12$ 30MHz signal generator using Arduino 7 Novemb Nov ember, er, 2016 20 16Rik Rik 530 1 A si sign gnal al ge gene nera rattor is an electronic device that generates electronic signals and waveforms !hese electronic signals are either re"eating or non#re"eating as "er the re$%irements and field of a""lications &t is generall' %sed in designing, testing, tro%bleshooting and re"airing electronic devices A signal generator can generate vario%s kinds of waveforms (ost common are the sine wave, s$%are wave, sawtooth wave and triang%lar wave !his instr%ctable shows a f%ll g%ide on how to make a 30 ()* signal generator for 12+, %sing an Ard%ino and an A-.50 / s'nthesi*er mod%le !he circ%it is "rett' sim"le and small eno%gh to fit in 'o%r "ocket edar Nimbalkar, the a%thor of the instr%ctable, sa's A "recession signal generator is ver' eas' and affordable to make %sing an Ard%ino and / s'nthesi*er ad-.50 &t4s orld4s first smallest "ortable signal generator o% can make decent 0 #30 () fre$%enc' /ignal generator onl' in 12+
30 ()* signal generator %sing Ard%ino
Parts List: 1 Ard%ino 8ro mini 2A-.50 / /'nthesi*er
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