Silabus KTSP-Cambridge bahasa Inggris kelas XI smt 1

April 5, 2019 | Author: Trin Mahera | Category: Narrative, Interview, Test (Assessment), English Language, Writing
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School : SMA Khadijah Surabaya Subj Subjec ectt : Engl English ish Reference : BSNP/ Cambridge International International Examinations (CIE)

Standard of  Competence

Listening : 1. Understand transactional and formal interpersonal dialogues and sustainable in daily life.

Basic Competence

1.1. Respond to formal or informal transactional and interpersonal dialogues sustain ably and in daily life life by using the speech acts such as giving and asking opinions , expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction .

Assessment Objective (CIE)

CIE. 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of  specific details, information and semi-formal announcements, e.g news, weather. And in interviews, dialogues, and telephone conversations.


1. Identify the expression of  giving opinions. 2. Responding the expression of  giving opinions. 3. Identify the expression of  satisfaction. 4. Respond Respond to the expression of  satisfactions. 5. Identify the expression of  dissatisfaction . 6. Respond Respond to the expression of  dissatisfaction

Main Material

1.Expressing opinions. A : I think this is great. B : I think so too 2 Asking someone’s opinions. A : What do you think  about this? B : I think it’s a good idea. 3.Expressing satisfaction . A: I can’t think of  anything better. B : Thank you for your  compliment ‘ sir. 4. Expressing dissatisfaction. A : I’m not happy about it. B: Please give me a second chance.

Grade Seme Semest ster er : 1

Learning Activities

1. Do a research study to find some expressions of  satisfaction and dissatisfaction. 2. Listen to transactional and interpersonal dialogues classically through a tape .

: XI

Time allocation

Eval Evalua uati tion on

Reso Resour urce cess



English in Context Grafindo Media Pratama

Written Test Assignment




CIE 1. Identify the speech acts used in the interview about problems with trafic .

2X45 X45

Com Complet pletio ion n Answer the questions

Acknowledged by


February 2007.


English Teacher 

Drs. H. SUWITO NIP. 131 624 490

NUR CHAKIM, S.Pd. NIP. 132 308 746

2. Respond Respond to the interview by copying the interview and complete the notes .


CIE 1. You are going to listen to the interview about problems with traffic.

CIE. 1. Listen to the interview twice. 2. In pairs copy the interview and complete the notes. 3. Answer the questions based on the interview the students listen.

English as a second language by Peter Lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations. 1 .Page 115.

4. Discuss the answers by the help of the teachers. 5. If students have difficulties, they can look at the transcript.


Standard of  Competence

3. Speaking.

Basic Competence

3.1. .Express meaningful utterances Express in transactional and meaningful interpersonal utterance in dialogues formal and transactional and informal accurately interpersonal and fluently in the and sustainable context of daily life dialogues in the by using the speech context of daily acts of giving and life. asking opinions. Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Assessment Objective (CIE)

3.1. Demonstrate competence in a range of speech activities, e.g. respond to questions on topics within a defined range such as past and present schooling , future plans, current affairs.


1. Use the expression of  giving opinions. 2. Respond to the expression of  giving opinions. 3. Use the expressions of  asking opinions. 4. Respond to the expressions of  asking opinions. 5. Use the expressions of  satisfaction and dissatisfaction . 6. Respond to the expressions of  satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Main Material

1. 1.Expressing opinions. A : I think this is great. B : I think so too 2 Asking someone’s opinions. A : What do you think about this? B : I think it’s a good idea. 3.Expressing satisfaction . A: I can’t think of  anything better. B : Thank you for  your compliment ‘ sir. 4. Expressing dissatisfaction. A : I’m not happy about it. B: Please give me a second chance

Learning Activities

1. Discuss the speech acts will be used and the responses in a group of four.

Time allocation





English in Context Grafindo

2. Role-play in groups


CIE. 1 .Demonstrate ability to use a variety of  structures , vocabulary accurately and consistently


CIE: The Guinness Book  of World Records Hero / Heroin

1. Discuss with a partner the details of  any records. 2. Speak individually about someone’s record.  A person who can speak the most languages.  A person who gets the most goals in a match.



English as a second language by Peter  Lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations. Unit 11, page 82 , 85.

2. Describe heroes or  heroines. What qualities do you think  make someone a hero / heroine? Discuss in groups .

Acknowledged by


February 2007.


English Teacher 

Drs. H. SUWITO NIP. 131 624 490

NUR CHAKIM, S.Pd. NIP. 132 308 746


Standard of  Competence

.Listening : 1. Understand transactional and formal interpersonal dialogues sustainable in the daily life.

Basic Competence

1.2. Respond to formal or informal transactional and interpersonal dialogues accurately by using the speech acts such as : giving advice, reminding, giving request, showing the expression of relief, pain and pleasure.

Assessment Objective (CIE)

CIE. 1.2 Demonstrate general comprehension of the speaker’s intentions where appropriate.


Main Material

1. Identify the expression of  advice. 2. Respond to the expression of  advice. 3. Identify the expression of  reminding. 4. Respond to the expression of  advice. 5. Identify the expression of  giving permission 6. Respond to the expression of  giving permission. 7. Identify the expressions of  showing relieve, pain and pleasure. 8. Respond to the expressions of  relieve,pain and pleasure.

Advice : A : You’d better do it now. B : I will Reminding : A : Don’t forget to bring the food with you. A : I won’t Giving permission : A : You may go B : You’re the best Dad

Learning Activities

1. Do a research study to find some expressions of  satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Time allocation





English in Context Grafindo Media Pratama

Written Test Assignment 2X45

2. Listen to transactional and interpersonal dialogues classically through a tape .


Relief : A : I feel so relieved B : I can see that. Pain : A : Ouch. It hurts so much. B : Oh. You poor  thing. Pleasure A : I’m so pleased B : I’m glad you like it.



CIE 1. Respond to a talk or interview.

1. Vocabulary : Fiber, thread, spin, weaves cloth.

1. Identify some sentences by saying true or false.

2. Identify people’s feelings and attitudes, find general comprehension of the talkor  interview.

2. a talk or interview to a clothes designer  on the radio.

2. Listen to some words and find the meaning in the dictionary.

3. Find necessary informations by answering the questions

3. Read the questions and identify the key words and decide exactly what information is being asked for. Discuss with a partner.


Quiz Answer the questions

English as a second language by Peter  Lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations. Page 141

4.. Listen to a talk or  interview to a clothes designer on the radio and answer the questions. 5. Listen to the interview again and check the answers. 6. If students have difficulties, they can look at the transcript.


Standard of  Competence

3. Speaking. Express meaningful utterance in transactional and interpersonal and sustainable dialogues in the context of daily life.

Basic Competence

3.2. .Express meaningful utterances in transactional and interpersonal dialogues formal and informal accurately and fluently in the context of daily life by using the speech acts of giving advice , reminding, show the expressions of relief, pain and pleasure.

Assessment Objective (CIE)

3.2 Conduct a sustained conversation.


Main Material

1. Use speech acts of giving advice. 2. Respond to the expression of  giving advice.

Advice : A : You’d better do it now. B : I will

3. Use the expression of  reminding . 4 .Use the expressions of  requests. 5. Respond to a request. 6. Use the expressions of  relief, pain and pleasure

Reminding : A : Don’t forget to bring the food with you. A : I won’t

Learning Activities

1. Discuss the speech acts will be used and the responses in a group of four.

Time allocation





English in Context Grafindo

2. Role-play in groups

Giving permission : A : You may go B : You’re the best Dad Relief : A : I feel so relieved B : I can see that. Pain : A : Ouch. It hurts so much. B : Oh. You poor  thing. Pleasure A : I’m so pleased B : I’m glad you like it. 7



CIE 4X45

To be able to conduct a sustained conversation in pairs or in groups


Treating twins in the same way or  differently. What problems might arise in a family about treating boys or  girls differently?

1. Performance individually and in pairs. 2. Discussion in groups


English as a second language by Peter  Lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations. Unit 12, page 95

The advantages and disadvantages of  being a twin.


Standard of  Competence

Listening. 2. Understand short functional text and monologue text in the form of  reports, narrative, and analytical exposition in the context of  daily life.

Acknowledged by



English Teacher 

Drs. H. SUWITO NIP. 131 624 490

NUR CHAKIM, S.Pd. NIP. 132 308 746

Basic Competence

2.1. Respond short formal and informal functional texts accurately and fluently in different contexts in daily life

Assessment Objective (CIE)

2.1 Identify the important points or  themes of the material they hear  including attitudes.


Main Material

1. Identify oral announcement., invitation and advertisement 2. Identify certain information of an announcement., invitation, advertisement 3. Identify the aim of an announcement, invitation, and advertisement

1. Short functional texts . ( announcements, advertisements, invitations ) 2. Vocabulary used in the announcement., invitations and advertisements.

Learning Activities

1. In a group of four  identify some announcements, invitations, advertisements. 2. Listen to an announcement , invitation, advertisement. 3. Discuss the language used in the announcement., invitation and advertisement. 4. In a group of four  write an announcement, invitation, advertisement.

Time allocation

6 X 45

February 2007.



Assignment Quiz Written test

Magazine Cassette / CD Grafindo Pratama


CIE. 1. Identify the key words of a talk  about bespoke shoes.


2. Get information about bespoke means

CIE A talk about bespoke shoes by a journalist

CIE. 1. Read the questions provided and identify the key words.


Answer the questions

English as a second language by Peter lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations Page 142 and 143

2. Listen to the dialogues classically and give short answers. 3. In pairs discuss the answers by the help of the teachers. 6. If students have difficulties, they can look at the transcript.

Acknowledged by


February 2007.


Standard of  Competence

Speaking. 4. Demonstrate short functional text and monologue in the form of  reports, narrative and analytical exposition in the context of  daily life.



English Teacher 

Drs. H. SUWITO NIP. 131 624 490

NUR CHAKIM, S.Pd. NIP. 132 308 746

Basic Competence

4.1. Demonstrate short functional texts ( advertisement, announcement, invitation ) formal or  non formal by using different speech acts in daily life.

Assessment Objective (CIE)

4.1. Demonstrate greater flexibility in dealing with new , topical ideas.


Main Material

Learning Activities

1. Give announcement orally . 2. Give invitation orally. 3. Give advertisement orally.

1. Oral announcement., invitation, advertisement 2. Vocabulary used in the announcement., invitation and advertisement.

1 .In pairs write announcement and read it in front of the class. 2. In pairs write an invitation and read it in front of the class. 3. In pairs , write or  find out an advertisement and read it in front of the class.

CIE. Give information about The International Youth

CIE: WOSM ( World Organization of Scout Movement)

1. Performance individually and in pairs. 2. Discussion in groups.1

Time allocation





English in Context Grafindo Newspapers


English as a second language by Peter lucantoni


University of  11


Cambridge International Examinations Page 98 Internet.


Standard of  Competence

Basic Competence

Assessment Objective (CIE)


Main Material

Learning Activities

Time allocation




Listening. 2. Understand functional text monologue text in the

2.2. Respond to simple monologue text orally , and accurately in the form of reports, narrative and analytical exposition .

2.2.Draw conclusion from and identify the relationships between ideas within the material they hear.

narratives and analytical exposition in the context of  daily life.

Basic Competence

Assessment Objective (CIE)


1. Identify main idea of the text heard. 2. Identify characters in the story . 3. Identify the chronological events of the story. 4. Identify the events of the text heard.

1 Narrative text 2. Report text. 3. Analytical exposition

CIE 1. Listen to a conservationist being interviewed about the world’s smallest lizard.

CIE Interview about the world’s smallest lizard.

1. Listen to a narrative, report and analytical texts classically .

6X 45

Assignment Quiz Written test

English in Context Grafindo Newspapers

Matching Completion Answer the questions Completion

English as a second language by Peter lucantoni Page 63

2. Discuss the information about the texts they hear.

Main Material

CIE. 1. Read the questions provided. 2. Listen to the interview; match the incomplete answers to the questions. 3.Listen to the text again and answer the questions. 4. Write a short summary about the text.

Learning Activities

Time allocation





4.2. Demonstrate simple monologue text by using speech acts in the form of  report, narrative and analytical exposition .

Basic Competence

4.2.. Show a sense of  audience.

Assessment Objective (CIE)

1 .Use simple present tense in giving report. 2. Demonstrate a monologue in the form of narrative. 3. Demonstrate a monologue in the form of analytical exposition . 4. Conduct a debate

1 Narrative text 2. Report text. 3. Analytical exposition



Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of  structures accurately and consistently.

Water  Does your country have enough water? Where do you get your drinking water  from? Are there any restrictions on how much water you can have?


1. Conduct a debate with problems of the environment.

4X45 Performance

Story Books Magazines Jakarta Post


English as a second language by Peter lucantoni

2. Tell a folktale in front of the class individually .

Main Material

1. Performance individually and in pairs. 2. Discussion in groups.

Learning Activities


University of  Cambridge International Examinations Page 131

Time allocation




5.1.Responding written functional texts such as : banner, poster, pamphlet formal or  informal accurately and flently and accepted in daily life in order to be able to access knowledge.

5.1. Demostrate the 1Read the ability to extract functional texts relevant specific in a good specific information intonation with from forms, letters, correct brochures and pronunciation. examples of  imaginative writing 2. Identify the considered likely to topics of the texts Assessment beBasic withn the read. Competence (CIE) experience of and Objective 3. Identify the reflecting the information from 6.1. Carry out of young 1. interests theout short 6.1. Carry simple simple writing people from varied writing functional tasks, suchtexts. as tasks cultural of functional backgrounds. completing forms, texts such as writing postcards or  banner, poster and CIE in an short letters pamphlet, formal appropriate and or informal in an Concentrate on2. accurate1.form of  appropriate and the more detailed English in response accurate form of  reading of texts .3. to a written stimulus. English in the context of daily 4. 2.. To get

Banner  Poster  Pamphlet

1. Read the texts loudly using good intonation and correct pronnciation.

3 X 45

Performance Writing Essay Objective test

2. Discuss the various aspects of the texts such as : contents, structure in groups. Indicators Time 3.Material Practise using Learning Activities Main allocation simple presnt tense to state the facts and Use accurate Banner passive voice to 1. Making draft in 3 X 45 grammar, Poster  inform news. the form of  vocabulary, Pamphlet banner, poster, spelling, pamphlets Pre reading 3 X 45 Writing puctuation 2. Work in pairs to Essay Extended texts : 1. Discuss the marks . correct each draft.Objective tes  A man called Rod meaning of some Writing main 3. Improve the words which appear  Performance Baber who has ideas drafts in the texts. climbed to the top Elaborate 2. Skim the texts . of the highest main ideas mountain in every Discuss whether the Writing statements are true or  European information from drafts, false . country. revision the extended 3. Scan the texts,  Robert Scott : 5. Produce a texts. complete the table. The man who banner, poster  4. Answer the made successful and pamhlets questions in pairs. attemp to reach the South Pole. CIE 1. Complete the  Application form  Copy and 3 X 45 application of a Diploma in complete the form Nursing or  application form 2. Write a letter  certificate in first  Write a letter to aid. ICRC informing the Head of   ICRC Personnel that

Newspapers Magazines


Assignment Port folio


Magazines Newspaper  Internet

English as a second language by Peter lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations Page 84-86


English as a second language by Peter lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations Page 106-107 16

Basic Competence

5.2. Respond to rhetoric in the essays of written language accurately and fluently in the daily life to access knowledge.

Assessment Objective (CIE)


5.2. Scan for  particular information and present it in a logical manner/given format

1. Identify the meaning certain words of the text 2. Identify the complication of a narrative 3. Identify arguments of  the text 4. Identify the rhetorical steps 5. Identify the aim of the text read. CIE  Find the key words  Identify the main ideas  Identify the main information

Main Material     

Noun phrase Adjective clause Narrative text Report text Analytical exposition text.

CIE The Florence Nightigale Foundation

Learning Activities  

 

 

Time allocation

Read the text individually Discuss some aspects of the texts such as Structure , and content

4 X 45

Use a dictionary, find the meaning of certain words Scan the text. Complete each numbered gap with a word or a phrase Find the key words Answer the questions

4 X 45


Quiz Writing test assignment

Quiz Writing test assignment


Grafindo Pratama Magazine Newspaper  Story books

English as a second language by Peter lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations Page 106- 107


Basic Competence

6. 2. Carry out writing task  accurately and fluently in the form of report, narrative and analytical exposition .

Assessment Objective (CIE)

6.2. Demonstrate the ability to describe report, give personal information.


  

Use adjective clause in giving report Produce report text Produce narrative text Produce analytical exposition text.

Main Material

    

Noun phrase Adjective clause Narrative text Report text Analytical exposition text.

Learning Activities

 

 

CIE  Make notes about a famous person ( David Robert Joseph Beckham )

CIE Article about Vanessa- Mae’s life David Robert Joseph Beckham

Practice the simple present tense Practice the modal verbs Write draft on report, narrative and analytical exposition Check each work  in pairs Improve writing in pairs

CIE 1. Read the articles 2. Write notes about Beckham’s and Vanessa’s lives

Time allocation


4 X 45


4 X 45

Assignment Writing task 


Story books Magazine newspaper 

English as a second language by Peter lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations Page 90-91

Acknowledged by Principal

Surabaya, July2009. English Teacher 

Drs. H. SUWITO NIP. 131 624 490

Ennik Fajarwati, S.Pd NIPY. 9141 2080 411



School Subject Reference

Basic Competence

: SMA Khadijah Surabaya : English : BSNP/ Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)

Assessment Objective (CIE)


Main Material

Learning Activities

Grade Semester

Time allocation


: XI :2



7.1. Respond to formal or informal transactional and interpersonal dialogues sustain ably and in daily life by using the speech acts such as expressing an attitude, love and sadness

7.1. Demonstrate understanding of  specific details, information and semi-formal announcements, e.g news, weather. And in interviews, dialogues, and telephone conversations

Identify the expression of  an attitude Respond to an expression of  an attitude Identify the expression of  love Respond to an expression of  love Identify the expression of  sadness Respond to an expression of  sadness

Find specific details of a series of short sentences Find information about a marine biologist. Find information of  semi-formal talk 

Attitude : A : I’m against the idea B: I can’t agree more Love A : I love you B : I love you too Sadness A : This is the lowest time in my life B : Take it easy

Listening Exam  Part 1. Questions 1-6  Part 2. Exercise 1 Complete notes  Part 2, Exercise 2 Complete the diary page  Part 3, exercise 1.answer the questions based on the interview  Part 3 , exercise 2

Find the expressions of an attitude, love and sadness and the response in groups Listen to a conversation interpersonal or  transaction classically Discuss the speech acts used in the dialogues

Listen to a series of short sentences , then answer as briefly as possible. Listen to an interview with a marine biologist, then complete the notes Listen to a talk  about an activity

6 X 45

6 X 45

Writing test Quiz Essay Assignment

Writing test Quiz Essay Assignment

Grafindo Pratama TOIEC TOEFL

English as a second language by Peter lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations Page 153-155


Find information of  radio interview and an interview about electricity on board planes

answer the question based on radio interview 

holiday then complete the diary page. Listen to a radio interview then answer the questions Listen to an interview about electricity on board airplanes , then answer the questions

Acknowledged by Principal

Surabaya, July 2009. English Teacher 

Drs. H. SUWITO NIP. 131 624 490

Ennik Fajarwati, S.Pd NIPY. 9141 280 411

Basic Competence

Assessment Objective (CIE)

9..1. .Express meaningful utterances in transactional and interpersonal dialogues formal and informal accurately and fluently in the

9.1. Demonstrate competence in a range of speech activities, e.g. respond to questions on topics within a defined range such as past and present


Use the expression of  an attitude Respond to an expression of an attidute Use the expression of 

Main Material

Attitude : A : I’m against the idea B: I can’t agree more Love A : I love you B : I love you too Sadness

Learning Activities 

Role play in groups

Time allocation

6 X 45




www. Englishdaily626 .com


context of daily life by using the speech acts of the expressions an attitude, love and sadness.

schooling , future plans, current affairs.

love Respond to the expression of love Use the expression of  sadness Respond to the expression of sadness


Basic Competence

Assessment Objective (CIE)

Respond to a certain topics “ Chewing gum”. “ Gum disease “


A : This is the lowest time in my life B : Take it easy

CIE Chewing Gum  Do you chew gum ?  When? Why?  What do you think chewing gum is made from?  Do you think it is god for you

Main Material




English as a second language by Peter lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations Page 133

Learning Activities

Time allocation




7.2. Respond to formal or informal transactional and interpersonal dialogues sustain ably and in daily life by using the speech acts such as expressing embarrassment, angry and annoyance.


Identify the important points or  themes of the material they hear  including attitudes.

Identify the expression of  embarassment Respond to the expression of  embarassment Identify the expression of  anger  Respond to the expression of anger  Identify the expression of  annoyance

CIE  Find the information of  an interview

Embarassment A : I was so embarassed B : I don’t think it’s a big deal

Anger  A : There’s nothing to talk about. Get out of here B : If you say so  Annoyance A : I can’t take this annoyance B : Sorry about this

CIE A spokesman from the FAU ( Food Advertising Agency ) is interviwed about the effects of  advertising on children

Find the expressions of  embarrassment, anger and annoyance. and the responses in groups Listen to a conversation interpersonal or  transaction classically Discuss the speech acts used in the dialogues

CIE  Look at some questions which the interview asks  Listen to the interview and complete the notes

4 X 45

Writing test Quiz Essay Assignment

Grafindo Pratama

4 X 45

Writing test Quiz Essay Assignment

English as a second language by Peter lucantoni University of  Cambridge International Examinations Work book  page 21-22


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