................................. 1-3 1.3.2 Introduction to the Topology Management Window ..................................... 1-3 1.4 Implicit Prerequisites .......................................................................................... 1-8

Chapter 2 Customization of GUI Elements .............................................. 2-1 2.1 Customizing the Node Icon ................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Customizing the Link Pattern............................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Customizing the Status Icon................................................................................ 2-3 2.4 Customizing the Status Color .............................................................................. 2-4 2.5 Customizing the Status Order ............................................................................. 2-9 2.6 Customizing the Node Callout ........................................................................... 2-10 2.7 Customizing the Alarm Display Mode .................................................................2-11 2.8 Customizing Other Elements............................................................................. 2-12

Chapter 3 Operations on the Topology Management View .................... 3-1 3.1 Refreshing the Topology Data ............................................................................. 3-1 3.2 Viewing the Statistical Information of a Node........................................................ 3-1 3.3 Setting Coordinates Synchronization ................................................................... 3-3 3.4 Viewing and Operating the NE Alarm Monitoring Table ......................................... 3-4 3.5 Viewing and Operating the Important Alarm Monitoring Table ................................ 3-8 3.6 Exporting and Importing a GUI Display Style ...................................................... 3-10

Chapter 4 Common Topology Management Operations ........................ 4-1 4.1 Setting a Node Profile......................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Setting the Members of a Node ........................................................................... 4-6 4.3 Navigating to the Fault Management Window....................................................... 4-7 4.4 Navigating to the Performance Management Window ........................................... 4-8 4.5 Opening the MML Terminal for a Network Element ............................................... 4-8 4.6 Viewing the Alarm Count of a Node ..................................................................... 4-9 4.7 Viewing the NE Agent Information ....................................................................... 4-9

Chapter 5 Operations on the Network Element Tree............................... 5-1 I

5.1 Introduction to the Network Element Tree ............................................................ 5-1 5.2 Searching for a Node on the NE Tree .................................................................. 5-1 5.3 Filtering Resources by Type................................................................................ 5-2

Chapter 6 Topology Graph Management ................................................. 6-1 6.1 Configuring the Map ........................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Map Layer Operations ........................................................................................ 6-3 6.2.1 Navigating to the Upper Layer ................................................................... 6-4 6.2.2 Expanding and Collapsing a Node on the Current Map Layer...................... 6-4 6.2.3 Expanding and Collapsing All Nodes on the Current Map Layer .................. 6-5 6.2.4 Navigating to the Lower Layer ................................................................... 6-5 6.3 Using the Toolbar Buttons ................................................................................... 6-5 6.3.1 Dragging the Topology Graph.................................................................... 6-6 6.3.2 Locking and Unlocking Nodes ................................................................... 6-6 6.3.3 Setting the Network Layout Mode .............................................................. 6-6 6.3.4 Changing the Map Layer........................................................................... 6-8 6.3.5 Searching for a Topology Node ................................................................. 6-9 6.3.6 Viewing the Topology Graph on Full Screen ..............................................6-11 6.3.7 Exporting the Topology Graph ................................................................. 6-12 6.3.8 Viewing the Topology Information in Table................................................ 6-13 6.3.9 Configuring the Content Displayed in the Topology Management Window ................................................................................................ 6-14 6.3.10 Showing or Not Showing the Area of Legend Tab ................................... 6-16 6.3.11 Configuration for Filtering Topology Nodes ............................................. 6-16

Chapter 7 Network Element Agent Management..................................... 7-1 7.1 Overview of Network Element Agent Operations .................................................. 7-1 7.2 Creating an NE Agent Node................................................................................ 7-3 7.3 Starting an NE Agent.......................................................................................... 7-4 7.4 Starting an NE Agent on Background .................................................................. 7-5 7.5 Enabling NE Management Functions ................................................................... 7-5 7.6 Stopping an NE Agent ........................................................................................ 7-6 7.7 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing NE Agent..................................................... 7-7 7.8 Modifying the Attributes of an NE Agent............................................................... 7-8 7.9 Deleting an NE Agent ......................................................................................... 7-9 7.10 Synchronizing Configuration Data from an NE Agent ........................................ 7-10 7.11 Querying the NE Agent Log..............................................................................7-11

Chapter 8 Network Element Management................................................ 8-1 8.1 Opening the Rack Diagram ................................................................................. 8-1 II

8.2 Measuring the Distance Between Two NEs .......................................................... 8-2 8.3 Virtual Network Element Operations .................................................................... 8-3 8.3.1 Overview of Virtual Network Element ......................................................... 8-3 8.3.2 Creating a Virtual NE ................................................................................ 8-3 8.3.3 Modifying the Attributes of a Virtual NE ...................................................... 8-5 8.3.4 Deleting a Virtual NE ................................................................................ 8-5 8.3.5 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing Virtual NE .......................................... 8-6 8.4 Virtual Link Operations ....................................................................................... 8-6 8.4.1 Overview of Virtual Link ............................................................................ 8-6 8.4.2 Creating a Virtual Link .............................................................................. 8-6 8.4.3 Modifying the Attributes of a Virtual Link .................................................... 8-7 8.4.4 Deleting a Virtual Link............................................................................... 8-8 8.4.5 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing Virtual Link......................................... 8-8

Chapter 9 Group Management .................................................................. 9-1 9.1 Group Overview ................................................................................................. 9-1 9.2 Creating a Type Group ....................................................................................... 9-1 9.3 Create Location Group ....................................................................................... 9-5 9.4 Modifying the Attributes of an Existing Group ....................................................... 9-6 9.5 Deleting a Group ................................................................................................ 9-7 9.6 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing Group.......................................................... 9-8

Figures............................................................................................................. I Tables ............................................................................................................ III Glossary .........................................................................................................V



About This Manual The NetNumenTM U31 R52 Unified Element Management System is a special network element management system that manages network elements in radio access systems. By using NetNumen™ U31 R52, users can configure and maintain individual network elements, and manage radio access networks in a unified manner. NetNumen™ U31 R52 provides the following management functions: l l l l l

Configuration management Fault management Performance management Topology management Security management

As an object-oriented system designed on the JAVA 2 platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE), NetNumen™ U31 R52 provides unified standard interfaces to external devices.

Purpose This operation guide provides a description of the topology management operations in the NetNumen™ U31 R52 system.

Intended Audience l l

Maintenance engineers Debugging engineers

What Is in This Manual Chapter


Chapter 1, Topology

Introduces the basic topology management functions provided by

Management Overview

NetNumen™ U31 R52, explains common terms related to topology management, describes the main interface of topology management, and presents the implicit prerequisites of topology management operations.

Chapter 2, Customization of

Summarizes the customization of how the objects are displayed on

GUI Elements

the screen.

Chapter 3, Operations on

Describes operations on Topology management view, such as

Topology Management View

viewing topology graph, refreshing topology data, and arranging topology icons.

Chapter 4, Common

Describes common topology management operations that you can do

Topology Management

on both the NE tree and the topology graph, such as setting a rule,


setting members of a node, and moving nodes.




Chapter 5, Operations on the

Describes the operation that can only be done on the NE tree, such

Network Element Tree

as searching for an NE node.

Chapter 6, Topology Graph

Describes the topology management operations that can be done


on the topology graph, such as operations related to map layers, operations supported by the toolbar, operations on the filter tab, and map configuration.

Chapter 7, Network Element

Provides the instructions of operations related to NE agents, such

Agent Management

as creating, viewing, modifying, deleting, starting and stopping NE agents.

Chapter 8, Network Element

Provides the instructions of operations related to NEs, such as


viewing rack diagram, measuring distance between NEs, creating, viewing, modifying and deleting virtual NEs and virtual links.

Chapter 9, Group

Provides the instructions of operations related to groups, such as


creating, modifying, deleting and viewing groups.

Reference List l l

NetNumen™ U31 R52 Unified Element Management System Fault Management Operation Guide NetNumen™ U31 R52 Unified Element Management System Performance Management Operation Guide


Chapter 1

Topology Management Overview Table of Contents Topology Management Functions ...............................................................................1-1 Definition of Some Topology Management Terms .......................................................1-2 Introduction to the Topology Management Window.....................................................1-3 Implicit Prerequisites ..................................................................................................1-8

1.1 Topology Management Functions Overview NetNumen™ U31 R52 provides a variety of functions in the topology management module for managing: l l l l l

Network resource locations Network architectures Links Connections Service distribution in different service systems

The topology management module also supports l the display of topological relationships between service sub-networks l access management

Functions NetNumen™ U31 R52 provides the following topology management functions: l

Topology Display The NetNumen™ U31 R52 system combines a network topology graph and a Network Element (NE) tree to show network resources. It can provide various management views to meet different requirements of resource management.


Topology Operations NetNumen™ U31 R52 supports the following topology operations on the topology management view: à

Customize elements on Graphical User Interface (GUI)


Manage NE agents 1-1

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NetNumen™ U31 R52 Topology Management Operation Guide



Search topology nodes


Switch between different views


Back up and print the topology graph


Move views


Modify the structure of topological tree


Display a view on the full screen


Set the network layout


Operations on groups


Operations on links


Operations on NEs


Expand and collapse the topology graph


View rack maps

Monitoring Functions The topology management module provides a network topology graph that shows the dynamic operation status of managed networks in real time, thus enabling the configuration monitoring and the fault monitoring functions. à

Configuration Monitoring: By regular synchronization, the system can dynamically display configuration changes in network devices. It shows the operation results of adding and deleting NEs and the configuration information of NEs on the topology graph, and informs users of the configuration changes. The update cycle of configuration information can be set as needed.


Fault Monitoring: The topology graph can reflect faults occurring in lower-level network element management systems in the form of visual and audio alarms. In addition, the system provides a mapping relationship between alarm severity levels and the icon colors of faulty NEs. Acknowledged, unacknowledged, handled and removed faults are displayed differently.

1.2 Definition of Some Topology Management Terms The following explains some terms you may encounter when using this topology management operation guide. l

Virtual Link A virtual link reflects the logical relationship between NEs.


Virtual NE A virtual NE is an NE that does not access the NetNumen™ U31 R52 system physically. By creating virtual NEs, you can get a complete topology graph involving all NEs of the managed network.


Group 1-2

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Chapter 1 Topology Management Overview

A group categorizes a number of NEs by location or type. l

NE Agent The NE agent management is a mechanism used for the access of lower-level network element management systems (EMS). NE agent is the agent of a lower-level EMS. To connect a lower-level EMS to NetNumen™ U31 R52, you need to create an NE agent first and then start the NE agent. And it is required to set the IP address of the lower-level EMS server and other necessary properties (such as port No.) for creating an NE agent.

1.3 Introduction to the Topology Management Window 1.3.1 Opening the Topology Management Window The client window opens the topology management window by default when you log in to the NetNumen™ U31 R52 system. If the current view on the client window is not the topology management window, perform one of the following to open the topology management window.

Steps l l l

On the toolbar of the client window, click . On the menu bar of the client window, select Topology > View Topology. Click the drop-down box at the upper right of the client window, as shown in Figure 1-1, and then select Topology Management. Figure 1-1 Drop-Down List for View Switching

– End of Steps –

1.3.2 Introduction to the Topology Management Window Topology Management Window A complete Topology Management window on the client is shown in Figure 1-2.

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Figure 1-2 Topology Management Window

1. NE tree 2. Topology toolbar 3. Legend tab

4. Panoramic view 5. Topology graph

6. Alarm and performance data area 7. Message notification area

Topology Graph and NE Tree The topology graph reflects the networking architecture of managed devices. It shows the parent-child relationships between devices in a layered way, and uses lines to show the connection relationships between devices. The NE tree lists all nodes in the network element management system. The topology graph shows all nodes on the current layer. The system keeps the synchronization between the NE tree and the topology graph. Moreover, the NE tree provides the navigation function for the topology graph.

Buttons on the Toolbar Above the topology graph is a special toolbar that provides many buttons for basic operations on the topology graph. The toolbar varies with the display mode of topology information. When the topology information is displayed as a graph, the toolbar is as shown in Figure 1-3. When the topology information is displayed as a table, the toolbar varies accordingly. Figure 1-3 Toolbar on the Topology Graph

Table 1-1 describes the function of each button on the topology graph toolbar. 1-4 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Chapter 1 Topology Management Overview

Table 1-1 Function Description of Toolbar Buttons Button




Select an NE or link on the topology graph.


Move the area displayed on the topology graph.

Region Zoom

Select a region and click this button to show the selected region only in the current window area of the topology graph.

Zoom In

Zoom in the topology graph.

Zoom Out

Zoom out the topology graph.

Zoom Reset

Display the graph according to the default scale of the system.

Fit to Content

Show the entire graph in the current window area of the topology graph.


Zoom Back

Cancel the last zooming action.

Lock Position/Unlock

Lock the position of NEs on the topology graph.


Note: After being locked, the NEs cannot be moved on the topology graph.

Network Layout

Select different layout policies to show the objects on the topology graph in different ways.

Save Position

Save the position information on the topology graph to the memory.


Locate a certain node on the topology graph.


Show the map layer previously displayed. Note: The name of this button varies with different map layers.


Show the map layer later displayed. Note: The name of this button varies with different map layers.


Filter the topology graph or table by specified conditions.


Search nodes according to names, types, descriptions or locations.

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NetNumen™ U31 R52 Topology Management Operation Guide




Full Screen

Display the NE tree, Filter, Legend, and Display tabs on the full screen.

Export Current Graph

Export the information of all nodes on the current map layer to a local file. If the topology information is shown in table format, this button is used to export the information of all pages.

Export Current Page

Export the topology information on the current page when topology information is shown in table format.

Export All Pages

Export the topology information of all pages when topology information is shown in table format.

View Table

Show the information of all nodes on the current map layer in a list.

View Topology Graph

Show the information of all nodes on the current map layer on the topology graph.

Config Displaying Content

Configure what to display on the topology graph. If the topology information is shown in table format, this button is used to configure what columns to display.


Print the topology information list. Note: This button is only available when the topology information is displayed in the table format.

Hide Legend

Click this button to hide the Legend tab with the Filter link and Customize Display Content link. Note: This button is available only when the Legend tab is open.

Show Legend

Click this button to show the Legend tab with the Filter link and Customize Display Content link. Note: This button is available only when the Legend tab is hidden.

When the topology information is shown in table format, the Customize Display Content link is shown as the Customize Display Columns link.

The Legend Tab The Legend tab is located to the right of the topology graph. 1-6 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Chapter 1 Topology Management Overview

l l l

The Legend tab gives the explanation of NE icons, alarm colors and status icons. You can set filtering conditions to show specific topology nodes meeting the conditions on the topology graph by clicking the Filter link. You can set whether to show node name and link name on the topology graph, whether to open the message notification window on the topology management view, and whether to show the message content on the message notification bar by clicking the Customize Display Content link.

Note: If the area of Legend, Filter and Display is not displayed on the right part of the topology management view, click on the toolbar.

Alarm and Performance Area The NE Active Alarms tab is displayed on the alarm and performance area by default. You can view the active alarms of the selected node on the NE tree in real time.

Network Element Agent Icon On the topology graph, the icons of NE agent nodes are displayed on the EMS server layer, as shown in Figure 1-4. Figure 1-4 Network Element Agents on the Topology Graph

A dimmed NE agent icon indicates that the corresponding NE agent is not started. After the NE agent is started, the icon is lightened. If some alarms occur in the NE agent, the icon is highlighted with a color according to the highest severity of the alarms. For the colors of different severity levels, refer to the Legend tab on the right of the Topology Management view (for detailed operation, refer to 6.3.10 Showing or Not Showing the Area of Legend Tab). 1-7 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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NetNumen™ U31 R52 Topology Management Operation Guide

Point to an NE agent icon and a callout will appear, showing the statistic information of alarms of different severity levels.

1.4 Implicit Prerequisites For all operations subsequent to this section, the following prerequisites may be presumed to have been met. l l

The NetNumen™ U31 R52 client has been started and successfully connected to the server. You have the authority to perform topology management operations.

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Chapter 2

Customization of GUI Elements This chapter describes how to customize of the icons and symbols used in the NetNumen™ U31 R52 client GUI. It is assumed that the capability of generating the icon or symbol data offline in some graphics tool exists. If the default icons are to be used then this chapter may be skipped.

Table of Contents Customizing the Node Icon ........................................................................................2-1 Customizing the Link Pattern......................................................................................2-2 Customizing the Status Icon .......................................................................................2-3 Customizing the Status Color .....................................................................................2-4 Customizing the Status Order.....................................................................................2-9 Customizing the Node Callout ..................................................................................2-10 Customizing the Alarm Display Mode .......................................................................2-11 Customizing Other Elements ....................................................................................2-12

2.1 Customizing the Node Icon The node icons on the topology graph and the NE tree can be customized as required, including the icon of NE agent. This procedure describes how to customize the icon of a node type on the topology graph or the NE tree.

Context l l l

The size of the image file is no more than 50 KB. The size of the image to be used as an icon on the NE tree is not larger than 25*25 pixels. The size of the image to be used as an icon on the topology graph is not larger than 50*50 pixels.

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Customize GUI Elements to open the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-1.

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Figure 2-1 Customizing the Graphical User Interface Elements (Customize Type Image)

2. In the cell of the icon to be changed, click


3. In the pop-up Open dialog box, select the directory where the image is saved from the Look In drop-down box and select the image file to be used. 4. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click OK to complete the customization of the node icon. – End of Steps –

2.2 Customizing the Link Pattern You can customize the link appearance of different links in the system. To customize the pattern and width of lines that represent virtual links on the topology graph as an example, perform the following operations.

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Topology > Customize GUI Elements to open the Customize GUI Elements dialog box. 2. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click Customize Link Appearance in the left list box, see Figure 2-2.

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Chapter 2 Customization of GUI Elements

Figure 2-2 Customizing Link Appearance

3. Click the cell in the Link Linearity column corresponding to virtual link. The cell becomes a combo box. Then click the drop-down arrow and select the required pattern from the drop-down list. 4. Click the cell in the Link Width column corresponding to virtual link. The cell becomes a combo box. Then click the drop-down arrow and select the required width from the drop-down list. 5. Click OK to complete the setting of link pattern. – End of Steps –

2.3 Customizing the Status Icon Prerequisite The new icon image file to be used (16*16 pixels) in the format of JPG, GIF, or PNG exists.

Context To customize a status icon for the topology graph and the NE tree, perform the following operations.

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Customize GUI Elements to open the Customize GUI Elements dialog box. 2-3 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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NetNumen™ U31 R52 Topology Management Operation Guide

2. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click Customize Status Image. 3. In the cell of the status icon to be changed, click


4. In the pop-up Open dialog box, select the directory where the image is saved from the Look In drop-down box, and then select image file to be used in the list box. 5. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click OK to complete the setting of the status icon. – End of Steps –

2.4 Customizing the Status Color The system uses different colors to indicate the status of NE agents, NEs, EMS, groups, and links on the topology graph. You can customize these colors as required. The following describes how to change the color indicating a broken link, for example.

Context l l

RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) HSB (Hue, Saturation, and Brightness)

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Customize GUI Elements to open the Customize GUI Elements dialog box. 2. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click Customize Status Color in the left list box, see Figure 2-3.

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Chapter 2 Customization of GUI Elements

Figure 2-3 Customizing the Status color

3. In the cell of the status color to be changed, click Color dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-4.

to open the Chooser Status

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Figure 2-4 Choosing the Status Color — the Swatches Tab

The Swatches tab shows some colors for choosing. If you do not find the required color on the Swatches tab, switch to the RGB or HSB tab and set three numbers in the corresponding color model to get the required color.

Note: RGB and HSB are two color models.

4. On the Swatches tab, select the required color box. The color you select is displayed in the Preview area. l If you find the required color on the Swatches tab, proceed to Step 7. l If you do not find the required color on the Swatches tab, proceed to Step 5 (HSB) or Step 6 (RGB). 5. Click the HSB tab as shown in Figure 2-5. Move the slider on the color bar, or set the values of H, S and B in corresponding spin boxes to get the required color in the Preview area. Then proceed to Step 7.

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Chapter 2 Customization of GUI Elements

Figure 2-5 Choosing the Status Color- the HSB Tab

Note: Any changes made in the HSB model will result in the corresponding changes in the RGB model, and vice versa.

6. Click the RGB tab as shown in Figure 2-6. Move the sliders of Red, Green and Blue gauges or set the values in the corresponding spin boxes to get the required color in the Preview area.

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Figure 2-6 Choosing the Status Color- the RGB Tab

Note: Any changes made in the RGB model will result in the corresponding changes in the HSB model, and vice versa.

7. Click OK to close the Chooser Status Color dialog box and return to the Customize GUI Elements dialog box.

Tip: To cancel the color setting and restore the default status color, click Reset.

8. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click OK to complete the setting of status color. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 2 Customization of GUI Elements

2.5 Customizing the Status Order The system provides different icons to indicate the status of NEs, NE agents, and links on the topology management view. You can select the status icons that need to be displayed and determine their display priorities by setting their order. Note that only the first three status icons in the list of Displayed Status Icon can be displayed on the topology graph, and only the first one can be displayed on the topological tree (NE tree). You can add or remove status icons to or from the list of displayed status icons, and adjust the order of status icons in the list to determine the display order of status icons. The following describes how to customize the display order of status icons on the topology graph and topological tree.

Context Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Customize GUI Element to open the Customize GUI Element dialog box. 2. In the Customize GUI Element dialog box, click Customize Status Order in the left list box, as shown in Figure 2-7. Figure 2-7 Customizing the Display Order of Status Icons

3. Perform one or more appropriate operations to determine the display of status icons as follows. 2-9 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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l l l l l l

To add all status icons from the Undisplayed Status Icon list box to the Displayed Status Icon list box, click . To add specific status icon(s) from the Undisplayed Status Icon list box to the Displayed Status Icon list box, select the icon(s), and then click . To remove all status icons from the Displayed Status Icon list box to the Undisplayed Status Icon list box, click . To remove specific status icon(s) from the Displayed Status Icon list box to the Undisplayed Status Icon list box, select the icon(s), and then click . To move a status icon up in the Displayed Status Icon list box, select the icon, and then click . To move a status icon down in the Displayed Status Icon list box, select the icon, and then click .

4. After selecting and sorting the status icons to be displayed on the topology management view, click OK to close the Customize GUI Element dialog box.

Tip: You can click the Default button to restore the default settings of the display order of status icons.

– End of Steps –

2.6 Customizing the Node Callout The node callout can be customized and users can select specific information to display.

Context The node callout might include the node name, status, alarm information, comments, types, and Key Performance Index (KPI) monitoring information. The CDMA NE also includes node type and IP information.

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Customize GUI Elements to open the Customize GUI Elements dialog box. 2. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click Customize Tooltips. 3. In the Type list box, select EMS Server. 4. In the Basic Information list box, select the check boxes corresponding to the information types to be displayed in the node callout. 5. Click OK to complete the customization of the callout of the EMS server node. – End of Steps – 2-10 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Chapter 2 Customization of GUI Elements

2.7 Customizing the Alarm Display Mode The system can adopt one of the following display mode to indicate that some alarms occur in a node on the topology graph. l l l

Highlighted node icon with a callout: The color of the callout indicates the highest severity level of unacknowledged alarms in the node. Highlighted and framed node icon: The color of the node icon indicates the highest severity level of acknowledged alarms in the node. Blinking node icon: The node icon blinks to indicate that some alarms in the node have not been acknowledged.

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Customize GUI Elements to open the Customize GUI Elements dialog box. 2. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click Customize Alarm in the left list box as shown in Figure 2-8. Figure 2-8 Customizing Alarm Display Mode

3. Read the description of each alarm display mode and select the check box(es) of the required display modes. 4. Click OK to complete the setting of alarm display mode. – End of Steps –

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2.8 Customizing Other Elements Besides the elements described in the previous sections, the system also supports the customization of some other elements on the topology graph, including: l l l l l

Whether to show the parent node of nodes on the current map layer Whether to show the longitude and latitude lines on the topology graph The color and font size of node labels The background color of the topology graph The minimum number of combined link lines

To customize the other elements on the topology graph, perform the following operations.

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Customize GUI Elements to open the Customize GUI Elements dialog box. 2. In the Customize GUI Elements dialog box, click Other in the left list box, see Figure 2-9. Figure 2-9 Customizing Other GUI Elements

3. Set the other elements on the topology graph as needed. For example, a. To show the status icons on the topology graph, select the Show Status Icon check box.

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Chapter 2 Customization of GUI Elements

b. To show the parent node on the current map layer, select the Parent Node of Layer is Visible check box. c. To show the coordinates of the cursor’s position, select Show Coordinate of Cursor on Status Bar. d. To show the NE statistics on the status bar, select Show Statistic of NE on Status Bar. e. To show the longitude and latitude lines on the topology graph, select the Show Longitude and Latitude Line check box, and then select an option from the Longitude and Latitude Line Color drop-down box to set the colors of longitude and latitude lines. f. To set the color of node labels on the topology graph, click Label Color. g. To set the background color of the topology graph, click Background Color. h. To set the font size of node labels, type a number or select an option in the Label Font Size box (Value range: 6 to 20). i. To set the limit to combine lines, type a number or select an option in the Min Combine Line Number box (Value range: 2 to 10). j. To set the distance between two lines, type a number or select an option in the The distance between two lines box (Value range: 5 to 25).

Note: When the number of links between two NEs is equal to or greater than the value set in the Min Combine Line Number box, all the link lines will be combined to one between the two NEs. This line can be expanded to multiple lines.

4. Click OK to save the settings. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 3

Operations on the Topology Management View The chapter provides the instructions on how to carry out some operations supported by the topology management module.

Table of Contents Refreshing the Topology Data ....................................................................................3-1 Viewing the Statistical Information of a Node ..............................................................3-1 Setting Coordinates Synchronization ..........................................................................3-3 Viewing and Operating the NE Alarm Monitoring Table...............................................3-4 Viewing and Operating the Important Alarm Monitoring Table.....................................3-8 Exporting and Importing a GUI Display Style ............................................................3-10

3.1 Refreshing the Topology Data The topology data displayed on a client window might not be the latest data on the server because another user can modify the topology graph at the same time through another client connected to the same server. To keep the consistency of topology data between your client and the server, do the following to get the latest topology data from the server:

Steps l

On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Refresh Data. – End of Steps –

Result The message “Refresh topology data successfully!” blinks on the status bar at the bottom of the client window. Double-click before the message. A Show Message dialog box appears, listing the success message.

3.2 Viewing the Statistical Information of a Node Context This function allows you to view the statistical information of a node on the NE tree, including the count of its child NEs, and the count of related groups and links. 3-1 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Steps 1. Open the Statistical Information dialog box using one of the following methods: l On the menu bar, select Topology > Statistics Topology to show the topological statistics of the whole network in the pop-up Statistical Information dialog box, as shown in Figure 3-1. Figure 3-1 Statistical Information of the Whole Network


On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click a node, and then select Topology Management > Show Statistics Topology from the shortcut menu. The topological statistics of the selected node is shown in the pop-up window, as shown in Figure 3-2.

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Figure 3-2 Statistical Information of the Selected Node

2. After viewing the NE statistical information, click OK to close the message box. – End of Steps –

3.3 Setting Coordinates Synchronization This procedure describes how to set whether to synchronize the coordinates of local-level NE with those of the NE agent.

Context The options of the coordinates synchronization are described as follows: l l

Yes: Using the lower-level NE’s coordinates. When the coordinates of the lower-level NE of a local NE node change, the local NE’s coordinates change accordingly. No: Not using the lower-level NE’s coordinates. When the coordinates of the lower-level NE of a local NE node change, the local NE’s coordinates remain unchanged.

Steps 1. On the menu bar, select Topology > Configure Coordinate Synchronization, and the Coordinate Synchronization Settings dialog box appears, see Figure 3-3. 3-3 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Figure 3-3 Coordinate Synchronization Settings

2. Select Yes or No by clicking corresponding option buttons. 3. Click OK to save it. – End of Steps –

3.4 Viewing and Operating the NE Alarm Monitoring Table Context The NE monitoring table on the lower part of the topology management view is displayed by default when you start the client for the first time. The table lists the monitoring information of NEs on the topology graph, including alarms, acknowledgement status of alarms, alarm codes, alarm types, alarm causes, and raised time, as shown in Figure 3-4. Figure 3-4 Network Element Alarms Table

If the NE alarms table is not displayed on the topology management view, perform the following to view the table and perform related operations on the monitoring result:

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, click Topology > Set Alarm Display Style > Show NE Alarms Table.

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Note: To view the monitoring information of a specific NE, select the corresponding node on the NE tree or the topology graph. Then the NE monitoring table only lists the monitoring information of the selected NE.

2. To get specific monitoring information, do the following to set the filter conditions: a. From the Perceived Severity drop-down box, select the severity level of the alarms to be viewed. b. From the Ack State drop-down box, select the acknowledgement status of the alarms to be viewed. Then the system filters out the information that does not meet the filtering conditions and only displays the alarms of the selected severity level and acknowledgement status in the NE monitoring table. 3. On the NE monitoring table, you can perform the operations described in Table 3-1 by using the corresponding buttons on the upper part of the table. Table 3-1 Operations on the NE Monitoring Table and Corresponding Buttons Button


Operation To export the NE monitoring table to a file: i.

Click the arrow beside the button to choose from the drop-down list whether to export all columns or just visi-

Export Visible Columns/Export All Columns

ble columns, and click the button. ii.

In the pop-up Save dialog box, select a directory to save the file, select a file format, and type a name for the file.

iii. Click Save to export the NE monitoring table to the specified file. To print the NE monitoring table:



Click the button to open the Print Setup dialog box.


In the Print Setup dialog box, select the printer and set the print properties.

iii. Click Print to print the NE monitoring table. Note: At most 5000 records can be printed at a time. To stop refreshing the NE monitoring table, click this button. Pin Table

Then the system will not refresh the monitoring information, keeping the current page unchanged.

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Operation To customize the displayed columns of the table: i.

Click the Customize Display Columns button to open the Customize Display Columns dialog box.


In the Customize Display Columns dialog box, select


the check boxes corresponding to the columns you want

Display Columns

to show on the table. iii. Click right or left arrow to add or remove the columns, and click up or down arrow to adjust the sequence of columns displayed on the table. iv. Click OK to complete the customization. To synchronize alarms of selected NE(s). i.

Click the button, and the Synchronize Active Alarms dialog box appears.

ii. Synchronize

Select the target NE(s). l

To add the selected nodes without the subnodes, click

Active alarms l

To add the selected nodes with the subnodes, click

iii. Click OK, and a message box appears. iv. Click OK in the message box.

4. To view the details of an alarm in the NE monitoring table, double-click the corresponding row to open the NE detail dialog box, as shown in Figure 3-5.

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Figure 3-5 Details of an Alarm

5. In the dialog box showing the details of an alarm, you can do the operations described in Table 3-2 by using the corresponding buttons. Table 3-2 Operations in the Details Dialog Box and Corresponding Buttons Button

Operation Click this button to show the details of the previous alarm message in the NE monitoring table. Click this button to show the details of the next alarm message in the NE monitoring table. Click this button to acknowledge the current alarm. Note: This button is only available when the current alarm has not been acknowledged. Click this button to cancel the acknowledgement of the current alarm. Note: This button is only available when the current alarm has been acknowledged. To add a comment on the active alarm: i.

Click this button to open a Comment dialog box.


Type your comment in the text box and click OK.

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Operation To clear all contents in this monitoring record, click this button and click OK in the pop-up Confirm dialog box. To forward the monitoring information to a specific person: i.

Click this button to open the Forwarding Setup dialog box.


Select the forwarding mode (Email or/and Phone) and enter the Email address or/and phone number of the person.

iii. Click OK. To export the details of the current monitoring record to a file: i.

Click this button to open a Save dialog box.


In the Save dialog box, select the save path and file format and then enter the file name.

iii. Click Save to export the details to the specified file.

6. To view or modify the handling suggestion of the alarm, click the Handling Suggestions tab in the dialog box as shown in Figure 3-5, and then view or modify the handling suggestion. After you modify the handling suggestion, click Save before closing the dialog box. – End of Steps –

3.5 Viewing and Operating the Important Alarm Monitoring Table The alarm and performance area on the lower part of the topology management view can also display the information of important alarms that you concern. You can export, print, view and handle these alarms as described in the previous section, 3.4 Viewing and Operating the NE Alarm Monitoring Table. To view the focused monitoring alarm table in the alarm and performance area and query the important alarms you concern, perform the following operations.

Steps 1. On the menu bar of the client window, select Topology > Set Alarm Display Style > Show Important Alarms Table. The Important Alarms Table is displayed in the alarm and performance data area, as shown in Figure 3-6.

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Figure 3-6 Important Alarms Table

2. Click on the toolbar of the alarm table to open the Set Monitor Condition dialog box, as shown in Figure 3-7. Figure 3-7 Setting Monitor Condition

For the buttons for adding and deleting the NEs to and from the monitor condition list, refer to Table 3-3. Table 3-3 Buttons for Adding and Deleting NE to the Monitor Conditions List Button

Function Add the selected NE and its subsequent NEs to the list. Delete all NEs from the list. Add the selected NE. Delete the selected NE.

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3. On the Location tab of the Set Monitor Condition dialog box, perform the following to select the NEs whose alarm information is required. a. From the NE Type drop-down list box, select the NE type. All (types) is selected by default. b. By default, the All NEs option button is selected. If you need to select specific NEs, expand the NE tree, select the required NEs, and then click to add them to the right list box. (Select specific NEs, and the Specific NEs option button is automatically selected.) 4. Click the Alarm Code tab, and select the alarm code to be displayed in the primary monitoring table. 5. Click the Probable Cause tab. Expand the alarm code tree, select the required alarm codes, and then click to add them to the right list box. 6. Click the Time tab, and select the raised time and acknowledged time range for the alarms to be displayed. 7. Click the Others tab and set the other query conditions, such as alarm type, alarm severity level, acknowledgement status, and NE IP. Then click the Advanced button to set the other query conditions, such as user ID, visibility, and additional character string.

Tip: You can also select the alarm severity level and acknowledgement status as query conditions from the Perceived Severity and ACK State drop-down list boxes on the top of the Primary Monitor Alarm table.

8. Click OK in the Set Monitor Condition dialog box to query the primary alarms. – End of Steps –

Result The query result is displayed in the Primary Monitor Alarm table.

3.6 Exporting and Importing a GUI Display Style The display style of a client GUI can be exported and saved as a ZIP file, which will contain the following: l Settings of all GUI elements l The display status of legend and panoramic view l NE locations l Lock status of the topology graph l Configuration of the background map 3-10 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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You can use the same display style on another client that has the same topology data by importing the ZIP file. The following describes how to export the GUI display style of a client and how to import a GUI display style to a client.

Steps To export the GUI display style from a client, perform the following operations. 1. On the menu bar, click Topology > Export GUI Display Style. 2. In the pop-up Save dialog box, select the directory to save the display style file (ZIP file) from the Save in box, type a name for the file in the File Name box, and then click Save. A ZIP file containing the GUI display style information appears in the selected directory. To import a GUI display style to a client, perform the following operations. 3. On the menu bar, click Topology > Import GUI Display Style. 4. In the pop-up Open dialog box, select the directory where the display style file to be imported exists from the Look in drop-down box, select the display style, and then click Open. After you successfully import the display style file, the display style of the client GUI changes accordingly. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 4

Common Topology Management Operations This chapter describes common topology management operations that you can do by using the commands on the shortcut menu of a node either in the NE tree or on the topology graph.

Table of Contents Setting a Node Profile ................................................................................................4-1 Setting the Members of a Node ..................................................................................4-6 Navigating to the Fault Management Window.............................................................4-7 Navigating to the Performance Management Window ................................................4-8 Opening the MML Terminal for a Network Element .....................................................4-8 Viewing the Alarm Count of a Node ............................................................................4-9 Viewing the NE Agent Information ..............................................................................4-9

4.1 Setting a Node Profile The profile of a topology node specifies the location, device type, and IP address of the node. If a newly-created node has not been assigned to a parent node, the system will allocate it to a topology node closely matching the profile. To set the profile of a node, perform the following operations.

Context Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the node, and then click Topology Management > Set Rule to open the Set Rule dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-1.

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Figure 4-1 Set Rule dialog box

2. From the Rule Type drop-down box, select a type: IP Address Rule, Device Type Rule, or Location Rule. l If IP Address Rule is selected, proceed to Step 3. l If Location Rule is selected, proceed to Step 4. l If Device Type Rule is selected, proceed to Step 5. 3. Set the IP address rule according to the prompt on the lower part of the dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-2. For example, type the IP addresses in the text box and then click Save.

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Figure 4-2 IP Address Rule

After the IP address rule is successfully set, proceed to Step 6 if it is not required to set the other rules for the node. 4. Set the location rule according to the prompt on the lower part of the dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-3. For example, type the locations in the text box, select Ignore Case if the location names are not case sensitive, and then click Save.

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Figure 4-3 Location Rule

After the location rule is successfully set, proceed to Step 6 if you it is not required to set the other rules for the node. 5. On the Select Device Type tab as shown in Figure 4-4, select the device type and click to add it to the Selected Items list box. After selecting all the required device types, click Save.

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Figure 4-4 Device Type Rule

Note: You can also input the device types directly on the Input Device Type tab.

6. Click Close to close the Set Rule dialog box. – End of Steps –

Example To set a device type rule for the node, perform the following steps: 1. In the Set Rules dialog box, select Device Type Rule from the Rule Type drop-down list box. 2. On the Select Device Type tab, click “BTS” in the left list box and click . 3. Click Save, and then click Close to close the Set Rule dialog box. The device type rule is successfully created. If you do not assign a parent node to a BTS node when you create it, the system will allocate the new BTS node as the child node of according to the device type rule.

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Note: A rule only affects new topology nodes created after the rule was set. The rule has no impact on those nodes created before it is created.

4.2 Setting the Members of a Node This function allows you to set the subnodes of a node.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology map, right-click the node, and click Topology Management > Set Member to open the Set Member dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-5. Figure 4-5 Set Member dialog box

2. To add a new member to the node, click Add to open the Select Node dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-6. Expand the NE tree, select the node to be added, and then click OK to return to the Set Member dialog box. 4-6 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Figure 4-6 Select Node dialog box

3. To remove a member, select the corresponding node in the member list of the Set Member dialog box, and then click Delete. 4. In the Set Member dialog box, click OK to complete the setting of members. – End of Steps –

4.3 Navigating to the Fault Management Window This function allows you to navigate from the topology management window to the fault management view and see the alarms of a specified node.

Steps l

On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the node, point to the Fault Management submenu on the shortcut menu, and then click a command, for example, Active Alarms. – End of Steps –

Result The system opens the fault management window and displays the active alarms of the selected node.

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4.4 Navigating to the Performance Management Window This function allows you to navigate from the topology management window to the performance management view and see the performance messages of a specified node.

Steps l

On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the node, the Performance Management submenu on the shortcut menu, and then click a command as needed.

Note: This function is not applicable to virtual NEs.

– End of Steps –

Result The system opens the performance management window and displays the corresponding performance information of the selected node.

4.5 Opening the MML Terminal for a Network Element The NetNumen™ U31 R52 system provides a Man-Machine Language (MML) terminal as a command line tool. You can manage the objects involved in the system by running single commands or batch commands in the MML terminal. The NetNumen™ U31 R52 client provides a GUI for the MML terminal, on which you can use MML commands in an intuitive way. To open the MML terminal for a specific NE, perform the following operations.

Steps l

Right-click the target NE on the NE tree or the topology graph, and then click MML Terminal. – End of Steps –

Result The MML terminal appears on the client window, locating the target NE on the NE tree. Then you can run commands in the MML terminal to perform management operations on this NE.

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4.6 Viewing the Alarm Count of a Node The system provides a quick method of viewing the count of unacknowledged alarms and all alarms of a node on the topology management view. To get more alarm details, refer to the instruction in NetNumen U31 R18 Unified Element Management System Fault Management Operation Guide. To view the count of alarms on different severity levels of a node, perform the following operations.

Steps l

On the NE tree or the topology graph, select the node. Then a node callout appears to show the count of unacknowledged alarms and all alarms occurring in the node, as shown in Figure 4-7. Figure 4-7 Alarm Count

– End of Steps –

4.7 Viewing the NE Agent Information This function allows you to view the information of all NE agents in the EMS. The information includes the NE agent names and the version information.

Steps 1. On the NE topology tree, right-click the EMS Server node, and then click Show NE Agent Information from the shortcut menu. The NE Agent Information dialog box opens, displaying all the NE agent names and the corresponding version information with NE agent activated.

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Note: The version information whose NE agent is not activated is displayed as The NE Agent is inactive.

2. Click OK to close the dialog box. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 5

Operations on the Network Element Tree Table of Contents Introduction to the Network Element Tree...................................................................5-1 Searching for a Node on the NE Tree.........................................................................5-1 Filtering Resources by Type .......................................................................................5-2

5.1 Introduction to the Network Element Tree The Network Element (NE) tree specifies a hierarchical structure with a set of linked nodes. The NetNumen™ U31 R52 server (also called EMS server) is the root node on the NE tree. Besides the EMS server, the node types on the NE tree includes NE agent, subnetwork, managed NE, group, and virtual NE. On the NE tree, you can search for specific nodes directly and do some topology management operations by selecting appropriate commands on the shortcut menu. For the instructions of these topology management operations, refer to the previous sections in Chapter 4 Common Topology Management Operations. The NE tree locates on the left pane of the topology management view, as shown in Figure 5-1. Figure 5-1 Network Element Tree

5.2 Searching for a Node on the NE Tree This function allows you to quickly find a node on the NE tree. 5-1 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Prerequisite You have obtained some information of the required node, such as its name or IP address.

Steps 1. In the text box above the NE tree, enter related information of the required node, for example, the name of the node “112(112)”, as shown in Figure 5-2. Figure 5-2 Search for a Node on the Network Element Tree

2. Click

at the right side of the text box, or press the ENTER key.

– End of Steps –

Result The NE tree displays the node(s) that meets the search conditions, as shown in Figure 5-3. Figure 5-3 Search Result

5.3 Filtering Resources by Type This function allows you to view desired types of topological resources by setting specific conditions 5-2 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Steps 1. On the NE tree, click , and the Filter By Resource Type dialog box opens, listing NEs, NE groups and links by type. 2. Select the resource types to be viewed on the topology graph and the NE tree.

Note: The EMS Server node cannot be filtered out.

3. Click OK. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 6

Topology Graph Management This chapter provides the instructions on special operations on the topology graph.

Table of Contents Configuring the Map ...................................................................................................6-1 Map Layer Operations ................................................................................................6-3 Using the Toolbar Buttons ..........................................................................................6-5

6.1 Configuring the Map The system provides a default map as the background of the topology graph. You can import a specific map and set the range of the imported map to display it as the background of the topology graph. In this way, you can manage the positions of nodes on the topology graph.

Note: The system supports the import of GIF and JPG image files. An image file with the size less than 1 MB is recommended.

Steps 1. On the topology graph, right-click the blank area, and then click Configure Map to open the Configure Map dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-1.

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Figure 6-1 Configure Map Dialog Box

2. Click Import. In the pop-up Open dialog box, select the image file to be imported, and then click Open to return to the Configure Map dialog box. 3. Under Map Range, set the longitude range and latitude range of the imported map to determine the area to be shown on the topology graph.

Note: The longitude and latitude ranges can only be set for the imported map.

Table 6-1 describes the parameters used to set the map range.

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Table 6-1 Description of Parameters in the Map Range Area Parameter


Value Range

Default Value

Start Longitude

Set the start longitude of the

[-180, 180]


[-180, 180]


[-90, 90]


[-90, 90]


map area to be displayed as the background End Longitude

Set the end longitude of the map area to be displayed as the background

Start Latitude

Set the start latitude of the map area to be displayed as the background

End Latitude

Set the end longitude of the map area to be displayed as the background

4. Click OK to complete the import and setting of the map. – End of Steps –

Result The imported map is displayed as the background of the topology graph.

6.2 Map Layer Operations The topology graph has several layers based on the relationships between nodes. Generally, the topology graph displays the nodes on the same layer at a time. When you select a node on the NE tree, the topology graph shows all nodes on the current map layer. For example, select the NE agent “” on the NE tree. As shown in Figure 6-2, the topology management view shows that the current map layer is on the upper right corner and the topology graph shows all the child nodes of the NE agent.

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Figure 6-2 Current Map Layer

On the current map layer, you can go to the upper layer, expand or collapse a node, and expand or collapse all nodes.

6.2.1 Navigating to the Upper Layer This function allows you to navigate to the upper layer of the current map layer, that is, the layer of the current node’s parent node.

Steps l

Right-click on the blank area of the topology graph, and then click To Upper Layer. – End of Steps –

Result The topology graph shows the nodes on the next higher or upper layer, and the current map layer changes accordingly.

6.2.2 Expanding and Collapsing a Node on the Current Map Layer On the current layer, you can expand a node to display its child nodes at the same time and collapse it to hide the child nodes.

Steps l

To expand a node, right-click the node on the topology graph, and then choose Topology Management > Show Node’s Sublayer. Then the system displays all the child nodes on the current layer of the topology graph. 6-4

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To collapse a node, right-click the expanded node on the topology graph, and then choose Topology Management > Hide Node’s Sublayer. Then the child nodes on the lower layer of the selected node disappears from the topology graph. – End of Steps –

6.2.3 Expanding and Collapsing All Nodes on the Current Map Layer On the current map layer, you can expand all nodes to show their child nodes of the lower layer at the same time, that is, the topology graph shows the nodes on both the current map layer and those on the lower layer. All the sub-nodes on the current map layer can also be collapsed.

Steps l


To expand all nodes on the current map layer, right-click the blank area on the topology graph, and then click Show Sublayer. Then the system expands all the nodes to display their child nodes on the current layer on the topology graph. To collapse all nodes on the current map layer, right-click the blank area on the topology graph, and then click Hide Sublayer. Then the system collapses all expanded nodes on the topology graph. – End of Steps –

6.2.4 Navigating to the Lower Layer This function allows you to navigate to the lower layer of a node, that is, the layer of the current node’s child nodes.

Steps l

Right-click the node on the topology graph, and then click Topology Management > To Lower Layer. – End of Steps –

Result The topology graph shows the child nodes of the selected node on the next lower layer, and the current map layer changes accordingly.

6.3 Using the Toolbar Buttons The system provides a toolbar on the topology management view, as shown in Figure 6-3. You can do some basic topology management operations by using the buttons on the toolbar.

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Figure 6-3 Topology Toolbar (Topology Graph)

For the description of each toolbar button, refer to the earlier section “Buttons on the Toolbar” in Chapter 1 Topology Management Overview.

6.3.1 Dragging the Topology Graph You can drag the topology graph to see the other part of the graph that is not displayed due to the size limitation of the current window. To drag the topology graph, perform the following operation.

Steps l

Click on the toolbar. Place the cursor on the topology graph and then pan the topology graph to show the required part. – End of Steps –

6.3.2 Locking and Unlocking Nodes On the topology graph, a node can be moved to another position freely. If you lock nodes, no node can be moved to another position.

Note: The locking and unlocking operations only take effect on the current client window.

Steps l l

To lock nodes on the topology graph, click on the toolbar. Then the nodes on all map layers cannot be moved. To unlock nodes on the topology graph, click on the toolbar. Then the nodes on all map layers can be moved. – End of Steps –

6.3.3 Setting the Network Layout Mode The system can display the nodes in different layout modes on the topology graph. The layout modes are: l l l l

Hierarchical Layout Tree Layout Radial Tree Layout Spring Embedded Layout 6-6

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Uniform Length Edges Layout

To set the network layout mode, perform the following operations.

Steps 1. Perform one of the following to open the Network Layout dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-4. l Click on the toolbar. l Right-click the blank area on the topology graph, and click Network Layout. Figure 6-4 Network Layout dialog box

2. In the Layout Strategy list box, select the required network layout mode.

Note: After you select a layout strategy, the right part of the Network Layout dialog box shows the example of the selected layout mode.

3. Click OK to complete the setting of the network layout mode. – End of Steps –

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Example For example, if Uniform Length Edges Layout is selected, the topology graph shows the nodes in equally distributed rows and columns, as shown in Figure 6-5. Figure 6-5 Uniform Edges Layout

6.3.4 Changing the Map Layer The current map layer corresponds to a node. This layer can be switched to any node layer that you have previously viewed after you started the client. To switch the current map layer to another, perform the following operations.

Prerequisite You have the operation authority of the node on the map layer that need to be switched.

Steps 1. Click on the toolbar to expand the list of previously-viewed nodes, as shown in Figure 6-6. Figure 6-6 List of Previously Viewed Nodes

2. Select the required node layer to be switched from the drop-down list. – End of Steps –

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Example Suppose the current map layer is “”. Click and select from the pop-up list. Then the current map layer turns to “”.

6.3.5 Searching for a Topology Node This function allows you to find a topology node on the topology graph.

Prerequisite l l

You have the operation authority of the topology node(s) to be found. You have known some information of the topology node(s) to be found, such as the node name, device type, location, or IP address.

Steps 1. Click

on the toolbar to open the Search dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 The Search Dialog Box

For the CDMA NE Search dialog box, see Figure 6-8. The NE search setting for these two dialog boxes is similar.

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Figure 6-8 The CDMA Search Dialog Box

2. Set the Search Mode, select and or or. l and: search for NEs that match all search conditions. l or: search for NEs that match one of the search conditions. 3. Input the query conditions in Search by Name, Search by Type, Search by IP Address, Search by Position, or Search by Description. 4.

Note: This is an example for selecting Search by Name as search condition.

Select Case Sensitive. Selecting this check box indicates the search condition is case sensitive. 5. Click Search. – End of Steps –

Result A table appears below the topology graph displaying the search result, see Figure 6-9.

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Figure 6-9 Search Result

6.3.6 Viewing the Topology Graph on Full Screen Generally, the client window can only display part of the topology graph due to its size limitation. To view the other part not directly displayed on the window, you can view the topology graph on the full screen instead of dragging the topology graph or the scroll bars. To view the topology graph on the full screen, perform the following operations.

Steps l


on the toolbar.

– End of Steps –

Result The topology graph is displayed on the full screen, as shown in Figure 6-10.

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Figure 6-10 Topology Graph on the Full Screen

Follow-Up Action To cancel the display of topology graph on the full screen, click

on the toolbar.

6.3.7 Exporting the Topology Graph This function allows you to export the topology graph as an image file and save it on the local computer.

Prerequisite You have the operational authority over the nodes on the topology graph to be exported.

Steps 1. Click

on the toolbar.

2. In the pop-up Save dialog box, type or select the file path in the Save In drop-down box. 3. Type a name for the file in the File Name text box, and select a file type (.png or .jpg) from the Files of Type drop-down list box.

Note: The name of group or NE corresponding to the current topology graph is recommended as the image file name for easier identification.

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4. Click Save. A message box pops up, prompting the successful export of the topology graph. 5. Click OK to close the message box. – End of Steps –

Result The topology graph is saved as an image file under the specified path.

6.3.8 Viewing the Topology Information in Table The system shows the topology information as a map by default. It can also displays the topology information as a table. To view the topology information as a table, perform the following operations.

Steps l


on the toolbar of the topology graph.

– End of Steps –

Result The system displays the topology information of all nodes on the current map layer in table format, as shown in Figure 6-11. Figure 6-11 Topology Information Table

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Follow-Up Action To show the topology information in map format again, click graph.

on the toolbar of the topology

6.3.9 Configuring the Content Displayed in the Topology Management Window Context This procedure describes how to configure the content displayed on the topology management view.

Steps 1. On the toolbar of the topology management view, click Display Content dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-12.

to open the Configure

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Figure 6-12 Configuring Display Content


Note: After Show Information Prompt Icon is selected, the Show Information Prompt can be configured.

In the pop-up Display dialog box, select the check box of the information to be displayed. 3. Click OK to return to topology management views. – End of Steps –

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6.3.10 Showing or Not Showing the Area of Legend Tab To display the areas of the Legend tab and Display Overview Map in the Topology Management window, perform the following operations.

Steps l


on the toolbar of the topology management view.

– End of Steps –

Result The Legend tab and Display Overview Map area appear on the right part of the topology management view, and the button turns to , as shown in Figure 6-13. Figure 6-13 The Legend Tab or Overview Map

To hide these areas on the topology management view, click

on the toolbar.

6.3.11 Configuration for Filtering Topology Nodes Two methods are adopted to display the desired nodes on the topology graph or in the topology list upon filtering conditions: Condition Filter and Filter Tree. Filtering Topology Nodes by Filter Tree This function allows you to display only the desired nodes on the topology graph by setting the filtering conditions on the filter tree.

Steps 1. Click the


2. In the pop-up Filter dialog box, select the Filter Tree option button, as shown in Figure 6-14.

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Figure 6-14 The Filter Dialog Box (Filter Tree)

3. Expand the filter tree, and then select the resource types to be showed. 4. Click OK. – End of Steps –

Result All nodes of the selected resource types are displayed on the topology graph. Filtering Topology Nodes by Conditions On a complicated topology graph with many nodes, you can set filtering conditions to only show the required nodes or links on the graph. To filter the topology graph by conditions, perform the following operations.

Steps 1. Click the


2. In the pop-up Filter dialog box, select the Condition Filter option button, as shown in Figure 6-15.

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Figure 6-15 Filter Dialog Box (Condition Filter)

3. Select the or, or and option button, and then type the NE (Group) name or/and the IP address. l If or is selected, type the NE (Group) name or the IP address. The system will filter the topology nodes by the NE (Group) name or the IP address. l If and is selected, type both the NE (Group) name and the IP address. The system will filter the topology nodes by the NE (Group) name and the IP address. 4. Type the link name in the Link Name text box under Link Filter.

Tip: If you do not know the exact name of an NE or link, wildcard characters “?” and “*” can be used. “?” represents one character; while “*” represents any number of characters you do not know.

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Note: When setting the IP address conditions, you can use semicolons (;) to separate multiple conditions and IP addresses. The following formats can be used to set the IP address condition. l l l

A single IP address, for example, An IP address range in the format of “Start IP address - End IP address”, for example, An IP address starting or ending with the wildcard character "*", for example, *.10.10.10; 10.197.10.*.

5. Click OK. – End of Steps –

Result The system displays the topology nodes and links meeting the filtering conditions on the topology graph.

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Chapter 7

Network Element Agent Management Table of Contents Overview of Network Element Agent Operations ........................................................7-1 Creating an NE Agent Node .......................................................................................7-3 Starting an NE Agent..................................................................................................7-4 Starting an NE Agent on Background .........................................................................7-5 Enabling NE Management Functions..........................................................................7-5 Stopping an NE Agent ................................................................................................7-6 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing NE Agent...........................................................7-7 Modifying the Attributes of an NE Agent .....................................................................7-8 Deleting an NE Agent.................................................................................................7-9 Synchronizing Configuration Data from an NE Agent................................................7-10 Querying the NE Agent Log......................................................................................7-11

7.1 Overview of Network Element Agent Operations Network Element (NE) agent management is a mechanism used for the access to lower-level network element management systems (EMS). The NE agent is the agent of a lower-level EMS. To connect a lower-level EMS to NetNumen™ U31 R52, you need to create an NE agent first and then start the NE agent. The IP address of the lower-level EMS server and other necessary properties (such as port No.) must be set to create an NE agent. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click an NE agent node. A shortcut menu appears as shown in Figure 7-1.

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Figure 7-1 Shortcut Menu for Network Element Agent

By using the commands on the shortcut menu, you can: l l l l l l l l

Manage NE Query NE agent logs View and modify the attributes of the NE agent Delete the NE agent Synchronize the configuration data Start the NE agent Start the NE agent on background Stop the NE agent

The general operation procedure for a NE agent: 1. Create and configure a NE agent. 2. Start or start the NE agent on background. Bring the NE agent into NetNumen™ U31 R52 system, and start to receive the configuration, alarms and performance index the NE agent reports. 3. Start NE manager when the lower-level EMS is needed to perform configuration management, a diagnosis, a test, software version management or dynamic data management. 4. Stop the NE manager when the lower-level EMS has finished the operations such as configuration management, the diagnosis or the test. 7-2 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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5. Stop the NE agent, if the NE agent does not need to be brought into NetNumen™ U31 R52 management system, or the configuration, alarms and performance index the NE agent reports are not required any more. 6. If the NE agent is deleted, its NE configuration, alarms or performance index are deleted too.

7.2 Creating an NE Agent Node The NetNumen™ U31 R52 system communicates with the managed NEs through NE agents, so it is necessary to create an NE agent node on NetNumen™ U31 R52 before managing related NEs. The following provides an example for how to create a CDMA NE agent.

Prerequisite You have necessary information of the NE agent to be created.

Steps 1. On the NE tree of the topology management view, right-click the root node EMS Server, and then click Create Object > CDMA Product > CDMA NE Agent to open the Create CDMA Agent dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-2. Figure 7-2 Creating CDMA Agent

2. In Create CDMA Agent dialog box, configure the parameters for NE agent, refer to Table 7-1

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Table 7-1 Descriptions for Parameter Configuration of NE Agent Tab

Parameter Name

Descriptions Specifies the name of the NE agent. A good name clearly indicating the location of the NE agent is recommended. This parameter must be configured as required.


IP address


Specifies the IP address of the lower-level EMS connected to the NE agent. This parameter must be configured as required.


Specifies the other information of the NE agent when necessary.

EMB Port

Specifies the default port number of 21125 for Socket link to the lower-level EMS. This parameter must be configured as required.


FTP port


Specifies the default port number of 21 for the FTP link to lower-level EMS. Keep the consistency between the FTP port number of the NetNumen™ U31 R52 client and that of the lower-level EMS. This parameter must be configured as required.

3. Click OK to create the CDMA agent. 4. In the pop-up Confirm box, click OK to close the message box and complete the creation of CDMA NE agent. – End of Steps –

7.3 Starting an NE Agent Prerequisite The NE agent has been created.

Context Features of starting NE Agent: l l

The start-up information and process is displayed on the status bar. If the NE agent fails to start up, you must run the Start command on the shortcut menu of the NE agent to start it again.

Steps l

On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent, and then click Start. – End of Steps –

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Result After the NE agent is successfully started, the dimmed NE agent icon on the NE tree and the topology graph is lightened. And the system automatically starts the synchronization of configuration data and alarm data from the NE agent and refreshes the status of the NE agent.

7.4 Starting an NE Agent on Background Prerequisite The NE agent has been created.

Context Features of starting NE agent on background: l l

The startup information and process is not displayed on the status bar. The system starts a thread to start the NE agent and put it in the thread pool. If the NE agent fails to start up, the system puts the thread in the thread pool again, waits for two minutes and then starts the thread again. This startup mode is adopted when the lower-level EMS is not started yet.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent, and then click Background Start. A message box pops up, prompting the successful sending of the background start command. 2. Click OK to close the message box. – End of Steps –

Result After the NE agent is successfully started, the dimmed NE agent icon on the NE tree and the topology graph is lightened. And the system automatically starts the synchronisation of configuration data and alarm data from the NE agent and refreshes the status of the NE agent.

7.5 Enabling NE Management Functions In the NetNumen™ U31 R52 system, you cannot perform some maintenance operations on NEs directly, such as configuration management, diagnosis and test, and version management. By enabling the NE management functions, you can log in to the operation interface of NEs on the current client and perform corresponding operations.

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When the NE management functions of a NE are enabled for the first time, the NetNumen™ U31 R52 client automatically downloads software of the lower-level EMS, and this operation takes a while. When the NE management functions of the NE are enabled for the second time, the NetNumen™ U31 R52 client does not need to download software of the lower-level EMS. But if the version of the lower-level EMS changes (for example, the lower-level EMS is updated), users can right-click the NE agent before enabling the NE management functions, and select NE Management > Force to update to download the new version of the lower-level EMS to the local NetNumen™ U31 R52 client. To enable the NE management functions of an NE agent, perform the following steps.

Prerequisite The NE agent has been started.

Steps l

On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent, and then click NE Management > Start NE Management. – End of Steps –

Result After the NE management functions are successfully enabled, right-click the NE agent and point to the submenu NE Management. Corresponding management commands appear on the menu, including Configuration Management, Version Management, and Dynamic Data Management.

7.6 Stopping an NE Agent A started NE agent can be stopped in two modes: forced stop and trial stop. l


Forced Stop: In this mode, the NE agent will be stopped directly regardless of the NE agent’s status. However, the NE agent cannot be stopped during the change of status. Trial Stop: In this mode, the system will check the status of the NE agent first before stopping it. If the NE agent is busy in service processing, the system will quit the stop operation.

Caution! Be cautious when using the forced stop mode because forced stop might cause abnormal termination of the service being processed by the NE agent and finally result in errors in the NE agent.

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To stop an NE agent, perform the following operations.

Prerequisite The NE agent has been started.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent to be stopped, and then click Stop, and the Confirm dialog box appears, see Figure 7-3. Figure 7-3 Stop the NE Agent

2. In the pop-up Confirm dialog box, click Yes to perform the forced stop or No to perform the trial stop according to the actual situation. For example, click No. Then a Stop NE Agent message box appears to show the stop process. 3. Click Close to close the message box. – End of Steps –

Result After the NE agent is successfully stopped, the NE agent icon on the NE tree and the topology graph is dimmed.

7.7 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing NE Agent This topic describes how to view the attributes of an existing NE agent.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent, and then click View to open the View CDMA NE Agent message box.

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In this message box, the following NE agent information could be found: Name, OMM node, IP address, Version, Time zone, Management state, Connection stat, Comments, EMB port, FTP port, and EMS IP address. 2. Click Close to close the message box. – End of Steps –

7.8 Modifying the Attributes of an NE Agent You can only modify an NE agent when it is “deactivated”. To modify the attributes of an NE agent, perform the following operations.

Prerequisite The NE agent has been stopped.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent, and then click Modify to open the Modify NE Agent dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-4. Figure 7-4 Modifying an Network Element Agent

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2. Modify the basic attributes on the Basic attributes tab as needed. 3. Click the Extended attributes tab, and then modify the port information of the NE agent as needed. 4. Click OK to save the modification and close the dialog box. – End of Steps –

Follow-Up Action Start the NE agent to make the modification effective.

7.9 Deleting an NE Agent An NE agent can be deleted in two modes: forced deletion and trial deletion. l


Forced Deletion: In this mode, the NE agent will be deleted directly regardless of the NE agent’s status. However, the NE agent cannot be deleted during the change of status, such as being started or being stopped. Trial Deletion: In this mode, the system will check the status of the NE agent first before deleting it. If the NE agent is busy in service processing, the system will quit the deletion operation.

Caution! Be cautious when using the forced deletion mode because forced deletion might cause abnormal termination of the service being processed by the NE agent and finally result in errors of operations and services in related NEs.

Prerequisite l l

You have the authority to delete NE agents. The NE agent exists on the topology management view.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent to be deleted, and then click Delete, and the Confirm dialog box appears, see Figure 7-5.

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Figure 7-5 Delete NE Agent

2. In the pop-up Confirm dialog box, click Yes to perform the forced deletion or No to perform the trial deletion according to the actual situation. For example, click No. Then a Delete NE Agent message box appears to show the deletion process. 3. Click Close to exit the message box and complete the deletion of the NE agent. – End of Steps –

Result If a NE agent is deleted, the NE icon on the NE tree or topology graph is deleted accordingly, and the NE data, the NE alarm, and the performance index of its lower-level NE are deleted at same time.

7.10 Synchronizing Configuration Data from an NE Agent This function allows you to synchronize the configuration data of related NEs from an NE agent to the NetNumen™ U31 R52 system.

Prerequisite The NE agent has been started.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent, and then click Configuration synchronization. 2. In the pop-up Confirm dialog box, click Yes to start the configuration synchronization. – End of Steps –

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Result After the system completes the synchronization of configuration data, a success message appears in the message notification area on the status bar. Double-click the message notification area to open the Show Message box. You can see the detail of the success message.

7.11 Querying the NE Agent Log This function allows you to query the log data of an NE agent by setting specific conditions.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE agent to be queried, and then select Query NE Agent Log from the shortcut menu. Next, select a submenu of Query NE Agent Log, including Operation Log, Security Log, and System Log. The next step is an example after the selection of Operation Log, 2. In the pop-up Set Operation Log Query Conditions dialog box, set the query conditions. 3. Click OK, and the Query NE Agent [**] Operation Log dialog box opens, displaying related NE agent log information. 4. Click Close to finish. – End of Steps –

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Chapter 8

Network Element Management Table of Contents Opening the Rack Diagram ........................................................................................8-1 Measuring the Distance Between Two NEs ................................................................8-2 Virtual Network Element Operations ...........................................................................8-3 Virtual Link Operations ...............................................................................................8-6

8.1 Opening the Rack Diagram In the topology management window, you can view the rack configuration of an NE. When an NE has been configured with racks and boards, the Open Rack Diagram command is available on the shortcut menu that pops up when you right-click the NE on the topology graph. To view the rack diagram of an NE, perform the following operations.

Steps l

On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the NE node, and then click Open Rack Diagram or double-click the NE node whose rack diagram is configured. The Rack Diagram appears. – End of Steps –

Result l

The Rack Diagram dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 8-1.

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Figure 8-1 Rack Diagram

As shown in the rack diagram, if some alarms occur in a board, a color block blinks on the top of corresponding board slot, indicating the highest severity level of the alarms in the board. To view the details of the alarms, you can right-click the board and then click View Active Alarm of Board to open the View Board Active Alarm dialog box.

8.2 Measuring the Distance Between Two NEs This function allows you to measure the distance between two NEs on the topology graph.

Steps 1. Do one of the following to select these two NEs: l On the NE tree or the topology graph, hold down CTRL and click two NEs one by one. l On the topology graph, press and hold the left mouse button and then drag the cursor to draw a rectangle that selects two NEs. 2. Right-click on either NE, and then choose Topology Management > Measure Distance to open the Measure Distance message box, as shown in Figure 8-2.

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Figure 8-2 Measure Distance dialog box

3. Read the distance between the selected two NEs and click OK to close the message box. – End of Steps –

8.3 Virtual Network Element Operations 8.3.1 Overview of Virtual Network Element Virtual Network Element (NE) is an NE that does not access the NetNumen™ U31 R52 system physically. By creating virtual NEs, you can get a complete topology graph involving all NEs of the managed network. The NetNumen™ U31 R52 system supports the following operations related to virtual NEs on the topology management view: l l l l

Create a virtual NE Modify the attributes of a virtual NE Delete a virtual NE View the attributes of a virtual NE

8.3.2 Creating a Virtual NE This function allows you to create a virtual NE on the topology graph.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click a node (selected as the parent node), and then click Create Object > Virtual NE to open the Create Virtual NE dialog box, as shown in Figure 8-3.

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Figure 8-3 Creating a Virtual Network Element

You can also right-click on the blank area of any topology graph to create a virtual NE whose parent node is the upper-level node of the topology graph. 2. In the Create Virtual NE dialog box, set the topology attributes of the virtual NE. Table 8-1 explains the parameters in the dialog box. Table 8-1 Parameters for Creating a Virtual NE Parameter


Parent Node

The clicked node on the NE tree or the topology graph is shown as the parent node of the virtual NE by default. You can also click Select to select another node as the parent node in the pop-up dialog box.


Specifies the name of the virtual NE to be created.

Location Description

Specifies the location of the virtual NE to be created.

IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the virtual NE to be created.

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Chapter 8 Network Element Management




Indicates the NE type. Unmodifiable default value: Virtual NE


Specifies any additional information as needed.

3. Click OK. – End of Steps –

Result The icon of the newly-created virtual NE appears on the NE tree and the topology graph.

8.3.3 Modifying the Attributes of a Virtual NE This function allows you to modify the attributes of a virtual NE, such as name, location description, and IP address.

Prerequisite The virtual NE has been created.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the virtual NE to be modified, and then click Topology Management > Modify Virtual NE to open the Modify Virtual NE dialog box. 2. Modify the name, location description, and/or IP address as needed. 3. Click OK to save the modification and close the dialog box. – End of Steps –

8.3.4 Deleting a Virtual NE This function allows you to delete a virtual NE.

Prerequisite The virtual NE has been created.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the virtual NE to be deleted, and then click Topology Management > Delete Virtual NE. 2. In the pop-up Confirm dialog box, click OK to delete the virtual NE. – End of Steps – 8-5 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Result The virtual NE icon disappears from the NE tree and the topology graph.

8.3.5 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing Virtual NE This function allows you to view the topology attributes of an existing virtual NE.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the virtual NE, and then click Topology Management > View Virtual NE, The View Virtual NE message box appears. 2. Click OK to close the message box after viewing the attributes of the virtual NE.

Note: You can also view the topology attributes of virtual NEs directly when the topology information of nodes is displayed in the table format (refer to 6.3.8 Viewing the Topology Information in Table).

– End of Steps –

8.4 Virtual Link Operations 8.4.1 Overview of Virtual Link A virtual link is created to reflect the logical connection between two NEs on the topology map, which might not be an actual physical connection. The NetNumen™ U31 R52 system supports the following operations related to virtual links on the topology management view: l l l l

Create a virtual link Modify the attributes of a virtual link Delete a virtual link View the attributes of a virtual link

8.4.2 Creating a Virtual Link This function allows you to create a virtual link between two NEs on the topology graph.

Steps 1. Perform one of the following to open the Create Virtual Link dialog box.

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l l l


On the topology graph, right-click the blank area, and then click Create Object > Virtual Link. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click any node, and then click Create Object > Virtual Link. On the topology graph, press and hold the left mouse button and then drag the cursor to draw a rectangle that includes two NEs. After selecting two NEs, right-click either NE and then click Create virtual link. On the NE tree or the topology graph, press and hold down CTRL or SHIFT, and then click two NEs one by one. After selecting two NEs, right-click either NE and then click Create virtual link.

2. Set the attributes of the virtual link, such as the link name, link direction, source NE and destination NE. The following explains the parameters in the Create Virtual Link dialog box. Table 8-2 Parameters for Creating a Virtual Link Parameter



Specifies the name of the virtual link to be created.

Link Direction

Specifies the direction for the virtual link from the drop-down list box. Four direction attributes are optional: None, Send, Receive, and Both.

Link Type

Indicates the link type, which is “Virtual Link” by default and cannot be modified.

From NE

Click the From button and select the source NE of the virtual link in the pop-up Select Node dialog box.

From Port To NE

Click the To button and select the destination NE of the virtual link in the pop-up Select Node dialog box.

To Port

Specifies the port of the destination NE.


Provides any additional information.

3. Click OK to create the virtual NE. – End of Steps –

8.4.3 Modifying the Attributes of a Virtual Link This function allows you to modify the attributes of a virtual link, including its name, direction, port number of both NEs, and the description information. 8-7 SJ-20110907140552-026|2012-02-15 (R1.0)

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Prerequisite The virtual link has been created.

Steps 1. On the topology graph, right-click the virtual link, and then click Topology Management > Modify Virtual Link to open the Modify Virtual Link dialog box. 2. Modify the name and the link direction as needed. 3. Click OK to confirm the modification. – End of Steps –

8.4.4 Deleting a Virtual Link This function allows you to delete a virtual link.

Prerequisite The virtual link has been created.

Steps 1. On the topology graph, right-click the virtual link, and then click Topology Management > Delete Virtual Link from the shortcut menu. 2. In the pop-up Confirm dialog box, click OK to delete the virtual link. – End of Steps –

8.4.5 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing Virtual Link This function allows you to view the topology attributes of an existing virtual link.

Steps 1. On the topology graph, right-click the virtual link, and then click Topology Management > View Virtual Link to open the View Virtual Link message box. 2. Click OK to close the message box after viewing the attributes of the virtual link.

Note: You can also view the topology attributes of virtual links directly when the topology information of nodes is displayed in the table format (refer to 6.3.8 Viewing the Topology Information in Table).

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Chapter 9

Group Management Table of Contents Group Overview .........................................................................................................9-1 Creating a Type Group ...............................................................................................9-1 Create Location Group ...............................................................................................9-5 Modifying the Attributes of an Existing Group .............................................................9-6 Deleting a Group ........................................................................................................9-7 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing Group ................................................................9-8

9.1 Group Overview The NetNumen™ U31 R52 systems supports the grouping of managed NEs for convenient management of resources in the system. The NEs can be grouped by device type or location.

9.2 Creating a Type Group Prerequisite The parent node of the group is determined.

Context To create a type group on the topology graph, perform the following steps:

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click a node (the selected node is the parent node of the group to be created), and then click Create Object > Type Group to open the Create Type Group dialog box. For the CDMA NE, there are Create a Batch of Groups and Create a single group tabs in the Create Type Group dialog box, see Figure 9-1 and Figure 9-2.

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Figure 9-1 Create a Batch of Groups

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Chapter 9 Group Management

Figure 9-2 Create a single group

2. Users can create a batch of groups at the same time or a single group on corresponding tabs. l Create a Batch of Groups: When you select a child node (for example, BSCB), its parent node (for example, CDMA BSS) will be selected at the same time. And the system will create multiple groups with the same parent-child structure. l Create a Single Group: Input related information in Name and Description, select Device Type Rule in the Rule Type drop-down list, and complete the grouping rules according to selected Rule Type. For example: Input BTS in the Name text box of the Create a Single Group tab. Select Device Type Rule in the Rule Type drop-down list. In Select Device Type, add BTS from the Available Items list to the Selected Items list, see Figure 9-3.

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Figure 9-3 Creating A Single Group (Example)

In Input Device Type, device types are separated by “;”. The following wildcard characters are supported: i.

“*” represents any number of characters and “?” represents a character, for example: *TD* .


If “*” or “?” exists in the original character string, “*” or “?”are represented by “\*” or “\?” respectively.

3. Click OK to create the group.

Note: When the group is created, nodes without parent node will be added to specific groups according to the grouping rules. Users can manually add nodes with parent node to groups: right-click group node, select Topology Management > Set Member. In the pop-up Set Member dialog box, add a member node to specific group.

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Chapter 9 Group Management

9.3 Create Location Group To create a location group on the topology graph, perform the following steps.

Prerequisite The parent node of the group is determined.

Context Since creating a common group is similar with creating a location group, this section takes creating a location group as an example.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click a node (the selected node is the parent node of the group to be created), and then click Create Object > Location Group. The Create Location Group dialog box appears, see Figure 9-4. Figure 9-4 Create Location Group

2. Input related information in Name and Description, select IP Address Rule or Location Rule in the Rule Type list, and then complete grouping rules according to the selected Rule Type. In inputting IP address rule, IP addresses are separated by “;”. The IP address can be inputted in the following three format: l l

A single IP address, for example, An IP address range in format of “Start IP address - End IP address”, for example, IPv4:, IPv6: 2011::0001–2011::ffff 9-5

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“*” represents any number of characters at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of IP address, for example, 10.*.2.1

In inputting location rule, the location information is separated by “;”. The following wildcard characters is supported: i.

“*” represents any number of characters and “?” represents a character, for example, *TD* .


If “*” or “?” exists in the original character string, “*” or “?” are represented by “\*” or “\?” respectively.

3. Click OK to create the group.

Note: When the group is created, nodes without parent node will be added to specific groups according to the grouping rules. Users can manually add nodes with parent node to groups: right-click group node, select Topology Management > Set Member. In the pop-up Set Member dialog box, add a member node to specific group.

– End of Steps –

9.4 Modifying the Attributes of an Existing Group This function allows you to modify the group attributes. The following procedure describes how to modify the attributes of a location group (such as the group name and rule) as an example.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the group to be modified, and then click Topology Management > Modify Location Group to open the Modify Group dialog box, as shown in Figure 9-5.

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Figure 9-5 Modifying the Attributes of a Location Group

2. Modify the group name, the rule type, and/or the rule as needed. 3. Click OK to save the modification. – End of Steps –

9.5 Deleting a Group This function allows you to delete a group. The following procedure describes how to delete a location group.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the group, and then click Topology Management > Delete Location Group. 2. In the pop-up Confirm dialog box, click OK to delete the location group. – End of Steps –

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9.6 Viewing the Attributes of an Existing Group The following procedure describes how to view the topology attributes of a location group as an example.

Prerequisite There is at least one existing group in the NetNumen™ U31 R52 system.

Steps 1. On the NE tree or the topology graph, right-click the group, and then click Topology Management > View Location Group. The View Group message box pops up, as shown in Figure 9-6. Figure 9-6 Viewing the Attributes of a Location Group

2. Click OK to close the message box after viewing the attributes of the location group.

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Note: You can also view the topology attributes of groups directly when the topology information of nodes is displayed in the format of table (refer to 6.3.8 Viewing the Topology Information in Table).

– End of Steps –

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Figures Figure 1-1 Drop-Down List for View Switching .......................................................... 1-3 Figure 1-2 Topology Management Window ............................................................... 1-4 Figure 1-3 Toolbar on the Topology Graph ................................................................ 1-4 Figure 1-4 Network Element Agents on the Topology Graph ..................................... 1-7 Figure 2-1 Customizing the Graphical User Interface Elements (Customize Type Image) .................................................................................................... 2-2 Figure 2-2 Customizing Link Appearance.................................................................. 2-3 Figure 2-3 Customizing the Status color.................................................................... 2-5 Figure 2-4 Choosing the Status Color — the Swatches Tab ...................................... 2-6 Figure 2-5 Choosing the Status Color- the HSB Tab ................................................. 2-7 Figure 2-6 Choosing the Status Color- the RGB Tab ................................................. 2-8 Figure 2-7 Customizing the Display Order of Status Icons ........................................ 2-9 Figure 2-8 Customizing Alarm Display Mode........................................................... 2-11 Figure 2-9 Customizing Other GUI Elements .......................................................... 2-12 Figure 3-1 Statistical Information of the Whole Network ............................................ 3-2 Figure 3-2 Statistical Information of the Selected Node ............................................. 3-3 Figure 3-3 Coordinate Synchronization Settings ....................................................... 3-4 Figure 3-4 Network Element Alarms Table ................................................................ 3-4 Figure 3-5 Details of an Alarm .................................................................................. 3-7 Figure 3-6 Important Alarms Table ............................................................................ 3-9 Figure 3-7 Setting Monitor Condition......................................................................... 3-9 Figure 4-1 Set Rule dialog box.................................................................................. 4-2 Figure 4-2 IP Address Rule....................................................................................... 4-3 Figure 4-3 Location Rule........................................................................................... 4-4 Figure 4-4 Device Type Rule..................................................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-5 Set Member dialog box ............................................................................ 4-6 Figure 4-6 Select Node dialog box ............................................................................ 4-7 Figure 4-7 Alarm Count............................................................................................. 4-9 Figure 5-1 Network Element Tree ............................................................................. 5-1 Figure 5-2 Search for a Node on the Network Element Tree ..................................... 5-2 Figure 5-3 Search Result .......................................................................................... 5-2 Figure 6-1 Configure Map Dialog Box ....................................................................... 6-2


NetNumen™ U31 R52 Topology Management Operation Guide

Figure 6-2 Current Map Layer ................................................................................... 6-4 Figure 6-3 Topology Toolbar (Topology Graph).......................................................... 6-6 Figure 6-4 Network Layout dialog box....................................................................... 6-7 Figure 6-5 Uniform Edges Layout ............................................................................. 6-8 Figure 6-6 List of Previously Viewed Nodes .............................................................. 6-8 Figure 6-7 The Search Dialog Box ............................................................................ 6-9 Figure 6-8 The CDMA Search Dialog Box............................................................... 6-10 Figure 6-9 Search Result ........................................................................................ 6-11 Figure 6-10 Topology Graph on the Full Screen ...................................................... 6-12 Figure 6-11 Topology Information Table................................................................... 6-13 Figure 6-12 Configuring Display Content................................................................. 6-15 Figure 6-13 The Legend Tab or Overview Map ....................................................... 6-16 Figure 6-14 The Filter Dialog Box (Filter Tree) ........................................................ 6-17 Figure 6-15 Filter Dialog Box (Condition Filter)........................................................ 6-18 Figure 7-1 Shortcut Menu for Network Element Agent .............................................. 7-2 Figure 7-2 Creating CDMA Agent ............................................................................. 7-3 Figure 7-3 Stop the NE Agent ................................................................................... 7-7 Figure 7-4 Modifying an Network Element Agent ...................................................... 7-8 Figure 7-5 Delete NE Agent .................................................................................... 7-10 Figure 8-1 Rack Diagram .......................................................................................... 8-2 Figure 8-2 Measure Distance dialog box ................................................................... 8-3 Figure 8-3 Creating a Virtual Network Element ......................................................... 8-4 Figure 9-1 Create a Batch of Groups ........................................................................ 9-2 Figure 9-2 Create a single group............................................................................... 9-3 Figure 9-3 Creating A Single Group (Example) ......................................................... 9-4 Figure 9-4 Create Location Group............................................................................. 9-5 Figure 9-5 Modifying the Attributes of a Location Group............................................ 9-7 Figure 9-6 Viewing the Attributes of a Location Group............................................... 9-8


Tables Table 1-1 Function Description of Toolbar Buttons..................................................... 1-5 Table 3-1 Operations on the NE Monitoring Table and Corresponding Buttons ........... 3-5 Table 3-2 Operations in the Details Dialog Box and Corresponding Buttons.............. 3-7 Table 3-3 Buttons for Adding and Deleting NE to the Monitor Conditions List ............ 3-9 Table 6-1 Description of Parameters in the Map Range Area .................................... 6-3 Table 7-1 Descriptions for Parameter Configuration of NE Agent .............................. 7-4 Table 8-1 Parameters for Creating a Virtual NE......................................................... 8-4 Table 8-2 Parameters for Creating a Virtual Link ....................................................... 8-7



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Glossary EMS - Network Element Management System FTP - File Transfer Protocol GUI - Graphical User Interface IP - Internet Protocol J2EE - JAVA 2 platform Enterprise Edition KPI - Key Performance Indicator MML - Man Machine Language NE - Network Element


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