Sicilian Dragon Kosanovic

February 20, 2017 | Author: Daniel's Jack | Category: N/A
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Download Sicilian Dragon Kosanovic...


The complete black reperloire

by ·GORAN KOSANOVIC International master

Sicilian Dragon

The Author

GO RAN KOSANOVIC, International master

Donated by


22313 Vojka S. Belegi�anina 28 Tel.: 0221301-091,301-478 Fax: 0221301-979 Produced by

INDIC DUSAN, International master "POTEZ" Text composition

Mladen Durie

TIPOGRAFIKA First printing: Jun


All rights reserved. No pan of this publication may be reproduced or uansmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise. without prior permission in writing from the publisher.


Index of Variations l.e4 cS2. 00d63.d4 cd44..!Lld4 � 5..'Llc3g6 6..tg5

6.g3 .!Llc6 6.f4 .!Llc6

5 Hodel




7 . .!Llbl


7 ..!Llc6 6.A,4 Ag7

7.hJ 0.0

9 8.1).0 tLlc6 8.. a6

6..tc2 _!g7




IO.l::tcl Ab7







14 8.lObJ .!Llc6

Ulcl a6


9 .. Ac6








IO:.thl 7.AcJ tLlc6

8.h4 bS


8 0..0












M�bJ .ltc6

IOJ4 'l!f,S

ll.c&hl i.g4


II.. !:dB


1.t4o2. 00d63.d4 cd44.!M4lOC6 5..:0c3g66.Ae3Ag77.0G-08.�d2�




28 .'LieS IO .. .(:)d4



12.�bl 12.aJ �,8



15.hg6 IS.h6

IO.'l!fcl c6


ll.l0c6 bc6

12.ed5 'dS


12 .. .(:)dS IO.cd5 tOdS

li..!Llc6 bc6

12.l0d5 tdS






38 I lito Ilea

12 c5 •.



14.l0c4 :cs 14 .. .§.b8



15. 1h4



9. �d4 .

31 32

IO..!Llc6 10 .. c5


IO.Ad4Ac6 ll.'itbl 'I!Jd 12.g4




9. . ..1d7



1.£4 cS2. OOd63JW c:d44.'2ld4 tOll� &6 Uuil.g77.o ().{)8.1l.c4 ttldi 48

9.-'l.bJ 9.l!t'd2 Jl.47


1D.Jl.b3i2)d4 lO.. l:icl



50 bS


17.f5 rf5

JB.cS dd


IB .. Jl.g7


I lt)f4






IS..ID!el �4




IS.g4 hg4 IS .. aS

16.hS lUllS


16 .. .lic3



81 81

16.ghS lt)hS 16


17. ..Q.f6





84 4

GAMES ( 1]

Ermenkov- G.West

'@'b5=) 10 ... .ag4 l l.Qlf3 t!Jc6 (12.e5 Qlh5! 13. .ac6 bc6 14.Ae7 �f4 Miskolcffapolca, 1990 !5.'�e4 deS! 16.Af8 llfB 17.'�'c6 .§.c8) l.e4 c5 2..!Df3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.�d4 ;ur6 !2... .§.fc8 (12 ... �h5 13..!Lld5 e6 14.£.c6 s.�c3 g6 6..ags ig7 7. .abs bc6 15. .!L!e7 �h8 16.e5 h6 17.Ah4 �f4 7.�d2 t!Jc6 8.0-0-0 0-0 9.�c6 bc6 18.'&e4 Af3+) 13.3.f6 (l3. .ac4 �b4 !O.e5 t!Je8 ll.ed6 t!jd6 12.Ae7 'f!fe7 14.a3 .:Uc2! 15.�c2 ll)e4! 16.�e4 �a4 13.�d6 �g5cc Rauzer-Kan, 1936 I ht;b 1 !lc4) 13... if6 14.�d5 �b4!+ 7... id7 T.Horvath-Jovicic, 1984 7 ... �bd7 8.�d2 a6 9.Ae2 'f!ic7 9.id7Qlbd7 10.0-0-0 (9 ... b5? 10.tL\c6 6 .!Lle7+-; 9... .!Llc5 LO.h4 (10.f4?! t!Jh5!) .§.c8 ll..§.h3 h5 IO.f3 0-0 1l.h4!) 10.0-0 (Fieck-A.Miles, (1l... h6!? 12.Ae3 h5) 12.0-0-0 0-0 1983) 10...0-0= l3.:;!tb1 e6 (13 ... -&a5?! 14.c!Jb3 6 8.'!i\Ve2

t!Jd5±) 14.tL\b3 !lc6 15.f4;!;; Fro lov-Palk­ ovi. 1990 10 ... 0-0 10... .§.c8 1l.t!Jd5 h6 12.Ah4 '&a5 l3.'�bl .:Ud5 14.ed5 Qlf6 15.t;Jb3 �c7+ Ulibin-Ivanchuk, 1985 ll.f4 .!1c8 12.e5

8.. a6 .

8 ... �c6 9.0-0-0 !lc8 ( 9 ... .!Lld4 IO ..§.d4 �a5 ll.e5! .abs 12.�b5 '/t:fb5 13.tL\b5;!;;; 9... 0-0 IO.Ac6 bc6 I l.e5;!;;) 1 O..tc6 bc6 ll.f4 0-0 12.e5 deS 13.fe5 �d5 14. .!Lld5 cd5 15.e6? (15. .§.hfloo) 15... fe6 16.t!Je6 '/t:fb6! 17.t!Jg7 fH'2!+ M.Ghinda-Sax, 1980


12.. . .§.c3!? 13.bc3 ll)d5 14.�f3? 8.. Ab5 9.lLJdb5 a6 10.ll)d4 �a5 (l4.�e6!?) 14 ... '&a5! 15.t;Jb5 �5b6 ll.f4 t!jbd7 12.0-0-0 h6 13.ll)b3 'f/Jc7 16.Ae7 '§'b5 17.c4 'f!ic4 18.i..fB AfB-+ 14.Af6 t;Jf6 15.e5!± Vitolinsh-Sher, Ko sanovic-Veli mirovic, 1983 1976 l3.fe5 '&aS 14.�0 .

14.Af6 ef6 15.tLlb3 (15.e6 t!Je5 ) 15...�d8! 16.e6 fe6 17.-&e6 !!nee 14... llc3 15.ef6 ef6 16. .§.d7

8...0-0 9.0-0-0'&a5 10.f4(10.�bl a6 ll.Af6?! ab5!+ Vitolinsh-Shirov, 1988; 1 O.llhe 1 ireS Il.tLlb3 .Q.b5 12. �b5 5

17.�e2 l[)d4+ Todorovic-Kosanovic, 1985

l6.�d2?? �a2-+

16 ...fg5 17.bc3 �c30 18..llb7??



9 .h3 !lb8 1O.a4 a6 1l.Ae3 b5 l2.ab5 ab5 13.l[)d5 l[)d7! 14.-tJd4 Ab7 15.0-0 tUdeS 16.b3 b4 17.!la4 .tJd4 18.Ad4 AdS 19.ed5 �c7= Matulovic-M.Markovic, 1991

18 .. :tll'al! 19 .llb l •


19 .. . �b2 20.�2 lidS 21.l[)d4 2l.�e3 Ad4!-+

21.. . .ll d4 �a2 23.�12 23.g3 (23.llhe1 !le4!) "t!fe6 24.¢112

9 ...Ilb8

�fS 23...laf4 24.¢1g3 �a3 25.�d 3

IO.a4 1O.b3 b5 Il..S.b1 b4 1 2. l[)d5 Aa6 13 .Ab2 l[)d7 14 . .£g7 � g7 15 .c4?! ( 15.lie 1=) 15 ... bc3 16.llel l2Jc5 17.lL!ec3 l[)d3 18 . .S.e2 e 6+ CondieKi.Georgiev, 1986 IO .l[)d.S b5 (10 ...lZ\d5? ! ll.ed5 l[)e5 12.h3 Ad7 13 .a4 �c7 14.l[)d4± Bronstein-Szymczak, 1978) ll.Ag5 l[)d7 (ll...l[)d5 12.ed5 l[)e5) 12.�c1 l[)de5 13.Ah6 Ah6 14.�h6 Ag4 15.f3 Ae6 16.cot?h1 b4= Ajanski-Kosanovic, 1987 I O.h3 b5 1 1 .-tJdS e6 12.lZ\f6 Af6 13.c3 b4 14.Ah6 £e8 15.'�d2 Aa6 16.l:ife l Ae2 17 . .E.e2 bc3 18.bc3 l[)e5 19.l:ic 1 l[)c4+ Kagan-Tarjan, 1977

25 ... ..id4!! 26.�b3 26.h3 �d6 26.'@'a3 Af2

26 ... g4 27.�h4 YJ§e7 28.ri!(g3 �f2! 29.$f4 �f6 30.'i!(g4 h5 0-1

[ 2 ] Kudrin Ki.Georgiev •

Wijk aan Zee. 1985 l.e4 c52.l[)f3d63.d4 cd4 4 .l[)d4t!Jf6

S.�c3 g6 6.g3tLlc6 7.tL)de2

7 .�b3 �g7 8.Ag2 0-0 9.0-0 Ag4 (9 ...a5 IO.a4 Ag4 1l.f3 �e 6 12.f4 �b6 J3.�h1 -�b4:c Tukmakov-Mokarichev, I 978) IO.f3 Ae6 Il . �d5 Ec8 12.c3 .E.e8 10 .. . a6 ll.h3 13.Ae5 ( 13.�hl!?) 13 ... Ad5 14.ed5 i �b6 + RiblitL,c4 16 . .Ef2 1 l.lZ\dS b5 12 .ab5 ab5 13.�g5 (13 .c3 &.Je5 s.�hl b4 14.l[)d4 lZ\d4 15.�f6 ef6! 16.cd4 f5 Hardicsay, 1984 17 .ef5 Af5 !h-!h Kopylov-Nesis, 1992) 7....i.g7 8.�g2 0-0 8 ... &b8 9 .b3?! b5 1 O.. �b 2 0-0 13... lZ\d7 14.�cl .E.eS! (14. ..lZlc5 15.b4 11.�c1 (11.0-0 b4 12.lZld5l2ld5 13.Ag7 lL\e6= Nunn-A.Miles, 1980) 15.IldllL!c5 .tJe3!) 11...b4 12.lZ\d5 e6 13.llJf6 Jif6 16.Ah6 Ah8 17.b4?! .£at 18.�a1lZ\e6 14..£.f6 t»'f6 15.0-0 �a6! J6.t»'e3 Ae 2 19.lZ\df4 (l9.f4 f6 20.�c3 Ad7 2l.g4 ·


�c8+) 19. . . tDe5!0 20.tDe6 .i.e6 2l.f4]b5 a6 14 ..i.e3 �dS· 15.tLld4 .i.d7 �b6 22.�h1laaS 23.�c3 (23.�b2 �a2 16.h3 lacS 17 .g4 �c8 18.c3 frc4oc 24.�c3 �cS-+) 23 . .. �ecS 24 .�d2 D.Bakic-Atalik, 1992 �4-+ Alexa.lvanov-Th.Emst, 1991 9 ...0-0 ll...bS 12.ab5 ab5

19 � b4

13..l.g5 13.3.e3 b4 14.tLld5 .i.d7 15.b2 13.�d2 (6\f5; 13.Ag7 �g7 Ab3 45.Ab3 tt:ld3 �d3-+ 14.I!el tt:ld7 15.J.,d5 �c7=) 13...e50 0-1 14.J.,g7 �g7

[ 8]

Pekarek Th.Ernst -

Dortmund, 1992 l.e4 c5 2.�f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 lbf6\c3 g6 6.Ac4 Ag7 7.h3 0-0 8.�b3 a6 9.0-0 b5 10.1:le1 10.a4 Ab7 (10... b4?!\d5 �b7 �f6 13.Ah6±) ll.ab5 tt:le4 12.ti�e4 Ae4 13.llel ab5! 14.lla8 Aa8 15.lbb5 ( 15.�g5 �b6!) 10...Ab7 ll.a4 15.,!Ue2 15. .!Uf3!? f6 (15 ... J..e4 16..'2lg5 Ac6 17 .£n!±) 16.Ad5 tLlc6 17..:Sfd1 �b6= .

15...£e4 16.I!adl 16.Iifd1! 16... ,£c6 16 ...l;a7?? 17.�e3+16�d6 12

ll...ba4 . �d 6 ! = 38 . .i. f 4 �f4 39.!1c6 !lb4! Il...t!Jbd7 12.ab5 ab5 l3.!1aS �aS 40.�b4 40.�e6 �g7 4l.�e7 �h6 42.'t§ffi 1�-�5 ltje4\e4 .i.e4 16.l!Jc7 �b7 :�_j_d5 (17.ttld5 t!Jf6!=) 17 . ..�c7 �g5!= ,_J7 �d5?! lS. tt:\dS;;!; Stoica-M.Gon­ 40 .. .'t§cl 41.�h2 �f4 42.�1%-lh z.a.les. 19S6) 1S ..Ae4 e6 19..Af4 l!JeS [ 9 ] Cabrilo - Kosanovic �.b3 d5 2l..Ad3 �c3= Stoica Stara Pazova, 198S 11...t!Jc6 1V!�c6 .i.c6 13.ab5 abS . • .


���a& �aS!?= (14 ... .i.aS 15.l!Jd5 e6 l.e4 cS\f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.�d4 lL!f6 :6.-V"6 Af6;;!;) 15.l!Jd5 e6!\f6 .Af6 S.lL!c3 g6 6 ..i.c4 .i.g7 7.h3 0-0 8..i.b3 a6 :-_�d6l.. e41S.�f4 .i.f5! 6. 19.g4 e5! 9.0-0 bS IO.!lel .i.b7 ll.AgS lL!bd7 12..1a4 'f!fc7 13..Ag5 ttlbd7 14.Ad7 12.�d5 14.� t!Jd5 15.ed5 ttleS (15...l!Jf6 :6.-0;6 e6!+) 16.l!Jc6 .i.c6 17.dc6 e6 i8...1f4 �fd8 19 ..Ae5 .i.e5= Jo.Horvath­ Sdmer. 1987

14 ... �d7 15.t!jb3 �ac8 16.�d3 � e6 17 �a dl l7.M?! .Aa8 l8.'�a6 l!Je4 19.l!Je4 �-4 20.f3 �f5 2l..Ae7 .i.d4 22.�h1 if)_. .

17.. .�d7? li


12 . ..e6 18.�5:!::: �res 19.c3 �cS 20.�c5 12 .. J��eS 1 3.c3 lL!dS 1 4 ._A d5 �cS 2l.b4 �cc8 22.c4 AdS 23.ed5 �d7 (14.ed5!?) 14 ...�c7 15.a4 ba4 16.!la4 �e4! "!rb7 25. .1_d2 �c7 26.!lcl Ab2 lL!cS 17.!1 a 2 ? ! ( 17.!1a3!?) 17 ... e6 Zi�c2 ..teS 28.f!el e6 ? .

18. .Ab7 �b7 19.�e2 (6 b4) 19 ...a5 20.'�b5 �c7+ Klundt-W.Watson, 1988

13.�f6 Af6 13...lL!f6=

14.Af6 14.Ah6 !le8 15.c3 .!Oc5 16.'tlVf3 _Ag5! l7..Ag5 �gS lS.!ladl f5! l9.lL!e6 !le6! 20.Ae6 lL!e6 21.!ld6 Ae4 22.�g30 (22.!ie4 fe4 2 3.�e4 �cl 24.�h2 �f4-+) 22...�g3+ Dabetic-Kosanovic, 1992

29�e5!+- deS 30.d6 '@d7 31.c5 !1c6

14 ...�f6 15.c3 !iad8? 15...!1fd8=

32 ..1p? •

3" �a2 B:a8 33.'lit/e4+32... f5 33 .!b2 e4 34.�d4 !lbS

35.__ld2 !fg7 36.�c4 �eS 37.!la6 13

16.a4! lL!cS 16 ... ba4 17.Aa4 lL!cS 1S.Ac2 6 b4

17.ab5 lL!e4 18.f3 lL!cS 19.ba6 Aa6

20 .l:b6! tLi a 6 2 1.tLi e6!+- labS 8 ...h5 9.Ag5 6 10.'tlNd2, 11.0-0-0 22.t:L\f8 �f8 23.�c4 t:L\c7 24.�dl dS 9.h5 lbhS lO.�hS Ac3 ll.bc3 ghS 25.Ad3 tLie6 26 .t.n d4 27.�c4 �r4 12.�h5 28.�f2 dc3 29.�e6 labl? 30.'�c5 �g8 12.lah5!? 31 � . c8 1..{) 12.f.3!? •

[ 10]

12...�d7!cc 13. .te3 0-0-0 14.�e2 �b8 ?!

Vander Wiel B.Larsen

14 ...f5 !+

Reykjavik, 1985

l.e4 cS l.t:L\13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t:L\d4 .!Z)f6 5.!Llc3 g6 6 .tel

15.f3 lac8 16.'�f2 �a8 17.IDt5

17.a4 Ab3 18.cb3 lt:la5! !::. 19.b4?! t!Jb3 20.laa3 .£c3 21.0-0 (21.Ad2? lad3) 6.h4 lt:lc6!? (6 ... h5) 7.h5?! (7.Ae3?! 2l...�c8! lL!g4; 7..te2 lL!d4!?; 7 ... h5) 7... lL!h5 8.g4 17 . .. f5! lS.ers .trs I9.�d2 lL!d4! (S 9.g5oo) 9.gh5 (9.�d4 19.a4 �e6! .tg7D 1 o.�bs �d7 1 1 . �ds �r6 •

19 .. J!hf8 20.a4 'f/c7 21.a5 �b8 12.�b 7 0-0; 11...Ac3 ! ? ) 9 ... �c6 2l ... lt:le5! !::. 22 ... Ad7 (9... .tg7?! IO.h6 Af6 10.hg6 (10.lL!d5!?) JO...fg6 11.Ah6? (1l.�d5!? 23.lah7 Ag7? 12.lah 7!; 1 l.�e3; II.Ac4!?) 22.�f2 eS 23.�1 Ag6 ll....t h 6 12 . .E.h 6 �b6 ! + 1 3 . �d2 23...�e7!? (13.!Lld5? �b2 14.labl �g7!) 13....tg4! 24.lah4 �e7 ?! 25 .E.b4lt:lf5? (6 lL!d4) 14.Ah3 lL!e5 15 .Ag4 li:lg4 J6.�h3 0-0!-+ Velimirovic-W.Watson, 1986 6....tg7 7.lL!b3 •

7.Ag5?! �as+ 7. . !Llc6 8 .h4 8.g4 b6! 9.f4 Ab7 JO .t.f3 o-o 11.h4 a5 J2.a4 lLlb4 13.h5 d5 14.e5 t2lg4! 15.lL!d4! lbh6 16.hg6 fg6 (1 6 . .. hg6 17 .f5±) 17 .t2:\e6 �d7 18.lL!f 8 19. !0b5 d4oo Smyslov-Korchnoi, I960 .

8 ...�e6! 14

25 .. .'�c3 26.'�'d6 'fi/c7 (26 .. .!�c7 18.t!Jc1 a4 19.a3 b. l0d3oo) IS.tOcl l0b6 :-�f2) 27.AcS! 19.l0d3 tOeS! 20.�eS AeS 2l.l0e3 h5! 26..1C2?? 22.f4 Af6! 23.eS AgS 24.fgS �c7! :5.J..a7! q;;a7 27.�f2 q;; a s (27.. _q;; bs 2S.ed6 (25.e6?! �cS! 26.ef7 q;;n 27.h4 ::S--2'51 28.£.b6! �c3 (28 ...l0d4 29.cd4 q;;g7+) 25...ed6= Cabrilo-Velimirovic, ;...:: 30.de5 .Q.b3 3 La6!) 29.a6 �a 1 1992 ll.Ci:Jd5 x .! � 3 Ll0b3+II.Ag5 t0d7 (II....Q.e6 12.l0d5 t0d7 16... !fc3 27.a6 b6 28.'tWd5 � c6 13.c3;!;) 12.�cl t0b6 (Kramnik-Serper, �-�aS �7!-+ 30.�a3llg8?! 1989) 13.a4! Ac3 (13...b4 J4.l0d5 .2.e6 ;.J. �s-+ 15.l!dl b. aS;!;) 14.bc3 ,:Oa4 IS..Q.h6 He8 }l--!Jd2? 31.�� ba5 32-llb7 q;;d s 33.'�as 16.c4oo Kramnik ll . ..�d7! ;.es ��7::; ll ...lOdS 12.ed5 tOeS 13.c3 Ab7 31 .. ..117 32.�d3 .Q.e6 33.l0c4 �dS! 14.a4! l0c4 ( l4 ... �d7? 15.t0a5!±) �b6 15.ab5 ab5 16.Ha8 .Aa8 17.l0d4 AdS 3-4.�n .!Od4 18.�b5;!; Zagrebelny-Van der Wiel, 1992 3L. ab6 35.'tl¥d5 �d5 36.tLlb6 .Q.f3 .

. .


r.=n ..tc6 38.g4 B:ct'8! 39.gf5 nrs .._;e3 �2! 0-1

12.a4!? b4 (12...Ii.b8!?) 13.a5!;!;

12 .. .e6 l3.t!je3 l0b6

[ 11 ] Zagrebelny - Serper

13 ... l0c5!?

Taskent, 1992


14.l0g4?! hS! l..e4 c5 2.W d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4 �f6 14 ...Ab7 15.l0g4 �c4 16.l0d2 �b6 �cl g6 6.ie2 .$..g7 7.0-0 0-0 8.l0b3 17.�hl t0d2 18..Q.d2 f5! 19.Ae3 'fic7 �c6 9�el a6 lO.�n b5


20.ef5? gfS 2l.�f2 Hf6 6. Hg6, Ci:Je7dS+ 20 ... e5! 2l.ef5 nrs 22.Ci:Jd3? 22.Ad3! Ii.f7 (22.. .ef4? 23.Af5 fe3 24.Ae6+-) 23.Ci:Jh3 6. Ci:JgSoo

22 ... Haf8 23.fe50 Ci:JeS 24.Ci:Je5 AeS+ 25.�g4 �e7

:o . � I LAgS?! (I Lt0d5 6. c3) : L.� (l LJieS 12.l0d5 t0d7 13.c3 � !�.34 b4 IS.![Jd4 !;JdeS 16.f4 l0d4 :-_.:d.- �c6 IS.eS deS 19.deS Ae6 :'Q_.,1.c4 :.b7 2 Llbe3oo Pliester-Sax, : 9'.n) 12.:.b1 bS 13.;!£JdS He8 14.c3 Ab7 :.! .. aS!? {j. b4-x:) IS.�d2 lOd eS :�"'bd1 �4 l7.'tl¥e2 Aa8 (17...aS!? .


2S ... Ac8!? 26.�e2 (26.'�e4 Ah2!) 26 ... Ah2 21.q;; h2 Ii.h5 28.�gl d5 29.g3 (29.g4 Ag4!) 29 ... �g3 30.'fig2 Hfl!-+ 26.h3 HO!



10 ... tvc8

�--� 26.fib1 tva2 27.fib5!± l6Jac5 hg5 27.fibl �a2 28.fib5!?

IO... fic8 1 US (ll.iJ..f3ll)a5 12.fie1 lL!c4 13. ll)d5 iJ..d 7 14. ll)e3 b 5 = �7 !fe6! b. fid5 H.Olafsson-Petursson, 1985) 11. .iJ..d7 21---�dS 29.fib7 fiaS!-+ 30.�e2 ( 1 L. iJ..b 3 12.ab3 a6 13.iJ..g 5 ll)e5 t!f7 3L!fel !ff6 32.fibl 14. fia4!;±; Parma) �2-Ag5 (12.g4!?; r�c7'?d3! 12.Ae3) 1L.ll)e5 13.fg6 (13. iJ..d3!?) 32...-�cS 33 �e2 �G 34.!lb7 13 ... hg6 14.ll)d5 iJ..e6!? (14 ... ll)d5 34�rl 15.ed5 ll)c4 16..!c4 fic4 17.'�e2 'f!/c7 18.c3;±;; 15 ... Af5!?co) 15.ll)f6 (15.Af6 J.L�c2 35.'�'h5 ef6 16..!Llf4 A c4 17.c3 fie8co) 15...ef6 35__:e7 \tff6 36. fie6 7i;f7 16.Ah4 d5! 1 7.ed5 tvd5! 18.'f!!d 5 35. .1Id 36. �b2 tvh7? (18..!f6 tvd1 19.iJ..dl ll)c4 20.Ag7 7i;g7 36 d3-+ 21.fibl .!Lle3 22.fif2 ID"d8+) 18 .. ..td5 37-.!.eS �8 38.'�h7 \th7 39.i.d4 19.c3 tLlc4 20.Ac4 Ac4+ Lobron-Ce­ � �e7 �6 4U!a7 �c2 42.fia4 balo, 1985 � Cl..� �c5 44.�b4 ll.iJ..f3 _





.U�d4 �f5 45.gds �e6 46. fid4 �-+

�0-1 [ 13 ] Kavalek Sosonko -

Haag, 1979 L.eo4 c5 2.00 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t0d4ll)f6


c6 Ue2

iJ..g7 7.0-0 o-o S.t0b3

.;:,m,.�l 9.0 Ae6 10.ll)d5 iJ..d5 11.ed5 ll)b4 1� b5!

ll. iJ..d3 lL!b4 12.ll)d4 Ag4 13.tvel lL!h5! 14..!Llb3?! (14.ll)f3 e5co) 14...a5 15.Ad2 a4 16..!Llcl d5 17.a3 (17.ed5? a3!) 1 7 ... de4 1 8.ab4 ed3 1 9 . ll)d3 fie8 (Smirin-Khalifman, 1988) 20.ll)e5 Af5 2l.ll)d5=

1L.i.g4 1 L .iJ..c 4 12.fif2 !IdS 13.ll)d5 e6 14 ..!Llf6 iJ.. f 6 15. c 3 'f!!c 1 16.Ae3 e5 11-ti)dU;; Siguljonsson-A.Miles, 1976

13.a3 bc4 14. iJ.. c4 !!cS+

9.f4 b5 l O .iJ..f3 ( IO.iJ..b 5? ll)e4 i!-.l.c6 1Jh6+) 10- -b4 ll.ll)d5 ll)d5 !2..:d5 � 13.lL!a5 �a5 14.fie1 � c 7 15.a3 .J..f5 16.Ae4 iJ..e4 17.ge4 a5= -

, ..,te610.f4 __


12.ll)d5 iJ..f3 13.'�f3

( 13 .. olLlcS 14of3± Ennenkov-West, 1990) l4o.§cl tLlb4 1 S oAb5 tOeS 16of3 e6 l7olie2 'I/!Je7 18o�h1 I!fd8 19.I!d2 d5+ Vuksanovic-Matvejeva, 1992 10.. . h6!?

27 .th60 •

270Ad4'? la8f4-+ 27.-tgS '? '@'gS ! 28o'@'gS lah3 29o�g1 Ah2 30o�h1 Ag3 3l.�gl Af2

21.. o�srs 28.�1 �r6? ? 2 8 o . .lH2 29.:S.e2 �e2 3 0.'� e2 (30o.te2 :S.hS ! � :S.h4-+) 30.. .'�'h4 6. �g3-+

10. . odS! I l.ed.S (Il.Af6 Af6 12oed5 Ac3+) I 10 .. lLJd.S l2otLld5 AdS =

lO . . oaS I LAbS ! t.Jd7 l2otLldS lieS 13oc3 a4 14.tLld2 lLlb6 lS otLlf3;:!; Ku­'3 .to 3 0.:S. e5!0 �eS? ! . 30.. odeS 3l.�g30 gS!co

pr eichik-Velimirovic, 1993

31.�h4 g5 32.�el.!e4 33.Ag2 Ag2 ll.Ah4 gS 34.�g2 ,ar6 35.�e5 deS 36.Ag5 .I;.g6 11. .. d5 120Af6 Af6 I3.edS Ac3 37.h4 h6 38.'it'f3 bg5 lrf6 l4ode6! Ael l5oen :an 16o�e1co 6. 40.hl lL!d7 13.labl a5!?) 12 ... Ad5 13.ed5 lt:la5 14.ll)a5 �a5 15.fiel b4 16.a3 ba3 17.I!a3 '&b6 18.r;t>hl 't';!ib2 19.I!a7 I!c2 20.llae7 .lld2+ Wagman-Passerotti, 1985 12.lZ)dS ..tdS 12 ... a 5 13.l2Jf6 e f6 1 4 . .ah 4 a 4 1 5.ttJc I a3 16.b3 gS 1 7.Afl rs IS.ef5 Af5 19.Ac6 Aa1 20.liJe2 Ag7 2l.liJg3?! ( 2 l.Aa8 '& aS 2 2l. .. I! a 5+ F.Silva-Almeida. 1988 13.ed5 .!LiaS 14.'�e2 �b6 lS.'i!;;hl I!ac8 16.Ah4?! L2\c4 17.Af2 'fi!c7 18.Ad4 tLlb6 16... 'tM'aS 17.a3 fic7! 17 ... h6 IS.Ah4 (l8.ab4 �b4 19.c3 �c4) 18... ba3 (l8...fic7!?) 19.ga3 't[:Yb4 18

-.) .� !ff4 2l.Ag3 �c4 22.�c4 I!c4 :3�-n; A-Sokolov-Khalifman, 1986 Il..ab41!fb419.c3 �cS 20.�d2 I!b8 -:1�a2 !fc4 22.!Ual ti)e4 23 .1Le4

15.�e2 �e4 16.f6 ef6 17.ef6 I!eS!+ 18.�g3 (18.'ti'b2 �g5 19.fg7 I!e2; 18.Ah4 �c4 19.'�f4 A.fB+) 18...�g5 19.'ti'b2 (l9.'ti'g5 I!e6!) 19 ...Ah8!!-+ (� I!e6, h6, �h7) Khalifman-Savchenko, 1984

�� Kotronias­ Khalifman

[ 15]

13 . .. .id7 13...Ac4? 14. .icl+-

Bled, 1991

14.'ti'h4 B:c8 L.e4c52.Wd6 3.d4cd44.�d4 �f6 14 ...�a415.� (16.e5 �c3 � Ue2 .tg7 7.0-0 0-0 8.�b3 Ab3 17.ef6 ef6 18.fg6 fg6 19.ab3 fg5 �at ,ip ..le6 IO.�hl tl)aS 1 O b6 l l .i.. h4 g5 1 2. .A g 3 d 5 :::.�d d4 (13 ... .!0e4 14.�3e4 de4 �= � fe6 16.c3± Ljubojevic-Korchnoi, :;:sg�:4.�b5.tc8 15..Ac7 (15.ti)c7 I!b8 :5..�d.5 e5 17.c4co A.Zapata-Garcia, ::�1 15 ..!fe8 16.i..g3 �dB 17.e5'2Jd5 :!_�� �5 19.c3 ti)f4 20.i..f4 gf4 :: .ttcl !fc7 22.fB 16.!ld2;t 42.gf51H5!? 10.,td4 Ae6 42 ... fg4! 10... �a5 11.�b1 e5!? 12.Ae3 Ae6 42 ... c;!7d8;t 13.�d61'ifc8! 43.�c8 gf3 44.l;e8 cc!7f7 45.l:!e6! g4 1l.c;!7b1 46.Ae8? 46.Ad3 g3 47 .Ag6 �fB! �f5 (48 .. :ec4=) 49.Af5 g2 5 0.Ae4 g1\'!lV 5 I .Af3 t¥d4 52.Ae4= 46... c;;t> g 7 47.Ag6 �e3! 47 ... g3? 48.l0f5+48.be3 'it'g6 49.l:!e8 c;;t>gS?? 49 ... f 2 5 0.Ef8 g3 5 1.l:! g8 �f 5 52.E.g3 fl � 53.frd3 aS+ SO.�ffi+- 'it:h4 51.c4 g3 52.l:!f4 1-0

[ 19 ] Cetkovic - Kosanovic


Sabac, 1985 11 ... �a5 12.l?jd5 �d2\e7 �hB l.e4 cS 2. .!Lif3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ft:ld4 lt:lf6 14.�d2 -1:\e4 15.Ag7 'tJg7 16.l'Id4 tLlf6 s.�c3 g6 6..i:.e3 Ag7 7.Ae2 lt:lc6 8.t:;Jb3 17 ...Q.f3 !lfeB 1B.tLld5 lDd5 19.Ad5 Ad5 0-0 9.f4 20.�d5 E.e2 2U!fl l:!cB 22.c3 frc6 b. 9.f3 d5 IO.ed5 l2lb4 11.d6 '@d6= �b6! 9.g4 ..ae6 1 0.g5?! (IO.f4) IO ... ttJd7 n.,absO �b8 (b. �e4) I3.�hel I 1.h4 ttJb6 12.h5.c.Jc4 13.hg6 f g6 14.Ac4 13.Ad3!? S c4 15.§'g4t2le5 16.�h3 �d7!+ Bron­ 13... �aSoo I4...b4 stein-Go1denov, I941 14.Ad3?! !lfcB 9 ... .ae6 IO.g4 14 . .�b4 15 . .£b3 _cid4!? 16.'&"d4 10.�1d2 !lc8 1 1.0-0-0 lt:lb4+ !2Jd5 17.ed5! JO.,af3 ...ac4 ll.�d2 .Bc8= 10 ....bc8 1 H1#d3 lt:\c3 18.bc3 li.c3+ ..


17 ... �d4 18.!ld4 �f519.ire7� �d8

20.�e3 20. .S:a7?! � g5 21.g3 �h5 22. h4 �f):::; 20...�c8\d1 \t>111 22.g3 �gS 23.a3 �h5 24.h4 h6 25.�c4 25.�a4? f!e4! 25...g5 26 ..£e2 �g6 27..§.e8 :;t"•c8 28.-1:\e3 �f6 29.�b4 ,td7 30.f3 Wd8 3l.�e4 .£f5 32.hg5 hg5 33.!lc4 � d 7 33 ...'&e5 34.E.c3;!;

1l.f5 22

i l..g.S !i::47 1 2. !rd2 t0b6 1 3.h4 (1 3.0:-J � 1 4. t�b 1 /1Jc4 1 5.A.c4 I!c4 �:..i34 ..tg4 1 7. flc 1 = Estrin-Veresov, �;.s;;:) I3 .. .d.S 14.0-0-0 de4 1 5.�e 1 �c7 �:. � � 17 .�bS Ab2! 1 8.�b2 lL!a4 �; ;-c �2 20.$la4 �b6 2 l .�d2 lL!e3 :: .�:.5-+) 22./1Je6 fe6 23 .lic 1 a6 :.t � � 25.!r b4 lid4 26.lic4 lL!c4 ::- � !rc6 28.�3 bS 29. /1Je5 lib4 :.: ;� a.5 0 - 1 Hanson-McCambridge, � 1L . ..!.d7 :: .. �3 1 2.ab3 d5 (12 . . . /1Je5 1 3.g5 :.:_:- :3..ed:5 (1 3.�!? /1Je4 1 4.Af3oo) ::: . .;:M 1 4.�a7 ( l 4 . A f3 itJfd S + ) : .t . .;::� 1 5 . � ltJdS 1 6.A.f2 A.b2 :- J..� � 1 8 . 0-0 lic2 1 9.lib7 I!d2 :!:.tPel � 2 1 �M nn 22.�n �d2 -: :,.-.t J.64 �� Large-Singh, 1988 �W42 ::.p � 1 3 .0-0 Ac3 14.bc3 C£Jg7 :3.;Jdol� ll. .. � 13.g5 �c3! 13...� 1 4.� /1Jc4 15.Ac4 I!c4 :6;)..�

A.g4 32.rut AO 33.AC3 ligS 34.Adl �b6 35.�d2 a3 36.b3 ligl

36 ... �c5 ! 37.ligl �gl 38.�c2 AgS 39.'fNd3 Y!Vf2 40.A.e2 'ti'f4 4t.c�c3 Ar6 42.$1b4 �f2 ! (43.�a3 �a7 44.� b4 'tiiVc S 45.�a4 bS 46.cb5 Ac3) 0-1 [

20 ] Kovalev - Savchenko Simferopol, 1 988

l.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 4./1Jd4/1J f6 5./1Jc3 g6 6.Ae3 A.g7 7.A.e2 0-0 8.0-0 tl)c6 9.Y!fd2 dS


1 0.lifd 1 tl)d4 (10 . . . /1Je4? ! 1 1 ./1Jc6! � Ac3 1 2.�d5 �dS 1 3 . /1Je7 6. tl)dS±) :�_..-J � 1 S . .,b4 gfS ! oo 1 l .�d4 tl)e4 1 2.�d5 tl)d6 13.�b3 Ae6 "--� tS.�eXJ Ar6+ 16.fg6 fg6 tl)f5 1 5.c4 tl)e3 ! 1 6.'1Jf6 Af6 r......_. aS IS.� Ae6 19.�bl � d7 1 1 .lidS liad8 oo ll.d :CS l�cl a4 22.h4 lieS 23.h5 gS 1 0 ./1Jc6 bc6 l l .eS tl)e8 1 2.f4 f6 lU6 !rc7 �gl !r'b6! 1 3 . A f3 li b 8 ( 1 3 . . . fe 5 ? 1 4 . /1Jd5±) 1 4.A.a� lib2 1 5.Ad4 AfS 1 6.lifc l feS 1 7 .fe5 lib4 1 8.liab 1 ( 1 8 .tl)d5 ? ! lid4 19.�d4 cdS 20.A.d5 �h8+) 18 . . . !tc4 1 9 .lib7 lL!d6 20.Ab6 'ti'e8= Minev­ Gufeld, 1967 10 ... /1Jd5 11.lL!c6 t t .lifd 1 /1Jd4 t 2.Ad4 Ad4 1 3.'fNd4 lL!c3 14. �c 3 �b6= Kholmov-Spiri­ donov , 1 976 1 1 . /1Jd5 /1Jd4 12.c4 ( 1 2.Ac4 Ae6 � fOc6! 27.lig6 hg6 28.lic2 1 3.A.d4 AdS 14.Ag7 Ac4 1 5.'fNh6 Aft ;la7lt� !rc7 30.1!fd3lih5 31.licl 1 6. A.f8 � f8= Honfi-G u feld, 1 968) 23

12 ...e5 13.f4 Ae6 14.fe5 li)e2 15.'�e2 Ad5 16J:lad1 "f!/c7 (16... Ac4 17.'�c4 'f:Yc8 18.'�'c8 :§.ac8 19.:§.d7 Ae5 20. Ilb7 a5!= Panchenko-Gufeld, 1978) 17.:§.d5 .te5= lllescas Cordoba-Rachels, 1987 ll...bc6 12.:§.adl 12.Ilfd1 'I/!Jc7 13.Ad4e5 14.Ac5:§.d8 15..tc4 Ag4 16.lle1 lDb6 17.Ad3 Af5= Mariotti-Parma, 1981 • 12 ... �c7 13.Ad4 e5 I4..tc5 lldB f5 10.�d3 (! .£f8!+) 16 ...h6 17.c4 f 5? (1 0. �d2? tt:le4 +) �b2 hg5 18.cd5 cd5 19.'&g5 .£e6= Ti­ "tl:Ya3 12.c3 li)e4!+ moshenko-Beliavsky, 1977 10.�h1 li)e4 �c6 13 ... cd5 14."f!/d5 .te6 15.�c5 �cS 16..tc5 Ab2 17. .ta6 .£a2 18.c4 .tf6 Ile8 13.Af3 f5+ 19.lld7 llfd8 20.llc7 Bd2 21. .£e7 �e7 t\fb4 11.c3 �aS I2.b4 'f!/c7 22.�e7 llc2 23.llc7 llb8 24.c5 Ac4 1f.t-1/z 13.Af3 Ad7 14.llcl .SabB+ I O.e5 deS ll.fe5 lt::le5 'f!!b2! 'it>h8 14 ...Q.d4 (14.'�d2 Ae6+; B �c3!+) l4 . .. �b4! 15.Ae5 Pula, 1988 ( lt::ld5 �d4--+-; 8 l.e4 cS d6 3.d4 cd4 lldB IiacB 17.c3 �e7 1B.LLla7 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7..i_e2 tt:lc6 8.0-0 llc3+) 15 .. ."tl!'e7 16.'�d4 li)h5 17.Ag7 0-0 9.f4 tt:lg7 1B.Ad3 Ae6+ 9.h3 d5 10.ed5 tt:ld5 lt::ld4! IO ...Ag4!? 12..£d4 �d5= 1 0 ... lt::lg4 I J.lDd5 (1 J.Ag4 Ad4 9.f3 d5 bc6 1l.e5 li)d7 I2. f4 12.Ad4 �d4 13.'@'d4 tt:ld4=) 11...Ad4 e6! !::, c5, f6= 9.e1 1-0 [ 33 ]

Smirin Basin -

SSSR, 19S5

l.e4 c5 2.l!Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4}d4 li:lf6 g6 6.Ae3 .J;,.g7 7.1'3 0-0 8.�d2 li:lc6 9.0-0-0 d5 IO.ed5 tt)dS bc6 cdS 13.'t}'d5 �c7

13...iibS 14.b3! 'e!ic7 15."�c5! �b7 'e!Jc6 17.'ti'bS .ars 1S.'Wif8 .ars �a7 t6. !9...Q.c4± Ravinskij-Trupan, 1952

14.�c5 t4.�d2!? Ae6 15."�c5 �c5 16.Ac5 ..Q.h6 17.Ae71:ifeS 1S.Ah40 Aa2! 19.b3 i.b3! Y2-'h Sarafanov-Kozurov, 1992; 20.cb3 !ladS 21.Ad8 l::dS= 14.�aS Af5 15.'§'f8 �f8 16.!ld2 h5 (16 ... �b8 17.b3!co) 17.Ae2 (17.Ac4 i,b2+: 17 . ..Q.d3 �eS+: 17.�b1 'it'gS !8.Ae2 �e5 19...Q.d4 '!!¥f4 20.§:hd1 A_d4 21.�d4 �h:?. 22 .an h4+> 11... �bs 18.b3 Ac3 19.!id5 .te6 20.!ld3 (20.ab5 �d6 21.'it'b1 a6 22.�c5 Ab4 23.lid1 �h2-+; 20.lic5 �b4 21.'it'b1 Af6+) 20 ... �b4 2t.�b 1 .ars 22.�ds 'it'g7 23.�hd1 Af6 24.Ad3 �c3 25.�c1 eS-+ Stoljar-Bejlin, 1965 14.. .'�b7 14 ... 'e!ibS 15.�a3 (1S.b3 aS! 16.�b6 �e5 17 ...Q.d4 �f4 1S..1.e3 �e5=) 15 ... Af5 16.g4! (16.Ad3 'ti'eS 17. .£Lf5 �fScc) 16 ... Ae6 17.Aa6 �c7 1S.Ad4 liabS 19.Ag7± Houde-Herschel, 1986

15 ... .tiS 16.Ad3 liac8 16 ... Ad3 17.lid3 �a6 1S.�bl !lacS 19.�e7 lic2 20.'it'c2 �a2 2l.�d1 �b l 22.�e2 �hi+ 16 ... :Sfc8 17.�aS Ad3 (17... '!;l!'c6 1s. .ars ·g rs 19.'ti'd2 f4! 20..tt2 fgc7co) 18.§.d3 fgc6 19.c4 �f6 20.Ad4eS (Biod­ stejn-Petrunko, 1985) 2l.Aa1! �g5 22.'�d2±

17.'ti'a5 lic3!


15.b3 15...Q.d4? .ars 16.'ti'b5 �c7 17.�c5 tlt'f4 18.Ae3 �a4 19.''!Wc4 �a5 20.'ti'd5 !ifcS-+ 15.c3?! Af5 16.1�bS 'ti'c7 17.'ti'c4 �eS+ Byvsev-Bejlin, 195S 15.'ti'a3 .ars (15 ... as 16.i.d4 eS 17.Ac5 Ae6co Karaklajic-Geller, 1959) 16.Aa6 (16.c3 llfb8 17.Aa6 �c7 18.Ad3 . �e5+: I6.Ad3 gfbs 17.b3 aS 18. ..Q.f5 gf5 19.Ad4 e5! 20.Ab2 e4+; 16.Ac4 !ifcS 17.Ab3 aS 1S.lid2 a4 I9.Ad5 !ic2 20.!ic2 �dSoo) 16...�c7 (l6 ... Ab2? 17.�b2 �a6 IS.Ah6+-; I6 ... �c6 17.Ad3 !iab8 IS.c3 lifcS 19.Af5±) 17.tlt'c5 �b6 18.'ti'b6 ab6 19..Ac4 !ifc8 20.Ab3 �a2 21.lid8 lidS 22.Aa2= Ravinskij-Bejlin, 1955

18.Af5 lie3 19.Ae4 '§b8 20.g3 �c8 2l.h4 hS 22.lihgl a6 23.!id5 �e6 24.�d8 lidS 25.�d8 �h7 26.�c7 f5 '27.'ti'c5 �c3 28.�d5 �b6 0-1

[ 34 ]

Podlesnik - Justin Jugoslavija. 1989

l.e4 c5 2..!013 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.�d4 -t)f6 s.cocJ g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.0 o-o s �d2 l0c6 9.0-0-0 dS lO.edS lL!dS ll.lL!c6 bc6 12. .!0d5 cd5 13.Ah6 i.h6 .

13 ...e6?! 14.h4 libS IS.Ag7 �g7 16.hS �f6 17.c3 gS 18.'ti'e3llb6 19.h6 �h8 20.lid4 6. lihS, !ig4± Zagrebelny­ Basin, 1989 13 ... Ab7?! 14.h4 eS 1S.Ag7 �g7 16.f4! f6 (16 ...ef4 17."1Wf4±; 16 ...e4 17.h5 6. Ac4!±) 17.h5 gS (17 ...e4 18.g4±) 18.h6 'it'hS 19.fg5 fgS 20.!ih5!± Garbett-G.West, 1989



e3-+) 19 . . . e4 20.fe4 de4 2 l ..i.e2 !ifc8 22.g4 .i.e6 23.hg6 hg6 24.b3 a5+

17 ...e4 18.fe4 �b4 19.b3 1 9.'�cl de4 20.c3 'tVb7 2l ..i.c2 h5 .6. .arsoo

19 . . . de4 20 .i.e2 'tVcS! 2l.h5 gS 22.z;hn?! •

22.�f6 Ilb6 23.'it'd4 'it'd4 24.lld4 f5 22.lld6 Ae6 23.'tt' f6 .S.fc8 24 ..He6=

14 . . . 1!t'a5

22 ..i.c4 !ib6 23.Af7 E.f7 24.lid8 nrs 1 4 . . . e5 1 5 .h4 f6 ( 1 5 ... d4 1 6.f4!; 25.E:f8 �f8 26.'�'g5= 1 5 . . . �b8 I 6.h5 �b6 1 7.b3 .i.b7 1 8.Ad.3 22... .Hb6 23.ID6 .ie6! 24.c4? f5 1 9.hg6 �g6 20.'t\Ye3 �g7 2I.!ih5± 24.E.dfl+ Zagrebelny-Nesterov, 1 989) 1 6 . .i.c4! ( 1 6.h5? g5+; 1 6.f4?! .i.g4; 1 6.g4 .i.e6 24... �e3-+ (..6..E:b3) 25 .i d3 ed3 1 7.g5 fg5!? 1 8.hg5 �e7oo) 1 6 . . . .i.e6 26.E:dn d2 27.E.g6 hg6 28.hg6lib3 o-1 1 7 .£,b3 (.6.1!t'd2) 17 . . . 1!fd60 1 8.f4 !;;!;; At­ las-Khachian, 1 989 [ 35 ] Fernandez Garcia 1 4 . . . e615.h4 �f6 1 6.h5 �g7 1 7. '�'e3 Tolnai fibS 1 8.c3 llb6 19 .hg6 hg6 20.f4 oc Feher­ Komotini, 1 992 Szalanczy, 1 989 1.e4 c5 2.l0f3 d6 3.d4 cd4\d4 li:\f6 I4 . . . .E. b 8 1 5 .h4 ( 1 5.'� e 3 1!t' a 5 16.�e7 �a2 1 7 . '�'a3 �a3=) 1 5 . ..Af5\c3 g6 6.Ae3 �g7 7.f3 0-0 8.'�'d2 1 6 . .i.d3 ( 1 6 . g4? .i.c2 ! 1 7.�c2 �c7 li:\c6 9.0-0-0 d5 10.ed5lLid5\c6 bc6 1 8.�d.3 lib2+; 16.h5 .i.c2; 16 ... 1!t'b6) 12 .Ad4 li:\c3 1 6 . . . �b6! l?.b3 0 � f6! 18.�b 1 e6 1 2 . . . .i.d4 1 3. '�'d4 �b6 1\a4 'it'a5 ( 1 8 . . . Ad3 1 9.lad3 .E.b4 !? 20.h5 lih4 1 5 .b3 .if5 1 6.g4 (16.'�c5 �c5 1 7.lL\c5 2I.:i;h4 �h4 22 .E:d5 �hI 23 .b2 li:\c3=) 1 6 . .. Ae6 ( 1 6 . . . Ac2?! 1 7.!id2!) 1!i'g2oc) 1 9 . h 5 E:b7 ! = ( 1 9 ... 'tVg7 1 7.�e5 ! (1 7.'it'c5 �c7oc) 1 7 . . . 'it'b4 20.�g5;!;; 1 9 ... �d3 20.£d3 l:!b7 ! ? 1 8.c4 �a3 (1 8 . . . li:\b6 1 9.'�c5±) 1 9.'i9bl 2 l .hg6 fg6 22.l:!he l;!;;) 20.hg6 (20. . . fg6 llab8!? ( 1 9 . . . lL\b4 20.�b2±; 1 9 . . . li:lb6 2I..E.he l lacS 22.1!t'e3 .§.c 3 =) '12-'12 20. '1t!!'c5 'tVcS 2 I .lLic5±) 20.cd5 .i.d5 A.Kuzmin-Tiviakov, 1 989 2I.lLib2 ! .i. f3 22.Ac4 .ih 1 23 ..S.h 1 ± IS.'tt>b l .§b8 16.h4 e5! I.Herrern-Aib.Hemandez, 1 993 1 6 . . . .i.f5 1 7 ..i.d.3 �a3?! ( 1 7 . ..'t!Yc3) 13.'�'c3 1 8 .b3 �d3 1 9 . .E.d3 f:.fc8 20.�d2 e6 2 1 .h5± Kuijf-Emsl, 1 988 1 3 ..i.c3 'it'd2 1 4.'it?d2 E.d8 15 ..i.d3 16 . . . d4 1 7 .b3 .i.f5 18 . .i.d3 l:ifc8 .i.f5 1 6 ..i.g7 Ad.3= 19 ..i.f5 �f5oo Wolff-W.Watson, 1 989 13 . .. .Ah6 14. .Ae3 •



17. .td3

1 4.'�bl ? e5-+

1 7 .h5 .i. f5 1 8 . .i.d3 �c3 19.�c I (1 9.b3 e4 20.fe4 de4 21 . .£e2 .§.fc8 22..S.c I

14....ie3 15.'tt' e3 �b6 38

17 ... Aa2 17 ...!Hd8 I 8. .Q.dJ .ta2 19 .§.he1 Iiab8 20.h4 �a5 21.!ie5 AdS 22.hS! '§'al 23.d2 'i'b2 20.l[Jg7! �g7+) 15 ... �d2 16.:Sd2 Ah6 I 7.JLd5 J;..d2 18.�2(18.S>d1 :Sd8 19.Ac6 �h6 20.S>e1 labS � Ab7+: 18.'�b1 cd5 'iPh8 20.l[Je8 Ab7+) 18... ladS 19.�f 6 (19.c 4 �a6!+) 19 ... 'iP g 7 20.Ae7;:!; Zapata-Ernst, 1987 14.l[Je4 f5 15.�c4 fe4 16.fe4 't\t'h4! 17. �d3(17.�e1 'i'f4 18.�b1 Ae6 19.g3 �n; 19.lafl 'tVh2) 17...r�h8 1S.ed5 Af5 19. �e2 cd5 20.:Sd5 (20.�d5 :SacS) 20 ... :S acS (�Ae6; 20 ...Ae6 2l.g3) 2l.g3 '@'e4 22.lahd1 tll'e2 23.Ae2 �e6 24.Aa6?!(24.Aa7oo) 24...AdS 25.Ac8? (25.:Sd5 BedS+) 25... .ta2!+ 26.b3 lacS 27.�b2 .E.c5 28..E.dS J;..f 8 29.laf8 �g7 .3Q.gf2 Ab3-+ Sax-Mestel, 1984 14.l[Je4 f5 .tfS 16.Ac4 (16.c4 Ad6 1 7.J;.. d6 '@'d6 1S.cd5 cd5 19.'i'd5 tll'd.S 20.lad5 Ae6 2l..S.e5 ,l;acS 22.�d2 BedS 23.bS l:le6 49.�c4 �g5 lh.l/1

[ 37 ] Rodriguez Komljenovic •


Burriana, 1990

l.e4 cS VL!fJ d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lL!d4 .!!)f6 S,o:L)c3 g6 6. ..i.e3 ..i.g7 7.fJ 0-0 8.�d2 ct]c6 9.0..0-0 dS lO.edS lL!dS ll.'t]c6 bc6 12 . ..i.d4 eS 13. ..tc5 .1e6 14.tL!e4 14o..i.f8 �rs 15.c�bll:!b8oo 14.lL!d5 cd5 l5oAf8 �f8 l6.'�a5 (16o.Ab5 d4 17o�bl Ilb8 18...i.a4 d3 l9ocd3 e4 20.d4 ef3 2l.gf3 �a3 22.Ab3 Ilb3-+) 16 .. . E:b8!? (16...�e7 17.lld3 e4 18.llb3 d4 19.Ilb5 d3! 20.cd3 :S.c8 21.�b1 ef3! 22.gf3 .Af5+) 17.!ld3 d4! 18.1ia3 e4 19.fe40 d3 20.Ed3 (20.c3? d2 2l.�d2 ilb2 22.�c1�b8-+) 20... .Ab2 2l.�d1 ..i.f6 22.'ite 1 �h6+ M3Jjasin­ I.Botvinnik, 1984

l4oAc4 �h4 (14 ...'t]c3 15.'�c3 §'g5 16.Ae3 �g2 17.Ae6 fe6 18.�c6 lrac8 19.'tlYe4 ilf3 20.IDtfl E:f2= Trifunovic­ 2o..ars �rs Averbakh, 1956) l5..i.d5 cd5 16.lL!d5 20 ...ef3? 2l.Ac5! Ad5 22..Ab5!+llfe8 17.'tlVb4�g5 l8o�d2§'h4=Savon­ 21.�b2 AdS 22.1lc5 !ladS 23. ..i.e2! Gufeld, 1972 23o.Ab5 ef3 24.ite8 (24.gf3 .Af3 14 .. o!le8 15.h4 25.l:lfl Ae2-+) 24..ofg2-+ 41

1 5 .Ac4 f#c7 1 6.g4 liedB 1 7. �e.l tt:lf4oo 15 .c4 �c7 1 6.£,d6 �b6 1 7.cS �b7oo 1 5 .Aa6 'ftic7 1 6.g4 Iied B 1 7.�el tt:lf6:r.. Keres-A verbakh , 1959 1 5 .g4 �c7 ( 1 5 . . . tt)f4 1 6.'�c3 ..\ld5 1 7 ...\lc4 �e6 1:::. L2\d4c:c Olafsson-Wade, 1 964) 1 6 ..ii. d6 '@b6 1 7 .Ac5 'file? 1 8 . ..\ld6 �b7 19.$i.a3 fied8! 20...\lc4 (20.c4 "t:;fb6 2 l .!Llg5 Ah6 22.h4 f6 23.'it>b1 fgS 24.hg5 AfB!+) 20. . . �b6 2 1 ..£c5 �c7 22."t:;ff2 h6 23.h4 f5 ! �n+ Wedberg­ Ki.Georgi e v, 1 9S4 15 . . .h6

17.g5 17.h5 g5 1 8.'�'e l liedB 1 9.lih2 tt:lf4 20 . .Shd2 .l;d2 (20 . . . AdS ?! 2 l .c4 Ae4

22. '@e4 tt:le6 23.lidS lidS 24.lid8 'tidB 25 . �c6 e4 26 . .£a3 e3 27. '@d5± S vens­ son-Emst, 1 9S4) 2 1 .'�d2 AdS (2 l . . .a5 22.c4 fS 23.gfS Af5 Ae6 25.Ad3 lt:ld3 26.�d3 'ftt n = Mohrlok-Mielke, 1 9 S 4 ) 2 2.' � c3 fi d 8 2 3 . 'ti a 3 lid ? = 1HB A c 5 26.'ftic5 A f3 'it>h7 28.Ad3 lt:ld3 29.lid3 lid3 3 0 . cd 3 c;!?h6 3 1 . � fS r;!:>h7 3 2 . h 6 f6 33.�f6 e4� Amason-McCa mbridg e, 1 9 S4 17.h5 g5 J B.Ac4 liedS 19:�f2 a5! 20.lid3 a4 2 1 .l;hd 1 liabS 22.c3 �aS

23 . .£a3 lieS (l:::.!!)f4) 24.�fl (24.!i3d2 lt:l c 3 2 5 . A e 6 L2\d l -+ ) 24 . . . � b 6+ ( 1:::. 2 5 . . . tt:l e 3 ; 2 5 . . . ..Q.f8 ; 2 5 . . . l2lb4) 25 .tt:lc5 AfB 26.-1)a4 �a7 2 7.AfB 'gla4 28.!i.d5 AdS 29.Aa3 Ac4-+ Sigurjons­ son-Mestel , 1 9S4 17 . . . h5 18.Ac4 .Sed8!? 16.g3 'ftt d2 t 7 Jad2 tDhs 1 8 .g4 L2l f4 19.h5 ..\i d S 2 0 . h g 6 fg6 2 l ..Sdh2 h6x V an der Wiel-Tiviakov, 1 994

J6.g4 �c7 16 . . . L21f4 17.'ftic3 AdS 18.g5 ( 1 8.h5 fS ! 19.gfS gf5 20.ti)d6 fie6 2 1 .lig1 f!f6! 22.f#a3 lidS 23.c4 �ed60 24.Ad6 �d6 25.�d6 �d6 26.cd5 cdS 27.�d2 l2Je6 2S . .Sc I tt)g5oo Kolev-Romero, 1 9 84) 18 . . . .'2\e6 ( 1 8 . . . h5 19.�a3 't!!!c 1 20.!Llf6 Af6 2 l .gf6 �c8 22.c4 Jle6 23 . .Sh2 ..\lf5 24.lihd2 hS+) 1 s . . 1 9.Ad60 �32 2o ...tb 1 Pop- f;Yb6 2 l .c4 l:!.d6! 2VL\d6 e4-+ Jasnik­ ovski-Perenyi, 1984

15 . . .'t\¥c7! 20 . . . t0e6 21..id6 �aS 22.�bl 22.33 !? 22 . . . .§.d7 23.l::::.d2 Elad8 24.:§:hd 1 (.6.c3±) 24 . . . t!Jd4! 2S.�c5 25 .f4 t0f5 != 25 . . . lidS 26. .2.e7!? �8d7 26 . . Jlb8 27.c3 ..'tlf5 28.Af6 27.c4!? !Ie7 28.cd5 cdS 29.!Dc3! 29.t0f6 if6 30.g f6 lie6Ci.S 29 . . . lib7 30.lid3 (6. �d2, .!De2) 30 . . . ttlf3? 30 . . . .tf8 l5 . . . '�c8 l 6. .if8 � fS 1 7 .g4 � f6 31.�0 e4 32.lidS!+- oJ!Jic7 33.�h3 1 8.g5 tbe4 1 9 . fe4± Van der Wiel-Sax, �c3 34.lic5 e3 3S.�e3! 't'§cS 36.E:e8 1982 �f8 37.!118 �·f8 38.'i!t'cS 1-0 1 5 . . . !le8 l 6 .g4 ( 1 6.�b l ! ? lL!b6 [ 38 ] Gruneveld 1 7.�e l t0d7 1 8.Ad6 f5! l9..ib8 '�ribS De Palma 20.ct)g5 e4 2 Uld2 tOeS 22.�e3 f4 ! c o rr., 1990 23 .'�c5 e3oo Kosenkov-Nesis, 1 984) l.e4 c5 VL�O d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lDd4 !Df6 1 6 . . . '§'c8 ( l 6 . . . ct)b6 1 7 . �d8 !led8 s.�c3 g6 6. .te3 .ig7 7.0 0-0 8.'t�'d2 l 8 .:§.d8 lidS l9.b3;!; Oll-Jurt3ev, 1983; !Dc6 9.0-0-0 dS 10.ed5 ·�d5 l l ..!Lic6 b c6 l 7 .Ad6 !±) 17.�bl ( 1 7 .t0d6 �36 t 8 .b3! 1 2..id4 e5 13. .ic5 Ac6 14.�e4 �b8 �f6 19.�e8 �e8 20.g5 t0d7 2 l ..tb4;!; S hort-S pee l m an, 1 9 S3 ) 1 7 ... la d S ? ! 15.c4 1 5 . g4 f5! ? 1 6. g f5 g f5 1 7 . lig 1 ? ( 1 7 . . . lL!b6 18.�d6 �a6 19.t0e8 �c4! ; ( 1 7.�g5) 1 7 . . . fe4 1 8.�h6 '&f6 19 . .§.g7 l 8 ..2.b6 ab6 19.�d6 �a6 20.�e8 lle S �g7 20.'�e6 �h8 21 .i.f8 �gS 22.'�b I 2 l .b3 b5�) 1 8.cd5 cd5 1 9.Ae7 ! f5 20.gf5 &f8 23.lie I (23.'�c6 tbe3 24 .I;e 1 �fl S.f5D 2 l .Ad8 de4 22. �dS! Ae6 23. V$d6 25 .!Ifl e£3 26.�e4 £2-+ Dolmatov­ ef3 24..1Lc7 !+- Pmsad -R3vi Hegde, 1984 16.Af8 .if8 17.cd5 A.Schneider, 19S2) 23 ... e£3 24.1le5 43

1 5 . . . f5? ! 1 6.llJg5 e4 1 7.Ab3 ( 1 7.c3±) 17 . . .'�f6 1 8 . .i.d4 e3 1 9.�e3 15 .. : 'l!Vc7?! ( 1 5 . . . a5 ! ?) 1 6.A.f8 Af8 17 . . . cd5 1 8.�c3 ( 1 6. . . lif8 1 7./0c5±) 1 7.'it-b 1 (o 1 7.Ad5) 1 8.c;i?b1 de4 1 9.fe4 Ab4 b. 't\!'aS+ 1 8 . . . 't'S' e 7 1 9. 'f,f e 5 � c 8 2 0 . � c 3 1 7 . . . �b6?! ( 1 7 . . . 't\!'b7) 1 8.Ab3 .a5 1 9.c4 lLle3 ( 1 9 . . . lL!b4 20.c5±) 20.c5 ! Ac5 .ih6!+ 2 l .tL\c5 �c5 22..§.c 1 Af5 23.�a 1 t\'d4 24.1!\ld4 ed4 25.g4 !+- Popovic-Smirin, 1 989 16.h4 aS 1 6 . . . �c7 1 7.h5 f5 1 8.lLlg5 e4 1 9.Ab3 ( 1 9.c3 ! ) 1 9 . . . e3 20.�e3 lLle3 2 l .tL\e6 Ab2 22.'it'b2 Iie6?? 23.'tt#e3 1-0 Fernan­ dez G:lJ'Cia-Hoffman, 1 989 17.�b1 Ab4 1 8.'�'d3 lt)f4 1 9.�c2 Af5 b. �e6-d4oo

17 . .ib3 h6 18.g4 .a:as 1 9.a4 1!\lc7 20.g5 hS 21. �f2 lied8 20 . . . A g 7 2 1 . 't\!' f4 � c 5 ( b. d 4 ) 22.:it>d2 �b6 23.'it-e l (23.�a4? �a5 24.r,t?e2 g5+) 23 . . . �b2 24 .tll e 2 E.c4 25.'�'e3 A� 26.'�'b30 Ab4 27.�f2 ..tc5 28.'�e I Y2-V2 Oil-Basin, 1 985

2l.f4 . 2 I ..S.d2 (2 1 .�bl ..tfs-+) d4 22.'�'d4 bd8+

2l . . . .i,g7 22.�e3 �b4 23.�d3 d4 23 . . . Af5 24.a3 �a4 25.�2co


24.a3 �a4! 25.�e4 25.'�'d2 dc3 26.E.d8 !idS 27.'�'d8 ..trs 28.bc3 Y:M'a3+ 2s . . ..trs 26.�bl 26.�b7 dc3 27.�c8 Ac8 2 8 . .§.d8 Af8 29.lacs �f4-+ .

,S.c3! 0- 1

[ 39 ]

2 2 . .S. d 2 ! B a b 8 2 3 . .§.hd 1 'it'h7 ! ? (23 . . . .S.b7?! 24.Aa3 �bb8 25 .tt:lc5± Bar­ skij-Kozurov, 1 992) 24.Aa3 Af5 25.tL\c5 ( 2 5 . Ad5 c d 5 2 6 . £ d 5 !i d S 27 .ladS �c4oo) 25 . . . Ib8 26 ..$.d5 cd5 27 ..§.d5± Kozurov

22 . . . .S.ab8 23.�hd l l!d7 24.Aa3

Popovic Sax

JHS 25.Ad5? Subotica. 1 987 25.�bl . . . cd5 26..lad5 cid5 27.lad5 �1c4 25 l.e4 c5 2.tiJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4./0d4 CiJf6 S.llJc3 g6 6...Q.e3 .,tg7 7J3 0-0 8.�d2 28.l!a5 �a2 29.tL\d6 29.tLlc3? �a I 30.-cib 1 e4 3 1 .!:ib5 lacS tt:lc6 9.0-0-0 d5 10.ed5 tL\dS l l .!Oc6 bc6 12 ..td4 e5 13 .i.c5 ..te6 14.!0e4 B:b8 32.B:c5 .S.d8 •


15..tr4! .§.e8

29 . . . e4 30.I!b5 .I;.dS 3 1.fe4?

1 5 . . . 'it?h 8 1 6. h4 f5 1 7 . /Qg5 ..tgB I 8.h5;!; Sigurjon s son-Kudrin, I 983

31 . . . .ie4?


3 I .Iib3 ef3+

3 l . . . Ae 3 ! ! 3 2 . be 3 �a3 3 3 . lib2 �d6-+ 32.lib3 32.�b6 Ae3 ! 33.�d8 �h7-+ 32. . . � a l ? 32 . . . AfS 33.�e1 Af8! 34.lib6 �d6! 3 S .Ad6 ( 3 S .lid6 lieS-+) 3S .. .' �a 1 36.�d2 �a4-+ 33.c;tJd2 �b1 34.�f7 c;tJhS? 34 . . . c;tJh7 J S .lie3 ( 3 S .�e7 � g l ) 3 S . . . li f8 3 6 .Y$f8 A f8 37 .ne7 rt; g 8 38.lLJe4 Aa3 39.ba3oo 35.�c7 nd7 36.�c4 �h l 37.lib8 q;,b7 38.'�g8 1-0


1 7 . . . !lc5 l 8 . f4 E!,ac 8 ? ! ( 1 8 . . . Ad5) 1 9 .li h f l ( l 9 . b4 liSc6 20.�b5 'ti'd8 2 l . �c6 bc6oo; 1 9 . lide l ! ?) l 9 . . . b5 20.!Ide l �d5 2 l .ed5 l0g7 22.Ae4 aS 23.'ti'f2 b4 24.h4 ! (.6.25 .h5 ! l0h5 26.f5) 24 . . . e6 25.de6 fe6 26.'tfd2 l0f5 27.AfS lif5= Popovic-Ki.Georgiev, 1 992 13 . . . 'ti'a5 14.a3 1 4.'�gS �gS 1 5.hgS c!L!d7 16.Ag7 rt;g7 l 7. ..ae2 f6 l8.gf6 tt:lf6 l9.lL!bS lieS 20..!l:\d4;!; Ivanehuk-Kir.Georgiev, 1993 14 . . Jiab8 r------.

[ 40 ] Hellers - Ki.Georgiev Haifa, 1989 l.e4 c5 2.tLIO d6 3.d4 cd4 tl)f6 5.lL!c3 g6 6.�e3 �g7 7.0 0-0 8.'tfd2 c!L!c6 9.0-0-0 c!L!d4 10.�d4 �e6 1 l.�bl l l .lLJdS AdS 12.edS �e7 13 .g4 �feB ( 1 3 . . . li a e 8 1 4 .c3 �aS 1 S . g S lL! h S 1 6.Ag7 c!L!g7 1 7.Ah3 �a2!? 1 8 .Ac8 lic8Ci5 A.Sokolov- Velimirovic, 1 984) 1 4 . c 3 � a S ( 1 4 . . . e S ? ! 1 S .de6 fe6 1 6.Ad3± Timman-A.Miles, 1 977) 1 S.gS lL!hS 1 6.Ag7 rl;g7 17.c;tJb 1 eS!oo Tim­ man-Sosonko, 1 978 l l . . . '§'c7 12.g4 1 2.lL!bS 'ti'e6 1 3.h4 ( 1 3.c!L!a7? lia7 1 4.Aa7 'ti'a4-+) 1 3 . . .a6 ( 1 3 . . . lifc8 !?) 14.lL!e3 bS 1 S .hS b4 1 6.lL!e2 aS 17.g4 b3 ! ? 1 8 .eb3 ( 1 8.ab3 a4) 1 8 . . . lL!e4! l9.'ti'e3 lL!f6 20.hg6' hg6oo J .C.Diaz-Estevez, 1984 12 . .rues t3.h4 13.gS tLJhS (13 . . . lL!d7? 14.Ag7 rl;g7 l S.tLJdS ! AdS 16.edS± Popovic-Kozul, 1989) 1 4.Ag7 (14.lL!bS!? 'ti'd8 1 S .Ag7 rl;g7 1 6.lLJd4 lieS 1 7.h4 liac8 1 8.lic 1 Hort-Sosonko, 1 9 7 9 ; 1 8 . . . Y$a5 !=) 14 ... c;tJg7 !? 1 5.l0d5 'ti'd7 1 6.'ti'd4 �g8 17.Ad3 ( 17.AbS? 'ti'b5 t 8.l0e7 rt;f8+) .

15.h5 1 5.Af6 Af6 1 6.lL!dS 'ti'd2 17 .c!L!f6 'O!i>g7! 1 8 ..!l:\e8 lieS 1 9.!Id2= Kuczynski­ Perenyi, 1 98 8 1 5 .ltle2 'ti'd2 ( 1 S . . .' �a4 ! ? 1 6.g5 lLJh5oo; 1 6.lL!f4?! Ag4!oo; 1 6.h5? Ji..h6) 1 6.lid2 a6 1 7.l!�f4 c!L!d7 18.Ag7 'O!i>g7 1 9.�h3 lieS ( 1 9 . . .h6 20.l0e6 fe6 2 l .gS tLJCS:;t;) 20.g5 �h3 2 1 .lih3 h6 (2 1 . .. lih8 22.b4 !?; 2 l . . . h5 22.lL!d5 lieS 23.f4±) 22.lL!d5 hgS 23 .hg5 e6 24.b40 lic6 25 . .!l:le3 lih8 26.l:ih8 �h8 27.rl;a2!;;!; J ansa-M.Jirovsky, 1993 15 . . . b5 16.h6 16.ltldS 'ti'd2 17.lid2 lL!dS 18.Ag7 'O!i>g7 1 9.ed5 �d7 20.h6 (Kuzmin-Geor­ gadze, 1 980) 20 . . .rl;f8= 1 6.hg6 hg6 ( 1 6 . . . fg6 !?; 1 6 . . . b4? 1 7 .gh7 '\t>h8 1 8.l0d5 AdS 19.ed5 Y$a4 20.b3! 'ti'a3 2 l .gS±) 17.'ti'gS Y$c7 18.e5 lLJe4! ( 1 8 ...de5 19.�e5 'ti'b6oo Sabanov-


Kimefeld, 1 973) 1 9.fe4 de5 20.Af2 b4 [ 4 1 ] Mishkovski 2 l .ab4 !i.b4oo Sisniega-J.C.Fernandez, Niemand 1984 corr., 1 987 16 . . . b4! l.e4 c:S 2.l0f3 d6 3.d4 c:d4 4.llld4 lllf6 1 6 ... i.h8 1 7.l0d5± ( 1 7.Af6 Af6 5.l0c:3 g6 6.JJ.. e3 JJ..g7 7.f3 0-0 8."@'d2 1 8.l0d5 b 4 ! + ; 1 7 .g5 b4 1 8 .l0b50 'L)c:6 9.0-0-0 llld4 IO . .id4 JJ..e6 l l. �bl �a4 !oo) "ft/c7 12.h4 l:ifc8 13.h5 �aS 17..!Dd5 lOdS 18.bg7 il)c3 19.r;!;>al 13 ...l0h5? 1 4.JJ..g7 �g7 1 5.g4 l0f6 f6!0 1 6. �h6 �g8 1 7 .e5 ! de5 1 8.g5 l0h5 1 9.i.d3+- Evans-Zuckennan, 1 967 -

14.hg6 1 4.a3 .§.ab8?! ( 1 4 .. .l0h5!?) 15.h6! A.h8 1 6.JJ..f6 JJ..f 6 ] 7 .l0d5 'ti!t'd2 1 8.l0f6 ef6 1 9.,l;.d2± Gufeld

1 9 ...ba3 20 .bc3 a2 2 l . �h6 l::I b l 22.gb1 ab 1 "@' 23. �b1 lab8 24.� 1 +20.�e l 20."t'#h6 (20.�c l ba3) �n 2 l ."@'h7 ,l;.g8+ 20 . . .!DbS

14.h6 JJ..h 8 ( 1 4 ... .lac3 15.�t3 "@'a2 1 6.\t/c l i.h8 1 7 .JJ..d 3 .§.cS 1 8."@'b4;;!; Psa.khis-Jurtaev, 1 980) 15.a3 ( 15.JJ..f6? .S.c3!+) 1 5 . . .ttJd7 1 6.JJ..h 8 ( 1 6.f4 i.d4 1 7.�d4 l0f6 1 8.f5 gf5 1 9.l0d5 JJ..dS 20.ed5 '@c5c:o Dolmatov-V asiukov, 1 9 8 1 ) 16 . . . \t/hS 1 7.l0d5 �d2 18 ..lad2;!; Psa.khis-Taborov, 1 979 14 ...hg6 15.a3 .l;.ab8


20...ba3 2 l.b3 ! t:. .lae3±

21 .-tbS 'ti!t'bS 22.Iibl ba3 23.b3 'ti!t'b4

l4 ..ta7 24.'�e3 a5 25.laeh1 a4 26.lah7 ab3 27 .cb3 ( 2 7 .lahS � f7 28.g8 � .Bg8 29 ..B1h7 �e8 30.cb3 "t'#b3+) 27 ... g5 2 � .e5 (28.l:ih8 � n 29.B 1 h7 lag8 ! ) 2 8 ... de5 29.Ae5 �b3 30.!i.h8 Q;;n 3 1 .g S"t'U .l;.g8 32. la8h 7 �f8 33. �b3 15 . . . JJ..c 4?! 1 6.,l;.h3 ! ( 1 6.JJ..c4 .§.c4 t:. .lab3-+ Ponce-Ravelo, 1 990 ltJe4) 1 6 . . . b5 1 7.JJ.. c 4 bc4 ( 1 7 . . . lac4 24. . "@'d2 2S.lad2 liaS 26.Ad4 h6! 1 8 . .§.dh 1 ±) 1 8 . .§.dh 1 .§.ab8 (Short­ 27.�a2 �g7+ 28.lae3 laa4! (.629..§.c3 Velimirovic, 1 985) 19. �c l ! lab7 20.g4 .lad4-+) 29.c:4 laa6 30.lac3 gS 3I.!idc:2 .);.cbS 21 .'@h2+JJ..n 32.,te3 hS 33.gh5 .thS 34 .tc:l .tn 16.JJ..d 3 3S.c5?? dc:S 36.lac5 !ib8 37.la2c3 1 6.i.f6 ( 1 6.g4 b5) JJ..f6 17.l0d5 '@d2 laab6-+ 38.�a3 .§.b3 39.lab3 l:lb3 40.�a4 laf3 0-1 18.l0f6 �g7 1 9.l0h5 gh5 20.lad2 !ih8= .



1 �a4 ( 1 6 . . . �d2 1 7 .!id2:;t;) 17.g4 bS 1 8.g5 b4c:o Ivanovic-Velimi­ rovic, 1 98 1 16 . . . .Ac4 16 . . . b5 1 7.�g5 .i.c4 1 8. f4 ( 1 8 . .i.c4 !lc4 1 9:tOd5) 18 . . . e5 1 9.fe5 b4 20.ef6 �gS 2 l .fg7 f6 22.Ac4 �g7 23.tiJd5+­ Cuijpers-Berendse, I 984 16 . . . b5 1 7.\!tgS d5 1 8 .ed5 ( 1 8.e5 b4 l 9.ab4 '«Vb4 l0d7c:o) 1 8 . . . b4 19.tLle4± 1 6 . . . b5 1 7 .'«Vg5 'f8c7 1 8 .e5 deS 19.Ae5 '«VcS 20.f4± Van der Wiel-Sax, 1983 17.g4 l7.Ac4 ( 17.f4 b5) !lc4 18.Af6 Af6 1 9 . tt)d5 �d2 20 .!ld2 �g7= S . M ar­ janovic-Mesing, 1984 17 . . . bS 18.Ac4 1 8.�g5? e5-+ 18 . . . bc4 t8 . . . lic4 t9.Af6 .i.f6 20.l0d5 ! �d2 21 .lid2 rt;g7 22.lidh2 ,l;.g8 23.lih7 �f8 24.tLlf6 ef6 25.lid1;!;; 19.rt;a2 19.b l I!c8 1 975 3 4 . � e 3 ! � d l 3 5 . � a 2 �a4 1h - Y.z 13.I!he1 Richardson-Nesis, 1 987 1 3 .�b1 lacS 1 4.l0d5 ( 1 4.Af6 Af6 20.bc3 tt:\c3 21. �d2 1 5 .tt)d5 �d2 1 6 . .!Llf6 \t'g7=) 14 . . . ltJd5 2 1 . �a6 li)d 1 22..S.d I fic2+ 1 5 .�a5 �a5 1 6.�d5 (1 6.ed5±) 1 6 . . . e6!= 2l . . . �a8 22."&d3? ! Byrne-Sosonko. 1 9..76 22.�c l �d5 23.'�b2 .!Lid ! (23 . . . e5? 13 . . J lc5 24.�f5!) 24.I!d l "t:#e4-+ 1 3 . . . li)c4? 1 4.Sc4 I!c4 1 5 .e5 deS 22 . . . eS 23 ..§.dfl ?! 1 6.l2lb3+23 ..Bde l + 14.f4 ltjc6 23 . . . ed4 24.Af4 52

26.g3 b5 27.l!)f3 aS 28.a3 �g7 29.1id4! �d8 30.'�e2 Ad6 J l.tUeS VJ/i e7 32.1id2 lUe4? 32. . . �b7 33.1id5 .i.e5 34.'�e4 lidS 35.VJt/dS Af6 36.'�bS VJ/iel 37.�a2 �d2 37 . .. .i.c3 38.'�c4! 38.'�a5 �h2 39.�c7 �h6 40.g4 ! 1-0

[ 48 ] Wahls - B.Alterman

15.lUf3 Manila, 1992 1S.l!)c6 Ac6 16.lUdS �d2 17.1id2 l.e4 cS 2.l!)f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t!Jd4 lUf6 AdS 1 8.ed5 !le8 19 . ..aa4 bS 20.b4 !rd5 5.l!)c3 g6 6.�e3 JJ.. g7 7.f3 0-0 8.'�'d2 2 1 .Af6 lid2 22.Ag7 iig2 23.Abs iic8c:c c!Oc6 9.JJ..c4 ..ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS l l.JJ..b3 1S.eS? deS 1 6.Af7 !lf7 17.lUb3 �b4 .!LieS 12. .ltgS tL!c4 13.Ac4 1 8. .i.f6 ef6 19.lie4 lic4 20.a3 �c3 ! 1 3 .�e2 �b2 14.�b2 lic3 1 S .JJ.. f6 2 l .bc3 lie4-+ Jadoul-Ernst, 1988 lib3 16.ab3 �f6 1 7.c3 �b6 ( l 7 . . . aS 15 . . . Ae6 1 8 . f4 �c7 19Jihe1 lic8 20.�e3 eS 1S.. . Ag4! ? 16.c;!;b1 lic8 (16 . . . ...a. n 2 l . fe5 Ae5oo Westerinen-Tarj an, 1 974) 17.gf1 1ic8 18.fS) 17.lUdS lUd5 1 8.ed5 1 8 . f4 e5 1 9. fe5 JJ.. eS 2 0 . � d 3 IreS lUb4 19.a3 lic2 20.Ac2 lic2 21. �b4 21.lihfl JJ.. e 6 22. .§.c 1 JJ..c4 23 .'�h3 lic7+ �b4 22.ab4 lib2 23.c;!;c l lig2 24.lig l Nunn-Mestel, 1976 lig l 2S .lUg l Adl 26.c;!;d l e6 27.de6 13 . . Jic4 14.e5 fe6oo Leko-Sal anzi, 1 993 16.c;.t;bl lic8 17.lUd5 AdS 17. . . lUdS ? ! 18.ed5 (1 8.'�aS? ltJaS 1 9.edS AfS+) 18 . . . lUb4 19.de6 .§.c2 20.ef7 �h8 2 l .�c2! lic2 22.lUd4 ! gc8 23.lie7+18.ed5 c!Ob4 19.c3! 19.a3 lUfd5 ?! 20.ab4! lUb4 2 l.ltJd4 .ltd4 22.�d4 lic2 23 . .i.h6 eS 24.feS+•

19 . . . lUbd5 19 . . . lUfdS? ! 20.cb4 lUb4 2 l .a3 .§.c2 22. .i.c2 lic2 23.ab4 14.lLlb3 ! ? JJ..e60 15.eS lUe8 16.lih e 1 ! 20.Af6 lUf6 21.lie7 dS± 22.lUgS (16.ed6? ! lUd6 l 7 . .lte7 "f1/ e 7 1 8."tlt'd6 22.lUeS l!)e4 23.�d4 �f6) 16 . . . �c7 17 .�b5 'f!/b6 18.tLla3 22 . . . li8c7 23.�e3 .ltf8 lic7 1 9.Ae3 (R.Mainka-A .Schneider, 23 . . . c;!;f8? 24.lif7! lif7 2S.�cS ! �cS 1987) 19.. . "f1/a6 ! 20.ed6 tljd6 21.tLlcS lieS 22.JJ..cS tL!c4 23.tL!c4 't\¥c4 24.'&b4 26.c!Oe6 "f1/a2oo (24 . . . Ah6 !?) 24.lic7 'f!/c7 25.�eS 'f!/d6 25 . . ."�eS 26.fcS lUe4 27.lUf1 14 . . . de5 ·


1 4 . . . lOeS !? 1 5 Jlhel ..Q.e5 ( 1 5 . . . f6 1 6.ef6 ! ) 1 6 .Ile5 de5 1 7 .4:\db5 4:\d6 ! I S.l0d6 Ild4 1 9.'�e2 f6! 1 4 . . . lOeS ! ? 1 5 .�e2 Ilc3 ! 1 6.ed6 (1 6.bc3 ..Q.e5�) 16 . . . �a5 ! ! 6 1 7 .Ad2 �a2 I S ...Q.c3 ..th6 14 . . . ttJeS ! ? 1 5.l2)d5 ! f6 1 6.ef6 l2)f6 ( 1 6 . . . ef6 1 7 ...Q.f4 l0c7 1\e3 !) 1 7.4:\f6 l:lf6! I S ...Q.f6 ( 1 S.b3 l:lc5 1 9.Af6 ..Q.f6oo) I S . . . ..af6 1 9 ..!De2 Ae6!oo 15.!Ude2 1 5 .ti)b3 lac70 1 .a£5 1 'f/ic7 I S.'it'b l ( I S .g4 .£e6 1 9.Ilhe1 lacS 20. 'it>b 1 tl)d5oo Byrne-Tarjan, 1 97 5 ) 1 S . . J!cS 1 9.�1 ! b6 ( 1 9 . . . �c2 20.'{g'c2 Ac2 21 .lac 1 ..Q.f5 22.E.cS AcS 23.lac 1 !:::. .§c7+-) 20.c3± Shirov-Petrenko, 1 9S4 1 5 .lL\db5 a6 ( 1 5 . . . �b6 1 6. ..Q.f6 ..Q.b5 1 7.l0d5 �e6 1 S ..!De7 �hS 19 ...Q.g7 �g7 20.lL\d5 6 .§he I ±) 1 6.Af6 ..Q.f6 ( 1 6 . . . ef6 1 7.�d7 �a5 I S .lad5 !;;!;) 1 7 .'t!,Vd7 'f/ib6 ( 1 7 . . ." � a5 1 8 . 'fli b 7 ab5 1 9 . 'f/i b 5 ± ) 1 8 ..!2l d 5 ( 1 S .l0a3 ? Ilc3 ! 1 9.bc3 .£g5 2 0 . £: d 2 la d S 2 1 . tl)c 4 lad7 22 . .!D b 6 l;d2-+; 1 S.'it'b 1 ! ?) I S . . . 'flib5 1 9.ll)e7 ..Q.e7 20.'t!.Ve7 (A.Mikhalchishin-B asin, 1 985) 20 . . .lafcS 2 1 .lad8 ladS 22. 'flidS �g7=

16 . . . .ars 1 7.4:\c7 �c7 lieS 19.l:lhel 1 9.'it'b l �b6 20.Ilh e l e4 2 1 .Ae3 't!.Vc7 2 2 . A d4 e5 23 . ..Q.g 1 eO 24 .g0 'flic6:0 Wahls-Koch, 1 989 19 . . . b5 1 9 . . . lL:leS ! ? 20.�b l ? ! 20.g4 !? Ae6! 2 l ..!Db5 't!.Vb6 e4! 23.Ae3 (23.fe4 tl)g400; 23.Af6 Af6 2 4 . l::r e 4 .£ a 2 ! oo) 23 . . . 'f/i a 5 24 . .!De4 't!.Va2 ! oo 20 . . . b 4 2 1..!De4 lDe4! 22.fe4 Ae6+ 23.'t!.Vb4 h6?! 23 . . . 'flic2 ! 24.'it'a l 't!.Vg2 25.'1l!t'd2! (25.l:lc1 Ilc l 26.Ac 1 h6! !:::. �h2+; 25.'t!,Ve7 h 6 ! 26.Af6 't!.Vh2+) 25 . . . 't!l'd2 26.l:id2 f6 27 .Ae3 a6+ 24 ..ae7 a5 24 . . .' �h6 32.�d7 �e4 33.l!gl f4! 34.c4 bc4 35.bc4 g3 36.W Af5 37.c5 �c8 38.�c3 lieS 39.�4 l:!aS 40.�f8

tihS 41 ..§h8 S>g4 42.hS lia4 43.'ite5 �e4 44.'�S ghS 45..§g8 r;t>f3 46.�0 �2 0-1

1 6 . . . Ah8 1 7.e5! deS 1 8.l!)e4 l!c7 1 9.Af8 �f8 20.'tll'a5± Kap1an-A.Miles, 1 976

1 6 . . . �a5 1 7 .Ag5 ( 1 7 . Ag7 c;!?g7 1 8.ltlc l .6 ltlb3, l!)d5, g4) 1 7 . . .b4 1 8.ltld5 tL!d5 1 9 .�d5 l!c5 20.'1!'d3 Ae6 2 1 .ltlc 1 Bil, 1 993 �a4 ! 2 2 . Ae7 lafcS 2 3 .l!d2 Ac3 ! ! l .e4 cS 2.� d6 3.d4 cd4 tt:)f6 24.Ad6 Aa2 ! 25.lba2 !!aS-+ Suetin­ 5. .!2lc3 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.f3 o-o s .� d2 Sabo, 1967 17 .�g7 c;!?g7 liJdS 19.ed5 .!Llc6 9.Ac4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS 1 1.�b3 lL)eS 12.h4 hS 13.cct>b1 l!)c4 1 4.Ac4 l!c4 �a5 20.b3

[ 53 ]

Wolff · Kiril Georgiev

lS.lL)del bS 1 5 . . . �c7 1 6 .Ad4 ( 1 6.Ah6 Ae6 17 . .i.g7 r;t>g7 1 8.l!)f4 �aS 1 9.l!)e6 fe6 20.�h3 lifc S 2l .I;i.g3 lac3 22.bc3 Iic6 + Stin-A.Miles, 1974) 1 6 . . . Ae6 1 7 .b3 �c6 1 8.lbf4 lieS 1 9.l!)e6 fe6 �b8 21 .c4 b6Xl Matulovic-Mestel, 1 975 15 . . . Ae6!? 1 6.e5 lbe8 1 7.Ah6 _aes 1 8 . U8 r;t>f8 1 9.�e3 �aS 20.l!)d4 li)g7 2 l .li:le6 �-� Sax-Sosonko, 1 9 8 1 .


20.lihe 1 Af5 21 .ltld4 'tl:Vd5 22.l!e7 I!fc8 23 .l!a7 �c5 !? 24.l!)f5 'l!'f5 25.l!c1 �c5 ! ?oo Grunchacz-A.Miles, 1 9 80

20 . . . �cS 2 1.g4 lifc8 22.'1!'d4 cct>gS 23.lid2 h g4 24 .fg4 eS 25.de6 Ae6 E:eS 27.�d3 �dS 28.�d5 nds 29.g5 aS 30.l!hhl cct>f8 3I.r;t>b2 �e7 32.a3 ba3 33.'T!;a3 l!h8 34.l!df2 Af5 3S.l!)f4 lad4 36.c3 lad1 37.c4 'T!;d7 38.lDd5 Ae6 39.lLJf4 Ji.fS 40.ltld5 Ae6 4\f4 i!d4 42.l!)e6 fe6 43.laf7 c;Pc6


44.�f6 e5 45.lag6 IDth4 46.IDt4 IDt4 1 9.fg4 Ag4 < 19 . . . ttJg4 20.b3! ncs "7.lagS lag4 1/2·1h 21 .tLld5± V1ad-Lav.Kiss, 1 986) 20.e5 deS 2 1 .tLJe6 Ae6 22.�d8 �d8 23.!Id8 .i.fSoo [ 54 ] Sax - Ki.Georgiev 19 . . . e5 Burgas, 1992 19 . . . lib 1 20.!lh 1 �b6 21 .f5+20.fe5 l .e4 c5 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tLJd4 .!Of6 5.tLJc3 g6 6.Ae3 JJ..g7 7.f3 0-0 S.�d2 20.lL\de2 lah 1 2 1 .lih 1 lL\e4 22.tL\e4 �c6 9.Ac4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS l l.Ab3 (22.'t!fcl3? lac3 ! b. tLlf2) 22 . . . !ie4 23.fe5 �e5 12.h4 hS 13.Ah6 t0c4 14 .1c4 �c4 (23.tLlg3 laf4 24.�d6 '&e8 25.lae 1 lad4 15.Ag7 �g7 26.�c7 �fl 27.�e5 't!Vf6+) 23 . . . lae20 24.�h6!? (24.�e2 '/At'g5 25.�d2 �d2 26.�d2 de5=) 24 . . .'�fl 25.�h7 'it'e6 26.'t!fg6 �eS 27.IDt5 'it'f4 28.�d6 �f3 29.�d5 � f4 30.�d4 �f3 3 l .�d5 c;tff4 32.�d4 V1-V2 G.Gal-Nizynski. 199 1 20 . . . deS 21.ltJde2 •

16.g4 1 6)L\d5 ?! eS 17.ttJe2 ttJdS 1 S.�d5 .ae6 1 9. 'ti'd6 'ti'aS+ 1 6.�b1 �a5 ( 1 6 . . . a6?! 1 7 .ttJde2 ! . �a5 1 S . ttJ f4 Ae6 1 9 .tLJce2 ! ? �d2 20.lad2 Ad7 2 1 .b3 lac5 22, a4 !± Rogers­ Kudrin, 1987) 17.ttJb3 �c7 1 S.ttJe2 lacS 19.c3 bS 20.�e3 aS 21 .lL\f4 a4 22.ttJd2 e5 23.lL\d3_ lac6 24.tLlb4 �-Vl Marjanovic­ Tatai, 1988 16 . . . hg4 1 6 . . . e5 ? ! 1 7 .l/Jf5 ! gfS ( 1 7 . . . A f5 1 8 .g f5 lad4 1 9 . 'ti' f2±) 1 8 . g f5 A c 6 ( 1 8 . . . lad4 1 9.�g5; 1 8 . . . �h7 19.�d6±) 19.ladg 1 ! ( 1 9.lihg1 �h7 20.lag5 !Id4 !) 1 9 ... �h7 20.lag5 lagS 2 1 .lahg 1 bS 22.b3 ! lacS (22 ... lad4 2 3 . �g2 � f8 24.l/Je2+-) 23.�b 1 b4? (23 . . . �f80 24.lL\d 1 ! dS 25.lag8 ltJg8 26.�g5±) 24.ttJe2 dS 25.l/Jg3 lagS 26.�g5 �g8 27 .'t!ff6 de4 28 .l/Je2 1 -0 Khalifman­ Smirin, 19S8 17.h5 lah8 18.hg6 fg6 19.f4

2 1 .lL:Ie6 Ae6 22.'t!Vd8 nd8 23.lad8 ltJe4oo 2 1 . . .!1h3!? 2 1 . . .'�e7 22.g}t8 c;tfh8 23.lah1 �g8 24.tLld5 tLldS 25 .'�d5 '§'e6 (25 . . . JJ..e6 26.'§'e5 lac2 27.�d 1 !+-) 26.'/At'b7± 2 1 . . .lac8 22.'ti'g5 'ti'e7 23.tLJg3 �h 1 24.�h 1 lah8 25.lid 1 JJ..c S Vl-V1 Judasin­ Smirin, 1 987 22.'t!fg5?! 22.lahfl laf3 23.lah1 (23.laf3?! gf3 24.tLlg I 'ti'e7 25 .tLJf3 .1g4'+) 23 . . . lah3= 22 . . . 'ti'eS! 22 . . . �e7?! 23.IDt3 gh3 24.tLlg3 23.lah3 23.lahfl tLlh7 24.�d2 Ac8 25.'�d5 lac6+


2 1 .l:ihg 1 �n 22.h5 gh5 23 . .lag7 �s 25.l!d7 (25 ./0h5? �h 8 -+ ) �d7 24.f4 /0d3-+ Goinzburg-Soltis, 1 970 2l . . .g5! 26./0h5 �h8! 27.1!Ve5 �g8 28.1!Vg3 l;ic6 29./0d5 �d6 fl h2-+

23 . . . gh3 24.t:Dg3 t:Dh7! 25.'�e3

25 . . . Ag4 26.lan �dB 27..!Lld5 27 �a7 �d4! 28.'t\!'b7 �h6-+ 27 . . . �g5! 28.�bl Iid4 29.�c3 �dl 30.I!dl A.dl 3l.t:De3 A.f3 32./0en �f4 33.a4 lOgS 34.�c7 /Of7 3S.�d7 Ag2 36.�d3 �f2 37.�a2 �f3! 38.t:L)h2 �d3 39.cd3 �6 40.t;&b3 �gS 0-1 .'

[ 55 ] Miljanic - Kosanovic Beograd, 1 988

2 1 . . .lDh5 (2 l . . .gh5 22.f4 !+-) 22.f4

I.e4 cS 2.t:Df3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.t:Dd4 !Llf6 (22.1:lh5 gh5 23.E:g1 .£g4=) 22 . . . ll)d3 5.c.Jc3 g6 6.Ae3 A.g7 7.f3 0-0 8.'�"d2 23.�g6 tllg 7 24.�h7 �n 25 ..lah2 I!c8 t2lc6 9.�c4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 I!c8 l l.�b3 26.a4 �d4 0- 1 Durham-Kudrin, 1 989 ,!tJe5 1 2.h 4 h5 13.�h6 A.h6 14.�h6 �c3 22.�g5 15.bc3 �as 16.g4 22.1:lhg l (22.f4 lDd3-+) g4 23.�c l

1 6 . � e 3 la c S 1 7 .'�b2 ( 1 7 . � d 2 ? t2Jee4 ! J 8.fg4 :§.c3) 1 7 . . . �b6 1 8.'it;>a l �cS 1 9 .g4 a5 20.gh5 lDh5+ Pritceu­ Soltis, 1 976 1 6.�b2 .E.c8 1 7 .�d2 �b6 1 8. �a 1 a5 1 9.a3 �c5 20.�b2 Spassky-Mestel, 1 982; 20 . . . d5!+ 1 6.f4 �c3 ! (16 . . . ll:Jfg4 1 7.'t!!'g 5 �c3 1 8 .�b l tDc4) 1 7 . fe5 ( 1 7 . ll:Je2 �e3 1 8.'it;bl e6+; 1 7.'�b 1 ll:Jc4+) 17 . . . �a l 1 8.�d2 '&d4 1 9.� 1 �al 20.t;&d2 lDe4 2 J .�e3 �c3 22.I!d3 't!!'c5 23.�d4 A. f5+ I6 . �c.3 1 7.'i!;b 1 a5 18.gh5 1 8.a4 b5 1 9.ab5 a4 20.A.a2 a3 2 1 .�c l 5+ .£b 1 8 .t:Df5 Af5 J 9.gf5 a4+ 1 8 .a3 a4 1 9 . .£a2 .E.a8 20.g5 t2le8 . .

2 1 .t2lf5 A.f5 22.ef5 :§.a6 23.fg6 gb6+ Ci­ A.Miles, 1 979

(23.fg4 ll)d3 24.'t'#d2 �d2 25.Iid2 lDe5+) 23 . . . �c l 24.lac l �n+

22. . .'it>h7! 22 . . . �n 23.�d2=

23.I!h2!? 2 3 .' � d 2 ? ! ( 2 3 .�c l l1c8+) 1!'d2 24.I!d2 lDf3 ! 25.lDf3 lDe4+ Golubev­ Dautov, 1 985 23 ... l1g8 24.�f4 ll)c6!? 25.ll)f5 iUS

26.�f5 'it>hS+ 27.lac2 �e3 28.I!d6? �d4 29.l1d4 �d4+ 30.I!c8 lLJe8! 3l.e5 �d2 32.I!c2 l1gl 33.�b2 �d4 34.�a3 £:g8 35.l%c4 \'!rdS 36. \'!rf4 �e6 37.h6 b5 38.l:ic2 �g6 39.I!h2 ll)c7 40.h7 I!a8 4l.�b2 llld5 42.�e4 .§.a2! 0- 1

[ 56 ]

Lo Conte Lotti Fabio corr., 1 989

18 . . . a4 1 9.hg6 ab3 20.cb3 fg6

I.e4 cS 2.lLJf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll)d4 lllf6 20 . . . t2ld3 2 1 .gn (2 1 .I!h2 ! ? ,l;. c 8 5./0c3 g6 6.Ae3 A_g7 7.f3 0-0 8.�d2 22.1t!'e3 t2le5oo) 2 1 . . .�f7 22.�d2 �d4 /Oc6 9.�c4 Ad7 1 0.0-0-0 I!c8 I I .ib3 23.�d3= Gufeld tOeS I2.h4 hS 13.�h6 �h6 14.'�'h6 I!c3 2l.h5 15.bc3 't!l'aS 16.'it;>bl I!c8 .


1 6 . . . '§c3?! �cS ( 17 . . .'tl:Vb4? 1 8.Ild4! �b6 19 . .§.hd 1 aS 20.ll:)f4 a4 2 1 .ll:)g6 ll:)g6 22.:S.d6!+-) 1 8.g4 ! ( 1 8.ll:)f4 e6 1 9.'tl:VgS r:ti;g7 ll:)d3 2 l .lad3 .i.bS 22.c4 Ac600 ; 1 9.g4!? ll:)f3 20.gh5 ll:)hS 2 l .Ild3±) 18 . . . a5 ( 1 8 . . .hg4 1 9.hS ll:)hS 20.IDlS+-) 19.l!Jf4 e60 20.t0hS ! !± D.01tean-Necinger, 1 984 1 6 . . . bS 1 7 . g4 � c3 1 8 . ghS li)c4 1 9.�c 1 l!Jh5 20Jid3 �b4 2 l .�h6 labS 22.r:ti;n 1 �c5 23.lagl �e5 24.ligS �f4 2 S .lad 1 '/l!Ye3 26.lag6 1 -0 M a g e m ­ Romero, 1 987 1 6 . . . bS 1 7 .t0e2 'tl:Va3 1 8.l!Jf4 l!jc4 1 9 .li)d3 dS 20.e5 li)h7 2 1 .�cl �nS 22.t0b4 e6 23.f4 fS 24.ef6 ll:)f6co Lanc­ J.C.Diaz, 1 98 8 17.g4 17 .li)e2 AbS 1 8.lahe I ( 1 8.l!Jd4 .i.c4 1 9.g4 'tl:Vc3 20.ghS tOn 2 1 .Ild3 .1Ld3 22.J.f7 �f7 23.'ti'g6 1 -0 01te:m-Vegh, 1 983) 1 8 . . .ll:)c4 19.�a1 e6 20.lad3 l!JeS 21 .'tl:Vd2 ltld3 22.cd3 ltld7 23.l0d4 tOeS 24.J.c2 .1Ld3! 25.J.d3 eS+ Nicholson­ Meste1, 1 987 1 7.'tl:Vd2 �c3?! ( 1 7 . . . ltlc4; 1 7 . . . bS !) I S.'tl:Vc3 lac3 1 9 ..§.he l !reS 20.lae3 b5 2 l .�b2 aS 22.a3± Kribben-Mnndl, 1 982 17 . . . 'tl:Vc3 18.ghS l!Jc4 19 .1Lc4 lac4 •

20 . . .'�b4 2l.�b3 lDbS! 21 . . . a5? 22.hg6 a4 23.eS deS 24.lad7 lad4 25.g7 ltlh7 26.II.g l 1 -0 Howcii­ Cemmell, 1987 22.1lgl 22.1ld5 'tl:Vc3 23.nh5= Gallngher-Me­ ste1, 1987 22.'�gS l!Jf6 23.lahd1 lacS 24.�e3 aS 2 S .'§'e l '!lt'b6 2 6 .�c 1 lacS 27 .' t\t'c3 Ae6oo Schiller-Herbst, 1986 22 . . . �b6 23..l;tg5 23.lag2 .i.h3 24.lagd2 .i.e6 25.�e3 �e3 26 .!le3 �g7 27.lad4;!;; MainknKoch, 1989 23 . . . �f2 24.!id2 ! :S.b4 2S.!lb3 labJ 26.ab3 '§'h4+ 24 . . . �1"3 25.:S.dg2 .;of40 26.h5!= 26.la2g3? (26.lag l ? �e4-+) �d I 27.�b2 �c2 28.� 1 't\t'e4-+ 26 . . t0g2 27.hg6 �dl 28.�b2 �c2 29.�al �dl 30.�b2 �c2 'A-Ih ·


[ 57 ] Ivanov - D.Radulov Sofija, 1 98 8

l.e4 c S 2.�0 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.�d4 ll:)f6 g6 6..1Le3 J.g7 7.0 0-0 8.�d2 l!Jc6 9. .i_c4 .i.d 7 10.0-0-0 lacS l l.Ab3 ltleS 12.h4 hS 13.Ab6 Ah6 14.'�h6 Eic3 1S.bc3 �aS 16.�bl lacS 17.g4 ll:)c4 lS.ghS

20.lad3 20.'tl:Vd2 l0h5 2 l .�c3 llc3 22.�b2 Iic4 23 .'it>b3 bS 24.c3 l!Jf4 ! 2S.lld2 1 8.Ac4 Iic4 1 9 .tDe2 .Ae6 20.ghS? lia45S! Perilli-Picardi. 1 986 (20.�e3 �a3+; 20.�gS lacS+; 20.�d2 61

Iib4 2 1 . c b4 � a 2 -+ ; 2 0 . la d 5 oo) 20 . . . Iie4 ! 2 I .lt)c l (2I .lZJd4 Iid4 22.cd4 �a3 23.d5 .td5 24.nd5 lZJd5+) 21 . . . laa4 22.hg6 .aa2 23.�b2 f!a3 24.lZJe2 .tb3 ! 0- 1 Topuria-Dushkin, I 988 1 8.lad3 �a3 ( 1 8 . . . lZJa3 1 9.�b2 l2\c4 2 0 . �a 1 ) 1 9 . .tc4 Iic4 2 0 . e 5 ! tLld5 (20 ... de5 2 l .lt)b3 !) 2 l .gh5 lt)c3 22.l�c3 �c3 23.hg6+- Tolnai-Harlcanyi, 1 988 I 8.lad3 hg4 1 9.h5 gh5 20.fg4 �e5 2l .gh5 1 -0 Riemer-Pantaleoni, 1 989 1 8 ..Bd3 b5 !? 1 !? ( 1 9.gh5 lt)h5 20.E.g1 Iic5 2 l .'i!?a l Ci::Jg7 22.Ci::Je 2 .Bh5 23.�f4 !i)e6:o Rogic-Kosanovic, 1 98 7) 1 9 . . . .£.f5 20.gf5 't\!'a3 2 l .'t\Yc 1 � c 1 22.�c l gf5 23 .ef5 �c5 24.Iig 1 'it>fB 25.E.g5 lZJe5oo Jovcic-Kosanovic, 1 992

!i)e5 12.h4 hS 13 ..£.g5 I!cS 14.lahel b5 15.f4 '2\c4 1 5 . . . b4? ! J lt:ld.5 1 7.fe5 !±

t6.S.c4 1 6.�d3 '&b6 1 7 .Af6 .tf6 1 l:l.d5 ! 1 9.ed5 Ag4 Levi-Findlay, 1 983

16 . . . .l;c4 1 6 . . . bc4? ! 1 7 .Af6 ! Af6 ( 1 7 . . . ef6 1 Iic6 1 9.e5±) 1 8.e5 !± Karpov­ S osonko, 1 979

1 7.e5 1 7.JH6?! $.f6 1 8.e5 Ag7 1 9.lZJcb5 't\Yb8 ! 20.&.Jc3 de5 2 1 .fe5 Ag4+ Nunn­ A.Miles, 1 980

17 . . . b4

IS . . . !i)a3 1 8 . . . '2\h5 1 9.'2\e2 �e6 20. .Bhg l 0Jg7 2 1 .�g5 B.c5 22.�c l l!Ja3 23.'i!;>a l ..ac4 :!4 . .£c4 !i)c4 25.B.d5 !i:d5 26.ed5 � d5 27.�f4 tLle6+ Vlad-Gociani, 1987

19.�cl �c3 20.�d3 20.hg6 �a l 2 J .�d2 �d4 22.we l �c3 23.r;!1f2 lt)c4 24.Iihg l .£.e6 25 .6d3 �e5 26.Iig5 �h2 27.f!g2 �e5 28 ..Bg5 Y.z-'h Minibock-Pirisi, 1 987 20.�g6 'it'h8 2 l .�gl (2 l .�h6 li)h7) 2 I . . . A b 5 ! 2 2 . h 6 ! (2 2 . lt) b 5 ? 't\Y c 2 ) 22 . . . 't\Ya 1 2H!?d2 't\!'c3 Y.z-Y.z TishbierekPirisi, I 987

20 . . . 't\Yd3? 20 . . . 't\Y a 1 21 .\td2 'il:fh 1

2I.hg6 dS 22..Bgi �d4 23.gf7 �n 24._id5 Ae6 25 ..lag7 r;t>eS 26.�h8 cct'd7 27. ..1te6 �e6 28.'t\Yc8 !i!;e5 29.'t\Yc7 1-0

18.'�d3 1 8 .ef6 ef6 1 9.�d3 Iid4 20.'@d4 bc3 2 1 .'tl}'d6 fg5 22.'t\Yd7 'tl}'a5 23.Iie8! �a2 24 . .Bf8 Ji.fB 25 .bc3 gf4 26.'tl}'e8 'tl}'a3 27 .;!;>b1 �c3 2 8 . .Bd8 �b4= 1 8 .ef6 bc3 1 9.�e2 Iid4 20.fe7 'jgla5 (20 . . . Iidl !? 2 1 .tfd 1 'tl}'b6 22.efB� .tfB 23.b3 d5oo) 2 1 .ef8� r;!?f8� 22.'�e7 'itJg8 23 .'@d8 �dB 24 . .td8 cb2 25.'itJb l Iif4 26.Iid6 Ae6 27.Ae7 Iif2 28.Iig1 lae2 29 . .tg5 Ae5 3 0.lag d l Iig2 3 Uie6 fe6 32.Iid8 Y.z-Y.z Prikhodko-Todonsev, 1 9 86

18 . . . .l;d4 1 9.�d4 bc3 20.Af6 ef6

[ 58 ] Poleksic - Kosanovic

20 . . . �b8 2 l .bc3 ef6 22.ef6 Ah6+ Pula, 1 985 2 l .'�d6 �aS 22.�d7 'tlfa2 23.bc3 l.e4 c5 2.&.Jf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ltjd4 �f6 feS+ 24 ..Bd3 ..£h6 25.'t\Yb5 ef4 26.1!;>dl

5..:Uc3 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8.'&d2 a6 27.�d7 .:Uc6 9 ..ltc4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 .l;cS I I ...itb3 27.'t\Yb3 '@'a1 28.'itJe2 Iie8-+ 62

27 . . . a5 28.E!e4 �b l 29.�e2 a4 30..§.a4 30.'�a4 �g 1 30 . . . '§'c2 3l.�n l:I.b8 32. .§.d2 1ib l!;>f2 �c1 34..§.a8 .trs 35.c;!;>O 'tl¥c3 36.�d3 �b4 37.�d4 '!l:Vb7 38.'t:':fd5 'tfie7 39.'�d3 .§.fl ! 40.t{f2 '{i9b7 0-1

[ 59 ]

Beliavsky Kiril Georgiev

Wijk aan Zee. 1985 1.e4 c5 2.Ct)f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.tDd4 .!L\f6 5.tDc3 g6 6.Ae3 i.g7 7.0 0-0 8.�d2 tDc6 9.Ac4 .ad7 10.0-0-0 l!c8 11.Jl.b3 tDe5 12.h4 h5 13.i.g5 !lc5 14.t{hel 'tl¥a5 15.�bl !le8! 1 5 . . . !lfc 8 ? ! 1 6.tDdS �d2 17 . .§.d2 lDd5 1 8.ed5 lDc4 19.Ac4 lic4 20.lie7± 16.f4 1 6.�de2 ( Ae6 ! 1 7 . .!i.:\f4 lL!c4 1 8.i.c4 i.c4 19.b3? Jl.b3-+ 1 6.�d5 �d2 17 .lid2 lL!dS 1 8 .ed5 lDc4!+ 1 6.a3 !? (.6..!.a2) 16 . . . lL!c4! 1 6 . . . �c6 1 7.e5 ! deS 1 8 ..2. f7 ! ! �f7 19.lL!b3 '§'b4 20.�c5 �c5 21 .i.f6+-16 . . . �eg4 17.e5 !+-17.i.c4 t{c4 18.A.f6! 1 8.�b3 ( 1 8.e5 �dS !) �a6 19.e5 lL!g4 20.ed6 (20.�d5 deS 2 1 .lL!e7 !I.e? 22.i.e7 .trs 23.lic l ef4-+) 20 . . . i.c3 2 l .bc3 e6! 22.i.e7 liec8+ 18 . . . i.f6 19.�d5 �d2 20.�f6 ef6 21.lid2 fS!=

22.b3 !lc3 23.itd3 t{d3 24.cd3 fe4 25.de4?! 25 .lie4 fl.e4 26.de4 Ac6 27 .�b2 Ae4 28.g3 a6 29.b4 != 25 . . . i.f5! 26.�5 gf5 27.e5 (27 . . . f6! (28.e6 c;!;>f8.6. r:i;e7, .§.c8+) deS 29.fe5 lieS! (29 . . . fe5 30.fl.d7 e4 3 1 . Wei=) 30.1id7 !le2 31.!lb7 1ig2+) 1/z.l/z

[ 60 ]

Sadovoi - Lecroq corr., 1 992

l.e4 c5 2.t[IO d6 3.d4 cd4 4.�d4 �f6 5.lL!c3 g6 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.0 0-0 8.'§'d2 !bc6 9.Ac4 id7 10.0-0-0 lieS 11.i.b3 lL!e5 12.h4 h5 13.i.g5 !lcS 14.f4 1 4.�de2 b5 1 5.Af6 Jl.f6 I 6.f4 tDc4 1 7 .Jl.c4 lic4 1 8 .e5 Ag7+ Whitehead­ A.Miles, 1980 14 . . . �c4 1 4 . . . �eg4 1 5 .1ihe I b5 1 6.e5 b4 17 .�e4 ! �e4 1 8.!le4 d5 19 ..§.e2! f6? ! ( 1 9 . . . aS 20.e6!±) 20.Af6 !+-- Petelin-AI­ terman, 1 988 15.'�d3 1 5 .�e2? Ag4 1 6.�f3 �b2! 17.c;!;>b2 �aS 1 8 .�b1 �e4 19.c;!;>c 1 �c3 20.ti)c3 �a3 2 1 .ci!;>d2 Ac3 0- 1 Enzuist-Sand­ strom, 1 989 1 5.i.c4 iic4 1 6.�d3 ( 1 6.e5 ti)e8.6. f6) 1 6 . . . licS?! ( 1 6 . . . 1ic3 1 7.bc3 ti)g4co) 1 7.e5 i.g4 l 8.lL!f3 Af5 19.'�e3 �a5 20..i.f6 ! ef6 2 l .ed6± Ziatdinov-Galahov, 1 9 85


20.lahe i fg5 ! 2 l .t;Jg5 �f6-+; Ab 5 20.�d5 'i!?h8 2 l .'t!¥b5 f g 5 ! -+ ; I 9.B.he i ed6 20.t;Jd6 t;!;>h7 ! 2 l .f5 tt)d6 22.fg6 'it'h8 23. Af4 �e5 24.1i.e5 fe5 25.t;Jf3 e4 ! 26.'�d6 ef3 27.l:re7 li.g4 ! 28.'�'e5 �d 1 !!-+ Ljubojevic-A.Miles, I 9 8 0 ) 19 ... lLlf2 2 0 .� g 6 li. e 8 ? (20...�e8 !) 2 l.�g7 r;!;g7 r;!;g8 fg5 24.de7 fif4 25.lod5+- Ti m­ ma n-Schenk, 1986

lS . . . bS

17 ...�g5 16.e5 16.f5?! ( lL!b2 ! ) tt)e5 17.�e3 a5 18.fg6 lL!g6 19.a3 b4 20..£f6 .£f6 2 l . �a4 �a4 22.Aa4 �b6 23.£h3 ba3 24 . '& a3 .ad4 2 5. lrd4 .Irc2 26.r;!;c2 �d4-+ Ivan ovic-A.Miles, 1980 I 6 . .£f6 Af6 17 .e5 Ag 7 18.l2!e4 ( 18.e6?! fe6 19.'@'g6 .E:f4 20.t?le6 Ae6 2 1 .W'e6 �h8 22.lud5 £f'2 23.-E:hf l ? .E:d5! 24.'�d5 Ah6 25.�b1 I;.f l 0-1 Hlavac­ Vag e n k n echl, 1984) 18 ...l':ic8 ! 19.e6 £e6 20.t2le6 Ab2 2 l .�b1 fe6 22.t2lg5 .£.f6� Pokojowczyk-Mestel, 1980 16.!lh f l 'l?:l'a5 !? 17.f5 �h7 IS.Af6 ef6 19.g4 !? �e5 20.'�e2 �g4? (20. . . llc3! 2 l .bc3 �c3 22.lL!b5 �b5 23.'�'b5 �a1 24.�d2 '@'d4=) 21.'Ct'b i t2le5 22.lL!d5± A.Gonzalez-Markeluk, I987 16... !2Jg4 I 6 ...de5?! I7.$i.f6 .if6 I .Ub2 !? 19.�g6 Ag7± K lovans­ Gufeld, I 978 I 6 ... '&b6 17 ..£ f6 e f6 I 8.e6 fe6 19 . �g6 Ae8 20.'@'g3 .£n 2 l . f5 ef5 22.l;h f l ± 17.ed6 17.e6!? .:t.Jf2 ( 1 7... fe6 I8.�g6 '@e8) 18.en �h7 19.�e2 �h i 20.Ae7 '@c8 21..£ f 8 � f S 22 ..:t.Je6 ..ae6 2 3 .�e6 Benino-Pin ardo, I985; 23 ... tt)g3oo 17.t;Je4 Bc8 (17 ... Bd5 18.t;Jd6!) 18.ed6 f6 19.lLlc3!? (19.d e 7 ? 'fif e ?

17 ... tt) f2 ? ! ( l 7 ... f6 1 8 . lL! c b 5 ; l 7 ...�d6 18.'�g6) 18.'f!'O !? l::l 1 8. . . o.?Jd l l 9.de7 �a5 20.efB� r;& rs 2 l .ladl .ag4 !+- Nun n 17 ... .:l)d6 I 8.�g6 (18.lL!e4 tt)e4 19.�e4 lL!f2 20.�g6 lac4 21.1i.c4 bc4 f g6 23.t2ld8 .£g4+; 18.lahfl lit;h7 19.�e4 tt)e4 20.�e4 t;Jf6 2 l .�e3 !? �c8!l::l 22.�e7 fie8 23:�n laf8 24.'�e7 �e8=) 1 8 . (18. . .l0f2 l 9.Ah6 lL!e8 2 0 .lZ:le6 ! ) 1 9 . 't!# e 4 ( 19 .' �h 5 l0f2 ) 19 ...� f2 20. �e7 l;g5 2 l . �d8 ladR 22.hg5 lZ:lh 1 (22 ...$i.d4 23.ltd4 lL!h I 24.�b5;t) 23.l2\c6 .£c6 �h7oo 18.hg5 I8.fg5!? ( l 8.�e2 e5; I8.de7 'f!Je7 19.hg5 lZ:lf2 20.'tt' e2 �e3) .!Lif2 19.'�e2 .t)d1 20.fid 1 (20.de7 t;Jc3 21.bc3 �aS 22.e f8't\l' 'it;f8 23. .£c4 �c3 24.l2\b5 li.b5 25.$i.b5 �a 1=) 20 ... �d6 2 l .l[Jcb5! l2\b5 22.l0b5 Ab5 23 .li.n! r;!;h8 24.1it'b5 'f!Jc7


25.Ab3 ttVf4 26.�b 1 �h4± Rocha­ Langier, 1989 18 . . . �f2 19.'�e2 tl)d1 20.l:rd1 20.de7 tbc3 2 1 .bc3 ttVa5 22.ef8� �fBco 20.tlJd5 Ad4 ! 2 1 .de7 Ab2 22.�d t �g4 20 . . . tl)d6 20 . . . ed6 21 .tlJcb5 Ab5 22.lob5 t0b2 23.l:id6± 21.�d3 21 .tl)cb5? tl)b5 .Ab5 23.'�b5 .1ib2-+ 2l . . .b4! 2 1 . . . Ag4 22.l:id2 �bS (22 . . . �h7 23.lL!db5±) 23.'t!fg6 tl)c4 24.Ac4 bc4 25.'�e4 e6 26..!0c6! �b6 27 .lL!e5 'tlfg I 28.lod l c3 29.bc3 Ad l (29 . . . .1e5 ! ? 3 0.'t!fe5 Ad l 3 l .l:id 1 1/!l'g2 3 2 .' �d4 �g4;t) 30.l:id 1 ± Klovans-Ivanchuk, 1987 22.lL!d5 aS 22 . . . e5? ! Af6 24.�g6 .1g7 25.fe5 ! 23.'t!fa6 $h8!= 24.lL!b6 $_g4 25.l:id3 '§'c7! ( 2 6 . 'ff a 5 ? tl)b7 2 7 . 't!Vb4 't!V f4 -+) 26 . . . 'ffc5 ! 27.'t!fb6 't!Vb6 .:Of5 Ae2 30.l:id2 AbS+ 24 . . . Ac6 2S.'§'c6 tbiS 26.g4 26.c3? bc3 27.bc3 �b8+ 28.g4 lieS 29.�b6 Ulibin-Shirov, 1 988; 29 . . . hg4 30.�b8 l:rb8 3 U � g l I:!cS! 32.�g4 e6!-+ 26 . . . tl)d4 26 . . . hg4? 27.fih l �g8 28.'t!fg6 !+27.�c4 e6! 27 . . . lt:)b3 28.�b3 !? e6� 28.c!L)e3? 28.fid4 ed5 29.lid5 'ti'eS+ i.f6 29.gf6 lt)b3 30.ab3 't!Vf6 3 1 .gh5 gS 32.fg5 �g5 33 .�b l fi.dS 34.fi_d8 �d8 35.'ttc5= 28 . . . h4!+ 29.Aa4

29 ..lih l �gS !? 29 . . .'t!Vd6 30 .rut .§.d8 3l.'�'d3 'f§e7 32.tbc4 eS! 33.fe5 33.!le I lL!e6 33 . . . �g5 34.�bl tl)c6 35.'t!fe2 tOeS 3 6 . A b 5 ? ! tl)g4 3 7 . ,1 e 8 �e3 ! ? -+ 38.'tlt'e3 't!fe3 lieS 40.t0c4 h3 41 .fih 1 'it>g8 42.a3 �e4 43.CL\a5 ba3 0-1 •

[ 61 ]

Adams - Tiviakov Oakham, 1990

l.e4 c5 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.l0d4 lt)£6 g6 6.Ae3 i.g7 7.0 0-0 8.�d2 tl)c6 9.$_c4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 fi_c8 l l.Ab3 tl)e5 12.h4 h5 13.Af5 E:c5 14.f4 t0c4 1S.'tvd3 tbg4 16.Ac4 �f2 17.'t!Ve2 l0h 1

18.Ab3 1 l0g3 1 9.1/!l'd3 Ac3 20.bc3 't!Va5co 1 8.t0d5 I:id5 1 9.Ad5 �b6 20.!r.h 1 Ad4 2 1 .c3 l:c S 22.'�c2 (22.�c2 e6 23 . .tb3 a5 ! ? 24 .a4 �b4 ! +) 22 . . . e6 2 3 . Ab3 Ag7 24.!lfl ?! (24 . f5 ! ? e f5 25.�fl co) 24 . . . aS 25.f5 a4 26.fe6 fe6 27.$_a4 �a6+ Mironenko-Stavich, 1988 I 8 . f5 t0 g 3 1 9 . �d3 b5 20.Ab5 (20.Af7 l:if7 2 l .fg6 �fl ! 22.l:if1 tOft 23.'t!ffl �rs 24.'�d3 Ad4 ! 25.'t!Vd4 '§'fl ; 20.Ab3.1id4! 2 1 .�d4 l:ic3 !) 20 . . . Ab5 2 1 .t0cb5 a6 ! 22.'t!fg3 ab5 23.fg6 fg6 24.t0e6 �c8+ 18 . . . a5 18 . . .Ag4 1 9.l0f3 t0g3 20.'�e l !


'it>h7 27.Af8+-) 26.\1/Nd l Adl 27.'�dl 19.f5 1 9.:::�4 !? 'tUb6 20.f5:::o (2Q 'LJf3? .ac3 E.n 2S . �n 2 9 . r.t'e2± Klovans­ Tivi:::�kov, 199 1 2 J .bc3 :Sc3+) 19 . . . l:!g5 19 . . . a4 20.Ad5!? 1 9 . . . lL!g3? 20.�el ± 20 . lL!a4 ! ? (20.An �n-+) -�-a4 1 9 . . . Ac 3!? 20.bc3 Ilg5oo 2 t ...aa4 ll:Jg3 22.�d3 (22.'�t'e3 lac4!+) 1 9 . . . .9:c3 ? ! 20.bc3 �f2 (20 . . . liJf2 22 . . .Ad4 23.�g3 Ag7 24.Ab3 �h8oo .•

2 I ..E.d2! t:Jg4 22.e5±) 2 1 .'�el ! �e 1 0 2 2 . .E.e l liJ g 3 ( 2 2 . . . ll:Jf2' 23.I!e2 ll:Jg4 2 4 . Ae 7 ± ) 2 3 . ..a e 7 li e S ( 2 3 . . . .a c 3 24 ..I;:e3 ! Iie8 25 ..£d6 lt:le4 26 ..aeS+-) 24 ..$i.d6 .'2le4 25.�e5 !±

20 . . . '@'e8 20 . . . a 3 ! ? 2 1 . fg 6 ? ( 2 l . � e 3 ! oo) 21 . . . Ag4 22.gf7 ¢'h8+ 2l.g4? 2 1 .a3 ! (2 J .fg6? e6+) Ad4 (2 I . . . e6? 22.f6 Ah8 23.Aa2±) 22.ad4 e6 23.fe6 (23.�a2 ef5) 23 . . . fe6 24.Aa2 :Sg5 ! ? 25.hg5 'f1Je7oc

20.hg5 20 ..'2!g5 .£,g4 ! ? 2 I .t2lf3 .ic3 22.bc3 � f2 ! x 23.� f2 ( 23 .\t-d2? Af3 ! 24 .gf3 � h 4 + : 2 3 . £, c 4 �e2 24 .Ae2 c.Jg3 25 .1:.d3 fS !+) 2 3 . . . ll:Jf2 24.lae l .a r3 25.gf3 lUh3 26.f5 �g7=

21 . . .hg4 22.'file3 2 2 . h 5 ( 2 2 . �g4 lt:lf2-+) l2\ g 3 ! ? 23.�g4 ll:Jh5+

20 . . . Ac3 2 1 .£h l

22 . . . e6 23.f6 Ah8 ! 24..ib3?

2 1 .bc3!? .'2lf2 22 .Efl ll:Jg�

24. Ab7 �d8 25.:£h I Af6 2 6 . .i f6 �f6�

2 1 . . . .1.b5!

24 . . . e5! 25.�f5 gf5 26. .9:d6 �c6 0-1

[ 62 ]

Anand - Tiviakov Moskva, 1 989

J .e4 c5 2.�0 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ll:Jd4 ..'(Jf6 5.,!0c3 g6 6..t,e3 �g7 7.f3 0-0 8.�d2 l1)c6 9..tc4 �d7 10.0-0-0 .§.cS l l.Ab3 t2le5 12.h4 h5 13...tg5 �c5 14.f4 !Z:Ic4 15.�d3 ll:Jg4 16 . .t,c4 tt)f2 17.�e2 -1Jh l 18.ib3 �b6 19.ttJf3 19 .�d5? �d.S 20.ed5 .id4 2 l .:Sh I f6 2Lth6 (22. �e7 :. n 2 3 . '&e4 ii.f5

24.�e8 :gfB-+) 22 . . . .a.n+ I 9 . f5 ! ? Ad4 20.f:d4 .s rs 2 J . e f5 (2 l .�d l ? :ggs 22.hg5 Ag4+; 2 I .A.e3 ? ! o2lg3+) 2 1 . . . �d4 22.fg6 (22.'t\!l e l �f5 23.�h 1 e6oc) 22 . . . �g1 (22 . . . e6 23.�h5 fg6 24 .�g6 �g7 25.Ae6 Ae6 26.�e6 �f7 27. �d6i) 23 ..-dd I (23.'it>d2 �d4 !=) 23 . . ..£g4 24.gf7 'itg7 (24 . .l;n 2s . .£n �f7 26.�e7 �g8 27.�d6+-) 25.�d2 �d l c2 fS ! 44.lih3 IDt8 4S.!ig3 'lt'h6 23.ab5 lib5 24.'ti'd6 �d6 25.lid6 lL!g4 46.c;!;ld2 .§.h7 47.c;t?e3 .§.g7 48..§.h3 c;t>gS 26.!ld7± Belov-Nikolaev, 1 9 84 49 . .§.h8 f4 SO.c;t>f2 �g4 5 l..§.d8 e3 18.ed5 67

1 8.Ad5 gf3 1 9.c3 g4+ 18 . . . gO 19.Ildg1 19.c3 g4 20.'i!;lb l �b6 2l .Ac2?! lf:lc4 22.�c1 l1c8 23 . .'2lf5 lt:la3 24.'it'a 1 Ilc3 ! ! 25 . .'2le7 �111 0-1 Koval-Berrilan, 1 9 85 19 . . . g4 20.�f4 h7 21.'i!;lb1 Ilg8+ 22.r;&a1 22.c3 !? Ag5 23.ii.c2 r;&h6! Af5 25.§'f5 Ilg7+ 22 . . . �gS 23.�e4 b6 24.c3 �c8 25.£a4! 25 .Ac2 I!g7 .6.f5 25 . . . £50 26.�b 10 26.Ad7 fe4 27.ii.c8 lieS-+ 26 . . . I1f8 27.�d7 �d7 28.�e6 Ilf6 29 . .'2lg5 c;t'gS 30.h6! ID"8 30. . . I!h6? 3 l .�c 1 f4 32.IDt6 r;&h6 33.�f4 r;&g6 34.l1h l +-3 1 .�e1 g6 32.b7 r;&g7 33.�e3 r;!;:h8! 33 . . . f4? 34.�f4 ! 34.�h6 Ilf6 35.�hS f4 36.'�\lgS 1118 37.'�'h6 �e8 38.Ilh5 f2 39.�0 !rf6 40.'�g5 g3 0-1

[ 64 ]

I vanovic - Sadiku Jugoslavija, 1 985

l.e4 c5 Vof3 d6 3.d4 cd4 li:lf6 5 . .'2lc3 g6 6.Ae3 �g7 7.f3 0-0 8.�d2 �c6 9.i.c4 ..ad7 10.0-0-0 I1c8 1 1.Ab3 �e5 12.h4 hS 13.�g5 Ilc5 14.g4 hg4 lS.hS tt:lh5 1 5 . . . Ilc3 !? 1 6.h6? ! (1 6.bc3) 1 6 . . . �f3 17 .o2lf3 ti)e4 1 8.hg7 tl\d2 1 9.gf8� �111 20 . .'2ld2 Ilb3 ! 2 l .tl\b3 f6+ Tarkach-Se­ ledkin, 1 987 16.f4 lt:lc4 17.�e2


17 . . .Ilg5! 1 7 . . . b 5 1 8 . f5 �a5 ! ( 1 8 . . . �b 6 ? 19.�g4 li:lb2 20.Ae7 ! li:ld 1 2 l .�g6! l:if5 22.Bh5 ! 1 -0 Ivanovic-Kosanovic, 1 985) 1 9.'t:Ng4 tl\b2 20.ii.e7 lt:lc4! 2 l .li:lbl lle8 22.ii.g5 d5 !-+ Kucin ar- I .Markovic, 1 986 18.fgS b5 1 8 . . . ltJe5 1 9 . ll h 5 ? ! ( l 9.�e3 e 6 20.ltJdb5 Ab5 2 l . l0b5 ttJf3 ! 22.ltJd6 �g5 23.'t:Ng5 lOgS+) 1 9 . . . gh5 20.�h2 g3 !+ Kajumov-Serper, 1 986 19.�cb5 1\f5?! e6 ! 19 . . . ltJa5 1 9 . . . ..ab5? 20.Ac4± 1 9 . . . ttJe5!? 20.�f5 20.ti)c3?! ltJg3 2 l .�h2 ltJhl 22.llh1 ltJb3 23.ab3 lle8+ 20 . . . e6 20 . . . l0b3 2 1 .ab3 e6 22.ltJg7 �g5 23.�d2! �d2 24.lld2 r;&g7 25.ltJd6oo 21.l0g7 21 .lL!fd6? �g5 2 1 . . . �g5 22.b 1 �bS 22 . . . ti)g3 !+ 23.'�e10 l0b3 24.ltJhS ghS 2S.ab3 '&'eS 26.�h4 Ae2 27.�d6! �g7 28.!1c6 .an 29.b4 !? ..ae4 29 . . . ..ah I ? 30.llc5 30.�e1

30.I!c5 AdS 3 1 .�h5 �hS 32. .§.h5 �g6+ 30. . . �1'5 31 .§.c5 AdS 32.�a1 .§.b8 33.b5 a6 33 . . . �f4 !+ 34.�g3 34.ba6? 1§'f4 ! 3S ..§.a5 1§'b4 34 . . ..§.bS 35.'§c3 'tlff6 36 .§.e5! �g6 37.'ti'd3 �h6 38.�e3 �g6 39.�d3 �g7 40.'tlfd4 'tlffl 41..§.e1 eS?? 4 1 . . . 'tlff6 42..§.e5= 42.'ti'd2?? 42.�e5 �f60 43 . .§.d5+42 . . . 1§'!4 43. .§.dS?? 4H!fd5+43 . . . �d2 44..§.d2 rs 45..§.d6 e4 46.c4 .§.eS 47.b4 f4 48.c5 e3 49.c6 f3 50.:ad7 �h6 51.c7 C2 52..§.bl e2 53.c8't!¥ el'§ 54 .§.n .§.e8! 55.�c6 .§.e6 56.ID6 .§.f6 57.'§!6 �h7 'n-lh •

23 .fg6 e6 �n 25.!ie 1 e5 26.'�b3 �f8 27.lafl g3 !+ Valiente-Romero Hol­ mes, 1 990 1 8.'@'f2 b5 19.fS aS ( 1 9 . . . lad5 20.ed5 � b 6 2 l . c 3 b.Ac2co) 2 0 . a4 ba4 ? (20 . . . .§.dS 2 l .ed5 �b6 22.c3 lL!eSco) 2 l ..i.c4 .§.c4 22 ..§.h5 ! ghS 23.f6 ! e6 2 4 . tt:\ e 7 lae7 2 S . fg7 ! +- B ec e rra­ A.Martinez, 1990 18 . . . b5 19.f5

[ 65 ] Fernandez Aguado Hoffman

Benidonn, 1 989

1.e4 cS 2.lL!f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.lL!d4 lL!f6 S.lL!c3 g6 6.i.e3 A g7 7.!3 0-0 8.�d2 lL!c6 9.A.c4 A.d7 10.0-0-0 lacS ll ..i.b3 lL!eS 12.h4 hS 13.A.g5 .§.cS 14.g4 hg4 15.h5 lL!h5 16.lL!d5 .§.e8 17.!4 17 ..§.h5 gh5 1 8.'f!h2 .§.d5 ( 1 8 . . . gf3? 1 9.'f!h5 f2 20 . .§.h 1 'fS'a5 2 l .c3 �a6 22.'ti'h7 �f8 23.Ah6 fl� 24.Actl ! !!c3 25 .bc3 �a3 26.�b l 'ti'a2 27.�a2 �g2 28.Ac2+- Gude-Engl, 1987) 1 9 .Ad5 'ti'b6 20. �h5 e6 2 t ..tb3 gf3 ! 22.Ah6 Ah6 23.�h6 f2 24.lL!f5 ef5 25.!!h 1 fl 'f!l 26.laf1 d5 0- 1 M.Gonzalez-Romero Hol­ mes, 1 987 17 . . . lL!c4 18.�d3 18.Ac4 .§.c4 1 9.lL!f5 .trs ( 1 9 . . . gf5 20.�h26. lL!f6 21 .lL!f6 ef6 22.�h7 �f8 23.Ah6 Ah6 24.�h6 �e7 25.e5!+-) 20.ef5 lad4 21 .'f!e3 !!d1 22.lad 1 '§'d7

19 . . . .td4 1 9 . . . a5 20. .i.c4 bc4? ! (20 . . . .§.c4 !?co) 2 l .'@'e3 f6 22...Q.h6 e6 23.fg6 ed5 24..i.g7 �g7 25.1lh5 1 -0 Donchev-Semkov, 1981 1 9 ... .§. d S 20.edS .i. d 4 2 1 . fg6 (2 1 .'@'d4?! A.fS 22.Ac4 bc4 23.'ti'c4 'f! c 8 + H e l l sten-B o u g h e rt y , 1 9 8 S ) 2 l . . . A b 2 22.�b 1 fS 2 3 .lahS �aS (23 . . . Ag7 24.'ti'g3! tileS 25.'ti'h2 tt:\g6 26..§.h7 .i.eS 27 .'f!/hS tt:\h8 28 ..§.h 1 +-) 24 . .i.d2 (24 . .§.dh 1 Ag7 25 .�g3 'ti'c3 26.�c3 Ac3 27.Ac4 bc4+ Donchev­ Semkov, 1982) 24 . . . lL!d2 2S.�b2 lL!c4 (25 . . . tt:\e4 26. �e3 e6 27 .labS ! 1 -0 Martin Gonzalez-A.Romero, 1984) 26.�b 1 tt:\a3 (26 . . . �b4 ! 27.c3 'ti'cS 28 .!ldh 1 'ti'f2 29 . .§.5h2 'ti'f4 30.Ac4 bc4 3 l .'ti'e2 �g7 32.lah7 �g6 33.I!e7 I!e7 34.'�e7 'ti'e4 35.'ti'e4 fe4co Nevcevski-Poleksic, 1 988) 27.�c 1 'ti'b4 28.I!fl (28 . I!dh 1 �f4 29.�b2 lt:lc4; 28.Ilf5 ! ? lt:lc4 ((28 . . . Af5? 29.�f5 lafS 30.'f!/e6 �g7 3 1 .'ti'e7 �g6 3 2 . 'ti' f8 +- ) ) 29 . .,tc4 bc4 30 . .§. f4 ! )


2 8 . . . 't!l' e4 ( 2 8 . . . l H8? 2 9 .' � e 3 f4 30.'t!!' e 7+-) 29.'�l-'e4 fe4 30.lin ! b4 ! 3 l .S>d2 a5 32.c;t>e3 a4 33.'i;f4 ab3 34.cb3 lLlb5 35 .S>e4 tLlc3 ! 36.'i!?d4 g3 37 ..!ihh7 Yl-Yl Bellon-Sosonko, 1 985 20.fg6 20.�d4 }1d5 !? (20 . . . e5 2 l .Ad8 ed4 22.tLlf6 'i;g7 23 .Lt:le8 .2.e8 24.Ac4?! ((24 ..E:d4 !?)) Iic4oo Hellsten- Macleod, 1 985) 2 1 .�d5 e6 22. .ad8 ed.5 23 .fg6 fg6 24.Jl.g5� 20 . . . .ab2 2I.!it'b1 fg6 22..lTh5 Ag7 23 ..E:h2

23 . . . �d5 ! 24.�d5 e6 25.Ad8 ed5 26.-th..t d4 27.Ag3 }1e4 28.�d6 Ae6+ 29.�c5 g3 30.!ihh1 g2?! 31.l:!hg1 .Eel 32..td4 �d4 33 ..l3.d4 �7 34.a4 lLla3 35.'itb2 �c2 36 ..2.c2 $i.f5 37.ab5 Iic2 38.c3 ID3 40.�d2 l:ib3 4I .�a4 �b5 42.�a7 al �a6 35.�e8 .i. g8 36.�bl �dJ 37.�a1 f2 0- 1

[ 68 ] !.Markovic - Payen Singapore, 1 990

17 . . . 'LlbS!

l.e4 e5 2.�0 d6 3.d4 ed4 4.�d4 �f6 1 7 . . .bS 1 8.�db5 ( 1 8.ed6 b4!? 1 9.de7 s.�eJ g6 6.Ae3 ,ag7 7.0 0-0 8.'tVd2 �e7oo) 1 8 . . . .i.c6 1 9.ef6 ef6 20.�d6 Hc3 �e6 9.Ae4 Ad7 10.0-0-0 lieS u .abJ 2 1 . 'tVc3 .llh 1 22.�fS 'tVb6 ALbert-Dur­ �e5 1 2.h4 h5 13.Ag5 lieS 14.g4 hg4 ham, 1 987; !± 15.f4 li)e4 16.-&e2 b5 17.fS .

1 7 . . . li)h7 ? ! 1 8 .'tVd3 lld4 1 9.�d4 1 7.eS ? ! deS 1 8.�db5 tt:)b2! 19.�b2 Ac6 ( 1 9 . . . tt:)gS 20.hg5 .ars 2 1 .�d5 �d7 ( 1 9. feS ti:ld1 +) 1 9 . . . '&a5 20.lld7 �d7 22.lld2 lieS 2 3 . c 3 �e6 24 . .§.dh2±) 2 I ..ae7 lic3 ! + Westerinen-Mestel, 1 979 f6? (20 . . . de5 2 1 . '&cS A dS 17 . . . gf5 22.lld5±) 2 l .�c4 c;t>h8 22.hS+- Sher­ zer-Kudrin, 1 98S

18.�d3 1 8.ed6? lld4 1 9.de7 lld2 20.ed8'tV lld 1 2 l. .�d1 lld8 22.Ad8 Ac6-+

18 . . . lld4! 19.�d4 Ae6 20.�dS f6 21.�e4 �h8 22.f5 fg5 23.fg6 llf4 ! !

18.Af6 71

1 8.ef5 .§e5! 1 9.t\ld3 ( 1 9.�g2 /Ue3 20. .te3 �e3 21 .lbd5 �d5 22.Ad5 e6; 1 9 . � f2 lbe4 20. /Ue4 !ie46 � b 6 ) 1 9 . . . �c80 2 0 . Ii d f 1 ( 2 0 . A f6 A f6 21 .tt:le4 Ag7!+) 20. . . /UdS! 2 1 ./UdS .E.d5 22.f6 ef6 23.Af6 Hartman-Kir.Georgiev, 1 985; 23 . . .'�'c5 24.Ag7 (24.c3 Ah6 2s ..a8s .a8s 26.hgs �gs-+> 24 . . . �g7 25 ..E.f4 f5+

22 . . . /U e S (22 . . . .t d 1 ' 2 3 . lbc 6 ! ) 23.Bdg l �d7 24.tL\d5 .§e8 25 ..§h5 /Ug6 26.!ig5 23..bdgt rs 23 . . . �d7 24.i.c4 bc4 25 .lah4 f5 24.lah5 ! neS! 2S ..tc4 bc4 26.l:US §'h4 26 . . . ae 1 ? 27.I!el .trs 28.l0f5 �g5 18 . . . .tf6 29.lL!e3 27.liJf3 �h6! 1 8 . . . ef6 1 9 . Ac4 ( 1 9.ef5 ? ! A h 6 20.�b1 lL!e3 2 1 .Ildgl af5 ! 2 2..!Llf5 .Af5 27 . . . �h3 28.�g5 �f8 29.�5g4 �f3 23. :S.g3 E.e8 !co) 1 9 . . . fe4 ? ! ( 1 9 . . . !ic4 30.l1g8 �e7 3 I .Ii.e 1� 20.ef5 .th6 2 I .�bl �h7 22.'�g4 lagS 28.�d l t»'g6 23.�h5 B,g7 24.�d5 !±; 19 . . . bc4 !? 20. 28 . . J �e l ? 29.�e 1 �e6 30.ltJe5 ! ef5 Ah6 2 l .�b1 .§eS ! ?;l;) Mark Cejtlin­ �f8 ! 3 1 . l H7 � e 8 3 2 . .§g4 t\leS B.Aitennan, 1 991 ; 20. .tb3 ! f5 2 l .�d5 33.Be4� Ah6 2 2.'� b l Ae6 2 3 . lL!e 3 ! � d 7 29.l!g4 'ii' g4 30..§.gS 'tigS 3 l.ltJg5;;!; 24 . .E.hf1 ± dS?!

1 9.ef5 1 9.t2lf5 laf5 ! 20.ef5 .trs 2 1 . .tc4 bc4 22 ..!dd5 c3! 23 ..§hg 1 cb2 24.c;i?b 1 �d7 �c8, �a4

1 9 . . . .b.f5 1 9 . . ..td4? 20.�g4� 1 9 . . .�e5 20.E.hg l 6Bg4

31 . . .'�g7 32.ltJf3 rs? 32 . . ..11d 8 33.llJd4� f4 34.�dS .§ d 8 3S.�e7 cJ:Jn 36.ljJec6 ladS 37.�2 $>e8 38.cct;f3 'i!;;d7 39.�4 o;t>d6 40.�4 ligS 41.t!)a7 .E.a5 42.�ab5 1-0

[ 69 ]

20.�g4! � gS

Rajkovic ­ B.Alterman Corfu, 1 993

l.e4 cS 2.lL!f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.�d4 liJf6 5.�c3 g6 6.�e3 Ag7 7.1'3 0-0 8 �d2 �c6 9 . .tc4 i.d7 10.0-0-0 lacS l l. .tb3 �e5 1 2.h4 hS 13..tgS lacS 14.g4 hg4 15.f4 �c4 16.'�e2 b 5 1 6 . . . �c8!? 17.!5 eS !? 1 8.liJdb5 .tb5 1 lib5 20.Af6 ! .tf6 21 .Ac4 llb4! 22 .td5 gf5 23.E:dfl f40 24.lahg1 .§eS 21.hg5!! 25.l;g4 �fSoo Yudasin-Tiviakov, J 993 2 1 . �e4 .§g4 2 2 .E.dg 1 i. g5 ! + 17.f5 �a5 Keschitz-Palkovi, I 987 1 7 . . . �b6 1 8.h5 liJh5 1 9.t\lg4 lL!b2!? 20.'i!?b2 .E.c3 2 l .�c3 t\lc5 22.tit'b2 Ad4 21 . . ..tg4 22.gf6 ef6! .



23.�b 1 Ag7 (23 . . .' i!fc3 24.!ld4 �d4 20 . . . �b6 2 1 .tt:ld5 !ld5 22.ed5 llh8oo 25.Ae3 !) 24. .ah6 ! 't!t'c3 25.Ag7 'tlt'g7 23.c3 Ad4 24.'t!fd4 �d4 25.!ld4 Af5 26.!ldg 1 Topalov-Romero, 1 993 26.!lg3 (i)e5 27.a4 a6 28.Adl Ad7 2 9 . Ae2 f5 3 0.ab5 ab5 3 l .c;!;>d2 �f6 18.Af6 1 8. fg6 tt:lb2 ! ( 1 8 . . . fg6?! 1 9 . .af6 ! ? 32.�e3 llc8 33.!lg I Ae8 34..1la l tt:lc4 .ar6 20.�d5±) 1 n n ! 20.�b2 'tlt'c3 35 . .ac4 bc4 36.ga7 llc5 37.llb7 Af7 2 l . � b 1 d 5 ? ( 2 1 . . . !l e 5 ! ? 22 . .a f6 38.b4 cb3 39 .c4 e5 40.de6 Ae6 4 1 .!lb3 ((22.!lhf1 ? ! !le4 23 . .an �f8 !+)) .ar6 Ac4 Vz-Vz, 1 993 23.!lhf l oo) 22 . .af6 !lf60 (22 . . . Af6 2 l.�d5 lld5! 23.e5) 23.!ld3 'tlt'a5 24.ed5 !1c4 ! Gof­ 2 l . . . Ad4 22.!ld4 �e l 23.lld 1 �f2 shtein-Mestel, 1 99 2 ; 2 5 . �e7 ! ? !I n 24.!lf3 �h2 25.tfg3± 26.'�g5± . 22.ed5 �b600 1 8 ..ac4 !lc4 1 1!9a6 20.h5 �e4! 2 1 .�e4 Af5 2Vt:\c3 !lfc8 23.hg6 .ag6 24.�b 1 e 6 ! 25.!ldfl b4? (25 . . . !lc3 ! 26.bc3 !lc3) 26.Af6!+- Jensen-Boye, 1 985 18 . . . Af6 19.�g4


19 . . . e2 'tll' h l -+ Neto­ Macleod, 1 98 8

26.�f6 ef6 27.j,f4 27 . .£f6'? tLlg4-+ 27 . . . t:Llg6 28.tLlf5 'tl!'e3 29.,te3 g2 30.Ilg1 j:,fS 3 1.ef5 ltjh4 32.j,f2?! 32.Ag2 lUg2 33.�g2 !le8+ 32 . . . .!Uf5 33 . .£e4 ,th6D 34.�d 1 lt'g6 35.!!g2 ,tg5 36.Ag3 Iie8 37.,td3 .2:e3 38. .£e1? 38.Af5 �f5 3 9.Ji.d6 �d3 ! 0- 1

[ 7 1 ] Herrera Alzugaray -

Havana, 1 990 l.e4 cS 2.tLlf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 tLlf6 5.Lt:Jc3 g6 6 . .£e3 ..ig7 7.f3 0-0 8.'t.\'d2 Lt:Jc6 9.i.c4 .£d7 10.0-0-0 Iic8 l l.Ab3


LQeS 12.h4 bS 13.AgS lieS 14.g4 hg4 15.f4 'l)c4 16.�d3 b5 17.Af6 1 7.e5 'l)h7 ( 1 7 . . . �b6 1 8.Af6 ef6 1 9 .e6 ± Podkraj s e k - Popo v i c , 1 9 8 8 ) I 8 .ed6 tZ\g5 1 9.hg5 e 5 20.'l)db5 t0a5 2 l .t0d5 'l)b3 22.ab3 lidS 2H�'d5 ef4+ Berrocai-Rinaldi, 1987 17 . . . Af6 18.e5 de5 19.�dbS 1 9.'l)de2 tt:lb2 20.�b2 ef4 ! 2 l.h5 g5 22.�g6 �h8 23.�h6=

21 . . . lic2? 22.�c2 �c8 23. c 4 lt:le3-+ 40.1:..c 2 ft)e6? 40 . . . lt:lfl ! l':.ft)d2

22 . . . ft)b2?! 23 .�b2 Iic3 2 4 . � c 3 41..2:a5 ft)gS 42.ii.g6 ft)f3 43 ..l;.a7 Ac3 25.�3oo r;tf6? 23.Wa2 43 . . . �e6 44 . .Q.n �f6 45 ..td5+ 23.ba3 Iic3 24.�b5 '&f5-+ 44.J;.n Wg6 45 ..2:0 l[)e4 46.r;t>b4 23 . . . ft)c4 r;t>gS 47.c4 .ar4 48.'i&b5 AeS? ! 23 . . . a4 !? 48 . . . 'it>f5+ 24.llhe1 e6! 49.�f8 l2lc5 SO.cot?c6 ft)e6 Sl..ID"l 1h-1h 24 . . . ft)b2 25.'it>b2 �c3 26.�c3 ii.c3 27.r;t>c3 e5+ [ 81 ] \Viech - Nizynski 25.de60 Polska, 1 987 25 . .Q.c4 bc4 26.�c2 l;c6 2 7 . d c 6 '&c6-+ l.e4 c5 2.l2J[3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ft)d4 l[)fti 25 . . .'�1c6 26.en rt;rf7 27.J:.. c 2 5.!2\c3 g6 6 ..ae3 .ag7 7.0 0-0 8.�d2 27.1le8 '&e8 28.�d6 .tf8-+ !2\c6 9._ic4 .Q.d7 1 0.0-0-0 l!c8 1 1 .ii.b3 27 . . . �g5 tL\eS 1 2.h4 h5 13 .tgS l!cS 14.'i!tbl bS 27 . . .l�f5 ! 28.ges '&e8-+ IS.g4 aS 1 6.gh5 a4 17.Af6 Af6 28.f!e80 �e8 29.hg5 ft)f4 30.�e4 �e4 31..Q.e4 Ae5--+ 32.ii.c6 b4 33.Wb3 ft)e3 34.1lel ft)f5 35.l:ra l bc3 36.bc3 lt)h3 37. .£d5 rtle7 3S.l::r a 4 ..Uf4 39.ii.e4 .

I S . .tdS 82

1 8 .hg6 ab3 1 9.h5 ( 1 .:\ic3 20.gf7 �f7 2 l .�c3 tt:Jc4 �b6oo Chan­ dler-Petursson, 1 987) 1 9 . . . bc2 ct'lf3 2 l .�h6 �gS 22.-!idS ! ? eS 23.�g l fg6 24.�e3 Ae6 2S .llc5 deS 26.ct'lcd5 AdS c4 28.hg6 $J.. g7 29.�gS I:ifl 30.�c2 !if2 3 l .�b 1 V2-lh Gorbachev­ Khomenko, 1 988 18 . . . e6 19.hg6 ed5 20.h5 .a_gs 20 . . . I:lc3 2 l .'&"h6 !± 21.�g2 2 l . f4 tt)c4 (2 l . . . Ah6 22 . .:;Jd5±) 22.'t\t'g2 (22.�h2cc) 22 . . . tL!e3 23.�g5 ( 2 3 . � g 3 tt)d 1 24 .t!:)dS I:ldS 2 5 . ed5 t\Vf6-+) 23 . . .�gS 24.fg5 �d l 25.gf7 �n 26.I:ld l .i.g4+ Nizynski 21 . . J�c3 22.bc3 ct'lc4 23..d.dgl �a5!

17 . . . � 1 7 . . . .:\ifl 1 8 .hg6 .!!:\g 6 1 9 .hS tt:JhS ! ( 1 9 . . . tt)f8 ? 20J�dg l �h7 2 l . e5 ! +­ lvanovic-Feick, 1 988) 20.§.hS tt)f4 ! 18.hg6 1 8 .f4 b4 ! 1 8 . . . ttlg6 19.h5 �e5 20.h6 20.'tlVg2 ! ? �g8 2 l .h6 i..h 8 22.f4 tt)c4 23 .�h2 tt)b2 24.�dg 1 !ic3 25.h7 §.g6 2 6 . fS .§.g5 27.§.gS !ic 8 2 8 . 'ti h 6 eS A . S c h m i d t-Za.Varg a; 2 9 . !ig 8 ! tt)g8 (29 . . . �a5 30. �g6 �e7 3 l .I:lg7 !+-; 29 .. ."�g8 !?) 30.�g6 �e7 3 l .tt)c6!+20 . . . tt)c4 21.�g2 i..h 8 22.h7 '&aS! 23.�cl 23 ..i.f6 �b4! ab3 25.cb3 Af6 26:tt)d5 Ild5 !-+ Bertoluoci-Poli, 1989

24.�g5 f6 25.h6 (25.f4 b4) 25 . . . b4 26.h7 �h8 27.g7 (27.�gS fg5 28.�gS �g7) 27 . . . �g7 28.h8't\lf !lh8 29 . .ilh8 bc3 ! 30Jab8 Abs 3 l .'it'a 1 tt:Je3-+ 24 . . .' �c3 25.gf7 r:t;f7 26.�d5! r;t;e8 27.'�a8 � 28.'�d5 '
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