Site Core Rocks Cheat Sheet

January 10, 2017 | Author: Marina Zabica | Category: N/A
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Sitecore Rocks 0.7.5 CTP Cheat Sheet Page 1 Sitecore Menu (Visual Studio) New Connection… Register a connection to a Sitecore instance. Sitecore Explorer Open Sitecore Explorer to navigate connections. Plugins… Manage Sitecore Rocks Plugins. Plugins Repository…. Access the Sitecore Rocks Plugins repository. Extensions… Manage Sitecore Rocks Extensions (lightweight plugins). Sitecore Rocks Website… Access About… Show information about Sitecore Rocks. Connection Context Menu (Sitecore Explorer) Manage View/manage sites, pipelines, temp files, caches, statistics, validation and more. Search Search using the system search index. Media Library Search for media using the system search index. Debug and Trace Initiate browser-based debugging and tracing. Log Viewer View recent Sitecore log messages. Job Viewer View active background jobs. View Expanded web.config View effective web.config after merging include files. Modify Connection… Modify Sitecore instance connection properties. Update Server Update Rocks web service to Sitecore instance. Components… Remove Server Remove Rocks web service from Sitecore instance. Components… Disconnect… Remove a connection to a Sitecore instance. Browse > Access the web site, Content Editor, debugger, Page Editor or Preview. Settings > Configure Visual Studio gutters. Collapse All Collapse the branch in Sitecore Explorer. Sitecore Rocks Extensions > Create and access Sitecore Rocks extensions (lightweight plugins). Refresh Refresh the branch in Sitecore Explorer. Database Context Menu (Sitecore Explorer) Manage Manage database (administer languages) Search And Replace Rule-based search and replace. Query Analyzer Sitecore query analyzer. Execute help for assistance. Incremental Publish Publish incrementally. Smart Publish Smart publish. Republish Republish. Rebuild Publishing Database Rebuild the publishing target database. Publishing Queue View publishing queue. Rebuild Link Database Rebuild the links database. Rebuild Search Index Rebuild search indexes. Recycle Bin Access the recycle bin. Archive Access archived data. Collapse All Collapse the branch in Sitecore Explorer. Sitecore Rocks Extensions > Create and access Sitecore Rocks extensions (lightweight plugins). Refresh Refresh the branch in Sitecore Explorer. Item Context Menu (Sitecore Explorer) Edit Edit the item in the item editor. Duplicate (CTRL+ALT+D) Duplicate the item. Cut (CTRL+X) Cut the item to the clipboard. Copy (CTRL+C) Copy the item to the clipboard. Delete (DELETE) Delete the item. Rename (F2) Rename the item. Navigate To > Access links database records, data template and standard values. Search > Predefined searches involving the item. Browse > Access the web site, Content Editor, debugger, Page Editor or Preview.

Sitecore Rocks 0.7.5 CTP Cheat Sheet Page 2 Item Context Menu (Continued) Add > Add item using insert items or based on command, branch or data template. New Folder Add an item using the Common/Folder data template. Publishing > Publish the item, optionally with dependencies. Sorting > Item sorting options. Security > Lock, unlock, take or release ownership. XML > View, copy or paste XML representation of item. Validation Issues Validate item and descendants. Scripts > Generate Sitecore query scripts involving item. Collapse All Collapse the branch in Sitecore Explorer. Sitecore Rocks Extensions > Create and access Sitecore Rocks extensions (lightweight plugins). Refresh Refresh the branch in Sitecore Explorer. Item Header Context Menu (Item Editor) Locate in Sitecore Explorer Select the item in Sitecore Explorer. (CTRL+L) Layouts > Apply layout details or reset layout details to standard values. Templates > Design, copy, change or update the data template or field sorting. Tasks > Configure icon, insert options, help text or validation for the item. Copy (CTRL+C) Copy the item to the clipboard. Navigate To > Edit the data template associated with the item. Search > Predefined searches. Links > Access links database records for the item. Browse > Access the web site, Content Editor, debugger, Page Editor or Preview. Publishing > Publish the item, and optionally, items on which it dependands. Raw Values Show raw field values. Standard Fields Show fields defined in the standard template. Languages > Access alternate languages of the item. Versions > Add, remove and access alternate versions of the item. Views > Enable and disable features; access alternate views. Export to Hhtml Generate an HTML able listing the fields and their contents. Scripts > Generate Sitecore query scripts for common operations. Sitecore Rocks Extensions > Create and access Sitecore Rocks extensions (lightweight plugins). Reload (CTRL+R) Reload the item in the item editor (lose changes). Field Context Menu (Item Editor) Search and Replace Rule-based global search and replace of field contents. Edit Externally… Edit in the Visual Studio text editor or an external editor. Clear Set the value of the field to an empty string. Reset to Standard Value on Reset the field to its standard value. Save Make Lowercase Make field value lowercase. Make Uppercase Make field value uppercase. Trim Trim whitespace around field value. Add ‘Lorem Ipsum’ Set field value to lorem ipsum. Copy Copy the field value to the clipboard. Paste Paste into the field value from the clipboard. Navigate To > Edit the associated data template field definition item. Search > Search for items with the same field value, optionally with the same field name. Show in Non Standard Fields Show the field when fields in the standard template are hidden. View

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