
March 9, 2018 | Author: jopardon | Category: Risk, Valve, Risk Management, Safety, Engineering
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13:41 Uhr

Seite 1

Safety engineering guidelines



13:41 Uhr

Seite 2

Your partner in safety

At Festo, quality has many aspects – one of these is handling machines safely. This is the reason behind our safety-orientated automation technology. It gives you the certainty that your workplace is as safe as possible.


This brochure is intended as a guide. It covers the core questions relating to safety-orientated pneumatics: • Why use safety-orientated pneumatics? • How can I identify the risk posed by a system or machine to the operator or user? • Which standards and directives apply? • What safety measures are derived from these? • What are the most common safety measures?

Simple and helpful: In the second part of the brochure, you can find sample circuit diagrams for the most common safety functions related to pneumatic drives and the associated product combinations from Festo. These can be used to solve many safety functions. If you have further requirements, our specialists worldwide will be happy to help.



13:41 Uhr

Seite 3

Table of contents Page Directives and standards


Time schedule for EC machinery directive and DIN EN ISO 13849-1 Definition and concept of risk Risk assessment Directive-compliant procedure for safe design (as per EN ISO 12100) Control architectures (as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1) 4 operation modes – 10 safety functions

Sample circuit diagrams


Festo products







13:41 Uhr

Seite 4

Reduce risk – think preventively

Machines have to be designed in a way that protects people, animals, property and the environment from harm. The goal is to prevent physical damage of any type. Using safetyorientated pneumatics from Festo provides you with the security of implementing safety measures in compliance with the EC machinery directive. You can reliably prevent collisions or uncontrolled restarts after an emergency stop, for example. At the same time, using safetyorientated pneumatics also minimises the risk of liability claims.


The EC machinery directive specifies a risk analysis and assessment for machines. Protection goals are derived and defined from this directive. The protection goals are achieved using various safety functions. Safetyorientated pneumatics from Festo, in the form of • Components • Circuits • Engineering make it easy to achieve your safety objectives. Safe operation of machines should be possible in all modes and stages of their service life.

Safety-orientated pneumatics from Festo provides you with solutions for • Commissioning • Automatic/manual operation • Setting operation • Risk situations and emergency functions, such as safe stopping, safe exhausting. • Restarting -> protection against unexpected starting up • Servicing/maintenance In addition to this, if errors occur, they must not lead to failure of the safety functions, depending on their hazard potential.



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Seite 5

Simple – but safe!

In general, the simpler the safety engineering used in the application, the more efficient it is. The complexity of safety engineering is in the variety of state combinations and transitional states. As a result, it would seem almost impossible to implement standardised safety engineering concepts.

Festo provides solutions on the basis of risk analyses and assessments for the most common applications. This ensures that the electrical safety functions for your pneumatic system’s controllers are enhanced with the appropriate safety concepts.

Due to their flexible application, pneumatic drive systems from Festo need to be included in the risk analysis and assessment for each machine, depending on the application.




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Seite 6

Basic safety requirements in the manufacturing industry

The development of the single European market has led to standardised guidelines for mechanical engineering for the manufacturing industry.

Free movement of goods in Europe

Article 95 of the EU Treaty (free movement of goods)

Article 137 of the EU Treaty (occupational health and safety)

e.g. machines

“Health and safety” outline directive 89/391/EEC

Low voltage directive 2006/95/EC

Machinery directive 98/37/EC 2006/42/EC

Harmonised European standards

“Use of work equipment” single directive 86/655/EEC

National statutory provisions



Directives are laws. The EC machinery directive applies to mechanical engineering run on. The primary aim of the EC machinery directive is to specify basic health and safety requirements in relation to the design run on and construction of machines. The CE mark identifies a machine as compliant with the EC machinery directive.



One option for complying with the EC machinery directive is to apply harmonised standards. Harmonised standards are listed in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Applying these results in what is known as the “presumption of conformity”, which reinforces the legal security of operators and manufacturers.



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Seite 7

Time schedule for EC machinery directive and DIN EN ISO 13849-1

Machine safety requires safe control systems. Important harmonised standards include EN 954-1, which is going to be superseded by EN ISO 13849-1. DIN EN 954-1 will be in force until the end of 2009.







29th December 2009

Old machinery directive


May 2006 EN ratification

Incorporation into national law

New machinery directive 30th November 2009

EN 954-1 8th May 2007 Listing in the Official Journal of the European Communities

EN ISO 13849-1


February 2007 Withdrawn from DIN

DIN EN 954-1 2nd October 2006 EN ratification

February 2007 DIN ratification

DIN EN ISO 13849-1

EN 954-1 has presumption of conformity according machinery directive 98/37/EC EN ISO 13849-1 has presumption of conformity according machinery directives 2006/42/EC and 98/37/EC

A new machinery directive will apply to the trade in and construction of machines in the EU from the end of 2009. EU member states urgently have to incorporate this directive into their national legislation because, at European level, directives are laws.

Manufacturers have to comply with the laws of their country. Applying standards is an option. Standards reflect the best available technology.




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Seite 8

Fundamental standards for designing control functions

Applying harmonised standards provides legal security in compliance with European law.

Design and risk assessment of machinery

Electrical safety aspects

EN ISO 12100

EN 60204-1

Safety of machinery Basic concepts, general principles for design

Safety of machinery Electrical equipment of machines, part 1: General requirements

EN 1050 (EN ISO 14121-1) Safety of machinery Risk assessment, part 1: Principles

Functional and safety-related requirements for safety-related control systems

Designing and implementing safety-related control systems EN 62061 Safety of machinery Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable control systems

Any architectures Safety integrity level (SIL) SIL 1, SIL 2, SIL 3

DIN EN ISO 13849-1 Safety of machinery Safety-related parts of control systems, part 1: General principles for design Successor standards to EN 954-1:1996, transition period until 2009

Designated architectures (categories) Performance level (PL) PL a, PL b, PL c, PL d, PL e

Harmonised standards that relate to machine safety serve to reduce safety risks to an acceptable minimum, as per the machinery directive.




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Seite 9

Definition and elements of risk

Risks are the result of hazards and relate to the gravity of possible damage and the probability of the damage occurring. The first step is to reduce risk by implementing inherent safety. The second step is to reduce risk by implementing safety measures. The final measure is to reduce risk through instruction.

Low risk

High risk

Adequately reduced


Danger/hazard Risk before protective measures

Residual risk

Necessary minimum risk reduction

Actual risk reduction

Safety = acceptable residual risk

Risk in terms of the considered hazard


Severity of harm that can result from the considered hazard


Probability of occurrance of that harm

Exposure of person(s) to that hazard

The possibility of avoiding or limiting the harm

The occurrance of a hazardous event




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Seite 10

Risk assessment

Directives and standards describe the process of risk assessment. Every manufacturer is obliged to carry out a risk assessment. This is followed by a risk evaluation and, if necessary, suitable measures for reducing risk have to be implemented.

Risk analysis Source: EN ISO 12100, 3.14

Determination of the limits of the machinery Source: EN 1050, Section 5 ISO 14121

Source: EN ISO 12100; 5.2

Source: EN 1050, Section 6 ISO 14121

Risk estimation

Risk evaluation of safety design measures – Is the machine safe? yes Risk evaluation of technical safety measures– Is the machine safe?

All possible instructive measures used

• Human interaction during whole life cycle • Possible states of the machine • Unintended behaviour of the operator or reasonably foreseeable misuse Source: EN ISO 12100; 5.3






End Source: Directive 2006/42/EC, Appendix I, 1)


Specification of the machine limits • Use limits • Space limits • Time limits

Determining/defining states & transitional states

Hazard identification

Source: EN 1050, Section 7 ISO 14121

Risk evaluation Source: EN ISO 12100-1, 5.3

Risk assessment Source: EN ISO 1050/14121

Focusing on risk reduction This guide is primarily concerned with the area of risk reduction in the form of technical safety measures. We assume that all possible design measures for reducing risk have already been explored.


• Preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) • WHAT-IF method • Failure mode and effects analysis, failure effects analysis (FMEA) • Failure simulation for control systems • MOSAR procedure • Fault tree analysis (FTA) – DELPHI-Technique Source: EN 1050, Appendix B


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Seite 11

When estimating the risk and identifying the required performance level, the degree of risk reduction is established. Whether or not the required risk reduction level has been achieved for technical safety measures depends on the following parameters:

Design measures e.g. inherent safety Source: EN 12100-2, Section 4

Technical safety measures and supplementary safety measures

For each safety function specify the required characteristics Determining the required PLr Design and technical implementation of the safety function Determining the PL





Risk reduction Source: EN ISO 12100-1, 5.4

Identify the safety function to be performed

For all safety functions


1) Control architecture 2) Mean Time To Failure (MTTFd) 3) Diagnostic coverage (DC) 4) Common Cause Failure (CCF) In all cases, the performance level (PL) must be equivalent to at least the required PLr.

yes PL ≤ PLr no Source: DIN EN ISO 13849-1, 4.2 Figure 3

User information on the machine and in the user manual Source: EN 12100-2, Section 6




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Seite 12

Evaluating technical safety measures – determination of the performance level







10–5 ≤ PFHd < 10–4

3 x 10–6 ≤ PFHd < 10–5

b 1

10–6 ≤ PFHd < 3 x 10–6




10–7 ≤ PFHd < 10–6



10–8 ≤ PFHd < 10–7


DC < 60% none


Cat B





DC < 60% 60% ≤ DC 90% ≤ DC 60% ≤ DC 90% ≤ DC 99% ≤ DC none < 90% < 99% < 90% < 99% high low medium low medium

Cat 1

Cat 2

CCF not relevant

Risk graph: Which performance level is required? PL a to e Designated architectures: How is the control chain or safety function structured? Cat B to 4

Cat 3

Cat 4

CCF ≤ 65%




3 years ≤ MTTFd < 10 years


10 years ≤ MTTFd < 30 years


30 years ≤ MTTFd ≤ 100 years

Source: DIN EN ISO 13849-1, Chapter 4.5.2

Quality of components in the control chain. Determining the MTTFd for the entire process chain – from sensors to actuators Diagnostic coverage: Which dangerous failures are identified?

Common cause failure (CCF): measures to reduce CCF

DIN EN ISO 13849-1 Chapter 4.5.4

Determination of the SIL = Safety Integrity Level

The PL can be assigned to a specific SIL level. However, it is not possible to infer the PL from the SIL. Apart from the average probability of a dangerous failure per hour, other measures are needed to achieve a specific PL.

Determination of the MTTFd = mean time to failure (dangerous)

Determination the PL = Performance Level

The figure shows the simplified procedure for determining the performance level (PL) of a safety function. The PL is a function of categories B to 4, diagnostic coverage “none to high”, various MTTFd areas and the common cause failure.



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Seite 13

Application 13849-1, step 1: Determining the required performance level

The graph for determining the required performance level is based on identifying the risk and the resulting necessity for reducing this to an acceptable level. Low risk results in PL = a (minimal measures for risk reduction). High risk results in PL = e (comprehensive measures for risk reduction).


low risk


F1 P2 S1


P1 F2 P2


P1 F1 P2 S2


P1 F2 P2

e high risk

Technically speaking, PLr (required) is a “nominal value”, which is the minimum that should be achieved by the real structure. Statements from EN 62061 are also quoted here for a better assessment of risks. The basic principle of risk is always evaluated in the same way: the severity of the possible damage and the probability that the damage will occur.

Source: DIN EN ISO 13849-1, Appendix 1.2.3

Statements from other standards DIN EN ISO 13849-1

EN 62061


Irreversible injury (4 points) (death, loss of eye or arm) Irreversible injury (3 points) (broken limb, loss of finger) Reversible injury (2 points) (requires further medical attention from a doctor) Reversible injury (1 point)



Severity of injury S1

Slight (normally reversible injury)


Serious (normally irreversible injury, or death)

Frequency and/or exposure to hazard F1

Seldom to less often and/or exposed time is short


Frequent to continuous and/or exposed time is long

Frequency (with a duration > 10 min) < 1 h (5 points) > 1 h to < 1 day (5 points*) > 1 day to < 2 weeks (4 points*) > 2 weeks to < 1 year (3 points*) > 1 year (2 points*) * if exposure lasts less than 10 min, this can be reduced one level

Possibility of avoiding the hazard

Impossible (5 points)


Possible under specific conditions

Rare (3 points)


Scarcely possible

Probable (1 point)




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Seite 14

Implementation 13849-1, step 1: Determination of the designated architechture for category B Category

Summary of requirements

System behaviour


• Safety-related parts of control systems must comply with the applicable standards

• Fault tolerance: zero. The occurrence of a fault can lead to the loss of the safety function

• Control system must be designed, built, selected, assembled and combined to ensure that they withstand the expected influences

• Mainly characterised by selection of components











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Seite 15

Safety function Exhausting

Example Entire control chain = cat. B

Cat. B*

Cat. 1

* Normal PLC control systems (not safety control systems) only achieve category B




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Seite 16

Control architecture of category 1


Summary of requirements

System behaviour


• The requirements of B shall apply

• Fault tolerance: zero, but the probability of occurance is lower than for category B

• Well-tried components and well-tried safety principles shall be used Well-tried component: a) Widely used in the past with successful results in similar applications, or b) Manufactured and verified using principles that demonstrate its suitability and reliability for safety-related applications





• The occurrence of a fault can lead to the loss of the safety function • Mainly characterised by selection of components






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Seite 17

Safety function Exhausting

Example* Entire control chain = cat. 1 Hardware structure






*The example shows the schematic representation of a specific category. Depending on the safety relay, the wiring may be different and the connections may have different designations. A fault examination has to be carried out for each concrete application.




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Seite 18

Control architecture of category 2 Category

Summary of requirements

System behaviour


• Requirements of B and the well-tried safety principles shall apply

• Fault tolerance: zero, but the loss of the safety function is • Safety-related parts of control systems must check safety functions at suitable intervals by the machine control system: when the machi- detected by the check ne starts up and before a hazardous situation arises, e.g. the start of • The occurrence of a fault can a new cycle; at the start of other movements and/or periodically lead to the loss of the safety during operation, if the risk assessment and the operation mode function between the checks show that this is necessary. • Testing at suitable intervals (test frequency must fulfil one hundred times the requirement rate (safety function)) • Mainly characterised by structure















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Seite 19

Safety function Exhausting

Example* Entire control chain = cat. 2 Hardware structure






*The example shows the schematic representation of a specific category. Depending on the safety relay, the wiring may be different and the connections may have different designations. A fault examination has to be carried out for each concrete application.




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Seite 20

Control architecture of category 3


Summary of requirements

System behaviour


• Requirements of B and the use of well-tried safety principles

• Fault tolerance: one When a single fault occurs, the safety function is always performed

shall apply • Safety-related parts shall be designed so that a single fault in any one of these parts does not lead to a loss of the safety function, and • Whenever reasonably practicable, the single fault is detected

• Some but not all faults are identified • Accumulation of undetected faults can lead to the loss of the safety function • Mainly characterised by structure



m m









m m






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Seite 21

Safety function Exhausting

Example* Entire control chain = cat. 3 Hardware structure






*The example shows the schematic representation of a specific category. Depending on the safety relay, the wiring may different and the connections may have different designations. A fault examination has to be carried out for each concrete application. Note: BGIA certification as a category 3 component as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1 has been requested for MS6-SV.




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Seite 22

Control architecture of category 4


Summary of requirements

System behaviour


• Requirements of B and the use of well-tried safety principles

• Fault tolerance: one When single fault occurs, the safety function is always performed

shall apply • Safety-related parts shall be designed so that a single fault in any of these parts does not lead to a loss of the safety function, and • The single fault is detected at or before the next demand upon the safety function, but that if this detection is not possible, an accumulation of undetected faults shall not lead to the loss of the safety function.

• Detection of accumulated faults reduces the probability of the loss of the safety function • The faults will be detected in time to prevent the loss of the safety function • Mainly characterised by structure



m m









m m






13:41 Uhr

Seite 23

Safety function Exhausting

Example* Entire control chain = cat. 4 Hardware structure






*The example shows the schematic representation of a specific category. Depending on the safety relay, the wiring may be different and the connections may have different designations. A fault examination has to be carried out for each concrete application. Note: BGIA certification as a category 3 component as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1 has been requested for MS6-SV.




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Seite 24

Implementation 13849-1, step 3: Determination of the Mean Time To Failure (MTTFd)


Input signal


Control signal


Control signal

Life time data based on the technical data sheet B10

B10 Application data




N 1 1 ______ = _______








3 years ≤ MTTFd < 10 years


10 years ≤ MTTFd 3 >3 >2 >2 >3 >3 >3 >3 >3 >3

not permitted a a b b c c d d e

b c d e




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Seite 30

4 operation modes – 10 safety functions


Reducing pressure and force

Maintaining pressure


Initial position, standstill

Set-up and service operation

Normal operation

Two-hand operation

Emergency operation

Reducing speed


Free of forces

Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Reversing a movement



During the risk assessment, the hazardous situation also has to be determined and, subsequently, the risks have to be evaluated. This applies to a machine’s entire service life. The following four operating modes in particular are used for operating a machine: • Initial position/standstill • Normal operation • Set-up and service operation • Emergency operation

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Seite 31

Specific safety functions can be derived from these operation modes: • Pressurising of machines • Maintaining pressure • Reducing pressure and force • Exhausting of machines • Two-hand operation • Tamper-proof • Reducing speed • Free of forces • Stopping, holding and blocking a movement • Reversing a movement

You can find these safety functions both in the suggested circuits and in the products and solutions. The information specified always refers to very specific safety functions. This will enable you to quickly decide whether the information is relevant to your current task, both in the sample circuits and in the products.




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Seite 32

Examples of safety-orientated pneumatics

The varying requirements and areas of application for installations mean that the results of risk analyses are very variable – as are the solutions for them. Here we present some important examples.


Picking & Placing discrete goods

Power-driven interlocking guards

Safety measures 1. Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 2. Two-channel stop, as per EN 13849-1 3. Stop category “1” as per EN 60204-1

Safety measures 1. Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 2. Single-channel for safety function exhausting, as per EN 13849-1 3. Stop category “1” as per EN 60204-1



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Seite 33

Safety for pressing, joining and setting procedures

In progress: safety during setting-up

Safety measures 1. Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 2. Single-channel reversing, as per EN 13849-1 3. Unpowered state using stop category “1” as per EN 60204-1

Safety measures 1. Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 2. Single-channel run at reduced speed, as per EN 13849-1




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Seite 34

Safety function Two-hand operation

Sample circuit diagram – two-hand control block

Description The control block for two-hand start ZSB 1/8 is a pneumatic AND gate. If inputs 11 and 12 are pressurised within a max. of 0.5 s of each other, the assembly switches through and there is an output signal at port 2.

Control chain

The system is controlled by two external 3/2-way push-button valves. If both push-button valves are activated, outlet port 2 is pressurised. If one or both pushbuttons are released, outlet port 2 is unpressurised. The system exhausts from 2 to 3.

Part no. 3527

Identifier WV1

Type ZSB-1/8

6817 6817 9270


SV-3-M5 SV-3-M5 VD-3-PK-3

Function Control architecture Number of channels Diagnostic coverage Performance level CCF


Product designation Control block for two-hand start Front panel valve Front panel valve Pressure sequence valve

Description (max. possible) Cat. 2 1 Medium d > 65%

Note All the information that relates to standards is identified with “max. possible”. Whether the values are reached does not only depend on the pneumatics. It is only possible to assess whether a specific function is achieved or not by observing the complete system. The design of the electrical engineering, mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics all play a role.



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Seite 35

Safety function Two-hand operation

Safety function Reversing

Sample circuit diagram – double two-hand control block

Description If pressure switch DR1 displays the minimum operating pressure and the two pushbuttons WV5 and WV6 are actuated, both two-hand control blocks (WV3 and WV4) switch through. This reverses the WV1 and WV2 power valves and the piston rod extends.

one-way flow control valve screwed in cylinder

safety relevant

safety relevant

safety relevant

If only one of the two power valves reverses, the piston rod remains retracted. If the piston rod extends and one power valve is reset by the integrated spring, the piston rod retracts again. The working lines to the bearing

1m hose

Part no. 9270

161061 3527 184135

Identifier DR1 KS1 SP1

Product designation Pressure sequence valve Any drive One-way flow control valve SP2 One-way flow control valve WV1, WV2 VL-5/2-D-01-FR 5/2-way valve WV3, WV4 ZSB-1/8 Control block for twohand start WV5, WV6 SV/O-3-PK-3x2 Front panel valve

Function Control architecture Number of channels Diagnostic coverage Performance level CCF

Type VD-3-PK-3

cap side of the cylinder are safety-related; in other words, they play a decisive role in the function and, by extension, safety. If one of these lines is kinked or clogged, the cylinder does not receive the pressure it requires to travel to its retracted position. This should be noted when laying the working lines, for example, in energy chains. If one of the power valves fails, there is an “acoustic” fault alarm caused by venting at on one of the silencers.

Note All the information that relates to standards is identified with “max. possible”. Whether the values are reached does not depend only on the pneumatics. It is only possible to assess whether a specific function is achieved or not by observing the complete system. The design of the electrical engineering, mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics all play a role.

Description (max. possible) Cat. 3 2 Medium d > 65% 35



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Seite 36

Safety function Exhausting

Sample circuit diagram – exhausting via non-return valves

Description Directional control valves WV1 and WV2 are responsible for the normal operating function. If there is no current, they are in their initial position and exhaust the installation. To make it possible to retract and extend the cylinder, WV3 has to exert pressure on both non-return valves (SP1 and SP2). In this case, the two non-return valves do not affect normal operation. If both non-return valves (SP1 and SP2) are exhausted, cylinder KS1 can also be exhausted via the non-return valves.

Identifier KS1 DS1 SP2, SP1 WV3, WV2, WV1


e.g. HGL, H, HA, HB e.g. CPE, MHE, MFH

Function Control architecture Number of channels Diagnostic coverage Performance level CCF


Product designation Any drive Any pressure switch Non-return valve Solenoid valve

Description (max. possible) Cat. 3 2 Medium d > 65%

These make up the second channel for exhausting the drive. It is important to note that the two non-return valves also need a differential pressure in order to exhaust. This differential is application specific.

Note All the information that relates to standards is identified with “max. possible”. Whether the values are reached does not depend only on the pneumatics. It is only possible to assess whether a specific function is achieved or not by observing the complete system. The design of the electrical engineering, mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics all play a role.



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Seite 37

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Sample circuit diagram – pneumatic holding using stop valves

Description The cylinder can be held pneumatically via two different channels. Channel 1 is created by stop valve WV1. When not actuated (mid-position), the valve is closed; in other words, if the electrical power is switched off, WV1 switches to its spring centred mid-position and the cylinder is held pneumatically. The second channel is created by the two stop valves (WV3 and WV4) and actuating valve WV2. When not actuated, WV2 is exhausted and switches the two stop valves to the closed position. The two stop valves create the second channel for pneumatic holding.

Part no.


Identifier KS1 DS1 DR1, DR2 WV1, WV2 WV3, WV4

Function Control architecture Number of channels Diagnostic coverage Performance level CCF

Type Any drive Any pressure switch GR... CPE..., MH...,MFH..., VSVA... VL-2-1/4-SA3919

Description (max. possible) Cat. 3 2 Medium d > 65%

Note All the information that relates to standards is identified with “max. possible”. Whether the values are reached does not depend only on the pneumatics. It is only possible to assess whether a specific function is achieved or not by observing the complete system. The design of the electrical engineering, mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics all play a role.




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Seite 38

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Sample circuit diagram – mechanical and pneumatic holding

Description The safety function “stopping a movement” is implemented both pneumatically and mechanically (diversified) in this circuit. Assuming that both the mechanical brake and the pneumatic holding in the application are sufficient to fulfil the “stopping a movement” safety function, this is a two-channel system. Channel 1 is implemented via WV1. In the mid-position (dead), the valve is closed and the cylinder stops.

Identifier DS1 ST1, ST2 KS1 WV1, WV2


Product designation Any pressure switch GR... Flow control valve DNCKE.., DNCKE..-S, KEC.., KEC..-S Cylinder CPE.., MH.., VSVA.., MFH.. Directional control valve

Function Control architecture Number of channels Diagnostic coverage Performance level Max. possible CCF


Description (max. possible) Cat. 3 2 Medium d > 65%

Note All the information that relates to standards is identified with “max. possible”. Whether the values are reached does not depend only on the pneumatics. It is only possible to assess whether a specific function is achieved or not by observing the complete system. The design of the electrical engineering, mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics all play a role.

The second channel is controlled via the mechanical brake by WV2. When exhausted, the brake is activated and it holds the piston rod. It is important to note that a brake is used here, and not a retaining device.



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Seite 39

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Safety function Exhausting

Sample circuit diagram – servopneumatics

Description For implementation of the following safety measures: • Protection of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 (two-channel design) -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1 • Single-channel “exhausting” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1 -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1* • Stop category “0” as per EN 60204-1

Identifier PR1 DS1 KS1 WV2 WV1

Suggested products MPYE-5-...-010B Any pressure switch Any drive MFH-5/2-...-FR-S... MFH-5/2-...-FR-S...

*Requires appropriate diagnostics (e.g. additional evaluation of the signal change at the pressure switch)




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Seite 40

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Safety function Exhausting

Sample circuit diagram – servopneumatics

Description For implementation of the following safety measures: • Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 (two-channel design) > possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1 • Single-channel “exhausting” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1 -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1* • Stop category “0” as per EN 60204-1

Identifier PR1 DS1 KS1 WV2 WV1

Suggested products MPYE-5-...-010B Any pressure switch Any cylinder VL-5/2-...-FR-... VL-5/2-...-FR-...

*Requires appropriate diagnostics (e.g. additional evaluation of the signal change at the pressure switch)




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Seite 41

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Sample circuit diagram – servopneumatics

Description For implementation of the following safety measures: • Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 (two-channel design) -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1 • Single-channel “exhausting” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1-> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1* • Stop category “1” as per EN 60204-1

Identifier WV3 WV2 WV1 PR1 ST1 DS1 KS1

Suggested products Appropriate valve MFH-5/2-...-FR-S... MFH-5/2-...-FR-S... MPYE-5-...-010B GRLA-.. Any pressure switch Any drive

*Requires appropriate diagnostics (e.g. additional evaluation of the signal change at the pressure switch)




13:42 Uhr

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Seite 42

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Sample circuit diagram – servopneumatics

Description For implementation of the following safety measures: • Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 (two-channel design) -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1 • Two-channel “stop” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1* -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1

Identifier WV3 WV2 WV1 PR1 ST1 DS1 KS1

Suggested products Appropriate valve VL-5/2-...-FR-... VL-5/2-...-FR-... MPYE-5-...-010B GRLA-.. Any pressure switch Any drive

*Requires appropriate diagnostics (e.g. additional evaluation of the signal change at the pressure switch)




13:42 Uhr

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Seite 43

Safety function Reversing

Safety function Reducing the speed

Sample circuit diagram – servopneumatics

Description For implementation of the following safety measures: • Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 (two-channel design) -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1 • Single-channel “reversing” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1 -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1*

Identifier PR1 DS1 KS1 WV2 WV1

• Single-channel “reduced speed” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1 -> possible: performance level "d", as per EN 13849-1*

Suggested products MPYE-5-...-010B Any pressure switch Any drive MFH-5/2-...-FR-S... MFH-5/2-...-FR-S...

*Requires appropriate diagnostics (e.g. additional evaluation of the signal change at the pressure switch)




13:42 Uhr

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Seite 44

Safety function Reversing

Safety function Reducing speed

Sample circuit diagram – servopneumatics

Description For implementation of the following safety measures: • Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 (two-channel design) -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1* • Single-channel “reversing” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1 -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1*

Identifier WV3 WV2 WV1 PR1 ST1 DS1 KS1

Suggested products Appropriate valve VL-5/2-...-FR-... VL-5/2-...-FR-... MPYE-5-...-010B GRLA-.. Any pressure switch Any drive

*Requires appropriate diagnostics (e.g. additional evaluation of the signal change at the pressure switch)


• Single-channel “reduced speed” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1 -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1 • Stop category “1”, as per EN 60204-1 (however, no sensing of speed “0”, instead the reduced speed starts after a set time)



13:42 Uhr

Seite 45

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Safety function Reducing speed

Sample circuit diagram – servopneumatics

Description For implementation of the following safety measures: • Prevention of unexpected start-up, as per EN 1037 (single-channel design) -> possible: performance level “c”, as per EN 13849-1 • Single-channel “run at reduced speed” safety measure, as per EN 13849-1 -> possible: performance level “d”, as per EN 13849-1* • Stop category “2” as per EN 60204-1

Identifier PR1 DS1 KS1 WV2 WV1

Suggested products MPYE-5-...-010B Any pressure switch Any drive MFH-5/2-...-FR-S... MFH-5/2-...-FR-S...

*Requires appropriate diagnostics (e.g. additional evaluation of the signal change at the pressure switch)




13:42 Uhr

Seite 46

Products for safety engineering

Complete safety – products Everything from a single source: our aim – in the field of safety technology as elsewhere – is to provide and implement solutions for every safety task in the form of components or systems. On the following pages you will find our range of products, together with brief descriptions of their function and application ranges. For additional information, consult the electronic catalogue on CD-ROM or online at If you have any further questions, please consult your Festo sales engineer, who will be happy to help.




13:42 Uhr

Seite 47

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Braking units DNCKE-S, KEC-S

Technical data


40, 63, 100 mm

TStroke length

10 ... 2000 mm

OHolding force


of the round material to be clamped 16 ... 25 mm

OHolding force

1300 ... 8000 N

Description • Holding force of the clamp is larger than the cylinder’s max. permissible feed force • For use in category 1 control systems, as per DIN EN 954-1 (“reliable component”) If used in higher categories, further technical control measures need to be taken • Certified by the Institute for Occupational. Safety and Health (BGIA) for use in safetyoriented control systems • CE mark as per EU machinery directive

1300 ... 8000 N

Use • As a holding device (static application) – Holding and clamping in the event of power failure – Protection against pressure failure and pressure drop – Holding the piston rod during intermediate stops, for operative procedures in a process • As braking device (dynamic application) – Braking or stopping movements – Suspension of a movement if a danger area is entered


Order code Part no. 526482 526483 526484 538239 538240 538241 527492 527493 527494 538242 538243 538244



BGIA certified BGIA certified BGIA certified

BGIA certified BGIA certified BGIA certified 47



13:42 Uhr

Seite 48

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Clamping unit KP, KPE

Selection Clamping cartridge KP

Clamping unit KPE


Technical data

N Diameter of the round

NDiameter of the round

NDiameter of the round

O Static holding force

O Static holding force

O Static holding force

material to be clamped 4 ... 32 mm

80 ... 7500 N

material to be clamped 4 ... 32 mm

80 ... 7500 N

material to be clamped 4 ... 32 mm

80 ... 7500 N


Order code Part no. 178455 178456 178457 178458 178459 178460 178461 178452 178453 178454


Type KP-10-350 KP-12-600 KP-16-1000 KP-20-1400 KP-20-2000 KP-25-5000 KP-32-7500 KP-4-80 KP-6-180 KP-8-350

Part no. 178465 178466 178467 178468 178469 178470 178462 178463 178464

Type KPE-10 KPE-12 KPE-16 KPE-20 KPE-25 KPE-32 KPE-4 KPE-6 KPE-8

Part no. 163302 163334 163366 163398 163430 163462 163494

DNC-KP Stroke [mm] Ø32 10-2000 Ø40 10-2000 Ø50 10-2000 Ø63 10-2000 Ø80 10-2000 Ø100 10-2000 Ø125 10-2000

Description • For customer-built clamping units • Ready-to-install combination of clamping cartridge KP and housing • Various mounting options • Holding or clamping the piston rod in any position • Holding the piston rod for long periods of time, even under changing loads, fluctuations or leakage



13:42 Uhr

Seite 49

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Clamping unit for short-stroke cylinders

Description • Holding or clamping the piston rod in any position • Holding the piston rod for long periods of time, even under changing loads, pressure fluctuations or leakages

Technical data


N Diameter

20 ... 100 mm

T Stroke length

10 ... 500 mm

O Static holding force 350 ... 5000 N

Order code

Part no. 548206 548207 548208 548209 548210 548211 548212 548213

Type ADN-20-...-KP ADN-25-...-KP ADN-32-...-KP ADN-40-...-KP ADN-50-...-KP ADN-63-...-KP ADN-80-...-KP ADN-100-...-KP

KP type KP-10-350 KP-10-350 KP-12-1000 KP-16-1400 KP-20-1400 KP-20-2000 KP-25-5000 KP-25-5000




13:42 Uhr

Seite 50

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Mini slide DGSL unit with clamping unit or end position locking

Description • Use as clamping unit – Mechanical clamping – For fixing the slide in any position – Frictional locking • Clamps with frictional locking at any position • Clamping via spring force, released via compressed air

Technical data


Function C clamping unit

6 ... 25 mm

O Static holding force 80 ... 600 N

L Pressure

3 ... 8 bar

Order code Part no. 543903 543904 543905 543906 543907 543908 543909


• Use as end position locking – Mechanical locking when the end position is reached – For fixing the slide in the unpressurised, retracted state – Positive locking • Locks with positive locking in the retracted end position only • Locking via spring, unlocked via compressed air

Type DGSL-6 DGSL-8 DGSL-10 DGSL-12 DGSL-16 DGSL-20 DGSL-25

E3 end position locking



13:42 Uhr

Seite 51

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

End position locking …-EL



Technical data



T Stroke length

TStroke length

Diameter 32 ... 100 mm

10 ... 2000 mm

Diameter 20 ... 100 mm

10 ... 500 mm

Description • Mechanical locking when the end position is reached • Locking is automatically released only when pressure is applied to the cylinder • End position locking at one or both ends Order code Part no. 163302 163334 163366 163398 163430 163462

Type DNC-32-EL DNC-40-EL DNC-50-EL DNC-63-EL DNC-80-EL DNC-100-EL

Stroke [mm] 10-2000 10-2000 10-2000 10-2000 10-2000 10-2000

Function Part no. 548214 548215 548216 548217 548218 548219 548220 548221

Type ADN-20-EL ADN-25-EL ADN-32-EL ADN-40-EL ADN-50-EL ADN-63-EL ADN-80-EL ADN-100-EL




13:42 Uhr

Seite 52

Safety function Two-hand operation

Two-hand control block ZSB

Technical data

Description • Category 3 as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1 can be reached with a suitable control architecture. • Max. possible performance level = d As intended, the control block for two-hand start enables triggering of a control signal with both hands simultaneously (synchronous) over two separate push-button valves.

This ensures that both of the operator’s hands are outside the machine’s danger area. The product is a safety component in line with the EC machinery directive. The ZSB 1/8 control block for two-hand start corresponds to type IIIA, according to DIN EN 574, and category 1, according to DIN EN ISO 13849-1.


Sample circuit


MFlow rate

Control chain 3

up to 50 l/min




3 ... 8 bar

QTemperature range -10 ... 60 °C

Order code Part no. 3527


Type ZSB-1/8

Certification CE certified



13:42 Uhr

Seite 53

Safety function Two-hand operation

SV/O front panel valve

Description • Use: – two-channel directional control valve for use in front panels – Suitable for higher category control systems – Can be combined with various actuator attachments Mushroom actuator PS The actuator is unlocked by turning the detent ring on the mushroom head. Technical data


MFlow rate


Mushroom pushbutton with detent PRS After pressing the pushbutton, it can only be unlocked using a key. The key can be removed in both switching positions. Key actuator Q with key The key actuator can only be operated with the key. The key can be removed in both switching positions.

0 ... 70 l/min

LPressure 0 ... 8 bar

QTemperature range -10 ... +60 °C

Order code Part no. 184135

Type SV/O-3-PK-3x2




13:42 Uhr

Seite 54

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Tamper-proof flow control valve GRLA-…-SA

Description • Setting a defined flow rate • A spring pin protects against unauthorised resetting of the volumetric flow rate • Impossible to change the flow control valve’s setting with standard tools – thanks to the spring pin protection • Six different sizes from M5 to 3/4"

Technical data

MFlow rate



0 ... 2500 l/min

L Pressure 0.2 ... 10 bar


QTemperature range -10 ... +60 °C

Order code Part no. 539717 539661 539662 539715 539716 539714


Type GRLA-M5-B-SA218543 GRLA-1/8-B-SA218543 GRLA-1/4-B-SA218536 GRLA-3/8-B-SA18541 GRLA-1/2-B-SA218540 GRLA-3/4-B-SA218542

Surface for additional safety label from the system’s manufacturer or fitting company



13:42 Uhr

Seite 55

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement

Stop valve VL-2-1/4-SA

Description • Stop valve for blocking the flow in a cylinder (supply/ exhaust air) in both directions. A control signal opens the closed ports • Design: poppet valve controlled via a swivel connection • Tube fitting (thread G1/4) • Port G1/4 • Nominal diameter Ø 4 mm

Technical data


L Pressure 0 ... 10 bar

Q Temperature range -20 ... 80 °C

Order code Part no. 910445

Type VL-2-1/4-SA3919




13:42 Uhr

Seite 56

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Shut-off valves: European version

Description • Shut-off valve for shutting off and exhausting pneumatic systems. Can be shut off a max. of 6 times in the closed (exhausted) state • Padlocks prevent unauthorised starts • For systems that require pneumatic shut-off, e.g. during maintenance or repair work. The valve is integrated into the air supply lines • Any mounting position

Technical data


M Flow rate

3100 ... 6000 l/min

Use Shutting off the compressed air supply whilst simultaneously exhausting systems powered by compressed air. Pressing the actuating button closes the passage from 1 to 2 and opens the passage from 2 to 3. The maximum exhaust flow is achieved by holding the actuating button in its end position until the downstream system is completely exhausted. Greater safety: lockable When closed, the valve can be locked using a padlock. This makes it impossible to supply an inoperative system (e.g. during maintenance work) with air without authorisation.

L Pressure 0 ... 16 bar


Temperature range -10 ... +60 °C

O Max. actuating force

Note The shut-off valve cannot be used as an emergency-stop valve.

90 N

• PWIS-free


Order code Part no. 187026 187027 187028 186688 186689




13:42 Uhr

Seite 57

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Shut-off valve HE-LO: US standard

Description • Valve for shutting off the compressed air supply whilst simultaneously exhausting systems powered by compressed air • Pneumatic shut-off during maintenance or repair work • Fulfils the US Department of Labor’s requirements The valve is installed in the air supply lines and fulfils the requirements set out in OSHA 29 CFR 147 “Control of

Technical data


Hazardous Energy” from the US Department of Labor. Pressing the actuating button closes the passage from 1 to 2 and opens the passage from 2 to 3. The maximum exhaust flow is achieved by holding the actuating button in its end position until the downstream system is completely exhausted. Greater safety: lockable When closed, the valve can be locked using a padlock. This makes it impossible to supply an inoperative system (e.g. during maintenance work) with air without authorisation.

MFlow rate

5200 ... 12000 l/min

L Operating pressure 1 ... 10 bar


Temperature range -10 ... +60 °C

OMax. actuating force

Note The shut-off valve cannot be used as an emergency-stop valve.

90 N

Order code Part no. 197136 197135 197134 197133 197132 197131 197130 197129

Type HE-G1-LO HE-G3/4-LO HE-G1/2-LO HE-G3/8-LO HE-N1-LO HE-N3/4-LO HE-N1/2-LO HE-N3/8-LO 57



13:42 Uhr

Seite 58

Safety function Exhausting

On-off valve with piston position sensing

Description • Electric on-off valve for pressurising and exhausting pneumatic systems • With solenoid coil, without plug socket • 3 voltage ranges can be selected • Direct position sensing for the piston spool • Can be used in circuits with a higher diagnostic coverage • Senses position, not pressure • Single-channel

Sensors from Festo Standard sensors with reed contacts for T-slots can be used: type SME-8M, SMT-8M, SME-8, SMT-8

Technical data


• Switching output non-contacting or with reed contact • Various mounting and connection options • Heat resistant and corrosion resistant designs • Versions free of copper or PTFE Please note: sensors are ordered separately.


P24 V DC Pressure

L 2.5 ... 16 bar





Temperature range

Q-10 ... +60 °C Order code Part no. 533537 548535


Type HEE-D-MIDI-...-SA207255 HEE-D-MAXI-...-SA217173



13:42 Uhr

Seite 59

Safety function Pressurising

Safety function Exhausting

Pressure build-up and exhaust valve, type MS 6-SV

Description • Exhaust reliably quickly in safety-critical areas of the system, e.g. during an emergency stop • Provides greatest possible machine availability thanks to reliable processes • Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BGIA) certification as per DIN EN 13849-1, Category 4 (requested) • Quick exhaust for fast pressure reduction • Exhaust rate is one and a half times the pressurising rate Technical data

PVoltage 24 V DC

L Pressure 4 ... 10 bar

MFlow (pressurise)

• Continuous sensing of the function for fast exhausting at any time • Switch-on and pressure buildup functions integrated into the exhaust valve • Prevention of unexpected start-up (two-channel control) • Compact design • Internal evaluation of the piston position sensing



Flow (exhaust) up to 9000 l/min


Temperature range -10 ... +50 °C





up to 6000 l/min

Order code Part no. 548713 548714 548715 548717

Type MS6-SV-D MS6N-SV-D MS6-SV-D-1/2-10V24-AG MS6-SV-D-1/2-10V24-SO-AG submitted




13:42 Uhr

Seite 60

Safety function Exhausting

Safety silencer, type UOS-1

Description • The UOS silencer combines the advantages of a standard silencer and those of an open silencer: large flow with low noise level and a compact design • For “reliable exhausting” as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1 • Suitable for use with the MS6-SV valve • Design: open • Port: 1”

Technical data


L Pressure 0 ... 10 bar

Q Temperature range -10 ... +50 °C

• Design: open • Port: 1” • PWIS-free • “Reliable exhausting” as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1 • Suitable for use with the MS6-SV valve

Order code Part no. 552252


Type UOS-1

Contamination in the system can block standard cylinders. The consequence: increased back pressure, which leads to increased exhaust times in the system. This is prevented with this silencer, due to its special design. Dangerous cylinder movements can lead to injury to people and machines.



13:42 Uhr

Seite 61

Safety function Exhausting

Valve block for “reliable exhausting” of sub-systems

Description • Pre-installed, operationally integrated tested solution • Number of channels: 2 • Diagnostic coverage DC = medium (integrated fault diagnostics) • PLmax = e • Air quality: 40 μm unlubricated • Protected against unintentional start-up (two-channel). If the two solenoid coils are activated simultaneously, the compressed air is switched on

Technical data




24 V DC




• Ports ISO 1: QS8 • Ports ISO 3: QS12 • Optional extension of the permissible time window for electric actuation (approx. 10 ms) by connecting additional volumes (for each 0.5 l -> approx. 0.5 sec.) • Safe exhausting (two-channel) of pneumatic port A when one of the two coils is turned off • Switching position sensing of the directional control valves in their initial position using auxiliary pilot air for the other directional control valve protects against an uncontrolled restart and prevents a dangerous state


3 ... 8 bar

QTemperature range 0 ... +40 °C

MFlow rate ISO 1: 500 Nl/min

MFlow rate for ISO 3: 1500 Nl/min

Order code Part no. 549146 550521

Type ISO 1 valves ISO 3 valves

Flow rate 500 Nl/min 1500 Nl/min





13:42 Uhr

Seite 62

ISO valves in accordance with 5599-1 with position sensing of the piston spool

Description • The position of the piston spool is sensed directly • Senses position, not pressure • Suitable for circuits with a higher diagnostic coverage • Suitable for higher category circuits as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1

Sensors from Festo Standard sensors with reed contacts for T-slots can be used: type SME-8M, SMT-8M, SME-8, SMT-8 • Switching output contactless or via reed contacts • Various mounting and connection options • Heat resistant and corrosion resistant designs • Versions free of copper or PTFE Please note: sensors are ordered separately.

Technical data


MFlow rate

1200 ... 4500 l/min




5 1



3 ... 10 bar

QTemperature range -10 ... +50 °C


24 V DC

Order code Part no. 185994 188005 188006


Type MDH-5/2-D1-FR-S-C-A-SA27102 MDH-5/2-D2-FR-S-C-A-SA23711 MDH-5/2-D3-FR-S-C-A-SA23712



13:42 Uhr

Seite 63

ISO valves in accordance with 15407-2 with switching position sensing

Technical data

Order code Part no. 560723


Description • Solenoid valve as per ISO 15407-1, plug form C, for individual electrical connection • Solenoid valve as per ISO 15407-2, for use with valve terminal VTSA • Valve function: 5/2-way valve • ISO size 01, other sizes on request • Width 26 mm

• The piston spool’s initial position is monitored by a proximity sensor • For higher category control architectures • Proximity sensor with M8 port


Version Size 01, 5/2RF, plug-in valve, with PNP sensor and cable Size 01, 5/2RF, plug-in valve, with PNP sensor and M8 plug Size 01, 5/2RF, CNOMO valve, with PNP sensor and cable Size 01, 5/2RF, CNOMO valve, with PNP sensor and M8 plug Size 01, 5/2RF, plug-in valve, with NPN sensor and cable Size 01, 5/2RF, plug-in valve, with NPN sensor and M8 plug Size 01, 5/2RF, CNOMO valve, with NPN sensor and cable Size 01, 5/2RF, CNOMO valve, with NPN sensor and M8 plug

24 V DC

L Pressure 3 ... 10 bar

QTemperature range















-5 ... +50 °C

MFlow rate

1100 l/min




2 Expected to be available from mid 2008

5 1





13:42 Uhr

Seite 64

Safety function Tamper-proof, prevention of unexpected starting up

Safety function Reversing

ISO terminal for controlling presses

Description Valve terminal with multiple connector plate/fieldbus connection as per ISO 15407-2 • Vertical stacking plus two sensor valves • Pressurising/exhausting via linked standard VTSA valves Valve terminal, consisting of 24 V DC multi-pin plug connector with cable, a series manifold, right-hand end block, double vertical stacking and 2 VSVA plug-in valves, width 26 mm, with piston position sensing by inductive PNP proximity sensor, size M8, and plain cable end and covered manual override. The valves are pneumatically interlinked via the vertical stacking plate using two channels (port 2 is connected in parallel, port 4 inline). Technical data

PVoltage 24 V DC

L Pressure 3 ... 10 bar

Function • Valve function: 5/2-way valve • ISO size 01 • Position sensor with M8 port • Valve width 26 mm

QTemperature range -5 ... +50 °C

MFlow rate

1100 l/min

Order code Part no. 560729

Type VABF-D1-26-C1V2-C-T1





submitted Expected to be available from mid 2008


Valve manifold with individual electrical connection as per ISO 15407-1 • Double connecting plate plus two sensor valves with C shape plug pattern Valve block comprising a double sub-base and two VSVA valves, width 26 mm, with piston position sensing via inductive PNP proximity sensor, size M8, and plain cable end. 24 V DC pilot valve with electrical interface, C shape, and covered manual override. The valves are pneumatically interlinked via two channels in the connecting plate (port 2 is connected in parallel, port 4 inline).

Version Vertical sub-base for two plug-in valves, size 01, for installation in VTSA Vertical sub-base for two CNOMO valves, size 01, for installation in VTSA Sub-base for 2 CNOMO valves, size 01



13:42 Uhr

Seite 65

Safety function Stopping, holding and blocking a movement (mechanically)

ISO valve for lifting and semi-rotary cylinders

Description • For lifting and semi-rotary cylinders in the automotive industry Use • Self-holding and subsequent pressure supply in both end positions • During the stroke, the cylinder needs to be held under pressure in the event of an emergency (e.g. if someone steps on a safety shut-off mat) Order code Part no. 560727

Function Type VSVA-B-P53AD-H-A1-1T1L

Size 01, 5/3 mid-position 3 1 port pressurised and 1 port exhausted, switching position 14 detenting

Expected to be available from mid 2008


Normal operation

Retract clamping device

The clamping device is retracted via the 5/2 WV

Extend clamping device

The clamping device is extended via the 5/2 WV

Clamping device in end position

The end positions remain pressurised

After an emergency stop (electrical power switched off ) The clamping device remains pressurised in both chambers 5/3 WV 14 initial position 5/2 WV 12 switched The clamping device remains pressurised in both chambers 5/3 WV 14 initial position 5/2 WV 14 switched The pressure is sustained in the end positions 5/3 WV 12 automatic locking 5/2 WV 14 or 12 switched

Control 5/3 WV 12 switched (no automatic locking) 5/2 WV 12 switched 5/3 WV 12 switched (no automatic locking) 5/2 WV 14 switched 5/3 WV switched to 12 (automatic locking) 5/2 WV switched to 14 or 12




13:42 Uhr

Seite 66

Safety function (3 stages) Free of forces

ISO valve for pneumatic manual clamping device

Description Pneumatic manual clamping device for facilities in car body construction work (insert locations)


Technical data

PVoltage 24 V DC

L Pressure 3 ... 10 bar

QTemperature range -5 ... +50 °C

MFlow rate

Order code Part no. 560745

1000 l/min Type VSVA-B-P53ED-H-A1-1T1L

Size 01, 5/3 mid-position exhausted, switching position 14 detenting

Expected to be available from mid 2008


Normal operation

Clamping device is closed geschlossen Clamping device is in the end position (panel is clamped)


Clamping device opens automatically


Force supported by air pressure

Pneumatically operated

After an emergency stop (electrical power switched off ) Unpressurised


Force supported by air pressure (self-locking) Valve remains in position 12 Valve returns to the mid-position

Coil 12 is switched

Valve is in the mid-position

Coil 14 is switched



13:42 Uhr

Seite 67

Safety function Pressurising

HEL soft-start valve

Description • Gradual pressure build-up • The drives travel slowly into their initial positions • Sudden and unpredictable movements are avoided • Main seat opens at approx. 50% of the supply pressure • Adjustable time delay for pressure response • To be used with HE and HEE on-off valves

Technical data

MFlow rate



1000 ... 6500 l/min

L Pressure 3 ... 16 bar

QTemperature range


-10 ... +60 °C

Order code Part no. 170690 170691 170692 165076 165077 165078 186521 165079 165080 165081 186522 165082 165083




13:42 Uhr

Seite 68

Safety function Reducing pressure and force

Dual-pressure regulator

Description Diaphragm pressure regulating valve with secondary venting for setting two different initial pressures in one device. The lower value of p2 (p21) can be set mechanically (SW12 on the adjusting screw). The higher value of p2 (p22) can be set with the rotary knob. Switching from the lower to the higher value occurs electronically.

Technical data


MFlow rate

up to 1300 l/min



QTemperature range -10 ... +60 °C

Technical data p2 regulator pressure regulation range p1 supply pressure 1 Hymax max. pressure hysteresis p1max P2max PWIS-free Corrosion resistance class Ports

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