SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations
July 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Assessment 1 Your task: Answer the following quesons. Each queson must be completed. Queson 1 The process of monitoring work operaons is oen broken down into six stages. Name 3 of these. · Planning and preparing – goal-seng and deciding dec iding how to achieve those goals. · Organizing – allocang and arranging for the planned tasks to be done. · Stang – organizing enough sta and the correct sta to carry out the tasks.
Queson 2 Monitoring the expected service provisions of your sta is an important part of a frontline supervisor’s job. How oen should this be done? Monitoring work should be a connual process, rather than a periodic review. This fact should be impressed upon all sta during their inducon process. It should from an everyday part of your dues as a supervisor.
Queson 3 Once workows have been established, what should you do to determine whether the workows you have implemented are in line with achieving organisaonal goals? Monitoring the process; ask for feedback; evaluating the result.
Queson 4 List 3 ways to idenfy quality problems with your service. Grooming Behavior Producvity.
Queson 5 In house training’ is one example of a process or system which you may need to make adjustments to in order to resolve quality issues. List 4 other processes or systems from your industry. · Impr Improv ovin ing g ssus usta tain inab abil ilit ity y of of o ope pera rao ons ns · Impr Improv ovin ing g econ econom omic ic su sust stai aina nabi bili lity ty · Impr Improv ovin ing g envi enviro ronm nmen enta tall su sust stai aina nabi bili lity ty · Im Impr prov ovin ing g so soci cial al sust sustai aina nabi bili lity ty
Queson 6 How can encouraging a culture c ulture of open communicaon and innovave thinking help you improve eciency and service levels?
This Th is is li like ke a bra brainin-sto storm; rm; it can bring out mor more e ide ideas as wit with h how to ser serve ve dif differ ferent ent bac backgr kgroun ound d customers; create an open, decentralized organizational structure; follow up on ideas from customers and employees; tolerate failure; encourage experimental attitudes; encourage improvements in your business.
Queson 7 List 3 ways to idenfy current and emerging trends in your industry. · Internet · Con Co nfe fere ren nce cess and and se semi min nar arss · Product launches
Queson 8 Sustainability is usually associated with the environment, however it can also refer to the operaons of a business. Other than environment, what are the 2 other areas of operaonal sustainability? · Kee Keep p inno innova vaon on that that ca can n keep keep new parts parts o off cust custome omers rs · Min inim imiize th the e was waste te an and d cos costt
Queson 9 What is the purpose of having a logical, well dened workow? The eciency of your operaons will go a long way to determining the amount of income you can make; Having a highly sucient, streamlined operaon means that costs are minimized and the amount of me and eort spent on keeping customers happy is maximized; An inecient operaon will result in escalang costs, confusion and poor customer service.
Queson 10 List 3 business benets of having an ecient and eecve workow? · Using all the available resources at the appropriate mes · Carrying out the work in a mely, appropriate fashion · Maintaining consistency in product and service quality
Queson 11 Considering the task to be delegated’ is the rst step in the delegaon process. List 3 more steps in delegang work or job tasks to sta. Explain the task, why, when and why the task should be done in the specifying way; · Provide training and demonstraon, as required · Connually check if the employee has any quesons and encourage them to ask quesons; · Give them posive feedback.
Queson 12 A Gan chart can help you monitor your workow progress against melines to a help ensure e nsure objecves are being met on me. List 3 things you need to do to develop a Gan chart. · th the e amou amount nt of of m me e ea each ch tas task k is is ex expe pecte cted d to take take · the me fram frames es iin n wh which ich indivi individua duall tasks tasks are to to be comple completed ted · An And d th the e rela relao ons nshi hip p betwe between en var vario ious us task tasks. s.
Queson 13 Coaching and mentoring sta, can help them priorise their job tasks and workload. Name 3 funcons of coaches or mentors. Facilitator or Guide Being a guide or a facilitator, the coach helps the person become aware of the internal issues and happenings within the organizaon and interpret the “unwrien rules” that may be crucial to the learner. Instructor or Teacher As an instructor or teacher, the coach must educate the person with the right skills and impart the knowledge needed to perform the job eciently. The coach must also be adept in displaying these skills and knowledge. Organizer and Planner The coach or mentor is largely responsible for preparing the plans and acvies needed for coaching.
Queson 14 ‘Giving credit where credit is due’ is one eecve e ecve way of providing feedback and guidance to your sta. List 3 other examples. · Get tto o kno know w them them – such as family family situaons, situaons, an iinteres nterestt of each of y your our ssta ta members members.. · Reward them personall personally y – by knowin knowing g what what kind kind of reward is a aracv racve e for each of th the e member sta; · Give tthem hem exibil exibility ity -- It is very iimport mportant ant to judge your sta sta o on n their their outco outcomes mes ra rather ther th than an the me spent at work.
Queson 15 You must keep management informed if the workow you have designed impacts on sta. What are 2 possible impacts implemenng a new workow may have on stang requirements? · The cha han nge gess of sch sched edul ule e · The task ask cch hange angess of of som some e stu stu
Queson 16 List 5 aspects of sta behaviour or producvity that you should monitor. · ·
Quality of work Quanty of work
· · ·
Aenon tto o details Customer service Teamwork
Queson 17 What are 4 common signs that there may be some performance problems or issues you might need to deal with? · Absenteeism · Time wasng · Tardiness Bad re relaonship ·
Queson 18 How can simply sharing what you know to sta members improve the performance of the business? · Gather the group; · State the p prroblems · All Allow ow ever everyon yone e to ssugg uggest est iidea deas, s, ssolu oluon onss an and d iimpr mprove ovemen ments ts · Dis Discus cuss, s, analys analyse, e, test test a and nd improv improve e the the sugges suggeson onss
Queson 19 Brainstorming is a fantasc way of creang, developing, challenging and tesng ideas. List 3 ways you can make sure your brainstorming sessions are eecve. · Be posive · Make variaons · Generate lo lots o off id ideas eas · Don on’t ’t rush rush to ju judg dgem emen entt · Don’ Don’tt rres estr tric ictt wha whatt you you ca can n say say
Queson 20 List 3 types of administraon documents or workplace records you might need to complete and submit in your industry. · Sta records · Perf erformance repo eports · Sa Sallary ary a an nd o ov ver erm me e pa paym ymen ents ts
Queson 21 List 5 types of customer service related re lated problems from your industry that would require your aenon as a supervisor. · Mi Misu sund nder erst stan andi ding ng cust custom omer erss nee need; d;
· · · ·
No Non— n—sm smil ile e cost costum umer er serv servic ice e Indu Indulg lge e in what whatev ever er ccus usto tome merr wan wants ts Not using po polite wa ways Argu Arguin ing g llou oud d wi with cu cusstome tomerr
Queson 22 List 5 common management problems or issues that you as a supervisor, may deal with on a regular re gular basis. · Dicult customer service situaon · Breakdown and failure of equipment e quipment · Budget variances · Inadequate training · Service delivery failure
Queson 23 Consider the following scenario. A customer arrives to nd that you have no record of a booking he claims he made with one of your sta members several weeks ago. What is a possible short term acon you could take to resolve the problem? Make apologies to customer rst, then check if we sll have available table for them, arrange them as soon as possible, serve them on person, oer them free entrée or dessert.
Queson 24 Considering the previous scenario. What is a possible long term acon you could take to resolve the problem? Find out the possible reason of losing the track of booking, ask for feedback of the problem of the reservaon system, and collecng the improvement ideas, making the improvement to the reservaon system as soon as possible.
Queson 25 What is the advantage of involving sta in the decision making process? · The whole is always greater than the sun of its parts; · Groups can come up with dierent approaches that an individual may not have thought of.; · The likelihood of decisions or soluons being accepted is increased; · If the person who are aected by the decision are involved in problem solving, then they will already understand the issues involved when it comes me to implement the soluon.
Queson 26 When a sta member raises a problem with you, write 2 quesons you could use to encourage them to help solve the problem. · Who knows what is going on here? · What are you trying to do?
Queson 27 How oen shoul you review decisions you have made to see if they are sll eecve? According to the size of the business, the review can c an be a formal or informal basis, it is easier for a small business to organize an impromptu review and brainstorming session than it is for a larger business.
Queson 28 Give an example of industrial awards or condions in your industry, that may aect how you roster sta, etc. Awards are designed to protect employees' wages and condions.
Queson 29 Name a website could you use as a reference to check the awards and condions of your workplace.
Queson 30 For your department and your industry, list 4 job posions, and briey describe the tasks and requirements of each posion. 2 of the posions must be management posi posions ons within your sector (the posions must difer rom the examples provided below ) For example: Posion
Tasks and Requirements
F&B Manager
Oversees bookings, training, budget, orders beverages
Ensures correct restaurant setup, service standards
Looks aer secons of the restaurant
Head Waiter
TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS: Manage all the general task of industry. TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS: Sell all the front desk works. TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS: Serve food and beverage to customers TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS:
Queson 31 List 4 principles of me management. Planning Org Organ aniise and and pr prio iori riz ze e Avoid distracon Delegate
Makes coee and bakery items.
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