SITHKOP004 Learner Assessment Pack.v2.0
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_July 2019
Evidence recorded
Evidence Type/ Method of assessment
Evidence Submied
Unit Assessment 1
Unit Knowledge Assessment (UKA)
Yes / No
Unit Assessment 2
Unit Skills Assessment (USA)
Yes / No
CONTENTS UNIT OVERVIEW.................. OVERVIEW.................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................................ ...................... ...... 3 SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements.......................................................................... 3 Unit Descripon............................................................................................................................................... 3
AQF SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASSESSMENTS................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Knowledge...................................................................................................................................................................6 Skills.............................................................................................................................................................................6 Applicaton.......................................................... Applica ton.............................................................................................................................................................. .........................................................................................................7 .....7
ACSF SPECIFICATIONS AND FOUNDATION SKILLS...................................................................................................................................................... 7 SUBMITTING ASSESSMENTS.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 TRAINING RESOURCES....................................................................................................................................................................................................7 UNIT ASSESSMENT PLAN............................... PLAN............... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... ............................. ................... .......... ......... .... 8 UNIT ASSES ASSESSMENT SMENT 1....... 1................. ................... ................... .................... ................... ................... .................... ................... ................... .................... ................... ........................................ ............................... 9 UNIT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT (UKA)................................. (UKA)................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... ........... .......... ........ ... 9 STUDENT TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT................................ SUBMIT................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................................ .............................. ................... ......... .... 9 STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 UNIT ASSESSMENT 2................................ 2................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................................ ................ 17 UNIT SKILLS ASSESSMENT (USA).................................... (USA).................... ................................ ................................ ............................... ............................... .......................... ................ ............ .......... .... 17 STUDENT TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT................................ SUBMIT................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................................ ........................... ................ .......... ..... 17
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This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop menus and meal plans for people who have special dietary needs for health, lifestyle and cultural reasons. It requires the ability to idenfy the dietary requirements of customers, develop special menus and meal plans to meet those requirements, cost menus and to monitor and evaluate the success of menu performance. The unit applies to all hospitality and catering organisaons that prepare and serve food. This includes hotels, clubs, restaurants, educaonal instuons, health establishments, defence forces, cafeterias, kiosks, cafes, residenal caterers, in ight and other transport caterers, event and funcon caterers.
Element 1. Idenfy menu requirements.
2. Develop menus and meal plans for special diets.
3. Cost and document special menus and meal plans. 4. Monitor special menu performance.
Performance Criteria 1.1.Idenfy dietary and cultural or religious menu requirements of dierent customer groups. 1.2. Assess contemporary dietary trends and regimes. 1.3. Liaise with other professionals to idenfy and conrm customer requirements. 1.4. Idenfy health consequences of ignoring special dietary requirements of customers. 2.1. Select a variety of suitable foods and meals for specic requirements. 2.2. Idenfy appropriate combinaons of food to meet macro and micro nutrient requirements. 2.3. Develop menus and meal plans that promote good health and reduce the incidence of diet related health problems. 2.4. Prepare cyclic menus and balance nutrional requirements and variety. 2.5. Incorporate sucient choice of dishes into the menus. 2.6. Recommend food preparaon and cooking methods to maximise nutrional value of food. 3.1. Calculate expenditure expenditure items to determine producon producon costs of menu items. 1.2. Calculate poron yields and costs from raw ingredients. 1.3. Assess cost-eecveness of proposed dishes against budgetary budgetary constraints and choose products that provide high yield. 1.4. Use correct terminology in menus and meal plans. 4.1.Seek ongoing feedback from customers and others and use to improve menu performance. 4.2.Analyse the success of special menus against dietary goals and customer sasfacon. 4.3.Adjust menus based on feedback and success.
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Performance Evidence develop and cost at least six menus or meal plans that individually or in combinaon meet at least six dierent special dietary requirements as specied in the knowledge evidence two of the above menus or meal plans must reect one or more cultural or religious dietary requirements as specied in the knowledge evidence two of the above menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of dierent customer groups as specied in the knowledge evidence evaluate each of the above menus by obtaining at least two of the following types of feedback: customer sasfacon discussions with: o customers employees during the course of each business day o customer surveys improvements suggested by: customers o managers o o peers sta o supervisors o o suppliers regular sta meengs that involve menu discussions sasfacon discussions with: o customers allied health professionals o dieans o o medical specialists seeking sta suggesons for menu items develop above menus and menu plans within commercial c ommercial me constraints, demonstrang: methods for responding to feedback and adjusng menus basic principles and pracces of nutrion. Knowledge Evidence culinary terms and trade names for: substute ingredients used to produce dishes with special dietary recipes ingredients suitable for meeng basic nutrional needs ingredients that cause common allergic reacons
food addives and preservaves main types and culinary characteriscs of special diets that are part of contemporary Australian society: eang regimes: o eliminaon macrobioc o exclusions for allergies, contraindicaons with medicines or food intolerance o fat-free uids o o food preferences food restricons o gluten-free o o high carbohydrate high or low energy o
o o
high or low protein high bre
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o o o o o o o o
lacto ovo low carbohydrate low cholesterol low fat low gluten low kilojoule low sugar modied sodium or potassium
modied texture nutrional requirements o poron size substutes: o gluten-free our yeast-free our non-sugar sweeteners sugar-free o type one and two diabetes o main types and culinary characteriscs of cultural or religious diets that are part of contemporary Australian society: halal Hindu kosher o o
vegan vegetarian main types of customer groups that have special dietary requirements: adolescents athletes children defence forces elderly health care ill or injured infants internaonal tourists nutrional and energy requirements due to physical condion people in areas aected by disaster or environmental extremes people from dierent socioeconomic groups people in remote areas those with weight problems: underweight o o overweight o obese
meaning of: drug-food interacons food allergy food intolerance key health and legal consequences of failing to address special requirements: allergic reacons anaphylaxis
food sensivity or intolerance reacons
basic principles and pracces of nutrion: Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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nutrients and their food sources inuences on food choice food and beverage selecon inuences food labelling and interpretaon role and implicaons of using food addives and preservaves health implicaons of food choices role of good nutrion in avoiding dietary diseases
eects of various cooking methods and food storage on nutrients primary components of Australian Dietary Guidelines, in parcular those for older Australians, children and adolescents and their use in menu planning methods and formulas for calculang poron yields and costs from raw ingredients: butcher’s test standard measures standard yield tests
Assessment condions Skills must be demonstrated in a hospitality industry business operaon or acvity for which special menus and meal plans are prepared. This can be:
an industry workplace a simulated industry environment
Assessment must ensure access to:
computers, printers and soware for cosng and developing menus and meal plans Australian Dietary Guidelines recipes that accommodate a range of special dietary requirements.
AQF SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASSESSMENTS This assessment is set in accordance with the criteria for AQF Level 4. As stated in the AQF specification for the Diploma qualifications must be designed and accredited to enable graduates to demonstrate demonstrate the learning outcomes outcomes expr expressed essed as knowledge knowledge,, skills and the application application of knowledge and skills specified in the level 5 criteria and the Diploma descriptor. Students at this level will have specialised knowledge and skills for skilled/para- professional work and/or further learning.
KNOWLEDGE Students at this level will have technical Students technical and theoretical theoretical knowledge knowledge in a specific specific area or a broad field of work and learning.
SKILLS Students at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to: • analyse information to complete a range range of activities activities • provide and transmit solutions to sometimes complex p problems roblems • transmit transmit information information and skills skills to others
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APPLICATION Students at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined knowledge responsibility in known or changing contexts and within broad but established parameters
ACSF SPECIFICATIONS AND FOUNDATION SKILLS The term ‘Foundation Skills’ is currently used to include the core skills defined in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) as well as the employability skills identified by employers as critical for effective performance in the workplace. The core skills of the ACSF include reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and learning. l earning. Foundation skills encompass the core skills of reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and learning as described by the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), and the Employability Employ ability Skills/Core Skills/Core Skills for Work. They exist on a continuum continuum from very basic skills to highly hig hly-de -devel velope oped d and specia specialist list skills. skills. The found foundatio ation n ski skills lls have have bee been n add addres ressed sed in the assessment as part of the performance criteria for this unit. Should the student still be deemed ‘Not Competent’, the student should be offered the opportunity to undertake a supplementary assessment or appeal the result.
SUBMITTING ASSESSMENTS Students should submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet. Assess Ass essme ment ntss sh shou ould ld be submit submitte ted d on or be befo fore re thei theirr due due date date.. Ex Exte tensi nsion onss for for indi indivi vidu dual al assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances. Consultation on this must occur prior to the due date and extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions must be confirmed by the Academic Manager in writing.
TRAINING RESOURCES The student will have access to the following: AIE Student Workbook PowerPoint presentation Learner Assessment Pack (LAP) Access to a computer, the Internet and word-processing system such as MS Word.
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To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment part. Evidence re recor ord ded
Evi Evidence Ty Type/ Met Method of of as assessmen ment
Evidenc nce e Submied
Unit Assessment 1
Unit Knowledge Assessment (UKA)
Yes / No
Unit Assessment 2
Unit Skills Assessment (USA)
Yes / No
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STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS: You are required to demonstrate the knowledge you have gained from undertaking SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements unit of competency.
All questions must be answered correctly to be completed satisfactorily.
All knowledge assessments are untimed and are conducted as open book (this means student can refer to textbooks or any resources).
Student may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, at home, learning management system (i.e. Moodle), or independent learning environment.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to reference material as needed.
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.
Fill out and attach the Assessment Submission form to the documents you are submitting to be marked.
Please answer each question on a separate page provided and clearly indicate the question number at the top of the page.
The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of appropriate quality or if further clarification is required and to validate authenticity of your submitted work.
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1. The Australian Guide to Healthy Eang provides 5 nutrional guidelines for adults, children and adolescents, and the Elderly, which vary slightly for each e ach group. Provide a brief descripon of what these recommend in general: The 5 guidelines are: 1. Ea Eatt sa safety ety foo food d 2. Enjoy Enjoy lots lots of of nutr nutrio ious us food food 3. Drink Drink and and eat righ rightt amount amount of of energy energy need needed ed 4. Limit intake intake of foods foods containing containing satura saturated ted fat, added added salt, salt, added sugars sugars and alcohol. 5. Encourage, Encourage, support support and promote promote breaseedin breaseeding. g. Children and adolescents and adults: - Children and youths ought to eat adequate nutrious food sources to develop and grow ordinarily. They should be truly dynamic consis con sisten tently tly and their their develo developme pment nt ought ought to be checked checked roune rounely. ly. Older Older people people ought to eat nutrious food sources and keep genuinely dynamic to assist with keeping up with muscle strength Elderly: Eang an assortment of food sources from everything nutrional categories can assist with providing the supplements an individual requirements as they age. A smart dieng plan underlines natural product, vegetables, enre grains and low-fat incorporates lean meat, poultry, sh, beans, eggs and nuts; and is low in saturated fats, Trans fats, salt (sodium) and added sugars.
2. Explain Explain two (2) implica implicaons ons that that the Australia Australian n Guide to Healthy Healthy Eang Eang has towards towards your role as a chef: 1. Chef working working in the the health health childcare childcare or aged aged care sector sector must must know how how to make suppers that sasfy the dietary necessies of the customers of the foundaon and work with dieans to guarantee that the suggested dietary intake is accomplished. 2. Prepare Prepare fresh fresh foods foods in fresh fresh environm environment ent and and focused focused on good good hygiene hygiene
3. You are working working as as the chef in a hospit hospital al and a new paent paent has Coeliac Coeliac disease. disease. How will you ensure that the paent is not adversely aected? Factors to be considered during the selecon, preparaon, cooking and serving processes Paent with coeliac disease you may nd it challenging to discover tasty substutes for all the foods you can no longer eat. The list of forbidden foods may seem very long, but be reassured - you can sll enjoy a nutrious, balanced, delicious diet with a wide range of foods. You can c an do this by:
Eang naturally gluten-free foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh, unprocessed meat and sh, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, most dairy foods, fa fats ts,, oi oils ls and and alte altern rna ave ve grai grains ns (suc (such h as com, com, rice rice,, quin quinoa oa,, sorg sorghu hum, m, buckwheat and soy)
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Choosing products that are labeled as gluten free Choosi Cho osing ng produc products ts that that have have the Coelia Coeliacc Aus Austra tralia lia End Endors orseme ement nt Logo Logo (o crossed grain in a circle) - these have been produced under strict condions and have been tested for detectable gluten and found to have none Selecng products, that are gluten free by ingredient-ta do this safely you need to be very familiar with which ingredients are gluten free and which are not
4. You work at at Hotel Futura Futura as a chef. chef. For a seminar seminar the the hotel oers oers the food food choices choices outlined in the table below. Which menu adjustments would be required for each e ach course for guests requiring gluten free meals and for those who suer from diabetes?
Poached Eggs on sour dough with ham and spinach
Assorted sweet muns
Pork Piccata, mushroom risoo, Ratatouille
Aernoon Tea Mini Danish, assorted tea sandwiches
Dinner Caesar Salad Sole llets with beurre blanc, steamed asparagus
Tropical Fruit Salad
Chocolate Raspberry Mille Feuille
Gluten Free Use gluten free bread
Gluten free mun
Check all food labels No our in Piccata
Use gluten free bread for sandwich
Ratatouille Tropical Fruit Salad
Use gluten free bread for Caesar salad Sole llets with beurre blanc steamed asparagus Chocolate Raspberry Mille Feuille with gluten free our mix for dusng
Diabetes Pouch eggs on GI (glycemic index) bread with ham
Pork Piccata Mini Danish assorted sweet muns with Mushroom Risoo Assorted tea
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Caesar salad with olive oil and lemon juice Pa e 12 of 26
and spinach
raw honey
sandwich with Ratatouille gluten free Dark chocolate bread Raspberry Mille Tropical fruit salad Feuille with maple syrup Assorted tea Sandwich with linseed bread
5. List three three diseases diseases that that can be be linked to diet, diet, and and explain explain how a change change in diet could could be benecial in these cases. 1. Coel Coelia iacc Dise Diseas ase: e: A gluten-free diet is essenal for managing signs and symptoms of coeliac disease and other medical condions associated with gluten. A gluten-free diet is, however however,, popula popularr among among people people withou withoutt gluten gluten-re -relat lated ed medica medicall condions. The claimed benets of the diet ore improved health, weight loss and increased energy. 2. Hear Hearttof disea ispeople ease se consume more than ten mes the amount of salt we need to Most meet our sodium requirements (salt contains sodium and chloride). However, there is evidence that plant foods - especially wholegrain cereals, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables -may decrease the risk of heart disease. 3. Diabetes is Diabetes is a disease that is linked to the hormone insulin which regulates levels of sugar in the blood. 6. What are the the requirem requirements ents for for the the following following dietary dietary needs? needs?
Lactose intolerance
Do not eat or drink the following sweets & desserts because they contain lactose. Cookies, cakes, pies, pastries, desserts with milk. Cream or cheese lled pastries. Fudge, coated candie can dies, s, & chocola chocolates tes.. Eat onl onlyy dairy dairy free free produc products ts lik like e broccoli, spinach, almonds, juice etc.
Low sodium
Low salt content in foods- avoid all foods which taste salty (hams, snacks etc.)
Must avoi Must avoid d all all glut gluten en co cont ntai aine ned d in whea wheatt prod produc ucts ts,, condiments and prepared sauces and dressing Usually sugar free-check with individual clients for specic
Diabetes mellitus
requirements. 7. Some religio religions ns have specic specic requirem requirements ents regardin regarding g which types types of food food or food Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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combinaons may be consumed. What is the basic informaon you need to consider c onsider when wring menus for the following client groups, but also generally when catering for any religious based requirements?
Jewish customers
Jews observe a strict diet and only eat food God has designated as kosher (fit for consumption). Jews do not eat anything that has encountered pain, suffering, sickness or is considered unclean.
Muslim customers
Hindu customers
Muslims do not eat pork, blood, carrion or any animals that are found dead. They must eat halal meat which has been butchered according to a special ritual. Care must be taken with cooking and eating utensils. Faiths that practice vegetarianism such su ch as Hinduism or Sikhism require th that at utensils used in the preparation, cooking and serving of foods have not come into contact with meat, fish or eggs. Hinduism. A lactovegetarian diet is followed by many Hindus - no
meat, poultryBeef or fish, no eggs, but products are allowed and encouraged. is prohibited, as milk the cow is considered sacred. Brahmins may have restrictions on who prepares their food and how it is stored. All types of food can be considered but safety is important while preparing and serving servin g food to costumer
Which aspects in terms of paent requirements and product availability need to be considered for texture modicaon of foods? Which equipment is typically used to prepare and present texture modied preparaons? (20 – 40 words) Paent Requirements: Chefs should consider all parts of the Individual diet needed by every client. Because of the int intrica ricacy cy of health health-re -relat lated ed diets, diets, the guidan guidance ce of manage managers rs and wellbe wellbeing ing expert expertss is signicant. A paent might have a blend of issues like diabetes and coeliac illness, so it essenal that specially prepared diets is catered for specically. Proper cooking processes are regularly characterized in special diet recipes and should be followed rigorously. Product availability: With accommodaon items it is crical to really look at the mark to survey the synthesis of the thing and its eect on the eang regimen, for example, the sugar content ulized in canned food variees or juices. While reconstung a stock, sauce or soup ensure that you warm it cauously to accomplish the right consistency and not consume it so you end with bits and avor changes. Addionally guarantee that there is adequate uid to get the right consistency toward the end. Equipment for the preparaon of texture modied preparaons Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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When cooking for these special diets it is essenal to follow instrucons completely and to clarify anything you are unsure of with the health professional for ne textures Paco jets, Thermo mixer and blenders can be used to create very ne purees of ingredients such as fruit fru it pulps pulps and con concen centra trates tes,, sh and mea meatt poste poste puddin puddings, gs, source sources, s, yoghur yoghurts ts and cust custar ards ds.. Minc Mincer ers, s, cue cuers rs an and d co comm mmer ercia ciall Moul Moulin in’s ’s ar are e oen oen us used ed fo forr ve very ry n ne e applicaons. 9.
Provide examples for potenal reacons to food allergies or intolerances. What are the consequences of failing to address special requirements for food allergies, medical condions or drug-food interacons? What would be your acons to avoid negligence and meet legal requirements? (30 – 50 words) words) Examples for potenal reacons: Runny nose Diarrhea Rapid breathing Sweang Burning sensaons on the skin Consequences of failing to address Dicult or noisy breathing Swelling of the tongue
Swelling or ghtness in the throat Food poisoning
Acons must be taken Reading food labels Follow strict hygiene rules To avoid any cross contaminaon
10. Which major nutrients nutrients are provided through the following foods?
a) Bread, Bread, cereal, cereal, rice, rice, pasta, pasta, noodles noodles Carbohydrates, Carbohydrat es, fibre b) Vegetables, legumes Capsicum, Capsicu m, broccoli, cauliflower, cabb cabbage, age, and tomatoes Minerals and vitamins c) Dark green green and orange orange vegetables vegetables like like spinach, spinach, broccoli, broccoli, carrots and pumpkin pumpkin Fibre potassium magnesium vitamin folic acid iron calcium d) Green Green vegetabl vegetables, es, dried dried peas, peas, beans beans and lentil lentilss Dietary fibre copper phosphorus and manganese iron calcium vitamin B1 zinc potassium e) Fruit Vitamin c vitamin A carbohydrates and fibers
11. Which nutrients are the the main energy providers for the human body? What is their general role, nutrional value and how much of each should be included in a healthy diet? (20 – 40 words) Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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Carbohydrates General roles: These are the major food source of energy and occur in all plant foods. Nutrional value: Carbohydrates yield -16.7 kJ of energy per gram. Daily requirement: The dietary guidelines recommend that carbohydrates provide 45 to 65 percent of your daily calorie intake. Protein General roles: Proteins are used to build and repair ssue and to produce enzy enzyme mes, s, horm hormon ones es and and anb anbod odie ies, s, all all es esse sen nal al in re regu gula lan ng g body body metabolism and protecng against disease. Nutrional value: Protein yield 16.7kl (kilojoules) per gram. Daily requirement: The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound Fats Gener Gen eral al ro role les: s: Fa Fats ts are are larg large, e, comp comple lexx mole molecu cule less made made up of carb carbon on,, hydrog hyd rogen en and oxygen oxygen.. Their Their physic physical al and physio physiolog logica icall pro proper peres es vary vary accor accordi ding ng to th thei eirr ch chem emic ical al st stru ruct ctur ure e Nu Nutr tri ion onal al va valu lue: e: Thes These e are are a concentrated source of energy providing "37.7 kl per gram. Minerals: - Much like vitamins, minerals help support the body. They’re Minerals: essen ess enal al for many many body body funco funcons, ns, includ including ing buildi building ng strong strong bones bones and teeth, regulang your metabolism, and staying properly hydrated.
12. What are are food addives? addives? How can addives aect individuals and how can you as a chef idenfy specic addives in foods? (20 – 40 words) Food addives addives are substances substances added to food to protect protect avor or improve improve its taste, appearance, or dierent characteriscs. To check what added substances substances are in food variees, read the label. All food ingredients, including any addives, must be listed on the label of a food. The ingred ing redien ients ts are lis listed ted in descen descendin ding g order order of ingoin ingoing g weight weight.. Foo Food d added added substances are assembled into classes as indicated by their capacity.
13. Which factors need to be be considered when choosing cookery metho methods ds to ensure foods maintain maximum nutrional values or meet dietary requirements? (15 – 30 Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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words) Cooking methods that limit the me, temperature, and measure of water required will help to preserve nutrients. Steaming is an extraordinary method for cooking vegetables rapidly and holds signicant supplements. Microwave cooking is likewise great since it ulizes insignicant water, and the cooking me is exceponally short. Sautéing is one more approach to rapidly cook an assortment of vegetables. The following are a couple of dierent tricks you can use to preserve nutrients:
Use less water as much as possible
Don’t overcooked
Leave vegetables in big pieces. That way fewer vitamins are destroyed when they are exposed to air.
Always cover your pot to hold in steam and heat. This will also help to reduce cooking me.
14. What are the the key features of the following lifestyle lifestyle diets? Diet Vegan
Lacto vegetarian
Ovo vegetarian Ovo-lacto vegetarian
Pesco vegetarian
Semi vegetarian
Key Features Vegans do not eat animal products, including honey, eggs, gelan, or dairy. They will not use clothes, soaps, or other products that are animal-sourced in any way. A lacto-vegetarian diet includes all plantbased foods, including fruits, vegetables, grain rainss an and d beans eans,, as wel elll as dair dairyy produc pro ducts ts such such as milk, milk, cheese cheese,, buer, buer, goat cheese, goat's milk and any other products made from these foods such as ice cream. No animal esh or dairy products but eggs are allowed. No animal esh but egg and dairy prod produc ucts ts are are allo allowe wed. d. Th This is fo form rm of veget egeta aria rian is usua sually not a risk isk of nutrional deciencies. Pescatarians is someone who chooses to eat a vegetarian diet, but who also eats s sh h and and othe otherr se seaf afoo ood. d. It's It's a larg largely ely plant-based diet of whole grains, nuts, legumes, produce and healthy fats, with seaf seafoo ood d play playin ing g a key role role as a main main protein source. A semi-vegetarian diet (SVD), also called a exitarian diet, semi vegetarian is one that is plant-based or with the occasional inclusion of meat. In 2003, the American
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Dialectt Soc Dialec Societ ietyy voted voted exita exitaria rian n as the year's most useful. 15. How do storage and part processing aect the the nutrional values of fresh fresh fruit and vegetables? (15 – 30 words) An assortment of things can occur during the growing, harvesng, storage and preparing of food that can inuence its nourishing content. Processes that open food variees to high levels of heat, light or oxygen cause the greatest nutrient loss. A few nutrients are more steady (less impacted by handling) than others. Water-solvent nutrients (B-gathering and C) are more shaky than fat-dissolvable nutrients (K, A, D and E) during food processing and storage. 16. Which nutrional requirements requirements need to be considered for the following customer customer groups? Customer Group Girls during adolescence/women during menstruaon
Needs Increased need for iron/double intake requirements of iron during menstruation.
Pregnancy and during lactaon
Increased caloric intake depending on stage of pregnanc pregnancy, y, additio additional nal require requirement ment for iron, zinc and foliate (the latter particularly during the earlier stages). May Ma y re requ quir iree incr increa ease sed d leve levels ls of ir iron on.. Dietary requirements vary according to type of sport and performance level; a diet high in carbohydrates may be preferred during endurance sport events. May require high protein and low, healthy fats in their food to supply energy needs May need variation to standard ration packs when hen in the field eld Requir uire suf uffficient
Defence Force Personnel
Vegetarian diets
People with Disabilies
vitamins in their diet Ensure all essential amino acids are included, protein from diverse plant sources- legumes, nuts, cereals or dairy (if consumed) as well as soy products should be eaten A Variety of the vegetables and fruit
Instuon-based Catering
Individuals who depend on Institutions, for exam exampl ple, e, scho school ols, s, emer emerge genc ncy y clin clinic ics, s, matu ma tured red cente centerr offic offices es and armed armed fo force rce dormito dorm itory ry normally normally have specifi specificc dietary dietary prerequisites, regardless of whether that is wellbeing wellbei ng related related or essentia essentially lly a decent, decent, energy filled eating routine. An increasingly important type of institution-based catering Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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is in aged care care facilit facilities. ies. As senior seniorss can incline toward more conventional food this should be viewed as while creating menu things, as a rule, many old individuals individuals favor softer textures and foods cooked by using traditional Availability of fresh produce is limited,
People living in remote regions
particularly fruit and an d vegetables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people may supplement purchased food with traditional hunted and foraged foods Consumption of bush foods should be supported and encouraged Regu Re gula larl rly y ment mental al inju injury ry re rela late ted d with ith catastro cata strophe phe occasion occasionss can have enduring enduring well we llbe bein ing g ou outc tcom omes es.. Culi Culina nary ry ex expe pert rtss should know that these individuals might be resist res istant ant compro compromi mise sed d or have have diffe differe rent nt issues influencing their overall health which would need to be taken into consideration in
People aected by disaster or environmental extremes
the aftermath of suchexperts on event you immediate should work with wellbeing to gua guara ran ntee any pree-aarra ran nged ged dinne nners represent the dietary prerequisite. 17.
Complete the following yield tests, calculang the Net yield per Kg and the net poron cost for each commodity based on the net cost per Kg and the poron size per kg provided. List the formulas or working steps you have used for the asparagus and the Sirloin Calculaons in the table.
$ / kg
Net Yield/ kg
Net cost/kg
Porons /kg
Net Poron Cost/ $
Broccoli Carrots
4.85 1.40
24% 16%
6.38 1.67
0.100 0.100
0.760 0.840 0.780 0.680 0.820 0.860
0.638 0.167 1.449 0.629 1.293 0.1425
Loin of Pork
Leg of Lamb
0.740 0.860 0.730
6.356 4.3025 3.0475
Formulas/Calculaon steps – Asparagus:
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22% of 1Kg= (1000x22/100=220gm) Net yield / Kg= 1000-220= 780gm= 0.78kg 11.30/0.78= 11.30/0.78= 14.487= $14.49/Kg= Net cost / Kg Net cost/kg x portions/kg= 14.49x0.100= 1.449
Formulas/Calculaon steps – Sirloin: 26% of 1Kg= (1000x26/100=260gm) Net yield / Kg= 1000-260= 740gm= 0.74kg 16.80/0.74= 16.80/0.74= 22.7= $22.7/Kg= Net cost / Kg N Net et cost/kg x portions/kg= 22.7x3.57= 6.356
Provide an overview of the following contemporary c ontemporary dietary trends and provide an example for potenal impacts each of these may have on health or nutrional balance. Diet Descripon Issues
Cabbage Soup Diet
It involves eang only cabbage While causing weight loss it soup for a week leads to an Imbalance of nutrients
Lemon Detox
For a given period no food is eaten and only a mixture of lemon juice, salt, water and possible herbal teas are consumed. This supposedly removes toxins in the body. This diet has its roots in Japan and consisted of only eang brow rice and water. The diet has now been slightly amended
Macrobioc Diet
Raw Food Diet
Stone Age Diet
It leads to weight loss but the lack of nutrients aects the body and oen leads to excessive gain once the diet is nished It leads to low iron, calcium and protein intake plus o lack of trace elements and if done for an extended me period
focusing on high bre. low fat can lead to Osteoporosis and no animal food 75% of all food consumed is raw Eang raw food is ne in most food, as the diet logic says that circumstances but the key cooking destroys enzymes focus has to be on balancing nutrients which is dicult with this diet It is also referred to as The shorall in carbohydrates Paleolithic or Paleo diet, can lead to nutrient Caveman diet or pre-historic deciencies and there is no diet. The diet Includes products scienc basis to the claims those were available made by the diet. Addionally, the animals and
Provide 3 methods you can employ to obtain feedback on dietary menus and customer Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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sasfacon. 1. Direct feedback form the customer 2. Quesonnaire 3. Review within the organisaon 20.
List the 2 most important aspects in terms of feedback which must be considered when evaluang the success of a menu or dish. 1. 2.
Adequacy of menu for the dietary need of all concerned Sasfacon or enjoyment of dishes by the customer
What is the importance of health professional when seeking feedback on dietary menus? Whom could this include? (20 – 40 words) For geng the input from the client in regards to the dietary menus the wellbeing amazing skill is extremely vital is it empowers us to know the specic survey from the client with no signicant discussions. This feedback can help the café proprietors to work on their food and dierent things.
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This assignment consists of 3 parts: Part A, Part B and Part C.
Part A requires the planning and calculaon of 6 dierent menus including 1 cyclic menu or meal plan
Part B requires the evaluaon of each menu using at least 2 dierent evaluaon methods overall.
Part C requires the amendment of at least 1 menu based on feedback and 1 menu to meet cost factors.
The following formulas are relevant for this assessment: Support Info
Food cost Percentage: Food Cost : Sales Price x 100 = Food Cost Percentage % Individual Menu Item (Variable %): Poron Cost : Priced Menu Item x 100= Food Cost % Seng the Selling Price: Poron Cost : Targeted Food Cost Percentage x 100 = Selling Price
Develop and cost 6 menus or meal plans for the selecons you make from the list in the table below as indicated. Each menu needs to be evaluated. You must choose 2 dierent evaluaon methods overall from the list in the table below. SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements Menu Me nu to be de deve velo lope ped d
Menu Menu type type (all (all required overall)
Evaluation of each menu (use at least 2 methods overall)
Menu 1:
special diets that are part of contemporary Australian society:
customer satisfaction discussions customer surveys X improvements suggested by: customers
Select 6 from this group
managers peers staffX supervisors suppliers regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions X seeking staff suggestions for menu items Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
Asia As ian n Ch Chic icke ken n Br Brot oth h with wi th Glas Gl asss Nood No odle less Fi Fish sh Fi Fill llet et en Papi Pa pill llat atee Fl Flour ourle less ss Cake Cak e Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:
Menu 2: Veg etabl Vegeta blee cur curry ry Cu Cumi min n ri rice ce Pooris
eating regimes: elimination macrobiotic X exclusions for allergies, contraindications with medicines or food intolerance X fat-free fluids X food preferences X food restrictions X gluten-free high carbohydrate high or low energy X low protein X high high or fibre lacto ovo
customer satisfaction discussions customer surveys X improvements suggested by: customers managers managers X peers staff
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Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:
Menu 3: Be Beef ef and an d Lent Le ntil il Me Meat at Balls St Steam eamed ed Ch Chick icken en Moro Mo rocc ccan an To Tofu fu with wi th Mograbeih Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:
low carbohydrate X low cholesterol low fat low gluten low kilojoule X low sugar modified sodium or potassium modified texture X nutritional requirements X portion size substitutes: gluten-free flour yeast-free flour non-sugar sweeteners sugar-free type one and two diabetes
main types and culinary characteristics of cultural or religious diets that are part of contemporary Australian society:
Menu 4: Select 2 from this group Bake Ba ked d Bean Be anss St Steam eamed ed Fi Fish sh Fi Fill llet etss Fr Frui uitt Sala Sa lad d Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:
X halal X Hindu kosher X vegan X vegetarian
main types of customer groups that have special dietary requirements: Select 2 from this group
Menu 5: Baby Spinach and Che rry Cherr y To Toma mato toes es Rice Ri ce Cake Te Temp mpur uraa of Ch Chic icke ken n and an d Vegetables Banana Buckwheat Panc Pa ncak akes es with wi th Ma Mapl plee Syrup Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other: No. of serves:
1 selection must be for a 1-week cyclic menu adolescents X athletes X children X defence forces X elderly X health care ill or injured infants international tourists nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes
supervisors suppliers regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions X seeking staff suggestions for menu items Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals customer satisfaction discussions customer surveys X improvements suggested by: customers managers X peers staff supervisors suppliers regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions X seeking staff suggestions for menu items Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
customer satisfaction discussions customer surveys X improvements suggested by: customers managers X peers staff supervisors suppliers regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions X seeking staff suggestions for menu items Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals customer satisfaction discussions customer surveys X improvements suggested by: customers managers X peers staff supervisors suppliers regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions X seeking staff suggestions for menu items Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
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Menu 6: Le Lent ntil il Pa Patt ttie iess on Wholemeal Whole meal Brusch Bruschett ettaa Moroccan Spiced Pumpkin, Chic Ch ickp kpea ea and an d To Toma mato to St Stew ew Me Melo lon n Crus Cr ush h wi with th Fr Fres esh h Lim imee an and d Min Mi nt Recipe Source: Futura Group, e-coach recipes SITHKOP004 Other:
people from different socioeconomic groups people in remote areas those with weight problems: underweight overweight obese
customer satisfaction discussions customer surveys X improvements suggested by: customers managers X peers staff supervisors suppliers regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions X seeking staff suggestions for menu items Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
No. of serves:
Part A 1. Plan, write write and and cost each each of your menus menus you have have selected selected in the list list above. above. Each menu must include a minimum of 3-courses each. The food cost for each menu must not exceed $7.50 including all courses. Complete the details for each menu as outlined below. 2. 1 menu type type selected selected for main main types of custome customerr groups groups that have have special special dietary dietary requirements must consist of a 1-week cyclic menu or meal plan consisng of 7 3course menu with a vegetarian opon for each day. The “Menu Price Balance template” for menu 6 below has these provisions. The food cost for the cyclic menu must not exceed $6.00 for any 3- course menu. 3. Each menu menu type must must provide provide nutri nutrional onally ly balanced balanced meal meal opons opons for the the relevant type of dietary requirement. 4. Use the attached Standard Recipe Card Template Template (or your own choice choice of format) format) and list the ingredients for each menu dish listed in your cycle menu including sides. Alternatively, you may use the template “Banquet Analysis Sheet” and cost
each menu and all its components in this document. 5. The Portion Portion size size for each dish must consider consider that there there are 3 courses a menu and portion size therefore needs to reflect this. 6. Calculate Calculate each dish and show the cost per per serve. Attach your yield yield calculations calculations where necessary (if you use vegetables or meat, then the calculations must show the net price based on net yields). The support Tool Folder contains yield test tools to assist you in these calculations.
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Menu 1 Dietary requirement
Gluten-free low-carb
1. Course
Fish Fillet en Papillate
2. Course
Asian Chicken Broth with Glass Noodles
3. Course
Flourless Cake
Cost each dish of the menu in a Standard Recipe card (template) or use the template SRC mulple dishes to cost all dishes in one sheet and label each tab.
Name of dish: Flourless Flourless Cake Portion: 10 Cost Per Portion: $ 1.69 Ingredients: Items Buer Chocolate Egg Cocoa powder Sugar Salt
Actual Cost
Unsalted Dark
145 300 5 40 150
Gram Gram Each Gram Gram
13 35 0. 0.64 each 10.7 6 4
1.88 10.5 3.2 0.428 0.9 0.001
Caster Pinch
Preparation: Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Grease one 10 inch round cake pan and set aside. smal alll sauc saucep epan an ov over er me medi dium um he heat at co comb mbin inee th thee wa wate ter, r, salt salt and and su suga gar. r. Stir Stir un unti till In a sm completely dissolved and set aside. Either in the top half of a double boiler or in a microwave oven melt the bittersweet chocolate. Pour the chocolate into the bowl of an electric mixer. Cut the butter into pieces and beat the butter into the chocolate, 1 piece at a time. Beat in the hot sugar-water. Slowly beat in the eggs, one at a time. t ime. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Have a pan larger than the cake pan ready, put the cake pan in the larger pan pan and fill the pan w with ith boiling water halfw halfway ay up the sides of the cake pan. Bake cake in the water bath at 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for 45 minutes. The center will still look wet. Chill cake overnight in the pan. To unmold, dip the bottom of the cake pan in hot water for 10 seconds and invert onto a serving plate.
Menu 2 Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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Dietary requirement
1. Course
2. Course
Cumin rice
3. Course
Vegetable curry
Cost each dish of the menu in a Standard Recipe card (template) or use the template SRC_mulple dishes to cost all dishes in one sheet and label each tab.
Name of dish: Cumin Cumin rice Portion: 2 Cost Per Portion: $ 1.54 Ingredients: Items Buer
Specicaon Unsalted
Weight 1
Cost/KG 13
Actual Cost 0.39
Long grain Clove
2 1.5 80 3
TSP Cup Gram Cup
10.8 4 86
0.324 0.768 1.61 No 0.001
Cumin Seeds Jasmine rice Garlic Water Salt
Directions Heat the oil in a medium size saucepan over a medium-high heat. Drop in the cumin seeds, and cook until they splutter. Do not allow the cumin seeds to burn or become really dark brown in color. Add the rice and fry it in the oil for about 1 minute. Add the water and salt and bring to a boil.
Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat to low and cover the saucepan. Cook the rice for approximately 15 minutes. If you feel the rice is getting burnt near the base of the pan as it cooks, one trick is to place the saucepan on another flat pan or griddle which is directly on the flame. Toss with a fork. Menu 3 Dietary requirement
High protein/ diabetes
1. Course
Beef and Lenl Meat Balls
2. Course
Steamed Chicken
3. Course
Moroccan Tofu with Mograbeih
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Cost each dish of the menu in a Standard Recipe card (template) or use the template SRC mulple dishes to cost all dishes in one sheet and label each tab.
Name of dish: Steamed Chicken Chicken Portion: 2 Cost Per Portion: $ 4.92 Ingredients: Items Chicken breast Vegetable oil Onion Garlic
Specicaon Skinless, boneless Fine chopped Fine chopped
Weight 300 2 80 80
Unit Gram TBSP Gram Gram
Cost/KG 9.5 4 1 86
Actual Cost 2.85 0.11 0.08 1.61
Directions: Place chicken and salt in a bowl. Evenly rub salt into chicken. Refrigerate 30 minutes. Rinse chicken and place in a pot fitted with a steamer over water. Bring the water to a boil,
and steam chicken until juices run clear, about 30 minutes Heat vegetable oil in a fry pan over medium heat. Stir in onion and cook until tender. Mix in garlic, and cook about 1 minute. Stir in soy sauce and sesame oil, and remove from heat. Scoop over the chicken to serve Garnish with the coriander.
Menu 4 Diet Dietary ary requ require ireme ment nt
Low Low chol choles este tero roll
1. Course
Baked Beans
2. Course
Steamed Fish Fillets
3. Course
Fruit Salad
Cost each dish of the menu in a Standard Recipe card (template) or use the template SRC_mulple dishes to cost all dishes in one sheet and label each tab.
Name of dish: Steamed Fish Fish Fillets Portion: 2 Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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Cost Per Portion: $ 5.53 Ingredients:
White sh llets M inn Onirio Ginger Soy sauce Olive Oil Salt
Julienned Peeled and julienned Light
850 80 3 1
Cost/K G 18.82
Actual Cost
131.2 52.67 15.2 21.3 4
4.705 00.9 .19 1.49 0.65 0.30 0.001
Directions: Cut each fillet in half and sprinkle with salt. Place slices of fish in a single layer on a heatproof round plate. Top with green onions and ginger. Put the plate in a bamboo steamer over a pan of simmering water. Cover and steam for 10 minutes or until fish is cooked.
Using a spatula, gently transfer cooked fillets on a serving plate. Set aside. In a saucepan, combine mirin, soy sauce and olive oil. Let it i t boil and pour over the fish fillets. Serve with steamed rice.
Menu 5 Dietary requirement
Food intolerance
1. Course
Baby Spinach and Cherry Tomatoes Rice Cake
2. Course
Tempura of Chicken and Vegetables
3. Course
Banana Buckwheat Pancakes with Maple Syrup
Cost each dish of the menu in a Standard Recipe card (template) or use the template SRC_mulple dishes to cost all dishes in one sheet and label each tab.
Name of dish: Tempura Tempura of Chicken an and d Vegetables Portion: 2 Cost Per Portion: $ 4.86 Ingredients: Apex Institute of Education SITHKOP004– Learner Assessment Pack V2.0_Jul’ V2.0_Jul’19 19 | CRICOS: 03156M
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Actual Cost
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Chicken breast Black pepper Kosher/sea salt Ginger Garlic Sake Soy sauce Egagke our C Potato starch Vegetable Oil Water
Skinless, boneless Freshly ground Diamond crystal Peeled and julienned Fine chopped Light Large
320 ¼ ¼ 80 80 1 3
9.5 30 15 52.67 29.9 13.2 15.2
3.04 0.03 0.01 1.49 0.61 0.06 0.65
415 55 3-4 75
h GEraacm Gram Cup ML
0 0..6 14 7 0.23 1.79 No
4.30 4
Direction: Heat oven to 200°F. Line large plate with several paper towels; set aside. Line rimmed baking sheet with cooking cooking parchment or foil; set aside.
In small bowl, mix honey, soy sauce and chili garlic sauce; set aside.
In large bowl, beat egg with whisk or fork. Beat in flour, cornstarch, salt and cold water.
Heat oil over medium heat to 375°F. Dip bell pepper and broccoli into batter; let excess batter drip back into bowl. Cook in single layer iin n hot oil 3 to 4 minutes, turning once, until coating is crisp and golden brown. Drain on paper towel-lined plate, then transfer to pan and place in oven to keep warm. Wait for o oil il to reach 375°F again again between batches.
Dip chicken pieces into batter; let excess batter drip back into bowl. Cook chicken, in batches if necessary, in hot oil 4 to 5 minutes, turning once, until coating is crisp and golden brown and chicken is no longer pink in center. Top chicken and vegetables with green onions; serve with sauce.
Menu 6 Cyclic Menu/Meal Plan Dietary requirement Enter the individual courses in the “Menu “ Menu Price Balance template_5_Day_Cycle” cost the individual menu dishes in individual Standard recipe cards or in the spreadsheet “SRC_mulple dishes_5-day_Cycle (Each day has a Tab marked M1-Dish 1 to M1 Dish 6[Monday] M2- Dish 1 to Dish 6 [Tuesday] and so forth)
Monday: Non-Veg Pooris, Pan red barramundi, Fruit salad. Asian
Veg Pooris, Vegetable curry, Fruit salad.
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chicken Tuesday Non-Veg Beef Be ef an and d llen enl l,, Ban Banan ana a buc buckw kwhe heat at pa panc ncak akes es..
Veg Le Len nll bal balls ls,, Gre Green en broc brocco coli li mush mushro room om Wednesday Non-Veg Veg White chicken stock soup, Moroccan tofu, Baked White vegetable stock soup, Moroccan tofu, beans
Baked beans Thursday
Non-Veg Baby spinach and cherry tomatoes rice cake, Tempura of chicken and vegetables
Veg Baby spinach and cherry tomatoes rice cake, Tempura vegetables Friday Non-Veg Veg Fish llets, Asian chicken broth with glass noodles, Green broccoli mushroom, Vegetable curry, Flourless cake Flourless cake Saturday Non-Veg Veg Moroccan tofu, Baked beans, Fruit salad. Steamed Baby spinach and cherry tomatoes rice cake, Fruit salad. chicken
Example of tesng which is used
Yield test beef Weight: 15% (1000˟15/100=150gm) (1000-150=850gm) =0.850kg Price 6.4/0.850=8.7 = $8.7/kg Poron 1000/150=6.7 Yield calculaons: Peeled Potato 1kg of potato cost $3.8 Non usable potato is 0.220kg Usable potato is 0.780kg Peeled potato per kg 4.9 Chicken breast 5kg of chicken breast cost $50 Cost per Kg of chicken breast $10 Non usable trimming is 0.800 per kg Usable trimming is 0.600 per Kg Trim chicken breast per kg 16.70 Cost of 5kg trim chicken breast is $83.5 $ 83.5
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Part B 1. List the the review review methods methods you you have used used for each each method method and and provide provide the feedback you have received for each menu. Provide details for the methods used to obtain feedback and details for the persons you have consulted with. Menu 1
Method used for
Feedback received – Details
feedback How/Who? Dish 1
Dish 2
Dish 3
Menu 2
Dish 1
Dish 2
Customer satisfaction The size of vegetable which is used was big discussions/customer Need more salt Customer survey /customer Regular staff meeting The portion size is just right! that involve menu Noodle is not perfectly cooked discussions/staff Seeking staff suggestion for menu items/staff Satisfaction discussions Try to reduce the sugar with health professionals/supervisor s Customer satisfaction discussions/customer
Method used for feedback How/Who? Customer surveys/customer
Feedback received – Details
Oil is dripping
Regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions/staff Seeking staff suggestions Nice and yum, food presentation is good for menu items/ staff Satisfaction discussions with health professionals/supervisors
Dish 3
Customer satisfaction discussions/supervisor
Need some seasoning
Customer surveys/customer
Menu 3
Dish 1
Method used for feedback How/Who?
Feedback received – Details
Regular staff meetings that involve discussion/ head It’s delicious chef Seeking staff suggestions for menu
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Dish 2
Dish 3
items/ staff Satisfaction discussions The portion size big with health professionals/ head chef Regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions/supervisors Customer surveys/ Manager gives 5-star feedback and said all well and all food comes under the budget. customer Customer satisfaction discussions/ customer
Menu 4
Dish 1
Dish 2
Dish 3
Method used for feedback How/Who? Satisfaction discussions with health professionals/head chef
Feedback received – Details
Taste is good meat ball is perfectly cooked
Regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions/staff Customer Not garnish and Marination is not perfect perfect surveys/customer Customer satisfaction discussions/customer Satisfaction discussions with health professionals/head chef
Fruit is fresh and presentation is good
Regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions/staff
Menu 5
Method used for feedback How/Who?
Dish 1
Dish 2
Customer satisfaction discussions/ customer
We can use brown rice instead of white rice
Customer surveys/customer Regular staff meetings that Overall good involve menu discussions/staff Satisfaction discussions with health professionals/dietician Customer satisfaction discussions/customer
Dish 3
Feedback received – Details
Pancake is delicious
Customer surveys/customer
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Menu 6
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Method used for feedback How/Who?
Feedback received – Details
Ressiden Re idents ts fee eed dback back
Give ive 5-s 5-sta tarr ffee eedb dbac ack k, aall ll food ood is is h heealth althy y
Po Popu pula lari rity ty of the the di dish sh
Meat Meat ball ball is very very deli delici ciou ouss
Staff feedback
Good feedback, all staff mostly love all dishes
Managers in-put
Manager gave 5-star and said all well and all foods comes under the budget
Family fe feedback
Mostly be beautiful an and lo lovely ffeeedback cco omes from families. They love our cycle menu.
2. Idenfy Idenfy which factors factors would would suggest suggest that that changes changes need to to be made to your your menu items. According to the survey, Brownie is excessively sweet for a large poron of clients, we will lessen the sugar amount and ulize more cranberry and cocoa powder to make it more avor
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Part C
1. Apply Apply the feedba feedback ck you have recei received ved to the rele releva vant nt menu menuss or dishes dishes and adjust the costing in a new template or added tab. Clearly mark these as V2 (Version 2) or “revised”. Menu 3 Dietary requirement
1. Course
Steamed chicken Chinese style (With sweet chilli sauce with herb garnish for reduce bored) Beef and lenl meatballs(Meet ball make more smaller and extend ) Tempura of Prawn and Vegetables(similar cooking me)
2. Course 3. Course
2. Attach Attach the revised revised change changess to this assignme assignment nt for submissi submission. on. Revised of menu change Beef and lentil meat balls: - The size of the meat ball must be reduced
Vegetable curry: - using of the seasonal vegetable instead of the non- seasonal vegetables for reducing the cost High Protein: - add some prawn for increasing the protein content Steamed Chicken: - using some more spices and some chili sauce to enhance the flavor Baby spinach and cherry tomatoes rice: - We less amount of spinach and cherry tomato, and instead of cherry tomato, we use round tomato.
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