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Simple and Compound Interest Guided Notes Vocabulary Principal Interest
The amount of money you borrow borrow A fee you pay to the lender for borrowing the money
Interest Rate The rate at which which the interest interest is paid Simple Interest Defnition Formula Example = o! muc" interest !ill you pay a#ter $ years on a %&'&&& loan !it" $( annual interest)
Method of calculating the interest charge on a loan P*R*T $2,5
Compound Interest Defnition Formula Example = o! muc" interest !ill you pay a#ter $ years on a %&'&&& loan !it" $( compounded annual interest)
!nterest earned on interest P"#i%n&'nt # "#(5%5&'5 $ #2,)2(+2
Rule o# *+ Defnition
ears ears to double double the in-estment
,"at it-s A way to estimate your interest will grow o-er time( used #or ,"y s"ould going going to ha-e a lot of money to pay bac/ bac/ in interest( interest( you N./ ta0e out a loan unless you really need to)
Simple 1 Compound Interest Practice DIREC/I.NS2 0omplete each scenario below( ou may use a calculator( 1e sure to use the correct formula for simple or compound interest( Simple Interest Example
Principal Amount Saved
Interest Earned (10% Annual Interest Rate)
Ending Balance
Total Interest Earned
#( ow much much was was the princ principal ipal in in this e3ample4 e3ample4 a( #( 2( hat was was the total total intere interest st earned earned after after 6 years4 years4 a( 6( 6( hat was was the last last ending ending balanc balance e in the in-est in-estment4 ment4 a( #6( Compound Interest Example
Principal Amount Saved
Interest Earned (10% Annual Interest Rate)
Ending Balance
Total Interest Earned
7( ow much much was was the princ principal ipal in in this e3ample4 e3ample4 a( #( 5( hat was was the total total intere interest st earned earned after after 6 years4 years4 a( 66(# ( hy might might someone want to earn compounding compounding interest on their in-estment4 a( 8o they they ma/e ma/e more more in the the end( end(
)( !dentif !dentify y the parts of of the e9uation e9uation for for simple simple interest: interest: a( ! ; in-e in-est stme ment nt b( P ; prin princi cipa pall c( R ; rate d( T; ttiime nt
r A = P 1 + n
= =
8how your wor/ here: +(
; 2,5 simple interest to =nd how much interest would be earned on a $5, in-estment after # years with a ; $),5 5> annual interest rate(
?( !dentif !dentify y the parts parts of the e9uat e9uation ion for for compoundi compounding ng interest: a( A ; amount b( P ; prin princi cipa pall c( r ;rate d( n ; number number of times times per year year intere interest st is compoun compounded ded e( t ; time #( interest rate compounding annually(
8how your wor/ here: 5,"#(5%#&'5; 5,"#(5%#&'5; 6#77(7) ; +,#77(7)
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