Q2. Which of the following services of Sir Syed played the most important role in the revival of Muslims in the subcontinent? (1! 1. "olitical 2. #ducational $. Social %ns. &n the dar'est hours of their life the Muslim community produced a great and courageous leader in the person of Sir Syed %hmad )han who rendered invaluable services services for the cause of downtrodden Muslims of his time. *is educational political and social services played a great role for the revival of Muslim community in the subcontinent. %mong his educational educational services a school was established established in Muradabad in 1+,- and also in ha/ipore in 1+0. &n 1+0$ he founded a Scientific Society in ha/ipore where scientific wor's were translated from #nglish into "ersian and rdu for better understanding of Muslims. &n 1+0 the Scientific Society issued the %ligarh &nstitute a/ette.3 *e visited #ngland in 1+0and on
his return started his famous movement for the establishment of the Muslim niversity. So in 1+4, the Muhammadan %nglo 5riental School was set up. &t was upgraded to a college level in 1+40 and then to the niversity of %ligarh in 1-21. &n 1++0 the Muhammadan #ducational 6onference was set up to raise the educational standard of Muslims living in the subcontinent. *e did a great deal to improve the relations between the 7ritish and the Muslims. 8he war of 1+,4 had developed great mistrust between the 7ritish and the Muslims. 8he 7ritish blamed the Muslims for starting the revolt. 8o clarify the causes of the war Sir Syed wrote #ssay on the 6auses of the &ndian 9evolt3 in which he stated that the Muslims were dragged into the war by the *indus. *e also issued the :oyal Muhammadan of &ndia3 to remove the wrong perception of the 7ritish that the Muslims were disloyal. &n it he outlined the loyal services the Muslims had rendered to the 7ritish #mpire. 8he 7ritish resented being called ;adarath but Sir
Syed clarified that ;adarath came from an %rabic word ;asir meaning helper. *e wrote a boo' 8abyinponents of &wo9?ation theory 'ecause after the 3indu91rdu controversy he was convinced that 3indus were not sincere towards the Muslims Answerin# a "uery of Mr Shakespeare$ 8ommissioner of =anaras$ he remarked@ ?ow ! am convinced that 'oth these communities will not oin whole9heartedly in anythin# thou#h$ at present$ there was no open hostility 'etween the two communities$ 'ut on account of the so9called educated people it will increase immensely in future@ % Sir Syed founded a Patriotic Association in order to counter the anti9Muslim propa#anda 'y the 3indus % Soon after the esta'lishment of !ndian ?ational 8on#ress$ he came to realise that it was a purely 3indu or#anisation 8onse"uently$ he asked the Muslims to desist takin# part in its activities % 3e proposed the system of separate electorate for the Muslims in order to protect the political ri#hts of the Muslim 8ommunity 3e hi#hli#hted his views in this re#ard in a speech in **B 'y sayin#$ @&he system of representation 'y election means the representation of the views and interests of the maority of the population@ iii) Sir Syed’s Literary Works:
Sir Syed Ahmed khan was not only a prominent educationalist 'ut also a capa'le author 3is writin#s include the followin#: % Asarul Sanadid % #$&*? = The "ohammad -nglo27riental 9efense -ssociation Social Services Sir Syed was much worried about the social conditions of the "uslims and desired to see the revival of the "uslims in their social life. :e published the most influential maga(ine Tah(ib2ul2-klaq in which he outlined the ethical aspects of the "uslim life. n this maga(ine, he critici(ed the conservative way of life and advised them to adopt new trends of life. :e opened a number of orphan houses in order to provide them shelter. :e did not want these children going to
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