SITXCCS008 Student Assessment Tool

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Student Assessment Tool



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New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

V1.0 December 2018



NEW YORK COLLEGE Assessment Summary Sheet Unit

SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service pracces

Pre-Requisite Units


Student Name Student I.D. Number

Result S = Sasfactory

Please aach assessment evidence to this form

Final Assessment Result for this Unit

NS = Not Sasfactory NA = Not Assessed

Date of assessment:

Assessment 1

Short Answer Quesons

S | NS | NA

Date of assessment:

Assessment 2

Case Study

S | NS | NA

Date of assessment:

Assessment 3


S | NS | NA

Unit Outcome


 Competent  Not Yet Competent  Not Assessed

Re-assessment Required





This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a nal record of student competency. All student submissions including any associated assessment cover sheets (outlined below) are to be aached to this cover sheet before placing on the students le. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and aached to this form. Assessor Feedback:

Student Declaraon:  I declare that the evidence I have ha ve submied for this unit of competency is my own work and that: I have been assessed in this unit.   I have been provided with feedback.   I have been advised of my result.

Assessor Declaraon: Assessor:: Assessor

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and exible assessment of this assignment in accordance to the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence as outlined in the Standards for RTOs 2015.

I am aware of my appeal rights.

Student name: _________________ ____________________ ___

I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks: Check for plagiarism Check for Copying/Collusion/Authencity (learner’s own work) Cheang or use of model answers  

Signature: ________________ _____________________ _____

Assessor name: __________________ ___________________ _


Sign Si gnat ature ure:: Date:


New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ ____/_____/_____

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New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

V1.0 December 2018




Unit Summary The purpose of assessment for this unit is to gather evidence of the student’s competence against the elements, as well as skills and underpinning knowledge, requir required ed to Develop and manage quality customer service pracces. This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop, monitor and adjust customer service pracces. It requires the ability to consult c onsult with colleagues and customers, develop policies and procedures for quality service provision, and manage the delivery of customer service. The unit applies to senior managers who operate independently, have responsibility for others and are responsible for making a range of operaonal and strategic decisions. This includes individuals working in a range of tourism, travel, hospitality and event contexts and to any small, medium or large organisaon. orga nisaon. No occupaonal licensing, cercaon or specic legislave requirements apply to this unit at the me of publicaon.  

Elements of the unit 1. Develop quality customer service pracces. 2. Manage delivery of quality service. 3. Monitor and adjust customer service.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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Overview of Assessments SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service pracces There are three (3) assessment tasks in this unit, and you must complete all assessments sasfactorily in order to be marked competent in this unit. The assessment for SITXCCS008 consists of:

Assessment 1 –Short Answer Quesons You are required to address all quesons to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instrucons for me frames and dates to complete this assessment. Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

Assessment 2 –Case Study You are required to read through the case study and address all quesons to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instrucons for me frames and dates to complete this assessment. Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

Assessment 3 –Observaons You will be observed over four service periods, how you: A. Implement Implement develope developed d policie policiess and proce procedures dures B. Commu Communica nicate te requ require iremen ments ts with with sta sta    C. Monitor Monitor service service provisions provisions and manage manage these these ecientl eciently y D. Evaluate Evaluate each service service instance instance and incorpor incorporate ate feedback feedback into the next next instance. instance.

You are required to write a brief summary for each service instance, clearly outlining: 1. What What work worked ed well well 2. What What ne need edss impr improv ovem emen entt 3. How you you have have evalua evaluated ted each each policy policy you you have have impleme implemented nted 4. How was was sta sta involv involved ed for the the purpo purpose se of eval evalua uaon on 5. How you will will implement implement each each idened idened change change require required d into the followin following g service service instance. instance. Provide each summary to your trainer prior to each service instance. Your implementaon of  procedures and requirements you have idened in each instance will be part of the assessment of  your performance.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

V1.0 December 2018




Informaon for Students Please read all the informaon given to you when you receive this assessment guide. If you do not understand any part of this assessment guide, please inform your assessor/trainer. To achieve competency, you must sasfactorily complete all assessment tasks within the date and me alloed by your assessor/trainer. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills, knowledge for this unit. An overview of the skills and knowledge to be assessed in this unit is provided in this Assessment Guide. Students who present copied or plagiarised assessments are considered parcipants in the act of  academ aca demic ic mis miscon conduc ductt whi which ch wou would ld lea lead d to dis disqua quali lica caon on of the their ir sub submi mied ed wor work. k. (Re (Read ad the secon on Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty below.) The assessmen assessments ts are intended to be equitable, equitable, fair and exible. exible. All the informaon, informaon, skills and knowledge being assessed by the assessments has been based on theory and skills delivered to you during classes and meet the requirements of the unit of competency.

Subming Assessment Tasks You must submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet.

ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferable that tasks submied for assessment are typed. Where this is not possible or where room is provided on a paper for short answers, you must write clearly. Unreadable assessment tasks will be returned unmarked. You must submit assessments on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negoated in specic circumstances according to NYC’s Policy and Procedures. To arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date. date. Extensions due to illness will require a medical cercate. Extensions must be conrmed by trainers in wring.

Assessment Outcomes There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Sasfactory and NS = Not Sasfactory (requires more training and experience). You will be awarded C = Competent on compleon of the unit when your assessor is sased that you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the NYC’s policies and procedures.

Re-assessment Students will be allowed to sit for up to two further aempts at a praccal assessment item or test queson for which the outcome is Not Sasfactory within the meframe of a course (unit of  competency). Students judged as NS in an assessment will be allowed to resubmit if they have aended all praccal classes for the related unit. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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Student Access to Records Students have the right to access current and accurate records of their parcipaon and results at any me. You may request to see your results or aendance sheets from Administraon on request. You will be required to show proof of idencaon.

Support You may seek claricaon about any assessments at any me from your assessor. Your assessor will only assist or intervene during an assessment if there is a risk of injury to yourself or one of your class members.

Adjustments for students with special needs Students who have special needs may be allowed reasonable adjustment in line with the NYC’s Policies and Procedures. This means that there may be modicaons to the way in which evidence of your competence is gathered. However, it will not change the standards or outcomes you must achieve. It could include alternate methods of assessment the assist the student. If you consider that you need any special consideraons in relaon to assessment of the unit, please contact the Course Coordinator.

Appeals If you are not happy with your results: 1. You Yourr assessm assessment ent may may be reass reassess essed ed upon upon appeal appeal 2. Your assesso assessor/trai r/trainer ner may provide provide you with alterna alternate te opons opons of assessment assessment in order order to gain competency depending on inial results 3. If you are sll sll unhappy unhappy about about your assess assessment ment results results aer aer following following the steps steps menone menoned d above, you may submit a formal complaint in accordance with NYC’s Complaints and Appeals A ppeals Policy.

Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty The New York College (NYC) is commied to ensuring that all students behave with integrity when undertaking an assessment. Therefore, it is essenal that you understand the principles underlying assessment integrity and behave in a manner according to these principles. Please read the following informaon and please ensure you have access to and have read the plagiarism and assessment dishonesty policy. This policy can be found on the the   NYC’s website and is also discussed in your inducon prior to commencing the course.

What is Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty? Plagiarism is copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without appropriate acknowledgement, the words, ideas, scholarship and intellectual property of another person. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person. Plagiarism has also taken place when direct use of others' words is not indicated, for example by inverted commas or indentaon, in addion to appropriate citaon of the source.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE Each individual student is responsible for ensuring that they are fully informed about methods of acknowledgement appropriate to any piece of assessable work that they submit.

Assessment dishonesty includes plagiarism, collusion, the fabricaon or deliberate misrepresentaon of data, and failure to adhere to the rules regarding examinaons in such a way as to gain unfair assessment a ssessment advantage.

Collusion is the involvement of more than one individual in an instance of assessment dishonesty. All pares involved in such collusion are in breach of the principles of assessment honesty (unless there is good evidence of innocent involvement). "Collusion" needs to be disnguished from "collaboraon", dened for the purposes of this document as work jointly undertaken and produced.

Incidence of Plagiarism or Assessment Dishonesty  If the New York College believes any act of plagiarism and assessment dishonesty has occurred, the student/s will be contacted and will be given an opportunity to explain their case. Should this be repeated the student will be penalised. Penales include re-subming the assessment task or unit and for repeated oences, re-sing the unit at student’s own cost or cancellaon of enrolment.

How informaon will be handled: All informaon regarding an incident of plagiarism or assessment dishonesty will be recorded as per NYC’s Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy. Only relevant sta members will be given access to the informaon as required by state and federal privacy laws. I have read and understand the informaon provided above and also understand and accept that any act of plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have penales including cancellaon or suspension of my enrolment enrolment with New York College. College. I further declare that:  

All assessment work submied for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism and collusion has not occurred.


Assessment work is not copied nor has not been submied for any other unit/course.


I have taken proper care and eort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.


I understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism as described in NYC’s Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy and I have obtained and read the Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy.

Student Signature: ...............................................................

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

Date: ....../....../.......

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New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

V1.0 December 2018




Assessment Cover Sheet ASSESSMENT 1: Short Answer Quesons Student Name Student I.D. Number Unit( Uni t(s) s) of of Compe Competen tency cy and and Code Code(s) (s)

SITXCC SITXCCS00 S008 8 Devel Develop op and and mana manage ge qual quality ity custom customer er service pracces

Trainer/Assessor Assessment Task

Short Answer Quesons

Date of Assessment

Assessment Outcome

   Sasfactory    Not Sasfactory  Not Assessed

Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authencity  I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks  

The assessment process including the provisions for re-subming and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes


I understand the consequences of plagiarism and conrm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of informaon I have used for the purpose of this assessment I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature:




I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and exible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks.

Assessor Signature:




=================================TEAR HERE ================================== RECEIPT OF LODGEMENT Student Name Unit:

SITXCCS008 SITXCCS00 8 Develop and manage quality customer service pracces

Trainer Name New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

Student ID As Asse sess ssme ment nt

Shor Shortt An Answ swer er Q Que ues son onss

Date submied: V1.0 December 2018





Date received:

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New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

V1.0 December 2018




Assessment Guidelines Assessment Method The following assessment is wrien assignment to be completed in NYC’s classroom. cla ssroom. The student must complete all 30 quesons and tasks.

Submission instrucons The student is to submit the completed assessment with all answers to the trainer. Ensure that the student includes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaraon secon. The assessment task is due on the date specied by the assessor.

Assessment condions This is an individual wrien assessment. This is a closed book assessment. The student must complete this task independently. This assessment will take approximately 3 hours to complete. The student must complete this task in the space provided in this assessment tool. If the student needs more space, please provide addional sheets and ask the student to aach those to this assessment tool.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

V1.0 December 2018



NEW YORK COLLEGE What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relang to the following aspects: principles of quality customer service specic industry sector: professional service standards for service industry personnel o atudes and aributes expected by the service industries to work with customers o roles and responsibilies of management, supervisors and operaonal personnel in providing quality service sources of informaon on current service trends and changes that tha t aect service delivery internal and external environmental changes and their eect on planning for quality customer service: changes in the compeve environment o economic climate o introducon of new technologies or equipment o management changes and organisaonal restructures o recruitment pracces o trends in customer service preferences o methods of formal and informal customer research: analysis of compeve environment and industry service trends tr ends o customer service surveys o customer focus groups o qualitave or quantave research seeking feedback from service delivery colleagues quesoning customers o methods of implemenng quality service provision: developing, implemenng and monitoring customer service policies and procedures o involving sta in the development of customer service pracces o evaluang sta and customer feedback o methods of assessing the eecveness of customer service pracces: examining overall business performance o monitoring the ongoing eecveness of: o sta in meeng customer service standards policies and procedures in explaining pracces reviewing numbers and nature of: o complaints disputes o o

responses of customers reviewing customer sasfacon survey stascs methods of obtaining feedback from customers: customer service discussions with employees during the course of each business day o discussions with customers o formal customer interviews o regular sta meengs that involve service discussions o seeking sta suggesons for content of customer service policies and procedures o surveys of internal customers, external customers and sta  o improvements suggested by: o customers involved in complaints or disputes suppliers sta, supervisors and managers industry schemes, accreditaon schemes and codes of conduct aimed at improving customer service areas where organisaonal policies and procedures assist in ensuring quality customer service: o

o o

acknowledging and greeng customers complaint and dispute management

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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o o o o o o

authority for dierent level personnel to resolve complaints, disputes, service issues and customer compensaon loyalty programs presentaon standards for customer environment and customer service personnel pricing and service guarantees product quality refunds and cancellaon fees response mes

sta training for: customer service technical skills objecves, components and comprehensive details of consumer protecon laws that relate to customer service, and the business’ responsibility for: nominang and charging cancellaon fees o providing informaon on potenal price increases o providing refunds o supplying products as described or substung suitable products when unable o o


formats for and content of policies and procedures.

Resource Requirements Pen, Paper, computer with access to email, printer, teacher’s email address or as instructed otherwise.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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Assessment 1 Short Answer Quesons Your task: Provide a detailed response to each of the following quesons.

1. Explain how informal and formal research can be used to develop quality customer service. Provide an example for each research method.


2. Why is it important to have an understanding of your compeon in order to plan for quality customer service? Response

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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3. When developing market knowledge, it is essenal to have an awareness of how the market is divided. Explain each of the following segments of the market. Provide examples of how each segment can inuence customer choices and trends. Response Demographic segmentaon

Geographic segmentaon

Psychographic segmentaon

Behavioural segmentaon  segmentaon 

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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4. Why is it crucial for a manager to have in-depth knowledge of internal and external business environments to provide quality customer service? Provide 2 examples each, for internal and external factors:


5. Idenfy three ways you can obtain informaon about current trends in your industry.

Response 1.



New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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6. Explain businesses’ responsibilies under Consumer Protecon Law and how it impacts on customer service delivery. Response

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE c ancellaon policy and what is required if 7. Explain why it is important to have a clear refund and cancellaon there are potenal price increases. Response

8. Describe the importance of providing accurate product informaon inf ormaon to customers in order to provide quality customer service. Response

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE 9. In order to provide quality customer service, it is important to establish your target market. Provide 4 quesons you should consider when developing a clear customer prole. Response 1.




10. Why is consistency crucial to providing quality customer service? Response

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE 11. Describe ve common principles of customer service in detail. Response 1.





New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE 12. Suggest three service standards to encourage quality customer service for your specic industry. Response 1.



13. Describe 3 industry schemes aimed at improving customer service, including 1 relevant to your work area Response 1.



New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE 14. Dene connuous improvement and explain how this process contributes to eecve customer service. Response

15. Explain why it is essenal to have an eecve complaint handling procedure. Response

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE 16. If you are faced with an escalang complaint, why is it necessary to involve management? Response

17. List three ways you can set a posive example for customer service as a manager. Response 1.



New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE 18. Why should specic preferences of regular customers be communicated and shared with all sta? Response

19. It is necessary for service standards to be communicated to and followed by both new and old sta. Which policies and procedures can be used to assist in seng standards? Provide 3 examples.


New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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a nd procedures which are commonly used in organisaons to set 20. List 10 examples of policies and standards for customer service:

Response 1.










New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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21. How can changes in technology aect the business’ customer service pracces?


22. How can management changes and organisaonal restructures aect the business’ customer service pracces?


New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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23. Describe three methods of formal and informal customer research you can implement to determine your exisng level of customer service.

Response 1.



24. You are reviewing feedback received from customers. List 4 aspects you will review and what this would involve to evaluate responses crically.

Response 1.



4. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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25. While you are working a shi, you witness an employee get into an argument with a customer regarding a delay in service. You record the incident and noce that there has recently been an increasing number of disputes between sta members and customers. What would this indicate to you in terms of processes in place and processes potenally lacking?


26. In order to improve the quality of customer service delivered by a business, the exisng level of service must be determined. List 4 ways of obtaining customer feedback about your level of service:

Response 1.



4. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

V1.0 December 2018




27. List 2 things that must occur when a change or improvement needs to be implemented:

Response 1.


28. Why is it important to communicate your policies and procedures to your sta and customers? Response

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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NEW YORK COLLEGE ustomers? 29. List 3 common ways to make your policies and procedures readily available to your ccustomers? Response 1.



30. Answer the following quesons in relaon to the data report below:

The following data report provides you with a summary of customer surveys that were recently conducted for the “Coloured Sands Resort”. There were 200 customers who parcipated in this survey. Each customer was provided with a quesonnaire. The data was analysed and entered in the format below to provide a summary report. You are required to review the summary, check the accuracy of gures and perform simple calculaons to reect percentages. Analyse the provided data and idenfy areas that need further f urther improvement and acons by answering all quesons below.


Recepo n

Very Good

(108) Recepo n service on arrival is good.



Not Good

Room Service and Housekeepin g (36)


(6) Rooms are too small (56) Towels are dirty (10) housekeeping




Entertainmen t

(58) Buet (74) Good is good tours (52) Lots of  variety of food (24) Excellent

(74) good access to the beach (39) Swimming pool is nice.

(88) the sta is excellent (80) Many interesng acvies for all

(66) Very good food.

(40) all good

(32) very good entertainmen t opons

(64) good organisao n of tours (30) expensive tours

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

(4) didn’t like the beach side

V1.0 December 2018




No Commen t


sta not able to help (46) Rooms are not very clean. 24









a. Express Express the respon responses ses collected collected as as percentage percentagess in each category category (very (very good, good, good, etc.). etc.). Provide a crical reecon on each department outlining which service aspects and operaonal factors you should further invesgate to help improve customer sasfacon. (For example why have some customers not commented – how could this improved, e.g. by providing incenves; is the survey specic enough to provide feedback for specic areas?)


New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

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b. Suggest Suggest a suitable suitable customer customer service service strateg strategy y that can be implem implemente ented d in the departme department nt which you have idened as the major problem area to improve the customer service pracce in that area/department. Who should be involved and what would this require in terms of parcipaon/involvement and communicaon?

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V1.0 December 2018




Assessment Cover Sheet ASSESSMENT 2: Case Study Student Name Student I.D. Number Unit( Uni t(s) s) of of Compe Competen tency cy and and Code Code(s) (s)

SITXCC SITXCCS00 S008 8 Devel Develop op and and mana manage ge qua qualit lity y cust custome omerr service pracces

Trainer/Assessor Assessment Task

Case Study

Date of Assessment

Assessment Outcome

   Sasfactory    Not Sasfactory  Not Assessed

Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authencity  I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks  

The assessment process including the provisions for re-subming and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes


I understand the consequences of plagiarism and conrm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of informaon I have used for the purpose of this assessment I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature:




I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and exible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks.

Assessor Signature:




=================================TEAR HERE ================================== RECEIPT OF LODGEMENT Student Name Unit: Trainer Name

SITXCCS008 SITXCCS00 8 Develop and manage quality customer service pracces

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354  1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105

Student ID Ass sse essment

Case St Study Date submied: V1.0 December 2018





Date received:


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Assessment Guidelines Assessment Method You are required to read through the case study and address all quesons to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instrucons for me frames and dates to complete this assessment. Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved. Submission instrucons Ensure that the student completes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaraon secon. The assessment task is due on the date specied by the assessor. Assessment condions Skills must be demonstrated in an operaonal business environment for which tailored customer service pracces are required. This can be: 

an industry workplace

a simulated industry environment.

Assessment must ensure access to: 

current plain English regulatory documents distributed by government consumer protecon regulators

codes of pracce and standards for customer service issued by industry groups

sources of informaon on customer needs, complaints and feedback

customer surveys and feedback collecon tools and templates

team members with whom the individual can interact; these can be:

sta in an industry workplace during the assessment process; or

individuals who parcipate in role plays or simulated acvies, set up for the purpose of assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisaon.


NEW YORK COLLEGE What will be assessed The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and: o 

research and develop customer service policies and procedures for at least three dierent areas of the business that meet industry standards

implement and monitor pracces for quality customer service in line with above policies and procedures over four service periods

evaluate pracces for quality service provision and idenfy any failings


review policies and procedures, adjust as necessary, and communicate any new pracces to sta.

Resource Requirements Refer to the “Assessment Condions” for this unit listed above.

Pen, Paper, computer with access to internet weblink access to: hps://ng/business-planning/processes-procedur hps://ng/busi ness-planning/processes-proceduresesstandards

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J

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Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105



Assessment 2 Case Study Mr and Mrs Jones were looking forward to celebrang their 5 th wedding anniversary in style and had great plans for their special evening. Mr Jones decided to book a table for two for dinner at the recently refurbished “ Cape

Lighthouse”, a restaurant with commanding views over the Coral Sea. To ensure a nice table with views for this occasion, Mr Jones had contacted the restaurant 2 months prior to make a reservaon with a male sta member who appeared to be very professional. The booking was then conrmed by telephone with Alex, a waitress, 1 week prior to the booked date. On their anniversary Mr and Mrs Jones arrived at the restaurant; however they found there was no booking in their name. Sta were unable to locate any booking informaon. Mr Jones was asked whom he had spoken to, to make the reservaon and provided the details of sta; however this was somehow shrugged o and they were asked to wait at the entry to “see whether a table could be arranged”. As it was a Friday F riday night the restaurant was very busy. Mr and Mrs Jones had to wait 15 minutes before they nally were led to a small table the back of the restaurant near the kitchen doors. Aer a further 15 minutes they were aended to by a drink waiter who took their order for an aperif. The Joneses placed their food and wine order and their entrees arrived aer 30 minutes. The white wine to go with the entrees did not arrive and the drinks waiter seemed to ignore their eye contact.

The main course for Mr Jones arrived within 5 minutes aer the entrees had been cleared, however Mrs Jones’ meal did not arrive for another 20 minutes. Mrs Jones was very upset with the service and was almost on the verge of leaving. When Mr and Mrs Jones went to pay the cheque on their way out, Mrs Jones was expecng an apology from the restaurant sta with regards to their booking and the delay in the service, unfortunately no one was around even to talk about it. Mr and Mrs Jones decided that this was the last visit ever at this establishment. They denitely would tell their family and friends about their dining experience at “ Cape Lighthouse”.

Your task: Address each of the following quesons relang to the case study.

1. Idenfy Idenfy Mr and Mrs Jones’ Jones’ cust customer omer needs needs and expectao expectaons ns in this case study. study. What What would a customer customer expect not only on an important occasion like the menoned anniversary but on each occasion when vising an establishment?



NEW YORK COLLEGE Mr and Mrs Jones wanted to celebrate their anniversary so because of that they done advance booking of table on the arrival they were expecng greet by the sta but instead of that they have to wait for 15 minutes aer having a advance booking they were totally ignore aer telling about the advance booking they were expecng apology by the sta members. Aer waing they were expecng a good locaon but instead of that got the table near kitchen doors. They expected to be aended by well mannered waiter but they were aended by drunk waiter and there service was not even on me. Aer this much delay they decided to leave at the me of leaving they expecng apology but there was no one to talk to. They were expecng good customer service but because of bad services they were disappointed and that spoiled there occasion. Customer expect greet on the me of arrival. They don’t expect to wait any if any case they are asked to wait sta should apologize for the inconvenience caused to customer. Well mannered server should take order. Order should be on me. They also expect good quality of food and service.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

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 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105




2. What could could be the likely likely eects of this this incident incident for the business business and custom custom down the the track if the customer customer service issues are not addressed?


Customer service plays a major role in business. Poor customer service can damage the reputaon of business. If  you will not meet a expectaon of business it will eect reputaon of business this can result to loss of business and returning of business because of this one will lose their best employees. Bad customer service kills conversion they will ask on what basis they should pay money for. Customer lifeme value drops and it will put strain in market and because of that you will start losing sale. Customer will socialize the truth and will tell everyone about their experience. Because of Bad reputaon loyal employees can also leave and there will be no new employees. Also decrement in prot will eect salary of employees because of this reason also one can leave. Many people check rangs and customer reviews before vising restaurant or hotel if there are negave reviews or low rangs it will eect on reputaon and because of this revenue and prot will be eected of business. If the quality of food is not good or not hygienic it can cancel the license of food corporaon and also it will eect the goodwill and fame of restaurant

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

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 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105




3. You are the the General General Manager Manager of the Cape Cape Lighthous Lighthouse e and the experie experience nce of Mr and M Mrs rs Jones Jones has come to to your aenon. You are determined to make contact with the customer to aempt to resolve the issue and achieve a posive outcome. Dra a leer which clearly outlines the steps you will undertake to contact Mr and Mrs Jones and how you will try to solve the issues. (This could be used as guidance ffor or a telephone conversaon for contact).

Response (Customer address) (date) (your address) Dear (Mr and Mrs Jones) I am sorry about the bad service and promise that this will not happen again.  The experience of your experience came to my attention. I am very sorry sorry for what happened. It was unacceptable and will never happen again. I was informed that you already had booking but still you have to wait to for long time. And you were attended by drunk waiter and also there was delay in service. I assure you that this will never happen again we will do interrogation of waiters and other sta members m embers and will terminate those who are not capable for our company and who are eecting the reputation of our company. We do our best to train each of our representatives on how to properly handle our customers’ issues, including how to escalate problems that they are unable to assist with. Your concern was not handled properly, and we are going to take steps to ensure that this situation does not repeat itself. Again, I am very sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact customer support for any further concern you might have.  Yours sincerely, (your name) (position) (name of the organisation)

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

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 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105




4. Considerin Considering g Mr and Mrs Jones’ Jones’ recent recent experience, experience, it is importan importantt to assess if there there are recurring recurring issues issues with customer service at the Cape Lighthouse. How will you determine if this is a one-o issue or if there are persistent problems? Outline your approach.

Response The problem that was faced by Mr and Mrs jones at cape lighthouse, aer this issue we have to make sure that it won’t recur again. For that we need to know that it is one o problem or connual problem for this we can take feedback from current customers or from social media. There is one more beer opon for determining New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

V1.0 December 2018

 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105



NEW YORK COLLEGE this issue we can go or send someone in person to know if that problem and behaviour is sorted or that issue remains same if in case that issue sll connues then strict acon should be taken against them. But also with that there will more damage to image and reputaon of restaurant and that can cause decrement in prot and revenue.

5. You are required required to develop develop a policy policy and procedures procedures for for each of the following following problem problem areas areas which were were evident: a. Bookings New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

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 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105


NEW YORK COLLEGE b. Sta Sta Prese Presenta ntaon on / Gr Gree eeng ng / Hos Hosng ng c.

Reporng Reporng requirem requirements ents / sta sta hierarchy hierarchy (General (General Respons Responsibili ibilies es and wh who o is to be contacted contacted in case case of an issue – if your industry sector varies [events, cookery, tourism, accommodaon] you may use the hierarchy which is commonly relevant to that industry sector)

d. Customer Customer Service Service Pr Procedu ocedures res for Service Service (Orders, (Orders, meline melines, s, ae aendanc ndance) e) e. De Deal alin ing g wit with h comp compla lain ints ts

Each policy needs to include: o

The policy name


The aim or purpose


The details of what is included


The procedures included to achieve the purpose


What are the requirements to train sta to be able to perform the procedures?


How will this policy and its eecveness be monitored and evaluated?


To whom will this policy be made available? How?

(a)Booking Booking policy is very helpful for customers if they already have an reservaon they don’t have to wait for table at restaurant but reservaon should be done either on phone or by email. Customer should give state name. state name and number of guests, date requested and especially your phone number. Last minute Reservaon should be done less than 2 hours prior to the arrival me. If any case aer reservaon also there is no booking then customer should concern manager if there is any misconcepon and should oer free drinks or free desert for the inconvenience caused to customer. (b) Sta Presentaon / Greeng / Hosng This is the rst step to give good impression to customers. The moment customer arrives or comes in contact with you for the rst me acknowledge guest, greeng and smile. Greet guest by using there name, oer service within a 3 minute period. Dress professionally and be well groomed and hygienic. (c) Reporng requirements / sta hierarchy (General Responsibilies and who is to be contacted in case of an issue – if your industry sector varies [events, cookery, tourism, accommodaon] you may use the hierarchy which is commonly relevant to that industry sector) In case of an issue a customer should contact manager or CRM of that place. It is the duty of sta to apologize for the mistake done and try to solve that issue instead of arguing. (d)Customer Service Procedures for Service S ervice (Orders, melines, aendance) This is prey much a turning point in your relaonship with the customer. It can be very hard to win customers back once they get beyond this point. You should, therefore, avoid disappoinng them at the beginning. Make sure you always have an adequate number of sta members on call so your customers never have to feel like they waited too long. If they order a meal that takes a lile longer than usual to cook, tell them about it in advance. Be honest and sincere. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

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 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105



NEW YORK COLLEGE (e) Dealing with complaints When your customer complains, the employee should listen to him and not interrupt.  Take responsibility for whatever has gone wrong. Always stay calm.  Empathize with the customer.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

V1.0 December 2018


 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105


NEW YORK COLLEGE this is a one-o issue or if there are persistent problems

Assessment Cover Sheet ASSESSMENT 3: OBSERVATIONS Student Name Student I.D. Number Uni nitt(s) of Co Com mpe pete ten ncy and Co Cod de( e(ss)

SIT ITXC XCC CS0 S008 08 Dev evel elop op and man anag age e qua quali lity ty cust stom omer er se serv rvic ice e pracces



Assessment Task Date of Assessment

Assessment Outcome


 Sasfactory    Not Sasfactory  Not Assessed

Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authencity  I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks The assessment process including the provisions for re-subming and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes I understand the consequences of plagiarism and conrm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of informaon I have used for the purpose of this assessment I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature:




I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and exible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks.

Assessor Signature:




=================================TEAR HERE ================================== RECEIPT OF LODGEMENT Student Name Unit: Trainer Name

SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service pracces

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

Student ID Ass sse ess ssm ment


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Date received:

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V1.0 December 2018

 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105




Assessment Method You will be observed over four service periods, how you: A. Implement Implement developed developed policies policies and procedures procedures B. Commu Communica nicate te requ require iremen ments ts with with sta  sta  C. Monitor Monitor service service provision provisionss and manag manage e these these e ecie ciently ntly D. Evaluate Evaluate each service service instance instance and and incorporate incorporate feedback feedback int into o the next instance instance..

You are required to write a brief summary for each service instance, clearly outlining: 1. What What work worked ed well well 2. What What ne need edss impr improv ovem emen entt 3. How you have have evalua evaluated ted each each policy policy you have have iimple mplemente mented d 4. How was was sta sta in invol volved ved for for the the purpos purpose e of evalu evaluao aon n 5. How you will will implement implement each each idened idened change change require required d into the followin following g service service instance. instance. Provide each summary to your trainer prior to each service instance. Your implementaon of procedures and requirements you have idened in each instance will be part of the assessment of your performance.

Submission instrucons Ensure that you complete the assessment cover sheet and sign the declaraon secon. The assessment task is due on the date specied by your assessor.

Assessment condions Skills must be demonstrated in an operaonal business environment for which tailored customer service pracces are required. This can be: 

an industry workplace

a simulated industry environment.

Assessment must ensure access to: 

current plain English regulatory documents distributed by government consumer protecon regulators

codes of pracce and standards for customer c ustomer service issued by industry groups

sources of informaon on customer needs, complaints and feedback

 

customer surveys and feedback collecon tools and templates team members with whom the individual can interact; these can be:

sta in an industry workplace during the assessment process; or

individuals who parcipate in role plays or simulated acvies, set up for the purpose of assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisaon.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

V1.0 December 2018

 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105



NEW YORK COLLEGE What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and: research and develop customer service policies and procedures for at least three dierent areas of the business that meet industry standards implement and monitor pracces for quality customer service in line with above policies and procedures over four service periods evaluate pracces for quality service provision and idenfy any failings review policies and procedures, adjust as necessary, and communicate any new pracces to sta. Resource Requirements

Refer to the Assessment condions aached to the Futura Group Mapping Document D ocument located in the teacher support tools folder or the “Assessment Condions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.

For this assessment a full set of organisaonal policies and procedures relevant for the customer service charter must be provided to the student. The Policies developed in Assessment 2, Case study and Policies must be implemented during the observaons during Instances 1-4.

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website:    Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

V1.0 December 2018


 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105


NEW YORK COLLEGE Assessment 3 Observaons You will be observed over four service periods, how you: A. Implement Implement developed developed policies policies and procedures procedures B. Commu Communica nicate te requ require iremen ments ts with with sta  sta  C. Monitor Monitor service service provision provisionss and manag manage e these these e ecie ciently ntly D. Evaluate Evaluate each service service instance instance and and incorporate incorporate feedback feedback int into o the next instance instance..

You are required to write a brief summary for each service instance, clearly outlining: 1. What What work worked ed well well 2. What What ne need edss impr improv ovem emen entt 3. How you have have evalua evaluated ted each each policy policy you have have iimple mplemente mented d 4. How was was sta sta in invol volved ved for for the the purpos purpose e of evalu evaluao aon n 5. How you will will implement implement each each idened idened change change require required d into the followin following g service service instance. instance.

Provide each summary to your trainer prior to each service instance. Your implementaon of procedures and requirements you have idened in each instance will be part of the assessment of your performance.

Details of the nature of the major tasks for each service period should be provided in the table below.



Duraon from ... to...

Service Period 1:

Evaluaon summary completed

□ Yes □ No


Policies and procedures implemented and followed:



Duraon from ... to...

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354

Evaluaon summary V1.0 December 2018



61 07 3848 4354


 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105


NEW YORK COLLEGE completed Service Period 2:

□ Yes □ No


Policies and procedures implemented and followed:



Duraon from ... to...

Service Period 3:

Evaluaon summary completed

□ Yes □ No


Policies and procedures implemented and followed:

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J

V1.0 December 2018


Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354


 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105





Duraon from ... to...

Service Period 4:

Evaluaon summary completed

□ Yes □ No


Policies and procedures implemented and followed:

New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J

V1.0 December 2018


Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354


 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105


NEW YORK COLLEGE Criteria SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service pracces









4. Instance NYS

Explaining Policies and Procedures

Policies are communicated with all sta The specic requirements outlined in each policy are explained according to procedural steps The reporng provisions are established The locaon and access to each policy is clearly explained Queries from sta are idened and answered suciently. Specic training needs have been established and agreed on. Observaon of service instance The customer is priorised over any work dues undertaken The customer is greeted in a friendly, professional manner Eye contact or body language from customer to signal assistance is required is recognised by student Rapport is established with the customer Acve listening is used to idenfy customer’s needs Acve quesoning is used to clarify or verify customer enquiries Where a call is received, the phone is answered to organisaonall procedures – guideline of maximum 3 organisaona rings Where a communicaon medium using voice is used, the student speaks in a polite, friendly manner Where a wrien communicaon takes place, the greeng and format of correspondence is correct and appropriate for the purpose All external correspondence is followed up within organisaonall meframes organisaona External enquiries including quotes or orders are responded to by using a communicaon medium as specied by the organisaon (for example email/ in wring) Products are demonstrated and explained Products matching suitability are emphasised Where relevant, opons are oered The body language/ signals of the customer are considered Opportunies for suggesve or up-selling are used appropriately The service is provided in a me ecient manner Operaonal issues are idened promptly and acted upon: Example:__________________ The service level provided was of professional standard Student uniform is clean and neat to industry standards Personal presentaon is neat and professional Personal hygiene is clean and neat Special needs are provided for as relevant: Organisaonal policies and procedures are followed Organisaonal Disputes are recognised promptly Where disputes become dicult, the student proNew York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J

V1.0 December 2018




Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354


 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105


NEW YORK COLLEGE acvely assists “sta” to handle these. Underperformances of sta or service issues have been correctly idened by the student Underperformances have been addressed with further training:

Monitor and adjust customer service Monitors service proacvely Pro-acvely seeks feedback on service provided from customers Feedback from customers is recorded and communicated with supervisors/colleagues as relevant Provides a summary which clearly outlines any shoralls Provides strategies to overcome service issues Suggested strategies and measures for implementaon are discussed with all sta prior to each service period The suggested strategies are implemented The suggested strategies are monitored and adjusted to support sta.

This assessment:

First Aempt


Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 Instance 4

2nd Aempt

Sasfactory Sasfactory Sasfactory Sasfactory


– Date: – 



Not Yet Sasfactory Not Yet Sasfactory Not Yet Sasfactory Not Yet Sasfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s):




Student Signature




New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J

V1.0 December 2018

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