Site Layout

May 26, 2018 | Author: m_damghani | Category: N/A
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Site layout By Dr.. Mahdi Dr Mahdi Damgha Damghani ni

Eff icient

layout planning of  a constru rucction site is f unda u ndame ment ntal al to any successf ul project underta rtaking. This task usually consists of  identif ying the tempo rucction temporrary ary facil aciliti ities es needed to support constru operatio ionns, determin rminin ingg their heir size size and and shap shapee, and and posit sitionin ingg them hem in the un unoocc ccuupied ied are areas wit within the sit site bou boundari aries.


some of  the f acto a ctors rs in invvolv olved in site site lay layou outt (org (organ anis isat atio ion) n)??

Factors involved in site organisation: 1- The

layout of  the contractors temporary f acilities acilities 2- Assembling the various resources 3- Utili tilisa sati tion on of  the resources


are a construction site·s temporary facilities?


1- Access

of temporary facilities (TFs)

and exit arrangements ar rangements 2- Temporary roads 3- location of  hutments 4- Positioning of  static plant 5- Material storage areas 6- Site security


are the factors that need to be considered for access and exit arrangement ar rangements??? s???


1- The

and exit arrangements ar rangements

number (keep to minimum) 2- Location (avoid ( avoid busy, busy, narrow high speed roads) roads ) 3- Width of  access (not less than 5 m) 4- Routing (1-way is pref erable, erable, f orces orces to have another one f or or exit) 5- Cross-overs to the the f ootpath ootpath Will aid material deliveries 6- Sign posting of  access points


some of the construction materials for temporary roads ???

onstruction materials for temporary roads 1- Hardcore

of  a wide variety 2- Timber sleepers 3- Metal track 4- Plastic sheet

a) Minimum bend  b) Away f rom sca scaff olding olding,, overhe verhead ad cabl cables, es, excav excavat ation ionss or other other tempo temporary rary works works.. c) Should hould be repai repaired red.. d) Provision f or o r turn turnin ingg and and back backin ingg requi equirremen ements ts to stor storag agee area areass.

Temp emporary rary truck ruck ent entran rance at con onsstruc tructtion ion sit site provid vides all all -weather access and reduces tracking o f  mud onto roads.


are the hutment requirements??? requirements???


requirements person (socialisati (socialisation on point) point) 1- Mess rooms 1 m2 per person 2- Off ices ices 4 m2 per person 3- Minimum ceiling height 2.4 m 4- Window area 20% of  f loor loor area 5- Opening window area 10% of  f loor loor area 6- Kept clean 7- Have proper f oot oot path 8- Buildings 2 m apart f or or f ire ire precautions Location

a)  b) c) d) e) f ) g)

on site for temporary temporary accommodation: Permanent f or or duration of  contract Adjacent to services, electric, water, drains, telephones Close to the site entrance Clear f rom rom setting out lines and excavations etc Clear of  overhead work Have clear view of  the site Walking distance kept to minimum


some of the static plant on construction sites???



c ranes nes 1- Tower cra


operation must be kept to minimum

2- Concrete batching plant 3- Hoists « Make the horizontal movement o f  material to minimum


be located whereby the transportation dist distan ance ce is redu reduce cedd to mini minimu mum. m. Acces ccesss to Vehicle ehicless must must be paid paid atten attentio tion. n.

or everywhere



is the purpose of site security???

or huts



security The need f or or site security is dependant upon: 1-The nature of work being carried out 2- The location of t he site 3- The economics involved  involved  The purpose of  security: 1- I nternal  nternal  2- External  Employees

should be encouraged to see that the place o f  work is made secure: 1- H andtools andtools 2-P ortable ortable power tools 3- M aterials aterials 4- P rotective rotective clothing 5- P lant lant

Explain the

importance of fencing and hoarding??? Where hoarding is used instead of fencing???

Fence and Hoardings 1- A f ence

or hoarding (height=2.2 m) should be erected around the site to prevent the public f rom wandering onto the site or to protect them uilldi ding ng wor orkk as thi this has has legal egal imp implica icatio tions.. ns.. f rom bui 2- In city centre sites hoardings would be used. ormed of  the duration which 3- The Local Authority must be inf ormed hoardings are to be in place, place, drawings drawings must be submitted showing construction. 4- Permission must be obtained f rom rom the highways dept. and the Police or any temporar t emporaryy pavement crossing cross ing.. The cost c ost of  reinstating the f or pavement pavement must be paid to the Local Authority.

Explain the

effect of having wireless system on construction site???

Many construction companies communicate between building sites and headquarters during the construction process to set dead deadli linnes, es, mon monitor tor pr prog ogrress ess and transf er data. This networking enables companies to run a more eff icient construction project.

etailed attention to the lay-out of temporary facilities is rarely a waste of time, and usually resu result lt in cons consid ider eraable savi saving ngs. s. The planning of a site layout in practice will depend upon a number of factors such as the time and money. The need for careful site layout and site organization planning becomes more relevant as the size and complexity of the constru struc ction oper peration increa reases, ses, and espec speciially lly where spare site space is very limited.

ommon facilities to be considered 1- Access/exit points

2- Temporary roads 3- Hutments 4- Static plant 5- Storage areas 6- Site security

The Common Services er vices Trench Trench

Useful Website:

http://www.civilcra f workf orce/site-layout-in-construction/

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