SHS PEH3 Quarter 1 Week 1 4

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P.E and Health 3 Quarter 1 – Module 1: TRADITIONAL DANCE


 P.E and Health – Grade 12 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 1 – Module 1: TRADITIONAL DANCE First Edition, 2020 Republic Act 8293, section 176 states 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or  office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of  royalties. Borrowed material Borrowed materials s (i.e., (i.e., song songs, s, stories, stories, poems, poems, pictures pictures,, photos, photos, brand brand names, names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them. Published by the Department of Education Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones Undersecretary: Undersecre tary: Diosdado M. San Antonio Development Team of the Module Authors:  CLYDE ALEXIS T. MANLOGON Authors:  Editors: Name   Editors: Name Reviewers: Name Illustrator: Name Layout Artist: Name Artist: Name Proofreaders: Name Proofreaders:  Name Management Team: Name of Regional Director   

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P.E and Health 3 Quarter 1 – Module 1: TRADITIONAL DANCE


Introductory Message For the facilitator: Welcome Welcom e to the Physic Physical al Educat Education ion and Health Health 3 Gra Grade de 12 Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Traditional Dance !

Altern Alternati ative ve

 This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helpin hel ping g the learners learners meet the standard standards s set by the K to 12 Curric Curriculu ulum m while while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.  This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners learne rs acquire acquire the needed 21st century century skills while taking into consi considerat deration ion their needs and circumstances. In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of  the module:

Notes to the Teacher   This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You Yo u als also o need need to keep keep tr track ack of th the e le lear arne ners rs'' pr prog ogre ress ss whil while e allo allowi wing ng th them em to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module. For the learner: Welcome to the Physical Education and Health 3 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Traditional Dance !  The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomp acc omplis lish. h. Hence, Hence, the hand in this this learnin learning g resour resource ce signif signifies ies that that you as a le lear arne nerr is capa capabl ble e and and emp empower owered ed to succ succes essf sful ully ly ac achi hiev eve e the the relev elevan antt competencies compe tencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in  your own hands!  This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities fo forr guid guided ed and and indep indepen ende dent nt lear learnin ning g at your your ow own n pace pace and and time time.. Yo You u will will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.



This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know 

 This will give you an idea of the skills or competencies compe tencies you are expected expected to learn in the module.

What I Know

This part includes an acvity that aims to check what you already know about the lesson to take. If you get all the answers correct (100%), you may decide to skip this module.

What’s In 

 This is a brief drill or review to help you link the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New 

In this poron, the new lesson will be introduced to you in various ways such as a story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an acvity or a situaon.

What is It 

This secon provides a brief discussion of the lesson. This aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More 

 This comprises activities for independent practice to solidify your understanding and skills of the topic. You may check the answers to the exercises using the Answer Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned 

This includes quesons or blank sentence/paragraph to be lled in to process process what you learned learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do 

 This section  provides an acvity which will help you transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life situaons or concerns.

What I Can Do 


 This section provides an activity which will help hel p you transf transfer er your your new knowled knowledge ge or skill into real life situations or concerns. This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of  mastery in achieving the learning competency.

Additional Activities 

In this portion, another activity will be given to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of  the the less lesson on lea learne rned. d. This This also also ten tends ds reten retenon on of  learned concepts.



Answer Key 

 This contains answers to all activities in the module.

At the end of this module you will also nd:


 This is athis listmodule. of all developing




 The following are some reminders in using this module: module: 1. Use the module module with with care. care. Do not put unneces unnecessar sary y mark/s mark/s on any part of  the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises. 2. Don’t Don’t forg forget et to to ans answe werr What I Know  before  before moving on to the other activities included in the module. 3. Read the the instructio instruction n carefully carefully before before doing each task. task. 4. Obse Observ rve e hone honest sty y and and in inte tegr grit ity y in doin doing g the the task tasks s and and chec checki king ng yo your ur answers. 5. Finish the task task at hand hand before before proceedi proceeding ng to the the next. next. 6. Return Return this module module to your teacher/ teacher/facili facilitator tator once once you are throug through h with it. If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone. We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!



What I Need to Know 

Hi! And welcome to Physical Education and Health 3!  This module encourages and helps you to participate in an organized event that addresses addr esses health/dance health/dance issues and concerns concerns as well as organize event for a target target health issue or concern. Al Also so,, this this will will help help yo you u perf perfor orm m a tr trad adit itio iona nall da danc nce e by havi having ng a co comp mple lete te understanding and execution of the different dance steps and hand movements that are commonly used.  The module is composed only of one lesson:

Lesson 1- Participating Participating and Organizing Organizing Event that Addresses Health/Dance Issues and Concerns

After going through this module, you are expected to: 1. Partic Participa ipate te in an organize organized d event that addresse addresses s health health/da /dance nce issues issues and concerns; 2. Organize Organize dance dance event for a target health health issues issues or concerns; concerns; 3. Inculca Inculcate te the valu value e of bei being ng Makaba Makabansa. nsa.



What I Know  Are you ready for this lesson in P.E and Health Education 3?

Let’s see how much you know about this pre-test. Let’s get started! Choose your answer in the box and write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

  Cross arms



Kumintang Clockwise



Leap Brush Point


1. Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the ball or heel of the other foot (the fr free ee foot) after which that foot is lifted from the floor to any direction. 2. Partners are facing each other or standing side by side, g girl irl at the right of boy.  They join their Left hands together and their Right hands together either Right over Left or Left over Right hands. 3. To turn hands up and sown alternately, hands at waist level in front, elbows close to waist. 4. A dance formation like a quadrille or a u unit nit composed of two or more pair pairs. s. 5. Spring on one ffoot oot or both feet, landing on both both in any direction. direction. 6. Touch lightly with the toes of o one ne foot, weight of the body body on the other. 7. Partner bow to each other, to the audience, opposite dancers, dancers, or to the the neighbor. 8. Moving the hand fr from om the wrist either in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction. This is an Ilocano term. 9. Like the motion of the hands of tthe he clock. Right shoulder is toward the center of an imaginary circle. When facing center, the movement is toward the left. 10. A spring from one foot landing landing on the other foot in any d direction irection (forward, sideward, backward or oblique)



Participating and Organizing Events  that Addresses Lesson Health/Dance Issues and 1-4 Concerns (TRADITIONAL DANCE)  The Philippines has many popular folk dances which have evolved and changed as they have been passed down from generation to generation. Although a particular dance might be performed slightly differently from one region to the next, its remains true to its roots.  roots.  Like other countries, Philippines, too, has a lot of beautiful and gracious dances known as “ folk and ethnic dances “. “. It is another way to show the country’s culture and tradition. These dances are also being preserved. It is being taught to the  younger generation. So, learn from these traditional folk dances of the Philippines .

What’s In  Let’s have this first for a review. Folk Dancing is a wonderfully social activity. It is important, however, to always think about what you are doing and how it affects others. Folk dance etiquette is simple and based on courtesy and consideration for your fellow dancers:




 The teacher needs your cooperation. Keep quiet in class or go outside to talk, unless you have a question of the teacher. Pay attention – this is the best way to learn new dances. Don't "correct" the teacher. Later you might offer constructive feedback, suggestions, comments, likes, andon, dislikes in private. Do not try to teach your neighbor when someone else is teaching the class. Don't be discouraged if you don't learn a dance immediately – smile and have fun anyway. If you already know the dance being taught, take the class anyway. Your knowledge can help others near you who are struggling to learn. Some tunes are used for more than one dance, and some dances are done di diff ffer erent ently ly fr from om "v "vil illag lage e to vill villag age. e."" Don't Don't conf confus use e other other st stud uden ents ts with with different step motifs than those being taught; save them for open dancing. When you are confident that you can do the rhythm, steps, and style of a dance and can be a good model for others, request the dance and lead it. Please be quiet so the teacher can be heard by all dancers.


Don't be offended if you're turned down when asking someone to dance. According to tradition, the only graceful way of declining a dance is either (a)  you do not know the dance, (b) you need to take a rest, or (c) you have promised the dance to someone else. Never turn down a request to dance, then accept another request for the same dance (no matter how much you want to dance with that second person!). If you are asked to dance and don't know that particular dance, let your prospective partner know that before accepting. Anyone may ask anyone else to dance.  Try not to push your partner partner beyond that person's ability and capability. If you feel your partner is being overzealous, say so! If that doesn't help, it is okay to stop dancing. It is good to make eye contact with your partner but no one likes penetrating stares. Don't leave your partner in the middle of a set of dances without a very good reason!



When dancing in the "outside lanes" of the floor, do not back up, do not dance across the flow. If you find that you do this often, get someone to explain to you how to avoid doing so and consciously follow their advice. If you you are are not not danci dancing ng,, show show re resp spec ectt to th thos ose e who who are are by not not walki walking ng through the busy dance floor and by staying clear of the dance space. First priority goes to the dance and dancers – give them room.  The safety of your partner and surrounding dancers is your first concern. Both leader and follower should always be alert to the presence of other dancers in front, to the sides, and in back to help avoid collisions.

For turning dances, be sure that your shoes don't have rubber soles that can hurt your knees. Accompany your partner off the floor instead of leaving that person in the middle.


Dancing involves a lot of close contact; try not to gross out your fellow dancers by having icky stuff on your hands, eating three heads of raw garlic for dinner, or not having taken a shower or brushed your teeth in recent memory. Use a deodorant, if necessary.

Avoid wearing perfume, as some people are allergic to or are very  sensitive to these chemicals. If you notice that your partner is hesitant to get into proper dance hold, is holding his or her breath, bolts from the dance floor once the dance is over and refuses to dance with you again, take the hint.

Notes to the Teacher   To be able to deliver this lesson well, the teacher must have read the following: Common Dance Terms Step paern Ways on Organizing a Dance Event



What’s New 

Let’s do the different Traditional (folk and ethnic) basic dance steps.

The Following are the common Dance Terms in Philippine Traditional Dance • Abrasete – Girl at the right side of the boy, holds Right arm of partner with her Left hand, free hands down at the sides. This terms is of Spanish and is used in Rigodon and in other dances. • Arms in Lateral Position – both arms are at one side, either sideward right or left. This may be done at shoulder chest or waist level. • Arms in Reverse “T” position  – Arms are side horizontal, elbows bent at right angles, forearms parallel to head, palms forward or facing inward, fists loosely closed. • Bilao – To turn hands up and sown alternately, hands at waist level in front, elbows close to waist. • Brush – Weight on one foot, hit the the floor with the ball or heel of the other foot (the free foot) after which that foot is lifted from the floor to any direction. • Cabeceras – When dancers are in square formation, the couples occupying the width of the hall are called “cabeceras” or head couples. This is of Spanish origin. • Clockwise – Like the motion of the hands of the clock. Right shoulder is toward the center of an imaginary circle. When facing center, the movement is toward the left. • Counterclockwise – The reverse direction of clockwise. Left shoulder is toward the center of an imaginary circle. When facing center, the movement is toward the right. • Costados – When Dancers are in square formation, the couples couples occupying the length of the hall are called “costados” or side pairs. This is of Spanish origin. • Crossed arms – Partners are facing each other or standing side side by side, girl at the right of boy. They join their Left hands together and their Right hands together either Right over Left or Left over Right hands. • Cross- Over – Two couples (the vis-à-vis) are opposite each other. Each couple couple proceeds in a straight line to the opposite place. The girl pass by their Left shoulders between the boy. Boys bow to each other when they meet at the middle or at about one-third of the way, then proceed to the opposite place. Upon reaching the opposite place, partners turn about, girls stand at partners’ right side. • Cut – To displace quickly one foot with with the other, thus completely taking of offf the weight of the body from the displaced foot. • Do-Si-Do(“Dos-a-Dos”) – The vis-à-vis (opposite) both advance forward, pass each other’s right (or left) side, step across to the right (or left), move backward without turning around pass each other’s left (or right) side to proper places. This is of foreign origin and is used in many Philippine dances. • Draw – To pull one foot along the floor close to the other which has the weight of the body The weight may or may not be transferred.



• Free Foot – The foot no bearing the weight of the body. • Free Hand – The hand not place anywhere or not doing doing anything. • Hand on Waist – Place hands at the waist line (at the smallest part of the trunk), knuckles in, fingers pointing in rear. • Hapay – To flourish or offer offer a handkerchief, hat or glass of wine to someb somebody ody as a sign of invitation. • Hayon –Hayon – To place one forearm in front and the other at the back of the waist. This is a Visayan term. • Hop – A spring from one foot foot landing on the same foot in place or any d direction irection (in front, in rear, sideward or across). • Inside Foot - The foot nearest one’s partner, when partners stand side by side. • Inside Hand – The hand nearest one’s partner, when partners stand side by side. • Jaleo – Partners turn once around clockwise (with (with right elbows almost touching) or counter clockwise with left elbows almost touching) using walking or any kind of  dance step. The hands near each other are on waists. This is a tagalong term but is of Spanish origin. • Jump – Spring on one foot or both feet, landing on both in any direction. • Kumintang – Moving the hand from the wrist either in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. This is an Ilocano term. • Leap – A spring from one foot landing on the other foot in in any direction(forward, sideward, backward or oblique) • Masiwak – To turn the hand from the wrist half-way clockwise then raise and lower wrist once or twice. This is an Ibanag term. • Outside Foot – The foot away one’s partner, when partners partners stand side by side. • Outside Hand – The hand away from one’s partner, when partners partners stand side by side. • Place – To put the foot in a certain or desired position withou withoutt putting weight on it. The sole of the foot rests flat on the floor. • Point – Touch lightly with the toes toes of one foot, weight of tthe he body on the other. • Saludo –partner bow to each other, to the audience, opposite dancers, or tto o the neighbor. • Sarok – Cross the Right (or left) foot in front of the Left (or right), bend the body slightly forward and cross the hands down in front with the Right (Left) hand over the Left(Right). • Set – A dance formation like a quadrille or a unit composed of two or more pairs. • Stamp – To bring down the foot foot forcibly and noisily on the flo floor or (like doing heavy steps). • Star with the Right Hand – Four or more people advance to the center and join Right hands and circle around clockwise using walking or change or any other step. • Star with the left hand – same as “Star with the Right hand” only join Left hands and counter clockwise. • Step – To advance or recede by raising and moving one foot foot to another resting place. There is a complete transfer of weight from one foot to the other. • Tap – To tap lightly with the ball or tip of the toe, placing weight of the body on the foot. There is no change or transfer of weight here.



What is It  Here are some benefits of traditional dancing: 1. Folk dances performed at social functions by people with little or no professional training, often to traditionally based music. 2. Great exercise and a fun recreational activity for people of all ages. Anyone can learn to folk dance, as no formal dance experience is necessary  3. Can be magical and transforming. It can breathe new life into a tired soul; make a spirit soar; unleash locked-away creativity; unite generations and cultures; inspire new romances or rekindle old ones; trigger long-forgotten memories; and turn sadness into joy, if only during the dance. 4. Benefit physical level, dancing can give you a great mind-body workout. Researchers are learning that regular physical activity in general can help keep  your body, including your your brain, healthy as you age. Exercise increases the level of brain chemicals that encourage nerve cells to grow. And dancing that requires you to remember dance steps and sequences boosts brain power by improving memory skills. 5. An excellent form of stress relief. Dance, like any form of exercise, produces natural antidepressants such as endorphins that can help to impr ove ...

6. The steady, slow exercise involved involved in dance lessons comfortably raises the folk dancing ... are gained by other forms of exercise or even meditation like stress reduction. 7. It’s fun, stress relief relief and a great way way to exercise. exercise.

After the discussion the teacher will introduce how to organize an event for a  Traditional dance. Here’s how: 1. Set goals for your event. What is it that you want to achieve? What do you want the people concerned to feel after your event? 2. Establish a theme that befits your goals. 3. Find an appropriate date, time and venue for your event. Work out the number of people who will be involved in this. 4. Determine what you want to have during the event. Are you going to have mini games? Do you want to give prizes? Do you want to conduct a lucky draw? Is there going to be a photo booth section? Are you going to invite celebrities? Is there going to be an entrance fee? Are you going to place a medical/emergency team? Are you going to rent equipment?



5. Knowing the number of people and the activities will affect your budget. Set your budget according to your initial plan. Adjust the budget or the activities so everything will be alright. 6. Once you have finalized the budget and the activities, you can start finalizing the program, too. After the practice and creating the event the student will perform the traditional dance here in the Philippines.

What’s More     Acvity 1.1 Lets do the Tradional Dancing

Group yourselves into 3 to 4 groups and perform a Traditional dance. It could be a Folk Dance or an Ethnic Dance.

What I Have Learned  I have learned from this lesson that traditional dance in the Philippines comprises Folk and Ethnic dance. Also, I’ve learned many dance steps including their dance pattern like, ____________ wherein the girl at the right side of the boy holds his  ______ arm by her left hand. A hand gesture like the _______________, is a movement of the wrist either, clockwise or counter clockwise. I was also reminded of the benefits of traditional dance, it doesn’t just benefit your body but also your your _____ _________ ____ because because it gives you mental relaxati relaxation. on. It is also an excellent form of _________ relief. If I would organize a Traditional dance show or event, I have to clearly set the  ______, establish a ________ that befits the objectives, and consider the number of   ________________.. Financial _________ should be given great consideration, and of   ________________ course finalizing the _____________too. _____________too.

What I Can Do 



Now, that I have learned the traditional dance, it’s necessary for me to take note of the following reminders;

1. Schedule Practice Time. Just like your dance lessons, you should also schedule a time to practice your dance skills at home. ... 2. Practice at Peak Energy Times. Don't schedule practice sessions at times when  you feel drained of energy or should should be resting. ... 3. Repetition. ... 4. Make Goals. ... 5. Try New Forms of Dance. ... 6. Analyze Yourself on Video.

Assessment  Multiple Choice. Read the statement carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. 1. Folk and Ethnic dances are example of this dance. a. Contemporary dance b. Social dance c. Creative dance d. Traditional dance 2. Dance steps can be done easily by reading. a. dance instruction b. dance pattern c. dance direction d. dance movement 3. In Folk dance, the girl is always at this side of the boy. a. left b. right c. front d. back 4. Clockwise movement is at this direction. a. right



b. left c. forward d. backward

5. Counter clockwise movement is at this direction. a. right b. left c. forward d. backward 6. It is simple and based based on courtesy and consideration for your your fellow dancers. a. attitude  

b. behaviour c. etiquette d. discipline

7. Compose of individuals with designated task in an organized event. a. committee b. group c. team d. club 8. It consists of the organized flow of an event. a. section b. part c. program d. task 9. The best time to do dance practice. a. peak energy times b. enthusiastic induced time c. high energy times d. recovered energy time



10. Partners bow to each other, to the audience or to the other pairs. a. Curtsy  b. Saludo c. Respect d. Gratitude  

Additional Activities 

Activity 1 A Dance Presentation Now, you will have to organize a Dance event showcasing Traditional Dance like Folk Dance and Ethnic Dance. Here’s how. 1. Set the time and date of your culminating activity. 2. Inform your teacher and the School Principal on the said event through a letter citing its objectives. 3. Ask for the assistance of your P.E teacher. 4. Draft a program. 5. Divide your class into different committees. 6. Involve other sections of P.E class. 7. Assign groups who will perform during the dance culminating activity. .



Answer Key   

What I Have  Learned  1. abresete   p   a   e   L  .  0   1   e   s  i    w   k   c   o  l    C  .  9   g   n   a   t  n  i   m    u    K  .  8   o   d    u  l  a   S  .  7   t  n  i  o   P  .  6   p    m    u   J  .  5   t   e   s  .  4   o   a  l i    B  .  3   s    m   r   a  s   s   o   r    C  .  2   h   s    u   r    B  .  1    w   o   n    K   I  t   a   h    W

Assessment  1. d 2. b 3. b

2. right 3. kumintang

4. a 5. b

4. brain

6. c

5. stress

7. a

6. goals

8. c

7. theme 8. participants

9. a 10. b

9. budget 10. program




Folk Dance Etiquette–Folk Dance, Federation of California, South, Inc. Accessed May 8, 2020. Leeming, Greta.Beyond the Studio: Improving Your Dance Skills at Home-Greta Leeming Studio of Dance, Ottawa.Accessed May 15, 2020

Lesson II: INTRODUCTION TO PHILIPPINE FOLK DANCE: Physical Education 3 Accessed May 11, 2020. 2020. Philippine Folk Dance Term; Interpretation of BSED MAPEH OF Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College(ZCSPC), Zamboanga City. You Tube video 5:02 Nov. 18, 2018.



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