Sin Dieta para Siempre by Gabriela Uriarte

September 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  EJ]ELGKHOHGA\C[ Auake pgasè qug tgalrïe be cpcrtuahlel lg pbesoer ga uaes påjhaes oh oeagre lg vgr y treter be cmgshlel. Ygrtgagzkc e ua jrgohc seahterhc drgkugatgogatg cbvhlelc, y euaqug sg trete lg uae prcdgshûa epeshcaeatg y agkgserhe, ac gs dåkhb. Ycr gsc quhgrc eprcvgkner pere ler bes jrekhes e oh deohbhe y e ohs pelrgs, quhgags nea shlc ua gspgfc ga gb qug ohrerog. Gbbcs ac sca kcaskhgatgs lg bc edcrtuaele qug og shgatc lg tgagrbcs kgrke, epcyealc kele pesc qug ng lelc, gskuknealc kele knerbe c prcygktc ga gb qug og ng gomerkelc.  E oh Thgragshtc, ohs eohjcs lg Thtcrhe, dhgbgs gskulgrcs, y be deohbhe qug gbgjï.

X e Ohknegb, pcr ler sgathlc e tclc gstc y e ohs lïes.




  Yuglg qug neyes rgkurrhlc e gstg bhmrc pcrqug quhgrgs mefer lg pgsc, pcr tus lhjgsthcags c pcrqug thgags prcmbgoes kca bcs rgsubtelcs lg bcs eaåbhshs. [ge kueb sge gb octhvc, kcasgjuhr tu cmfgthvc pese, supugsteogatg, pcr nekgr lhgte pere ogfcrer be ebhogatekhûa. [ha gomerjc, ³gs rgebogatg nekgr lhgte be scbukhûa e gste kbesg lg shtuekhcags3 Be rgspugste gs sï, pgrc scbc ga gb kesc ga gb qug gatgaleocs be lhgte kcoc ua keomhc lgdhahthvc lg augstrcs nåmhtcs ebhogaterhcs. Gb prcmbgoe gs qug, lgsjrekheleogatg, sg gathgalg be lhgte kcoc ua gstelc pesefgrc kca ua dha kcakrgtc, tres gb kueb sg vugbvg e kcogr lg dcroe ac sebulembg. \gagocs uae ogatebhlel CA/CDD rgspgktc lg bes lhgtes qug sg rgdbgfe ga prgjuates kcoc «³shjugs e lhgte3° c «³kuåatc thgopc bbgves e lhgte3°. [h be kcalukte ebhogaterhe lgpgalg lg gster c ac e lhgte, kuealc kcashjeocs ogfcrer bcs eaåbhshs c mefer lg pgsc lgfergocs lg kcogr k cogr sebulembg y vcbvgrgocs e bcs ohsocs nåmhtcs y, lg gsg oclc, e be keshbbe lg sebhle, krgealc ua kïrkubc vhkhcsc. Eb kcogazer uae lhgte ouy rgstrhkthve bc peseocs oeb, pcr gsc ga gb ocogatc ga gb qug gopgzeocs e mefer lg pgsc y eb vgracs ogfcr vcbvgocs e sgr oås dbgxhmbgs kca augstre ebhogatekhûa, pgrlgocs gb kcatrcb y vcbvgocs e sumhr lg pgsc. [gjuhr uaes lhrgktrhkgs lhgtèthkes qug sgea lhdïkhbgs lg oeatgagr ga gb thgopc y ac jgagrga elngrgakhe nerå qug tgajes qug pcagr gb oclc lhgte ga CA uae vgz oås. Gstc ac gs ua gsprhat, shac qug sg


eprcxhoe oås e uae kerrgre lg dcalc. Gb cmfgthvc gs qug eprgales e kcogr y nejes tuycs tclcs bcs trukcs, tèkahkes y rgkcogalekhcags qug sg rgkcjga ga gstg bhmrc. Kca gbbc kcasgjuhrås ua keomhc lg nåmhtcs, y kca èb lgferås bes lhgtes lg uae vgz pcr tcles, kgrrealc, pcr dha, gsg kïrkubc vhkhcsc. Grgs be pertg dualeogateb lg gstg keomhc, pcrqug aelhg tg kcackg ogfcr qug tö. [h kcomhaes bcs kcackhohgatcs lg autrhkhûa qug gakcatrerås equï, bcs keomhcs ga be ebhogatekhûa y tu eutckcackhohgatc,, be prcmemhbhlel lg èxhtc gs ouknc oeycr. eutckcackhohgatc Kca gstg bhmrc eprgalgrås e nekgr be öbthoe lhgte lg tu vhle, v hle, euaqug, ga rgebhlel, ac sg trete shac lg ua keomhc ga tus nåmhtcs ebhogaterhcs y vhtebgs, bc kueb kcasthtuyg gb vgrlelgrc èxhtc. Kca drgkugakhe, sg esckhe be råphle mefele lg pgsc e ua èxhtc ga gb treteohgatc, pgrc ac sg thgag ga kugate sh sg rgkupgre gb pgsc pgrlhlc, sh be sebul ne gopgcrelc, sh pgrlgocs ouskubeture. Gstc sg lgmg, scmrg tclc, e qug ac semgocs kcasuohr kebcrïes sudhkhgatgs ah cpter pcr bcs ebhogatcs elgkuelcs. Gb cmfgthvc prhakhpeb gs kcogr ogfcr pere shgoprg. Yere kcasgjuhrbc, gs agkgserhc eprgalgr augves ngrreohgates qug epbhqugs pesc e pesc y tg dekhbhtga gb keomhc lg nåmhtcs. Kele pertg lg gstg bhmrc sg ne pgaselc pere qug supgrgs bes lhdgrgatgs merrgres y tg ekgrqugs eb cmfgthvc lg kcogr mhga pere shgoprg e trevès lg kcasgfcs y gfgopbcs pråkthkcs. Gs hopcrteatg qug shjes tu prcphc rhtoc y nejes tuycs gstcs pescs0 lg gsg oclc, y pckc e pckc ogfcreråa tu sebul, tu gstelc dïshkc, tus lhjgsthcags...


Gstes rgkcogalekhcags sca gb rgsubtelc lg eõcs lg kcasubte. Kcasthtuyga uae oeagre lhdgrgatg lg nekgr bes kcses, pere lgfer lg nekgr lhgte y eprgalgr e kcogr kcogr.. Wa gadcqug pråkthkc qug tg eyulerå e nekgr gb lïe e lïe oås sgakhbbc y, scmrg tclc, oås sebulembg. \g havhtc e pcagr ga pråkthke ohs kcasgfcs y qug, pckc e pckc, cmsgrvgs bcs keomhcs ga tu sebul.




   Eatgs lg threr be måskube pcr be vgateae, lgfe qug gxpbhqug kuåb gs gb prcmbgoe. Ga be ektuebhlel, ga Gspeõe, uac lg kele lcs elubtcs ac thgag ua pgsc sebulembg. Be cmgshlel sg kcashlgre be gphlgohe lgb shjbc ^^H y, pcr lgsjrekhe, bcs ïalhkgs lg cmgshlel ga be pcmbekhûa ac perea lg euogater. Bc prgckupeatg lgb scmrgpgsc y be cmgshlel gs qug sca lcs dektcrgs lg rhgsjc qug kcatrhmuyga eb lgserrcbbc lg oöbthpbgs lcbgakhes, kcoc bes gadgroglelgs ogtemûbhkes, bes kerlhcveskubergs c rgaebgs, gb kåakgr, gtk. Gstes sca ebjuaes lg bes keuses lg ougrtg oås kcouags ga be ektuebhlel y, ga ua ebtc pcrkgatefg, pclrïea prgvgahrsg kca uae mugae ebhogatekhûa. Be cmgshlel gs uae gadgroglel oubthdektcrheb, gs lgkhr, hadbuyga ga gbbe oukncs espgktcs lg augstre vhle, pcr gfgopbc6 be ekthvhlel dïshke, be kebhlel lgb sugõc, bcs oglhkeogatcs, be jgaèthke... [ha gomerjc, be ebhogatekhûa kcasthtuyg ua dektcr lgtgrohaeatg ga su prgvgakhûa c lgserrcbbc. \clc lgpgalg lg què gbgkkhcags tcogocs e be ncre lg kcogr y kûoc lgkhleocs vhvhr.

³UWHÈA \HGAG [CM]GYG[C NCX GA LÏE3 Gxhstg be krggakhe lg qug gb cmgsc bc gs pcrqug quhgrg, pcr bc jgagreb pcr debte lg vcbuatel c lg lhskhpbhae… Gs vgrlel qug uae pgrscae kca cmgshlel lgmg tgagr vcbuatel pere kcasgjuhr mefer lg pgsc, pgrc gb prcmbgoe ve ouknc oås ebbå, gs ouknc oås kcopbgfc. Bcs


kcasgfcs lgb thpc «kcog ogacs y ouèvgtg oås° sca krugbgs g hagdhkekgs y rgsuoga gb gsthjoe sckheb esckhelc e gste gadgroglel. Kele eõc ney oås pgrscaes kca cmgshlel y ac sg lgmg e qug be jgatg tgaje ogacs dugrze lg vcbuatel, shac e ua jrea kcafuatc lg dektcrgs, gatrg gbbcs gb eomhgatg cmgscjèahkc, bcs hatgrgsgs sckhcgkcaûohkcs lg be halustrhe lg bcs ubtreprckgselcs y be eusgakhe lg lhgthstes-autrhkhcahstes ga gb shstgoe lg seahlel pömbhke.

GB EOMHGA\G CMG[CJÈAHKC  Ebjc qug e prhcrh  lgmgrïe sgr sgakhbbc y aetureb pere acsctrcs, kcoc gs kcogr, kcogr, sg kcopbhke ouknïshoc ga gb gatcrac ga gb qug vhvhocs6 ua gatcrac cmgscjèahkc. Gb eomhgatg c gatcrac cmgscjèahkc hakbuyg tclcs bcs dektcrgs gxtgracs qug acs rclgea y qug hakgathvea kcopcrteohgatcs qug ga öbthoc tèrohac acs nekga jeaer jrese. Bcs dektcrgs prhakhpebgs qug kcadcroea gstg gatcrac sca6

5. Bes oebes gbgkkhcags ebhogaterhes6 ua euogatc mruteb lg be cdgrte lg ubtreprckgselcs y be debte lg hadcroekhûa scmrg su ackhvhlel, suoelcs e be pumbhkhlel y gb mefc prgkhc lg be kcohle mesure.



=. Be vhle sckheb6 qug acroebhze bes kcohbcaes y gb kcasuoc lg ebkcncb.  

;. Gb gstrès krûahkc lg mefc jrelc6 gs be juhale lgb pestgb y be oeycrïe bc gxpgrhogateocs lg dcroe nemhtueb.  

> ko.   º  Ïalhkg khature-kelgre6 gs uae rgbekhûa gatrg be oglhle lg be khature y be lg be kelgre. Ga oufgrgs lgmg sgr ogacr lg >7 ko, y ga ncomrgs ogacr lg 8< ko.  



=. [eker dctcs6 gs uac lg bcs ogfcrgs oerkelcrgs lg gvcbukhûa c lg èxhtc, ye qug, kca halgpgalgakhe lgb lgskgasc lgb pgsc, sh rglukgs jrese, vgrås be lhdgrgakhe. [h kruzes eomcs letcs (bes dctcs y bes oglhles), be vebcrekhûa sgrå oås kcopbgte y vgrez qug gb ngknc lg pgsertg kele lïe. Yrckure seker bes dctcs kca mugae buz, ga pcshkhûa rgbefele, kca bcs mrezcs gxtgalhlcs y shgoprg ga be ohsoe pcshkhûa, pere pclgr  kcoperer.

;. Kcopere peråogtrcs seajuïagcs6


³ogfcre lgb kcbgstgrcb3 ³Ogacr kcakgatrekhûa lg trhjbhkèrhlcs c lg ezöker ga seajrg3 Ogfcrer bcs eaåbhshs gs tea hopcrteatg kcoc pgrlgr jrese.


%. Ycr öbthoc, pgrc ac ogacs hopcrteatg, lgspbezea gb kcasuoc lg ebhogatcs haseacs kcoc be mcbbgrïe c bes jebbgtes.

³Uuè drutes, vgrlures y ncrtebhzes lgmgs tgagr ga be agvgre3 Ney qug tgagr shgoprg ga kugate bes drutes lg tgopcrele y e perthr  lg enï nekgr be bhste lg be kcopre. Ac lgmgrïea debter gb mrûkcbh, be kcbhdbcr, bes kcbgs lg Mrusgbes, gb efc pugrrc, gb rgpcbbc, bes gsphaekes, be bgknuje, be rökube… Gs agkgserhc kcogr vgrlures y drutes lg lhdgrgatgs kcbcrgs, ye qug epcrtea lhsthatcs autrhgatgs6 bcs kcbcrgs oås hatgascs sca bcs qug oås autrhgatgs epcrtea. ³\G KWG[\E KCOG] D]W\E C TG]LW]E3  


[h be rgspugste gs sï, tg havhtc e qug nejes uae bhste kca bes vgrlures qug tg justea, bes qug nes prcmelc y ac tg justea, y bes qug ac nes prcmelc y ga rgebhlel ac semgs sh tg justea. Gophgze pcr bes qug auake nes prcmelc, kcomïaebes kca bes qug semgs qug tg justea y esï euogateråa bes pcshmhbhlelgs lg qug tg justga.

Be vgrlure lgmg sgr be prctejcahste lg tus kcohles Be vgrlure lgmg ckuper be oeycr pertg lgb pbetc6 thgag qug sgr  vgrlure kca kcses, ac kcses kca vgrlure. [h nhkhèreocs ua gsqugoe lgb prhogr pbetc y gb sgjualc, gb prhogrc lgmgrïe sgr shgoprg vgjgteb6 gasebele lg tcoetg, krgoe lg vgrlures, gtk., y gb sgjualc bbgverïe uae juerahkhûa lg vgrlure. Yuglgs kcomhaerbes kca nugvc, ga krgoes c gasebeles kcopbgtes0 pcr gfgopbc, gb kebemekïa pgbelc ga krulc y ga lelhtcs qugle gxquhshtc ga gasebele.

Bcs ahõcs y be vgrlure Gs hopcrteatg ac cbvhler qug bcs ahõcs thgaga uae prgdgrgakhe haaete pcr bcs semcrgs lubkgs y rgknezea bcs semcrgs eoerjcs c ejrhcs. Gstc shjahdhke qug, kca tcteb sgjurhlel, augstrcs nhfcs agkgshteråa uae oeycr gxpcshkhûa e bcs ebhogatcs eoerjcs, kcoc ebjuaes vgrlures, pere ekgpterbcs g hatgjrerbcs ga su ebhogatekhûa. Ebjuacs gstulhcs esgjurea qug eatgs lg eprgkher ua augvc ebhogatc, ua ahõc agkgshte prcmerbc gatrg 59 y 57 vgkgs. [g trete lg ebjc aetureb qug dcroe pertg lg su lgserrcbbc.


Tgeocs ebjuacs sgakhbbcs kcasgfcs pere qug bcs ahõcs ekgptga bes vgrlures6

5. Acsh bgsgophgzea lgs lherheogatg rhkcsnhpgrpebetembgs, ga ezökergs6 gb lïeubtreprckgselcs kca ebhogatcs

qug gxkhtea ouknïshoc su pebeler y su kgrgmrc (kcoc gb kekec scbumbg ezukerelc, bes jebbgtes, bcs kgrgebgs lg lgseyuac, gtkètgre), kuealc, trgs ncres lgspuès, hatgatgs qug kcoea mrûkcbh, bgs rgsubterå ouy pckc etrekthvc. Lgspuès lg gse gxpbcshûa lg semcr  ga gb lgseyuac, be vgrlure lgb oglhclïe ac bgs semrå e aele c, lgmhlc e su rgknezc haaetc e bcs semcrgs eoerjcs, bc rgpgbgråa dåkhbogatg.


=. [è gb gfgopbc lg bc qug quhgrgs kcasgjuhr6 bcs ahõcs eprgalga pcr hohtekhûa, esï qug, euaqug bgs rgphtes bc mugaes qug sca bes vgrlures, neste qug ac vgea qug lhsdrutes kca gbbes ac bes kcogråa. Lgmgs prckurer sgr gb gfgopbc lg bc qug quhgrgs kcasgjuhr ga gbbcs.


;. Krge ua eomhgatg ejrelembg pere be hatrclukkhûa lg augvcs ebhogatcs6 gs ouknc oås prcmembg qug gb ahõc quhgre prcmer ebjc augvc sh bc nekgs lg dcroe ac kcgrkhthve. Gb rgknezc e prcmer ebhogatcs augvcs gs nemhtueb scmrg tclc gatrg bcs = y bcs 4 eõcs. Wae


oeagre sgakhbbe lg devcrgkgr qug gsc ac ckurre gs nekgrbcs pertïkhpgs lgb prckgsc, havcbukråalcbcs ga be kcopre y kckhaealc kca gbbcs. Gb shopbg ektc lg pcagr vgrlures eb ebkeakg lg bcs ahõcs (pcr gfgopbc, ga drutgrcs kca vgrlures qug ac agkgshtga rgdrhjgrekhûa) esï kcoc prgsgaterbes lg oeagre oås etrekthve pctgakhe su kcasuoc.


jreocs lg prctgïae pcr `hbc lg pgsc kcrpcreb eb lïe. E oglhle qug be pgrscae prekthqug oås ekthvhlel dïshke, agkgshterå oås prctgïae, neste bbgjer e bcs = jreocs lg prctgïae pcr `hbc lg pgsc eb lïe.

Gb prcmbgoe lgb feoûa lg Xcr` Gb feoûa lg Xcr` gs ua ebhogatc qug gstå ouy hatgjrelc ga augstres lhgtes, kuealc qugrgocs kuhler be bïage g hakbusc kuealc gsteocs gadgrocs. [ha gomerjc, bc nemhtueb gs qug eb kcoprerbc ga gb supgrogrkelc c ga be knerkutgrïe, acs bbgvgocs e kese ua prcluktc lg ouy mefe kebhlel y vebcr autrhkhcaeb. Gs, pugs, agkgserhc semgr qug be lgacohaekhûa «feoûa lg Xcr`° ac esgjure su kebhlel. Bc ûpthoc gs qug tgaje ua ebtc pcrkgatefg lg kerag lg kgrlc y qug ac bbgvg dèkubes ah pctgakhelcrgs lgb semcr  (gstcs sg rgprgsgatea ga bes gthqugtes kcoc G-4).

³Kûoc hlgathdhker ua muga gomuthlc lg feoûa3 Dheomrg lg feoûa


[g pgrohtg be elhkhûa lg dèkube, jgagrebogatg lg petete, y tea scbc thgag ua 79 % lg kerag. [g bg pclrïe bbeoer teatc kerag kca dèkube kcoc dèkube kca kerag. Gs gb dheomrg ogacs autrhthvc pcrqug, pere nekgrbc etrekthvc y semrcsc, bcs demrhkeatgs sg vga cmbhjelcs e eõelhrbg pctgakhelcrgs lgb semcr, ezöker y lhsthatcs hajrglhgatgs. Kcatrerheogatg e bc qug puglg pergkgr, gs gb oås pcpuber pcrqug thgag ua prgkhc oås mefc y, elgoås, gs ouy semrcsc pcr gb aöogrc lg elhthvcs qug bbgve.


Feoûa kckhlc Gstg gs lg ogfcr kebhlel pcrqug ac sg pgrohtg qug kcatgaje dèkube y be keathlel lg ezöker eõelhlc ac puglg supgrer ua = %. \hgag neste ua :9 % lg kerag, bc kueb bc kcavhgrtg ga uae mugae cpkhûa pere bbgvertg e kese.


Feoûa kckhlc gxtre Gste gs, sha lule, be ogfcr, pgrc teomhèa be oås kcopbhkele lg gakcatrer. Gb pcrkgatefg lg kerag euogate neste ua >9-89 %, pcr bc qug pråkthkeogatg su kcopcshkhûa tcteb gs kerag y ac gstå pgrohthle be elhkhûa lg ezökergs ga oås lg ua 5,7 %.



Feoûa lg pevc  Eb hjueb qug kca gb dheomrg lg feoûa, gb feoûa lg pevc thgag ua pcrkgatefg lg pcbbc c pevc lgb 79 % y, epertg lg dèkube, hakbuyg pctgakhelcrgs lgb semcr, ezökergs y elhthvcs. Bc rgkcogalembg gs qug prgstgs etgakhûa eb teatc pcr khgatc lg kerag qug hakbuyg y gbhfes, shgoprg qug pugles, bcs qug epcrtga oås lg ua >9 % lg kerag lg pevc c lg pcbbc.


Bes dugatgs lg prctgïaes vgjgtebgs Bes dugatgs lg prctgïaes vgjgtebgs sca prhakhpebogatg bes bgjuomrgs y sus lgrhvelcs kcoc gb tcdu, gb tgopgn c be scfe tgxturhzele. Kcoc ckurrg kca be lg crhjga eahoeb, teomhèa ney ubtreprckgselcs vgjgterheacs, esï qug gs ouy prcmembg qug gses sebknhknes lg tcdu c neomurjugses vgjgtebgs sgea hjueb lg haseaes qug sus ncoûbcjcs kårahkcs y kcatgajea ezökergs, elhthvcs y tclc thpc lg hajrglhgatgs halustrhebgs. Wae vgz oås, bgg bcs hajrglhgatgs c lhrgkteogatg lgkåatetg pcr bc ogacs prckgselc pcshmbg6 bgjuomrgs lg tcle be vhle, tcdu dhrog acroeb…



Be bhste gs dåkhb lg nekgr6 ekghtg lg cbhve vhrjga gxtre, ejueketg, drutcs sgkcs eb aetureb sha seb c tcstelcs sha seb.  seb.  Ga kueatc e vhaejrgs pere ebhõer, ogfcr gb lg vhac c lg oeazeae (qug ac bbgve ezöker eõelhlc, eb kcatrerhc qug gb lg Oûlgae). Be rgkcogalekhûa jgagreb gs gatrg 5 y 5,7 jreocs lg jrese eb lïe pcr `hbc lg pgsc kcrpcreb. Gs hopcrteatg tgagr ga kugate qug, elgoås lgb ekghtg lg cbhve, qug gs pråkthkeogatg tclc jrese, bcs ebhogatcs kcathgaga jrese ga su hatgrhcr. Gstcs kåbkubcs puglga kcsteracs ua pckc, esï qug lergocs uae ngrreohgate oås sgakhbbe pere lhstrhmuhr sus rekhcags.

EBHOGA\C[ ]HKC[ GA NHL]E NHL]E\C[ \C[ LG KE]MCAC K E]MCAC \umèrkubcs kcoc be petete c gb mcahetc, jreacs hatgjrebgs kcoc gb errcz c be quhace, bes bgjuomrgs, be peste… Ga jgagreb, be pcmbekhûa seae ac lgpcrthste ac agkgshte teatc ebhogatc rhkc ga nhlretcs lg kermcac kcoc pgaseocs. Kca bcs nhlretcs qug acs epcrtea bes bgjuomrgs, be drute, bcs tumèrkubcs, bcs båktgcs, bes ncrtebhzes y ebjc lg pea hatgjreb c evgae ga gb lgseyuac, gs oås qug sudhkhgatg. Be oeycrïe lg bcs ebhogatcs sca uae ogzkbe lg oekrcautrhgatgs (jreses, nhlretcs y prctgïae)0 ga gb kesc lg bes bgjuomrgs cmtgagocs uae ogzkbe lg nhlretcs lg kermcac kcopbgfcs c lg emscrkhûa bgate y mugae keathlel lg prctgïae.


YEA6 KÛOC KCOY]E] WA MWGA YEA HA\GJ]EB Bc prhogrc y oås hopcrteatg qug lgmgocs semgr gs gb vekïc bgjeb qug gxhstg ga Gspeõe rgspgktc eb pea hatgjreb. Ektuebogatg, y neste augvc evhsc, puglgs gakcatrer peags qug sg lgacohaea hatgjrebgs kca ua 9% lg nerhae hatgjreb. Ga Ncbeale sg bbeoe pea hatgjreb eb pea qug thgag eb ogacs be ohtel lg su nerhae hatgjreb. Ga Ebgoeahe, ga keomhc, sg gxhjg qug gb 89% sge hatgjreb. [ha gomerjc, ga Gspeõe sg puglg lgacohaer hatgjreb shgoprg qug gstg sge «dugatg lg dhmre°, bc kueb shjahdhke qug gsg ebhogatc thgag ; jreocs lg dhmre pcr kele 599 jreocs lg prcluktc c, sh gspgkhdhke «ebtc ga dhmre°, 4 jreocs lg dhmre pcr kele 599 jreocs lg prcluktc. Eb pergkgr gxhstg ua ocvhohgatc pere ogfcrer be bgjhsbekhûa qug cmbhjerïe e gspgkhdhker gb pcrkgatefg lg nerhae hatgjreb lg bcs ebhogatcs. ³[h thgag oukne dhmre shjahdhke qug gs hatgjreb3 Yugs lgsjrekheleogatg, ac. Yere kcoprgalgrbc, acs puglg eyuler vgr be gstrukture lgb jreac.



G[\]WK\W]E LGB J]EAC LG KG]GEB Ga gste hoejga vgocs bes ; pertgs lhdgrgakheles lgb jreac lg kgrgeb. Ga be ocbhgale lgb jreac sg phgrlg be pertg lg dugre, gb sebvelc, qug gs lcalg rgshlg be dhmre lgb jreac. Gb prcluktc rgsubteatg gs bc qug bbeoeocs uae nerhae rgdhaele c uae nerhae mbeake. Jgagrebogatg, be oeycrïe lg bcs peags «hatgjrebgs° qug gakcatreocs sca ogzkbes lg nerhaes rgdhaeles (nerhaes sha dhmre) kca sebvelc (dhmre) cmtgahlc lg ctres ocbhgales. [h ohreocs be tembe lg vebcrgs autrhkhcaebgs ga gb epertelc lg dhmre, nemrå uae keathlel lg dhmre ebte, pgrc auake sgrå ua prcluktc rgebogatg hatgjreb (shac shopbgogatg uae ogzkbe ouy hatgrgseatg y rgatembg pere be halustrhe). Wa pea rgebogatg hatgjreb gs equgb cmtgahlc lg be nerhae rgsubteatg lg be ocbhgale lgb jreac kcopbgtc. [h uae nerhae gs lg jreac gatgrc, shgoprg gsterå gspgkhdhkelc6 nerhae hatgjreb lg jreac


gatgrc, nerhae hatgjreb lg trhjc. [h ac pcag qug be nerhae sge hatgjreb gs qug ac sg cmthgag lgb jreac gatgrc. Be prgjuate qug lgmgocs nekgracs pere semgr sh gb pea gs lg kebhlel gs6 ³Uuè pcrkgatefg lg nerhae hatgjreb h atgjreb bbgve3  Equï ney qug tgagr ga kugate qug ua prcluktc ebtc ga dhmre ac gs bc ohsoc qug hatgjreb. Kuealc uae gthqugte sgõebe «dugatg lg dhmre°, ac thgag pcr què tgagr nerhae 599 % hatgjreb, lg oclc qug ac pclgocs bbeoerbc pea lg kebhlel. Be oeycrïe lg bcs peags qug kcopreocs thgaga uae kcopcshkhûa oås kgrkeae e be mcbbgrïe halustrheb. Gb muga pea hatgjreb lgmgrïe bbgver pckcs hajrglhgatgs6 nerhae 599 % hatgjreb lg kgrgeb, oese oelrg, ejue y seb. Kcogr pea lg kebhlel kca ua pcrkgatefg lg nerhae hatgjreb ebtc, ga bujer lg bcs peags lg mefe kebhlel qug kcasuohocs nemhtuebogatg, gs dualeogateb ye qug gb pea acs epcrte jrea pertg lg bes kebcrïes qug kcasuohocs eb lïe. Lgmgocs tgagr ga kugate qug gb pea gs uac lg bcs ebhogatcs lg oeycr kcasuoc ga Gspeõe6 ;;,8= gurcs pcr  pgrscae scbc ga pea. \gahgalc ga kugate be kebhlel y be keathlel lg pea qug kcogocs ncy, gs prgdgrhmbg rglukhr eb oïahoc su kcasuoc sh ac pclgocs esgjurer su kebhlel rgeb.


¡\g eahoc e qug prugmgs be rgkgte lg pea kesgrc qug thgags ga gb rgkgterhc!

BÅK\GC[ X LG]HTELC[ Gb kcasuoc lg båktgcs gs ua esuatc pcbèohkc6 ebjuacs gxpgrtcs lgdhgalga qug be bgkng gs kesh ua vgagac y ctrcs esgjurea qug bcs båktgcs sca hoprgskhalhmbgs. Bc khgrtc gs qug sh sg kcasuoga ua per lg rekhcags eb lïe lg båktgcs ga su vgrshûa aetureb sha ezukerer, sca ebhogatcs sebulembgs y autrhthvcs, dugatg lg prctgïaes, vhteohae L, dûsdcrc y kebkhc. Ygrc ac sca ebhogatcs hoprgskhalhmbgs0 ac ney oås qug vgr qug bcs ebèrjhkcs e be prctgïae lg be bgkng lg veke, hatcbgreatgs e be bektcse y vgjeacs ac pelgkga lgdhkhgakhe lg autrhgatgs.  Esï qug, sh lgsges kcasuohr båktgcs, båktgcs, nezbc sgjöa be gskugbe lg sebul pömbhke lg Nerverl, qug rgkcohgale be hajgste lg = rekhcags lg båktgcs aeturebgs sha ezukerer. Bcs autrhgatgs qug epcrtea bcs båktgcs b åktgcs ac scbc gståa ga bcs båktgcs (y pcr gsc ac sca hoprgskhalhmbgs), esï qug sh kcasuogs pckcs c ahajöa båktgc, prckure kcogr pgskelcs ezubgs pgqugõcs, bgjuomrgs, drutcs sgkcs, mgrrcs… Gbgjhr ua muga båktgc gs kcopbhkelc pcrqug bes cpkhcags lg bcs supgrogrkelcs sugbga sgr lg ouy mefe kebhlel. Bc hoprgskhalhmbg gs bggr bcs hajrglhgatgs (y qug gstcs sgea bgkng y dgrogatcs båkthkcs), c gskcjgr lhrgkteogatg be vgrshûa aetureb sha glubkcrer.


KCA[G]TE[ Ö\HBG[  Eb kcatrerhc lg bc qug pugles pgaser pgaser,, scy uae dhgb lgdgascre lg bes mugaes kcasgrves. Yere semgr sh uae kcasgrve gs elgkuele, tgagocs qug bggr be bhste lg hajrglhgatgs. [h ga gbbe ney oukncs qug ac gathgalgs c qug ac pcalrïes sh nhkhgres be kcasgrve tö ohsoc, ac be gbhfes. Be ogfcr cpkhûa tgalrå hajrglhgatgs qug rgkcackgrås pcr  sgathlc kcoöa y qug tö ohsoc pcalrïes ga be kcasgrve. Bes kcasgrves acs eyulea e kcogr mhga kuealc ac tgagocs thgopc lg kckhaer, esï qug gs rgkcogalembg tgagr ga be lgspgase kcasgrves lg bgjuomrg, mhvebvcs kcoc ogfhbbcags y mgrmgrgkncs, sebse lg tcoetg, phstc, fulïes vgrlgs, ebkekncdes, kerlc, pgskelc ezub…

YE]E YHKE] Knckcbetg kca oås lgb >7 % lg kekec, drutcs sgkcs krulcs, gakurthlcs, sgohbbes, zeaencrhe, tcoethtcs kngrry... kngrry...

DHAG[ LG [GOEAE X THLE [CKHEB [ha lule, kuealc muskeocs pgrlgr jrese, be vhle sckheb gs be pertg oås kcopbhkele y be ogacs tremefele ga kcasubte.


Be oeycrïe lg bes vgkgs, cpteocs pcr ac qugler c mhga pcr sgjuhr  nekhgalc bc ohsoc lg eatgs y gspgrer qug kca bc qug nekgocs gatrg sgoeae sge sudhkhgatg pere sgjuhr pgrlhgalc jrese. Yrhogrc, y eatgs lg sgjuhr bgygalc, tg havhtc e qug rgpesgs ogatebogatg tclcs bcs gxtres qug nekgs0 puglg sgr qug gstès scmrgvebcrealc c hadrevebcrealc gscs gxkgscs (euaqug, kesh kca sgjurhlel, sg tretg lg bc sgjualc).   Bbgver ua rgjhstrc lhgtèthkc lg uae sgoeae gs uae ngrreohgate ouy pclgrcse pere kcogazer gb keomhc y, elgoås, gb shopbg ngknc lg gskrhmhr bc qug kcogocs sha fuzjer (gs lgkhr, shopbgogatg epuatåalcbc), ye gs, ga sï ohsoc, tgrepèuthkc. Wae vgz qug tgajeocs uae vhshûa kbere lg kuåb gs augstre shtuekhûa ektueb, pclgocs lgkhlhr què qugrgocs pubhr. Ney khgrtcs ocogatcs (kcoc be phzze lgb vhgrags ga deohbhe vhgalc uae pgbïkube) e bcs qug ac tg epgtgkg rgauakher, y gstå mhga, pcrqug ac sg trete lg sgr  pgrdgktcs, shac lg gbgjhr bes metebbes y semgr kuåalc y kûoc sgr  dbgxhmbgs. [g trete lg sgr kcaskhgatgs, kcogr sha kubpe y oeatgagracs seacs. Gb rgstc lgb thgopc gs hopcrteatg qug bcjrgocs sebhr lg dcroe seae, sha rgauakher e lhsdruter, y qug eprgaleocs, ga lgdhahthve, e aevgjer  pcr be vhle sckheb. Equï thgags uaes peutes pere kcogr dugre lg kese sha lgfer lg kuhlertg.


NEV WA G[\WLHC LG OG]KELC Ga be zcae c zcaes lcalg sugbgs kcogr e dha lg gbgjhr gb gstembgkhohgatc lcalg neye cpkhcags sebulembgs c pcagr ga pråkthke gstcs shopbgs kcasgfcs qug tg eyuleråa e kcogr dugre lg kese y sgjuhr pgrlhgalc jrese. Gb trukc gs kcasgasuer c rglhrgkkhcaer be gbgkkhûa lgb rgsteureatg c gb pbea pere kcasgjuhr gbgjhr mhga.

AC \CUWG[ GB YEA Uuhzå sge be pertg oås kcopbhkele, pcrqug pgbbhzker gsg mcbbhtc lg pea kebgathtc y krufhgatg ohgatres gspgres e pglhr (kca neomrg) gs hrrgshsthmbg. Ycr gsc rgkcohgalc qug gvhtgs qug tg shrvea pea, y sh ye gstå ga be ogse, gs ogfcr qug ac bc prugmgs, scmrg tclc sh tg kugste kcatrcber be rekhûa (kele mcbbhtc puglg suoerbg uaes ;79 `hbckebcrïes e be kcohle).

GB YC[\]G Bbgve shgoprg drute gakhoe, pcr sh ekesc, euaqug ga oukncs shthcs thgaga drute lg pcstrg. [h sg tg cbvhle, ac lhspcaga lg drute y thgags neomrg, uae mugae ebtgraethve gs ua ycjur c uae kuefele sha ezöker  y sha ohgb, c mhga peser lhrgkteogatg eb kedè.



Lg prhogrc6 shgoprg pbetcs vgjgtebgs º Gasebele. º Yeaeknè lg vgrlures. º Krgoe lg vgrlures. º Jezpeknc. º Gasebeles qug ac bbgvga qugsc ah elgrgzcs (pclgocs pglhrbes sha be sebse). º  Ybetcs lg vgrlure lg tgopcrele6 ogagstre, fulïes vgrlgs, ebkekncdes…  

Lg sgjualc6 uae prctgïae oejre y bhophe e be pbeakne c e be perrhbbe (sh bcs sgjualcs sca ouy pctgatgs, pclgocs gbgjhr lcs prhogrcs). º [cbcohbbc. º Ygskelc. º Oerhskc. º \cdu. º \crthbbes lg vgjgtebgs c lg ebhogatcs rhkcs ga prctgïaes. º Ycbbc.

ºº Yevc.  Bgjuomrg.   [h be cpkhûa gs ua pbetc kcomhaelc, pglhrgocs uae pertg prctghke (pcbbc, pgskelc, sgphe…) y gasebele c phohgatcs lg ekcopeõeohgatc. [h gsteocs kcohgalc  phatxcs, sgbgkkhcaergocs equgbbcs qug veyea kca pebhtc, kcoc uae mrckngte lg jeomes, uae jhble, mcahtc



EBKCNCB Gb kcasuoc lg ebkcncb lgmgrïe sgr kgrc. Gb ebkcncb gs tûxhkc pere gb kugrpc y sg rgbekhcae kca gadgroglelgs ngpåthkes, kerlhcveskubergs y lhdgrgatgs thpcs lg kåakgr. [u kcasuoc, sha gomerjc, gstå ouy errehjelc y acroebhzelc ga augstre kubture. Gstc nekg qug bc pgrkhmeocs kcoc ebjc hackuc, scmrg tclc ga gb kesc lg be kgrvgze y gb vhac. ]gspgktc e gstg öbthoc, hakbusc tgagocs be debse krggakhe lg qug uae kcpe lg vhac eb lïe gs mugae pere be sebul kuealc, ga rgebhlel, bc sebulembg sgrïe tcoer ua rekhoc lg uves, ye qug thgaga bes ohsoes susteakhes eathcxhleatgs sha agkgshlel lg hajgrhr ebkcncb.  Esï pugs, gs prgdgrhmbg qug mgmes bc ogacs pcshmbg y, sh bc nekgs, qug gbhfes jreluekhcags mefes, kcoc bes lg be shlre, be kgrvgze c gb vhac. Yrckure ac mgmgr gatrg sgoeae y, lureatg gb thgopc lg ckhc, ac supgrgs uae kcpe lg vhac, uae kgrvgze c lcs kcpes lg shlre ga gb kesc lg bes oufgrgs, y gb lcmbg pere bcs ncomrgs. \g rgkcohgalc qug ga be vgbele gbhfes ctres mgmhles, kcoc kgrvgze sha ebkcncb, ejue, ejue kca jes kca uaes jcthtes lg bhoûa, ua pckc lg vhac kca jesgcse sha ezöker, rgdrgskcs zgrc, kedè c hadushcags.


AC LG[ YC] NGKNC X AGJCKHE Nez prgjuates ³Bbgve petetes drhtes3 Ouknes vgkgs, euaqug be kerte ac bc gspgkhdhqug, gb pbetc lg prctgïae e be pbeakne bbgve petetes drhtes, esï qug tgalrås qug epbhker gb ohsoc prhakhphc lg prgvgakhûa qug kca gb pea0 gs lgkhr6 pere gvhter qug tg shrvea kcses tgatelcres, prgjuate sh ve ekcopeõelc lg petetes y, sh gs gb kesc, kåomhebes pcr phohgatcs, gasebele c pcr aele. Tgr ga gb pbetc uaes krufhgatgs y lcreles petetes drhtes qug ngocs lgkhlhlc ac kcogr gs uae eutèathke tcrture.

³Bbgve sebses3 Bes sebses puglga sgr ua eutèathkc mchkctgelcr, scmrg tclc ga gb kesc lg bes gasebeles, pcr gsc bc ogfcr gs pglhr gb ebhõc epertg c mhga be kcohle sha sebse y qug tg lgfga ebhõerbe kca ekghtg lg cbhve y vhaejrg. Esï, tö ohsoc kcatrcberås tus pbetcs, ye qug gstg puatc sugbg sgr gxkgshvc. ]gkugrle, elgoås, qug ua rgsteureatg muske gb pbekgr jestrcaûohkc, ac qug gb pbetc sge bc oås seac pcshmbg.


KCOG] (X THTH]) KCA KCA[KHGAKHE  Euaqug gstc gs ua kcasgfc qug shrvg pere tcles bes kcohles qug nejes, kuealc gstès ga ua rgsteureatg c tcoealc uacs  phatxcs pgrlgrås be kcagxhûa kca bc qug gstås kcohgalc y kca be keathlel qug gstås hajhrhgalc0 ga lgdhahthve, tu jrelc lg sekhglel y bes prcmemhbhlelgs lg kcogr lg oås euogatea ouknïshoc. [h kcogs lgprhse, ac lgfes thgopc sudhkhgatg pere qug bes sgõebgs lg sekhglel bbgjuga neste tu kgrgmrc. \ga ga kugate qug sg kebkube qug neste peselcs =9 ohautcs be sgasekhûa lg sekhglel ac bbgje eb kgrgmrc. Kuealc gstès ga ua rgsteureatg, puglgs hatgater perer e ohtel lg pbetc y nekgr ua rgpesc lg kûoc tg shgatgs, kûoc gstås lg bbgac. Yrckure lgfer bcs kumhgrtcs ga be ogse y rgsphrer gatrg mckelcs.   Be oesthkekhûa gs ua puatc kbevg6 hatgate nekgrbc quhakg vgkgs pcr mckelc y, ga be oglhle lg bc pcshmbg, sha lhstrekkhcags lg oûvhbgs, tembgtes, rgvhstes c tgbgvhshûa. Bes ckeshcags oås gspgkhebgs, kcoc bcs kuopbgeõcs c bes kcohles aevhlgões, rgprgsgatea uae oïahoe pertg lgb eõc, esï qug ga rgebhlel ac edgktea eb petrûa lhgtèthkc nemhtueb, gb qug rgebogatg tgagocs qug keomher.



Gs drgkugatg sumgsthoer bc qug mgmgs y kcogs nekhgalc ua fuhkhc hafustc y quglåalctg kca be hlge lg qug ac tg peses teatc, pgrc bc khgrtc gs qug gs hjueb lg hopcrteatg gbgjhr mugacs ebhogatcs qug kcashlgrer bes kebcrïes sh be oeycrïe lg bcs lïes kcogs oås pea lgb qug lgmgrïes, uses ebhõcs, mgmgs rgdrgskcs c ebkcncb, tcoes ua per  lg cazes lg knckcbetg, tg ekemes gb mckelhbbc lg bcs ahõcs, eatgs lg gopgzer e kckhaer tcoes ua trckhtc lg kncrhzc kca pea, gtkètgre. \clc gsc kugate y puglg gster semctgåalctg oås lg bc qug phgases.  Elgoås, ga jgagreb scmrggsthoeocs augstre ekthvhlel dïshke6 lgmgocs sgr kcaskhgatgs lg qug gb sglgaterhsoc ac gs agutrc, acs pgrfulhke, y sh ac leocs oås lg ohb pescs eb lïe (veocs lg kese eb kckng, lgb kckng e be cdhkhae, lg be cdhkhae eb kckng y lgb kckng e kese), euaqug sebjeocs gb dha lg sgoeae e «ealer° lcs ncres, ac pclgocs kcashlgrer qug scocs ekthvcs. Be oebe ebhogatekhûa y be ebhogatekhûa ac kcaskhgatg, gb sglgaterhsoc y be oebe jgsthûa lgb gstrès dcroea ua kûktgb pgrdgktc pere hr sumhgalc pckc e pckc lg pgsc6 sha lertg kugate, ga lhgz eõcs pgserås kesh vghatg `hbcs oås. Ygrc ac gs pcshmbg bbgjer e be pgrdgkkhûa ga ebhogatekhûa0 sh tg cmsgshcaes kca gbbc, puglg kcavgrthrsg ga uae petcbcjïe. Bc hopcrteatg gs qug sges kcaskhgatg lg tus nåmhtcs ebhogaterhcs y lg vhle. Be oeycrïe pgaseocs qug tgagocs uacs nåmhtcs sebulembgs kuealc, ga rgebhlel, sumgsthoeocs bc qug kcogocs y scmrggsthoeocs kuåatc acs ocvgocs.

E vgkgs gs agkgserhc oeagre hopgrdgkte0 tremefcy rgeb kcashstg ga ekcterkcogr gsteslgvgkgs eb =9 % lg tu gbthgopc


tremefer gb >9 % rgsteatg pere ebhogatersg elgkueleogatg y bbgver uae vhle sebulembg.




  [h nes pugstc ga pråkthke tclcs bcs kcasgfcs eatgrhcrgs, tgalrås be kese vekïe lg prcluktcs haseacs y bbgae lg kcohle rgeb. Ga gste pertg, prgperergocs lg oeagre sgakhbbe ogaös lg kcohles y kgaes gquhbhmreles y sebulembgs pere tcle be deohbhe.

  Gste hbustrekhûa gstå hasphrele ga gb pbetc pere kcogr sebulembg lg Nerverl. Gs uae ngrreohgate ouy hatuhthve y ekgrtele pere crjeahzer  augstrcs pbetcs. Ga gste pertg acs mesergocs ga gbbe pere pbeahdhker  augstrcs pbetcs y augstrc ogaö sgoeaeb.


³KÛOC KEBKWBE] BE[ KEA\HLELG[3 GB OÈ\CLC LG BE OEAC  Eatgs lg gopgzer e kcadhjurer tus pbetcs, gstg oètclc tg sgrvhrå pere kebkuber bes keathlelgs eprcxhoeles lg ebhogatcs qug lgmgs eõelhr. Gs elgkuelc pere pgrscaes seaes, sha prcmbgoes ebhogaterhcs, qug quhgrea oeatgagr su pgsc y kcogr kcrrgkteogatg. Gs uae ngrreohgate ouy jgagreb, pgrc öthb, pcrqug lhsthajug gb teoeõc lg be rekhûa lg ua ncomrg lgb lg uae oufgr, esï kcoc gb lg ua elubtc rgspgktc lgb lg ua ahõc.



³UWÈ YCAG] GA \W YBE\C3 BE OH\EL LGB YBE\C6 TG]LW]E[, NC]\EBHVE[ X D]W\E[ \eatc ga be kcohle kcoc ga be kgae, ngocs vhstc qug be keathlel lg vgrlure y ncrtebhzes rgkcogalele sca = rekhcags lg =79 jreocs kele uae. Bc hlgeb gs kcasuohr oås lg oglhc `hbc lg vgrlures y


ncrtebhzes eb lïe. Gstcs vgjgtebgs puglga sgr ga krulc c kckhaelcs0 ga rgebhlel, bc ogfcr gs qug be ohtel lg gbbcs sgea ga krulc y be ctre ohtel kckhaelcs.  Elgoås lg be vgrlure, sg rgkcohgale lg oeagre jgagreb qug kcasuoeocs ; phgzes lg drutes lg tgopcrele eb lïe. Kcasuohr = rekhcags lg vgrlure y ; rekhcags lg drute eb lïe pclrïe sebver pctgakhebogatg =,: ohbbcags lg vhles eb eõc.

YBE\C6 \C6 BC[ J]EAC[ HA\GJ]EBG[ HA\GJ]EBG[ WA KWE]\C LGB YBE Ga gste pertg lgb pbetc sg hakbuyga bcs ebhogatcs rhkcs ga nhlretcs lg kermcac, esï qug be petete c gb mcahetc pclrïea sgr cpkhcags våbhles shgoprg qug sgea eselcs c eb ncrac. Ga augstre kubture ebhogaterhe, gstg kuertc bc kuopbg kca drgkugakhe uae rgmeaele pgqugõe lg pea hatgjreb lg vgrlel, pgrc teomhèa pclrïeocs susthtuhrbc pcr ua pckc lg errcz hatgjreb.

GB C\]C KWE]\C LGB YBE\C6 Y]C\GÏAE [EBWLEMBG Gste prctgïae sebulembg puglg prckglgr lg eahoebgs, kcoc kcrtgs oejrcs lg evgs, kgrlc c tgragre, pgskelcs mbeakcs y ezubgs, oerhskcs, nugvcs, qugscs drgskcs…, c lg uae dugatg vgjgteb, kcoc bes bgjuomrgs, gb tcdu, gb tgopgn c be scfe tgxturhzele.


Gstg gsqugoe lg pbetc öahkc puglg eleptersg e uae kcohle ga lcs pbetcs. Gb prhogrc gsterïe kcopugstc scbc pcr vgrlure0 ga gb sgjualc pcalrïeocs be ohtel lgb pbetc lg vgrlure, ua kuertc lg prctgïae y ua kuertc lg jreac hatgjreb.

GB YC[\]G  Euaqug ac sge ebjc gstrhkteogatg agkgserhc ga augstre lhgte, bes ogfcrgs cpkhcags sca tcoer uae phgze gatgre lg drute, ua ycjur  aetureb gatgrc c ua ycjur lg scfe sha ezöker eõelhlc, ua puõelhtc lg drutcs sgkcs c, lg vgz ga kuealc, uae caze (uacs ;9 jreocs) lg knckcbetg agjrc kca oås lgb >7 % lg kekec.

³X GB LG[EXWAC3  Eb kcatrerhc lg bc qug scbgocs pgaser pgaser,, gb lgseyuac ac gs be kcohle oås hopcrteatg lgb lïe. Gs uae kcohle oås y ac ney ahajuae rezûa autrhkhcaeb pere qug ac pcleocs lgseyuaer bes keathlelgs y ebhogatcs qug kcogrïeocs c kgaerïeocs. Lg ngknc, sh augstrc lgseyuac gstå kcopugstc pcr kcohle haseae, gs ogfcr ac lgseyuaer.. Acroebogatg sg trete lg augstre pgcr kcohle lgb lïe, ye lgseyuaer qug gs ga be qug kcasuohocs oås ubtreprckgselcs. Be pumbhkhlel ne kcasgjuhlc esckher gb lgseyuac e khgrtcs ebhogatcs lg gstg thpc, kcavhrthèalcbcs ga «ebhogatcs lg lgseyuac°, kcoc bcs kgrgebgs.


Gs khgrtc qug, e prhogre ncre lgb lïe, ye sge pcr kcstuomrg c pcr  ctrcs octhvcs, ney khgrtcs ebhogatcs qug acs gatrea ogfcr. ogfcr. Yclgocs lgseyuaer bc qug qugreocs, pgrc shjuhgalc gb prhakhphc lg qug bcs ebhogatcs sgea lg mugae kebhlel autrhkhcaeb. Yclgocs lgseyuaer  drute drgske, ye qug sugbg sgater ouy mhga y eyule e kcasgjuhr gb cmfgthvc lg kcogr ; phgzes lg drute eb lïe. Ctrcs ebhogatcs elgkuelcs kcoc dugatg prctghke puglga sgr bcs båktgcs aeturebgs, bcs nugvcs c bcs drutcs sgkcs, qug elgoås acs epcrtea åkhlcs jrescs gsgakhebgs, c gb ekghtg lg cbhve. Ycr öbthoc, uae dugatg lg nhlretcs seacs pclrïe sgr ua muga pea hatgjreb, be evgae c be drute. Ga gb kepïtubc 4 gakcatrerås ohs rgkgtes devcrhtes lg lgseyuac autrhthvc...

OGAÖ [GOEAEB  Encre qug ngocs rgpeselc kûoc sg gquhbhmre ua pbetc, puglgs kcadhjurer gb ogaö sgoeaeb pere th y pere tcle be deohbhe. Gstcs sca bcs pescs oås sgakhbbcs pere pbeahdhker gb ogaö lg tus 5< kcohles prhakhpebgs lg be sgoeae6

YHGA[E Y]HOG]C GA BE YE]\G Y]C\GHKE ]gbbgae bes 5< keshbbes lg kcohles kca prctgïaes sebulembgs. Yuglgs shopbhdhker eöa oås pgasealc ga > kcohles prhakhpebgs y lcmbealc be rekhûa.



EJ]GJE BC[ J]EAC[ HA\GJ]EBG[ ]gkugrle qug bcs jreacs hatgjrebgs sca be quhace, gb errcz hatgjreb, gb pea hatgjreb 599 %, be peste hatgjreb… \ga shgoprg ga kugate qug be prcpcrkhûa lg vgrlures lgmg sgr oeycr0 gs lgkhr, gb errcz, be peste y gb pea ac lgmga sgr bcs prctejcahstes lgb pbetc.


EÕELG BE TG]LW]E Kcoc oïahoc, be ohtel lgb pbetc lgmg sgr vgrlure. Yere shopbhdhker  gb kckhaelc lg gste, nez < mesgs lg vgrlure kca oètclcs lg kckkhûa lhdgrgatgs pere pclgr kckhaerbc tclc e be vgz ga ogacs lg = ncres y nekgr = rekhcags lg kele uac lg bcs kckhaelcs6


ncrac6 kebemeze, kgmcbbe, gspårrejcs trhjugrcs y sgtes. Mesg 5, eb ncrac6 kebemeze, Mesg =, ga sertèa6 phstc sertèa6 phstc lg sebse lg tcoetg kca kebemekïa, kgmcbbe, efc y phohgatcs lg trgs kcbcrgs. Mesg ;, ga cbbe gxprès6 mrûkcbh gxprès6 mrûkcbh kca uae petete y ua mcahetc. trhturele6 purè lg vgrlures y nuoous. Mesg
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