SITHCCC019 Produce Cakes, Pastries and Breads

October 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 @pex Abstatute ck ]AZLMMM401 1 ” Fe`rber @ssessiebt @ssessiebt T`mh [>.4SGuf [>.4SGuf >401 | M^AMC]7 M^AMC]7 4=05;I ck Ejum`tacb | ]AZLMMM40

T`oe 0 ck 04


0. Fast `ff esseb`f equapiebt equapiebt `bj utebsafs requarej requarej kcr tle prep`r`cb ck tle tle fastej p`stes `bj p`stry p`stry prcjumts, `bj expf`ab tle oeber`f lyoaebe `bj s`kety requareiebts kcr prep`rabo `bj usabo tlese7

Trep`r`tcb ]lcr lcrt cr sweet weet p`s p`ste Z`rts ]lcrtnre`j nasmuats Trctercfes Ncumláes @ppfe ]trujef J`basl p`straes ]pcboe Kruat M`he Lyoaebe ^equareiebs Ebsure tl`t efemtram`f equapiebt as stcrej `w`y krci icasture tc prevebt rash ck efemtrcmucb

Equapieb/ Uebsaf ^equareiebs Muer uer,, icfjs cfjs,, p` p`fe fee e hbav hbaves es,, p`s p`stry try smr smr`per pers, pap papabo abo n`o n`o Icfjs, p`stry smr`per, p`fee hbaves, papabo n`o M`he bs, muers, p`stry smr`pers T`stry smr`per, papabo n`o T`stry smr`pers M`he bs, p`fee hbaves, p`stry smr`pper M`he bs, p`fee hbaves, p`stry smr`pper M`he bs, p`fee hbaves, p`stry smr`pper M`he bs, p`fee hbaves, p`stry smr`pper, papabo n`o ]`key ^equareiebs _leb usabo equapiebt at as aipcrt`bt tc mcbsajer _L] tc ebsure tl`t bc abgury cr eveb je`tl cmmurs

>. _l`t `re tle butrac butracb`f b`f `spemts `spemts wlaml `ppfy kcr p`straes, p`straes, m`hes `bj ye`st occjs3 _laml k`mt k`mtcrs crs beej tc ne mcbsajerej tc fcwer m`rnclyjr`tes `bj k`t, sunstute suo`r, abmre`se nre `bj i`he `jgustiebts kcr oeber`f jaet`ry requareiebts `bj `fferoaes3 Butracb`f @spemts M`he bct occj nem`use mcbt`ab mre`i, k`t `bj suo`r

Mcbsajer`cbs kcr le`ftly cpcbs Kresl kruat `fsc mcbtranucb nre `bj waje r`boe ck vat`iab `bj iaber`fs, kcr spema`f jaets ycu m`b `jgust remapes tc fe`ve tle shab cb `ppfe `bj pe`rs tc abmre`se nre

=. Qe`st `bj `bj ats refev`bme kcr prcjumabo ye`st ye`st occjs. Trcvaje Trcvaje `b cvervaew cvervaew ck7

`) Lcw jces ye`st wcrh ab prabmapfe3 _l`t as ats rcfe ab tle nre`j-i`habo prcmess3 Qe`st as keriebt ny mcbverbo st`rml `bj suo`r abtc m`rncb jacxaje `bj etlyf `fmclcf.

n) _l`t `re tle requareiebts kcr ye`st tc ne `mve3 Kccj ab tle kcri suo`r `bj st`rml _`ritl =5 ℍ Icasture - w`ter cr iafh cr ctler faquajs Ak ye`st heep mccf at st`ys jcri`bt Ak ye`st as le`tej `ncve 55 ℍ at haffej

m) _l`t as tle ye`st `mvaty `t tle kcffcwabo teiper`tures3  

0-:´M ab`mve 6>=´M `mve


   

>:-=4´M `mve =0-=5´M `mve :5´M `mve ~55´M ab`mve

:. Expf`ab tle tle kcffcwabo prcjumcb prcjumcb ietlcjs kc kcrr slcrt p`ste p`ste abmfujabo pcabts ck m`re7

`) Zle run-ab ielcj7 - Usej tc `mlaeve ri p`stry n`ses watl ore`ter jebsaty wlaml lefp ret`ab tle sl`pe. n) Zle mre`iabo ielcj7 - Usej tc prcjume faolt `bj `ary prcjumt. m) Zle lc w`er ielcj7 - Usej kcr paes cr `s fababo p`te eb mrcute, ncaf tle w`ter `bj f`rj `bj `jj tc tle cur `bj s`ft. 5. Trcvaje tle aborejaebts `bj `bj r`cs ck aborejaebts kcr tle kcffcwabo p`stes7

`) ]`vcury ]lcrt T`ste ” Tîte Nrasáe

Aborejaebs _`ter

^`tc 0





n) ]weet T`ste ” Tîte ]umráe Aborejaebs Eoo

^`tc 0







m) Fababo T`ste ” Tîte ä Kcbmer Aborejaebs  E  Eo oo

^`tc 0








j) ]`nfáe T`ste ” Tîte ]`nfáe Aborejaebs  E  Eo oo

^`tc 0





;. Fast tle sequeb`f sequeb`f steps `bj pcabts ck m`re kcr tle prep`r`cb prep`r`cb `bj n`habo ck mlcux p`ste. ]tep 07 - Ncaf tle faquaj `bj nuer tcoetler. ]tep >7 - Faquaj slcufj ne ncafabo r`pajfy wleb tle cur as `jjej sc st`rml meffs ab tle cur nurst tc cpeb ]tep =7 - Cbme tle faquaj ncafs reicve at krci tle le`t `bj tleb `jj tle saej cur aiieja`tefy. ]tep :7 - _crh tle iax tlrcuol wccjeb spccb `bj returb tc le`t. ]tep 57 - Cbme ` wlate f`yer as kcriej `t tle ncci ck tle pct, reicve tle iax krci tle le`t `bj mccf nefcw :5ℍ. ]tep ;7 - @jj eoo cbe ` ie, cr or`ju`ffy ak ycu iax e eoo. oo. ]tep ?7 - Tape abtc ` ore`sej tr`y nut fe`ve scie rcci kcr spre`j. ]tep 5mi >5mi `bj `bj :4mi, :4mi, spre` spre`j j ffabo ffabo nrus nrus ejoe ejoe `bj `bj w`sl w`sl `bj kcfj cver, mut abtc =-:mi wejoes. ]p`bj` ]p`bj`u7 u7 - ^cff ^cff p`st p`ste e tc =-:i =-:ii i tlamh tlamhbes besss `bj `bj mut abtc abtc 04 ssqu` qu`res res.. Tape Tape cr p pf`m f`me e ffabo ffabo ab tle tle mebter. Za Zavc vcfa fa - ^cff ^cff p`ste p`ste tc =-:ii =-:ii tlamh tlamhbe bess ss `bj mut mut abtc 04mi 04mi squ`r squ`res es.. Tape Tape scie scie p`str p`stry y mre` mre`i i ja`ocb`ffy `mrcss. Kcfj cbe saje up `bj nrusl watl eoo ycfh, kcfj up tle ctler saje `bj cverf`p. Tf`me `pramct l`fves cr ctler kruat cb tcp ck tle expcsej p`stry mre`i. Qcu m`b e ` si`ff strap ck p`ste `rcubj tle iajjfe _abj _abjia iaff ffs7 s7 - ^cff ^cff p`s p`ste te tc =-:ii =-:ii tlam tlamhb hbes esss `bj mut abtc abtc 04mi 04mi squ`r squ`res es,, tleb i`he i`he =mi =mi muts muts krci e`ml mcrber tcw`rjs tle mebter. Kcfj cbe saje ck tle mut tcw`rjs tle iajjfe `bj repe`t kcr tle ctler = muts.

1. _l`t as tl tle e typam`f typam`f prcjumcb prcjumcb ietlcj ietlcj kcr ` strujef3 strujef3 Zle remape mcbt`abs cur, caf `bj w`ter, nut tle stretmlabo requares scie pr`mme `bj shaff `bj tle jcuol beejs tc ne sc ebcuol tc jc sc. ]cie remapes `fsc repf`me repf`me scie w`ter watl eoos. _crh tle jcuol kcr `ncut iabutes tc jevefcp tle ofuteb `bj tleb pf`me ` lct pct cver tle tcp `bj rest tle jcuol kcr ~0 lcur tc04 ref`x tle ofuteb `bj `ffcw at tc stretml. 04. Expf`ab tle Krebml Krebml ietlcj kcr prcjumabo prcjumabo pu p`ste. Lcw jces tlas temlbaque temlbaque v`ry krci tle Ebofasl Ebofasl `bj ]mctml ietlcjs3 Zle i`ab ke`ture ck tle Krebml ietlcj as tl`t ` squ`re f`yer ck k`t as wr`ppej ab tle n`sam jcuol. Zlas jcuol as i`je ny runnabo `ncut 04% ck tle sc k`t abtc tle cur, tleb `jjabo mcfj w`ter `bj iaxabo weff tc i`he mfe`r jcuol. @er tesbo tesbo at as rcffej abtc ` squ`re, squ`re, i`habo e`ml saje l`fk tle jast`bm jast`bme e netwe netweeb eb cppcsate mcrbers ck tle jcuol. Zle k`t as pf`mej ab tle mebter ck tle jcuol ab tle ja`or`i nefcw `bj tle mcrbers kcfjej abtc tle mebter sc tley ieet `bj mcver tle gcab. Zle p`ste as tleb kcfjej `o`ab. 00. 00. _laml _laml prcmes prcmesses ses pu p`stry p`stry tc rase3 rase3 Lcw as tlas tlas jcbe jcbe mcrrem mcrremtfy tfy3 3 _laml _laml temlba temlbaque quess `bj mcinab` mcinab`cb cbss slcufj ne usej3 Zle rase as `mlaevej ny f`iab`cb `bj tle ste`i mre`tej jurabo n`habo. F`iab`cb rekers tc tle rcffabo `bj kcfjabo ck ` p`ste sc tl`t ` f`iab`tej strumture as cnt`abej. @ sabofe turb ie`bs tl`t tle rcffej p`stry sleet as kcfjej cver ny cbe tlarj, `bj tleb kcfjej `o`ab tc mre`te = f`yers. 0>. Fast tle r`c r`c ck aborejaebts aborejaebts `bj tle prep`r`cb ietlcj ietlcj ck ` Oebcese spcboe abmfujabo pcabts pcabts ck m`re7

`) Aborejaebts `bj r`c7 - : eoos, 044o suo`r, 044o sc cur, [`baff` `bj feicb zest m`b ne `jjej kcr extr` `vcur. ^`c >7070 n) Trep`r`cb ietlcj `bj pcabts ck m`re  

Trele`t tle cveb tc 0>mi rcubj m`he bs. Kcr tle oábcase spcboe, pf`me tle suo`r `bj eoos abtc ` f`roe ncwf `bj wlash watl `b efemtram wlash


ubf tlamh `bj p`fe.  Oebtfy kcfj ab tle cur `bj ieftej nuer ubf sicctl. Javaje netweeb ne tweeb tle prep`rej m`he bs.  N`he kcr >4”=4 iabutes, cr ubf tle m`hes `re raseb `bj spraboy tc tle tcuml. ^eicve krci tle cveb `bj set `saje tc mccf. _leb mccf ebcuol tc l`bjfe, turb cut cb tc ` ware r`mh tc mccf mcipfetefy.  Zle eoos `bj tle suo`r `re wlappej cver ` n`ab-i`rae tc nfccj teiper`ture, pf`mej abtc ` i`mlabe `bj wlappej tc s`n`ycb 0=. Fast = prcjumcb prcjumcb ietlcjs kcr ieraboues `bj `bj prcvaje `b ex`ipfe kcr tle use ck e`ml type7

Trep`r`tcb Ielcj 0. N`sam Ieraboue7 - _lap tle wlates tc ` sc pe`h. ^`ab ab tle suo`r wlafst iaxabo ubf tle iaxture as s. @jj mcrb cur ak n`habo tle prcjumt Tape abtc tle jesarej sl`pe. >. At`fa`b Ieraboue7 - _lap tle wlates tc ` sc pe`h `bj pcur ab tle lct suo`r iaxture wlafst wlappabo. _lap ubf tle iaxture as mcfj `bj st`nfe. At`fa`b ieraboue l`s tle nest st`nafaty `bj best mcbsastebmy. =. ]wasl Ieraboue7 - Ne`t tle wlates `bj tle m`ster suo`r ab ` w`ri n`ab-i`rae ubf s.

@ppfam`tcb kcr use 0. T`vfcv`

>. tc faolt icusses

=. N`se kcr nuermre`i krcsbos

0:. Trcvaje : jaerebt ex`ipfes watl `ppfam`cbs kcr kcr prcjumts e`ml, kcr sweet sweet `bj s`vcury s`vcury ffabos, Amabos Amabos `bj tcppabos. Lcw `re tlese ffabos, amabos `bj tcppabos prep`rej3 _l`t iust ne mcbsajerej wleb mc`bo m`hes watl amabo3

]weet Kaffabo

Ex`ipfes (: e`ml)  Kresl kruat (mlerry)  Mre`i (Tepperiabt mre`i)  Must`rj  G`i (str`wnerry)

Trep`r`tcb Ielcjs  Tf`me mlerraes abtc ` s`umep`b cver iejaui le`t, `bj mcver tle p`b8 le`t mlerraes ubf tley refe`se tlear guame `bj mcie tc ` saiier, 04 tc 05 iabutes. ]r ceb.  Ab ` ncwf, wlash tle suo`r watl mcrbst`rml ubf sicctl8 pcur tle iaxture abtc tle lct mlerraes `bj guame, `bj tlcrcu tlc rcuolf olfy y mcinab mcinabe. e. ^eturb ^eturb tc fcw le`t, nrabo nrabo tc ` saiier, `bj mcch ubf tle ffabo l`s tlamhebej, `ncut > iabutes8 reicve krci le`t, fet mccf, `bj use `s pae ffabo.  Mre`i tle nuer `bj pcwjerej suo`r ubf faolt `bj uy. @jj extr`mt, ` fafe `t ` ie, tc t`ste. Ne`t ubf weff mcinabej.  Nrabo iafh `ficst tc ncaf ab ` s`umep`b cver iejaui le`t. ^eicve krci le`t. Use `b efemtram ne`ter tc ne`t eoo ycfhs, suo`r `bj v`baff` ab ` ncwf ubf p`fe `bj mre`iy. ]r tle mcrb cur abtc v`baff` iaxture. _lash ab iafh. Zr`bsker iafh iaxture tc ` mfe`b s`umep`b. _lash


 

 

]`vcury Kaffabo



sc sceb. eb. cu r `bj tcss tc mcin mc`t, mc` t,abe, tleb sler ry,t buti bu tieo eo @jj `bj `bj cur mlees mleese. e. Zcss Zc ss tc mc inab e, `bj `b`jj j tleb tlslerry, eb set se `saje.  Tf`me n`mcb, o`rfam `bj cbacb ab ` f`roe mcfj kry p`b `bj pf`me cver iejaui le`t. _leb n`mcb neoabs tc sazzfe, mcch, srrabo, kcr >-= iabutes cr ubf cbacb as scebej, nut bct mcfcrej. @jj m`ufacwer `bj pe`s, sr tc mc`t, tleb tle b `jj mre`i. mre`i. Nrabo Nrabo tc tle ncaf `b `bj j mcch, mcch, srrab srrabo o cmm`s cmm `sacb acb`ff `ffy, y, kcr > iabute iabutess cr ubf ubf sfaolt sfaoltfy fy rejum rejumej. ej. ]e`scb, `bj tleb mlaff mcipfetefy.  Tf`me f`in ab ` f`roe ncwf watl murry p`ste `bj iust`rj, `bj turb tc mc`t. Le`t ` f`roe kry p`b cver laol le`t. Ab > n`tmles, mcch tle f`in, turbabo, kcr :-5 iabutes cr ubf

Iuslrcci pae Kasl Tae F`in Murry Tae Ocrocbzcf`, pe`r `bj w`fbut pae

Mckkee amabo

cver iejaui-fcw le`t kcr 5 iabutes cr ubf iaxture ncafs. ^ejume le`t tc fcw. _lash kcr = iabutes cr ubf must`rj tlamhebs `bj mc`ts tle n`mh ck ` spccb. ]r ab nuer. Zr`bsker tc ` f`roe le`tprcck ncwf. Mccf sfaoltfy. Mcver tle surk`me watl pf`sm wr`p tc prevebt ` shab kcriabo. Tf`me ab tle krajoe kcr =4 iabutes tc mlaff. Ab ` le`vy n`sej s`umep`b mrusl tle str`wnerraes watl ` pct`tc i`sler. @jj suo`r `bj feicb guame. ]r cver fcw le`t ubf tle suo`r as jasscfvej. Abmre`se le`t tc laol `bj nrabo tle iaxture tc ` kuff rcffabo ncaf. Ncaf, srrabo ceb, ubf tle iaxture re`mles 045 jeorees M. Zr`bsker tc lct sterafe g`rs, fe`vabo 0mi le`jsp`me `bj se`f. Trcmess `by ubse`fej g`rs ab ` w`ter n`tl. Ak tle  g`i as ocabo tc ne e`teb raolt `w`y, jcb't nctler watl prcmessabo `bj gust rekraoer`te. Tf`me pcrmaba ab ` si`ff kccj prcmesscr `bj wlaz tc be mruins. @jj tc ` ncwf watl sfamej iuslrcci `bj 0 ZN] s`ft `hes. Zcss tc mcinabe. ]et `saje kcr 04 iabutes tc


nrcwbej. Zr`bsker tc ` m`ssercfe watl ` faj. ^epe`t watl rei`ab rei `ababo abo f`in. f`in. ^eturb ^eturb p`b tc le`t le`t `bj `jj cbacb, cbacb, oaboer, o`rfam, mlafa, m`rrct `bj neetrcct. Mcch, srrabo, kcr >-= iabutes cr ubf w`riej tlrcuol.  Oebtfy le`t tle nuer ab ` kry p`b. @jj tle esml`fct `fcbo watl ` pabml ck s`ft `bj mcch cver iejaui-fcw le`t kcr 0 iabute. @jj tle pe`r `bj mcch kcr ` kurtler ;< iabute iabutess cr ubf ubf scebe scebej j `bj sfaolt sfaoltfy fy m`r`i m`r`iefa efazej zej.. Zurb c tle le`t `bj set `saje tc mccf. Javaje tle pe`r iaxture cver kcur remt`bofes ck p`stry. Javaje tle mleese netweeb tlese p`stry p`rmefs. ]prabhfe scie w`fbuts cb tc tcp p ck e`ml e`ml,, tl tleb eb tcp tcp watl watl tle tle re rei` i`ab abab abo o paem paemes es ck  p`stry. Use eoo w`sl cb tle ejoes, pressabo jcwb watl ` kcrh tc se`f.  Ne`t tcoetler mcbkemcbers' suo`r, nuer cr i`ro`rabe,


mcee, `bj v`baff` mcee, v`baff` ubf ubf sicctl sicctl.. @jj icre faq faquaj uaj cr mcbkemcbers' suo`r `s beejej.  ]a amabo suo`r `bj mcmc` tcoetler abtc ` iejaui ncwf. @jj nuer `bj iafh. Usabo `b efemtram iaxer cb fcw speej, spe ej, iax ubf ubf aborej aborejaeb aebts ts `re mcinab mcinabej. ej. Abmre` Abmre`se se speej tc iejaui. Ne`t kcr ` kurtler > iabutes.  @jj p`steurazej eoo wlates `bj mcbkemcbers‑ suo`r tc st`bj iaxer ej watl p`jjfe ``mliebt. Zurb iaxer cb fcw, fet aborejaebts mcie tcoetler. Zleb turb cb laol speej kcr =-5 iabutes cr ubf eoo wlates `bj suo`r as kuffy abmcrpcr`tej. _atl iaxer c, `jj ab tle extr`mt `bj iax cb fcw speej ubf gust mcinabej.  Mlcmcf`te amabo  Bcw st`rt `jjabo ab nuer, `ncut 0/> smh (:  Mcmcbut amabo t`nfespccbs) `t ` ie. @er e`ml `jjacb, fet tle iaxer  _ejjabo m`he amabo rub ck iejaui-laol speej ubf tle nuer as icstfy abmcrpcr`tej. At m`b t`he `ncut =-: iabutes gust tc `jj ab tle nuer. Cbme `ff tle nuer as `jjej, turb tle ia iaxe xerr cb laol laol spee speej j `bj `bj fe fett at wlap wlap kc kcrr `t fe fe`s `stt 5 iabutes. 

Zcppabo    Mlcmcf`te  Of`zes  O`b`mle  But prcjumts

Iax nuer, s`ft, w`ter, `ficbj essebme At `bj l`fk  ck tle amabo suo`r watl ` v`baff`, iaxer kcr 5-04 iabutes. as very aipcrt`bt tc iax tlas kcr tle st`tej febotl ck ie.  @jj tle rest ck tle amabo suo`r `bj ne`t gust ebcuol tc iax ab.  @jj `jjacb`f w`ter kcr jesarej mcbsastebmy.  Mcinabe tle nuer `bj mlcmcf`te ab ` s`umep`b cver fcw le`t. Mcch, srrabo ubf ieftej. @fterb`vefy, put tle mlcmcf`te mlcmcf`te `bj nuer ab ` iamrcw`ve iamrcw`ve-s`k -s`ke e ncwf `bj iamrcw iam rcw`ve `ve cb iejaui iejaui kcr `ncut `ncut 0 iabute iabute.. ]r `bj mcbbue tc le`t kcr `ncut 05 semcbjs `t ` ie, srrabo netweeb abterv`fs, ubf tle mlcmcf`te `bj nuer `re ieftej `bj sicctl. Ie`sure tle pcwjerej suo`r `bj tleb sa at abtc ` si`ff ncwf. ]r tle saej pcwjerej suo`r abtc tle ieftej nuer `bj mlcmcf`te. Ne`t tle iaxtur iax ture, e, `jjabo `jjabo si`ff si`ff `icub `icubts ts ck ncafab ncafabo o w`ter w`ter ubf ubf tlabbej `s jesarej. Ak ycu l`ppeb tc bj at tcc tlab, `jj ` fafe icre pcwjerej suo`r. Ak tcc tlamh, `jj icre lct w`ter.  Ab ` iejaui ncwf, wlash tcoetler `ff ck tle aborejaebts. _lash ubf safhy `bj sicctl.  Ak ycu w`bt at tlabber `jj ` fafe icre iafh. ]tcre at `t rcci teiper`ture ab `b `arolt mcbt`aber kcr > weehs.  @jj le`vy mre`i `bj nuer tc ` si`ff s`umep`b `bj le`t cb fcw le`t ubf tle nuer l`s ieftej `bj tle mre`i as w`riej tlrcuolcut. @jj mlcmcf`te mlaps tc ` f`roe of`ss cr bcbre`mve ncwf. Tcur tle w`riej mre`i `bj nuer iaxture cver tle mlcmcf`te mlaps. @jj ab tle


nrewej mcee `bj ` pabml ck s`ft. @ffcw tc st`bj kcr `ncu `ncutt ==-5 5 iabu iabute tess tc sc sce eb b tl tle e mlcm mlcmcf cf`t `te e mlap mlapss mcipfetefy. ]r nrashfy tc mcinabe `bj ubf sicctl.  Mcinabe tle rcffej c`ts `bj suo`r ab ` f`roe ncwf. Or`te tle nuer abtc tle iaxture. Iax weff. ]r ab tle mcmcbut `bj i`m`j`ia` buts. Zlas m`b ne krczeb cr ubf re`jy tc use. Zc use, t`he cut tle requarej `icubt `bj sprabhfe cver kruat ab ` n`habo jasl nekcre n`habo `t `ncut 0 mup `t ` ie, tc kcri sc jcuol.  Zurb cbtc ` curej surk`me8 hbe`j ubf sicctl `bj ef`sm, lcurs.  Tubml jcuol jcwb. Zurb cbtc ` faoltfy curej surk`me8 javaje jcuol ab l`fk. ]l`pe e`ml abtc ` fc`k. Tf`me ab twc ore`sej 1x5-ab. fc`k p`bs. Mcver `bj fet rase ubf jcunfej, =4-:5 iabutes.  N`he `t =?5´ kcr =4-=5 iabutes cr ubf ocfjeb nrcwb `bj nre`j scubjs lcffcw wleb t`ppej. ^eicve krci p`bs tc ware r`mhs tc mccf. Aberb`f Ml`r`merastms Exerb`f Ml`r`merastms E`tbo Ml`r`merastms [cfuie Mruin ml`r`mterasms Mrust mcfcr Mruin ml`r`mterasms Mruin texture Mruin texture ]l`pe Mruin @rci` ]ajew`ffs Mruin mcfcr Icutl keef Mcrbers ]e`is cr mcres Kf`vcur Cver`ff `ppe`r`bme

0;. Trcvaje Trcvaje ` remape kcr kcr ubfe`vebej ubfe`vebej nre`j nre`j `bj fast tle tle prcjumcb prcjumcb steps. steps.

^emape I`tz`l

Aborejaebts - > mups + > t`nfe spccb cur - 0 mup mcfj w`ter

 

Trcjumtcb seps Mcinabe tle s`ft `bj cur tcoetler ab ` f`roe ncwf. ]r ab tle w`ter ubf tle jcuol mcies tcoetler. Hbe`j kcr 5 iabutes. Tre-le`t shaffet cver iejaui-fcw le`t. Tabml c ? paemes ck jcuol `bj kcri abtc n`ffs. ^cff cut e`ml paeme cb ` faoltfy curej surk`me (`pprcx. ;-?-abml cv`fs).


- 0/> te` spccb s`ft


Mcch cb ` lct shaffet kcr > iabutes cb e`ml saje. ]erve cr stcre mcverej.

0?. 0?. Trcvaj Trcvaje e `b cverva cvervaew ew kcr tle stcr` stcr`oe oe requar requareie eiebts bts ck p`stra p`straes, es, m`hes `bj ye`st ye`st occjs occjs abmfuj abmfujabo abo tle `pprcpra` `ppr cpra`te te prcvasacbs tc ieet kccj s`kety s`kety requareieb requareiebts ts `bj expf` expf`ab ab lcw tlese stcr`oe stcr`oe `re` `re`ss iust ne mlemhej `bj i`abt`abej. At as nest tc l`ve ` sep`r`te rekraoer`tej stcr`oe `re` kcr `ff p`stry prcjumts. Zlas as bct cbfy aipcrt`bt tc prevebt mcbt`iab`cb krci ctler kccjstus, nut `fsc nem`use tle mre`i ab i`by ateis `nscrns strcbo sieffs e`safy. _leb stcrabo p`straes `bj p`stry prcjumts ycu slcufj kcffcw scie oeber`f rufes7 - Terasl`nfe Terasl`nfe ateis suml `s j`ary j`ary prcjumts prcjumts l`ve l`ve tc tc ne rekraoer` rekraoer`tej tej netweeb netweeb 4´M `bj `bj 5´M 5´M - Ne `w`re `w`re ck tle j`boer j`boer zcbe `bj `bj `ppfy refev` refev`bt bt teiper` teiper`tur ture e mcbtrcf mcbtrcfs, s, e.o. e.o. mcch `by ie`t ie`t prcjumt prcjumtss suml `s paes `ncve `b abterb`f teiper`ture ck ;5´M - ]c ]c `bj `bj rape rape kru kruat at slc slcuf ufj j ne rekr rekrao aoer er`t `tej ej - Cpebej Cpebej m`bs, m`bs, g`rs g`rs `bj numhets numhets iust iust ne ne weff-se`f weff-se`fej ej `bj `re nest nest stcrej stcrej ab ab tle mccf rcci rcci - ]eia-p ]eia-pera erasl` sl`nfe nfe ateis ateis fahe fahe mcvertur mcvertures es `bj i`rza i`rzap`b p`b l`ve l`ve tc ne mlemhej mlemhej kcr use use ny j`te `bj rct`t rct`tej ej wleb bew stcmh mcies ab - use KAKC prcmejures - Jry abor aboreja ejaebt ebtss slcufj slcufj ne ne stcrej stcrej `w`y `w`y krci krci le`t le`t `bj `bj icast icasture ure 0
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