Sing to the Dawn

May 7, 2017 | Author: ShameemSyazwani | Category: N/A
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Dawan 1) Determined Dawan is a determined young girl. Dawan insist on going to study in the city, even though many people including her brother and father disagree with the idea. Dawan works reall hard to convince her father to give her the permission. In fact, Dawan does not give up on her dream although she learnt from Noi that the city is a cruel and dangerous place to live. Instead, she become even more motivated to learn how the whole system works in order to help her village ( pg 37). In adddtion, Dawan also confronts her father during the dinner about letting her go to the city. However, the father chides her by saying that schooling would have been more useful for Kwai not Dawan. When Dawan realized that Noi and her mother will not be able to help her convince father, she tries to seek eternal support from the monk. This proves that, Dawan does not easily surrender when facing challenges. However, Dawan is disappointed when the head monk does not support her going to the city only because she is a girl. Timid Dawan is a also a timid person because sometimes she lack the courage to do want she wants. There are many incidents in this novel that proves this. In the beginning of the novel, Dawan does not have much confidence to speak in classroom especially to her teacher. This is because she thinks that the teacher has high hopes for Kwai only.(7) . In fact, she does not believe in her capability to succeed in examination and life because as she said “ I’m a girl, Kwai”only asks questions during the result day after being persuaded by Kwai. Page 7. Dawan is very hesistant when asking questions in the classroom because she rarely does so. This shows that she is a timid person. Besides that, when Dawan is finally going to leave her village, she is overwhelmed with emotions. She does not have the heart the leave everything behind to pursue what’s in the city. In fact, she cries her heart out because changing scares her. This shows that, Dawan is starting to lose her courage to go the the city. Fortunately, grandma told Dawan that if she is this timid , she will not be able to face all the the struggles in the city. Grandmother’s advise has motivated her again to pursue her dreams. Caring Dawan is also a caring person. Even though her brother Kwai can be a little bit selfish, Dawan still cares a lot abut him. For example, when the teacher announces that she wins the scholarship, Dawan looks for her brother first instaed of taking time t be proud of her achievement. This is because she knows that he will be disappointed as he want the scholarship very much She offered Kwai her own umbrella when she sees him drenched in rain on the bridge. She is worried that he would catch a cold. She pleads him to take the umbrella or at least go home to keep himself dry. This shows that Dawan is a selfless person because she cares about her brother’s well being more than anything else. In fact, she does not even think about her own injury caused by Kwai himself. Page 86.

2) Kwai Ambitious Kwai wants to achieve a lot of things by winning the scholarship to study in the city. He has come up with plans in order to improve their life in the village. Hence Kwai aspires to study in the city because he can learn a lot of new things that will be helpful for the villagers in the future. In fact, he wants to study hard so that he can come back to teach his father how to raise new crops, use better fertilizers and if possible set up a hospital for his village. This shows that Kwai is very enthusiastic about his he readies himself to hold the responsibilities to help the village if he wins the scholar ship. Page 19 Hence, when he finds out that Dawan wins the scholarship, he becomes devastated. However, he does not give up easily.He tries very hard to take the scholarship away from Dawan by persuading her to give in. In fact, he even tries to put her Dawan by doubting the her capability to fight, argue, lead people in crisis, jus becaus eshe is a girl. Besides that, Kwai also threatened to tell his father that he is placed second. This shows that his ambitions has driven him to be unpleasant to his sister. Supportive Kwai is also very supportive of his sister, Dawan. At the time, girls are not allowed to got to school. Fortunately, Kwai managed to 57 persuade their father to allow Dawan to study. Without the support from Kwai, Dawan will probably not get any education at all similar to Bao. Besides that, Kwai also knows that his sister can be a little timid, hence he always encouraged her to believe in herself. In the beginning of the story, Dawan does not believe that she too can win the scholarship. But Kwai gives her moral support that she has a good chance at winning the the prize.In fact, Kwai also supports Dawan by encouraging her to speak up in class and asks the questions she wants to ask. Without Kwai’s help Dawan might never have the courage to speak in front of the teacher. Rsponsible: Thoughtful Kwai showed his thoughtfulness by helping a person in need. When he sees Vichai tries hitting Bao, he quickly comes to rescue her by restraining Vichai.


Father He is impatient Page 27 Her father becomes impatient first and grunted “ Well, Dawan, what is it? Hot tempered Stuborn Mother : Moody Loyal to her husband Dawan’s mother is a traditional housewife who listens to her husband. She does not say anything that might make her husband angry or displeased. For example, when mother heards that Dawan wins the scholarship, she does not support Dawan at all. When Dawan asked for her permission, she only Said “It’s not my place to say anything. However, she volunteers accompany Dawan to Noi’s house. This shows that , Mother wants her daughter to study in the city, but she can give support because she does not want to betray her husband. Pg 32 Pessimestic : She does not even encouraed her Dawan to persuade her father because she know that he won’t allow her to do so. This shows that Mother is a pessimistic person. Page 30 Bao Generous person - She gave the lotus to Dawan for free PG. 60/64 She offered to free one sparrow and Dawan could pay Next week Friendly : She befriended Dawan even though they just met. Supportive : She encourages Dawan to fight for her right to study in the city instead of letting Kwai snatch it from her. Pg63

Grandmother : Encouraging : She is the first one in the family to congratulate Dawan. She insist on bringing Dawan to Noi’s house Even though Mother opposed the idea. Supportive:

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